' x eR A SOSA tremens ere -------- Se r-------- KLE ACCUSES ~~ SIR WILLIAM MACK OF Attemped Intimidation Over ~ The C. N. R. Bill THE RALWAY KNGHT|| WAS SEVERELY ARRAIGNED BY KINGSTON'S MEMBER Quoted a News Paragraph From the Whig That the C. N. BR. Would Not Do Much For Kingston When Its Member Opposed Government Bill \ Toronto (Hobe Ottawa, May 14.--Amidst tense sil- ence, succeeded by a roar of cheering, William F., Nickle, the voupg conser- vative member for Kingston, last night made a direct and terrible chargd of attempted intimidation agamit Sic William Mackenzie. So in- tense was the feeling aroused in the house that his second direct mention of the railway knight by name was greeted by some hissing. The arraignment of the knight who "would fire a poisoned arrow 'in the dark," who was not gble "to meet in fair tilt in open field," was conducted with clinging scorn and contempt. The crowded Rr red by the sensation, in breathless in- terest. Premier Borden's face harden- ed as he realized the great gravity of the charge. Sir Wilinnd Laurier lean- ed forward and exclaimed "hea hear," rapping his desk in earnest a proval, ®hortly after the beginning of the yo ingston man's speech Sir Wil- | hom Mackenzie left his front seat in the speaker's gallery, which he had occupied throughout the debate. As Mr. Nickle proceeded he left the house. The five seemed too direct for the rail- Way magnate. ' Parliamentary corridors are buzzing. The general impression is that the matter can go no further until an ex- lanation and apology come from Sir William. Mackenzie. Some members are expressing themselves strongly in favor of having the knight fifancier in. dicted. Threat of Discrimination a was Nearing the conclusion of young Kingston member's speoch that he. turned to Sir Willism Mae-. kenzo and his attempted partitipa- tion in an attempt to intimidate Mr. Nickle from his . position. - oe first read a despatch from the ingston h oting Sir William Mackenzie as hating that, owing to "Mr. Nickle's opposition to the Maec- kenzie, Mann and Lash deal he would have to discriminate against the city of Kingston in relation to certain ter . minal and fuel plans. "There is another side to this ques- tion to which I wish to direct atten tion, and this is perhaps just a bit personal," Mr. Nickle began. "I do nol know exactly whether it is fair that I should bring up, and yet the conduct was so outrageous that I think it is only fair that the house and country should know how some men fight. "There is such a thing as a fair fight. A fair fight is the kind of fight a man should EBL oo has felt the touch of his majsty's sword Thee (ho fight of a knight who should always remember the order to which 'he belongs; he should have a fair tilt in an open field. He ° should realize what fair play is, and then he should not strike below the belt." "When the letter I have in mv hand appeared in the Kingston Whig 1 stood aghast. I want the house to listen, because within the last. year men have been hurled from the le- gislatures of the provinces of Quebec "and Ontario because they accepted bribes, because they yielded to the - influence of money; and TI want toy know what is the opinion of this htmse of men who do not use money but threats, to win their purpose. As 1 say, when the first move was made by the Mackentie & 'Mann interests in the lobbies of thigrhouse to secure DAILY MEMORANDA City Council, 8 pm. Board of Education, & pm Board of Health. 4 pm. Friday : tor probit Rage 8, right hand corner, Limestone Lodge. No. 81, AOU W, meets to-night, 8 o'clock. Annual meeting Ladies' Auxiliarysy MCA, Friday at 3.30 pom : * A Pointer to Merchants "A certain store Which is be- ing re-established by gew own- ers Has'speclalized oS Tamers trade-marked diges in many of its ts. - . The figures of the store-sales show that the departments 'which have been able to se- cure such goods amd push them are ing:far aliead of those hich ave no famous brands to help them. = to the advertising of this store evidence the fact that the public is more eafrer for 'well known, trademarked goods than it is for articles whose names mean nothing. In sev ances there is ive advertising newspapers be- ies leaned forward, stirs |: «© § €¢ SIR WILLIAM MACKENZIE government assistance, I was some. what outspoken in how T felt in xe gard to the matter." Mr. Nickle read the telegraphic