Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 May 1914, p. 5

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PRACTICAL GARDEN BOOK, By Hume & Bailey . A book of adviee for one who would make a gar- den. It contains the simplest directions for the growing of the most common things and for those "simple garden operations which most books take for granted. Price 50 cents. : 'HOW TO GROW VEGETABLES, By Allen French It is partieularly valuable to a beginrier in vege- table gardening, giving not only a convenient and re- liable planting table, but giving patrtienlar atténtion to culture of vegetables. Price 50 cents. 141 Princess R. UGLOW & 00. we 'Street... RR lll SSS Te We Want You " And your friends to trade with us on the merit of What we sell. We have ablue worsted, speciil price, all wool, fast Indigo dys fine pattern, which we will make up to your order for $25.00, a Suft. We also have pencil lines in blue and the new grey tweeds in small checks. Prices are not high and are marked in plain fig- ures. Give us a trial order. THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Street -- |] tig, Phone 454 And Get in Touch With the Best Automobile Repair Segvice in the City. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited Always at Your Service. BUY THE BEST Sun-Kist Raisins ~~ Seeded and Seedless in Packages % At All Grocers, 7 GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. LY BI Ei $ . a A a AM aM A -- PRESENTATIONS OF DIPLOMAS, MEDALS AND PRIZES. School for Nurses ---- Address to Graduating Class. Twelve graduating purses seven of whom reside in Kingston, stood on the platform in Grant Hall, . on Monday evening, and took the edge of Florence Nightingale, to cure for the sick and the suffering. it was a most solemn declaration, made before a large audience, and marked the starting of their noble calling. The occasion was "the twenty- sixth annual 'commencement exer- cises of the Kingston General hos- pital Training School for Nurses. F. G. Lockett occupied the chair, and the programme, in addition to the presentation of diplomas, hos- pital emblem pins, gold and silver medals, and prizes to the intermedi- ate and junior classes, included a choice musical programmie. The proceedings were of a most interes- ting nature. Following is a list of the graduates: Miss Jean' Dawson, Portsmouth; Miss Elsie Pearl Martin, Kingston; Miss Eva Margaret Dalgleish, Smith's Falls; Miss Estella May Reid, King- ston; Miss Anna McCaul Hiscock, "Kingston; Miss Rebecca Harkness, Kingston; Miss Edna Jean Rolston, Metcalfe; Miss Annie L. Gibson, Kingston; Miss Nellie Jane Chris- Tillicoultry, Scotland; Miss Edith Huberta. Coulter, Barrie; Miss Anna Augusta Wright, Kingston; Mis Mabel Gertrude Allison, Wolfe Island. The Nurses' Pledge The pledge which the nurses re- cited, led by siss Claudia Boskill, superintendent of nurses reads as follows: 5 "1 solemnly pledge hefore God and in the presence of this assembly to my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully, 1 will abstain from whatever is de- leterious' and mischevious and will not take 'or knowingly administer any harmful drug. Ll ASD success. She went into the work, in detail, and * explained how the nurse should meet every emergency. Une of the outstanding features os that the i in place, have the plain, every day qual ity of being kind. Self should be spelt with a small "s," and every- : ible should be done to avoid ing hardened and indii- ferent to the work, and narrow mind- ed. The nurse should remember that in so far as the comfort and care of the patiént was concerned there Was nothing that could be done which was below her dignity. The opportunities for service were outlined. Owing to parliamentary duties, W. F. Nickle, M. P., was unable to at- tend, to present the gold medal to the winner, Miss Edith Coulter, Col. Massie was called then to make the presentation for Mr. Nickle, and in doing so, paid a very warm tribute to the work of the graduating class. He said that this year every graduate appeared on the honor list, and this showed up remarkably well for the training at the hospital. The recipient of the gold medal had car- ried off honors each year of her train- ing. s Sr. A. E. Ross, M. P, P., present- ed his prize of a silver medal to the winner, Miss Edna Rolston. Dr. Boyce presented the jntermedi- ate class prize from tke board of