Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Apr 1914, p. 6

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To give your hair that gloss and : and wavy silky-softness use Harmony Hair Beantifier. It takes away the dull dead look of the hair, #nd makes it bright-<ttrns the strin. ; into fluffiness--overcomes in place. It is just exactly what na hair beautifier, and éther your hair is ugly now or utiful, it will i ve its appear- You'll be hted with the ts. Simply sprinkle"a little on hair each time before brushing ¢ Containg no oil; will not change the color of hair, nor darken gray "To keep your hair and sealp dan- fi-free and clean, use Harmony ¥ . This pure, liquid sham- POO is most convenient. to use, _be- one it gives an instantaneous rich, foaming lather that immediately pene- tes to avery part of huni aud scalp ring a quick, thorough cleansing. oausing = st as quickly, the entire ation takes only a few moments Contain nothing that can harm the hafr; leaves no harshness or stinki- just a sweet-smelling! cleanli- neas. 'Both preparations come in odd- shaped, very ornamental bottles, _ with sprinkler tops. Beautifier, $1.00 Harmony Sham- . poo, Gfc. Both guaranteed . to #atisfy you in every way, or your 'money back. Sold onl at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only by us. Mahood's 'Drug Store, Kingston's Ont. HACKS AND CARRIAGES PHONE 1157 GEORGE W. BOYD Rubber tires put on all vehicles . 89 Earl Saréet. 'HUTTON"S LIMITED. 18 Market St. Kingston, Ont Fire, Life, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass, Motor Boat and Auto- mobile Insurance. Real Bstate Bought and Sold. PHONE No, 703. ----WE SELL ---- Scranton Coal Go's Coa from the eelebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 the best Anthracite Cos! es In Pennsylvania. Place your order with THE North End Ontario Street. Contractors, Attention! PHONE 1473 Get Prices From David Marshall on Plumbing, Gasfitting and Tinsmith Work, Prompt attention and reason able rates guaranteed. 101 Queen Street, Is the best patented wall board 'on the market, because it is made strong with wood lathes. Ask for Information. fs |, ri PHONE 1m . a -------- " | We have a nice assortment | of Gas Fixtures at moderate the | ADDRESSES THE SYDENHAM STREET EPWORTH LEAGUE And Tells. Why, She is Opposed to Women Having the Franchise '-- Mrs. W. E. McNeill, of Queens, the Speaker, Tiny I Am e . an Anti-Suffragette," as the topic of the paper read hy Mrs. W. FE. MoNeill, M.A., advisor of women at Queen's University, at the gathering of the senior Epworth oague of Sydenham Street Methodist church on Monday evening. The lec- ture hall 6f the church was well filled to hear this interesting paper. Some time ago two papers were give en on the other side of the question. As a result of these it is stated that some oi the members of the society are believers in suffragism. Rev. Mr. Bell, in moving a vote of thanks to Mrs. McNeill, stated that the paper which had been read was the most jn- teresting presentment of the case «to which he had ever had the opportun ity to listen. : Mrs, MeNeill said that some of the clave. of the sufiragette are: Ii men were given the vote, conditions would change? as all » women would Wo Harmony Hair | | physical JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO vote the right .w ay: Others sav that women's wages would /be the same' as men's. Some claim that tasation means protection, "What will you do with the vote if we give it to vou," of the first questions which these women, who are clamoring for the vote, should be hsk- ed," said Mrs. MeNeAll, "If all the wo- men would vote rightly, as they should do, then conditions might change." > Mrs. McNeill three 15 om dealt with the subject points of view, namely, woman, intellectual woman, moral woman. In speaking of the physical woman, the speaker made special 'referenca to the place in the home for woman. Woman was creat- from and Thin People Can Increase Weight THIN men and women who would "M0 dncrease their weight. with 10 15 pounds of healthy 'stay there" Veating a little Sargol Is for a while and note Is a good test worth weigh yourself and yo elf Then take Sargol ne tablet with' every l--for two Then measure It of how your friends The scales and the 1 tell their own story, NAN Or woman can Say ¢ tape mea And most easily add in the first this simple diy