de- spatch that appeared in the Kingston Whig, dated March 9th, 1914. "I tried to light fair and to be periectly suve that I did the man no injustice,' the Kingston man proceeded "1 got a second copy of that paper under date of March i2th, and 1 sent a letter to William Mackenzie dénclosing it." Mr. Nickle also read the text of this letter in explanation. Sir - ' = Interview Never Repudiated Mr. Nickle declared, "he has never answered that letter, has never repudiated that interview, and, therefore, 1 think I am justified in saving that Sir William Mackenzie is standing by that method of fight- mg I want to give this house an- other illustration of how he fights (Continued on Page 8.) REV. DR. CAMPBELL APPEALED IN VAIN Rome Cold To His Proposal To Call A Halt To The Armaments ~~ London, May .14 Rev, R. J Campbell, pastor of the City Temple, in a speech in that church, said that his suggestion, made on Peace Sun- day, that the pope should head a combination of the churches in an appeal for the reduction of arma- ments, had been "turned down" hy Rome. . a o "To thiz day, highly placed ecclesiastiv," dig cussing the matter with him at Rome, said that the nations would not listen, modern ciyiljsetion-- not being founded on any moral pria- ciple,. but being purely utilitarian, "The ¢hurech;" this ecclesiastie, "no longer possesses the authority it vice had in' the matter. A papal manifesto, backed by all the Protes- tant communions, would not effect any change for the better." Butter, Butter, Every pound. of Dairy School buts ter is made from pure cream pastie feed. "» "Grape Fruit Salts." Gibson's Frederick Marsh, grand district or ganizer for the Ancient Order of Un. ited Workmen, is in the city and will 'meet th to-nigh A young lady had a nasty isi the corner of King and Princess sirocts this morning. She tripped on the street railway tracks, and was stun. ned by the fall she received. $1.50 corsets, 81. Putton's. Police Constable Timmerman will jcommnence his new duties as sanitare inspector in the course of a fen days. Few short corsets Telit, 35¢., Dut. tons. Get Dairy School butter on vour table today. Well that's fine--Dairy School buifter, . $1.25 white underskirts, tons, Toe. Dut light from Gananoque, ' 2d {MAY CUT OFF GRANTS [Musgrove Hicts At Action -- Home Jing that before to-day's sitting of the |. members of the local lodge | at} KINGSTON, ONTARIO, A TRAIN WAS WRECKED But None of the Passengers Serious- . ly Hurt, Chathaut," May I4-New York spe- cial No. 17, M.C.R., was. wrecked at North Buxton. about seven o'clock this morning. Four coaches left the track and the roadbed was torn up for hall a mi®. The coaches were crowded with passengers, but no one was seriously hurt. The conductor received a sprained wrist, caused by jamming it against a» seat when the Jolt. came. The special, which consisted of four. teen coaches, was fen minutes late, and jt is supposed she was trying" to make up time. When passing the ww east of North Buxton the last four sodithus of the train left the Gan Running Continues -- Prince track," bat fortunately remained up + right. The track will 'not pe cay: Alexander, of Teck, Greeted at for general trafic until to-morrow. Exposition in London by Singing of "0 Canada," and "The Maple Leaf Forever." The coaches were badly wrecked, and London, May. 14.-- The fact that the trucks torn from under them Another triin was wrecked at this eighty prominent liberal. members of the commons point about Vear ago. At that time it was shown it had travelled round robin to Premier | asking for more definite action For Definite Acion On The Home Rule Bil THEY. WANT T0- PUNISH {THE LAW BREAKERS TROUBLESOME ULSTER, OF i a from Tilbury to Buxton. -a distance of | eleven miles, in seven minutes Vimdicates a 10 FFENCH SCHOOLS, feeling of among the supporters of the gov- Croment respecting things to come. While the nature of the demands on Asquith by his supporters is not | open to the press, it is understood that they included a fish it was necessary for. the peace | Rule Kills Navy Grant London, Out., May 14.