Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 May 1914, p. 7

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Presidant. a. Herren gi BTONE; wCOk, Ar, B. as 8 BAWLF, LT.- COL. F. 8. SEIGHEN JL EXGLEHART., Fics, GEAR. Fa BRD eh NEW bp Bank at ' Natfonal Ban London City k ana- ted. Manager. Inspector, Ww. ¥ sou ly Lets fers of Credit on London issued for use of Importers of foreign from all pats of the world, drawn of O-m- a Howard S. Folger INVESTMENT BROKER. Fire and Life Insurance High Grade Bonds and Stocks District Manager of The wo Fal ada Real Estate a dr ER EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 40 Clarence Street Phone 993 & A FEW CHOICE LOTS AT BARGAIN PRICES, Street, 66 x 150 to a lane ex sevaiuninsene are sen BLOM Street, 75 x 110 ...... Street, 85 x 95.16 & lane es x as sa lane Wellington Street, 40 x 66 Easy terms on some of the above. GEORGE BAWDEN Coal Insurance 108 Princess Street To Contractors &B Builders I am prepared to book orders for the coming season for hard and soft brick, as | am now operat- ing the Kingston Brick Yard, Div- ision St. Orders promptly filled. fone 1396 Albert Neal FOR SALE Johnson St. solid brick, all worn Durham St... (name, { Phisghuity ay Frog rough-cast, furnace ood St,, double frame, at a ra and electric light. A snap . and gus lights (sane, ull modern, verandah; bargal nat sacrifice price, ck dWelling. good barn.and large grounds, close to Lake Ontario " Park; & fine 34 BROCK BY, spmmer home, at a bargain, J. K. Carroll Agency, PHONE 68, JOHN DRIVER, Represeniaive If you are looking for results, why nét sow seeds that will | grow. You ean procure them "ALL THIS WEEK" idl gs 1 ) VER WRIST 2 WITH | SILVER A PANSION BRAS R! LAR PRICE RAGE CASH SLY A RANFEED, 5 Bot: FU OU = | LAR PRICE, §150 FOR $110 CARH (Se) Naa ", our MAR YX B. RoalNg CER EEK, VER © CUFF Bou AR 506. AND 60c. : ENAMEL SASH PINS. REG- LY via {L350 UP TO $3.50, FOR 37 KING ST. i THE CLOCK' 15 ON AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE PHONE 1177 GEORGE W. BOYD Three young horses. for sale. Apply 89 Earl Street We are now hooking our Ro apring aa Sales. ome early and secure cf Come We' are also handlin Heas) Batu RAE LN EIT for the last fifteen years assures you of the utmost satisfaction prompt.re- turns, honest and efficient service. We will buy the conten of or cash. Brick House; wedera, seven rooms, 118 Victoria St, be« tween Earl and Johnson Stss Possession June 1st. Z ALSO Frawe house, modern, seven rooms, hardwood floors, 124 Victoria' St. Rent $18.00 per month, Immediate possession. awaits 'your Prices always logy. Household goods bought and sold. ' L. LESSES a furpiture new and sérondhand {attend "pendicitis, ved a great cleaning to-day. $1 dirt' accumulation of a quarter of a Hi century. Bi old gentleman replied, "hut Joie "Rilms Developed," Gibson's, i Principal Gordon went to Ottawa to- ay. an i F. Nickle, Parl street, week in Ottawa, "Penslaf Post Pertuiies," Gibson's, J. Eke, of this city, leaves .in fow days for a visit to England, Wiliam Swaine, pisno tuner. Urders received at McAuley's. 'Phone William Johnson, Brock street, in, Ee A Cetebos' Health Saline," Gibson "Lieut, L. H, Birkett, of the 14th § regiment, 'is permitted to resign his Commission, MN yeivey. Bagot street, who Anite seriously ill, In slow- § ving. i Rifle Association's is. May 12th, not |i eter at the Tlic 0-Gay. registered seven- ait) H. Cunning m, piano tuder, 21 Liles Street. Leave orders at Mo "store. Wie Gee has left the steanter | Jeska, and is going om the steamer | Advance a8 second engineer. "Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks from Toronto," at Gibson's Frederick Reid, Johnson street, left Wednesday for Sudbury, where he take a position as fire ranger, X Robert Hamilton, who was Bere to the Hamilton- -Taylos wed