all, the new fles Sargol does not of but mixing with vour food, fats, ars 1 have into ing fo make fat, it turns the starches of what you Ich, ripe fat produc- » tissues and 1 easily assimi- iood can readily hment now pass- S waste. But Sar- v and does it quick- ly and makes the fat producing. con- terits of the very same meals you are cating now devalop poinds and pounds of hes y flesh between your skin and fe, pleasant, effic- eaten nourfs rgol is sa large boxes -- @~-0n a guar. or money Cotton and Wool Waste Acme Sanitary Cotton Wiping Cloths for Power Houses, Packing Houses, Engine Rooms, and any» where and everywhere where machinery Is used. Also. oils, greases, sponges, chamois, polishing. cloths, soft soap, packings, belting, ete. Our prices ave the lowest and our quality the highest. Jt will Pay you to get in touch with. us, We shall be glad to make your S¢quaintance, and, you will be Just as glad when. you. have made ours, We are the largest manufacturers and dealers in Canada Buy From Us and Support Cans- dian Industry. H. Gray & Co, 21-26 Dalhousie St, TORONTO Factory « Montreal 'Most Everything in Your House in the way of Cushi Fable Caverns Race ks. tana without the leat injury to fabrics. 19 Parker's 2333s fed different than nian, {5 that their body and hrain differ in some respects. One sex is better able to do one (ass of work than the other. Mes. MeNeill, in dealing with the in- tellectual woman, spoke of the impos- sibility of developing a masculine mind in a female body. Regarding moral woman, the speak- er referred fo the state of afiairs in Colorado, where the women have had the vote. She spoke of the corruptions which took place in that state which, in many cases, had been traced to the woman voter. In one case a woman signed a. judge's name' Two other women started a fight, while a third stuffed the ballot box. A Denver press despatch, speaking about that place "going dry," referred to the sale of women's votes which was open and shames. Some women worked for the saloon-keeper, and 31, 000 was paid Jor women votes, After the paper had been read, con- siderable discussion took place, in which Rev. Dr, Rvckman, F. R. Ang- lin and Dr. A. F. Knapp had a few words to say on the other side of the question. Mr. Anglin and Dr. man did not altogether agree with some of the statements made by Mrs. MeNeill, Kvek- TO WARD OFF MILITANTS League to Provide Guardians for Per. -sons Menaced Jypndon, April 28. -- "Protection against 'Les Petroleuses"---Property owners and others provided with suitable guardians, armed with cat- o'-nine-tails and other effective wea- pons, Apply, Emergency Depart-4 ment, Liberty and Property Defence league, 25 Victoria street, Westmin- ster." This advertisement, which has ap- peared in a4 newspaper, shows that the suffragettes, are facing the pros- pect of retaliation with one of their favorite weapend, namely, the whip; but it is probable that the ex-service men and ex-policemen, whom the league has at their disposal to pro tect timorous individuals from milit- ants," would choose other means of [dealing with them, "Of course the men could use cat- o-nine-tails if they desired," said the secretary of the league, "but experi- ence has taught us that there is nothing more effective for subduing rebellious individuals than what is known. as 'the policemin's grip'--a firm hold taken on the back of the neck. Knuékle dusters have also their adyocates among our nten, of whom we could muster a thousand at short notice, and who could be supplied individually in a moment to any person fearing an attack from the Petroleuses." COFFIN HELD RIFLES Supposedly Funeral Party Opened Fire on Soldiers. Vera Cruz, April 28.--Firing took place in a cemetery outside of Vera Cruz city limits, where for two days there had been much sharp-shooting at the, United States forces from the direction of the cemetery. An investigation was made by a detachment of the battalion of blue- jackets from the battleship Michigan, which was on outpost duty. The attention of the officer in com- mand was drawn {o what purported to be a funeral party escorting a body for burial in the cemetery. Close investigation revealed thai the coffin, instead of containing a corpse, was filled with rifles and am munition This discovery confirmed ericans' suspicion The then continued their search in the cemetery and came upon a newly- dug grave, in and around which was a body of Armed Mexicans. A brief encounter followed and the bluejackets killed four Mexicans, who were concealed in the open grave, and wounded several others. It is sapposed that under the pre text of conducting funerals the Mexi- cans were preparing to dig supposed graves, which were to serve as en- trenchments. All the sharp-shooting which came from the cemotery was from the direction of the grave where the Mexicans were afterward found the Am- bluejackets WOULD DECIMALIZE TIME Frenchman Proposes Twenty Hours and 1,000 Chroues for Day London, April 28.