, ¢ d the captain gave i team who had ever oe in he $ox a chance to show hit he. could do. The hugeh from e Sydeg pest. in alto- hor Li the ball that is be: played. fa this Yngue, | ere w aN Csi on A Ey i i dixactor of the Y.M. ag ho looks. 4 Tums ig side had no hope re SRoRIRGe | Achool, cored in the * Collegiate Basketball, "There Will '}ié 1 1 I game be tween 4 Eero at the Collegiate gymnasium, to decide the Sehool championship: 1. FE. Watts, Queen's, will referee the game. Last Soocer Spring Match, be the last peries of the The game will be between ions? pu 3 a 'put. up an extra stiff fight : i nd thi Netter only overcame } 'ould-be champions by a mere fection in 'goa So far thi an r Pere games have ved, which the garrison ve pi ise all against A 6 oO of the €.L.U and 'Shipyard, 'bit the former have never been "onog The (first two matches resulted in draws and the last one in a victory for R.C. HA. This Intter team is getting « j deal of practice, and on the 23rd of this month it will go to Petawawa, where it is intention to get in considerable mors pedetice and return "dn the fall Prepared to make a clean sweep of the city league, team Baseball Record. - National league--New York § Hoslon 6, Philadelphia 2, Brooklyn 1, St 'Louis '0; Chitage 5, (13 in- igs, darkness). . légue--New York 6, Philadelphia 8, Washing jgue--Pittsburgh 0, Baldimore 4, Buffalo 3, Is '4, Kansas City 3. onal league--Providehce + 2; Toronto 2, Baltimore m 6, Jéruey City 3. a4 new auto- Milton Dulmage had a seri- naWaY réceiitly, but luckily no pe w urt, Marshall Brown has BRAT stroke. ' The neral sermon for i. Christopher Louder, of y Valley, t the point for a few weeks. The Sshocl Sturted for the coniing season. on Dulmage fs i -@t- the Main Ducks. - Mrs. Duin 'and children, ot at moved 'into this coma. i Ham Head, of this ¥5 with his rela. Ey Them a Chance Haj gon , when leader of rd 'the New Brunswick "representing the county 1 Nastmorsiand, was once deliver- constituents in. West- "Hear me now!" ex- i it ¥ a Ove the windows," he said. "Lloyd George Populay motioned to an attend- or a million and a referendum on the © Mr Lioyd| chancellor of the { one hundred ts. Signor Marconi is next, in Iie next ni; are King and Winston Churchill. ay Oli of té Comilion Stray Stories. beg pardon," sald the reporter, Af La ay 18. d's News, 3 ge 3 waa? ig Brotk vill re you Mr. Spudde, tie potato Accused. k Rte. May. 11, -- Dr. V8. Norwien. was trial on a charge of per- operation upon every day, except uray, at 2 pm. . 2.4% is working the farm F Yards, Toronto, May larger than for $7.75; common butcher's steers, 7.00 to $7.40; choice , butcher's $7.75 to $8.00;; common er's heifers, $7.50 to $7.75.; cows, $7.00 to $7.40; good cows, $6.50 to $6.75; canners, $3.50 to $4.50, Feeders and stotkers --- Market dirt with prices unchanged. Choice Steers $7.35 to $7.50; medivm sts re $7.00 to $7.25; 'stockers, $6.50 to $6.35 7 on sile at $65 to $100. each, bulk sold at $70 to $85 each. Calves -- Market still as firm as 'ever it has been for the past three weeks, Clioice veals, '$9.00 to $10.00; eommon to medium, $6.40 to $8.50. Shoep and lambs -- Masket un- changed. Sheep, 36,50 to. $7.75: culls and rams, $4.50 to $6.50: lambs, choice owes and wethers, $8.50 to $9.50. : Hogs. Market easier. Selected fed and. watered, $8.35 and $8.00, f.'0. b. cars; and $8.60 weighed off cars. : Montreal Live Stock. z Montreal, May 11.---Trade was slow at the West End cattle market to-day, With prices somewhat lower 46% cattle and hogs. Prime heeves, 7%e¢ to 8% e; medi- um, 5%c to 7%c; common, 4%e to 5%e; bulls, 6c to Tc: calves, 3¢ to 7c; sheep, 5c to Glhe; yearling lambs, Se to 9c; hogs, 9%¢e to Sc, Manitoba, 9e. 1 Receipts: Cattle, 950, calves, 500: sheep and lambs, 150; hogs, 1,800. Chicago Live Stock, Chicago, May 11.--Cattlé----Tle- ceipts, 18,000; market, steady: beeves, $7.20 to $8.50; Texas steers, $7.10 to $8.15; stockers and feeders, $5.60 to $8.30; calves, $7 to $9.75. Hogs-- Receipts, 38,000; market, slow; light, $8.20 to $8.45; mixed. $8120 to $8.45; heavy, $7.93 to $8.40; rough, $7.95 to $8.10; pigs, $7.35 to $8.25; bulk of sales, $8.35 to $8.40. Sheep--Receipts, 15,000; market, higher; native, $5.25 to $5.90: year- lings; $5.75 to $6.90; lambs, native, $6.25 to $7.70. Buffalo Live Stock. East Buffalo, May 11.