HUTTON'S LIMITED. B Market St. Kingston, Ont hn fis 1: ; | Men at Work Since 1907---The United | off nearly all farms in, coai company, showing the impossi- Telephone 708. | ao, a--- | States Alaskan. Commission. , and farms ia, 98. {bility of witless. currents causing ahip . va pny 3 eat m ' : , OF @ he ignition 850! Canadign Commission Operating i , vapor, the French press Contin to Together : Sorta publish alarming reports of the dan- Sitka, Alaska, May 9.-- Scarring a | no fileen ger from Hertsion waves. . broad line across 600 miles of wil-| per cent. in. oats and barles nd. ® 1 Such stories are of three categor- derness in the far. north; in, order marked decrease, probably fit; © | ies, first, regarding the disastrous that the possessions of the United{ ®t. in the flax acreage. It is SU | powder magazine explosions, as, Jor States and Cavada may. have a dis-| MALEK tho screage will he substantial: |ingtance, on the battleship. Tens, wher : 6 ina : toba Wh 2 630.000 . | Cabart Denneville, a member of the ) an 995.000 Be vies' 300,000 flay. | senatorial commission of inquiry, vias ' . 'The 'work has been in: pro- sain Ws oaney, 200,000: Bax, eceived testimony from Haudin, 'a Live Lehster SEN YOU |i bs os cma Susan Miss ova le uel orl i" 2 x A ly i ke * *Q S 2 , a atus er n At We sent you [of Thomas Biss hu - ores; oan, 2,661,000; befrley. 292,000; aged by Rl bi It 'uw . é Alaskan boundary: confmission, and Alberta---Whoat 1,356,000 'acres; oats, [the fleet a little while before the ex- Dominion Fish Co f Enel d. |? Craig of Kingston, Out, repre-| { 75)' barley, © 185,000; winter plosion, the inference being that" the | au . rom ng and. senting a similar commission of Can- wheat, 4 000: flax, negligible. ena had been similarly affected; se- -~ an ne 1 PHONE 520 ada. : iif Total--Wiieat, 9,871,000 acres; oats, | cond, the ¢oal mine explosions, which | Tu EE ---- i / "MILES OF WILDERNESS - Although the United States and |5810,000; barley, 978,000; flax, 130, | as suggested in a recent article in jy it oF weal aL 2 k liked Canada.have been neighbors in the| gp, : : I'TMlustration, invariably occur cat lp (QAI E se Jew hg . : g HOE We now you 11 far north for over half a century, | Manitoba reports aMbut 55 per cent. | the contact point of two sets of wire- || R 3 gi {hs n P el Be A Ci Lr bod d the exact dividing line between their | of wheat seeded with 90 per cent. com- | less waves, the inference being that [lf and . a VILDERS | ICVEryDOQY COS. | jossemsions, sapecializ, an to the Bar| ted: In Some tyler," Te soa | oe ees ho loference be thizaly, If | : RT S 3 thern portion was, previous to this|is practically unchanged. Saskatche- | the reports of explosions artificial Nh The local stores all survey, indefinite "and conflicting. | wan reports 85 per cent. of wheat in [produced on board ships, an instance Have}You Tr.ed FEY sam . » 0) { ) Eh W 5 ernments decided, finally, through| Alberta is the only province to report | the French weekly La Nature, of |ll Lyv. P fing; keep H.P, on the their commissions, that an absolutefa substantial increase in wheat acre- February, 1914, in which Frank Du: Try our P. aroid Roo ' Blue : | ing up of a useless hulk by the Bri- the one hundred and forty-first mgr-| to market in amy.province and gen- tish admiralty by the means of Her- ; An . i. Pe ad- k Haves Time. sells » freely, "lon the Pacific, to 'the Arctic ocean --e Cabart Denneville, the latest con P E Ty d Sound $e n ' + . o ATR a X . ron- g : egs : Wouldn't it be worth a distance of approximately 600| * CASPIAN SEA IS SINKING. tributor to these alarming theories, ing Felt for Walls and Ceilings. Pr. WALSH your while to buy : The United States surveying party] The Surface is Now 27 Yards Below Telegraph of May Ist, giving his per- ll = 4 Juola gon : . a 88-57 Barrack Stress the One and Only consisted of froni eighty men Ocean Level. sonal ekperience with inexplicable , . PER a TH T rg We H.P. Sauce? 