Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 May 1914, p. 12

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One house with "five rooms and bath, $1500, % TO RENT One howse, 6 roving, mod. orn conveniences: all fmprove. . Apply is LEE A Over King Edward Theatre, Arrival of Strawberries AF i At . NEW YORK FRUIT STORE "Pineapples, 10 and Te each, 314 Princess St. Phone 405 COAL! The kind you are looking is the kind we sell Scranton Coal Is good coal and we yiarantee prompt delivery Booth Foot of West Street KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) Head of Queen Street Courses In bookkeeping, short- hand, ty¥pewriting, civil service, general improvement, and all commercial subjects. Rates moderate. Information ree, H. F. Metcalf, Principal #3 ts ne TCS BUILDERS ! Have}You Tr.ed GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? I Saves Time. P. WALSH | 48-87 Barrack Strom If You Are Thinking of Buildin® this year it wiil pay you to get our prices for cement, blocks, bricks, ete, as you will save $260.00 between solid brick and cement blocks. We also have all sizes in sills, latels, pier blocks, caps and vases at reasonable prices. F Sas cnt ss cy Sts. Ofice: 177 Wellington »e. » Why Pay High Prices? rices|! Will 'Give Yon FIRST CLASS GOODS The Style and Fitting will be Faultless The Flash and Workmanship will be perfect. The. price will be from $2.00 to $7.00 LOWER than you have been paying RALPH SPENCER ; The Tailor, 620 Princess Street Opposite St. Andrew's Church THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME IF YOU OWN IT. House 0 on "Sydenham Street, $3600.00. Solid brick bungalow, seven rooms, summer kitchen, im- | provements, good stabling; close to Princess Street. = A Splendid home. Must be sold by May 1, $2550.00; easy ms. can be arranged. Frame house on Albert St, hot water' furnace; the best if locality in the city. Must be Sold to wind up An estate, Terms can be ar- Solid brick house on John + Seven rooms, Improve- ments, $3,000.00, tive or satisfactory as I EB iustst on drig stuffing it wit New Fruit Market Strawherries Daily Large Pineapples, 3 for 33c. ? Tomatoes 13¢ a Ib, Selection of Choice Candies. JAMES PAUL 348 Princess St., Next to the Royal Hotel, Contractors, Attention! PHONE 1473 rn ray Get Prices From David Marshall on Plumbing, Gasfitting ang Tlusmith Work, Prompt attention and reason. able rates guaranteed, Sree 101 Queen Street. tonic or restora- tive is as effec- It restores natural color 0 grey or faded hair. Pre- Yeats dandruff, stops falli ir. A healthy besuti 3 growth follows its use. 20e. at druggists. Literal trial 4 h $1,00, Soc, size bottle on receipt of 25c. .aud your druggists name. Philo May Specialties Co., Toronto, Ont, ov "FOR SALE AND RECOMMEND. ED BY J. B. McLEOD, DRUGGIST. ee eA Ar AA mo STOP SKIDDING It's Dangerous Get TIRE CHAINS At the KINGSTON AUTO. MOBILE CoO. Queen and Bagot Sts. Phone 1170 2300090000000 00000000000 An Easy Way to Get Fat and Be Strong trouble with most thin folks » wish fosgaln velght ds that they Hg 1 stomach pr ture s of thinness not get fat assimiiates unt, goes until the needed } them en blood chemi I# absolutely h cient Your cellent y A¥spepsia bies, 8 who dv not ° aution i \Vhile. Sarge PI} AX i nervous nach trou- sud not taken by those it 8 Dy wish to gain ten pounds or more. We have a nice assortment of Gas Fixtures at moderate prices, suitable for any room in use. i Te al Inverted ts, ap. Welsbach ae with DAVID HALL {taffy q Several | Monday. «| -- ot = WHAT wHIG OORRESPONDENTS 'HAVE 10 sfEua. News From Villages and Farms Throaghout 'he Adjoining Coun ties--Rural Eveits, and Move ments, At Slate Falls Slate Falls, May 10.>-Arbor day at achool caused quite a stir. James Slater, who had been engaged in Charlton, New Ontario, for the past winter, has returned home to help his father. Several from this vorner 5p. Jt Saturday last in Denbigh. A lively evening was spent at KE, Wager's last Wednesday. Many in- teresting games were played, after which an abundant supply of maple as served. Peter Pringle is improving in health and was to Den- bigh last week, Odessa Tidings. Odessa, May 12.