3 Sensation Pe FLCUR _-- Robin Hood Brand of flour guarantee In every for gdod quality. vag ¥ MACLEAN, Street. SPECIALITIES » ITS, NERVE, SKIN, LOOD, KIDNEY, RENITO- URINARY, {i Chronic and ; Phone Mails Bomplicated Diseases 20 2084 Personally or by Letter Ba PATENTS ; Megbrt J. 8. Dennison LL REGISTERED ATTORNEY 18 § Street West, Toronto, Pat- ~Marks, Desi, rotected een years' te for booklet. gus, eveerys ol exper. ce, W ARM AND LEGS Seven Years. Itching and _ Burning, Did Not Sleep Half 3 the Night. Cured Completely by Cuticu + Guticura Soap and Ointment, i " ™ 98215 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont," My suffered for seven years with eczoma. trouble began on hor arms and legs in Water blisters and she scratched. Her 'clothes wer® rough around ler legs and she wut! from itching and burning and loss : she did nou sleep half the night, We used y and Oint- 4 they did fot seem to do any good we got Cuticura Soap and Ointment f_ which 'she 'was completely cured." AW ) Miss Bessie McManus, May 17, 013 : HANDS ROUGH BADLY CRACKED t , Que During the cold winter L L was troubled with chapped hands 1 8 rash on my-fuce caused by sharp &old winds. My hands were very rough and badly cracked open and if I went out in the cold air they always bled. I could Bot do my regular work. I used salve, cold 'erodm and other remedies and still they were loft umhealed. At last a friend advised. me to fry Cuticura Soap and Ointment, 7. some and applied It to the affected parts ne ely found relief. My hands face were cured within. a week." Miss Jennie Findlay, Jan. 9, 1013. i most economical treatment for affections of in and Scalp that torture, itch, burn, A 'and destroy sleep. Sold everywhere. ap of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin ut a wh ie News - From Villages sad Parms Throaghout the Adjoining Coun. Slam) Everts, and Move. ts. 2 Westport Budget . Westport, May 11.--Mrs. 8. V. White, of Toronto, is home with: her J. Sennett has returned from a visit to Carleton Place. Mr. "and Mrs. Percy A. Smith have moved to the Bungalow Island club house for the summer, Miss Annie Hammer is spending a few days in Kingston. T. Y. Stafford leaves this week for Buf- falo, NY., on a business trip. C. J. Speagle and staff went to Devil Lake on Monday, wheré they will build an up-to-date bungalow for the Wright Brothers, of Brockville. Murray W. Barker, of Napanee, is spending a few days in town. Donaldson Doings Donaldson, May 11.--Farmers are seeding. W. J. Donaldson made a trip to Kingston recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson and Mrs. Jacob Jones visited at G. Paul's, R. 4. Sproule has sold his farm to Neil Morron, and has bought the farm lately owned by J. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ure visited at T. Sargeant's recently, Mr. and Mrs. A. McDou- gall and two children, Elphin, visit- ed at G. Paul's. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sargeant and Master Wil- liam, spent Sunddy at the former's mother's, Mrs. J. Sargeant's. W. J. Donaldson spent Sunday at Mrs. D. Hannah's; : : At Sharbot Lake Sharbot Lake, May 11.-- Potatoes are very scarce in this locality. The Presbyterian church has opened for the season with W. A. Bannerman, B.A., as pastor. George Goodfellow and Miss Mabel Kilborn, of Parham, spent Sunday at Dr, Kilborn's. Earl Redmond and family are moving into M. Bristol's house, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hanson have taken rooms at Robert Grey's, also Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMunn at Ross Bertram"s. Ross Greene, of Ardendale, visited at John Gordon's on Sunday. Rev. W. A. Bannerman addressed thé Ep- worth league on Monday evening. Charles Cornell is renewing acquain- tances iin the village. Thomson's saw mill has closed for the season. Lombardy News Lombardy, May 11.----Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Covell spent the week-end with relatives in Perth. John McLean, Rideau Ferry, spent a few days re- cently at G. Houze's. Mrs. J. Edgar Seers has returned to her home in Thorold, after spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. McKenny. S. Forde, Smith's Falls, has been awarded the contract of erecting the poles for the rural telephone line. Miss Marrow, Harper, was the Buest of Mr. and Mrs, John Gardiner re- cently. Miss Grace Burlanquette spent the week-end at her home in Perth. Miss Maude Gallagher, who has been visiting the Misses New- man and other friends, has returned to her home in Elm Grove. The parents, owing to her ill-health. J.