4 i i 3 wireless phenomena. f : 1 y i a o Kins fe dertaken. Chief Engineer Riggs, tiic world in Russia Mas for = some | No case is mentioned when the Her- |{f THE , ER bimsell a young college mai, select-| time been occupied with the sinking | szian waves were proved to be de ([if FH led his aids from the hardiest classes| of the Caspian. sea. The surface of structive. All is vague and incon- [il PHONE 7, A 4 as ors, timber Cruisers and frontiers-|yards below ocean level, has, since {French scientists remains unchanged; | ====-------- a = renee rE ! homas Copley nex; with a liber) Sptiiilide of en-| June, 2s, become continually low- that inches waves are perfectly hat . : ".. LOE RAE 987 gineers, New! @peditiols were or- er. The sl rinkage is now. even . be- | harmless. F g S FOR FIRST OHOIOR OF COM. Drop a Telephone street when |Banized each, spring, although many | ginning to be inconverient: for naviga- | or a mn ucce S ; i» i we Many disputes arising, the two gov-|the ground and "Alberta 90 per cent. [of which is offered. by an article in 1 --1 irvey, clearly established and mark-| age, exceeding last year's total by |roquier described the successful blow- | Tis ue Tp In : Hl. GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? bhandiest shelf--it oa Tor all the, should be made along | 300,000 sores. There is little old grain { jug | Rosin, Sized and 'Black Build fdian, from the Mt. St. EHas Alps, |eral conditions are excellent. tzian vibrations. ing miles, publishes an article in the Brest bach season Since the work was un-| St. Petersburg, May 12.--The scien- tr er rs ton cowboys, forest rangers, prospect-! ihe Caspian, which lies twenty-seven |clusive, The general opinion among |i ING SEASON'S NEWEST SUIT. wanting anything done in the carpen- |of the men w started at the be- tioh, a% stédtniors in 'many places can- OF BENEFIT TO MONTREAL 5 © INGS, tery line. Esthinates given on all kinds ginning 'have remained in the ser- not 'reach the landing 'stages. Teck relma hi f dH HOW OF Haka Wood floors of a1 Kinde' SL crane: (vies up to the present time. Tt was bon) investigations have "failed fo {Opening of Panama Canal Distinctly 0 -- i 1S ve EST ¥v Wil receive prompt attention, Shop, |the custom, too, to leave a few men find convincing explanation, though Advantageous. ALU® IN OITY, 80 Queen Street. in the north each Winter to care for| professor: Shokaliski, commissioned Ottawa, May 12.--That the opei- ; a B= equipment and supplies. by the government to study the sub: y a 1 will place {aw § ' . Fe / The actual visible results of the | ji. 3 juod. that the ¢ |I08 of the Panama canal will pla : : ra *Ashby the lailor I oun FRESH GROUND OOF. [lllkix or comes yours 'of 'efforts, n '30. = lias Bomibined ha fri SECU Montreal in a Juvantugeoys S- Sticcess on some baking days 2 28 Brock St. [| FEN AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT |liltoot vista, cut, ke a gigantic avenue flowing ute the: Caspini---especially | 00 85 TofArds trade So Jar sunt, can. be expected no matter » Broe ; 1 4 . > a n : ¥ x Q ee ovate hr sad [fcr na ur, uh br a" Vie i Comey | mo Suny sendy tho what flour you tse, But cop: A NOLAN'S GROUERY, ments set at intervisible points, iuistwd. = ater Roms into in ment made in a report to the trade stant success. is rarer; It can: $ } * } * { : . and commerce department this week . y ------ || Phone 790, Tron Detrery. [|The monuments erected spe of two] *™® 3 Bot