--The services in the Methodist church on Mothers' Day were well attended. The chureh was prettily decorated with.pink and White flowers. Owing to the illness of Judge Lavell, court was adjourned from Friday until Thursday next. Irwin Sproulé spent Sunday at his home in Westbrooke. D. E. LaFlam- me was the guest of C. Taylor on Sunday last. The Misses Maude and Lottie Heaslip spent Sunday with. the Misses Vera and Bata Yarke, Westhrooke. Miss Mary Hodge is spending a few weeks in the city. Miss B. Sproule has re- turned after spending a few days in Kingston. Mrs. J. H. Lucas, Mos- cow, spent a few days with friends in Odessa. ' Fall River Matters Fall River, May 13.--The people have nearly completed their seeding here E. Conroy is erecting a .new barn and hak Archibald Grey em- ployed as framer. Fishers are plen- tiful in this place now, and report good catches. The Sunday school has resumed, after being closed for the . winter. months. F. Gordon, cheesemaker, has moved into D. Kirkham's house for the season. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray made a business trip to Maberly Monday. Mrs. J Palmer, Sr, is ill. Vv isitors: J. Con- roy and sister, Tillie, at T Buker's; Mr. and Mrs. J Armstrong and fam- ily, William Munro and mother, and lev Mr. Hollingsworth, at A. Gray's; Mr. and" Mrs T. BA Duffy, at TW, Duffy's; Mr. and Mrs. C. Whit- tacker and family at E. Conroy's. News from Moscow. Moscow, May 12.--Farmers have about finished seeding, but growth Seems to be rather backward. Messrs. Robert Asselstine and J. B Bell are Improving their properties With new wire fences Wesley Pot- ter met with heavy lbdss on Saturday when his thouroughbred Clydesdale horse died on the road near Harting: ton. W. A. Martin, traveller, is confined to his home with grippe. John Amey is home after having spent twel€a, years in California, Mrs. A. Switzer has returned to her | homeé in New York after spending weeks at tae home of her > {brother, J. Pp. Johnson. A number [io here attended the funeral of the late Dr. Beaman at Newborough on Mrs. G. M Huffman, who has been very ill, is slightly improv- ing, Mr. Bush, of Camden East, is visiting at Joseph Foster's, Pleasant are taking Valleys May 11. Farmives advantage of the ideal, weather to rush seeding operations. Mrs. Isabel Wallace, Harrowsmith, and Mrs. George Ball, Pittsburgh, Pa., are at GG. Hughes' and G. Barr's, Mps. Fdgar Hughes returned, to-day, from Mountain Grove, here she has been the guest of sister, Mrs" Damon Youmans. Mrs. Frank Curle, Smith's Falls, and Miss A. FE Barr, with Har- rowsmith friends Fhomas Bradford was' in the city on Saturday. Misses Lizzie Watson 'and Alma Switzer spent #n veceni Sunday at . Hughes', FE Charlton has purchased a ter Mrs. Frederick Ellerback spent a few days at Harrowsmith. Several telephones have been installed recent- Iv. J. H. Shiblev has purchased gev- eral fine droves of cattle around this vicinity, | Bradiord lost one of his fine team. Melville N. Bradiord, who was seriously ill, js convaleseent, Master George Curle and sister; Della, of Smith's Falls, were guests at (5, Barr's recently. =alr. and Mrs, John Carr, Petworth, at E. Hughes', The many friends of Mes. James Curle, Verona. are sorry to hear vere illness. fine roads- of her Budget From Elgin Elgin, 'May 11.--Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Robison left last week by C.N.R. for Toronto. Preparations are going on to have a well drilled at the par- Sonage. A committee is being form- ed 10 look after and take proper care of the cemetery. Messrs. J. Pennock and G. Dawson have finished paint- ing Dr. D. A. Coon's residence. Dr. Kelly, Delta, made a professiondl visit in this vicinity last week. Elton Coon has taken a position at Porcu- pine for the holidays. A. Morgan is taking possession of his new pro- perty. D. Davison, Delta, is doing carpenter work in the village. wWil- liam Johnson, LP.S., made mis of- ficial visits In this vicinity last week. James Earl has recovered sufficiently to be out driving. Mp. Barker, For- far, was in the village with his auto. The quarantine is to be raised at the State of Ohio, Clty of Toledo, . Laue, s. County, | 88. Frauk J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senfor partner of the firm of ¥. J Ch ; 0, doing business in ithe UBLY and State afore- 14 firm will pay the NDRED DOLLARS for ase of Catarrh.that be curéd by the (use of Hall's h Cure, FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my Dresence, this 6th day of Decem- ber, A.D. 158% (Seal) AW. GLEASON. ER Notary Pubjio, Hairs Catarrh. Cure is ken inter. nally, and acts and mucous surfaces of Send for CHE al free 1 | a cannot Catt e system. FE CHEN & © Toledo, O. fKald yy S all druggists, The, Take all's Family Pills for consti. pation. Fi Vices were irectly . ohithe bioed:| i" THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1914. *M. od & car of oats at Elgin station week. The Ladies' auxiliary of the M. monthly meeting at Kelly's hail Rev. Mr. 