§ Confessions of Church Treasurer], mo Fir | -- | rico | Women Can Have Curls That Will 4 n nA nn 0 py A guarantee every. bag for : : a. ot ; : Last Year? $200.00 IN A £ood quality. ; : N : : i i i Literally speaking, the price is aboni . . AEE ; SMACLEAN, Now is the Time to Get Rid of These Proportionately, the Poor Give Infinitely More to the X00 ¥ \guratively Te it has a APE | 5 A Street. hrs wo iy Spots test need | ChUrch Than the Well -to-Do; Church People Have bad effect ou the hair, but what. ele -- nn ss -- rts Thewe's longer shigh need . > could une ex) when the process is RCYREN _YBRAPRSRE ;: nal 5 a of: ashamed of your freckles, . Not Been Taught to Give. . - la sorf of a biking * ; welt Anew fui, 10 so, YOU CAN , Sy "'am. the prescription othine--doubie : bes ngs . ia a CF a This. Rakes four hous but wm the I Oh TU Tp ott ty Bfisnce aml ars TO i SU Ea I A certain class of gchurch-goers refreshed also is a cause of wonder ' sEverence you cam probably make out § or 6 of them. TF person who can out the number we . guaranteed to remove : s C1 hit . end-~hehodd ! Mistress Vanity has her ve the Sum of One Hondo: Dollon Te the person making out the second largest umber the sum of ® 3 must sing with great joy the line|ment to this church treasurer, who 2 lars, To the person making the thisd largest mumber the som of Thirty Dolls. To the pares mak IN YOUR BAKING : 9 these howely spots, : "Salvation is free for you and me," | remarks: bair naturally (7% wavy haw ! Fourth Haget monies the sem wenty Dollars, Shoutd tho send answers squall neh ey Che ; 'A. Simply get an Sunes. of, _othing-- says a writer in the Congregational- "He has been told that 'back en- : Wht ua rolied fio more electric hair Re ppacirided betwecn thers (each on es sed in cust Soueck anaes, dhe, | 4 Use enly \ a rOete 8 1ict (Boston), and he adds thai they [velopes' can not be filled because thed CUTS. nor curling irons, 'And the De Aekeputn of $800.00 wil be ma ont with Cre a EJs uietnd to on in ike propastions 5 NOY | Couper's Baking hood and apply a little of it night y 'y free as 10 owner re : iano [PIT can be champoved and brashed to | J SRTPEpibasiopis cdi ates which YOU ANSWER THIS ADVERTISEMENT, {1 you con make "and morning and you should soon |¢Onsider it s¢ absolute'y free as owners of them have bought a piano heart's content, withoit. dest Budd RD sed ne HEN Yuu Al) Hi our veply, DO NOT DELAY, Powder oe tha the freckles have | 16! "under no ubligation to pay .a|'on payments' and all other financial |5 © adored : pe a By . WRITE AT ONCE. CANADIAN MEDECINE 00. Dept. G6 AL, QU. . . : < ; feo that even WOPst Tin ® leent for their share of it." The obligations must he held in abeyance | '"§ 1 Ade And Inicating wave. wm 37, - - COAST 0 « begun to disappear, while the lighter | "© cond Eo b il th : id for. He has], It 1 ® Pity that it does nop really . : SEALED OYSTERS ones have vanished entirely; It is statement proceeds from a man who |until the plano is paid for. ie has fast | - St the rest of one's. natural fife, as has been a church treasurer for even been tol Y 4 prospective bride |. that more than an ounce fs it is supposed fo do. : twenty-one years and now for the that her week y offering of ten cents Fo tlh' the * tut. war is about ttetlad lo Sbbltals tear the Shin first time breaks his silence about|a week would be discontinued in the usual life of 43 : a a a var ple some of his discoveries in the realm | view of the expense of her approach- thr well, ven tint is a ~wmiracle ana ] i. | of giving, remifiding us that a church ing nuptials, but that she would seek many a Mistress Vanity will be will ure und avk rr. ths dighle treasurer learns things uo One else |to get her husband-to-be to double ing to pay ihe price each year, as well etrength 3 in the church may learn, many of | his sttbscription as soon as they were | as almost tiin her hair into the bay . uarantes of money back if it false . : 3 841-3 Princess Street | Plone 76 . Prompt Delivery which aré rather amazing For in- married, and that would 'even things gain ! 