Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 May 1914, p. 11

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-------- Charleston Briefs Charleston, May 4.---Master Hub- So was kicked by a WiC, fF Mr. and Mrs. fr. and Mrs, Mg. The ice has all otit of the lake and thé sound of the put-puts is again heard. J. enney is doing some work at the jh. A party of from Prescott and Rio Rn Por eis Weir ort Te avin R. Whitt, of. a 8 & week-end vis ftor in town. A. Charbonneau, Jr. is visiting filéends Tn Toronto. Mrs. William ennedy, who spent the wi in Auburn, N.Y., has returned to McCann has accept- ed, tion in the office of Drs. F + and Howard. Mr.and Mrs. Forse Esplin have moved to Port Credit, where Mr. Eaplin has secur- ed a lucrative position. D. J. Sully w S.2iainess visitor in Brockville con aye a . - , ------ At Washburn's Corners Washiburn's Corners, May 4.--A. W. Johnston, of Athens, visited iandy in this locality on Sunday. The . many friends here of James Mackie will be pleased to hear he was successful in winning his M.D. degree at Queen's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Kayanagh, of Ebb, visited friends here récently. W. T. Earl, who has beén visiting. relatives here, left on urday for Winnipeg, Man, Word received here of the death of . G Watts, of Soperton. H. n° has n appointed treasurer porton, ese factory in place . Kinthrick, who resigned. Plevaa Reports Plevin, May 4.--The cheese fac- tofy opened to-day with C. McNeil Tee. All are sorry to hear that h ia very ill at his home - Sho Da i. Mrs. William White, 8r., is very ill. Rev. Mr. ahd Mrs. w M B of of B. 'Parsons has recove, Hall spent the week-end at Denbigh. Mrs. Smith is spending this week at Ardoch. Mr. and «Mrs, Cx Barton gpent Sunday at Ompah. ¥ Mrss Hill was the guest of Mps. Al Ohrd on Tuesday last. Mr. and "Mrs. W, Davy spent Sunday 'with* the for- mer's parents at Fernleigh. Mrs. J. Kring and Mrs. R. King were the gnests of Mrs. Hal} one day recent- ly. Reports from Outlet, Outlet, May Miss Ellén Hall, of Woodvale, is visiting at' Mrs. W. T. Parsons'. Miss Eva Bradley is stopping with her aunt. Mrs. W. T. ed after a severe illness of scarlet fe! Mr. Kelsey and his sister, Gertrude, from Ath- ens, were the guests-of Mf. and Mrs. George Reig on Sunday. Ira Wat- son got three muskrats 4m' one trap. A. Robinson, of Lansdowne, was here and bought over eight hundred skins. Dr. Shaw, of Lansdawne, fumigated Woodvale school house. ) -- 'Fire at Canonto Canonto, May 4.---Seeding has been in progress for the past. week, FE. | planting 4 thousand apple trees. -Lyn yesterday forenoon. # Winnifred and CATHARINE TOWER. 1 "Within the Law," at the Grand on Tuesday May 12th. A im cm A 0. H. Lawrencé, who recently came to Canonto is experimenting on scientific 'farming, as he intends No doubt he will make it a success. 8S. Shanks purchased a fine blood horse last week. W. J. Lawrence spent the week-end in Toronto, The home of John Tate was totally destroyed by fire, alse his barns and shed close by, The fire made a clean sweep of overything, with the exception of some furniture and farm implements. Mr. and Mrs. the week-end at Ompah, Mallorytown News Mallorytown, May 4.--The Misses McCormick, of Brockville, are guests of Mrs. Edmond Summers. The Sunday school has been re-opened in the Presbytefian church. Many from Mallorytown attended divine service with the brethren of Lyn Lodge at Miss J. Lynn, of Brockville, is the guest of Mrs. Eva Kelly, Mallorytown, C. L Buell has begun the building of his barn. The Oddfellows of Mallory- town are to hold divine service in the Presbyterian church Sunday af- w TAXIA The ribst treated results of neglected nervous' diseases Study this chart and the symptoms stated heve to learn if you are in danger-- DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD will cure you. ' To understand paralysis and locomotor ataxia, which is paralysis of the limbs, and their causes, it is well to remember that ovey movement of the body or its mefnbers'is due to the contraction of F.