-Catile-- Receipts, 3,800; active and steady to 16¢ higher; prime steers, $9 to $9.45: shipping, $8.25 to $8.85; butchers, $7.25 to $8.60; heifers, $7 to $8.25; cows, $3.75 to $7.50; bulls, $6 tc $7.60; stockers and feeders, $6.75 to $8; stock heifers, $6.50 to $7; fresh 4d and springers, steady $35 to Veals--Receipts;, 1,900: and 50¢ higher, $5 to $10.50, Hogs-- Receipts, 15,000; pigs. steady; others, 50c lower; heavy and ixed, $8.60 to $8.80; yorkers, $8.- 60 to $8.85; pigs, $8.50 to $9: roughs, $7.60 to $7.75; hogs, $6.50 active \ '| Was Broughit to Davis Dry Dock' For | schooner Pilot, . has Sloop Kitty Wells from Capt. tar ehirrk and. : "Milkers and speingefs-- Not many|® STEAMER J.T. WAWFLE +, ROCKS AND DAMAGED. 7 Repalrs--The Movements of Wes: sels Revorted Along the Harbor. Capt, James - Mahoney, of the at chased the | "the schooner Fred. Mercer, of Og. densliurg, is ashore at the Brockville Narrows. © One of the Hall line of boats is trying to relehse her. 'Lhe barge Georgia, which went as bore a short time ago, on Usarleton Island, is at Brockville. Capt. W. Farifigton, of the schoon er New Dominion, while m town on Sunday, made a vifit to his old ship- mate, Capt: Joseph, Dix, Nelson street. Both men are among the oldest of the "old school" of sailors and many were the stories excham at Pie The steamer Brockville arrived Swiit's wharf yesterday irom tou, . The steamers Toiler and Wacpldnlh passed on their way west. / The steamers Saskatoon and 1a miltonian touched here yesterday to pick up a pilot for her trip east: The steamers Cadillac and Rosedale ve expected here to-day on their way east. re there are no hoats in the Ship- building dry dock to-day the men are doing some niinor repaws to the blocks. M.T. Co's elevator: Steamer Ior- donian arrived Tuesday morming from Fort William, and is discharg: ing 75,000 bushels of wheat: tug Jartlett, irom Port "Colborne, with grain-laden barge, will clear for Us- wego, with 'barge to load coal; tug Mary, from = Montreal, light, cleared with one grain barge from Kingston, and barge Melburn, at Prescott, fou Montreal; schoomwer Katie Fecles cleared for Frenchman's Bay to loud unotheéf cargo of grain for this ele vator. \ : The steamer J. T. Waffle, which ran on the rocks near Foster's Locks, en the Rideau, one day last week. * and had considerable damage done to ite steering gear, as well as to its stem timber, is mow in Davis' dry dock undergoing repairs. The stem had to be taken off and a new one fit ted on to replace the badly shatter ed timber. The force with which the boat ran on had a tendency to loosen a few of the planks which ne cessitaled some caulking, The sieam- er, a new hoat, built' a little over a year ago, at Westport, and is ~~ tsed in carrying package freight hetwesn Kingston and Ottawa. It will he able tg leave 'the dock either . on Tuesday or early on Wednesday. After the vessel leaves" the schoon er Helen will go in for repairs. . The houseboat Nakomis and one the Fallon Brod." dredgus are the next in order for docking. of Detectives Employed The managér of a détective agency recently established in the Belgiar university town of Louvain sent & cireulir letter to the parents of & rumber of students offering to send them monthly reports of the behavio) of their sons for a small fixed fee The students heard of this, and sev eral hundreds of them marched tc tHe offices of the detective agency and broke 'all thé windows. They to $7.25; dairies, $8:65 to $8.85. Sheep and lambs-- Receipts, 12.- | 000 lambs and wethers, 10c higher; yearlings, 25¢ 'higher; lambs, $5.50 to $8.35; yearlings, $5 to $7.50; wethers, $5.75 to $6, ewes; $2.50 to $5.50; sheep, mixed, $5.50 to $5.75. Toledo Tidings. Toledo, May 8.