|° A scene from enham, called on Saturday afternoon. lagher spent a few da here last week. Mrs tawa, is with her parents, Mr Mrs. James Shibley. dall preached to the jon Sunday afternoon Held in the Methodist church. S. F Stewart, very ill for the past weeks, is still very, low. walk 'is being laid down this week, on the north side of Church street. friends here anu Rev. Mr. Dow- LO.C.F. Service was THE SPORT REVIEW Notes on Baseball and Lacrosse Dr. Ford Buys Dog. The N.L.U. is an amateur organiza tion, according to their own admis- sion, 'and still 'they are going to play Fitzgerald and Kalls, who are . out Ladies' Aid society met Friday after- noon at the parsonage. Rev. Mr. Cummings, Smith's Falls, gave an in- structive address in the Methodist church in the evening. Lyndhurst Locals Lyndhurst, May 11.-- There was quite an exciting runaway here the other day. George Roddrick's team took 'fright and_d d down the street into a strebt lamp pole. and smashed a $45 lamp all to pieces, but no further damage was done. The | Sunday school class gave Miss Hazel Johnston a linen shower at Mrs. Witherall's on Friday. She is to be married on Wednesday to Gordon Leadbeater. Mr. Luke has gone to Chaffey's Locks to get ready for the sowing season. Mrs. Willlam Brown, of Delta, is moving to Lyndhurst. William Webster is not able to leave his room. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Tate spent a couple of days at Seeley's Bay and Berryton last week, renew- ing old acquaintances. Mrs. G. S. Rogney and son, Trevers, were visit- ors at Brockville. William Tate has finished hifgommercial course at business college. He intends to go down to Brockville on Tuesday to write on ihe civil 'service examina- tions. The rain on Wednesday night put farmers back with their seeding. Harrowsmith Happenings Harrowsmith, May * 11. -- The monthly ladies' aid tea, held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Ward, on Weu- nesday evening, of last week, was well attepded. Charles Stewart, of Toronto, was the guest oF his sis- ters, Mrs. J. Day and Miss Stewart, over Sunday. Mrs. Robinson, of Kingston, spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Waddell, Isaac Carscallen attended the burial of his sister, the late Mrs. Sidney Hicks, at Sydenham, on Friday af- ternoon. Mrs. ~W. J. spent Saturday in Kingston. Miss Jessie Cooper spent Saturday after- noon the guest of Mrs. C. Jane. Mrs. Alport and Mrs. Curran, of Syd- . postcard Potter oth. Corp... Dept. D; Boston, U. 8. f © JUST IN FROM ENGLAND--Taylor's Auto- grapl /Golf Clubs, Irons and Balls. J. I. Taylor, hanufacturer of these golf goods, was champion of ngland in 1894-1895, 1900-1909; French champion 908-1909; German champion 1912. It ny more to have the best, equets. Slozenger's 1914 balls have been officially elected for the world's championship for the 13th We have 1914 balls in now. Cycle and Sporting Goods Co. ONLe utive year. Fy ~~ y. doesn't cost English lawn tennis Lyons, Jr, | and-out professionals, - © The sherii of Wilkesbarre the ban on Sunday ball, constable of followed surt. This, according to critics, looks bad for the New York State has put and the high Scranton has I cague In the final game of the "home-and home series for the senior basketball championship of Eastern Canada, the Ottawa ° Y.M.CLA. team defeated the Independendents, of Montreal, by score of 56 to 9, n the games, and Chicago, on Sunda: for time, staged three baseball 36,000 persons attended the largest crowd. went to the Federal League Park, where 'Mordecai Brown Day" attracted some 20,000 to the St game, first Louis Negotiations are the sale of the. Buffalo International Baseball League club. last fall the owners. turned down a good, offer, but the fans there have decided Fedéral tendencies, and outlook is bright as it was \ man closely ag soctated with Manager Metiraw, of hy New York Giants. prospective purchaser again pending foi the not as said to be the \ br. C. Y. Cow York. tor merly 'of Kingston, has purchased the famous collie dog, Parbold | the best son of the famous Champion Parbold 'Picador He has 'won many prizes in' England Jor the best collie in the show," wid since being imported has captured firsts at Chicago and* St Paul, He comes from the well-known Ford, of "learoon; "Within the Law," on Miss Eva