'McFarlane received a tele- gram ou Sueday that his uncle wus dead. Mr. MeFarlaye was at Ottawa last week with his uncle, who under- Weul an gperation. Mrs, AT Morgan is seriously in. causing her family much alarm, W. Sterry, Lyndhurst, was a caller in the village. William 'Bass, Newboro, Was in this vicinity gathering. eggs for the egg J conducted on Sunday at the Methodist church Rev. W. J. Phee McFarlane. Mrs. W. Sheldon is under the care of a trained nurse at her home. dl DARWIN'S METHODS. < ---- Thoroughness of Great Naturalist Shown In Tests With Bees. Henry. Fabre, the naturalist, tells in The Fortnightly Review a char- acteristic story about Charles Darwin and himself. Darwin wanted -to ex- plain the "homing" instinct of bees, and induced Fabre to begin a series of experiments with that purpose in view, A regular plan of. campaign Was drawn up. . Marked bees dark box and hive in the opposite direction from that in which they were finally 1ib- erated. The box was repeatedly turned about, so that the Inmates would lose all gense of direction. Every possible means was taken to render useless any known or con- ceivable method of obtaining one's bearings. The bees were even placed within an induction eoil in the effort to confuse them, The result of a long and elaborate series of iests was nil so far as any explanation of the homing power was concerned. In every case from thirty to forty per cent. of the bees found their way home without apparent trouble, no matter how confusing the trip away from home had been made. The story is characteristic, because it illustrates the thorough way in which the author of the "Origin of Species" attacked all his probiems. He was not one to merely "opine pret- tily and probably," and let it go at that, He put' everything to the test of experiment, and when the answer came out wrong, or did not come out at all, he 'scrapped' the hyp- "esis as a matter of course Instead of try-| ing to explain away its failure. A Novel Experiment, To Mr. Harold Brighouse, the Fng- lish playwright, belongs the distine- tion of being the first dramatist to write a play round the professional footballer, and the experiment earned cordial praise from the critics, Moreover, the professional footballer is represented as a very decent fellow possessed of a sense of honor, which is highly refreshing in these when sedentary pedants are prone to malign him as a wolf in sheep's clothing. a . Mr. Brighouse belongs te the Man- chester school of playwrights why have been brought fo 'he fromt by the repertory movement. Still on the right side of thirty he has something like; eight pleys to his name; all of which have attracted attention. His one-act play, "The Price of Coal," was received with enthusiasm when presented in London. It deals with a pit disaster and represents the qui heroism of the miner's wife. His best known play, however, is "Dealing in Futures," which # a somewhat bit- Ing attack on cerghiin phases of indus- trialism, All . Brighouse's plays are concerned With tae vital issues round him, and Manchester has rea- son to be proud of this native' pro- duct. : -- You May Speak First Now. King - George 'and Queen Mary have made an innovation in court etiquette, Breaking down the tradi- tions under which nobody must ad- dress the monarch unless"he is first Spoken to, Their Majesties have in- timated that at private dinner parties at least guests must ROL hesitate either to open the conversation or to broach a new subject of conversation. As the King and Queen are going to dine out regularly during the coming Season the innovation is causing a reat stir. It is hailed as an admir- ble move, ) Queen Alexandra still adheres to the old custom, possible on account of the fact that her deafness makes it dificult for her to follow general conversation. The late King Edward, though he unbent occasionally on special gecasions, was on the whole a strict observer of the rule which "hedged his divinity" against risk of being -cdressed on a subject for which he was not prepared, while Queen Victoria's strictness in the matter| has been chronicled by many who met her. iers-------------- Hippopotamus Ivory Less Used. Trade in hippopotamus tvory is earrfed om in Africa on a much small- er scale of