--Seciatic "of which ls : . - 4 muscle, which can only take place under the influence of nerve force. As this all-important nerve force is created in the' nerve centres of the brain and spinal cord, and conducted along wire-like siérye fibres to. the various parts of the body, any derangement of the brain, spinal cord or * nerve fibres may result in paralysis or loss of the power of movement. Paralysis, then, is the natural result of all neglected nervous diseases. Ifyou find yourself nervous and irritable, over- sensitive to light, sound and motion, addicted to continual movement or tapping of 'the fingers, twitching of the muscles, sudden startings and jerkings of the limbs during sleep; if you have nervous headaches or dyspepsia, are unable to sleep or rest, feel downhearted and dis couraged, &nduafit to fight the battles of life; if your nerves are weak and exhausted, your blood thin and watery, you have every regson to fear paralysis of at Teast some part of the body, and consequént suffering and helplessness. a SY? | Paralysis can always be prevented, partial paralysis actually cured, by | the tis usé of Dr. Chase's Nerve e tine to Begin treatment is 'when any. of the above-mentioned yn im become apparent. These ¢ indications of a degeneration of the nerye cells, and when nerve force becomes exhausted, paralysis is bound to follow. . . R. CHASE'S ....NERVE FOOD apts on the system in an entirely different 'way to ord medicines. It is neither a stimulant to tied nerves to renewed activity, mor a nar- . cotig, or. ySpiate, to deaden the nerves. contrary, it is a (dod cure, which forms new, red On the corpuscles in the blood and creates new nerve cells. Every day it is bringin vitality to scores 2d h ged through the failure of doctors and other treatments to cure them. discoura; back health, strength and undreds who have become Why not started on the way » health at once by great i cure? cents & DMANSO} rite for BA . Chase's Nerve Food,",50 6 boxe for $9.60, At oa or & CO., Loaren, Toronto, on *' The Nerves. 2 For Three Months Treatment, 12 Boxes For $5.00 J held on Nunday, To I fowl ad wR | days, Charles Davis spent {about her flange apd ; ie. Vio: SATS. meron a 1: not Hiotkvile, ban Ted Andress' blacksmith shop. Fishing a E 'for bull heads is now at 'its best in ' $this section and several have 'caught 4s many as 100 in an hour. oi -- At Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, May 5.-The La-, J dies' Aid and quartérly board met on Saturday, Sacramental service was. in the Methodist Born, to Mr, and Mrs. Wil Gowds, Shueh,, ian Sth. Miss Agnes Price returned to Sydénham high school on Saturday. rn H. Fiyon and family left for their the west last week, gsed of his ents, ete., has taken home in by auction sale. . Mr," { charge of the (' PR. station here, and Mi. Card will take up night duty again after he returns im his holi- The C.P.R. is unload ng ma. terial for its hew station. Miss Grace Godirey . entertained a number of friends' at a birthday party on Ts- day evening. Visitors : Mrs. Hy h Colebrook, with her sister, Mra I. Youmans; Mrs. ar, at A.W, Thompsons; R. Crosjer, at his broth: er's, A. Crozier; Miss England, with hér aunt, Mrs. A. MacDonald, and Miss Haugh Thompson, at their aunt's, Mrs. J. D. Clancy, Dead Creek, rs. Somers and Mrs. Wil liam Coulter gre able to be out again, after being confined to their homes through illness. A Presentation at Union Union, May 5.--The A. Os oh Friday evening te bid then good- bye, as they are moving to their new home west of Arden, the old Clark farm, Where they will care for Mrs. Osborne's mother. After a pleasant evening spent in conversation and music, Mr. and Mrs. Osborne singing some old-time songs, W. T. Hawley presented them with a beautiful mantle clock in behalf of friends, and A. W. Thomson read an address expressing their regret at Mr. Os- borne and family leaving the neigh- borhood and their best wishes for them in theéir new home. Mr. Os- borne, who was completely surprised, feelingly replied, speaking of the en- tire harmony ih which he had spent the twenty-three years he had lived in 'the neighborhood, and thanked the friends in 'behalf' of himself and his wife for their good wishes ahd tangible proof of it, which, however, he said he regarded as the least part of it. After the- presentation, the ladies served refreshments. Then ed glad that Mr. and Mrs. Osborne were not going so far away but that they might meet them again and per- haps visit them in their new home, and hoping to welcome them to their homes. ie. CRAZES YOUNG GIRL Sodially Promineht in Binghamton Unconscious for Days Binghamton, 'N. Y., May 6.