5 < -- | Stance, he mentions the laige numi-jup. He has had subscriptions dis- Sera " . . ber in some churches who give noth- continued Vecause the pastor had When is ima of Life? x ! " : When is the Prime of Life? [ing at all toward their supbort; and |*hit' some one in his sermons, even Living Church GSTON - he contrasts the man with an income | though the pastor has had no inten- TRG % Yas 3 fo +» {lof $600 a month who gives fifty cents | tion of being personal and is happily con age man, i Jeader. in la BUSINESS COLLEGE - on, Sunday, with the washerwoman|unaware of the fact that he has club- Y a8. ut ru A es i ¥. 8 9 1 (Limited) oe wlio gives the 'same amount. Pro-|bed any one. But the pastor seldom Be ying: ¢ Ph a) 8 BR ~ % $ §] | portionately, we are formed, "the {remains for long 'happily unaware' rs or ag ten oF fof York: Head of Queen Street ~ 'RB : Ss - a Ars i 4 AS . is poor give infinitely more than thelof any of his blunders. He usually ire tho Lo We oe ' "J , Courses in bookkeeping, short- g - well-to-do," while those who give| has knowledge of them on the véry This man firmly iis that the Pay Tsung, clvii Servis i 2 = i 3 x SE dV. 2 ab lic iy i " elieves 8 b ener mp 3 $ § % 2 @ least usually have most to say about heéls of their commitment 2 man of forty-five or. thereabouts is at commercial subjects, a how the church should be run. The Referring finally to the contention the prime: of if Bysically and nen. & oderat Inf ob 3 : <a Vo writer cites some amusing apologies |of some that church people have not = i aD Diy 8 icH iY : : me t trates moderate, a eT » -. of members who have fallen behind | been taught how (6 give and that the Mature your a 0, or ion of «? & he a xhont o fence this spring. We |, 1),0ir contributions and speaks of problem of church support is merely | M210! Sure 2 ; have sn great variety asd cheapest others who when gently urged to pay | "a matter of education," the writer ti a lo ome res(iess after = H. F. Metcalf, Prin ' PARTRIDGE & SONS, their subscriptions treated him re-|says that "it would be easy to secure yous fields 9 Th a Pos} on an 0 see King St. West. Phones 350 & 1195 sentfully and accused hinx of un- [signatures of many church treasurers he su: ie onl) Aver A SE a, er = a - Christianlike ' behatior Neverthe- | to a' petition to have such a school is Ll sol us a 20 Shap, ane "Pa . a « less he has a word of appreciation for started as soon as possible. Only the fe gigi g Lh - I E i : : a . "the true-hearted men and women" [church treasurer knows how much |' 4 A aa Bi NG G ORGE NAVY PLO f # , F ) eir duty in the support of [it i¥ needed." and Hin until his services betome t G --~_ 3 i whe Ss th k nd ventur 0 hop highly valuable, and in' many cases CHEWING » TOBACCO $ & 3 sir church. i \ es 3 a id ad k : 38 i > y = thelr wail Kind may soon Le A Dangeroys Gamble niisnanmble. we Slign fleas young * od 5 g Pi ' ay . @ iplai ) weir ability to > 5 : : eady "edueated np 0 siving 3 On the fo tas Jobehal fn " ) get settled. : That is largely because ISIN A CLASS BY ITSELF) | Thekind you are looking is the bind we sel 3 be a subject o 1@ greater gonerosity of 1€° people o anada ve ex- , sa . et 2 « ye > . - 3 ; Yr the poor we read [ pehd $90,000,000 on the St Law. they el settle. do not Seek 2a It surpasses all others in quality gnd flavour because the - ~~ * elief "The . church ) Tressirer wha, is rence Watery ay, and have y2ad00. make the most of their opportunity. process y which itis made differs from others. -- It is deli Scranton Coal y N Bh making