Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1914, p. 4

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he grade. Moreover, , there are ~~ SHE va fo wise eT Fenldent Manag! recto; and Bec. -Treas. -Weekly Edition Onasyear by matt TIL 1.00 i% and three months pro rata. ed f 4 b prisachel a he ot Lhe best Jo H EB T. o 335 Fifth Ave. anager. 5 4 « Tribune Bldg. k R. Northrup, Manager. REGRET HIS DEATH. "The death of the Duke of Argyll will call to mind many pleasant thoughts about hip by Kingstonians. He was -a frequent visitor here dur- ing his term as governor-general, and, with Princess louise, made warm friends. They enjoyed Cana- "dian life, and the then marquis won a great deal of public respect and regard ' through kis high, sense of duty, and 'his efforts to fill the office with honor to himseli apd to the nation that sent him here. He was always a man of purposeful life and in Scotland, as well as in. Canada, his death will be learned with sincere regret. SUPPLY OF TEACHERS. The subjeet of the supply of teach: ers for public: elementary schools is at the present moment ' one of the most serious, with which the British education board have to deal, In many parts of 'the country, especially in rural districts, local education au- thorities and mangers, who have to ' ... im the schools, : often Jong time elupses "before they can obtain uncertificated teachers at the rates of salary "usual in that signs of a similar difficulty in country schools 'with regard to certificated teachers, There are now 19,100 public ele- mentary - schools in Fagland, . with accommodation for 6,399,809 scholars. Of these 7,140 are council and 11, 960 voluntary schools. Ten years ago the number of council schools was 5,049 gud of voluntary 13,438. The number of children on the registers was 5,588,645, and the percentage of average attendance was 88.86. THE PAY OF PARLIAMENTS Italy and Spain are the only two European , countries = which offer no monetary reward to their members of parliament. The Portuguese legisla- tors are not remunerated by the state, but they have a free pass for travel ling on all railways in the country and their constituencies are permitted to pay a sum equivalent to" fifteen shillings for each day's sitting. Denmark is another country which believes that ils' political gentlemen justifiable, and what: un- justifiable--is transferred from our jodgment to the judgment of the re presentatives of Argentina, Brazil and Chile. it will be for their reprewn- tatives now to formulate what is right ang what is wrong, and for Huerta, Cafranza, and ourselves "to accept or reject ihe judgment thus formulated; but .at the cost of win- ning or losing thereby the moral support of South America; for in South America, at least, the judg. ment so formulated will be accepted as final." : If the judgment of the mediators is vol accepted and the United "States should enforce its demands, by su- perior armed force, it would be re garded as a triumph of force, and not of right, and would, undoubted. ly, isolate the United States for a century to come, from any influence with, or confidence in the South Am- erican republics. NEEDS SUPPLEMENTING Great praise has "been accorded 1%. Ross, M.P.P., by the conservative press, for his contribution to the diseussion of "the Snyder incident," in the Ontario legislature last week. His words, the papers say, were forceful and eloquent, and the two maps which he exhibited, showing the progress of local option under the Whitney regime, were not only artis- tic but instructive. The doctor does not seem to have blinkéd an eye as he gave the( government all the cre- dit for whatever measure of perance reforn has been about in the province since tem- brought 1905. But ' the speech, though masterly, and the maps, though artistic, still leave much to he desired. A supple ment, to both the speech and the maps should be issued. A. waiting public desires to know which of the members of the Whitney cabinet have taken the platform for local option, or which of them 'through the press ever advocated it, or which of them ever denounced the liquor traffic with anything like the same vehemence with which they denounced the grits. Was it the Hon. Mr. Foy ? 