vufl. to make good iby Gordon - Johnson, formerly of be assured in -only one way. seg ll types, depending. upon the import-| N° 1088 caused by e¢dporation. Montreal, and now Canadian trade The miller must select his M You Are Thinking of Buildin § |e ance of the locality. = At'prominent| poG EATING IN GERMANY i wierTn Cite an Sapam. wheat by oven test. - this year it will pay you to got Btream crossings and main points of! ee : ie T. TOI 8 a 3 eS So from each shi ment of our prices for cement, blocks, travel the lne-marker consists of a p,.. Matin Scores: Teutonic Ap- oa poss Heh 9 Tos . ajanese aud p vO bricks, ete, as you will save five-foot aluminum-bronze = ghatt, petite for the Canine. : nese Ling iy or Ca i : wheat we take ten unds as $250.00 hetween solid brick ¥ J | Weighing 300 pounds, .. set in 2,000 Paris, M 12.--Pespite the § er, pulp and paper, concern ie a.sam le We Tin this into and cen at blocks. pounds of concrete. At less import- aris, slay. .p<--~lespite 1. Packs ot which commodities the 'departmen . ple. £ 4 We also have all sizes in &nt points the monument fs smaller, | ¢Y is the Pn] artets o Lr has been conducting a special eh flour. Bread is baked from sills, lintels, pler blocks, caps Cn being designated as a cone, cast, of | tp stores called ateau: Cheval," fquiry this year. In regard to pulp the flour and vases at reasonable prices, the same: metal, and requiring only | the mame indicating that the butcher [and paper possibilities, he states. b . lling horseflesh, 'hitherto mo dogs | . "While eastern Canada is handi- If this bread is high in lit E 2 ) 1,600 pounds. of concrete. for the Selling h i 0 : g quay, \ , Kingston Cement Products B base. There are approximately 200 | Pave been introduced. in the French |eapped by its great distance by wat- 2 ¢ Bsa 5 li Factory hve large in quantity, we use the : cuisine. 5 i er from the Orient, the opening of 4 Vs : : Vactr} Cor. 8 Tuatrick and Miles of bounty rr as ihe 600 | "L's Matin publishes this weok an ar-|or, from. the canal will put Montreal| | shipment from which it came. Office: 177 Wellington Bt. > toying. the heavy materials for their ee arin eg tan Jondness Jos X Jains nas Savurable cn Pusition Otherwise we sell it. , 4 .| dogtiesn, : : " n regard to distance as those Euro- i : . : an Ln oS i Dack-anim, aa the Jnerensed Yearly pean countries, so that not only 'Bri- Constant baking Success comes yy : y dons n throughoud Germany dur- | icp Columbia, but Ontario, Quebec iid ; and Pp pamiselyee, "a8 Nery, Blow ing the last, six. apd concluding | qnd 'the. east should be in a position as a matter of course from with the sarcastic to a Share QL bearing this name Bibby's Garage ors to be. tho stralbhiont oF "ne 12, DHE' Witarisn Soe com | {KORE Tt at statemants # N 2 world for the length encompassed. pat 'the higher 'cost of living or me recently printed in' Canadian news- \ : . ; Iy' the manifesta; actual fond. » FOR SALE In speaking of it, one of the en |. ori iceiotion loathsome "| vapers indicating that a Japanese "More Brad and Better' Bread" and gineers said: a steamship line is arranging to estab- " a lish a service from Japaneese ports o , " 1 Ford ing Tho start was made from lier| , Pavnisster Robbed:on Temin. (LEH 8 servic Pon Japanicess yorts ® Betten astry/ 00 820 1 Studebaker Alps, on thie southern extremity Ar earte BO Nay 1.