Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1914, p. 13

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"THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1914. St BHEUMA WILL STOP URIC ACID DEPOSIT Kheumatic Complications Checked and the "Human Sewers" Restored. The Kidneys, Bowels and Skin are the "human sewers' which carry off the impurities in the blood. When these are clogged Uric Acid sediment lodges in the muscles and Joints and Rheumatism follows. RHEUMA, the great remedy for all forms of the terrible disease, checks the deposit of Urle Acid. "For many years 1 suffered with Rheumatism. Iam 71 years old, but am proud to say that after using one bottle of RHEUMA the Rheumatic pains are entirely gone. 1 daily re- commend RHEUMA to my friends." ~~Willis Goff, Bridgeburg, Ont. J. B. McLeod wi'l return your mon- ey if it fails. 50 cents a bh atthe | Live | Live Lobsters | Dominion Fish Co. nn adway's eady es s Dittmar, T10 FE, 145th 8t,, New York t. 1 used oue Relief with The Relief Is the best counter irritant known, and therefore the best embrocation that cun he used In Neuralgia Rub it on the part 10 4 keep, | u on i ADWAY & €O.. Moptreal, Can. nn. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) Head of Queen Street Courses In basokkeeping, short. hand, typewriting, civil se rvice, general. Improvement, and all commercial subjects. Rates moderate. Information ree. H. F. Metcalf, Principal DRINK HABIT Reliable Home Treatment. Thousands of wives, mothers and sisters are enthusiastic in their praise of ORRINE, because , it has cured their loved ones of the "Drink Hab- it' and thereby brought happiness to their homes. Can be given secretly ORRINE costs only $1.00 per box. Ask for Free Booklet. Geo. W. Ma- bood, cor. Princess and Bagot § Asthma Catarrh WHOOPING COUCHS SPASMODIC CrOUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS ESTABLISHED te78 A simple, safe and effective treatment for bron. ehial troubles, without dosing the stomach with Gruen. Used with success for thirty years. The air carrying the antiseptio vapor, Inspired with every breath, makes breathing easy, soothes the #0re throat, and stops the Cough, assuring restful nights, Cresolene is duvaluable to mothers with young children and m BOON to sufferers from postal for booklet. GRANDMA NEVER 1 HER HAIR GET GRAY Kept Her Locks Dark, Thick, Glossy, with Sage Tea and Sulphur. When you darken your hair with "Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it's done so naturally, 80 evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home, is mussy and troublesome. For 60 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready- to-use tonic called ""Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Reémedy." You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a tim¢. By morning all gray hair dis- appears, and, after another applica- tion or two, your hair becomes beaun- tifully darkened, glossy and luxuri- ant, You will slso discover dand- ruff is gone and hair has stopped falling. Gray, faded hair, though no dis- grace, Is a sign of old age, and aa wae all desire a youthful and attract. ive appearance, get busy at once with Vyeth's Sage and Sulphur and "iGok yEars yaunger. "Agent Geo. We Mahood { i Inkes. Some of the residents have { son has purchased a horse from COUNTRYSIDE TIDINGS FINDS WEED A SHEEP FOOD . J yy Discovery May Washington Man's WHAT WHIG. CORESPONDENTS Revolutionize Industry BAVE TO TELL Remarkable success achieved by Y. C. Mansfield of Endicott, Wash., in News From Villages and Farms fattening sheep on the long-dexpised ™ Australian salt bush bids fair te rev- ughout the Adjoining Coun olutiouize the sheep-raising industry ties--Rural Events, and Move-|in the northwest. Other farmers ments of the People. on whose acres the weed grows now regard what was formerly thought Glendower Items : worthless land as a real bananza, Glendower, April 20.--The wind and are preparing to turn their at- during the past couple of days is [tention from the raising of hogs and causing the ice to disappear, from the | Wheat to sheep. < The salt bush is found along high- lost a number of calves this spring. {Ways from Arizona to Washington, Frederick Leeman is moving to the |but few persons known its right vicinity of the feldspar mines. Char- [Dame. 'In eastern Oregon it is gen- les 'Babcock intends moving te God- erally known as the Pendleton food frev. A large number of residents Weed, and bas lieen looked upon as ro i rap. Wil- [such a pes a ere is a. law are, pinking maple ayrap. Juin Wi against allowing it to go to seed. Richard Wilson has According to" Mr. Mansfield, how- ever, it is of more value to eastern Oregon than alfalfa, for not only is it a better feed for sheep, but it will grow on arid land, and requires prae- News From Sharbot Lake tically no attention. after once get- Sharbot Lake, April 24.