Gal- ¥8 with friends | y itl Cram, of Ot- two | A cement | 'Jdisease, cirrhosis of the liver, at the Grand on Tuesday, May 12th. j English. breeder, a he | a { him came | Hyacinthe, | Girey Mist. Hugh Ainscough, and ravily-coated sable and white perfect head and ears. With the beautiful collie Oak Hill a daughter of Champion | is order | Threats to Slay Duma Members. | Threats of assassination against two nfembers of the Duma; Gegech- | Kori and Chechidze, have been. made {by the Black Hundreds. The two {men belong to the radical wing, re- | present districts in the Caucasus and among the most picturesque fig- i | in the Duma. Dressed in. their ; | native dress, tall, well-built and fear- less, they mercilessly attack every | misdeed of the government and hold j the members of the cabinet to strict | responsibility for every detail. Re- ce ntly they were particularly bitter {dxainst former Premier Kokovsteff, tand with the entrance of Goremykin |into the premiership they each deliv- ered fiery addresses, warning the government that the people of Rus- si and particularly the mountaineers of the Caucasus would no longer re- main passive at the mis-government of the reactionares. It was after this 'that they 'both received letters threatening them with death if they did not desist from their attacks up- on the government. Gegechkori in particular has aroused the ire of his ehemies. In addtion to the excellent fighting qualities of his race he is considered one of the foremost soc- lologists in Russia and often speaks in public on the lmportant questions of the day Boys' Brigade Faunder Head May 12.~Sir William Alex- Smith, founder of the Boys' Brigade, died on Sundav. He was born in 1834. Sir William visited Canada INOS and the United States 1905 in conmection with Scout 'movement. London, ander in in the Boy or Quebec Station 12.--The National Railway Commis- calling for tenders for the « on the Cham- plain, Market site in Quebec, the ten- lers to be in bf June 2nd. Ask Tenders | May | Transcontinental SIONers 4 Ottawa, station The man who has no enemies usu- ally has the same number of friends. Anyway, the baldheaded man re- alizes that he has come out an top. A! umpires their batting Herewith are shown | "MANAGER KELLEY AND MANAGER DUNN. and Providence teams at the opening game. "BURSTING ARTERIES THE CAUSE 1914 ------ t IT 18 ALLEGED 18 WRONG LIVING Not Weak Constitution or Inherited Disease, as Believed--Too 'High Living Young men of wealth and ability, middle-aged men active in business, are dying at a rate that looks as though not many sons of stable fathers are to be left. vid The cause is due not to inability to live through wedk constitutions or inherited disease, but to fatally wrong living and over living. The arteries are the piping of the human body. They go everywhere, to the toes, brain, spinal cord. They carry all the blood in the system, and if this blood is overburdened with the poisons left over from excessive drinking, from the drains of passion, from gorging, there is just one place where they will settle--the inside of the arteries. The deposit of extra material causes a gradual hardening of the arteries--what is called arteriolero- sis, the modern Moloch. The tiny blood vessels in the liver are affect- ed, and then commences that fatal The cells of the kidneys become starved because they cannot- get a proper supply of good, clean blood--then Bright's disease gets its start. The very delicate arteries of the brain are similarly affected, and then come all kinds of mental troubles--soften- ing of the brain, loss of memory, in- competency, moral palsy, and some- times mania. Now, get in your minds the vision of the vast extent'of rubber piping throughout the whole body. That this thing is most delicate in and around the vital organs; that it must expand, elongate, contract, as the blood stream puts its pressure upon it, are facts you must keep in mind. These rubber-like arteries must be in this plastic condition to enable man to do his work well and be ready to respond to all éxtra effort. This they can never 'do if the lin- ings of the tubes are covered by de-) posits' This deglysit will surely come to the man who over eats, drinks all kinds of liquors, and at all times who gives reins to passions of any sort; who, in fact, shovels into his human machine, the kind of fuel which the execreting organs cannot get pid leaves a lot of poisonous ashes which of. These