ding, returned to Gananoque to-day. erebos' Health Saline," Gibson's. Mrs. W. L. Grant and Miss Par- kin were guests on Tuesday at a de- lightful luncheon given by Mrs. J. 8. Ewart of Ottawa. Mrs, Russell, of Lavant, N. ¥+ Mrs: Barker, of Kingston, ; ped over in this city to -- on Tuesday. Workmen at the locomotive works have started "to tear .down the old erecting shop" A machine shop is to replace it, Princess street roadway Bogot and Montreal strests was closed to traffic to-day on account of the number of exgavations going uu. Now that the interior of the mar- ket houge has been given a good cleaning, it will be in order to give it a coat of whitewash. "Blaud's Iron Tonic Pills," per 100. . Gibson's. E. BE. Wathan will erect a brick house on the south side of Johnson street beween Albert and ! Collingwood streets. "Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks," Gib- son's. Miss Louise Jones, daughter of J. E. Jones, Division street, has woh a medal and high honors in her studies in New York as an artist. 'Beef, Iron and Wine," Gibson's. Car No. 27 was taken off the belt line yesterday owing to soma trou ble with the motors that caused the fuses, to blow out continually, "Nyal's Face Cream," Gibson's. Miss Jaalu McLean, Athens,' passed her examinatioOns in her intermed- [inte vear at the Kingston general hospital with honors. "Penslar Aftershave," 60ec, Gibson's Mr. and Mrs, William Woodward and party, of , Ottawa, _pasged through the city to- day on the way to Toronto in the motor car. William J. Donaldson, chairman the Roads and Bridges committee of the County Council, was in the city, Wednesday, making a report on the bridges in the township of Kennebec, '"Nyal's Face Cream," Gibson's. Professor M. B. Baker, of the Schoal of Mining, left to-day for. Steatford and later on for Meaford, Ont., where he is-interested in large brick works. "Phone 230 for Drug Wants." Mrs. J. MN. Theriault, of this city, left, on: Tuesday afternoon, for Tweed, to attend. the Hurial of her aunt, Ka. 'thleen Kinlin, wife , of 'Patrick Me: Hroy. "Neilsor's Ice Cream Bricks," Gib- son's. Mr. and Mrs. Ll. D. L. Terry, Ord- nance street,\lost their five-year-old son, Everett Arnold on Tuesday morning. The' cause of his death L was convulsions. "Kodak's and Supplies," Gibson's, Nrs. T. Hunt, of Overton, came to the city on Tuesday afternoon, to visit her husband, who underwent an opexation at "the Hotel Dieu for ap- Me, Hunt will likely be able to leave for home next week. ' # "Buy Penslar Face Cream," 25c. Gibgon's. . The soccer match to have 'been played on Wednesday aftermoon . be- tween the R.C.H.A. and Department- als was cancelled owing to the fact that the R.C.HA. had to parade on Wednesday morning and fire a sa lute. . 26¢ 26e¢ and of ia H in, Toxopie for a few days on busi: § between ( » sold 1and Concession Streets, TON ex s i S@doonal in commend 1 the Baotg ex. pedition, will tell the story of the greatest sacrifice in histor "Pole | Thé story Scokt Wonld have (31d | hehad lived. l GRANT HALL on May 12) -- at 8.15 p. m Mystiated by rémark- able pictures under the auspices of Queen's Unive PELE Alumnae Assocfa- or Tickets $1.00 and 31.50 Plan now open at Uglow's. AN ADVE or 3 Eh 25 WORDS Sa us, MANBRENAIOY, APPLY TRO- ry hotel. A he FOI Al hd 2% rincess Street. GOOD PLAIN ObOK, Fy Mies. A Ton i 161 King strest. . ™a war PERIEN ITHESSRS. RD arias otel; Lois ot the iach TEE SMART BOY 70 MAKE HIMSELF useful about the stirs. Fhe Lock- w «ott Shee Stire. SE ¥ R&S) I WILL hp THE HIGHEST WAGES gaing ¥ the Year to an experienc: ed farm hand, marred or single references racpuived, Apply MM Shortall, Brewer's Miia AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY LI eo ath! ty corresponding dt Srtieul "Press Byndi- Sen ns 2 eunlars. Presse nw cate, 3,969 Yoekport, N