--A suggestion lis. made in the current Revue Bleue for the purpose of bringing the chronological system inte line with the decimalization of money, weights and diktance. The new proposal involves the division of the day into twenty peri- ods, called hores, instead of twenty- four hours, each hore being similarly divided into fifty periods, 'callea chrones; each chrone---about one and a hall minutes--being the thous- andth part of a day--as the gram and the meter are the thousandth part, respectively of the kilogram and kilometer. The chrones are fur- ther subdivided into centichrones, the equivalent of a second. The deviser of - the plan asserts that the new system would facilitate marine observation, besides simplify- ing calculations of tinie generally. The French government, however, shows no inclination to adopt the idea. Orchestra leaders notice : Various selections, 10 parts and piano, regu- lar 756) for 156. Tutton's sale. Rev. Walter Rigsby jouried to London, Eng., in an effort to bring to justice a bigamist at whose mar- riage he officiated. Removal sale! Linen skirts, 81; washing - underskirtes, 49¢.' * blouses from 8500. DPutton's. A military governorship has been set up in Down and Antrim, Ireland, head. Men's $5 patent colt hoots $2.50: $4.25 gun metal boots, $3. Dutton's remaval sale. ' J: 8. Burnham, M. P., for Peter- boro', seriously proposes an air-ship line instead of the Georgian Bay canals. 5 Notice | lack serga skirts, $1.39. black "underskirts, 50¢.; black blonses from 750. Duiton's: sale. with Major-General McCready at its CJ FY OFF i GAVE ADDRESS ON "IRELAND" BEFORE A. 0. H. ; $ Notre Dame Convent Monday Night In"Commenioration of the Twenty-first Anniversary of the Order, Kingston was, on Monday evening, visited by C.J. Foy, of Perth, the national vice-president of America and proviucial president for the province of Ontario jor the Ancient Order of Hibermans, He was the guest of the AO. and gave that order a spirited address on "A History of Ireland, or A"Uentury of Ireland Since the Year 1782." W James, the president of the society in kingston, made a few opening remarks why this meeting was called, the chief reason being because it was the twenty'first anniversary of the formation of the order in Kings- ton. " He also spoke of those who la- hored so faithfully to 'bring the or- ganization about. My. James then ealled "upon J. Behan to be chair- man for the oceasion. Mr. Behan thanked the.Ancient Or- der of Hibernians for tlhe honor. The object of the society was to advance brotherly love. : Mr. Foy's address centred about Danjel (Connell, who, during his en- tire life labored so heartily to bring about the liberation of Ireland. "His address was brimful of information and touched on the home rule ques- tion throughout. No country, . he said, has a history so rich as that of Ireland. [It confained some of the brightest minds that time has pro- duced, but still jr can be heard that Irishmen arc SR capable of ruling themselves. Wherever you go, said the speaker, you will find Irishmen, and in many cases at the head of affairs them will be found." From o In of this it is clear then that the sons of Ireland should be given the privilege for. which they are fighting. Unceas- ingly the fight has been going on and that wonderful hero and statesman, Daniel O'Connell, no doubt if he were living to-day would by this time have attained the object Mr. Foy spoke of the difficulties ex- perienced by O'Connell, as well as the bloodshed which followed on many occasion. Different ones have pleaded for Ireland, but to no avail I'he strong hand ef England enforeed cruel laws on the inhabitants of emerald isle and those who hroke them were placed on the scaffold. Such laws scatterad Irishmen all over the world and it the duty of this