A. White, W. Dobson, P. L. Jull, J ; oe a THE WHIG'S .uMBL®, MecKihnon, A. D. Matheson, J, W. oa - A Rr SH North. ah, - ; a x 4 Los of Short Items Run in To. 5 yA Div. II--J. H. Dawson, AJ. wil | 3 4 : . » 2 gether THREE DEGREES OF BACHELOR |son, R. D. Finlayson, oS : 4 554 4 "Kentucky Lawn Seed," Gibson's. OF DIVINITY AWARDED. Div. Hl--J. T; Caswell. : fivocers all recommend White Rose : ----r---- i flour. A ties } . ? it, 35 The Scholarships That Were Won-- | Div. 111 1 Chewell \ : ; Fo hon Sarkets. deity. Be Due the Passmen In the Various The orn | | "Willian Swaine ® piano tuner, Orders ology Classes, Firat Yehareh Aistory 4 bY received at McAuley's. 'Phone 564. $ 4 8 re ID J. Ennis, Fallbrook, has sold The following are the results in Div. I---L. M. Flemmi ; 5 the Queen's theology college: aa. nming, 0. R. ddd ; his Pafuible sawmill to James Fairy a-- 4 Div. 1I--J. N, Laird, J. D. McCrae.b _ 3 4 Hand Claxton | f, Testamurs in Theology. Div. HI--G. C. Mitchell, J. I. Me- 3 fe boat use a Wi Mites. 270 Raor 'A. A. Acton, B. A., Harrowsuith. | Kay, R. Bruce, SP McLeod, R. H. : b . |otraet. : rr. J. H. Dawson, Portsmouth. McKinnon, A. B. Morrison. : z CH \ Ladies' up-to-dat dr Xk R. D. Finlayson, B: A., Rydal] Second Year-- ; : , : Forms moderate, Misw 'A. gy 7 Bank, Ontario. piv I«-L. P. Chambers; J.. McKin- 0 Fg 88 ck Privcess street, P.LJull,B A, Carp. : non, S. A. White, equal; A. D. Mathe- i Arnprior's drinking water has W. T. McCree, Sunderland, Eng- son. : ! been declared pure by the govern- land. "ie Div. 1I---W. Dobson, A. J. Wilson. ment laboratories. % J. W. North, B. A, B. D., Roblin, Diy. Il. T. Caswell. Bria ) Penslar Almond Cream," Gibson's an. Third Year-- . om ---- ------ ETS Men's 85 patent colt boots $3.50; Qeoge Telford, B. A, B, D, Div. I--G. Telford; P. L. Jull, A. -~ $4.25 gun metal boots, §3. Dutton's eensboro, A. Acton, equal; J. W. North. AN ULSTERITE DRILL HALL y r val sal . ual 4 STERITE i ; AT LIMAVADY. a i Div. 1I--W. T. McCree, J. H, Daw- This old world could be improved g : B. D. Degrees Son. The building to the left (low s ection) was built by the Ulsterites | 5 thousand per cent. if common sense Compare This J. M. Macdonald, Watertown, Ont Div. 1lI--R. D. Finlayson. at Limavady specially for drilling p arposes. The money was raised in {was more common. i 66 99 extra mural), ; -- fhe fowh which has 2,500 people, h alf Catholic. Carson spyke there Read everything in the Whig's ses Centre i racker Bar G. Telford, Queensboro." N.T ( riticism ate umn ! {cond section. 'There is good news| - . : 7. N . in, an. : firs f ear ---- pn ie s pe. ; - 3: Ve. Koetn, Balin, Man Firs Year r wreai BF Film Packs. Gibson's. With All Others ---- Div, IL. M. Flemming, J. D. Mc- widow of great beauty who wished * Theology, Scholarships | Crae, O. R. Lavers, J. M. Laird. FACULTY OF 'SCIENCE: to marry him, but he longed for Par- The claim is made that nminety-eight IE Hugh Waddell Travelling, 400-- | Div. II--R. Bruce, R. H. McKin- js As soon as he could he returned ET he ouien in Kansas be- iH . OU will find in the New Scale . Telford, Queensboro, non, W. E. Bannerman, G. C. Mit- [there. His recent arrest followed. iy lo ingtaiuies, | Willi i i S Leitch cons) No. 2.3250--A. | chell, A.' B. Morrison, J. 1. McKay,|THE LIST OF THOSE WHO --a-- Ai. Cunmingham, piauo tuner, 21 24 Hits Player Fiano a line pf A. Acton, Walnut. « | H. Shannon. GRADUATE. LONDON'S GOVERNMENT. Ritg sitet, leave orders a Mo | I the centre of the tracker bar. Y. in Sarah MeLellan Waddell, $120--; Second Year-- Auley's book store. centre oO e tracker bar. ou will i Be sure that you do not get your i not find this centre tracker control in Lord Mayor Gots 4 £10000 a Year William Morris $50--8. A. White, | White, J. McKinnon, W. Dobson, A. Bachelor List Is Large Two | | Which is Half What It Costs i " se : : + Barrie. |D. Matheson. h OSS thereby do injury to yourself. BB and exclusive with the; Phe Daily Cons ¥ Reports SD Diplomas in Engineering. re ni ar Report Orchestra leaders notice: Various Chancellor's $70--L. P. Chambers, Div. 1I---A. J. Wilson. The municipal government ofl ilectiony, 10 parts and 'piano, regu- Kingston. : . ae | Div. 1 J. T. Caswell. Ihe science graduates at Queen's | London consists of the London|.r 75¢.. for 15¢c. Dutton's sale, | a Tent, Rankine No. 1 $60--1J. F. Wedder- | Thing Year university are as follows | County Council, which is the chief With not a few they are willing to Ultlisms burn, Athalmer, B C. os lw iv. ! ~~. elford, A A. Actor, ------ authority, and of various borough |sum up the case without bothering 8 o Rankine No. 2, $50 -- R. Bruce, N 3 T. McCree, J. W. North, P. L Master of Science, (M. Sc.) [ councils, which generally have :to|the head about the evidence amebridge. {Juli . E. E. Watts. B ith purely t "Fi ks," Gibson's. ts | n : . atts, B.Se.., Moose Ureck do with purely local matters The Film Packs," Gibson's. ve $50- 7 Cree rt div -- Jaws t ay- ? : "Iti N Spence jie "ik T. JycCree, JW boos iv. 1I--J. Dawson, R. D. Finlay pret London Ceunty Council was estab- As a rule, it is the drafted soldier It is th ly devi h : or » Ro nS ay ita J x] } Diploma In Civil Enginering lished under the British local gov-|that has the most to say about his 1s the ony device t at succeeds n war oe §5=J. \ asswell, | | ernment act, 1888, superseding the | bravery im facing the enemy. keeping the paper music roll running yys. | Metropolitan Board of Works. Dutton's sole agents for celebrated perfectly true so that its perforations are { i £ Tawse $45--A. D. Mathéson, Sum Pirst Year Diploma: in Mechanical Engineering | The administrative area of the | Newcombe" piano, noted for durabil- always in absolute alignment with the | | L. M. Flemming, Dauphin, Man. | Div, 1--L. P. Chatbe rs, S. All Just One Master of Science -- The | * gun eof criticism overloaded and 8 any other player piano. Itis patented { | | i With the ** Meister Touch--most human of all." 0." T, Criticism HU. 8S. Van Patter, Aylmer. eon No. 1 $45--W. Dobson, | M Hy Daun X 8. J. Sharman, Kingston, Ont. | county is 117 square miles. The ity 'and purity of tone. 209 Princess TH regular air holes in the tracker bar. Nepawin, Sask | Laird. ' ' emt council consists of 118 councilors, street. " Sots ' : Even mutilated music will run true on Anderson No. 2, $45--P. L. Jull,| Div. IIR. H. McKinnon, W. Bachelor of Science, (B. Sc.) nineteen aldermen and a chairman] The : DT Bol Ey. the New Scale Williams Player Piano. Bookton. 'Bannerman, G. E. Mitchell. A. In Mining Emgineering--H. S. Bak (who is sometimes an alderman.) Spal Ny 8 w one w 9 MSs y SFT en Glass Memorial $30--John Me- | Morrison, J. I. McKay, H. Shannon er, Napanée; H. L. Beer, Toronto; ('. | The councilors are elected for fifty- puts up the most strenuous plea for Ask us to show you more of this and ' Jelloville; H. KE. Math- | eight districts every three years, pit | other vital improveménts in the only Kinnon, East Lake Ainslie, N. 8 | Second Year-- H. Buskard, 0 tus, ah fi alianin James Anderson $25--A. B. Mor-| Div. I--L. P. Chambers, S. ews, Trenton; - J. 0. Macdonald, | two members being returned for | tf IES A0C moderate wn ceasing 1.4 player piano made throughout--not rison, Sydney, N. S. White, Strathroy; W. R. Mcllquham, Carle- | each section, with the execption of { anc lay Ing arpa. 1 i a Sol assembled--bya Canadian manufacturer. McIntyre $20---A. D. Matheson, Div. II-----A. D. Matheson, W h- | ton Place; H. L. Scott, Langham, | the city proper (that area about a|® a Tone Summerston; J. McKinnon, East|son, J. McKinnon, A. J. Wilson Sask.: J. R. Sherrill," Buffalo, N.Y,; | mile square, in which are situated | 31% tact! Pauot street. sommunity | : ' Ainslie, N. S., equal. Div. I11--J. T. Caswell. W. N. Smith, Sudbury. | the Bank og England, the Royal Ex-|,_ ~\ 'actiona' vi gs IE. comm an iy ~ . Makers The Williams Pl- Lewis $20--S. A. White, Barrie. Third Yeaf In Chemical Engineering A. D Car-j| change, the Stock Exchange, the | is, Rie vunes W 0 2 nus tite New Seale Williams Viano . Limited, Mary Fraser McLennan §$12--E Div. I--G. Telford, W. T. McCree,4 michael, Collingwood. : "Mansion House and most of the A i that rightly belongs Agency, ¥ Montrenl St. Usiwivn, 0 2 wok) die Frank, St. Mary's, J. W. North, A. A. Acton, P. L. Jull In Civil Engineering--F. X. Ahern, | principal financial and insurance in-| es : ina Kingstoh, Ont. Tt are not represents Div. 11--J. Dawson, R. D. Finlay- Quetior; A. N. Ball, Grenfell, Sask.: 1). | stitutions.) The aldermen are ap-) For music of any description call cd--W rite, | B. D. Examinations. son. : YW. Bews, Gananoque; F. G. Bird, West- | hointed by the council and they | Litton's. Teachers pplied. Oppo O.T. Introduction --G. Telford, P nem---- boro; J. W. Boughner, St. Thomas; » | hold office for six years, nine or ten site Opeta Route Lue 0, Nall L. Jull Public Speaking |'. Buchanan, Kefinds Pak; Ay tiring each three years and are priors Joon seus Se ve bee Documentary Theory--S. A. White; | Junior Class-- Ranker, Yorauto; : " Sn Ming ible for re-election. | the eubjeciz of a Nively PEA ade br A.D. Matheson. Div. 1.--J. D. MeCrae, J. P. Me- gong: oo. Janson, Finely Jerov The Lendon.County Cofineil deals| 1h. womdi=tubs iS Concord. NC Amos--S. A.' White, G. Telford, P. | Leod: L. P. Chambers, O. R. Lavers.| mac W 31. Miler, Bonfrows ;, senerally with matters which' con- [They won.) : L. Jull, TW, North, J. McKinnon, |equal; H. Shannon, W. E. Banner-| Me annel Regina : ern all the boroughs comprising "Huyler's Sweets," Gibson's. A. J. Wilson. man. L. Flemming, equal ry oie Be don atl jeer. | Greater London, while the local | largain ! Leather belts, 10¢.; 25¢ : REMEMBER YOUR DEAD 0.T. Holy Scripture--G. Telford. Div. II--J. 1. McKay, R. H. Mec-] ville: Im Smith, Kir : i. N erough councils have a certain| ging talcum powder, 15c.; Hindes curl- | _ . Extramural---Rev. W, H. Raneyin. | Kinnon, A. B® Morrison Si iBROD, do: 1. G re, M t | authority--for example, over streets | ors, Sc. box Dutton's sale. 0. T = i8troduetion, Amos, Div, III--R. Bruce, J. M. Laird, G.| Elgin; | Willcich, Quebo \ th | buildings, drainage, etc--suc¢h auth- Une of the new avenues of learning ated C. Mitchell. honors); D. Wilson, W tertot; t.|ority being confined to matters that{in Loudon proves to be that of can New Testament Senior Class M. Wood, Ahmedabad, India (with | concern the local borough rather \assing for advertising. Twenty wo A carry the largest 1 1 ost beautifyl Romians- ~A. A. Acton, J. W. Div. I--A. D. Matheson, J. McKin- | honors) | than Tondon proper. {men follow the occupation. line between Montreal! and Toronto. North, J. McKinnon, R. D. Finlayson, | non, equal; L. P. Chambers. In Mechanical Engineering-=J. K. 'W | Under the local government act| Ring up 542, HM. Milne, carpet clean Never less than 100 to choose from, A. J. Wilson, P. L. Jull. Div. II--A. J. Wilson, 8S. A. White. | Aird, Toronto; K. A. Brebner, Kings- | of 1899 various bodies until then | ing works, have your carpets fake Latest designs. Marking a special Introduction--J. W. North. Div. 1I1I--W. Dobson. ton; =, L. Burns, Kingston; R. A. | ypnown as vestries. distriet boards! up, cleaned and. re-laid. 272 Bagot ty with us. A card will bring a re- Theology--J. McKinnon, A. J. Wil Donovan Dalkeith (with honors); H. 1.04 parish overseers: '(outside the | street. son, R. D. Finlayson. Practical Theology C. Nourse, = Sherbrooke, Que. (. H jana. were abolished and the meire Al What better respect can be shown for those departed than by erecting a monument over their graves. We presentative fo your door. "Phone 1417 1 Open Saturday Evenings. Holy Scripture--G. Telford, J. M. : Div. I--L. P. Chambers: L. M.