our Furs $843 They have every possible expert attention While in our eave. ~~ We make a uniform charge of 3% on vour own valuation, This ] against their loss or-damage by fire, moth and theft, ie : Bilis fing bE WW is the ; 3 oo ' or altered. Detailed information and esti- mates furnshed on request. | icKay, Ltd, BROCK STREET Your eyeglasses won't vome off or tilt if they have been fitted with our FIRM ON , mounting. It holds securely and comfortably--it's on to stay on. §!. 5. Asselstine, D.0.S. 842 King St. Phone 1019 ' _ fed BW TOBACCO Ith "Rosster" on it. 5 der [pds ening a) we SY. AT A. MACLEA ALA Mackuas, Rush % 2 ERO RR ay. Is Our Month Beit ORDER AS EARLY. AS POSSIBLE Bl ericket field, on Saturday afternoon, Reliance Sank in the Cornwall Can- FOR THE JUNIOR CITY BASE- BALL LESGHE SERIES © : Regiopolis Not Admitiod -- Com! Impossible to Run a \ Schedule, 2 8 The junior city baseball series will be composed of three teams, Ponies, Sapelios and Parknfne. This was the decision of the meeting of thé City Baseball league executive held in Je Y. M. C A buildin . Tues- day evening. The committee ap- pointed oat wi "aves st a four-team se ule, whereby is club would 'be' kon tain oe opolis 4 fold, reported that it would be im- possible to run a double schedule, which would be required if four jun- lor teams were admitted. Thé com- mittee did not feel like turning down the. Reglopolis college, but. on ac count of the other three teams being in the league last season, it felt that they should be given the first chance. The junior series will open at the May 16th, before the senior game bhe- tween Athletics and Vietorias. The Ponies and the Parknind wills be matched in the opening game. Two baseball matches will played on June 3rd. = When draw was taken at the meeting Tuesday evening, it resulted in Vie torias and Athletics being matched for the afternoon game, which is (o take place at the fair grounds. - Ponies and Sapolles will play a Junior game in $he morning at the cricket field. collection will be taken dt the morning game. be the on New Manager for ¥finioe. The members of the Vietoria Base- ball Club will meet at the Y.M.C.A building, this evening, for the purpose oi arranging matters for the season, One of the main items of business will be to appoint a manager. Edward Hartrick, who has 'held that position for some time, is desirous of retiring. There appears to be great diffigulty in getting a suitable man who will, give his time to "the "work. Mamy names have been suggested, but the name of Gordon Diek, one of the play- ers, seems to be very pdpular with the members of the team. New Diamonds on Cricket Field | The work on the two baseball dia- monds on the cricket field is being rushed along at a rapid stride, The i Four-Team 5 £4 A hse Th i Remarkable as is the fact that! Comm vans, himsell, he who 2lon 0s at Betty Pole with \ t expedition, is to mittee Reported That ould be tome here on Tuesday evening, May! I Would yo 0. ell of his adventures withlfl 12h, \ of the attainment. of: the lost 'p it is moré as- 4 bart, S ow that he brings(|ii ® to illustrate his lecture, |} a auty alone haye become imous. Although. Captain ott himself was an excellent photo- grapher, he took with him Herbert G. Ponting, ¥. R. G. 8., the 'greatest camera man England has ever pro- duced. It was these mien who chief-| ly made the pictorial record of the! adventures in the ice which Com-} mander Evang will show. Mr. Pon-| ting was enabled by his great skill; to eliminate the usual icy look from all his pictures, some of which are so glorious that they invariably bring an unconscious. "ah" from the gutience. With some unique. touch, | e seemed to make the sm less | white although 'to do {hi he nad sometimes to make his pictures by flashlight in the long winter night $0 as 10 avoid the strong glare of the six months sun. Some of the flash- lights of icebergw-are masterpieces. Yet by day or by night, he was ever present in order to have his records complete, Néver did his patience; weary when waiting for a seal or a penguin. . Whether for motion pic- ture or for still, he was always ready. Of course he could not go every- | where, espetially on the polar dash, | and then Captain Scott's skill came in good stead. Nor did Scott ever] fail, either, Although he lost his life, he did not lose his records or his negatives. With the remains of the dead party were found the nega- | tives of the Poler trip, which were developed to make complete the chain in Commander Evans' lecture, Such are the phenomenal illustra- tions he