1i not, was it 2+ Which of the conservative private members has, since his elecs tion to parliament, taken a promin- ent'part in: a local option cam- paign ? Has George H. Gooderham done 80? Or has_any other ber done so? Has Dr. Ross self done so ? eb The publig have the idea that the splendid progress along th temperance reform in mem him- line of recent years aggressiveness of the Dominion, Al- lisnce and the churches, and even the Wine and Spirit Journal cher- ishes the same idea. But now it seems that the Whitney government has done it all 1 The two maps would be more il- luminating still if supplemented by another showing. how much the "dry" area in province would be ' had it not been for the three-fifths clause placed in the, Lo- cal Option Act by the . government which the doctor supports. It would not be difficult for such a skillful artist as the doctor to produce such a map because it would be nearly all white. Whole counties such as Prince Edward, and Northumberland, larger the as snow. On the margin of this third map might be placed the figures 887 and 27, the former representing the licenses which would have been can- celled had 'they not been protected by the three-fifths clause (and the latter would show the licenses" which might have been renewed had the temper- ance forces not heen protected by the three-fifthg section. ' It is upto the doctor to crown who { has been due almost entirely to thedto say. and many others would be as white |' " . " . streets. The reason for this is: cause they are all capitalists, they won't help anyone hot capital- iste" : He y ---- The fact that the Ontario govern- ment has given ten members to To- ronto in the next legislature, is caus- ing the Ontario press to inquire if Toronto will: represent Ontario. Te make any showing the rest of the pro? vince will simply have to become a united liberal stronghold. ------------ Kingston is soon to have a cleaning? up week. It is a splendid idea, and it is hoped that the residents will keep up the habit. Prevention is better than 'eure, antl the cleansing should be followed by the constant keeping of one's premises in proper shape... The rest would be that the general health of the community would benefit. ---- If Di. Spankie becomes a member of the Ontario legislature, it is a sale guess that whichever '#ide is in power, there will be some improvements in the educational system of the province with reference to rural schools. There's no man in Ontario who knows the shortcomings of the present education- al policy of the government better than the Wolle Island reeve. When is the going to announce a reduction in the Utilities Commission water rates that were rhised this vear awing to the general increased assess- ment ? In these days, the gladdest news that could be hroken to #house- holder would he that there had been a reduction in some article of consump- tion. 'The people are entitled to a cut in the water charges. It is un- derstood that the commission members the advisability of halving the closet rate, as this affects the greatest number. have considered Where to Start: an Sciepce Monitor, Every mand may not serve his ecun- try in a conspicuous way, but there is usually epportunity for improvement tin the back yard. estes? : Its Conception of Fair Play _ Toronto Star With a majority twice "as big as its opposition, the present Ontario" gov- ernment does not feel that iv would be safe to go to the county without lirst putting through a gefrymander. Best Advertising Medium Guelph Meretiry The live daily newspaper goes into the homes every day. More and more the readers are learning the value of watching what the advertisers have Merchants have proved time and agin the selling value of hews- paper space. Would Choose Rowell. Toronto Weekly Sun To-day if the young men of province and the leaders in social reform, both men and women, were asked to name a leader wgthout. re gard to party politics, their would undoubtedly fall upon Mr. Row ell, this choice If True, It's a Pity. Edmonton Bulletin, Ontario papers are wondering why good apples are harder to get in On- tario than good oranges. Don't know why; but glad to hear it. From the samples that came this way, it may be, because Ontario has ceased to grow good apples, while Califor nia continues to grow good oranges. The Battle Joined. Belleville Ontario The chief fighting ground tween the political parties in nada now and' in the next general election campaign will he on the tar- iff. The line of demarcation is clear There can be no misunderstanding on the issue. The conservative party is