-Alek- Montreal as its terminus, has been 7 ; 1 y - ry] fi - ied by th t - 1 McLaughlin SLOT fer: we laid our coutse straight for | LL "yeplena. poutrastons wou» rh ot ie oo os the northern lights and thereafter of $2,500: which on his 'way fo this | grnmiant however, is subsidizing a Good condition. a Swerved not so much as a hair-| bourd a trahs oh Sa tut : » % hones: breadth--peaks, gulches, bottomless] ity ® 3: Stale oh Saturt ay. new route through the Panama canal 1: Swamps--wherever the needle polit care of Ohio, Clty ot Toledo, to New York, calling at Seattle. Garage 20 ) Res, 917 y NN ed there Wwe went, one day Gutting : Luks County, HE ae WLL OST COMPAN ei 37 ahfough brush tangles, the, Liiuk © Chener nates gain Tray ne COST COMPANY $7,000 ext building a track across marshes, | Che & Co, doing business ip the J or crawling over rocks and through él "oF Toledo; County and State atore- | Railroad Which Supplied the Train " sald, and that sal rm 'will y the Must Pa: Srevasads. sum' of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for ¥. Small steamers, plying the Yukon gach and every ease of Catarrh that Jackson, Miss., May 12.--A rail- % "Regal" Salt is the ; = nd Porcupine rivers, co-operated [cannot be cured by the tse of Halls ¢ : > Why Pay High a i Sp a tooberated Catlareh Cure. ANK J. CHENEY. | oad that permits one of-its trains to finest grain: oF ho 3 Sworn to before me and. subscribed {be chartered to carry a mob to the y Aote_ta yaks with Sufiblics iy on BT presonce, this 6th day ef Decem- lgeene of a lynching is liable to dam- d famous Windsor . 3 smal rtion o e bere A.D, 1330, GIA i a o Fe: ¢ P rices|? EX South of the Yukon Isa. viet foglon, |. (Seal) A atic. | av. according to a i Thromise de-| Bl Salt -- especially ha 2 gver 250 miles in extent, over whieh | Mail's Catarrh Cire'fs taken inter: court here. § prepared for table ve Xou y p t the blood CLASS GOODS yi «curl them -- ju Te od tu. be. transgiortud, na hideous TRE Bt the eystem. The court allowed Mrs. Alce Rog- i use by the most " Send for testimonials free. ors a judgment of $7,000 in her suit The Style and Fitting will be dye them -- H horses and mules, the commissary sald by wil arugkiste Toe. |for $50,000 against the Vicksburg | [i modern Salt Plant | Faultless 7 gy make over § | Wagons being rendered useless by Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- |Shreveport gnd Pacific railroad. 4 onthe Continent. i i : 4 } | the tervible rp which Tullowe ihe pation. It was shown that a mob at Mon- | RB ad f i perfect, i Al f | escape of frost from the soil in t at) + wes | 100, L@., chartered a train, went to | "JE& ° Reg: " Salt never The price Will be from $2.00 to K ) region. 3 - - Tallulah, La., and lynched Rogers, 83 =a $7.00 LOWER than you § As might be expected, the great- ' : § leintiff's husband, after he had | Hd cakes' --never have been paying . Ie \ Eso x J [est difficulties were encountered. be- Contractors, Attention! a. 2 waudoalier he hag i . : g yond the Aretie circle. Following PHONE 1473 s Jeen acquitted of a charge of mur. j clogs up the shaker ' RALPH SPENCER 8 F ¥ the rough scaling of the southern : i Bd --mever gets damp k > - al vO (5 rtion of th vey, th int ex- {x HY SEF RUST © SION peditions established their a at Get Priges From : BEEF TRUST COMMISSION Tailor. %7 Rampart House, an ancient Hudson vid Ma 3 Federal Government of Australia De. 620 Pry Male Street ] Bay station, on the Porcupine, from Da ' arshall cides to Probe Operations iy whence several dashes were made be- on Prambildg, Gadlting and | : ston? Opposite St. Andrew's Church KINGSTON BRANCH fore the Arctic Ocean was finaliyi}] Tinsmitn Week. E ibourne; May 12. ~The federal : A hrs Prompt attention and redson- JI] Bove t has announced its inten- ae $n 60 Princess Street. reathed. thi atenbibia sea hell] "ie Taien Guaranteed. . 'of apbointing = commission to A pt Sirti nes = Rumpare House, the mative Tommie -- Hl thed oet "trast in tuseai | BRR uy . . ampart House, the native Indians 101 su SE i i Ad ' were amazed at the drove of what 101 Queen Street. 