N.Y, CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. ties, Parties arriving April 27th and May 1h. A tial Seals on party AY tT P] now, 16 Guild, 47 Pembr ol. Toronto and 71 hmm St a Montreal BOARD WANTED. YOUNG LADY " DES from June. ont eiber, fernbily, jazoung . uptown business section; with prival family pre ferred. Address with tefins to A G., Whig offices. POSITION. WANTED. ered at sears PLAIN SEWING, HEMAPIPONING, 17- tialing, table hy a and napkins herman by RemEtitohied Apply Box, 03 Whis ES" BOA hig office. TEACHER WANTED Orphan's Home Tea and sale dainties and ¢ Admisgs r girls a 2 candy table For Sale A two storey stone dwelling, 10 rooms, [with modern improvements and pot water heating. About three acres good land with fruit trees, ete Good barn, ete. Corner Division j only a short distance from street tars. Can bq purchased on reasénable terms. Ap- ply to of Wy oie; home-mnde dies, Friday, May %th ion 10e. Some of the are kindly looking ges J. B. ODOKE, Office 332 King St. Phone 503; house, 842, CANNED CORN, TOMAT- OES, PEAS, ETC. i COSSED KEYS, 80 SOLAR, CANADA |} PRIDE 'BRANDS. Are fully guaraiiteed. You take no risk in buying these brands. Your family grocer can supply You. FENWICK HENDRY & CO (Distributors) STIRRING UP INTEREST oF KINGSTON MOTORISTS ON THE ONTARIO LPAGUE. ---- 8. €. Kerrigan Pays Visit ¢o King- ston ~~ Dr, P, E. Doolittle, Come Here and Aad © Members, to *ehe 5S. €) Kerrigan, representing the Ontario Motor League, is in the city for & few days to stir up interesl jn the work of this Very necesgary *- ganization. *' He is inferviewing tf motorists in 'the hope of creating wide interest hoth locally and so far 4s the province is concerned. One of the. purposes of the league is the erecting of road signs throughout the Province, soq that autoists will be 'helped by this great line of silent sentinels, making traffic easy, and without worry to those who are con- cerned. Is is alsohoped to so impress the provincial Secretary thut the ex- change of licenses. can be made be- tween Ontario 'and various 'states of the union contiguots to the ' provin- cial border. At present autorsts of New York state and Michigan 'eannot enter Canada without. considerable trouble and annoyance. By an exchange of licenses the entry of au- to cars would be made pleasant, and would undoubtedly lead to a great infhiex of tourists through the pro- vince, A The league is also interested m The island market building recei- Fire- men played hose on the ceiling, the walls andthe floor to get rid of the , The cleaning was in pre- paration for the structural fmprove- ments to be made in the building. Catering to All A 'Boston merchant tellsus of an old grocer in Massachusetts who was about as "slick" an article. as one would care to Ht "One day," 5 the Bostonian, "I stopped ore . shop "and looked curiously at a line of barrels of apples, some ' marked with an 'A somo marked with a *Z." " What is then of these markings ¥' T asked." 'The barrels scot 'eontain the same - kind of g "They are the same kind, son. customers want a Barrel opened" + leader,, and good roads and will do all in ns power to make the highways through the chief cities of Ontario of the very highest tvie of workmanship. The league. is also anxious to set forth the beauties of Ontario, and te So create intervst that the show spots' of Ontario will be made very appar ent to all visitors. As soon as Mr. Kerrigan has in- terviewed all the autoists im King- ston fhe Phesitient ot the association 4 Pr. P. Doolittle, of Toronto, will come 3 "Kingston and ess the members on the benefits to accrue from association with the league. Dr. Doolittle is well known .to Kingston jans as an old bicycle' enthusiast and has. very kindly remem- brances of Kingston. and its many § beautiful attractions. After the first of Dacaniins next n6 bomuses will be paid te hooking agents jor sending domestic servants to Omtar RePenstar Tooth Pasta," } 25¢: Gib the top and some at the penal ~New York Times. son's, wo <. stlverwg nonrL TRAIN: TEACHER vox School Section - No. 3, Bedford C a holie. 