¥ Savings and household dceonnts invited Joint i door opened when required for twa or more per-, sons, any one of whom may deposit or withdraw i money. Interest is paid on balances. i Banking Accounts opened for Societies; Lodges, it Tustecs, Executors, or for private $60,000,0 Assets . Howiird eo S. F olger INVESTMENT BROKER i i i +a Fire and Life Insurance High Grade Bonds and Stocks Distriet Manager of The : ih | Real Estate EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY | 44 Dlarence Street i ¥ A FEW CHOICE LOTS Phone 995 AT BARGAIN PRICES. Easy terms on some of the above. GEORGE How "About That New House ? BAWDEN Coal i 'On! Upper York Street, built of Kingston brick. The owner says he has the best house in Kingston. Wall, it is just as good, anyway. We have plenty move such brick, Why not build your new house of them and boost home industries. Phone 1596 Division St. Albert Neal! FOR SALE Johnson St., solid brick, all' modern Durham ry frame, furnace and electric light, A snap ve., rough-tast, furnace and gas lights inhverd St. stone, all modern, verandah; bargein at Collingwood St., double frame, at a sacrifice price. Solid brick dwelling, good barn and large grounds, close to Lake Ontario Park; a fine summer home, at a bargain. J. K. Carroll A 56 BROCK ST. resh Seeds are a Prime Necessity If you are looking for results, why not sow seeds that will grow. You can procure them gency, PHONE 68. ). The Great ish Remedy, "Tones and invigorates the Bhale. hervouss stent, makea nety in eins, Suures "ervous Deitity, Menta oy Brain Heart, for druggists or mai in eu on reeeipt of Riss, New HS free. THE. TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) Auction Sales We are now booking ous Sostag: snles. Co early and secure of da e are also handling * ¥ Estate: on a commission rep tian for the tant Aten years the utmost satisfaction, prompt on 2 honest ang efficient service. We will buy the contents of any house for cash. Glasses are ph hol for close work. a ar 2. apparently as is a strain on he. Frat thai But he be relieved by a pair of or & "pecially su Glasses p: Brick Dbouse, modern, .seven 'roms, 118 Victoria St, be- tween Earl and Johnson Sts. "Possession June 1st. £ Frame house, modern, seven rooms, hardwood floors, 124 Victoria St. Real $18.00 per month, Immediate possession. Ul to make. . BLACKMAIL A 'hen: the: hinge on. that: part Forge reedbr surface on which to write was 'oken I put on another. While at work on the job I accidentally struck i) point of the: screwdriver on. a bortain part of the desk which I had [Rupposed was solid, and out flew a little drawer. | 1 had owned that desk ten years more without being aware of this | drawer. Naturally 1 was There were several pap- tonished. in it whieh I removed: and ex-|: ied. I fancied that they alt re- tod to the same subject, though was guesswork. - One was plain i i to be understood by anyons. [iL wis a demand for $10,000 or "the se goes before the district attor- It was in an envelope address- d to Samuel T. Henderson and ran igned withthe initials "J. M." Through. a friend in the real es- te business I learned the following acts: The house at which I had Hot [bought the desk had belonged to Samuel T, Henderson, to whom the note was addressed. Henderson had died in a sanitar- dum shortly before the sale of the Mouse, and property amounting to several hundred thousand dollars hich he was supposed to have pos- sessed was nowhere to be found. His ise and furniture were sold by his #idow and a. daughter, their only Hee: Fhe mother was dead, but the Jaushier: was living on the meager duced from the amount realized from the sale. i : One morning I called on Miss Hen- Aiflerson and asked her if she knew ay. one whe bad had any dealings With her father whose initials were .M. She thought for some time, t could: recall' no such person. ked her if she: had any of her ther's papers, and she said she had # handful of them that had been removed fronr his desk: before it was sold. jand let me know if she found a name Hon. any of them that would fit the initials. She looked curious, and I old her that the matter was one of usiness which she would net un- orstand. 