-- Sugar ting a stand, as it grows in hard, making has not been much of a siue- [Arm soil better than on loose, well- ess so far this season. Miss Annie cultivated land. . . iy % Mr. Mansfield's experience is Dixon nas refurusd home Tow Vas unique, For many years he farmed rihers funeral Mrs. J. Buttrel|3:000 acres of land, all of which was father's funeral. yrs, J. wheat land with the exception of Andrew Leeman. completed sawing wood and has brought his sawing machine to his home. {and daughter, Annie, and Mrs. W. | 0" Co co were sub-irrigated { Allen" spent Saturday in Kingston. ,..,c. jong Finally this land be- Miss Freeman has returned afte e : -- ame so foul with thistles and John spending Easter ong Py os Hill mustgrd that this, with the high Bowe James hod Miss Bea. [C08t Of labor and the low. price of the village saw ne 'Hawley has|Wheat, made it impossible for him jrics Allen nud fr Eo oa to continue 'longer to grow wheat 8 ? a |alone. ? S. nd a Shel Bospital i: en po Accordingly, two years ago he de- FS, fr ee is spending a few | cided to invest in a flock of sheep, Miss Annie h n h Sp 7 ag Haw- and it was while driving these home Jays at her ome led 0 ans that he made the discovery which he ley, Smit 3 Yas, 0a on has since turned to such good ac- and relatives on Sunday, count, Beside the road near the . se Mansfield farm the salt bush grew : Sand Say Ah Ki in abundance, and to Mr. Mansfield's Sand Bay, April 23.--Sugar-making {surprise the sheep began 'feeding ju over for this season. J op i the upon it greedily. : He figured ou the Jest in some years, : © Ji|spot that he had destroyed 500 H wskin Spey t he Ruste Nolidays witly worth of sheep feed for that year, be- er sister, rs. . Topping, Athens. o sti 12 5 ing A Miss Annie Patience returned to her Sided wastiag labor, in trying to get home bn Julesntine, hed Visite her Last summer he pastured his en- ag on Fr a rig HOR Ppa tire flock of 1,000 sheep on the salt Freed, Mi NC Clie has re. |Push with astonishing results. The ree's. ss Mj eo : " § - abe: Pn fied lo" Kington, ier spedipe | 10eeP Were not exceedingly at. but Easter 'holidays with her parents§ Mr. 3 rah hopin e p ay ally. and Mis. W. Griffen. Visitors: Mr! everal neighboring farmers with and Mrs. A. Lappan and Master Ken- small bands of sheep followed Mr. neth Lappan, at J. A. Lappan's; Mr. Mansfield's experiment, 'and #their Raymond and Miss Vera McDonald, at sheep were also in much better shape than those that were taken to the C'. Lappan's, Ebenezer. Joseph Cop- } " lev and Mrs. Huskins., at Frederick {mountains during the summer Modler's, Mooretown; Mr. and Mrs. W. Flood, Sheatown, at J, J. Lap- pan's; Miss Lola Johnston, at Benja- "What I'm looking for," safid the min Warren's, Rockfield; Claude Run-|old man, as he got offi a train, *'is i Toronto, at Josiah Running's;|a lawyer who'll make a certain Lappan, Melcombe, and Miss | young man in my town come up to Shine, Cananoque, at C. Mec-| the chalk-line or go to gaol." Donald's; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Run-| "What's a certhin young man in ning, Lansdowne, at J. Running's. your town been up to?' asked the -- policergan, who had been addressed. Budget from Bethany " tin' my daughter." ' No Reason for His Conduct Pethany, April 20.--Excelsior cheese] "Dut that's no crime.' factory opened up for the season last "E ngaged to her for two years. week, Several of the cheese factory | "That's perfectly legal." patrons are still shipping cream to | sy the wedding day was fixed, Toronto and Bellewlle. "Orrin Dean | ung they should have been married and Miss Beatrice Redfern, of Kings- last week," persisted' the father. ton, spent Easter week with their "Oh, 1 see. Then hess gone back aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. 1 9» Mill i lback t Ki on the gfrl or < s ac . ag } or. iss Lallback, of ngston, "Gone. dead back on her, sir, and also spent Faster week at W. H. Mil-|. , z : Yor Edgar Miller accompanied them it" ® breach of promise case, ii 1 ler's. t or ace 8 p " Oh " a F know anvthiug about the law. to. Kingston and made a short visit. "Unless he had I i fhicier W. Goodman, Sr., quite ill for a time nless he hac goo and sufficient reasons, you know, of tonsiitis, is improving. Mr. and : . i "He couldn't have had. Nellie is Mrs. JJ. Galt and daughter, Pansy, re- cently visited at Morley Galt's. Mr. 10pe of the best girls in the world. and Mrs. George Hawley spent a day No: she didn't give him ng reason to this week