--A Mus grove, M.P.P., of North Huron, speaking at a big gathering of Orangemen at Choton, said : SH 3 Fogland opens any fight in Ulster ! then Canada's interest in England will very suddenly change, and one thing is absolutely sure there will be no Canadian contribution towards an English navv." : Speaking of the bilingual problem. | he declared that the government will ! amend the law shortly to cut off the grants to all schools which do not give pupils a thorough working know ledge of English. . > and unify of the united kingdom that (Ge "government should H {more definite and drastic means of | punishing the law-breakers of ster and there on the Irish coast now ap- | pear daily in the press, and this is notwithstanding the fact that a [ fleet of destroyers in addition to the | revenue cutters is supposed to be watching against all such escapades. Privice Alexander Appears. London, May 14.4~ Prince Alex- ander of. Teck, Canada's newly-ap pointed govemnor-general appeared { for the first time since the an- {nouncement of his appointment, at a formal opening of the Anglo-Am- erican, exposition here to-day. In his honor a big chorus cang "O New York, May 14. "Bald Jack' | Canada," and *"he Maple Leaf For- Rose, chiei witness for the ever." His serene highness [ tion at the second trial of Charles | fully acknowledged the compliment. | Becker, charged 'with being the insti- | He was agcompanied by Princess ROSE WAS UNSHAKEN Though Grilled for Five Hours in Becker Trial. i prosecu- - | | | | | | i said, not Becker's Case Looks Black New' York, May 14.----Itvis cons'd- ered quite probably here this morn- cross-examinalion bright-eyed and | tions of murder at Rose and tried to Rose's expression never changed dug. | rier, denied entirely having made, the no remorse, except on one occasion, |1© the shops. But I never fven said {ing work away from them. We have smiling. a make him admit that he dd made | ing all the grilling The tone of his | Statement credited to him in" Mr. Then he said his conscience pricked that. Every word of the alleged in- {always done business with the loco- gator of the plot that resulted in the | Alexandrd, who is acknowledged murder of Herman Rosenthal, came | here to be one of the most opular from the stand at the conclusion, ves- , of the royal princesses. S terday, of five hours of relentless | The bald-headed informer quietly and unifalieringly answered every ] question asked him by Martin T, Mag- | ton. chief of Becker's counsel. > Even when Manton shouted aceusa OF ATEM his living by committing petty lareen ies and by selling opiom to the slaves Td of the habit is Ren York's China| Ottawa, May 4.--To your. corro- town, the former gambler remained spondent , this moramg, Sir Willinm unperturbed. | Mackenzie, seen at. the Chateau Lau- voice was neither raised nor lowered Nickle's speech. 3 " a at any time. He reiterated his story! It is olwious," he that if of underworld intrigue and murder, | this assistance were . given, we with a calm and matter-of-fact aig. j could not go on with the pork in Id showed no fear, no emotion: and | Kingston, and we could not givk work him when he thought over. how he had | t¥rview, so far as I am concerned, is plotted to have Herman Rosenthal entirely new to me. ; murdered |" Asked concerning the question about shops, Sir William sail that he had never intimated his intémtion of tak- 'motive works at Kingston," he said, 'and 1 expect that we will continue to do business with them. We have nev- er even thought of anything else. | There will be no difierence as far as } Becker trial is done the accused lieutenant himself will be om the stand giving evidence on his own \be- half, especially contradicting the in- cétiminating "story of Bald Jack Rose' A - and Shapiro, chauffeur Becker ap > peated in court to-day very pale and | A Warrant Issued. his guards said he spent a restless| Toronto, May 14.--Following the night. It was acknowledged on all| report of Chairman McIntyre, of the sides that the evidence yesterday | Ontario Railway Board, into the made his case look blacker than ever. | financial affairs of the Ontario West | Shore railway, a warrant has been {issued for the arrest of John W-. Moyek, former president of the rail- am concerned." Wireless to Reach Egypt declaration | "Trustees 0f One In Winnipeg As take | Brantford, May 14.