3 ii One evening when I called she told Hime that she had found an old check [ibook that had belonged to her father and in it a large number of stubs of checks paid to J. M, I knew then that .1- could. get. what I wanted, for the checks must have been written with the full name. gave me the name of the bank on | | | Mr. Henderson one of the book- keepers remembered the name on 4hese checks from 'the fact that there .was a dispute about one of them that: had nearly cost him his position. Phe person to whom they were:deawn was James Murphy. I began a still hunt for James Murphy and; after weeding the per- sons of that name fn the directory, threw aside all but one James Mur- phy, whom I investigated and found to hea man living in excellent style. I wrote him a note stating that I had to the late Samuel Henderson. desired to see me about. it 1 would be pleased to call on him. I received a reply stating that he did not under- stand. what I meant, but he would be at home the next day at a certain hour. I found Mr, Murphy to be a corse, illiterate man with a very disagree- able expression on his face. He un- dertook: to bluff me by feigning surprise. ai my note and demanded gruffly what I meant By writing it. I repeated to him the contents of the demand I had found, how. I came by it, and said: "Mr. Murphy it is evident. that you were levying blackmail upon Mr. Henderson. [I have become interest- ed in the matter: Mr. Henderson is dead and no secret you held over him can injure him. It is quite likely that your threats were the cause af his death. You have ne.right'te the amounts he paid you, and the time bas come for you te return them: A check book has been found bearing a stub for every. chétk paid you. Choose between returning the money and being prosecuted for blackmail and at the same time standing suit for the funds laid you, without a legal consideration." Mr. Murphy lost some of the red- ness of his face and stared at me for awhile, not knowing what reply Finally he said: "1 had a partner who was a great rascal and is responsible for all this. Give me a little time and I will try to find. a way out of the matter: 1 told him that he might have till noon the next day, but meanwhile he would: be shadowed by a deteetive to see that he did not get away. I put no faith in his partner story. : He eventually paid. Miss Hender- son $175,000, which was all, so far as could be proved, of the amounts her father had paid him. This was (facilitated by the fact that he had made a great deal of money out of the funds while he held-them. He | refused to. tell. me the secrét-he held over Mr. Henderson, but admitted that there was nothing in it that would have. surved Kith a man of dif ferent temperament When I; tald-Miss Henderson that I had a fortune. for her she received e news with greal surprise. She could not understand how any man could have pessessed a secret incrim- inating i father, whom she believ- ve been a very good man. night add that Miss Henderson * Gibson's. On § Mrs. Suna Gerow passed away at her 1 e: home in Thurlow township, a weventv-four Jigs. ree sons two dangh- | ters survive. William Harris, president 'of the Harris Abattoir company, Toronto, and a widely knawn live-stock man. died after a lengthy illness. A liberal club was organized a: Co Mount Forest, being inagurated with wach enthusiasm. "Moth proof bags." Gibson's, 3 (| EXQUISITE FLAVOR I asked her to examine them an Miss Henderson |}.V! which they were drawn, and, though fr all the checks had been 'returned to}, come into possessioi of a note of his. 1f he) By Bayard Veiller As played for two years in New York City and now nearing of its first year in London, Eng. Same superb company that played 0 and Toronto this PRICES 25, 50, 75¢, $1, $1.50. HANEATND TON SABE g LIPTON'S TEA LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD Young Liberals Meeting Special wiellii ot" u) of aif Young Liber: als to be held In their rooms, Welling tom. St, Wednesday night, 8 o'clock, jay 13th, ee. Fvery Young should be on hand. W. Ni Cy POLSON, JR. Prestdent. 