in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. | Sip-flop." rold Yeomans and Mrs. B. Richard- "And you didn't?' 1, spent Sunday at Jo-| **Not a reason. sir, On the day be- seph Hicks', mond AHison and [fore they was to be married 1 sent sister, Miss Bessie, of Picton, spent a|for Sam. and asked him to lend me few days recengly at W. R. Miller's. | £100 and take mv-note for three Miss Lena Warren spent her Faster |years. Me sort of choked up over it, holidays at her home in Deseronto. | and said he'd see about it, and that's Charles Spencer is visiting his broth- | the last anybody has seen of him. er, William Spencer, of Kingston. Mr. | No, sir;:1 never gave him no * reason and Mrs. George Hawley and Mr. and | for throwin' my gal over, and you Mrs. W. Goodman, Jr., took tea Onjhet he'll either come up to the Sunday at Stanley Joyce's. All are oriiol or he'll act as a warnlng to sorry to lose Miss Ida Joyce, who wash other ftlows who don't know their recently 'married to NS. Storrings, of own minds." Roblin ' -------------- N oy . \ xy "Aint 1 Fine Toodap® NO MENTION OF BRIDEGROOM By Douglas Malloch. Invitations to Wedding of Turkish Sure, this world is full of trouble- Sulfan's Niece Ignore Him I ain't said it ain't Lord ! 1've had enough, an' double, Reason for complaint. Rain an' storm have come to fret me, The imperial harem of Turkey re cently celebrated the wedding of En ver I'ssha with a niece of the -sul- Skies were often gray; tan. Un the invitation cards: sent Thorns an' brambles have beset me {Out the name of the bridegroom was On the road--but, say, not mentioned at all. The wording \in't it fine to-day ! was as follows: 'The marriage of Her Imperial Highness, Najieh-Sul- What's the use of always weepin', tan wik take place on the 9th Rebi- Makin's "trouble last ? ul-Abir (March 5th), 1332, at four What's the use of always keepin' o'clock Turkish time (about ten in Thinkin' of the past ? the morning." By tharrying Najieh- Each must have his tribulation, Sultan, Enver Pasha receives the Water with his wine. : much-coveted title of Damad--the Life it ain't no cele bration, Padishah's son-in-law. The pomp rouble ? I've had mine-- 'and, sumptuocusness of the various Put to-day is fine ceremonies and festivities connected Io to-day that T am livin' Pits L3bo discuss - hb p ne « 0) r Not a month 98>, aris Sultan Ablul-Aziz, The bride's no HE i th -, givin, seau is magnificent, aml combines Nostetdary a cloud of sorrow all the exquisite elegance of Western Fell 'across: the 'ws ay: European workmanship with the It may rain--but say, frente Fickheny und uilliney ot : = : ental ski he princess has to iy Tain hut 3a is wear on each of the twenty-two days following the marriage a different Ancients Knew About Mustard |siress. The color and des must be Mustard is one of the most an-|entirdy difierent on each ol\the suc- cient of medicines. Pythagoras, | cessive occasions. The waddlgg cere- who flourished between five and six | MOBY proper consisted of Wnver hundred years before Christ, men- Pasha presenting his bride with the tions: ft. Hippocrates. who was so-called "Yous Gherurum-lujeb."" This born in 460 B. . employed it. Pliny [1% a gift given by the bridegroom for the Elder, writing in 77 A. D., de-] the privilege granted to him by her scribes three different kinds of mus-| to take off her veil. After this they tard, and says the seeds were import- | are considered as husband and wife. ed to Italy from Egypt originally. The Romans used ft as a stimulant A Wanamaker Story after a cold bath. They mixed| Not a few wealthy Americans mustard oil and olive oil in equal teach in the Sunday school, among parts and used this as a liniment|them Mr. Wanamakdr, who owns one for stiffness of the muscles. They | one of the biggest stores in America. knew the virtues of mustard poul-|One day, after Mr. Wanamaker had tices and of mustard as an emetie. | explained the lesson to the children, a remedy for the stinks of scor-|he sald: ' ions and serpents, they pounded it, "And now, is there any question mixed it with vinegar, and applied {that any boy er girl would like to it to the wound. i ask me?" They also made a drink out of it, A girl of eight arose, fermenting the seed in a fiery spirit. "Well, Martha, what is it?" The liquor thus produced they called | "Please, Mr. Wanamaker," said mustum ardens, which means burn-|the little gifl, "what is the price of ing. wine. = The. mustard. is | those large wax dolls in your win- probably derived from 8 dow? 3 NERVOUS DISEASES RULE OF THE MOB iN IN THE SPRING Spirit EL Leslie's Weekly, Cured by Totig 1 the Blood and' "A mob kills 'the wrong man," was flashed in a newspaper headline g the Nerves. ately. The