--Miss Mildred Voorheims, nineteen years old, a prominent youmg social and religious worker of this city, has been delirious since last Tuesday as the result of being jilted by her ance. The anppuncement of the engage- ment of the young couple was pub- Hshed about three weeks ago by the young woman's father; and it was understood that the wedding was to be this summer. The young man ecalled on his fiancee and told her that he could not marry her and that he must break the engagement. - The girl became hysterical and fnally rélapsed into unconsciousness, Periods of stupor are only broken occasionally by delirium in which she talks wildly broken troth. Physicians Bave unable to do anything for hex. Dr. Charles G. Wagner, superin- tendent of the Binghamton State hospital, was called into consulta- tion and on hit advice the young man was brought to. the girl's bed- side and has remained there since. It is thought that the only chance of the yong wohan recovering reason rests with the possibility her becoming partially eonscious An finding her one-fime fisnce at her side. Her condition is considered critical. | YOUNG AND WEIGHTY Largest Gifl® A to Have Special Casket Kane, Pa.; May. 6.-~Rmma Snyder, aged twelve hoi of 'Rocky Grove, who twee tur 1o.be the largest girl in the world for her age, is dead at her home from a short illness with '| pneumonia. The child weighed 500 pounds and her unusual size and weight resulted in her joining a show last year and at the time she was taken ill her mother was making plans for their 1914 tour. It will be necessary to have a spe- cial casket made for her body. The girl is survived by her parents, two brothers and three sisters, all of a normal size. The dead girl was the youngest of the family. meinem: © WOMAN BILLED BY BULL. Doctor, Armed With With a Plehtork, Saves Daughter. ' 'Wabash, Ind.,, May 8.--Mrs. Philip Lembarger, wife of a farmer, was gored to death by a bull. She wa# crossihg a forty-acre field 'with her 4 12-year-old daughter when the. ani- mal attacked her. Dr. A. E. Rod: gers, who was passing, armed him- self with a pitchfork and went into the field, but was immediately set n by six steers. : For thirty minutes -the . doctor t off the animals, with the un- nscious worfian at his feet and the little girl clinging to him. He and the child finally were rescued by some men, but Mrs. Leéwbarger was dead when they picked her up. A little learning is all right when properly added to, a daughter, on April | good-byeés were said and all depart-. What better respect can be shown for those departed than by erecting a monument over their graves. We carry the largest and 1 ost beautiful line between Montreal and Toronto, Never jess than 100 to choose from. Latest designs. Marking a speecial- ty with us, A card will bring a re- presentative to your door. 'Phone 1417 Open Saturday Evenings. J. E. MULLEN immediate} '{heighbors of Mr. and Mrs. D {borne and family met at their home Randolph Hoe, Kingston ob Sat. May Oth. Latest Fashions in Hale Every ludividual. with an Immense stock of Goeds. A Style to Sul wi to all others in effects they produce efficiency of workmanship, "A FREER Wigs, Teansformations, perfect proteciion fenic qualities, protect be purchased from Do wot fall te eall "THE {300-105 Yonge Street HAD EIGHT WIVES, Letters to American Suicide Reveal Them, Says Club Manager. London, May 6, manager of the club of which he was a member, Henry C. Fitagerald, known also as "Major" Fitzgerald, who shot himself at the Chdring Cross hotel last Thursday and died shortly "afterward from his wound, had eight wives in America. . While Fitzgerald was on a trip, according to the club manager, he instructed the latter to open his letters, Among Fitzgerald's correspon- dence, the club manager said, were appeals from eight women, each sign- ing herself as Fitzgerald's wife and asking him to return and provide