governors, won by Miss Martha Stewart. Dr. A. R. B. Williamson presented the junior cliss prize for the me- chanical staff, won by Miss Olivia Wilson. The musical programme includ- ed songs by J. D. Bankier, "Once Again" (Sullivan) and "Banjo Song" (Sidney Horner); song by Philip Macdennell, in the place of Miss Hazel Massie, who was indis- posed; violin solo, Miss Christine |Cochrane; songs, '"'The Island of | Dreams," by Harold S. Angrove, and "To Sevilla," by Miss Annie Twed- dell. '"'I will do «11 in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession and will hold in confidence all personal matters com- mitted to my keeping and all family 'affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. "With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care." Members of the board of hospital governors occupied seats on the plat- iorm and with the graduates, and members of the junior -and intermedi- CHANGING ELECTRIC "SERVICES Ss YOUR ATTENTION MR. MERCHANT,--THE CIVIC UTILITIES having notified you to the effect that all direct cur- rent will be discontinued JULY 1st, and all new ser- vices must be run from the basement before the above date, it will he to _vour advantage to book your order with us now and have the necessary. changes made. 7s THE ELECTRIC SHOP VE W. J. MOORE & SON i -- ~~ We are now ready . with a fine assortment of Men's Oxfords. All the new styles. in the English and Ameri- can lasts in all leathers. " 111 Princess Street ate olasses, formed in procession, and 'marched to the platform, at the open- | ing. | Rev. E. LeRoy Rice, was called upon to offer the opening prayer, after which the chairman, F. G. Lockett, "made 'a few remarks. A special feature of the evening was the address to the graduating class, ! delivered. by Miss Charlotte A. Aikens, i tof Detroit. Miss Aikens, who a {fluent speakdr, is recognized as an au- ! thority on the work of nurses, and -s the author of several Looks on the work of nurses. The proceedings were advertised to take place in convocation hall, but the audience which assembled was so large that an adjourament had to Le made to Grant hall. Convocation hall had undergone elaborate . decorations for the occasion. 'The large audiences at these annual events testify to the keen interest. taken in "the welfare of the hospital by the general public. Chairman's. Address Mr.vLockett said he had been asked to take the chair by A. F. Chown, chairman of the board of governors of the hospital. He referred to the im- portant stage in the training of the nurses, when they had completed three years' work, and were ready to go ont to care for the sick and suffering. He also referred to the Empire wing recently opened as a result of the money donated by iriends of the in- stitution. In a very happy and pleasing. ad- dress, Canon Grout presented the di- tlomas to the'graduates. He com- pared the work of the nurses of long ago with those of to-day, and in an impressive manner' pointed out to the graduates thht in having reached the prigent stage of their profession, they had not by any means reached the limit of their experience. An interesting part of the pro- gramme followed the address of Cau- on Grout, when Mrs. H. A, Calvin, representing the Kingston = Woman's Aid of the hospital, and Mrs, J. F. Robinson, of the Napanee Woman's Aid, were called to the platibrm to present to the members of the gra- duating class the hospital emblem pina, i y Address to Graduates Dr. H. A. Boyce introduced Miss Charlotte A. Aikens, of Detroit, who addressed the graduates. While so doing he took occasion to extend sincere thanks to the citizens gen- erally who subscribed the magnifi- cont sum which was the means of the etection of the handsome pew Fm: Pain of Lumbago © Cured by Austrian Doctor's : on Dr. Stohr, a- famous specialist... of Vienna, discovered a prescription that has been endorséd by the medi- cal profession thegworld over, as a harmless and qu relief for those jlerrible afflictions, Lumbago and Sciatica. This unfailing remedy is called Kephaldol and has proved to thous ands that in cases of severe nervous pain, no matter what the cause, it will afford quick relief. Sufferers from Lasghago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Nervous Headache, ete., will find re- lef with the first tablet. If you find difficulty in obtaining locally, send 0c. direct to the manufacturers who will immediately forward you a large tube.. Kephaldol Limited, 81 Latour St., Montreal. 