BOOKS ON H ildin ouse Building Useful and Practical Books on Modern House Building, containing perspective views. and floor plans of two hundred low and medium priced houses and bungalows. Radford's Artistic Homes, with 250 designs Hodgson's Practical Bungalows and Cottages Radford's C'ernent Houses and How to Build Them : TL The Radford Ideal Homes, 100 houses . . | "The Draughtsman"--Bungalows White's Successful Houses and How to Build Them 4 .. $2.00 The above books cover all types of houses for eity, town and country. by R UGLOW & 0. '* Princess 00 $1.00 £1.00 . $1.00 i we. Street .. 1 SEE HERE--You want a new suit. We want your business," Let us get together and talk things over. We have a large assortment of suitings in brown and grey colors, and our blue serges cannot be excelled in quality and price. We guarantee fit and workmanship. Come in and see us anyway. THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. = 157 Princess Street i a eh R-- os wens Er -- Our Line of Women's Oxfords THE BEST GARAGE. INTHE CITY A ANNUAL REPORT PRESENTED BY DEAN J. C. CONNELL To Queen's . University ' Council--A Frofessor of Bio-Chemistry, and Two Assistant Professors Are Re- quired. Dean J report to council: The registration for the sixtieth session' of the medical school is; 268, an increase of 17 over: that of last year. There are:seventy candidates for graduation, ..not including those who already possess the M.B. and are now applying for the higher de- gree of M.D. The health of the students has been very good. One promising member of the freshman class died #ollowing an operation for appendici- tis and one of the final year has miss- ed his examinations in consequence of an operation necessary for the same condition. There have been a few cases of measles and one of scar- let fever, the latter contracted while on duty in the general hospital. No doubt the compulsory physical train- ing in the first year contributes to the maintenance of .a higher stand- ard of health. There are, however, many students living in small ill- ventilated and' imperfectly heated rooms, for the supply of good lodg- ing houses in the city has not in- creased in the same proportion as the attendance of students. The faculty will cordially approve and co-operate in any plan for resi- dences, in harmony with the life of the university, which will improve the physical training and add to the comfort of even a limited number of the students. The demand for young graduates is still greater than the supply. Fav- orable reports are frequently receiv- ed from superintendents of hospitals and from medical men who employ young graduates; as to the quality C. Connell presented this the Queen's University {and training of those going out fron this school. A graduate of another { Canadian medical school writes, "1 shall be only too glad to get Queen's | men as, taken all around, they are men who are conscious of their res | ponsibilities and give better satisfac Electric Vulcanizing _ Steam Vulcanizing Accessories IE Supplies | Best Service PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited 210-14 Wellington St. Phone 454 : - | BUY THE BEST Sun-Kist Raisins Seeded and Seedless in Packages At All Grocers. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. SPRING sed] Electric Lighting Z Everything new in the line of . for spring. See our Special Parlor Fixtures at $6.00. See our Semi-Indirect Bowls, never before dis- played in the city. Special attention to all classes of electrical re- pairing. 'W. J. MOORE & SON . The Electric Shop ! Machine shop in connection. 206-8 Wellington St. ---- In button and lace we believe is the best we have ever shown.--3ll Suede 5 Button, Patent Button Suede Top, white Buck 5 Button. ' This cut shows one of our new Colonial Pumps. | : | in gynaecology and obstetrics. 1 tion to me than~other college men Most of the graduates supplement the university training with a year or more of experience in a hospital. It is not difficult to provide appoint ments for all who desire them, as ex cellent records have invariably been made wherever our graduates have served as internes. The following list of hospitals and the number of graduates going to them as internes at the close of this session will be of | ¢ hospital, ! interest: Kingston general three; Hotel Dieu, Kingston, two; General hospital, Vancouver, two; McKellar hospital, Fort William, two; General hospital, one; General hozpitdl, one; Western hespital, Toronto, one; St. Luke's hospital, Ottawa, two; | Protestant hospital, Ottawa, three; | Water street hospital, Ottawa, two: | Western hospital, Montreal, three; Jeffery Hale's hospital, Quebec, two; { General hospital, St. John, N.B..two: ' Hospita! of Good Shepherd, Syracuse, (N.Y., three; 8St.