for her support. One ¥Yetter from Louisj- keep her marriage secret. Andther letter" contained a message from a son who asked when his father would return home, A third stated that the woman who signed it as Fitzgerald's wife was starving. The manager also said a detective from Scotland Yards called at the club and told him That as a result of a communication. he had received the ambassador of a European power was making inquiries concerning Fitzgerald, because Fitzgerald had proposed to a princess of an imperial family, and had told her that he was the next heir to the dukedom of Leinster, Thorough A negro who had his We insured died and left the money to his widow. She immediately bought herself a very elaborate mourning outfit. Showing her purchase to her friend, she ' was versh particular in going into /details as to prices and all incident] particu- lars. Her friend was very much im- pressed and remarked : "Them 'sho' is, fine cloes, heaven, what is yo' gom' all dis black underwear ?"' The bereaved one sighed ; when 1 mourns, I mourns." but, befo' to do wif "Chile, A mother not only thinks -her children popular with the neighbors, but she imagines them so smart that 'all her acquaintances envy them. An ideal preacher is one who can preach loud enough to wake up all the sinners without disturbing the slumbers of the man who contribute the mosi, all "Ladies With Thin Hair" sec and have a demonstration of THE DORENWEND TRANSFORMATION, hey will give a charm and attractiveness 1 assist any woman to keep her youthful appearance. DEMONSTRATION IS OFFERED 70 ALL" Pompadours, Bangs, Braids, te, "Gentiemen" 1f You Are Bald call and see THE DORENWEND SAN. ITARY PATENT TOUPEE, which is a to the natural effect, strength, durability, they sides this they will make any man appear years younger in all countries and may only remember date. DORENWEND COY, OF (The House of auaitey Hair Goodn) --According to the i ana said the writer could no longerji makes. every woém- an beautiful, and wha. desire 0 p the most of 4 appearance the opportun- of paying a visit to Professor Dorenwend OF TORONTO who will be at the _ and are superior and to an otherwise plain face They when adjusted, in quality of, hair Fronts, Waves, Switches, For hy- unequalled. head. are This Toupee is us. and see them, and TORONTO, LTD. Our Robin Hood Brand of flour has a guarantee In every bag for good quality. NDREW MACLEAN, 1 Studebaker 1 MeLaughlin Good condition, Phones; Garage 201; Res, 917 If You Are cpp this year it will phy you aga, our prices for ent, bl bricks, eto, as you will save $260.00 betweeh solid brick and cement blocks. We also have all sizes fn sills, lintels, pier blocks, and vases at reasonable pri Kingston Cement Products Factory Vactory Cer. of aad Ofice: 177 Wellington 86. Prices? Will Give You CLASS GOODS The Style ang Hitt Fitting will be. The Fiash and Re orkmanblp will be perfect, The price will be from $2.00 to $7.00 LOWER than you ve heen pA RALPH SPENCER: The Tailor. 620 Princess Street Opposite St. Andrew's Church Why Pay gg Toronta HUTTON'S LIMITED. 18 Market St. Kingston, Ont Fire, Life, Accident, SickneSw Plate Glass, Motor Boat and Auto- mobile Insurénce. Real Estate Bought and Sold. PHONE NO. 708. Come Early? » FOR FIRST CHOICE OF COM. ING SEASON'S NEWEST SUIT- INGS, Wow on maN® HEST VALUR IN QITY, Ashby the Tailot 76 Brock St. "Phone 1518 ha BTOP SKIDDING | It's" Dangerous G Queen and Ba, t Sts. Phone 1170 FURNITUR If you are renewing your beds and bedding, I ean save you money. | ii if 30 sample 'brass beds re- duced 10 to 20%, Iron heds, $2.50 and up, all Kizes, 5 Hércules spring, - best made mattress. Pillows, all pricest Ask to see the Dixie No. 2 tuft mattress. Best made. ; . Now is the Time to Get Your Spring Foot- wear at the Right Place. Try our store for your wants of Boots and Shoes for spring. ' You will find by tradin ng with us that you w get better va.ue for your sioney than else- where in the eity. Give us a frial and be con- vinced. House on Sydenham Street, $3600.00 | by May 1, $2550. terms can be hot water furnace; locality in the city. sold to wind 'up an estate. $2650. go.

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