mob is an irresponsible, unthinking mass. It always destroys, but never constructs. It criticises, but never creates. Utter a great truth, and the mob will hate you, See how it condemn- ed Dante to exile. Encounter the dangers of the unknown world for its benefit, and the mob will declare ' It is the opinion of.the best medi- cal authorities, after long observa- tion, that nervous diseases are more common and more serious in the spring than at any other time of the vear. Vital changes in the system, after long winter months, may cause you crazy. It ridiculed Celumbus, much more trouble than thé familiar spring weakness and weariness 'from which most people suffer as the re- sult of indoor like, inypootly venti- 1; "pearts with pleasure, and the lated and often gverheated buildings. b will ali 1 h x Official records prove that in April {or Wi 8lOW you to go hungry: a Ixgye hal 1 The blind Homer begged - bread and May neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, l,} ouch the streets. Invent a ma- epilepsy and. other forms of nmervel )..%, oqve labor, and the mob will troubles are at their worst, and that | 30000 you its enemy. Less than then, more than any other time, 21100 years ago a furious rabble blood-making, perverestoring tonic | oo 0 4 Thimotheir's invention, the is needed. : 3 sewing machine, The antiquated custom ot taking Build a steamship to carry mer- purgatives in the spring is useless, |... ico and accelerate travel, and for the system really needg/strength- the mob will call you a fool: A mob ing, while purgatives only gallop |); 04" 1g shores of the Hudson river through "the bowels, leaving YOU lto laugh at the maiden attempt of weaker. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are "Fulton's Folly," as they called his the best medicine, for they actually little steambont. T male the new, rich, red blood that Tha spirit of the mob stalks abroad feeds the starved nerves, and thus in 'our 'land to-day. Every week cyre the many forms of nervous dis- gives a fresh victim to its malignant orders. They cure also such other ary. for blood. There were forty- forms of spring troubles ds head- eight persons killed by mobs in the aches, poor appetite, weakness in the United States in 1913, sixty-four in limbs, as well as remove unsightly 1912, and seventy-one in 1911 pimples and eruptions. In fact they Among the forty-eight last year unfailingly bring new health and [2 Con" "00 Shing Two victims strength to weak, tired and depress- were proven innocent after their ed men, women and children. death. Snld by all medicine dealers or bv In 399 B. €. a demagogue ap- mail at 50c. a box or six boxes for pealed to the popular mob to have 22.50 from the Dr. Williams' Mehicine Socrates put to death, and he was Co.. Brockville. Ont. sentenced to the hemlock cup. Pp : x Fourteen hundred years afterward CY WARMAN'S LAST POEM a demagogue appealed to the popular aster ) - 3 i o Was Written in Philadelphia Two mob, ia S10pe planed jute the Weeks Ago heathen. In the seventeenth cen- The last poem of Cy Warman, the tury a demagogue appealed to the "Poet of the Rockies," was written ignorance of men, and twenty people in Philadelphia two weeks ago and in| were executed at Salem, Mass., with- it the poet seemed to prophecy his|ing six months for witchcraft. Two death. Mr. Warman wrote the verse | fhousand years ago the mob yelled, at the Bellevue-Stratford and it was | "Release unto us Barabbas, and Ba- read by him before the Bureau of|rahbas was a murderer! Commercial RSonomite of. the West The demagogue is the leader and Branch, Y.M.C.A., Montreal. It is instigator of the mob. He appeals entitled "Will the Ligh be White?" | to the pasgions and ignorance of men. and is as follows: His "stay ill not be long, for he Oft, when 1 feel my engine @ swirl, fills the land with discord, but he As o'er strange rails we fare, never fills a pay envelope. I strain my eye around the curve For what awaits us there. SHACKLETO FAILURES When swift and frée she carries me} Explorer Tells Experiences as Elec. Through yards unknown at night, tioneer and Lecturer I look along the line to «re Sir Ernest Shackleton tells three If all the lamps are white. good stories of his three most mem- a able fai s in life. The blue light marks the crippled Stable falltres in line electioneering. can 3 thera He says of this: The green light signals Slow, "On bh occasion when I had to The red light is a danger lght, address a meeting I missed my train, The white light, "Let her go. and had to take a special to get through. I arrived at the hall just Again the open fields We ream, in bri to hear the chairman apolo- And when the night is fair gizing for my