A.O0.H. society to bind these sons of Ireland together to live in expectation that the coveted day will come when Ireland will gain its independence. " and after Mr. Foy's addrdss a musical programme was given, in- cluding a piano" solo by .T. J. O0'Con- nor, entitled "Overture of Irish Airs': solos by Charles Cross and Master Charles O'Connor, the former singing "There Is Only One Irelarid For Me and "The Harp that Onee Through Taras Halls." The latter sang "When I Dream of Old Ireland I'm Dreaming of You, The pianist of the evening was Miss Marion O'Connor. The event was held in the new hall of the Notre Dame cnnyent, and a large audience was Présent. After wards, the "members of the A.O.H tetidered Mr. Foy a banquet in their ha some an isy 2 2 wlore DUKES AID FOR MEXICO Capt. Boscawen Awaits War Office Permission. Ottawa, April house is likely to popular residents wignness the bBuke of of his aides, as Captain Hon. FE. J Boscawen bas applied to the Jritish war department for permission to go to Mexico with the United States army as assistant military attache Captain Boscawen is now in Wash imgton awaiting word from the war office and has the permission of the Duke oi Connaight to absent himself from his . official duties here in case his request is favorably received. The military attache of the British lega- tion at Washington, Colonel Gage, will go to the front in any caSe and it is thought here that Captain Bos cawen will also be sent., * Captain Boscawen, who has in Canada about a year, is an en thusiastic and earnest soldier. Th 28. --~Government lose one of its and His Royal Connaught one been APRIL 28 '6th, on which <Q , 1914. SPORT REVIEW Interesting Notes About Baseball and Lacrosse = : Berlin and Waterloo have formed a Twin. City league; which will play in the O.A.L.A. intermediate serfes this sammer. "THE Ottawa will end only two repre- sentatives to the Canadian Amateur boxing championships at Toronto. Fhey will be Carl Krevaniek, in the featherweight, and 'Charlie Me- Carthy, in the lightweight. Thé Pittsburg. Pirates have been experimenting with "Ham" Hyatt as catcher. If by any stroke of fortune Hyatt can be used behind the bat powerful batting strength will . be added to an already promising com- bination. The Canadian league opening at Brantford will be presided over by the mayors of Hamilton and Brant- ford. Mayor Spence, of the Tele- phone City, will do the pitching, while Mayor Allan, of Hamilton, will catch. New rule forbids a coachér touch- ing a runner at third base, and in a racent White Sox-Naps game Umpire O'Loughlin called out a runner who was shoved by a coacher at first base. This is a pioneer ruling, but the absolutely original umpire will be he who calls a runner out for being touched by a coacher at second base The Ottawa Canadian league club will not be able to secure the ser- vices of Joe McManus, who was the leading pitcher of the Canadian league in 1912. The Durham, N.C, club, to which he now belongs, has decided to retain him, McGraw not only seis the pace In the National league but in diamond costuming. The Giants blossomed out in stripes and the other clubs adopted the fashion. Same is true of collorless shirts and mackinaws A case of following suit, as it were At Philadelphia, Oxford university of England won (ae iour-mile col- lege relay championship of America from the University of Pennsylvania on Saturday afternoon ih the most sensational finish ever seen in that event in the seventeen vears the race has been run on Franklin field. The English team had to fight all the way and won the remaskable race by a scant foot. The Toronto professional baseball season will open on Wednesday, May day the Providence Grays will be at the Stadium to meet what's left of the Leafs. This same day will be the opener in the three other western cities of the circuit, Jersey City appearing at Montreal, Baltimore at Buffalo, and the New- ark champions at Rochester Dutton's sole agents for cvlebrated "Newcombe" piano, noted for durabil- ity and purity of tone. 209 Princess street. William Fagleson, the one-legged pri- soner, who was sentenced at Toronto, to three years in Portsmouth peniten- tiary, for breaking into a country post office, arrived at the prison on Satur day Clearing sale of children's walking slippers less than hdli price. Button's. Huerta's formal acceptance of mediation has been