|Raitt, Ottawa; H. L. Skinner, Kings: § ,o1itan horough council establisy Rev. Thomas L. Abern, Balderson x wom 2 5 _ Macdonald (extramural). Flomming, A, Bb Matheson, equal; 8 top. Plate Brctaoorin Pk Tio lod in their plac» Thnare aro tsen.|and Lisarks Suche Ree Net oe } So 3 r . J. McKi . Lav- n Electrica ngineerimg I= 1 veefel ¢ 1 biveios % + 1 HOT A., as rector o oly rinity = Systematic Theology ers. R he en funan, 0. BR. Lav-\, PF Strathroy: D. W. Burnham, C 4 a Gi ea Et re 3 oR som mde He bloke J . > ad 8, . +] . . . < noma | pose ff from thirty to << y coan-y Ty . . : Mackintosh (Fervor ot Christ) -- Div. II bourst H : : iia, 3 t. 3 n | cilors. who ae. trispmeasts aieeto]| Notice! Black serge skirts, $1.39; : Cor. Pruicass and Clergy 3 Btreets. h 8. "Wr equal; A. J. Wilson, H. Shannon,|' "4% nater, Sast. TW. | by the rate-payer-: an) im addiijen' black underskirts, 50c.; black sateen | psu mss ---- ------------ Schleiermache A. White, J ale i honors); R. I. Davidson, Cobourg: | - > equal; J. M. Laird, R. Bruce, J. P > : Allen | there are aldermen( five or ten | blouses from T5e. Dutton's sale. McKinnon, J. W. North, A. D. Mathe- McLeod, G. C. Mitchell, W. E. Ban- t. Lawson, Dundas W A. Millen, | "h ot Rj "Penslar Cold Cream," Gibson's. son. nerman. Rt ' " Ban-l go ndwich; IK. P. Macpherson, Frese i pn Bh h ih Lo-omad from) Mrs. John Kirkham Maberly, died an. softs » NM ts N withir rit 1 poe il 2 ATS am, 4 y, eott; A. F. MeVittie, Sudbury; jyithin or without the covief] and, Thursday last, after a short ill- ; . Div. III--A. B. Morrison; J. T the. Sud ; £4 ) s term of service is six vedis 3 Pra Church History ' : : McVittie, Sudbury; P. Rutledge, Dun- | whose term of service is six years . : » in . Scottish Church History -- A.D Caswell, J. I. McKay, equal. robin; W. 7 Stewart, Waba; J. 5.1 There are no emoluments a:iach j ass, of blood. poison, at the age.of 12aN0S Exchan 1 Matheson, A. A. Acton. Tahior Hel | Whyte, St. Thomas . | ed to the offices of councilors, eith. | WEBNYSsCYOR VOuES: boon' Mackintosh (Person of Christ) ' Junior: Hohrew er county or bord (in, nor to those| tied 1 A. A. Acton. Div. I---L.. M. Flemming © AN ADVENTUROUS CAREER | of the borough mavors. mor ade Remember Cleveland bicycles lead 3 Div. 1I---J. M. Laird, O. R. Lavers ---- men It is estimated that the Lor? all makers, consequently we have the Are you considering an exchange PASS LIST This Man's Life Story Reads Like a Mayor's salary of $48,86° per an fheef i by Bue ¥ Hotel sd Hxandiaie Would you like to trade that old square for an up-to-date ' ! . " t 1p bicyeles. are added to our list. iano? Systematic Theology = Clearing sale of children's walking Dime Novel. |, paem > bavelv sniliciant tn cover ha) Milne, 272 Bagot street. » Ar wold you like to get a player-piano? Div. IG. Telford, L. P. Chamb-| slippers, less than half price. Dution's. George Boucher was recently ar the cost of this term of office, tac|" "pinn Packs," Gibson's. TE 8 A ean on ers, A. A. Acton, W. T. M¢Cree, S. Penslar Almond Cream," Gibson's. | rested in Pari: He was arrested [ €3¢ess being defrayed Ly himse'f. | Miss Margaret Hogan, daughter of We willbe ples ph as /a deserter When questioned he TT TT { Mrs. William Hogan, Perth, died The NEW SCALE WILLIAMS piano is recognized