5 teach tlk vacation. Ap- ply "James O'Connor, Sec.-Treas., Cole Lake, Ont. WANTED---GENERAL eet teen rb FENIAN RAID OR SASK Ae HEWAN medal: will pay $5.00, EL Way; I¥ iy Ave oronie CUSTOMERS TO RING UF 602 WHEN having hairgor cotton mattresses to be renovafed or recovered. King ston Matire$s Company, 556 Prin- cess s AND SALE STA. 15t, Clerg, and Queen all hours Lemmon. 'HE NEW LIVERY bles will be. open May St. between Princess Sts. All new rigs. Cabs Phone 637. McFadden Props. DROP A CARD TO JAMES 212 University \ve, for all 'kinds of varpenterin Estimates given on all el : work, hardwood foors jaid an finished, Satisfaction guarantee Ly CURNISHED RESIDENCE FROM ihe 15th of June, on or near the water front, with or without mot- or boat, and servants, for a gentle- man, his wife and two grown-up sons. Apply to J 8 I. Me¢Cann; 82 Brock St GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up Into up- + to-date sults. Price and workman. ship guaran'eed to please. Press- Ing and repairing ore on the shortest native. homas Galloway, 131 Brock street, near Bibby s Gar- age, CATERING ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL oe) pers, banquets, dinne~s, partes, ete. Bllverware an cutlery to rent. For, particulars apply to Rt H. Toye's King St. store. AtuBER PROFLE alien" Place whers a lot of splen ae on sale. Let eve QUITE A hunting 1 EE EE ery ne without ay 0 00 Division st. cheap for cash, and liberal terms on instalments, Guns for sale, DOUBLE SETT OF ARS Ea, Apply M. J, Dolan, 219 Princess St Phone 1284. C. A. Jones, gunsmith, : FRET ERE ALBERT SAUNDERS. ALL KINDS OF carting done. Sutistaetion gusran teed. 657 Princess Str +. JO LET tet tees tae TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Once, 25¢; three (inies, boc. FAM Jer MAY: NO, 372 ALFRED ST. Goldman, WT Division Bt. ™ sus $1000 FOR 6 FP. X 132 pr n oon ee Bart of the' ely. It. Chas, Bell, 239 Bagot Ty iets aieseeaias sr RUBAER TIRED BUGGY AND YAR- ADply 83 Aberdesn 80, in the A saving Trom S.9'edoal. «i. 389 BARRIER She FRAME House, he ectric lights and improves: sis, Apply 103 TS Union St, i hom as Mills, 79 Clarence St. AUTOMOBILE FOR 'HIRE. "PHONE Sargent' 8 drag Store, No. 41. A PL ANOLA, GooD | Vietiolas SHAPE, ¥ aon, Sshos ana = rinpess AND Dw, Anas AT $17, 820, $06, 4 323 k St. HH. McCann, 53 -- rem ct, 53 Jyrack St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, NTC. Shean and dry. McCann, $2 Brock stre 325 EARL ST, DETACHED HRICK, 7 rooms, hot alr furnee. JR R McCann, $2 Brock St. 0 RENT FROM FURNISHED HOUSE st Mgot St. Cun. May, No. 5 a & Mu orFics in CLA oT. Apply to die. 79 Sarence JHAS Suna inguam & Ms DESIRABLE SMALL Wellington SL, near Cl gas for coalsiiig ADS 72 Earl 8 HOUSE ON Karl, B. and 'and "lghting FU R¥ISHEY Hoy SE, 20 COLRORNE Fet) bath, ¢. electric ight; an: $20, aly Dy BE. B. Sparks, 159 Wellington street, STORAGE FOR FURNITU RE, dry, alry rooms; your own lock and ey. Frost's City Storage, a8 Queen Bt. Phone 526 CLEAN, FROM MAY 1ST, 7 ROOMED HOUSE, © "on Livingston Ave, B.and C., fur nace, 'electric Hght, goad garden Apply 28 Livingston Ave FOR THE SUMMER. FERNISHED house, "all conveniences; electric lighty: gas and telephone; fcentrally located. Address Box L. Whig offic eee eet ree pee pp FURNISHED RoOMSs TO LET, wi or without beard: all modern con- venlences; centrally located; terms reasonable. Apply 152 Sydenham Street. teem ete FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, from May 1st, my house, No. University avenue, oppo "Grant Hall" Thomzs Mille, 1%» Clarencs street. eee sorb BRICK HOUSE, , ALFRED