18 » Mrs. J. R. C. Dobbs and Mrs. J. B. Cochrane were the accompanists of {the evening. | The proceedings closed with the 'singing of the national anthem. | CITY AND VICINITY. Purchased Residence. Thomas McAuley has purchased the ; residence of Major Wolff, on Earl | street, which is the old: Sears proper- ty, the price paid being $8,500. | Engagement Announced The engagement is announced of Jennie S. J., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Gamble, Lynd- { burst, Ont.,, to James M. Williams, {son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams, Lansdowne, Ont., the marriage to fhe solemnized early in June. | Three Cases to be Heard. On Saturday morning three resi- (dents from Perth Road will appear { before Justices of the Peace George 1 Hunter and J. W. Bradshaw charg- | ed with being under the influence of liquor in a local option township. | These cases promise to be very in- teresting. . R. M. CO. Graduate Married Charles Ashworth Rockliff, of Suf- |fern, N. Y., announces the marriage {of his daughter, Edith, to Basil Hack- .ett, on Saturday, april 25th. Mr. Hackett is an ex-cadet of the Royal | Military college. Mr. and Mrs. Hackett, who reside in Montreal, will be at home after May 15th, at Fair- mount Court, Park avenue. ; --taea------------------ i Looking for a Lad. { Patrick Donovan, a G.T.R. special agent with headquarters at Belleville, is in search of a young man who broke into the station at Findlay, on Sunday afternoon, and stole five | tickets from Findlay to Brockville, two return tickets from Findlay to Kings- ton, some coppers and a new safety razor. On a blank telegraphers' transfer found in the office were the following words: "Herbert Page, a , lad about eighteen years old, did this | erime."" Engagements Announced «Mr. apd Mrs. Donald J. Macdonell, Alexandria, announce the engagement of their . daughter, Catherine Helena to Dr. Gerald J. Forster, Westport. The marriage will take place in New York city the latter part of 'May. The marriage of Miss Faith Lyster Campbell, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Campbell, Ottawa, to Fd- mund Senkler Malloch, Montreal, son of Dr. A. E. Malloch, Hamilton, for- merly of Brockville, has heen arranged to take place in St. George's church, Ottawa, on June 2nd. Tt Pays to Advertise. It pays to advertise. While going from Convocation hall to _Grant hall, on Monday evening, Mrs. Dalg- leish, of Smith's Falls, mother of Miss Margaret Dalgleish, one of the graduating nurses, at the gener- al hospital, lost a diamond necklace. The chairman, F. G. Lockett an- nounced the loss to the audience, shortly after the meeting opened, and in less time than it takes to tell the story, the missing necklace was left with the chairman. It had been picked. up by a member of the audi- ence. The chairman said it was se- cured as quickly as & Whig adver- tisement would have found it. ) DIED SUDDENLY One Of the Seven Marks Brothers : Passed Away. Alexander Marks, one of the seven brothers of the well-known Marks theatrical firm, who have been in the show business for Yhi 4 For men who care about well-d styles that will appeal to any man. can fit fancy. We can show $4.00. Also cheape ressed feet, we offer the The Smart English Lasts The medium last, also the broader and extra broad lasts, we your feet as well as satisfying you with your ~ particular Be you many styl es ranging from $6.00 down #t r grades, $3.00 and $3.50. Abernethy's CAMPBELL BROS The Name That Guarantees All the latest styles are here in the new blue hats which are now so popular, as well as all the other new shades in soft hats. $2, $2.50, $3.00 Campbell Bros. Kingston's largest importers of men's hats in this part of Ontario PUTS ON A HOUSEBOAT WILL BE ONE OF BEST ON THE RIVER. Is Fitted Out by L. L. Peo -- Is 102 Feet Long and Has a 24-Foot Beam, With All Modern Improve- ments. Cape Vincent, N. Y.,, May 12.