-- Omar Bellamy, of Toronto, is ill in the Smith's alls general hospital but reported to be improving. Mrs. Sweet, Port- land, returned to Her home on Sun- day. R!T. Beckett ana family were in Toledo on Sunday. Miss Mar- gherite Seymour, A. H. §., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. Lacky lost a valuable cow from paralysis. George C. Bellamy has been disposing of 'some thorough. bréd Holsteins at a good figure, --------------. Hougeholdérs of wealth and eriti- cal tastes solect Gerhard Helntzman pianos ahd player pianos, not be- cause they dre the most expensive but because money cannot secure better ones, constructed according to the highest principles, and all governed by a master mind for the past cen- tury has'pliced the Gerhard Heintz 'man where it is tosday. Call and in- spect our 1914 models. CW. Lind , Lintited, 29%" Princess street, gston, Ont, M. 5. Grace, mana- ger. § : Mrs! 'John' T J AR years, died in Montreal, fotlowi an operation. She formerly vonided in sixty e. "Police Sergt. Lloyd; Trenton, has tendered Hi resignation as ah officer of the force. FR then made a demonstration at the house of the vice-reofor of the uni versity), who had approved of the schemé of montlily F¥ports. The stu- dents state that they will not cease their protests until the viee-ractor has resigned. Only "Moral Suasfon." Mctherhood Magazine "Bless me!" said Tommy's uncle' "Do you 'niéan to say your teachers never thrash you?" "Never!" replied Tommy. "We have niordl suasion in our school." "What's that?" "Oh, we get kep' id and stood up in corners and locked out and lock- ed in, and 'made to write ond' word a thousand times, and growled and Jaweéd at and that's al." Ax Some Men Write Everybody's Magazine, My. Brown had just registered and was about to turn away when the clerk asked: "Beg pardon, but what fs name?" "Name!" echoed the indignant guest. "Don't you see my signature there on the register?" 1 do," returned the clerk calmly. 'That is what 'arouséd my curidsity." your Prevost, Brock streét, has received all his spring and summer goods for his order clothing departmént, aléo in ready-made clothing and gents' firh- ishing department. They are all w: wanrted with new 'gonda. Havelock lias taken tinto itself a by- Taw which fixes cigarbtie licenses at £50, RAN ON disapproved ed ) ton, writes Witton Por American Review of Reviews. ; i _Wotlld 'edble (He. Henith ics er atize 1 Catentt gl rest Bombay, and that official would iminiediately 'take e ofthe situstion with relation to the departure of ships that were to 'make American ports: # Washington 'would © at the same Umve cable Manilla to gudrd against plague on all. abips arrivink From Bombay. The werd would be passed throughout the archipelago te Sa- moa, Honolulu, Guam. The Moditer- 'ranean outpo#ts whuld . become WHChTHT of ships from the East. Sin Franeisco would take precau- tions. New Orléans and New York would bé 'pit on their guard. Other progressive nutions would pass the 'word and become equally vigilant. The one flash from Bombay would Jave tighteneq the health net of the world. HE 18 President-Ridet Jose Vifcents, Con. c cha, of Cotambia, A The néw Head of 'Colombia is one oi the strong men of that republic, which is well, for he will have to deal with some delicate questions affecting its re lations with other governments. Co- lombian congress, convening at Bo gota July 20th next, will consider for- eign concesgions for exploitation Colombia's "rich resources, oil. Uolombia's relations with the Washington gqvernment have not been thé most cordial, sine Panama wis carved out' of Colombia, lo create the néw government from Which the United States obtained the canal zone. Unce T askeétl the then seorevtty of state; John Hag, Howe ib happened if the United States took no part in the partition, that sb many Ameérigan war valsels" were within: a stones thew. Resting his hand . upon my shoulder nnd looking me squarely fithe eye, the most ideal cabihet premier this country eviw had, replied: "Simply the exercise of 'an: intelligent. fore- thought." - Concha iy fifty vears old; a lawyer, the conservative party ean- didate to succeed President Carlos o Restrepd, wha was': constitutionally barred from re-election." Concha, which means vhell, Has been strongly anti-American. He was minister of war afd as minister at Washington of a treaty with Panama from Washington. This government has just negotiated a treaty with Colombia, which includes payment of 52500000 to Colombia for loss sustained by Panama's seces- sion and the canal zgne transfer rights and coaling priviliges on the Colom- bian coast. of including and rétired STABBED TO DEATH. Fate Which Befell Britisher and American at Mine, ; Washington, D.