9 THE HOUSEKEEPERS ot KINGSTON ou buy iheral worker As MITCHELL, Secretary, Ww hi ny tomat know a can of vegetables example---you do not Are getting ant'l the Beware, therefore, of noned moods from peddinrs at Your Retail Grocer In with . He only asks from you what vou Can is opened. buying canned 5 ar anteed Demvinion Canr i mited. the Dominion Canne Seal l1abel--the eVidenge of qual . DE CARTERET, Wholesale Agent. Look for on the GENERAL SERVANT OR Business of great Import- | GOOD COOK WANTED, APPLY RO- orn Pri RAL SERVANT. A " 3 Qrening, 3 APPLY IN Kilborn, 2 24 00D € APABLE MAN AS DRIVE for dour Glare. Apply to D, Hutc {dy 20. Market S( a A GOOD SET SERVANT, APPLY U3 the evening to Mrs. S. MeKean bertson, ¥2° Lower Usion St. ison, A COMPETENT GENERAL for family of three; Apply turmediately, to 305 Alfred St. SERVANT house H in the evening A BRIGHT YOUNG GIRL WITH SOME experience for cashier and book. + keeper, Apply in own handwrit- ing, to Box 216 Whig office. FAMILY plain cook- References re- M. I. Biitis o ing. auwired, Whig. three, small home, State wages. Address L, a et --------------------ne ee esi PORTRAIT AGENTS WANTED, SEND for catalogue. Solar and bro mid € prints, portraits, fat frames and sheet chants Portrait Co, and con pictures. Toronto, INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY £4 " I'TORAGE FOR 'FURNITU LOST FROM ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, ON Johnson, Sydenham or Earl strecis a pendant set with smurrhine, Find« 'er please réturn to Whig office. AT BE A BLACK AND WHITE COLLIE PUP with brown spots over eyes. Find- er kindly return. to Couper: 1riacess St, or telephone Nos. 6 or 556. 10 72 Earl § a SI vIANTLY TO Mus iam * STRAYED ROW ROCKWOOD HOSPITA . colts, one Shlestiut with stiff ankie one black; with halters. Fia- der please return. 10 Rockwood Hospital. CARTING. ALBERT SAUNDERS. ALL KIN done. Satisfaction NS food. 537 Brincess Brent T0 LET TRY ONE OF THESE SRAL ADVTS. 'Once, 26c; three times, Soo " FROM 1ST MAY, NO, 372 ALFRED ST. Thomas Mills, 'e" Clarence St. NICE ROOMS AND HOARD; ALSO good table board, at 199 Brock St. DWELLINGS AT $17, $20, 230 AY $60. J. 8S. R. McCann, 82 rock St. ETC. clean and dry, McCann, 82 Brock et. street. 335 EARL ST, DETACH rooms, hot air furnace. dD BRICK, 7 J. 8. R McCann, 82 Brock St. FURNISHED Rouse TO RENT FROM 1st May, No. ai Bagot St. Cun- earn 31490 . monthly corresponding J for newspapers: no canvassing, Send for particulars, Press Sgyndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. CAPANLE OLD COUNTRY tics, Partie Arriving and May 10 party May Yi fost Gulid, 47 Pembroke St, and 71 Drummond' St, DOMES. now, Toronto, Montreal, PRELPPPPLRRP RIDER eI b Prd WANTED AT ONCE fountain ss Drug Good smart irl for clerk. Gibson's Red Cre store. PORT POU PP POSITION "WANTED, 3 or NG LADY STENOGRAPHER eH \§ SHitien experienced A Box 4] E MELOY Ae NANTED BY Suse BOT, - 3 spare time and the 1 Whig oflic WANTED---GENERAL ADIY Box 151, | omeaces 1 IN CLARENCE ST. pingham & "ua are, o ARR to Cunningham & Ma larence 8 . ROUGHCAST SIX ROOM DW ELLING, 4 CoMorne St B. and C gas and furnace. Apply 185 Quee n St. C 1 LEAN, your own lock and 's Clty Storage, 209 pT 5260, ------------------------ STORAGE FOR FURNITU RE, dry, airy rdoms; Key. Fros Queen St. FROM MAY AST, ROOMED ROUSE, on Livingst Ave, B. and C, fur- 9 atric light, good garden Livingston Ave AND ACCOMMONS and rigs: Yano or fifteen dwelling if Bast nan & vohen FOR THE SUMMER, FURNISHED house, all conveniences, electric lights gas and telephone; centrally located. Address Box I. Whig office FRED TST. improve- ated; deep lot; Phone 301 ei. i AL Ontario St. SOLID BRICK HOUS ten roams, all ments; hot water h possession May Ist. (299 in evening.) ONE 2:3 HP, 110 VOLT IMRECT CUR- rent m: TOF in fair conditton. Davis Dry 'Dock Compan¥, Kingston. C t STOMERS TO RING UP 602 W HEN having hair or cotton mattresses ta be renovated or recovered. King- #ton Mattress Company, 566 Prin- cess St PE JUICE Drink, on sale at Soda of 18, Droggists, Ete. Your Family Grocer can supply vou Buy it by the doz. and the case. Fenwick, Hendry & Co. (DIStribtors) Ee ------ AUTOMOBILES AND HACKS FOR HIRE Phone 1177 GEORGE W, BOYD 89 Earl Street, WE The Nat} TAXI Large, Ap-to-date Touring Car For' Hire. Carell Driver Why ride in a Ford when you can have a better enr for ihe same price! PHONE 11 R. & W. J. BOYD Hacks and Automobiles PHONE 535 For Sale $1,600 For farm of 40 acres good outbuildings 4nd land; seven miles from Kingston. At Bunked Hill Bunker ifill, May 9.