-- Violet "and Victor Smith, children missing from home since Monday morning "have been located in Montreal. Although only ten and seven years old, re- spectively, they made the journey without tickets or money. It is; thought it was their intention to try | to get back to the old country. It is supposed that the children, after boarding a Grand Trunk train here | on Monday, got into a seat with an | adult passenger and were averlook- | ed by conductors. They are safe in Montreal in eare of the Y.M.C.A. and will be hrought back here. { CLOSED DEAL ---- | For Two Hydro-Aeroplanes and Two | Aeroplanes, i Kingston will have two. hydro- | aeroplanes and Ul-| Stories of petty gun-running here} Winnipeg, i grace- | = London, . May 14.--Tnglang Cairo are to be "connected" by di- | has been sent to Algonguin rect wireless system. Work has been | to put' the warrant into effect. coinmenced on the English * station, | which 'is to be situated at in Oxiordshire. The government, which i to control the system, has purchaséd the necessary land and per- | manent buildings are well. under way. | | There are to be twelve masts 300 feet high and the arm of the instal- lation will be southeasterly. While the immediate objective is to. be Cairo, it is expected that its power i ive it, i igh time a it. in the ug Fo R. bill, was based upon a local news The government hopes 'before ' long { article on 'the first page of the Whig to have all parts of the empire join. Jot March 9th. od by a wireless system Hows and | way and Provincial Detective Greer, Park The charge of intimidation wade in the House of Commons, on Wednes- day after noon, by W. F. Nickle, M.P., against Sir William Mackenzie in con; nection with the debate on the C.N. The article read as fol- The 'sloop Granger arrived to-day | "It is reported from Ottawa that PACIFIC WILL SEE : Sir William Mackenzie, of the C. N R. company, is not inclinett to be 7 SOME STORMY TIMES favorably disposed towards Kingeton . {with regard to railway facilities hare . 'in view of the announcement tha Nat The Meeting Ground Of its member in the commons, WF. : + Nickle, is out =6 strongly against any Nations, But of {further government assistance to- : f | wards the completion of the €. N. R. Contients |line. When some one approarhed » London, May 14.--Sir lan Hamil- { him with regard to the establishment ton, speaking at Auckland yesterday, jhere of a terminal so that teal *ould said that despite its charming name be shipped via. Kingston Tom 8- the" Pacific is, if anything, destined Wego, N. Y., he is reported to have 10 be 'more stormy than other more Said that the C. N. R. could hardly or less distinguished parts of the De expected to consider projects that rahe: ee a est at pits ; . (resentative wa - tin It - ® aioplore such 3 eon | onistie to the interests of that road. that in the future there will be t+] "Several weeks ago, the Oswego er and more terrible convulsion than trade and publicity commissioner ad- in the past. The Pacific is the meet- | dressed the Kingston Board of Trade ing ground, not of nations, but of upon the poskibility of establishing continents, and here might be decid-'a car ferry betweén Oswego and ed whether Astatics or Europeans Kingston for the purpose of freight: shall guide the destiny of this plan- jing coal direct to Kingston by water oP and trans-shipping it to Canadian I i » | Leafield, 3 NO INTIMIDATION AT ALL two aeroplanes for | the celebration on June 3rd. The | 1 have signed a! committee closed a deal with the Cur-! Asquith, | tiss company, through Mr. Luckey, | in the birdman who gave the exhibition | { connection with the Home Rule bill, here last year on Thuisday morning, ! | uneasiness , The cost will be $1,000, ASK SEPARATE SCHOOL | UNDER PUBLIC SCHOOLS f Board To Take It | Over Man., May 11.--New de-| velopments in Manitoba's school con- troversy seem likely to be the -pesult 4 of a letter the trustees of St Mary's Roman Catholic school to the Winnipey public school board It formally requésts the board 'to, take charge of St school and manage of the public: school act | Fhe chairman was empowered choose a committee to matter. No intimation was given the meeting as to what the will be irom | school | Mary's go mto { at | FEEPPEEE PREPS bbe Eb a +] %| TALK RUNS HIGH Ottawa, May 14. Talk runs high this morning con- cerning the insurgent speech of W. F. Nickle, and the chief topic of conversation is the vigorous attack which the 'member for Kingston made upon Sir William Mac- kenzie, head of the Canadian Northern. The general con- census of opinion is that if Mr. Nickle's charges can "be proven, the matter will be a serious one. There is strong opinion that if he can sub- stantiate his charges made in the house, there will be cause for action dn the grounds of contravention of freedom of the Parliament act, since it is an indictable offence to bring duress to bear upon a repre~-- sentative of the people. Apart | from this, it is believed here "%! 