°C., May 12.--De- tails of the killing of C. B. Hoadley, American, and G. E. Williams, Brit- ish, by Mexicans at El Favo mine, near Guadalajara, were given in a despatch from the British vice-consul to the state department through the British embassy. » The despatch said that Hoadley and Williams were stabbed to death and horribly mutilated by enraged Mexicans, after the foréign staff in charge of the El Favo mines had én- deavored te search native laborers to trace silver bars stolen from the mines. : The foreigners were attacked while the search was in progress and Hoad- ley and Williams gave up their wea- pons believing they would be spared. Both were immediately stabbed to déath. The vice-consul said that all the other foreigners were placed in jail, but later were released.' Britain's Conl Bill. coal are annually consumed in the United Kingdom. A large portion of this--over 60,000,000 tons-is used for steam raising in factories, while for domestic purposes 34.000, 000 tons are required, which is also nearly the figure of .the iron and steel indostries. Mines require 20,- 000,000 tons, while gasworks use up only 15,000,000 and railways 000,000 tons per annum, a vy Remarkable Horge. A remarkable story is told of the sagacity of a horse belonging to Cap- tgin Watson, of Ardow, Mull. alt lost a shoe, and, managed to get out of 'the' field where it wat grazing, travelled a considerable distance to a blacksmith, who was astonished to find, die horse sid the Qoof holding up a foreleg. 'The horse Was shod and it gall Baek Happy, to' its! etd. we fo Hor letters of administration, ! Variations.--New York American. 'up. The amount of steel chips Approximately 285,000,000 tons of, E if front of {study lo son biboi, i Ho Lived tn Kingsion For fwenty| _ Years -- AE * " \ on. people who remember John A. Moody, the dry goods merchant who, from 1861 {o 1881, 1ived on Prin oeds street, will be sorry to<dewrn of his death at Brooklyn, N.Y. Mr. Moody, irom heart trouble, passed away at his late phi street, on ay morning, and was lnid to rest on Monduy afternoon in the Calvary cemetery. He been ill jor several weeks, but his death was unexpected: He 38 suryiv- ed by a widow, Margaret 0. Don- oghue, daughter of the late Mrs. Mar- aret 0. . Donoghue, Kingston, whom ie married hére about forty-five vears go, as well ag "i Fv William E d., Charles' F., . Edward Jamies avd Mrs. Henry Henning, and also elete mdchildién, "Mr. Moody was a native of Fxéter, Dévonshite, Eng, and was Born on March 28th; In 1861 he arrived in Ki ton, "where 'ha weht into the dry goods Badineds, and in 1881 mov- od to. Hrookivi, leaving beébind in Kingston u Host of frends. In Brooks lyn he became a member of the old ivi of Johh Moody & Co., dry goods mierchnnts, in New York City, and re- cetitly retired. 2 At: eleven o'clock on Monday mora- ing the body, accompanied by the members of his family and scores of friends; was taken to the St, John's chapel; Green and Clermont avenues, Brooklyn, where a uiem mass was offered, and then the relatives ' and friends, in fifty cavringes, accompanied the rémains to thé cemetery. Many beautiful flodal offerings were vecelved By the 'BéFenved Tamily, Just how large an estate the de. censed left. will, not" ba keown until his will," if He left aby, Will be ofiered for probite." Shoild "hd have lt no will" then an applidition will be mide by one of the: "members of thi family Th either cisk tHe petition Wilt give a rough' es- timate of the lrgeness of the estdte. HUMAN KYES BIKE PIGS. I Lids ' Respbnsible for Variations of Ocular Expression Your eyes are like 4 dss, If any- body toi you so yo would ddubt- leds feél insulted." And yet such a Statement would be quite correct. Your eyes aré Very much like a pig's -- 'fiore 50," indeed, than they are liké any" other ahinal's. This is oné of the most