Be I -- ------------ thee : LR Gani ae Managing Director . Sec.- Treas. -- = - Tel ness Office Enea iis 243 Rooms N RAT Year, iilid Tony er 0 . er, if pald ad : by.3 Sar to ta and three months pro rata. : Is one of the best' or nl in Canada. IRONTO REPRESENTATIVE 1 Churcl CARING FOR EMPLOYEES The progress made by great corpor- ations in taking care of their em ployees is illustrated by fhe latest list issued of employees retired on pensions ita single month on the Pennsylvania railroad éystem. They pumber seven- ty-seven names any it ranges Irom general superintendent. \pnd 'general manager to who aweep and scrub. a former It is said that six of the employees retired have been on the payroll more than fifty vears, fourteen others more than forty-five years and thirty others more thar foriy years. The average of two-thirds of those wetired had been in active service more years. The pension provided Ly the Paty is much more than a nominal one, for every employee is required to retire, even the president, at the age of seventy, and in case of physical disability, at the age of sixty-five. Fhe pension amendts. to cent. of «the Average pay for » Years Previciis "10 Fetiriment, ud plied. by. the dumber of years the pen: _sioner has been on the-employ of the company, The plan is so satisfactory that the road finds' it profitable to continue and to expand it because of the ex cellent quality of the work it secures, because it takes cre of its employees, liberal a manner. ---------- ATTENTION! CLEAN Clean-up week has been arranged for this month. Therd is work to do in every city < where winter is past and spring has come in this climate We may say that the same thing is = true of cities in other latitudes, but we deo not. live in any of those lati- tudes and, therefore, have no . tern about their gituation. It is a Very easy task to clean up, if each household attend ton its premises snd with the co-operation of the city department there ought to be no difficulty in presegting King ston as the cleanest and--most at tractive city in Ontario to live in The city, is without rival in mang Tespects. It may make itself the ¢ finest town in the country by atten tion on. the part of sach householder and land owner to the business of clearing up after the winter, It need' not be understéod that we ' are in a worse situation than the average town, for if is not; but it needs, like any other city, to remove the sigos of winter, the debris, the accumalaions. whatever is unsightly and unsamitary and so prepare . itseli jor the warm season. It is a splendid thing to have the clean-up business undertaken on a general scale, so that none may feel = the reproach of needing it 'while others do not, 'but while all workjng togeth- er give comfidence-to all and encour age all and in that way work out the very best results. A DEMORALIZED MINISTRY - The Ontario government, helploss and disorganized, is again in the equivocal position of suppressing in- vestigation. Even the former experi- ment of making a pretence of investi gation and springing to protect the smirched ministers when crucial points _ were reached will not be risked. The "light is uneerémoniously turrned off. With & smaller majority and the ne- tive domination of a strong mind that cginet might have run on for anoth- ek term with comparative safety, says othe Toronte: Globe, but the dollapse hay been inevitable. The struggles of the headless 'body are mot even pa- than forty com- one' per the ten con own paying of inflated prices for limits |. worthless, the private station women. gard for ¢ ing od willigne of de deficit by tricks in bookkeeping, the misapplication of [Sex-Antasio funds, the bdld levying beavy taxation and the. panicky withdrawal on protests from the'tax- ed, and now the Bimidly hidden oper- ations _ggainst the Scott act all show a coddition of helpless and dangerous demoralization. _ Mr. Bowman, the liberal whip, as sumed the full responsibility of hs position as a member of the house in making the Snider charges and ask ing for an investigation before a com- mission of judges, He charges the provincial secreta¥fy with acts that would make him directly responsible in the Snider campaign against the Scott act, and with responsibility for the sending of . Mr. Spider into three contests to use his positiob and influ- ence against the act. 