uses, none of which until now have ever been shown Here be- fore. Théy make this lecture one of the most thrilling chronicles of modern achievement the world has heen privileged to hear. It will be given in Grant hall, and will be un- der the auspices of the Queen's Alumnae association. f THE ANNUAL MEETING The Woman's Missionary Society of Queen Street Church. | The amuual meeting of the Woman's men. who have been working on the senior ba®éball diamond for the pass week have almost completed the job. Baseball Record.' American. League~Chicago, 8; St. | Louis, I. Washington, 6; New York, 0. | Cleveland, 4; Detroit, 2. | Federal "League--Baltimore, 8: Si. Louwis, 6. Kansas City, 3; Pfitsburgh, 2. Buffalo, 5; Chicago, 2. 1 A Dm-------- WOULD LIKE TO HANG { Copies of Children's Protective Act in the. Schools, The W.C.T.U. held its monthly meet ing in the Y.W,C.A. parlors on Tues- day alternoon. 'The president, Mrs. Lyon, presided. There were nineteen members present. The union has about twenty depart- ments: Under the department of law enforcement, realizing the enormity ot the evils surrounding the children, the union is inaugurating a campaign for the betterment of these prevailing con- ditions. lo this end it has secured. n copy 'of the 'laws pertaining to*the sale oi tobacco and liquor to minors with the penalties attached thereto; also of the children's protective act. It thinks it would be a good idea ti have these printedyon cardboard and hung in public places, especially the schools, if permission can be obtain. A committee has been appointed to arrange matters. WILL RAISE STEAMER, | al Some, Time Ago. The Donnelly Wrecking and Salvage company. have contracted to raise and deliver in the Cornwall dry dock the steamer Reliance, now sunk in | the Cornwgll canal, near Mille Roch- es. . The Reliance is owned by George | A. Shannon, of Valleyfield, Quebec. Chere is four feet of water over her deck, The Donnelly Wrecking com- pany will, commence work at once. er ------------ Potato Diseases. . The Whig has posted in its window a remarkably well executed folder, entitled . "Fotato Diseases Trans mitted by the Use of Unsound Tu- bers," showing in natural colors, re | Bateman; first Missionary Society of Queen Street | Methodist church was held in the la- dies' parlor, on Monday, May 4th. A large muniler of members were present. | Reports were read fyém different com- mittees reporting large iperease un' membership and funds. After an in- teresting programme the election of officers resulted : President, Mrs. G. A. vice-president, Mrs, (i. Quail; second vice-president, Mrs. | James Johnson; recording secretary, Mrs. W. H. Asselstine; corresponding secretary, Mrs. L. W, Williams; trea. ! surer, Mrs. F. Knight: supecintendent { of christian stewardship, Mrs, (Rev.) | 1. Roadhouse; convegor of. the Out- | look (literature), Mrs. R. J. MoLel- | land; convener. of the flower commit- tee, Mrs. Nial VanWinckel: delegate to the branch meeting to be held this month in Pembroke, Mrs. J. Road- hbuse, and Mrs. William Cockburn as alternative. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs: G. I. Campbell. - The City Property Committee will have te revise its "work docket" to agree with its money appropriation, | Less work will be done in the island' market building than propesed. "Nyal's Face Cream," Gibson's. ro y "The Hat Store" Preparing 10 Take The annual meetin, { of the 47th it Ef he Frontenac and was well attended. i } of the most enthusiastic meetings of Made to fit Bi doors | the regiment. Lisut.-Col. F. Sharpe, and said meeting in twenty-oge y sat whic Major Sharpe was a --- that in his death sustained a great spoke on some very ters pertaining. t riate Gifts for M \ppropriate Gifts for Mother . I egy ns v 0 Nr Framed pictures, mottos, cte., ranging in price from 25¢ to £5.00, Beautiful sheet pictures, mottos, cards, ete., 10e. to $2.00, Bibles, Praver Books, Hymmals, ete, , ; The Gospels of Jesus Christ, containing all the savings of Our Lord with references to the Bible; Cloth, 50¢.5 leather, $1.00. : Everyone should make some gift, no matter how inexpensive. ! Te ' AN The College Bogk Store 160 Princess St. : Phone 919 This season finds silks greatly in de- mand. We are prepared for the rush with a large array of dependable makes. 