committed to its stand-pat ° atti- tude in favor of high protection, with favors! for the privileged few and no velief for the masses. The liberal party has once more taken up the . A . Hes a fool man who thinks that he can pleasg all his wife's rafations. Some women ean smile ih the face of adversity Jusy as if they meant it 3, C a 5 I a baby is homely the mother is wilting to admit that it looks Hke her husband 2 -------- Many a girl' catebes the man she wants hy pretending some man she' doesn't want to desire Unlike Our Wives, FR) The watchmaker su Has ways that are he He does his spring cleaning A ines o the year Honesty and Caution. thinks all women are asq as the her day counts washing three away Dallas times . » . o'er and then puts It News, X - Way. superstition > Ok, That It's such a silly always picking "You you wish, to be up pins! call it - superstition if I know a chap who about six dollars 4 week by fit." > low 'can, a many ™ may but nakes 1 that fellow gather "He works in a bowling alley.' -- Judge The New Way. "Be warned in, time. know that girl Nokes. gambles, at bridg "T know I am Don't drinks you dnd godng to marry her form her --Lobisville Courfer- Those Dear Girls, Miss Pagsayv-=Just think of the Miss absolute Bright--Nerve? recklessness Why fe is : nity Tough Birds. 'Indian Runner Ducks For His ad should shucks! When it appeared pale. s It read, Sale." have read---but the man turned "Indidn. Rubber Ducks." No Differénce. She--No, Jack, I fear we eould never be happy; vou know, 1 always want my own way He--But; Wm. everything. darling; von could go on wanting igafter we are married --Bos- ton Transcript -~p w------ Very Simple. My deans" husband, said Mrs 'what Snaggs to her is a canard?" "Don't you know w hat a canard ig?" lueried Snaggs "Why, the word itself conveys its own meaning: = "Does it? Wel fully, what dos it mean, dear" "Why, a canard is something which me canardly believe, of course." "Oh, to be po Why. couldn't 1 think of that?'--fF hange. Domestic Pleasantry. Mrs. Knicker'--The road to a man's heart is through his stomach Knicker--And a iot of you seem to think it shoWid be 1aid with bricks, nerve of the fellow tao propose to 'me. n A clearing sale of Men's Spring Suits, sold-outs, samples, and a special consignment of suits that we bought at much less than the regular price. - 4 ' p/ : © -Saoriety Brand Clothes Browns, ang $15, for. bronzes, cheviots, greys, tweeds and worsteds in stripes, plaids checks, sizes 33 $16.50 and $18 values $12 50 . to 44, Regular Children's LA x Hat Sale Linen Hats and ; Straw Hats Regular 25c and 35¢ Values for 15c. 'Working- men's | Trouser Special | $1.98 Well made, Good Style Neat Patieins, Tweeds and Woks. teds, sizes 32 to 44. . - . MOTHERS' DAY! | Sunday, May 10 For mother living a flower hright memory a flower For mother's white. Leave your orders at F. J. JOHNSON WW LADIES PATENT CLOTH TOP. BOOTS « are ready to work for almost pbthing. Members of parliament there only = re- ceive six. shillings per day, but they have the peculiar privilege of a: free seat in the Royal Theatre in Copen: hagen. battle of the plain people of Can- THE LEADING FLORIST The Hest Side. cSt 324 King St. - Phones: Store 239 Residence 1212 Greenhouses, 215, his 'great achievement in parliament | 4, by properly supplementing both the . ~ gpeech and the maps. Kingston Events : ha Ladies' Patent Button, i altos to om = eloth top, medium sole, Jat "Which side is it best to Iie on, Doe? ; : The side that pays you the retain. est last, $3.00, while they RONTORIAL NOTES r'--Cincinnati Enquirer. * ; .. same threat. The Norwegian honorable 'member is ' thankful for a daily income of twelve shillings, though he must do hid duty properly to get it. He loses a day's pay when he takes a day off, Mem- "hers of the Swiss diet 'work under the If they are absént they Jose salary which amounts in their "ease to ixteen shillings per day. "Roumania pays her Jawmakers a so- | vereign per day, and Bulgaria offers . sixteen shillings. In the latter coun- try, members living in the capital have four shillings deducted, because -they . have no train fares to pay, and only - one home to keep up. , Hungary treats her statesmen just halt as well as England does, allow- + ing them £200 per apnum. They have, | however, a liberal llowaxice for house : rent, and can travel first-class with see cond-class tickets. ; NOT A NICE POSITION. . Peter 