'The reply is the epithet 'political scavengers" thrown at those who secured the ne cessary evidence, When much dangerous 'political all about, the political the urgently member of the community. It is told 16 there is so putrescence scavenger 1s most needed and useful the honor of leading American 'town that they turned out and worked as scavens gers when, the municipal authorities left. the streets in a dangerously in sanitary Aud 4t i§ to the honour of libersls that they have shrunk from the agreeable duty of revealing to the people the nature of the men and the organization citizens in an condition, the ~leading not into whose affairs are entrusted, hands public "CHURCH ATTENDANCE & The bill-boards Kings ton have been setting forth the claims of 'the church upon mankind, iog that all one of the throughout and urg men should attend some sancluaries on Sundays, there to worship and to manifest re- God and His bountiinl pro vidence manifested towards alll AHL over beginning 10 se¢ a return to the dards of a ; this continent, many are stan higher living, of a higher intellectual the Ss ally and spiritaal life; they see ganing of the mvmercial spirit, that the the accumulation of great due to the fact cliances for fortunes are being minimized, and also - a -- -- that religion has been freed from the dry bones of a dead theology and be come an It is 'active, living"thing also pleasing to learn, irom those who are interested in the sub ject, that under the rew ideals there i* not so much reluctance on the part of young men to enter the ministry they are that the calling j ming more and more ao paying could be so termed --or at least not' demanding 40 beginning {o realize proposition--if it muck of a sacrifice of wan for himseli and his' {amily 10 do the Master's work The has/ been both ada, go-to-church -campaign, which )assing over the 8 United country in. the States has led and Can to think of claims Chrigt has upon many relig ion and the them in service and in sacrifce thing with the and that is, There is one associated church, ings, no man has ever gone astray who has followed in any wise its teachings or who has even found within its sane Evil upd in the church with all its fail tuaries relaxai¥on a comfort. influences are not Within her ciation of good' people, of whieh evervhody -is eligible; is excluded, everybody is songht tobe bounds there is the asso in the society no one long to thie largest of all organiza tions that its efficiency and unselfish may be \increased The church's her Master, "Not to be ministered untop but The Christ in her members dervice motto is the same as to minister." spirit has made her missionaries of every fon! of ood in the world. There is Kingston who church's benefits, her erywheve, doing duty helping, in comforting, upon those who most sympathy. not a person in does not share in the laborers are ev in uplifting, in and in waiting need being so the attention and question naturally the pertinent obe, FaVing enjoved the benefits of the church, each one ros itseli into why does not share in her work and re sponsibilities ? The matter is up to the citizens in this city of churches, and dor the sake of the children, for the sake of influences that may be ex- erted, "the church should be thronged by those who believe in God and His institutions. EDITORIAL NOTES. | Kingston will mot forget that . it was under the Borden administration that its military camp was taken' from it, and the troops of this divi: sion wery, ordered to Petawawa to be drilled in wariare which they could" be taught just as well on old Barrie field Heights. Kingston's assessor has for years | 'kept tab on remts, in order tg make equitable assessments. This spring he has already uoted a numbef of marked increates. but what is the use of increasing assessments on the rent basis, when landlords each year tack a little mor on the tenant? It's the latter who suffers thereby. - 3 Tt is high time that the Board of Works. paid more attention to | illing of excavations' in the streets: Evety water, ot 'sewer tremch [falls in shortly ati being filled. right way and a wrong dis- | PUBLIC OPINION the | way of excavation Sling) * and' ' King | ston should follow the right way. It is time also that the Board of Works kad full jurisdiction over street re ! pairs, If exeavations by the