36 inch Black Pa the ilette, perfect shade and kind "that' wears well. Special T5¢,.89c, 98c, $1.25 per yd. Black Satin Duchesse, 36 inches wide, \guar- anteed quality, rich lustrous finish, ¢xtra special at $1.00 and $1.25 per yd. 36 inch Satin Duchesse in all the wanted shades." Extra value at $1, $1.19 per yd. 36 inch Habutai Silk, the real wash silk in \ white or black: very serviceable and popular priced at . .75¢ and $1.00 a yd. Fancy Silk for Trimming, in Bulgarian and Dresden effects. Spécial vihies $1.25 up 'WE BUY, SELL, LEASE OR MANAGE Property in any part of the City. Our services ave at your disposal A GOOD BUY ~ SCHEENS SCREENS SCREENS Regiment > to Camp at Petawawa, A double brick dwelling, on Jobs son St., centrally located, each s| ! has eight rooms, furnace: gas, magn- tel in drawing room. Renting for $25 each. Price $5600, < Houses to remt. A good building lot op Mack St. near Vietoria Park, for $5600, officers regiment was held in the hotel parlors, Kingston, It was one and windows; full or half length; galvanized or copper rustproof wire netting. They last for years, Fer- officers, Major first . in addressing the reference to the late ff 1 it was" the Fire Insurance. ot 'mapa E. W. MULLIN the regiment had fat © loss. He them vision mmportant mat- to the welfare of the and Real Fistate' Specialist; Cor. Johmson and Di 3 fPheges 549 ind 1456, presentations of specimens .of dis eased toes. Diseases and otier ithes represented are potato canker, powdery, hollow potato, internal brown at little Potato disease, dry rot, wet rot, common potato scab, and stem end rof. Spe cial reference js made to potato canker gud powdery scab, the latter of which ocours already in Canada and ghould be carefully avdided. The FEN [folder points out that, under the des 3 ; tructive, insect" and pest act of Cam . {nda any person using for seed pota- Groat ange of Hheaey, Ben ARE | (es infated by pototo tanker : or : powdery scab is Liable to Prosecu- Parlor Suites, $25 up to $150.00, regiment - and arrangements were made to attend camp at Petewawa. As: the regiment has never attend- ed camp at Petewawa the officers were very much interested and are leaving nothing. undone, and the pros. pects are that the regiment will turn out well up to the. establishment. Bt. Major C. H. Gray, who has been adjutant of the regiment for three years, has been promoted - to major, to fill the vacancy caused by the death . of the late Major 'Sharpe, .- Gray, of YC" company, S. Anglin & Co. Woodworking Factory Lumber Yards For travelling or out- Cor. Bay and Wellisgten Sts ing of anv sort a eap is very essential. We show the very newest pat: terns and styles and our variety is tremendous, Yon simply can't want something "we haven't- got. 29¢. to $1.50. \ sees LUMBEN, COAL & WOODeowss tion. Dufly to Race in Kingston Definite word has been received from Dufiy, of Hamilton, the winner of the Gis an Boston Marathon, that he will run in y ks Kingston on June 3 Fabre, of Sights in Was} See our laundry "wit sleeves rolled up. New Gloves Hats' E : ficer Ferguson invited - New Umbrellas . dimmer at the . Little machines and great, ; i 0Y tenac hotel and a jolly time | © going and glowing 'With mo- spent : . . | » = } tion, the men hustling agd the . a ------------ oy a i} girls hustling and p Have Taken a House " their part; all working toward Five of the professors of Queen's one result: { three from west of that place. waiversity have taken. a house on | ttt William street, near King street, and ea; To Huild Block of Rocmac. will take wn their 'quarters thereqin Cleanness The Board. of Works decided at its a (she fall when collage opens. meeting on. Wednesday afternoon to have secured o' capable' construct. 3 block of Jong on Syd Land expect to have a real pleasant 9 and a1 : Johnson St. double frame, rooms, ©. furnace, electric light. Montreal, who was second to Duffy in the Boston race, has not yet been heard from, but an answer is expected ;| to-day. ; For the motor-cyele races there will be at least two from T to und Stone, 3 tenants, B. and C. 0: St, brick, 9 A | Cy stable. Own | TT Ah Set =e J MiiMing lots in all parts of 3 Repair and ppholstering promptly DINING TARERS--Thele pedestal are handsome and useful, $11 up. : i i Ms is your invitation and PASS---bring it with you and "See the sights in Washland. enbam street, between Earl West streets. Afterwards it was that this block is to be up in or: der to lay a new water anain, and an- other block will have .to he chosen: | Rocmae is said to make a road. way, similar to that of Barrie strbet. "Beet, Iron and Wibe," Gibson's. Phone 90 LE : Weather ) : Depressions exist over the mari- time provinces -and in Pla while pressure is highest in Alberta. |} Heavy snow has fallen over | katchewan and heavy rain in Mani [toba and Nova Scotia. =~.