- John's hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y., two; Smith Infirm lary, Staten Island, two: Englewood hospital, New Jersey, one Cancer hospital, New York, one; | hospital, Brooklyn, one; | hospital, Brooklyn, one; St. Francis | hospital, Jersey City, one: Norweg ian hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y., one thirty-nine in all. Three have been { appointed to fellowships in our own college and five have secured ap | ointments as stants to busy practitioners That is to say, forty | seven have definite work fore them upon graduation. All these appointments have been made upon recommendation, without ex amination, and in response to re- j quests to the dean for young gradu jates To the great regret of the faculty Dr. Garrett has been forced by ill health to discontinue his college duties, as well as his private prad | tice. Since the first of the year, Dr | Williamson has delivered the lec- tures in the senior department of ob- |stetrics, and Dr. Mylks and Dr. Wil- |liamson have conducted the clinics It is greatly to be desired that Dr. Garrets may be able to resume his duties next session. In other respects the 'teaching in the school has been car- Milwaukee, | Hamilton, | be- fe ried on without interruption and and has been. uniformly efficient. Dr. Kennedy, Douglas lecturer in phar- macology, has retired after two years of service and Dr. S. M. Assels- tine is recommended for appointment in his stead. The teaching fellow- ships in anatomy and pathology have been capably filled for the yéar by Dr. Asselstine and Dr. Jaffrey. For several years the faculty has had in operation a modified five year course, in which the fifth year might be spent in any one of three ways. The plan was that followed by the Ontario medical council. Now, af- ter full deliberation, the faculty has adopted the five year academie course. This will apply all stu- dents entering in 1914 and thereaf- ter. Most of the additional time will be given to 'the preliminary sciences of biology, botany, physies and chem- istry. The degrees of M.D. and C.M. will be granted on the comple- tion of the five year course. This important modification of the currie- ulum has already been made by other Canadian schools. The fees received from students have increased from $25,381, to $20,021 and there is a balance to the credit of the faculty of $1,264.24. The resources of the university have not so far been taxed for the support of the medical school, but as the medical faculty has been placed on the same level with the arts faculty as a constituent part of the univer- sity, and as the salaries have been increased, an additional financial responsibility for medical education has been incurred by the university. The Ontario government has an- nounced a generous grant of $10,000 to the medical faculty and part of this will at once become available for the increase in the staff rendered necessary by the changes in the cur- riculum. It wjll be necessary be- fore the next session to secure a pro- fessor of bio-chemistry, an assistant professor of physiology and an assist- ant professor of bacteriology and hygiene These appointments and certain, other changes and promo- tions are submitted for your consid- eration by the advisory committee of the faculty. | WEDDINGS IN ST. MARY'S The Cote-Quinn Nuptials on Wed- neésday the 22nq A pretty wedding took place Wed- { nesday morning, April 22nd, at St. { Mary's cathedral at eight o'clock, { when usanna Mary Quinn, daughter {of the ,ate John Quinn, Barrietield, | became the bride of George H. Cote, | Saskatoon The winsome bride | togked charming in a dress of white { duchess satin trimmed with Irist net | and shadow lace, and hat to math. She carried a bouqret of white roses nd maidin hair fern Miss #tiur- aret (anuning, cousin of the bride, | was bridesmaid and wore pink ninon over satin with shadow lace triw ring, and hat of raaline silk bra.) { C. BE. Cannigg fulfilled the duties «f nest man. A full-course r | was served at high noon, only imme- | diate friends'of the bride and groom 'wing present. The toast to ihe bride was proposed by Rev." Father { Halligan. The groom's gift to the {bride was a beautiful pearl pendant, {to the bridesmaid, a gold bracelet, [with monogram, and to the groops- {rian a pretty watch fob Many \ ly and useful presents wave ceived Ly the bride, among thom be ling, substantial cheques, The happy couple "will leave shortlr 'or katoon, where the groom 'has wu { beautiful home awaiting his brid. | Ll Harrigan-Gallivan A very quiet wedding was solemn- {ized Monday morning at six o'clock lin St Mary's cathedral, when | Rev. Father Hanley united in mar {riage John Harrigan and Miss Fran- s Gallivan The bride was given away by her brother, Dennis Galli- van, Utica, N. Y., and attended by her niece, Cannel Cooper, while | Frederick Harrigan, brother of the | groom, assisted him. . The young | couple left oa the G. T. R. noon | train for western points On their { return they will take up residence {on Barrie street. fete oe Read everything in cond section. 'Lhere given on its pages. | Rev. A. H. Scott, of Perth, is to address the Kingston Horticultural society in the Board of Trade rooms on Wednesday evening. He is a past president of the Ontario Horti- cultural association. Bargain suit case, $1.50 Dutton's. the Whig's ge is good news sisi EB THE St 2 v 1873 ARD BANK OF CANADA VEAP OFFicy TORONTO {dy advantage sometimes to keep a bank account n the names of two persons, so that either one may make withdrawals. Suck an account is a "joint account." We shall be pleased to fumish par- ticulars. ue #. E. Richardson, Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds | Total Assets TRAVELLERS' LETTERS OF DRAFTS are sold, drawn alse BANK MONEY transferred by letter direct MONEY KINGSTON BRANCH, aun - Manages, ° THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 - - $11,560,000 13,575,000 180,000,000 CREDIT issued, alse TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES, available throughout the world. on our correspondents, ORDERS. : or cable. EE NEWMAN, Cloth Top Boots + Cloth To spring. patterns in buttons with the cloth top are very stylish and popular this e are showing many different at $3.00, $3,50, $4.50 and $5.00. Light and heavy soles, high and medium heels. Would . be pleased 8hoe Repairing ABERNETHY S| to show you these. Travelling Goods 1 Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers b Style Will Tell Quality, style and good val« ue are the standards that have built up the great demand for our hats. We are sole agents in King- ston for the best makers' goods in the world, such as Christy's, Scott's, Buckley's, &c. Swell styles and qualities at $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $4. CAWPBELL 30S importers of Men's Hats in this part of One tario. ROCKWOOD HOSPITAL Estimates for Year Ending Oct 31st . 