ST, ten rooms, all medern Improve- ments; hot water heated; dep lot: possession May 1st, Phone 301 (299 in evening.) St MMER COTTAGE -- ~ FURNISHE Jeantiful location at Point ant, on the lake shore, (the sas point beyond Lake Ontario Pa Partieu on enquiring at I NEW BRICK, 6 ROOMS, phen St, $12.00 Sls, 4 rooms, W : $9.0 Bonus for permane ut ten ant 8 nd prompt payment. J. 8 R McCann, $2 Brock St, FURNISHED HOUSE, UNIVERSITY avenue $3,000-SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 110 te all improv ements, large lot. 1f. $4,200CE) EMENT HOUSE, NEW, ALL Mo AND soup. | MORTG AGis BOY GHT Dar GARDINER, PHONE 39%, & Money to lo BATEMAN & 67 Clarence 81, Kingston, BUSINESS NOTICES WEL L DriGivG AND . DRILLING done easonable prices. Apply to Wr end, Barriefield, Ont iS: SHORTHAND, rYre. riting and Copying Buresu, 33! Seen St. All work strictly con fidential. Rates moderate. WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, bazquets, eto. also ent ales, table linens 'and Reid and Hambrook. MP. oid, 30 Unton Hireet, F. C. Hambrook, 178 AlMred 'Street Phones 843 av. 303. Musio, eee pg bt te te PEACHER OF SINGING, MISS CARRIE Bajos, 47 Rideau St sbeebs rRLGWANN semoon, or wiisic, Frontenac = stree A manu, BE, tea¢ Rar of yl, tion and action. Miss Norma and O, E, Telgmann, teachers of violin, man- dolin, plano, ete, Terms {or tui- tion and concert engagements an application, a ECT ------ DENTAL a LE, KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, RE- 4 Moved to 258 Princess Street. - 3 AB WEL- Cornovsky's), PARKS AND lington St. Phone 346. ww ARKS, (over same bibs OR. C. ©. NASH, DENTIST: DR, T. 0, entos, assistant. 13% Priscess Street. Phone 385. deri ah St 4, H, SIMPSOX, LDS, DDS. PENT. iat, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street. Telephone #26 One's Beauty, Sleeps. The greatest. - aid to beauty is slesn. are, however, many women who defy nature in this re spect. and. burn the candle at both ends. A woman who 'must get up' fairly early in the morning should aot stay up half the, night. Wonen who ohn sleep the next day. are more lortunate. There are' women, tog, -who pay Ho attention te the kind of room. they sleep in. While they dare in health and the heyday of thers vouth, but nature is' inexorable and they will have to pay y their folly 'nthe veart to come, ~It is very eommon to hear joung women laugh at those women who take precautioms to observe the laws > health, ealling -them "faddists," "old-fashioned . mummies," otc. Very well, but Just watch those sams "mummies" "who get their = heanty sleep, and vou will notice none of that sallow, drawn skip, common mong the "nighthawks." A gift of $500000 hy Dr. James Douglas will be used hy the Gene. al Memorial Hospital, of New York, 'mn the study and treatment of can 2o oli | JOSEPH RUSE, 6 CHESTNUT ST. HAS opened up a quarry on Stephen St. €ut, building and rough stone are supplied promptly at reasonable prices PERSONAL WARTS,» BIRTH- marks and all growths and skin blemishes remove permanently, without sear: 27 years' experie.ace Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose Throat and Skin Specialist, 2 Bagot Street. HAIR, MOLES, GAS BANGS AND ors at reasonable they last, At Turk ARICK HOUSE ON JOMNNON ST, TEN rooms, hot water heating, gas; wood frontage and byek' lot, ADply- 267 Johnson St, whi INDIAN MOTOR condition. Apply Kingston Station, Garage, Kingston. CYCLE IN sho to R NH or Augrive . MOTOR BOAT, 32 BT, LONG, & r jhe h beam, JEuaran nteed first-class gndtifon." 