2 Ld | + >| * + : 3 wl + * PEEPLES that the charges will have a i somewhat serious effect upon | the vote on the present meas- | ure. v { +l PEPPER LPE RES PRP bb POS Pdf : BEEP REDE e bd Locomotive for Hudson's Bay, } Engine No. 24, which was turned | out of the locomotive works Thurs- | day for the J. nD McArthur Co. Limited, will be shipped to Le Pas, | m the Hudson Bay railway, that | this firm is constructing. his is | the sixth locomdtive of this order that has been turned out and the seventh is expected to beready for | delivery Friday. ---------- I'he little son of Mr. and-- Mrs Harry Coyle, Brock street, waw taken to the general "hospital this = aiter noon, suffering from an attack of heart . trouble. " J. S. Potter, of Toronto, was the city yesterday on butiness connection with the Sailors' Harbor.« : New potatoes at mn m Snug Carnovsky's points It was thought that the C. N. R. could-be interested in.the pro- ject, and that it.would run a spur to thie harbor front to_take the cars from " the f@rry. Suclt a project would be of great advantage to this city, as it" might mean the employ- ment of a good many men. "Board of Trade members are hop- ing that nothing that the local mem- ber may do will interfere with the good relations that have so far ex- isted between the city and the C. N. R. authorities." There was no intimidation whatever on the part of Sir William Mackenzie, who is alleged to have made the re mark quoted in the news item. The remark was made in a purely off-hand manner, evidently when the CN.R. magnate was approached by a Kings ton friend with veferende to the C.N, R. intentions regarding Kingston. Sir William's alleged remark was a very natural one under the circumstances, but he did not utter it as an .ultima- tum. q The stand taken by Kingston's mem- ber has caused a great deal of dis satisiaction in local conservative cir- cles, and Some very prominent cone servatives have openly stated on the streets that Mr. Nickle will never agsin be their ¢andidate for the do- J | | vate despatches received | where it under the terme | day, in. response to a message to route of the Huerta forces at the { pico. decision | constitutionalist forces, has granted | Colored Cheese Sold at 11 7-8 Cénts Thursday afternoon, there was bhoard- ed 168 boxes of white cheese . and phy secured the Grove, Glenvale and Eiginburg (all * Clonal, choase) at 11% vents, # | Alexan + | White cheese, but the bid was refused. The following factories boarded: {shoot on Wednesday afternoon. Two {C. At Saleria Cruz WILL NOT SEEK HIM UNLESS SUBSEQUENT EVENTS MA KE ThiS NECESSARY. Villa is Gathering His Troops For An Assault Up in Saltillo --. A Telegram Seut to Gonzales Whom Villa Hoves to Meet Soon in Mexi- co City. San Francisco, Cal, May 14.-Pri- here, to-day, says that General Huerta is heading for the west coast of Mexico with the avowed intention of boarding a Mexican gunboat at Salina = Cruz Admiral Howard, commander of the United States Pacific fleet, has been notified, by Washington, of this ru- mor and instructed not to intercept him unless subsequent events wake it necessary. To Meet at Mexico City. Juarez, Mex., May 14.--"My con- gratulations to Gen. Gonzales; we meet soon in Mexico City." Gen. Francisco Villa, troops' for an assault gatfiering on Saltillo, 12,000 federals are encamped, sent this briel telegram to the con stitutionaliste Beale here, to- sent him of the Tam- at midnight advising Carranza, commander-in-chief of the the United States permission to send a civilian: representative to Tampico to take charge and operate the oil properties there. President of who speaks heré tp-nigh MEDIATION SUBSTITUTE savas that Sir L ter at.) 1y DR. PERRY Ontario Motor. E, DOOLITTLE. League, CONSIDERED BY ENGLAND Dispatch From British Minister At Mexico City To Be Submitted - To Cabinet Meeting London, May 14.