--Mrs, Gowdy | will hold meetings church here Sunday. merman and A. MN. at the George Tim: Leamon munde a busi: ness' trip to Kingston on Thursday last. Alexander Higgins is starting ot his new house. Visitors: , Mr. Wichardson spent a few days at the Spar mine; lias leua Lloyd at F: Leamon's; J. Saider and MM. Hoppin, it Glendower. S. Capt. "amd Mrs. Murray Kirk? firvene ure in Ottawa for n few days before voming + to live in Kingston, having been transferred here from Halifax. "Fiake EW LIVERY AND sane STA- will Be open May 1st, Clergy betwien. Priicess and Queen Sis, All new rigs. Cabs at all hours Phone 4 MeRadden & Lemmon, I'rops. | GENTLEMEN ™ BRING THER cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and vorkman- ship guaran' sed to Jlonze. Presa: ing and reps ring dove on the shortest notice. homa= Galloway, 131 Brock street, near Libby's Gar- age. ee eg eet et. hhh hhh th dh od ot WANTED, A three to foup ment, Ist or Ind private bathroom; and gas for situated. Whig! Office: ream apart- floor, including electric Hight cooking: centrally Apply to Bex 512, BBP PR Peed SRpdbb bid Bb ie i 3 gi Al BY A GENTLEMAN WITH SMALL Brow n-up family, a completely fur- nished residence In the neiglibor. hood of Kingston, with a frontage on the water. Af least two bat rooms and properly equipped ha re- gard to kitchens and all other con. venlénces. It would be an advan tage If the servants now employed would remain on; a Barage and j motor. launch would be an asddi- tional attraction. An exceptionally 1grge. rental will be paid if a suit. able place can be ained. Apply to J. 8. R. MaCann, / S HOTF1sS. ALBION HOTEL, CORN MONTREAL and' Queen streets; 32 bedrooms Rates moderate! centrally located one block from street cars. House recently thoroughly renovated best sta and yard accommoda tion, J. "aimew; Proprictor. LEGA) TRE TR Rr CONRAN Ph: NUDE Law AL TR Ginranca atreen Kingste TEAMING. HBAVY AND LIGHT promptly done. ANCES, "hone £84, of os t. Wathen, $75 Mack eee -------------------------- TEACHER OF JINENG. MASS CARRIE Bajus, 47 Rideau PELGMANN SCHOOL OF ow Music, ne A Vo. Tol Fioltenac = stregt, Pha Fr of elocutiol and OF M. ¢ mann, BE, teacHer and aotian, Mise Norma FoEman. teathors of oti, A dalin, Sie ,Terms for tui. ton ni eoncen engagements op application EXCAVATIONS: + - ROCK OR CLAY, CONCROTING OF collars levelling and Iny ing lasns, Estim ath H. Beardsell 2 Fart" it. CEMENT OR EXCAVATION WORK promptly dons. & make cement walks, excavate ce at reasonable cokt "20 Thames 0 wil tig crowing louder 4 as he Only i3e. Rona, oe goer avin hood 4 aT Hh Ween LEAN | SI and Tenaly & card or | EASTVIEW PARK, ON THE ST. Lawrence, five miles rom King- ston, five : 1 Tura : D . Kingston GE = FURNISHED, autiful location at Point. Pleas- ant, on the lake suore (the second anint beyond lake Ontanio Park.) Particulars, on enquiring at 56 Earl stre NEW BRU NOOMS, B & C, "$12.00, New v rooms, W, OC. Patrick St, Bons Aor pe anent ten- ant and promp ay te nt. HL 8 R McCann, 82 Broek S FURNISHED HOUSE, UNIVERSITY avenue. SOLID BRICK HOUSE, rooms, all improvements, large lot Alfred St. STE frame by Mo: 0 lo BATEMAY " GARDINER, PHONE 300, 67 Clarence St, Kingston. BUSINESS NOTICES DIGGING AND DRILLING at reasonable prices. Apply Friend, Barriefield, Ont. WELL done to D. KINGSTON rYPE reas, 12) Qu All work Strict, y con fdential. Rates moderst JOSEPH BUSSE, ¢ CHESTNUT ST, HA» opened up a quarry on Stephen St Cut, building and rough stone are su plied promptly at reasonable prices. SHORT! HAND. TYPE PERSONAL MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. all growths and skin removed permanen'ly, 27 years' experience . Lake, Eve, Ear, Nosc Skin Specialist, 238 ' Bagot Street. HAIR, marks and SCALP MASSAGE FOR FALLING hair, dandruff, ete, treated by el ectricity (new method). Lates' treatment in shampooing, face massage. manicuring, chiropody. Mra "orca, styles in hair work. 18. Hero graduate masseu 59 We'lingion. St, Phone 1 3 : oats 10.t0 12 an, and. 2 to & p. m. and by.appolntinent. - BUSINESS CHANTES ANTO! ANYWHERE CAN START al all praer business. at hom a, ot HAS BEREN FOUND IN CANADA; New ten million dollar co mpany be ing formed by English, nadian urd American capital. You aan be come one of the founders and par ticipate In all dividends and spec- ial profits hy investing 310 or more Write quick for. free boo let and full 'informa Publix or, Ta vestors' Banieth 105 Winch Bldg. Vancouver, B.C Canada. TWO | WELSH Foxy, ND {#2500 WILL BUY HAM. 1 20 a 219 Princess St HARNESS Ann BUG. or quick sale. I2 Fron. enac er SEVEN ROOM FRAME an te oq three lots oni ¢ DOUBLE Serr 0 Appiy M house, Montreal op | $1000 oor A Lox © Beni A PIANOLA, GOOD STAPE. Sha R Victrola a Phiacon rad GAS RANGES AR REFRIGERA'T. oD loss FH ora at ri BRICK HOUSE ON JOHNSON ST, TEN rooms, hot water heating, gas frontage An back lot. ARDY ou Johnson St, rt 80. hy 3 ga LX A. SEVEN ROOM with Improv ements, hs Bond, ¥ F rontens, frame house Barrie St. A. ae St. Phone 7 IN Goobh R. H. Fair} or Angrove's INDIAN MOTOR CYCLE to condition, ip Kingston Station, Garage, Kingston. er. ' be In: FR Box _ MOTOR BOAT, 33 FT, JOXG, 8 inch beam, guaranteed first-class condtilon. 417, Whig office. ANYONE HAVING SECONDHAND . Stoves or furniture for sale, call on me for first class pric J. Th s son. 333 Princess Hi. Bi Th P= $2100 BRICK VENE ER, FURN ACE, EL aetrie ity, B and CC, $600 cas BE . SIX ¥ er in. high in front an Lat back "top shell British Whig office G, 43 61-2 in. high Thies drawers and one ghtly used Apply A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES i also Dunlop tres, at $2.00, All srders pre omy BUY atiended carpet cle ul Rying. Muller, 37 3 King St to for George CONTAINING land, in village oney mile from ¢ i ration apply Wilts, on premises. MARKET Sakpu N acres of wl Portsmou ath, For further Miss Elsie -- GROCERY STORE AND DWELLIN 162 Ontario street, or will grocery stock and fixtures privilage of" renting. store. and dwelling. Doing a first class dusi- ness. Good reason for selling. Ap- ply F. X. Baseau, on the remises. CHOICE FARM, ONE RUNDRED and ninety-five acres, 9 miles from Kingston and 1 mile from Glens vale, Has an abundance of choles pine, spruce and cedar and nevers 4 faling water thereon. Well fone For. further pnform, tion a $n Clark. R.M.D. We Ahir FURNISHED ROOM H200--CEMENT HOUSE, NEW, ALL' MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD. | WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, WORK Ing men Pistotred, Price reason- able. 102 Earl BOARD AND ROOMS et ees i FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ~~ ®lso table beard. Apply I lington St, opposite post FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND NY ment Socie incorporated president, Colonel Heng R. Smi Money ifsued on and y aia and mortgages purchased; ved Interest ale McGill, Managsy; 87. ina 00. Nowa otfice lowed, 8. CO, Clarence Street. AND @ Loum, 3 mpany, Avaliable 3 assatls, $64,187 In addition to! which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of city rope rty, insured at lowest! possi rates Before renewin new business = i old ible givin rates from trahge & 325, Agents. Phone rool. LONDON Fire Insurance DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, So RE.' ky to 258 Princess Street. { SPARKS AND lington St Phone 346. SPARKS, 158 (over "CatnovpRy es, Es NASH, DENTIST; DR ", A, assistant. 133 Princess] Street. Phone 735, S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, D ! ist, corner Princess and Bagot. Streets. Entrance on Bagot street.' Telenhona R28. WM. NEWLANDS SON, 3 ole Omces, # Phone $38, f a SSTINA GIVEN FOR BALL SUP. Dandusts,. dine nes ! Se. Silverware. an Ta i rent. Por rtictines avply 1 H. Toy s King St. AT vr RTI RACE i also reife 4 ei pg AM enna was. elected a director of the C. P. 2. | Mes 12 bony, N, B,, ta her 102nd year, » Whyte: the rodoaa of the laie Bie William Bm Eo SMALL REVRIGER ATOR, CHEAT, Pry