as is T == | told his life history to the police FORESHADOWED BY ANIMALS. Monday Her life of forty-eight one of the World's best pianos. We have a very large as- His story is more thrilling than ever Se po {years was quietly lived in Perth and sortment of styles and finish. Come in and see them. You} the most thrilling nickle movie. Cats, Cows, Sheep and Mamy Birds Bathurst, where she made many are not under any obligation to buy, but you ewe it to yours Bqucher was born in the slums of Reliable Barometers. ' { friends. self to see our pianos before buying. > ; He was de- ors, | "Penslar Tooth Paste," Gibson's : r SREY . it y Paris thirty years ago. e Was Tit. Bi i enslar Too aste, i Cash or easy paywents to suit ycu, summer drawers," woven, 2 pairs serted by his mothér and adopted by Cats fur is full of electric ity, anid | I ot S Loo P » 2 25¢.; wealthy people. He was kept in|. e o thunderstorm a cat 15 al-| rr oy W L , . . ; umtil he was ten years old. ber] : 3 l 45c.: cotton drawers, 25c.* Sorset He was indulged in every whim. probably on account of its Mul, | overs? 25e. Dutton's sale. : g ew C ook.! Summer vests, 2 for 25 luxury ways extremely lively and playful 15¢.; 4 1 : electrical 1 1 Then the man of the family died and | iii . I'revost, Brock street, has received The 'Bible students who have secured Mr. ) ) and|, dition. Before rain is expected \ ock 8 the woman 'married again. The iy go, at assid ol all his spring and summer goods for rappy for the new foster father did not take kind- Tit oy se a cat assiduously wash { his order clothing department, also in 35 Montreal St., KINGSTON. {lv to the hoy. He was taken to an} po wooo will bray loudly | ready-made clothing and gents' furn- J R COTE, Mgr. Phone 1588. W. Dobson, J. D. McCrae, 99~ 2 and con- | orphan asylum. A year later he timiously at th proach ishing department. They are all well 4 : he. sly ¢ f a A was adopted by a woman in Moderate shomnai Ta le PPro. ho a assorted with new goods. Store Open Every Evening From 7.30 till 9.00 circumstances. A Year later shel . morning instead of feeding or | "Huyler's Sweets," Gibson's. ; ® If you own a gramophone, get one of our died. George became a stray waif. « g | L. Tennant has definitely decided | i Special THIRTY cent records. - We have a display sof . 3 huddle together wit oi 2 On the streets of Paris he met a gang | ' . ether with their tails {to resign from his work as agricul- our Vitaphones in The College Book Store, windward then their is rain about. . of burglars. At thirteen he was a i N y ul tural representative at Renfrew, and Pr regular member of the gang. The ise. sate; the Shpresth # thas { witt go to Primes Edward Island to years following were full of crime, = "op ian he oN emeY fon | take up somewhat similar work in and adventures. He was sentenced and butt ns Tah ate. a The is {that province 3 P- m. seven times in France and four times Linges. ag ' acles at such | "penslar Cold Cream," Gibson's. in Belgium for various offences. The Electric Carpet Cleaning Works 3 4 Sheep turn their heads to the wind 9056 G enlisted in the I o the win 9 Christ's Second Coming re TE he ARtoctry sta- | When the day is gomg to be fine {will clean your Saripste dor ae, Pee . ; x Adventure. fol- | Hut if they gaze with their tails to yard and relay for 2c. per yard tiaed. jn Africa. Adventur | Save all anmovance of beating ' car: windward it is a sure sign of rain. reds But George was not -an g i : y? 7 \ at aqldier avd soon found his | 90 experienced shepherds say Like | POS: Sue work is guartatsed. u ow. en! way to military prison. cows, too, they show unusual liveli- Miles he "Gibson's In September, - 1906, - he escaped | ness ut approach of a storm. | The home of Willlam Rogers, , ¢ ok Even the sedate pig is watched by : § aft 8 { pig 1 atched y 4 i have ny arr. whl to have him give his lecture, |i adventures. reburned te country weather prophets, for iit is gore: ad aL . A s : - % S ' 1 ' Judgment Days, in the same place at 8p. m. These France. He was arrested the nexi Mune uneasy hen rain is com: | ire wae suddenly stricken with | ; o + y and ta 'to Marseilles, where 3 i s that . = : lectures have been given in a number of large cities Your und tke to Maree Ne "Most Dirdsimre restlw when «| NOMLTAIUTG: AG expired. Only fhat We are catering to, if you take an interest in Canada and the United States, and have aroused until he could be transferred to Al Shange a ee . Jdieat- ing in very good health. Mrs. Rog- : ing apparel reat interest in ¢ ¢ ration: ) fF Bible gerin. While out for exercise he | od by guinea IoWIs and pPeacacss "gpy wag a mative of Lanark, her in vour wearing apparel. great mterest m a more rational , method of Bibl broke from his captors and flung squallivg, by parrots whitstling, and maiden name being Margaret Ma- - study. The work is wholly unseectarian and no ad- himself from the battlement into the | by pigeons returning home: unusually | tilda Wrathall: Since Ber marriage a . mission fee is charged. Mediterranean, ater on'é Kindred early. {a few years ago she had resided in Tie feet below. Striking out, Bouche: : em psn . th. Cd { gained the shore. A. G. Richardson, of Montreal, for- | Part uk Filins;} Gibson's. Our stock of Woollens is complete. Lat- " g J merly of Kingston, is in the city and | i : At length he was taken prisoner | MOfy of Hit thi The Excelsior motor cyele is . i « | will remain for a few days. It is thie ot oltiog Torsteds thoviots ¢ Throg months ter. wile Je va: foem venrs since Mr. Richardson was | only wnion made machine sold est novelties in Worsteds, Cheviots and fa Ng ie Xs last: here | Kingston, consequently the highest Twee again escaped. is-lime no one ages are paid in manufacturing our weeds. Senor Algara, Mexican Charge. from |W knew. just how he did it. This waz Jo, Go con "ic" in Toronto and 0 achines. By test they are the best. Easter in duly, 1908. He returhed to Par the federals and rebels will jofh to re- | Call and see our model before buy- : is, where he was arrested after more aulen' Encle' San ing HW. Milne, 272 Ragot RL. : Sim advelturts. duvide WIth | "here js nothing in the theory of the | "Kentucky lawn seed.' Gibson's. Fi. ; Be posed as 4 Russian count, survival of the fittest. Tailors aver | Fallbrook lost ome of its Dest ery Once more Boucher was taken to} 00 ole i known residents in the death last A call solicited. ) stay with them long- i : Africa. He burrowed his way] | Friday of Mrs. Mary Ann Ennis, : through the ceiling of his cell and | 43. (hooner Katie Feeles is in with | wife of D. J. Ennis, who at one time MISS HAMILTON fled by way of the desert toward | .,.1 from Oswego; schooner Abbie I. drove the Perth-Fallbrook stage. ra or an i Ss 9 2 Ivipon. For thrse Jays Be Jiarehed Andrews has cleared for Oswegp. {The end came suddenly from heart . . . a steadily under a burning sun. 1 Premier 'Asquith's. sc p! ked trouble, Deceased was born sixty- : Na Phone 1267 had nothing to eat and only a little | pop, er on 8 Public ne id scars ago, "the Saaghisr of ; TAILORS : 3 ina? water- to drink. 'He reached TFi- | | once: Thomas Ennis, of the tenth line, and Princess and Bagot Sts. 3 Kingston, Ont. Opposite Y.M.C.A. poli and hired himself to a merchant- | ~ Penslar Almond Cream," Gibson's.| was married In 1876 to David J. t . 8 man about to leave for Spain Ocean Navigation ha apened on the | Ennis, who survives with one son ; . x tn Spain Loucher met a Spanish &¢ Lawrence iver. and four danghters, ;