Utilities fall in the city engineer's department should attend to them. rr Lifelong tory temperance wen those coupties where Mr. Snider writ the Seoft Act as Mr/Hanoa's authorized rep tative, are ready to testify oath, and, now that the they know them have been falsified in the' legislature, they will put truth and the interests of temperance be- fore any party obligations to the ing investigation, says the Toronto minister who betrayed his trust. Bark Globe, instead of ending the matter, has only given it larger significance and a new beginning, Regina has decided to for- ward the hands of the clock one hour | for the summer seadpn. The idea is to get the citizefs to start work ear in the under facts as move lier day. The same result by ordering everybody to go 'to bed at seven o'clock instead of eight. Whe should the timgpiece have its sy stem upset for who J like to. lie sun is shining 7? the sake of mortals abed when the Will Be a Surprise St Thomas Journa Letting daylight into the ( finances mug prove the tion. of pipllern times Signs of Decadence, Mtawa Citizen (Com Bruce and tie double-barreled seats in Torento signs of "dgeadence which all true friends of th Whitney government. will k \ X.R. biggest revela are Many a Round. fTournal Won Leader guard has m with a corporal's skirmish after skirm ish with the Whitney government, and fonly its preponderance served it 'from uttei than lone in. numbers has FOUL 'on mor occasion - ol the "Silo. arn Advocate Fhe silo by its worth has grown in numbers rapidly. dhirteen states in the American union have 130,000 silos between ihem, and Wisconsin has over 41,535 If stock breeder or feeder ly afford to be asset alone live VOu enn starce you are a without this valuable EE -- Retribution Coming Stratford Beacon I'he steam roller is being worked in the legislature with a vengeance these closing davs of the session people may take it in hand later turn it on "its present The wills of the but surely' Lhe contrivance and manipulators grind modérn steam have slowly roller retribution fy gods ern its wake Kingston Events 25 YEARS AGO, Quite a number of marriages have taken place recently among the mem- bers of. "A" battery. The Kingston Yacht club selected delegates to attend a convention in Rochester The police are placing under ar- rest boys found setting off fire crack ers in the street. completed lo SATURDAY, MAY SECOND Dr. W, Bell Dawson, superintendent of the Dominion Survey of Tide and Currents and a man whose work has been of immense practical impor- tance, reaches his sixtieth birth- day today. Dr Dawson, who isd the second eon of the late Sir J.- W. Dawson, -was born in Pic- tou, NB, and studied at Mc. Gill University, whence he grad- uated with high t Work on Hotel Frontenad is about 'Do they They Differ. get along well together? Where 'In eveerything but the hesitation." _ Andy, MSimplitied ulti ard The FI Fan us "Er---yus- end Husband have down-town after Tour shopping morning? Wife Nu, al could be obtained with less confusiomggy, ng that Owens is rated 'Heavens, no! fre He (in their kn ar She--Glance ang Please Note Last Word. spelling Acarried to ited degree was shown on a door geen in the South Fad "Will 'be back rite o, a." mate recentdy Loyalty. s that ght) Charlie. as yout miss. Its you wiv a-flaviron? but only with the Punch ---- A. Distinction. blunt of it" a Did you luncheon this lunch pt fifteen cents dear, only I had exce I'd spent His Rating. tell me the other ev Al in Dun's I &aid was that Didn't vou What bs gated N. G. by duns." Will Have Many Reminders. home) --Do believe married, these no doubt whatever, 4 > new you w, 1 can ! really hardly and truly that -we over bills 1 ¥vou'll have Fatal Words. that college chum to Colorado?" chap. He talked Eve hear from yours who went Oh, he's dead, poor may said to have himself to death," a "What do, you mean? oe Alkali Ike out ther "He called some Har' ; Romance Shattered. pro strokes io 55° She (if wh dor Sugie-~Yes, sir, will be ste The American shy the I "Whose cell 1¥ that? duate (reminiscing a bit remember' When { Was ing they started off at twenty-nine thirty roudly I) four and---= 1pting )--By at is boge for the coc the way, urse J-~Lon- 1 Opinion Ax Susie Saw Jt. Will vou see if your sister is but T don't think she You coming up the Journal saw ps, -- Albany An Irreverent Story. vigitor was through the door of bging® Fadl On woman's side win English a cell on the & this placard Out Te Lunch Will Return'in a Few Gene Days." asked the visi- tor. tur Mrs nkey Pankhursts Cintinpati replied Enquirer, the The Suspicions Widow. aoe awford--What makes you think it is risky to marry a widow? Cy tea that T hen Little tinent hearing ma ox claimed someth she wil Hard Labor. he hardest work The work, 1 and the did next hardest Keeping it from being Tae Judge $ vre -- Right. bovs 1 asked a schoo cher, doesn't fregze Cdn an) you name a liquid here wis a moment's silence, and a sice iswered hat ater!