sent to Washing- ton. a OUR TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on it. Is crowing louder as he goes along Only 4&¢. per pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. ------r per () / a FACED MEN was in the Balkans during a part of that great struggle and added to his military experience. As soon as the acute Mexican situation developed he made his regtiest to the war autho rities for permission to see whatever might develop, and it is expected that his request will be granted. He the eldest son of Viscount Falmouth He was horn in 1887 and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, before be- ginning his military career. VATICAN'S INSTRUCTIONS | | South American Papal Nuncios May Aid Negotiations | Rome, April 28.--The vatican has! instructed the papal ninciés in Ar-| geutina, Brazil and Chile to support | any action of the government to] which they are accredited looking to] a peaceful solution of the Mesican] erisis. It is believed that Monsignor Aversa, the nuncio in Brazil, will be able to render assistance to the Bra-| zilian government. He once was | apostolic delegate in Cuba, and had | several missions to perform in the! United" States, and therefore under- | stands (he American people. Monsignor Boggiani, the apostolic | delegate in Mexico, is absent from | his post, having been entrusted by | Pope Pius with a special mission in| Genoa, Tile A state of actual rebellion exists in the Colorado coal strike region. J $1 middy Dutton's. i CUTICUR SOAP Constantly for all toilet pur- poses, especially shaving and shampooing, with occasional use of Cuticura Ointment, because so eficctive in removing slight irri- tations, redness, roughness, pim- ples, dandruff, etc., of the skin and scalp and promoting and maintaining skin and hair health. Cutiewrs Sop aad Omtment are sold throughout | thewortl. A liberal sample of each, with 3%-page Skin Book, sent postfrec. Address Potter Drug & Chem. Corps, Dept. 5K, Boston, U. 8. A, Always Ask For Anderson's Hams, Bac- on and Lard Manufactured in King- ston. 4 Wholesale and: Retail * Back To The Bicycle Don't these mornings make you feel like a spin on an easy running Massey? ? 'OUR EXPERTS . ; Will put your old wheel or tires«in shape to enjoy yourself. ' : ALL MAKES OF BICYCLES Repaired at shortest notice, and we guarantee satis- faction. Treadgold Cycle and Sporting Goods Co. 88 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 529, KINGSTON, ONT. f-------------------- RS eta "Safety First" « Is the "Golden Rule" nowadays, which is why you should deal with the Grocer who wraps iis goods in Eddy's Antiseptic . Paper Bags Kddy's Bags combine great strength with their sanitary qualities--they will not hirst at an in- | convenient moment and scatter their contents. "28 ] Roofing and Building Paper Try our Paroid Roofing, Blue Rosin, Sized and gBlack Build- ing Paper, and Sound Dead- ing Felt for Walls and Ceilings. | THE FRONTENAC LUMBER AND COAL CO A. CHADWICK, Manager. | i PHONE 67, ' B---- Gramaphone Needles USE THE RIGHT NEEDLES No matter whether you own a Berliner, a Vie- tor, a Victrola or a Columbia, vou should use our special VEFAPHONE, needles. Thev reduce that scratching so ngticeable on your machine and give 'ull volume with that sweetness of tone which makes the VITAPHONE the best of the talking machines. The VITAPHONE needles is a special made for us and sold at 30 cents per box of 300. Get a box and if not satisfied with them get your money back. TRY A BOX TODAY Pianos and Gramophones sold on easy pay- ments. See them before you purchase. ------------ You ean get them at the College Book Store, too. The New Scale Williams Piano Agency J. R. COTE Mgr., 35 Montreal St. Phone 1588, Store always open from 7 till 9 every night. -- SA i ------ UNPRECEDENTED SALE For the benefit of all who are in for May Moving House F urnishings Of every kind at the lowest Cash Prices BEGINNING THURSDAY MORNING,"9 0' CLOCK, APRIL 30, AND ENDING WED. NESDAY, MAY 6TH, AT 6 P. M. Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Dressers, Stands, Hall Racks, Go-Carts, Odd Pieces of Parlor Suites, | Sideboards, Buffets, Linoleum, Baby Cribs, Dining . Room Tables, &c., &c. : 2 Our Prices Will Astonish You JUST COME AND LOOK AT OUR WONDERFUL "BARGAINS J. McAuley, | Furniture Dealer, &. 281 Princess St. ]

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