--The Sir Standard Fdward Grey, secretary for foreign affairs, has had i ee a despatch from British Carden, the British minis- xico. City, dealing exhaustive, with the whole Mexican sitoation! is is. to be submitted to a cabinet It is meeting together with the foreign 'ge cretary's notes thereon. understood, according to. the : : Standard, that Sir Edward Grey ad- FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD on Board Thursday. At the Frontenac cheese board on L. W. Mur- offering of BElm- 177 boxes of colored. + Mr. er offered 11 9-16 cents for White --EIm-Grove, 40; ; Rose-Hill, 32; ginburg, 35. White-- Forest, 75; Verona, 25; Wolfe Is lin's Bay, Glenvale, Sunbury, 40; El- Ontario, 23; bs land, 21; Col- 24. Gun Club Shoot The Kingston Gun club held a fine shoots were run off, the first one of which had a possible of twenty-five points and the following made: F. J. Todd, 17; A. B. Sherman, 16; N. Pappas, 14; WwW Blake, 13; C. L. Brown, 11 The second shoot had a possible of twelve points and it re- sulted, F. J. Todd, 9; N. Pappas, 8; L. Brown, 7; A. B. 'Sherman, 5. Gananoque Gun club is holding a shooting tournament on May 25th, and several city sportsmen will at.) tend it. The Kingstbn Gun club is also figuring upon holding another tournament early in September. RIVAL ON WEDDING EVE ing Of Marriage License Led To Tragedy Fulton, N.Y. May H.-~Almost on the eve of his wedding "day, Joseph Prestibo, twenty-one, 305 West First street, was shot and instantly killed; Yesterday afternoon, at the home of his fiancee, Miss "Mary Gaudino, 'six- teen; in Fay street, by Tony Hell, a rival suitor for the girl's hand. 'Bell, aged twenty-five, is in custody. Miss Gaudino and her mother nessed the tragedy. Bell claims had loaned Miss Gaudino $35 in the belief that she was going to marry him. Ap 3.30 d'clock he went to thd home of her mother, Mrs. John Gau- dino, and finding Prestino there, be. came enraged. Bell d ded his wit- he High-class songs, Tattle . Home in the West," eto. 35c. ton's. "Buy backache plasters," Red Cross butter will Froantenne Hotel vises that no useful purposes will served by South American -mediftion and that he will indicate a policy which will Butter, Butter. be line of go far to mipinjize the possibility of further bloodshed. Every pound of Dairy Schaol : but- "ys Drug Store. Make avery } elp you. ter is made from pure cream pastur: THEDAILY BRITISH WHIG IZ CN SALE AT THE FOLLOW ING CITY STORES Buckuell's News Depot ..205 King B. Clarke, J. W. & Co,......558 Princess College Book Store Coulter's Grocery Cullew's Grocery, Cor, Princess & Alfred teases Ontario St. Gibson's Drug Store . Market Square McAuley's Rook Store ....08 Princess McGalls Cigar Store Cor, Prin, & King McLeod's Grocery ..,.51 Union St. W. Medley's Drug Store 200 University Ave Paul's Cigar Store ......,.70 Princesa Prouse's Drug Store Vallesu's Grocery Lowe's Grocery ......... « Portsmouth ~ .+312 Princess L308 Montreal EARL--COREY--May Mi HAMILTON --~In Kin Funeral O'DONNELL--~--In Funeral f Fri (Quabec, MARRIED. 13th, etl by the age, Queen St Kingston, of Wan. J. Harold Earl, orey, | of Storring' DIED. 1914, aged Wiliam 10 years. from his Collingwood street térnoon, at 3.30 o'ciock. ate fully invited to attend. Kingston, 14th, 1914, Kathe 4 years, beloved O'Donnell ron the Houge of day morning at 9.3 Campbell, B.D. Bertha A. daughter Cl Loughboro, to ton, Ont, ston, on May 1it} Boras Hamition, residence, 702 Gu Fe! day af. Friends and rquaintacns are respect. on May ia gp Providence 10 to Si Mary's Cathedral, where a golenin requient mass will be sung for the repose of her soul Montreal, Toronto please copy.) ROBERT J. REID apers > money and it was not forthcoming. Here Prestino made his presence known and asserted he was ing to marry the young woman. il dis- ted the claim. Prestino, to prove is assertion, produced a marriage license and at almost the same instant} Bell is alleged to have whipped out a thirty-eight calibre revolver and ihnt him through the heart. LATE MRS. JAQUITH. The Funeral Took Place on Wednes- day Morning. The funeraf of the late Mrs. Ja- 4quith took place Wednesday morn- ing, from the residence of her son-in- law, George McAuley, Union street, to St. Mary's cathedral, and was of a private nature. Deceased was be- loved by all her acquaintances: The many floral and spiritual offerings testified to the high esteem in which she was held. At the cathedral a solemn requiem mass was for the repose of her soul. bearers were her three sons. two 'soms-in-law and DP. J. Corrigan. - FOR WEST COAST OF MEXICO May Board A Mexican Gunboat | - 1 em - ie a i) Gibson's meal sure~Daity School