these reflections has on his inare going into 1e ellanc Opportunity seldom knocks at our . rat . ' i - 0° 13 \ ! . books names of persons with 'in Canal enlargement woud - Ldoors We must knock at the door ciously Sweet and non ntating. + \. comes of but ten and twelve dollars : They haye expended $16,000,000, bof opportunity .and he prepared to SOLD EVERYWHERE: 10c A PLUQ ' * a week who give from fifty cents to fin-addition) on the ocean channel to push the door a little if necessary - 3 ; in Ome every wee re Fs xy ¥ wank lk Male, 230 6h Be. ew York, writes a dollar of this income eve y wee k Monte 8 C.F" thet Pot £63.. ee ee i ROCK CITY TOBACCO Co., Manufacturers, QUEBEC" % Bom tor We ute hr ty Be | 0 SO a a gag le CPR. they put $62, Retribution way be slow in getting |B Te J A . ith Rad. | Church e could, re *y . * » y fe o a started, but it makes up time on the 4 3 wats Re Retief and Pits, Ne Hy ae. duce the names of séveral working-|in i ol. . 7 hak last. few gording to Radway's directions, and she wen girls receiving from five to seven dol n the National Transcontinental] co LDS AND C ol S Jars a week whose regular weekly | railway they have invested $180 . GH contributions to the church alone are {000,000 ; ? ¥ a 5 from forty to fifty cents, and all - of Upon the Canadian Nor{hern rail - hroa ren A ee hale? to the 1} tal and hr these girls live away from home and [way they have spent upward of $50,- Herts Tis in Ps oS iil Teel pay room rent and board. He could |000,000, and given a vast amount of 1 dove Wadway's. Pills and a teaspoonful | place beside these names along list | land. 5 ES r oF ke wilh 1 monitor mie: % | of nares gf persons whosé Wages ex In the development of national ¥ u . R ' ' % bed, uy The morning the cold will be gove. ceed §25 a week who give from twen- [ports they have expended the great ~ RADWAY & CO., Montreal. Cap. =» ty-fié to forty cents a week. He|sum of $40,000,000. SEE could give the name of a widow with For the construction of the 'Hud four children all untler fifteen years |son Bay railway, they will expend at Yak : ) 3 of age, and the needle of this poor least $10,000,000 =] If You Are Thinking of Building woman is the chief support of the These c6lossal' amounts, which : pay 0 family Two of the boys earn a ftaken together far surpass the na nn a foley Tou, th gut small sum before and after school, [tional debt, were expended that Can { 1 he 1 {ada might be compacted, that Cana-1 w bricks, ete, as you will save but it is doubtful if the combined |ac g J + that © : $260.00 Between solla brick income of the family exceeds twelve dian trade might be kept in Cana and cement blocks. dollars, but this mother and ewch of | dian channels, might go to the mat We also have all sizes 'n 'her children: have a package of|kets of the world through Canadian sills, lintels, pier blocks, caps church contribution envelopes and | ports This has been 1e policy ¢f x 2 and vases at reasonable prices. these envelgpes aie dropped into the |both parties for * ean the pag contribution basket every Sunday of | twenty years at least Nir Wilfrid 4 * Kingston Cement Products Factory the year. There may be Sufidays | Laurier in launching his\ National ® ¢ Vactory Cor. > of Patrick and when only one member of the family | Transcontinental project, declared 3 = Charles Sts. appears at church, but-when that [that he would never rest until every : a e wa ; Office: 177 Wellington Be. happens, and it happens seldom, ail |ponnd of Canadian traffic was being A S , five of the envelopes come with that [shipped through Canadian routes a » farii {and ports. * . a 3 member «of the family. vide d t afford to t Bae) eran A ds " sohtrast to this it would he" anada can not afford to turn back a v In eahty 9 Shige 5 o je of japon that policy by specidus