417, W ig 3 PT. 4 4 te be In Apply Box BOYS" WHEEL (CLEVELAND 18 IN. frame), 'in perfect condition. with Quake. ele. Apply to 82 Well ington y iu the evening between 7 and 8 ANYONE HAVING SECONDHAND stoves or furniture for sale, enil un me rou first class prices. J, Thomifl son. 333 Princess St. Phone 16409, NEW SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, NO 19 Aberdeen Ave, 12 rooms, al modern conveniences. Owner legs ing city. Apply at No. 17 'Abéps deen Ave, 2 AUTOMOBILE, 5 PASSENGER, Ford, in good condition, sis lights, Mres almost ne w. Fo sale $250.00 cash Apply Garage 1910 trie quick Angrove's mn eet a a OFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 48. high in front and 56 1-2 in. I back Three drawers, and one of shelf, Slightly used, Apply British Whig office, 13 #h A LARGE NUMapn also Dunlop tires, at srders promptly attended to for carpet cleaning and laying. ueorge Muller, 373 King St, or AUTOS! AUTOS! cars left, with and tric starters, in touring and roid= eters. Big reduction in price, Write Canadian Motors Company, Limited, .Galt, Ontario, WE HAVE rew without elogs AUTOMOBILE, KEETON SIX OYE IN © der gasoline motor car, almost new, Redson for selling: Car too large Lor professional use. or price and demonstration of the. ear nrnkY to Dr. J. C, Connell, Kingston. -- ---- GROCYRY STORE AND DWE LIN 152 Ontario street, or will _se grocery stock and fixtures vith privilege of renting tore and dwelling. Doing a first class Susie ness. Good rexson for selling Ape ply ¥. X. Bazesu, on the premises. eto ety CHOICE FARM, ONE HUNDRED and ninety- five atres, 9 miles from sKingston and 1 mile from Glens vale, Has an abundance of choice ine spruce and cedar and nevors failing water thereon. Well fens ed. For further Information apm dohn Clark, RMD. J, Westra BOARD AND ROOMS tsi Ai FIRST CLASS ROARD also tabte "board. Bt, ---- AND "RrOOWS, Apply 138 Wels opposite post oMoe. FINANCIAL - INVEST. lington FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety; Incotporated resident, Colonel Henry R. oney issued on city properties, municipal and 8 Jay debentures; mortgages purchases Arhosits received and interest ale awed, 8, C, MeGil), Manager, $7 Clarence Street. ices teat LV ERPONL, LONDON AND GLonm ire insurance ompany, Available assets, $61,187,215, In addition to which the policyholders have fop security the unlimited lability of city prope 445 insured at Jo ent poskible r Before renewin old or giv ng new business wal nates from Strang & Strange, Agents. Phone 325. ARCHITROT [SCALP MASSAGE FOR FALLING hair, dandruff, etc, treated by el ectricity (new method). Latest treatment face massage, chiropody up-to-date halr work Mis. Herod, graduate masseuse 159 Weldngton St, Phone 1495 Hours 10 to 12 am, and 2 to 5 p m., and by appointment in shampooing, manicuring, styles in EXCAVATION" ROCK OR CLAY, CONCR"TING 0) cellars, levelling and laying lawns Estimates given. H. Beardsel: 102 Earl St. age. ; CEMENT. OR EXCAVATION WORK promptly done; also Tpke eomen walks, exeavate cellars, and rgpal at reasonabie cost. Drop a card o all Thomas Burns. ® Ann Sr FURNISHED ROOM OR WITHOUT HOARD, WORR Wr men preferied, Price reaxo! abl 112 Ear! Si BUSINENS CHANCES ere ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN, ST. bet a mall order business at home canvassing: WM, NEWLANDS & SON, tects, etc. Offices, 258 Phone 698. POWER & SON, ARCHITE! NER nts' Bank . Bu ding, ree rock and Wellington streets 4 ARCH. Bagot 8st a TEAMING, HEAVY AND LIGHT TEAMING All modern ops et or address Wathen, pra Sadors St. HOIFLS. {LBION HOTEL, CORNER MONTREAL and Queen streets; one block Trom street cars. Hou recently thoroughly renovat best stable and yard accommodie tion, J. M. Caines, Proprietor, UPBOLSTERER etme el em Ww. J. SAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, pairing and carpet work. Mattress renoval { av call 116 Faery Frade TO URGAY ere via CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BAGRIN. solicito Send for free. Ld Law office 19 wo 5 or. op 33 bedrour ' Rates moderate; centrally ES BICY CLs) pee $2.00 Al

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