late years than formerly. The teeth of the "hippo™ are much harder than those of the elephant, and for a long time were used in the manufacture of false teeth, which were skillfully carved from that ma- térial. Old Le Vaillant: remarks, in his "African Travels," now more than a hindred years old: "It is Surprising that E especially Frenchmen, sh an article of commerce teeth of the hippopota the help of science t replace our own, anfl we may see them flashing delightfully in the mouth of a preity woman." Tailors On Tramp. Many years bing tailors went about the morth of Scotlnad working at"private houses by the day much on the same ines as some mod- ern dressmakers, These visits often lasted a week and were familiarly spoken of jn the trade as "whipping the cat." In ad- dition to their board and lodging, the tailors received iiberal wages, and often made bp. material supplied by their Hosts, They usually arrive ed with lap-boards,. thimbies, -seis- sors, and ueedies, and Inst; but mot least, they brought with Ls ------ -- . church held its Her condition is circle, Sacramental ser- by the pastor, were placed in a carried away from the has | days | they them all tio | SALES OF MUNICIPALS FoR FOUR MONTHS AHEAD OF 1913, . Merger in London by Big Dry, Goods Houses---Bonuses Received From Leases Resulted, $793,750--Com- mercial Notes. Montreal, May 13.~~Municipal bond sales in Canada during April, compiled by the Financial Times, to- tallied $15,536,615, This amount constitutes a record for ga single month's transactions, _and is $11,- 842,857 ahead of the total for April, 1913. Municipal boil sales for the four months of 1913, as compiled by the Financial Times, already total $33,- 250,153, which is $12,699,915 ahead of the total sales for 1913, a $1,- 717,194 ahead of the total sflles in 1905, which was the heaviest year in a five year period. Big Retail Store Merger, London, May 13.--A big retail dry 2oods amalgamation is announced. It includes Harrods, which is one of the largest department Stores, with a capital of £1,000,000, and Dickens & Jones an old established Regent capital, The amalgamation virtually means the absorbing of Dickens & Jones by Harrods. It is understood that Har- rods secured the Dickens entire £350,000 common stock for a lump sum of £700,000, Big Mill Insolvent, Utica, May, 13.--The New York Mills, one of the largest eastern con- cerns manufaesliring cotton cloth and located at a suburb of Utica, has announced its insolvency. Liabilties are placed at $3,900,000, and it is said there is a deficit of $1, 500,000. The business ig owned, to a large extent, by A. D. Juillard and company, of New York, who have controlled the mills for several years A circular letter issued by the com- pany to-day to holders of preferred stock offered. them ten cents on the dollar. ' New Brunswick Wealth St. John, N. B., May 13.--The enormous value of timber lands is illustrated by the report of the New Brunswick government that the prov- ince is receiving in bonuses from the lesses of provincial timber lands the sum of $795,750. The, lands in question are still held by the govern- ment, and have not yet been disposed of to private persons. 1 Dividend Expected. 2 Toronto, May 13.-- Inspired an- jhouncement was made that a divi- {dend on the Dome mines will be de- clared soon. The treasury is said {to contain $200,000 to $300,000. in | cash and the ore reserve is said to ue large enough to justify the directors in continuing to increase the milling capdeity until close to 2,400 tons will be crushed daily, Rubber Company Chartered | Dover, May 13.--The Franco- America: Rubber company, has been (chartered here with $5,000.000 capi- J tél to Brow, 'extract, refine and sell rubber . a ---- ~ Companies Incorporated. Ottawa, May 13.--Andrew Wilson and company, limited, have been in- corporated, with $1,000,000 capital, to take over the business carried on in Toronto and Montreal by Andrew Wilson and company, cigar manufac- turers. The business. of the Canadian Theatres, Ltd., is to be taken over by A new company, the Canadian United Theatres, Ltd., incorporated for that purpose, with head office in London. The capital is $2,000,000. Another three-million-dollar con- cern, the American Oil Processes, Itd., is incorporated with head office in London. | Commercial Notes There is a probability of a niillion dollar steel plant being erec- 'ted at Port Arthur by the Me- Kenzie-Mann interests, The Monetary Times' estimate of