curious truths of Physioldgy. A pig's eye so closely resembles that of a human being, 48 to serve a very important practical' Purpbsé. "Young men who are' learning to be eye doctors are taught thé rudiments of thelr busi- ness with the help of the pigs' eves. They dissect them and practise all sorts of operations on them, from refoving a cataract to the snipping of the museles which control the movements of the eyes in their or- bits. If 'an oculist happens to be puazled bout an operation he ex- pects to perform; he sometimes gets oné or rhore fresh' pigs' eyes from the butcher and makes experiments with them. A pig's eye in a live pig's. head does not look much like a human eye. 'It is small and not very in- telligent in expression. When the pig is" dead, however, and the eye is taken out it 18 Hardly distinguish- able from 'the [eyes of a person. Human eyes do not vary much in size, and in themselves they have no expression whatever, When it is said that a person has large eyes it means simply that the opening he- tween the lids is larger than ordin- any. It is the lids that are wholly responsible for) ocular expression, which ' is capable of such wonderful USE STERL SCRAP Deep Borings Made With Scrap Has Proved Successful «A method of deep boring through stone siruta by means of steel chips and scrap has been developed in France and has proven very success- ful and economical. Steel scraps are forced under the boring head with the flushing water, the heéad being provided with saw-tobthed projec- tions whith hold the chips until used to ve used varies, of Course, with the nature of the stone to be bored. The cost of the new method compared with diamond drilling, other things being, equal, fs only one-fiftieth as great. . Puzzlers Where can a mah buy a cap for his knee? Or a key for a lock of his hair? Can his eyes be called an academy, Becausé there are pupils there? i In the crown of his head what gems are set? Who travels the nose? . Can hé uge when Shingling the roof of his mouth, : The nills on the end of his toes? What does he raise from a slip of his "4ongue? : : Who plays on the drums of this ra? bridge of his 8? And who éah tell the cut and style Of the coat his stomach wears? Can the crook of his élbow be sent to jail, : And if so, what did it do? How does he sharpen his shoulder . Hades? T'a like to know, wouldn't you? Not 8 Vacation Prospect Waslii Star. hey' ao Said the professor, "if you keep on as you have started and study hatd, you may be president of the United Statés some diy." "Yes d the yi gloomil 3 : : Logis ea "White Rose fod for all purposes. |Ribder." iy ri RE man start fn ked Since 1881 He Lived in| home, No. 256 Adel |, them to be. the efficiency of the rods was 94 1-2 called on business. back and tell Mr. Green that I've got two stories just as good as the one he's heard, tell them?" have to ii dur- ing the past fall and winter gathéred up a considerable quantity n stone to dispost of as soon as t road work is Started. This has furnished' ample employment for them their usual slack season, while the remuneration will come at a very satisfactory Season of the year.' The guestibn of a senior ball team or ue is now an assured fact. At a meeting of those interested in the game the following officers were ol 3 Honorary presidents, Senator. . G. Taylor, ao. Ww. T. White, Mayor W. 1 Famous JATIREs whi ts £F to titled ladies and others oa 'ominence, employ, a th lexion ig © © Undergbing. this Beauty age 3 something then, heavily veiled,' departs in her motor can This 18 repeated daily for a k oriso, when a complexion of Snowy purity and expuisite deMoacy is In evidence. The secret of this meth nary mercolized wax. Anye the wax without assisi- An ounce of it drug store (obs of a at, La tle at any = na are as well as in. England.) ft is used like cold cream Before retir. ng. and washed off mornings. Its suc. cess is due to a peculiar absorbent pri. perty which graduslly removes worh- out particles of cuticle, reveuling the younger, healthvier skin henéath. A wonderful wrinkle<chaser, also in vogue among Englishwomen, is pre- oared by dissolving 1 oz. wdered saxolite in 1-2 