excreting organs--the kid- neys, liver, lungs, skin And many little glands soattered throughout the body---only get rid of just so much material during the tw@nty- four hours. Hence the individual who never gives the blood time to cast off its normal amount of debris, is slowly dying.. He commences to die from the very start of this con- dition unless it is early recognized and the causes stopped. The arteries become like a piece of rotten and stiffened hose, which we cast aside ECONOMIC Farnace Heats the house well 1g all the coal you can buy. HE QOL 11 Gives steady, even heat on least fuel. See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. ~ BOLD BY J. B. BUNT & CO. 2 yr The Retail Merchant * Will Find it-on Page 8 QUECESS in retailing depends ve appearance of the store and the systematic "arrangement of the goods displayed. How to get the most profit from every square inch of floor spaée is explained in this new book, "The Elevator," sent free upon request. On pages 8 and 9 the retailer's problems are dealt with specifically. OTIS-FENSOM ELEVATOR COMPANY Fill in and mail the coypon below. ITED Don't wait until to-morrow. Send ®t NOW while you're in the notion. ry largely upon the 50 BAY ST, TORONTO COUPON "N-14." Please send me your Book. just as soon as it commences to leak. And the comparison is absolutely correct. What happens when we have a rot- ten or hard garden hose and we take it out in the spring and turn on the water? A bursted hose--apoplexy, with the spurting fluid going all over us. When the hard artery bursts in the human brain there is apoplexy, with the blood spurting over the brain and clogging some vital céntre, the centre of breathing, for exumple ~then sudden death. "He died from apoplexy," says the morning paper. No, he died because he so lived that he had hardened and rotted his brain piping. "He died from cirrhosis of the liver." Again wrong. He gradually passed out be- cause he gave the liver cells more thay they could do or were eyer made to do: "A cocktail before breakfast: a highball before luncheon; several drinks before dinner; an artificial appetite for a meal in which spiced delicacies, hot birds and a cold bot- tle are consumed, all spell apoplexy, cirrhosis of the liver, Bright's dis- ease, mental failure. In women, jealousy, passion, frenzy, light clothing, all affect the blood in many ways. Eating hot, highly spiced: dishes, drinking iced cocktails in a warm room with the greater portion of their skins expos- ed to all kinds of imside and out- side temperatures, cause a banking up of the body poisons. These pois- ons cannot get out through the con- tracted pores of the sKin even if they are /left umpowdered. Tight lacing prevents a proper amount of oxygen in their system which is always needed to burn up the products left by the food, constipation follows to increase the trouble, and in time the woman has apoplexy of temper--S$he literally bursts. I do' not think any advice is need- ed to show how to avoid these trou- bles.. Man and his mate must have fun, relaxation and food enjoyment, but all must be taken so that no by- products are left in the system. and the necessary exercise and liberty must be given all the organs to do their work. i Successful Experiments Are Repor- : ted by Danish Scientist Dr. Reyn, head of the Finsen Light Institute, Copenhagen, has made some interesting experiments in the treat. ment of patients suffering from surgi- cal tuberculosi¥ by means of electric light. There were cases which have hitherto necessitated an operation. The treatment js as follows : . The patients are placed at about a yard's distance in front of an ordin- ary arc lamp, and the rays are direct: ed against the affected parts of the body. 'The irradiation fasts in the be: ginning fifteen "minutes daily, buf is}: increased gradually until it reaches two and a half hours. Most satisfac tory results have been obtained, and vearly all' the patients have hitherto deen completely cured. It is expected that ~ treatment by artificial light m many cases will give better results than the prolonged and ekpensive : treat har sunlight; It is sug- orders for the - day, ed that the light cure may also il in 'cases ob lung tuberculosis. SMR TIE Tuckett's "Club Virginias" Distinguished by an exquisite flavor and fragrance for which you' pay extra on duty-burdened imported brands. dbcents a package aro NEAREST TOBACCO SHOP MADE BY TUCKETTS, HAMILTON