1915. The estimates of the province Ontario for the fiscal year Oet. 31st, 1915, include the ing for Rockwood hospital: Medical superintendent 3 superintendent, $1,500; assistant superintendent, $1,- second assistant physician, $1,.- pathologist and assistant, $600; dentist, $300; bhursar, $1,600; clerk and stenographers, $1,100; store- keeper, $1,200: matron and assist- ant, $950; domestic help (15), $3.- 500; tailor, $650; laundryman, $600; baker, $700; butcher, $420; engineer, $840; assistant engineer, $600; electrical engineer, $600; stockers (first), $2,000; carpenter, $720; assistant 'carpenter, $420: painter, $500; mason and assistant, N200; farmer, $420; gardener, $550; assistant gardener, $480: farm hands, <¥$1,350; chief attend- ants (two), attendants and nurses, $23,200; temporary assistance, $800; medicines and medical com- forts, $1,500; groceries, provisions, and butchers' cattle, $36,000; fuel, light and water, $17,000; clothing, $6,500; laundry 'and cleaning, $2.- 740; general repairs, $7,500; office expenses, $1.509; farm expenses, $7,000; contingencies, $2.45 al- lowgnce to Portsmouth public school $100; total, $134,690, Bghool of « Mining, (maintenance), $34,500; Mining, for equipment, of ending follow- $2,600; 200; 000; Kingston, School of $7.500 ---------------- "Anthony and Cleopatra" If there ever were any doubts ex- isting that the Sovieta Italiana Cines are the masters of the world in the production of artistic motion photo- graphy, George Kleine's production of their photo drama "Antony and Cleopatra" completely dispels them. When they produced "Quo Vadis" it was thought the last word had been written, but according tg all ac- counts, "Antony and Cleop®ra" not only rivals but excels it. The great- jest love story of history is told upon the screen with a dramatic power that is amazing and a pictorial | beauty that is simply marvellous. George Kleine's production is thor- oughly in keeping with the artistic qualities of the subject and reveals of the world. nounced at the Grand for Friday and Saturday, May 1st and 2nd, matinee each day at 2.30; evenings at 8.15. 17.000 Rexall Stores, and in this town (only at our store. him once again the prentier producer ||| These wonderful pictures are an- |! CANDY Fresh made every day--spec- ial 30c chocolates for 20c Ib 'SAKELL"S, Next To Opera House 3 Baby Carriages y And Go-Carts Twenty Dimerent Styles to Select rom. Now is the Time to Get Your Spring Foot- wear at the Right Place. waren Try our store for your wants of Boots -and Shoes for spring. You will find by trading with us that you will get better vame for your wonev than else- where in the city. Give us a trial and be con- vineed. H. B. WARTELL 888 KING STREET Phone 1872 THS STOMACH REMEDY HELPS YOUR FRIENDS Almost every day some grateful person comes into our store and tells us of benefits received from the use of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Knowing how much good they have done others and knowing what they are made of, we feel sure that they will help vou. So great is our faith in them th. we urge you to try them entirely at our risk, with our personal promise that if they don't do all you expect them to do and make your stomach comfortable and healthy and your digestion easy, we'- Il hand back your money. We conldn't endorse anything any more strongly than we do Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Containing Pep- sin and Bismuth, two of the great- est digestive aids known to medical science, they soothe the stomach, check heartburn and distress, pro- mote a natural flow of the gastric juice, and help regulate the bowels. Remember, if they don't make your digestion so easy and comfortable that you ecan-eat whatever you like whenever you like, we want you to come back and tell us and get vour money. Sold only at the more than Baskets. JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, Phone 147 for Ambulance Has re-opened as a first-class livery, hack and boarding sta- ble. A Vehicles of all descrip tion. L. LAWLESS, Prop. Phone 77 Three sizes, 23¢, All military operations have 50c, and $1. ceased for the time being at Vera Cc Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston, Retiring from Business | WING to the increase of my dairy business I have decided to' retire from the retail confectionery buysi- ness, and now take this opportunity of thanking my many patrons for their long continued patronage, and to assnre them that I am still in a position to fill any orders For music of any description call {i Dutton's. Teachers supplied. Oppo- site Opera House. Phone 270.. Mail orders given special attention. Mayor Shaw has called a meeting of the public bodies of the city in the council chamber ou Thursday evening to arrange forthe co-opera- tion of the citizens in order to have I for iee cream in any quantity. Our office will be at 277 Princess St., where we will be re pared to transact business as usual,