pint witch hazel, Used as a wash lotion, this completely = and quickly effaces even the deepest lines. P J. Gibson; honorary v Ww. m; president, W. J. Wilson; T. Sam ot . Gordon Karr. The steam barge Jessie, with an: other e in tow, both laden with coal, have arrived. coal schoon- er Horace Taber cleared light for Oswego giesterday for another cargo. CONES Lightning Rods Efficient, A bulletin advocating the use of lightning rods on buildings has just been. issued by the Ontario départ- ment of agriculture, Prof. W. H. Day of the staff of the Ontario Agri cultural college, is the aythor of the bulletin' and he demonstrates, af- ter a series of investigations cover- ing 13 years, that lightning rods are the protection that science In Ontario in 1913, per cent. From, the reports of in- surance companies, Prof. Day found that in every 200 farm buildings in- sured, 422° weré rodded, which is 21 per cent. but out of every 200 farm buildings struck by lightning, only three were rodded. connection Prof. Day- observes. "We should Bave expected 42 if the rods In this were no good, Getting to the Point. "hicago Record-Herald, "Harry, 1, am: beginning to believe raby looks hike you." "Are you, dear ?" "Yeu, I notice it more and more every day. I'm so glad." "Do, ydu really want him to look like me?" "Of course I do. I've heen sorry over since we Had him christened that we didn't give him your name." "Sweetheart, you don't know how happy. you make me by saying that." "And, Harry, dear--I found the love- liest. hat to-day. I don't believe 1 ever saw anything that was so becom- ing to. me. It's $35. Do you think I ought to pay that much for a Bab 2 ot Baby-renting a Business Babies are rented fo women ar- raigned «in the Essex Market Court in New York, A magistrate will rarely send to jail a woman with an infant in her arms, and he is obliged to discharge a womaa with fixe "of 'six children clinging to her skirts. Bul" the magistrate" = arew the line at six years. Children over the age do not move his compassion and it is useless for womea under arrest to hire children above that age.- Of course, the younger the child the greater is its value, but now that magistrates have become suspicious, even babes in arms may not soften the heart of Rhadaman- thus. Philadelphia Record. The Busy Man. Detroit I'ree Press. Peals of laughter came from the president's room as the secretary stepped out "Mr. Green is too busy to see you at present," said the secretary, po- 1 itely. : "I'm sorry," said 'the man who "Will you go ir he'lt let me in to White Rose flour 'pure and whole- some. A md --GET YOUR LAUNCH SUPPLIES, - * Batteries, Oils, A. C. KNAPP, Harry Smith; captain, | claims | New Fruit Market Strawberries Daily Large Pineapples, 3 for 35. Tomatoes 135¢ a 1b, Selection of Choice Candies. JAMES PAUL 348 Princess St., Next to the Royal Hotel. J Zbar New Ice Cream Parlor. Drop In and take some of our fee' cream home with' you. We nse nothing but pure cream. Choice Fruits and Candies of all kinds. 280 Princess Street EE A Single Application . Banishes Hairy Growths (Toilet Talks.) Much interest is' manifested among beauty specialists in the new, painfess treatment for superfluous hairs, This consists of a paste which is made with a little powdered delatone and Water and applied to the objection: able hairs for about 2 or 3 minutes, then rubbed off. Following this treatment the skin should be washed 10 remove the remaining pasté ana it will be left free from hair or blem- isl. Care should be used to gee that t is delatone you get, otherwise the result may be disappointing. sn-------- A ---------------------------- We have a nice assortment of Gas Fixtures at moderate prices, suitable for any room in the house. \ Inverted Lights, 70c and ap. Welsbach "Reflex" Lights with By-pass, $2.50 and up. Gas Domes, $8.50 and up. "Iwanta" Gas Irons, $3.78. For Sale by |e HALL oe Gasoline from 'Boatbuilder. ag eddings 'Black or grey Llama a «coat, white or pearl grey vest, stripe worsted trousers; up-to-date selection. ¥ $F Sk Pritos right. Fit guaranteed. « i A call solicited. Crawford and Walsh, TAILORS Ladies' Tailoring in connection. %