--Mel- A ReMef. ¥ travelling on. t with his mother, nothing but Ww, etc, spoken, cock-a-de¢ "Thank goodn hat speaks Lester, grew French One a rooster"s ' & His Problem. Shall 1 telephone or write? Shall T write or telgphone?" Guess TIL wait until to-night; Shall She'd prefer my My Chasiy' ¥ruther write at home alone I telephone or write? duleet tone; handwriting is a sight-- m gulte witty on the 'phone I'd, written vesterday! almost hear her groan Tier right away-- downstairs to the 'phone i Shall I telephone or write? Shall 1 write or 'phone at all If my clothes wemen't sjoh a sight, d just bop around aod call! Judge. honors. He was later admitted to the highest" = &chool of en gineering in France and led hig class ther: {0A graduation. "From then untill hi received his presen appointment in 1898, he engaged in a 'loAg series of engineerin undertakings in Canada principally in connection with railway construction. Under his supervision there are now issied annually those tide tables for the principal harbors of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. which are so invaluable to marlneis For t's work. Dr. Dawson received the Watt Gold Medal from the In. stitution of Clvil Engineers of London. "Also born today: 14.Col. G. 8. Cantlie. general siiper- Mntendent of car service, CPR Mon- treal, born in Montreal, (%67. J.D. Logan, poet and Journatia:, treal, born Amiganish. NS, 1369, , fs ~ Himself. © THE LAW: He who first offends causes the strife z 4 He who does anything through another is considered as doing it . He who spares the guilty pun- 'ishes the innocent. What i oy ee He ginning can gain no strength from the lapse of time Men's | '4 < Hosiery. \ 3 Bibby's 1 ~ Night Robes. - GUARANTEED we give MEN'S HOSIERY. pair that goes wrong, you 2 HOLE EPROOF -- For Workingmen's Shirts, Special Sher Heavy Drill kharki or black; sizes, 14 to 17 1-2; regular Toe value for 50c. Neckwear Sale NO.1. ? pC Silk reversible stvle; 20¢ values for 26c, 25 dozen Tublar Ties, "in rich plain shades, regular Neckwear Sale LOT NO. 2. arge and meds . New ium shapes: pure sills, rich colorings; flov: ends, . newest designs: regular 75¢ and £1.00 Silks, for 50c. Underwear for €n 4 Special 50¢ per garment, wool and cotton mixture; medium weight, just the thing for now. The best value Tm, Canada. 2 'in rich shades of blue, hand- FLANNEL SHIRTS, $1.00 - AND $1.25 VALUES FOR 69¢ EACH. Nizes 14 to 16 1-2, bluish grey colors, Tooke s make; ect fitting and of good: aljty. SPRING OVERCOAT Sale $12.50 values for $8.75 ite : Soriety-Brand Cibthee OUR BLUE SUITS' "x SPECIAL, $15.00 Pure Alves Worsted, tailored throughout; nel Oxford models, very nifty looking outfit for $15.00. OUR GREY SUIT SPEC- IAL, $18.00, A Pure-wool Grey Worsted, in ° light, medium and --dark shades; first-class workmanship; first-class linings: a: -real beauty, a regular $22 vBlue for $18.00. KR every pairs in exchange; pure 'cashmere. F.J. J. Johnson The Leading Florist 324 KING ST. 50.000 bedding plants, geran- fums, "etc, window boxes [fitied from 35¢ per foot up. Hanging baskets filled from 0c. A [ull line of cut flowers. HONES: Store 239. Residence, Greenhouses, 235. 1218, | i i | . To Let . Market garden ronerty. less than one mile from gston, consisting of 27 acres of ex- cellent soil, most of which is especially adapted for truck farming; ten acres plowed last fall; the falance in meadow; Ladies! Patent 2 est last, $3.00, good dyelling and large barn. For Sale A large list of farm piney perties and , some good bar- gains in city property and town lots. Sw : Fire and Life Insurance In first-class companies. Money to loan on real agate only. LI Button, / cloth' top, wediung sole, late while they, Ga lA ¥ Te