Canada's fire loss during April am- ounted to $1916,238, compared with March's loss of $2,130,552. At a recent meeting of the share holders of the "Hewson Pure Wool Textiles, limited, Amherst, N It Was announced that $100.000 had been subscribed 'to resuscitate the concern. : 4 The Corn Products Refining com- pany reports Eross profits in the three months ended with March of $1,071,058. Fixed charges and oth- er expenses required $215,972, lea- ving a balance for dividends of $755,086, The London Financial News calls attention to the issue of a progpec- tive bearing the name of the Cana- diah Pacific Railroad Trust, faviting subseriptions for £100,000 in nine- ty-day trust deed shares. Fhe report of a $500,000,000 steel tompany of Canada to be compos ed of the Dominion Steel Corpora- tion, Nova Scotia and Steel of Can- ada, with this time the addition of Canada Iron Corporation, is being revived in New York. The British Columbia breweries announce that.the approximate sal- es during March amounted to $7, 525 barrels for $72,000 in compari- son with' 8,915 barrels for 76,560 in March, 1913, representing decreases of 490 barrels and $3,560 respee- tively, * George Kidd pt Vancouver, has been appointed general manager of the British Columbia Electric: rail- way in place of R. H. Sperling, who #o0es to London to be assistant to the chairman of the Board of Direc- tors. 3 Although the right to subscribe to the $19,000,000 of new preferred stock of the Great Northern Rati- road company does mot ire until May 11th next; it is la od that ha entire an already been sub- scribed for by holders who Were given the right to take it at bar in proportion of $8 par value of Mew stock for each share held, ten L WATTERS street dry goods firm, with £600,000 THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Capital Paid Up $11,560,000 Reserve Funds 13,575,000 BANK MONEY ORDERS economical method - SMALL amounts, Rates: $5 and under aie Se : . Over $5, not exceeding $10, , , ge. Over $10, not exceeding $30 | 10e, Over $30, not exceeding $50, . . 5c. in Canada (Yukon excepted) and Xd. ot 'any Banking Usa. At all' priucepal cities--and in Great Britain und (reland tl over 89 pointes KINGSTON BRANCH, . EE NEWMAN, Manager, ~T We Offer Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Co, 6% Sterling Debenture Stock At 98 and Interest to Yield 628 P.C. Particulars on Application, F. B. McCURDY & CO. 88-88 BROCK PHONE 1238 ' Members Montreal Stock Exchange H. W. NELLES, Manager. An Investment We Can Guarantee You may put every dollar of your surplus funds into our "Guaranteed Investment." Itis one of the safest in the Dominion, and pays a good interest return. Fach investor's capital is secured by a first mortgage or mortgages, ear-marked and set aside as his personal security. Besides the morigage, we give the Corporation's guarantee of principal and interest, Nothing safer, nothing better. We accept sums of $500 and upward, for this fori of investment, Write us if you are interested A safe and of remittin Ii, THE z TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION ESTABLISHED 1882 CAPITAL $1.500,000.00 RESERVE §1,500,000.00 ASSETS UNDE® ADMINISTRATION $63,056,883.97 Head Office, Bay and Melinda Sts.Toronto. Branches, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Saskatoon EEEECECET teh O00 KING GEORGE NAVY PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO "18 IN A CLASS BY ITSELF) It Sirpaies all others in quality and flavout because the process by which it is made differs from others. -- It is deli ciously sweet and non-irritating, SOLD EVERYWHERE: 10¢c A PLUG ROCK CITY TOBACCO Co., Manufacturers, QUEBEC . 3 . . -». DTI CollisBrowne's, v 7 ¢ hill Jy v / ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Chaim in. DIARRHOEA ........ THE sires CHOLERA 2 DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those too often fatal di. To FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. 3 ows for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRO 18. Effectually cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Is the only palliative in RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE is a liguid # i ; ing' lady. LETRA Yt ret tron - of Ie . 9 or Bat Ccts™ ond con 0 aon he per ine reeds Fl ove INSIST ON HAVING 'De. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. eS CONVINCING 2 B= MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH

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