tinker- | « easily possible to give the name o I z with the inciple of th ay » o P99000066000¢ a well-to-do family of six person ing on 1€ princi > the tari : 3 the husband and father of which i Sigh a the votes of this, that o © ] . the only' person having envelopes by ie 'other class, : . t iS He giyes a dollar a Sunday for the | And Bending the Sonpletion il ke . ie es . save Tho ther' of | V1€ DIE enterprises with which the 48 Ot the Largest Jack Manu- Shire family 32 Sake. fhe es [country is mow engaged it would not ® 3 facturer 7 i Dla The moral effect of each member of a ae ln fhe aaional intere t I= Abou : : : gamble with = established condi 3 RT : t u 00 Ta lets the family having his or her own en- |! a b. i I'v pS § giving regularly and | ONS "have been a sufferer from headache | ¥PIOPes and giv A ea ar ite | ------ : i i systematically is lost sights of, while since childhood and bave used. all, vi] the treasurer falls to wondering how | Dessii on the Farm. nearly all, of the so-called "cures" on the th Sasyre t pel that dollar | When a boy 1 used to dwell { market, Some months since my at. [this man can fee Ba foring Jin a 1 : | : E i : tention was called to your Zutoo Tablets | Week is a fair and gsneruug oifes ing [128 home Fioves 50 ell, i] AIN in the back means Kidney Trouble. It : aud I have been using them ever | for six persons in a family in w rich | away among the clover ana' the | an ; 1 since with the most gratifying | the combined income must be well on | bees, : : i may be Kidney Cold--damp, rainy weather ? results, I find they cure a "sick" orto one hundred dollars a week." | Where the Morning Glory Vine 1 . ' ? . _ nervous" headache in a few minutes, and Only an abundant sense of humor | Round our cabin home did twine, | may have inflammed the Kidneys--it may leave no bad effect, My family use them | can keep a church treasurer from be- | And the robin red-breast sang among | y . . : . henever nceded with equally good re- | coming sour and cynical, we are told | the trees } be acute Inflammation, due to Uric Acid--it may suits, ve frequently given them to by the writer, who says, in compar- | | : Iriends wha were suffering from headache ing the giving habits of young people | We were brothers, young and gay i be Rheumatism or Lumbago, brought on by and they never failed to give quick relief. that ** x yomen are more con- [And a father old And gr: : i - 4 girls and women are more con ather old and gray i ~ find them a good remedy for "sour seientiouis than boys and men {And a mother dear to keep us from | weakness of the Kidneys. . stomach as well as headache. I always and give more generously: of their | all harm | 7 3 hem in my grip on the tuad and inconre rom { There I spent life's golden hours 2 wo ithout them at any cos : Th Roal wild : v tha ars " . . b A. O. NORTON, 286 Congress, St. Boston. | The xcusos offered by the "Tope. | Ke LIE wid among The Jowers Whatever the Pain, The CAUSE is The Kidneys § } itr Arua isd 1) 3 s-ha e down -------- Re 5 : Lud members when their memory | | on the fan 3 { - ; , J é . - . - Pill i Many weary years have passed | Whatever the Pain, The CURE is Gin TPills : 3 > SA-------- A - Since I saw thé old home I: > % : i { But memory steals o'er me like a : = 3 . fo ® charm x : 3 B a tiful Yvery oe Fithiiar. vies . GIN PILLS are as soothing and grateful to the : Every kind and loving face i : : 3 > we é u : {In my boyhood's happy home down inflammed kidneys, asa cooling, healing ointment X 4 . | onthe farm, - is to an angry burn. A - . ; 3 ¥ air | And to-day as I draw near i : ais rire as {Tue old home loved so dear, Three or four hours after taking a dose of GIN PILLS f BS AYSry won. stranger meets me at t : doa 7 an beautiful, and [Roung no he op the Svar, you SEE, as well as feel, that the wonderful Medicinal " o desire to | 0 8 many a ; . 