8. Grosscup, of New York, in i letter to the New York Times, - intimates, that the mediation of Ar- in the * Mex with the United States, may not be the best , thing Hor the people of, the United States. He points out that if the United 1 iation: "it. means of the situa- circumstan- wrong, x * Is the City Council doing anything towards ithe establishment of a public swimming place ¥ 'L'here are three or four thousand hoys and girls' who would like to plunge in'the water, provided it 'is safe and legal. ------------ | The Belleville Intelligencer thinkg that any contemplated changes in the Book of Common Prayer are not half go much in need of revision as the hearts. of many who heedlessly mouth the unmatchable petitions contained therein. ® The Tatonto World deplores the absénce of Sir James from the legis lature sessions: 'The Gooderham bill passed, it regards as bad as any- thing that has been-done by any On- tario government, and it will have its due, consequences. The Toronto Weekly Sun thinks that the parcel system of the post office de- partment is very limjted. It says, outside of the twenty-mile limit, the express companies can beat to a fraz- zle the Post Office Department, both in the matter of rates and service. Montreal working people are defiant over the attitude of the Dominion gov. ernment toward them. It can give, £45,000,000 to a group of capitalists for railway development, but it can- not give $45,000,000 to help the un- émployed that are starving on the -- 3 «25 YEARS AGO. Out of forty inmates in the house of industry-it is said that twenty should be placed in an asylum. Some brutal persons abused a cow owned by Theobald Bros. They stoned the animal, put out one of its eyes and broke one of its legs. Constable "Niek* Timmerman dis- covered a serious fire in the rear of the Collender hotel, The hotel laun- dry and billiard room was destroyed. Presentiment of Death. Wide World Magazine. When an Eskimo is dying you will notice the inmates of the house mov- ing everything out of doors, other- wise it would be contaminated by the presence of the dead man and ren- dered unfit for use. Among some tribes the dying man 4 himself is borne outside. He is never taken out through the entrance tun- nel; but always through the smoke- hole or back.of the house, and the] passage is then closed so that h.s spirit will not find its way back. The Eskimos appear to have 'an uncanny presentiment of the up- proach of that dead. spirit who comes to one and all. When you see. then preparing the grave-clothes of one of their number who is ill you may know that his end is near. I do not think that they do any- thing to hasten the end, although they may-stab or hang the hoplessly infirm at their own request. It ap- pears to be an in®tinctive feeling h is common to primitive peo- ple, \and which is often noticed in the lower animals. TUESDAY, MAY, FIFTH The Hon. John Neebitt Kirchoffer, whose appointment to the Senate of Canada dates back to the adminis tration of the lute Sir John Thomp- son, celebrates his sixty-sixth birth. day on this date. . He was born at Ballyromney, Ireland, where his father was rector, and clime to Canada when a child. He settled in Port Hope and took up«the study and practise of law, later moving to Manitoba where he was instromental in founding the Plum Creek Seftlemient. He became a prominent citizen of Souris and sat for a term in the provincial legislature. In 1902 Ne wis elevated to the Senate and is now one of {ts oldest members in point of service; : Also born today: -- Adam Crosby, fornier M.P. for Hali- fax, born Belfast, Ireland, 1859. . Frederick Dane, Toronto, born Bel- fast, Ireland; 1861. ° . - ¥ ------ gp -------- It i reported that the 'government wil Abandon 'the French river im- provements until the special commis sion 'reports pon the economic feasi- | 1 : bility ol the Georgian Hay canal. ~/A blacksmith shop, good lo cation and plenty of work. In conmection are a first class dwelling in good repair, stable, hen house, about one acre of | first-class garden land with a | few fruit trees. A very desirable property for a blacksmith, Farm and city propertics i for sale. Represent strong fire insur- "H. JENNINGS King Sst last. ' ance companies and the Mutual Life of New York. v Money to loan on real es tate, I. 1. LOCKHART, { . (Over Bank of Montreal) | Clarence St.

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