1 Bis de a Aan ory fur the op- they first took to be huge dogs, but ecpz doer mats 8 . ; ='| vindication of the campaign of the later decided must be a variety of n n \ ; 4 horniless caribou. Inquiry develop 0 : ; Age dna Sher Jlowsbapers. 'The ed the fact that they had never seen . Eoitns aston at dor, before the hor heard of the horse i A > tons fore; Year and sybmit: resolu- am er tions for Tmproving the administra- Almost at the waterline of the Lal 5 tion of the anti-{rust laws. A ; f p : . Approv- 4 Arctic ocean one of the larger of the al of ini 's action i hr . Cakes monuments stands ) to-day, marking a ed thrcaghout the commonwerny LIT JA (1) [- [4 the international division. The final : tn : I | lap required to place it there was A Physician's Adyice. Prince Alexander and the Bo: 3 \ over a region fairly bristling with Most thin pe¢pte #it "from four to six |. London, May 15.-.Ch in of » Cooking and Wrinking, also for Cake, natural difficulties, although only |hdunds of Bags' sali: fatomaking fod | ou, May 12. Chaplain of the : ay about 100 miles across. The course] £Very day and still de not nerease in General Forces Rev. Taylor Smith b- led over the treacherous lakes and | bach ric: Saf the phanp, hunky Tolks | Writes to the Times; 'rogretting that SKemps of the Old Crow country, Fh Nha Kean gaming all | there was no reference in the notice ofer the A s + | the tim » #1 to say thas this] ¢ the a tment "of Prince _Alex- mmerman mountains, the of tha individual, It isa't ph! a Dividson N ray at Bil fiiét | fnder of Teck to: tMb great interest : Tolks thin ER LUELr | tian future Jovetnor general of Canada ; Tiley Taxt 'buat. snonsh of the' fond | takes ib the welfare of boys. "Hard: * Bes or {pial fie S00 8 " br ~ menih hFostes by,' oy 4 the chap- : g a y ; ; 5 : : v | . ozon Meals iv | lain, "but Prince may be seen pre- Is the "Golden Rule"? nowadays, which is why them in hordes, day and night; phan-| * ma che alr Single eta} siding at a cadet inupection or you should deal with the Grocer who wraps ius fffim lakes, mountains and cities lures | Sees her Ee Dorm Jin tha Font, End or is . : ' ui em, over all|i by Re ! : y goods in : lazed the summer sun of the Arc-|Dody as e.. What such le Sonal influence the Scout and Lads ties, twenty-four hours each day. atty fi VR Drigade movements. . ! es t was " Sak « HR . The farthest-north mou hem and. da en ORS al Edd 's Antisei tic placed in October, two years ago. hen mTtply (Ref ped think. tas, hat P. for : % \ y Since then the line has beén travers- pone increase. thelr blood's careying | © Ste. ine, Que., May 12.~Honore id oe TE ed several times for the yse of ffuch's ¥ i Mercier : i 2 3 closing up the different visions. and | mend, « Ho pas or bE wh Prese aper S the work is not yet complete. Bach | "Si Sox ha he : i isla . ve-slecti ; Jour 5 large force of men wil be om- bint The ost. elective En cospuioned by the appointment | as for Bread. and a 3 » . . . BE @ open season. to RN oR oy A srcier » 3 y rf) W, 5: 3 p Eddy's combine great strength with their brush out the avenue and keep the 3 n srtuly provincial Evert _ Po Your 93: ar , Sanitary, qualities--they will not burst at an in- monuments in 'repair. +h at ttn yn a2 1 Bapetts are guided Tn thelr Jude ais, at a po | , convenient moment and scatter their contents. The less some men have to do the| three fo ave % Wook. Surge) to{ Ment of liquors by thelr sense ot 8 Feed, Cotes ge Pot . : 4 . of Ed a) Ris We Tg ade 5 longer they fool around before get- i Eeieis cverywheta on smell--those who taste are more or . seven, ting busy, : or money back o Of welghU increase | ated, RT. TAT On,