3 J make ihe mast of : change 1 Properties of GIN PILLS have reached the Kidneys. 3 e » Appearance DOOR 5 PA irah oo | % --- K . have the opportin. au Se res all ser strahge, and Bladder, and are doing you good. The pain gets Oo paying 3 & é 42 ¥ 10 greet me asl . '3 3 + to « of yore. | «. Ccasier --the soreness leaves the mticles "the stiffness ; Ee Professor MS moter 3 Nis orks out of the joints --and you aré soon able to 4 Ld My mother dear is laid 'n pat a | : : : : 3 5 ; vig Dorenwend elim. trees' pleasant share A234 straighten up and step. out without a hint of pain. 3 » 3) w Bedilin La Ang the golden summer sun ' ? 3 » i Shines bright and ws ; ' : ~ aia . a 9 , i Ang Warn. joi Don't belittle Nature's warning. Pain in the back 3 i on a ay in In the old Yamiliar place Pos £2 5 y ' . I can see a stranger's face | y h n h i i ith th : With an Immense 4(0ck of the Latest Fashions in Hale f means that' there is som ing wrong wi e Gosds | 3 In my father's old arm: chair down A Style Ww Suit Every dividual. on the farm --W. A. Warre: 3 "Ladies With Thin Hair" Men Like Old Steak. 1 ang have a demdusteation" of THE DORENWEND TRANSFORMATION. || Washington Sear wg ¥ WL give a charm and atiractivenpss lo an otherwise plain face and ie Tow . § will assist any Womah to Keep her youthful appearance. They are superior Frederick Towngend Martin 'Said, 00 all others in effects they produce. when adjusted," in quality of hadr and after A visit to Bme of the F tency of workmanship . Kidneys. ' To neglect them, is to run the risk of having Bright's Disease,' Diabetes or Dropsy. Hundreds and hundreds of people are taking GIN PEE righ now to protect themselves against just such attacks. Do the same. Get GIN PILLS to-day--and take three or four every day until het weather comes. ; A pill of prevention saves many a pain. : 3 Missions, in which be takes a pro Lo PA FREE DEMONSTRATION 1S OFFERED 10 Mra found inferest : ' | "The misery wa encounter i @ . - { P) n these Toran ations, Pompadowrs, Nangs i" » Waves, § . ssi den Wins, ransiorm hy | - J Panam, Fronts, vex, witches, nissions. saddens - and at the same at . time rdifies, 1 the rich would only. : "Gentlemen" If You Are Bald ut the very i, te very | WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLE : 1 y ne | » | Bower: | | { | i sa e Jaok nih. ' al 20a see THE: DORENWEND $AN- peasiul, 'ure with eral No fn | ~ > wal = : A VT TOUPR which is a x 3 . oy 9 N i : perfeét' protection to the head. For is from the lowly that true charity Tr You don't have to spend a cent to find out if GIN PILLS will do you natural ect, ®lrongth, durability, hy- 3 23 ¢ may. be eXpected." With ' a smile and 5 sigh Mr. Mar tin added' . . "Like the old-fashioned beeisteak good. Simply write a post card, asking for free sample of GIN PILLS, We will send you enough to try. Then, if you find that GIN PILLS - help your trouble, get the. regular 50c, box ;- 8 fer $2.50, at your Widealer's on our 'positive guarsitee that your money will' be refunded onde qualities, they are unequalled: ® this they will a man Appear Years Younger. his Toupee is a pieténted in 'alt rountries snd may only ; : Purchased from us. : man needs a great dfal of | pounding | promptly, should i. Deo net fall to all und see thew, and before he is' eton a little tender hd a FOU, a1 Ye SHuistigd, 220 - i - vemember dave, 4 : others : ps i i np hye . en rr & bi 31 THE DORENWEND COY. OF TORONTO, LTD, Fi ------ { n JAT VMI ANY . : 3 ; : (The House of Quality Hair Goods) id In the army of the unemployed mai NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL Co. ge * : 103-10 Yonge Street - - A oN tl Torte | be found many who would much rath: 3 1 : ) ' . ? er be there than at work. OF CANADA, LIMITED r a Cw oe ® . . . x on i