--L. L. Peo, of this village ,is engaged in fitting out the houseboat Pamelia, which he recently purchased from the Maxwell estate, This is one of the finest houseboats on the St. Law- rence river, and it is: Mr. Peo's inten- tion to have her for charter during the coming season. The Pamelin is 102 feet long, with a beam of 24 feet, and draft of 28 inches, having a living room on the main deck, 12 by 18 feet, finely furnished with fire place, book racks, books and lounges, The dining room is 10 by 16 feet, and the kitchen 12 by 15 feet, containing range, hot and cold water and refrigerator. There are nine large airy sleeping rooms all furnished with spring beds, bed clothing and hot and cold water in each room. The two bath rooms, cupboards and a large linen closet are also on this deck. Each room is lighted with acetylene gas. The promenade deck contains a glass en- closed deck-house, which is used as a dining and lounging room, a dumb waiter connecting this house with the butler"s pantry , below. The hold contains the sleeping rooms for the crew, bath room, laundry tubs, coal and wood rooms and general storage place, The interior of the boat is finished throughout with curly poplar, and the boat makes an ideal summer home that can be towed to any part of the river or lake. AN EARLY MORNING COURT Offenders Came Before Magistrate at Eight O'Clock. Kingston had an early morning session of the police court oy Tues- day. Magistrate Farrell was called out of the city on business, and had to leave in the forenoon, and as a result, the court session was held at eight o'clock. Two men charged with vagrancy and one with drunk- enness, were the offenders. | Frederick Barney, gathered in for vagrancy, by Constables Timmerman and Nicholson was fined $2 and costs. George Dundee also arrested for vagrancy was dismissed and a drunk was fined$2 and costs. Mrs. Orrie Dickstead, Morrisburg, came fo Kingston on Monday after noon to visit her da ter, Latest waltz song hit, "Take Me Back," 18. Dutton' %_ opposite Op: era : ¥. F. Holstead and D. B. cier motored to the city from treal on y afternoon, You FOOTWEAR We wave some splendid lines In Men's Shoes, which cannot be beaten at $4.00 We should be glad to show yon our Boys' and Girls' School Boots at prices from $1.50 to $8.00, All good solid leather, Scott's Shoe Store 260 PRINCESS ST. Branch 206 Barrie St. - REPAIRING DONE \ GAS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS 'We have a large stock of Rafriger- ators and Gas Stoves; also all kinds of new and second-hand furniture; all to be sold at reasonable prices. ome, see the bargains. H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1850, Opposite Craig's Wholesale How | Made My Hair Grow Woman With Marvelously Heautiful Halr Gives Simple Home Preserip- tion Which She Used With Most Remarkable Results. I was greatly troubled with dandruff and falling bair. I tried many adver- tised hair preparations and various pres scriptions, but they all signally failed; many of them made my hair greasy so it was Impossible to comb it or do it up properly. I think that many of the things I tried were positively injurious and from my own experience 1 cannot too strongly caution you against using preparations containing wood alcohol and other poisonous substances. I be lieve they injure the roots of the hair. After my long l'st of failures, I finally found a simple prescription which I can unhesitatingly state is beyond fount the most wonderful thing for the hair I have ever seen. Many of my friends have also used it, and obtained wonderful effects therefrom. It not only is a powerful stimulant to the growth of the hair and for restoring gray hair to its natyral color, but it is equally good for removing dandruff, giving the hair life 'and brilliancy; ete, and for the purpbse of keeping the scalp in first-class cogdition. It also makes the hair easier to comb and ar- range in nice farm. 1 have a friend who used it two months and during that time it has not only stopped the falling of his hair and wonderfully in> creased its growth, but it practically restored all of his hair to its natural color. You can obtain the ingredients for making this wonderful preparation from almost any druggist. he pre- scription is as follows: Bay Rum, § ez.; Me o] Crystals, 1.2 osee, 2 oz. If you like it perfumed add 1 drachm of vour favorite perfume, This, however, is not necessary. Apply THERE and morning; rub thoroughly into the scalp. Shows our ice cream to be BEST and PUREST in Kingston. 7 BRASS BEDS, KELIARIC MAT TRESS, LEGGETT AND PLATT SPRINGS JAMES REID, | THE LEADING UNDURT, 2 * Phone 147. En. Cook's Cotton Root Cc As s Nor a a ates Ble. 'Vebicles of all deserip- Cream, Butt and Ice | on- JH

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