absence. I, however, I look up in the stamy dome made my speech. What my oppon- And wonder what's up there. ents thought of it was voiced by one » t and said, 'He For who can speak for those who oO Thy aD A dwell : il) when he got here, what did he say? Behind the curving sky Nothing.' No man has gyer lived to tell "I need scarcely remind you that Just what it means to die. I was defeated. "It may interest you to hear that in Sydney, on my return from my last expedition, I had a very large audience--over 4,000 people in the town hall--and this is'a contrast to a levture I gave in Leith a few years ago. I hired the hall and adver- tised my lecture. e } "On the evening of the day, | Arid Sections drove from my house in Edinburgh,, 'hicago Journal and, instead of finding the place full The corn belt will never lose its{aq | hoped, I saw one drunken man, pre-eminence as a hog-raising center, | two old. women, and a couple of boys but the time is past = when it can|assembled to hear me. claim to be practically the only "I went downstairs and asked the region where swine can be bred and|cabman whether he would not like fed with profit. The increased pro-|to come to the lecture. - He thanked duction of hogs in the old South does|pé but assured me that he would not count since that means merely a|yather not, as he was 'very comfort- southward extension of the corn belt|aple where he was.' itself. But farther west and in some "Eventually about twenty people parts of the east farmers are solving | turned up, and to them I delivered the big preblem without the aid of my lecture. When I went home I king corn. related the experience to my wife Spanish peanuts are proving splen-{and we went into a calculation that did pork makers ih the half-arid|[ had spent something like seven regions of the Southwest. Peas have| pounds in hiring the hall and adver- long been used as hog feed in the tising the lecture, and that all 1 was high valleys of the Rocky moun-|jikely to receive was twenty-five tains and their use is spreading east-|ghillings. ward " No,' said my wife, 'you won't get The combination of legumes and|as much, for I sent the maid and the alfalfa seems to be working out well cook to hear you; so that is two in many places, and some enthus shillings off." tic champions go so far as to' claim During the few months he was as- that peas and alfalfa will produce |sistant editor of the Royal Magazine pork more cheaply than corn. he was asked to write a poem 'to . go under the picture of a sulky little Mrs. David Ennis, Bathurst tos | girl." ship, -pagsedyaway suddeny at her "I turned out this rubbish," he lal last Thurs-fsays, "but I refused to sign it." day. She was in her sixty-third |Sweet flower in Earth's wide garden, year. May the winds of life to you, Caressing but your dimpled beauty, = UTIFUL HAIR ; A Blow soft as you wander-through. BEA - Shamrock Diet for Athletes. The following is taken from the 0 ; py London Chrodicle: y "Has any modern athlete thought and for discovering the new world the mob gave him prison and chains. Write a great poem to thrill hu- Swift towards life's terminal I trend, The run seems short to-night; God only knows what's at the end-- I hope the lights are white. PORK WITHOUT KING CORN Spanish Peanuts Used for Fodder in of trying the shamrock as training 2 i E diet? Most of the writers of form- Use Pasisisn wget Makes theo; times, who credited the Trish with Baie t, a ne "= eating their national plant, spoke of onsen 2 Seal gorntes this as evidence of the poverty of Yt your hair is ag shot. of the people, though some said iit was perfect; if it is losing color, too dry, ake foe ob gen Bat Bebe mas bec 80 1 Ge, Peach, ee Parisian Sage. The first application |JEEIRS, Fh SUSACIOn tat Che emoves dandruff, cools and invigor-|, eH Ph the scalp, and beautifies the hair their shamrock which is the purple until it is gloriously radiant clover, are swift of foot and of num- Parisian Sage supplies hair needs Ble strum 220 Linnastus wiete: and does not injure either the hair or ie SWiit ang agie P scalp. It contains the exact elements ish themselves vith heir shamrock, t ir 3 ,{ Which is the purple oil, ey Headed to make the hairsolt, wavy make from the flowers of this plant, glossy, and to make it grow thick ! and beautiful. It is delicately per-|breathing a honeyed odor, a bread fumed--not sticky or greasy. Sold in| Which is more pleasant than that fifty cent bottles only by J. B. Me- [made from the Spurr already men- Leod and at all drug and toilet coun- | tioned." ters. Parisian Sage acts instantly--one| Rev. R. Tulley, Anglican pastor application stops the head from itch-]|al Clayton, has been transferred to ing and freshens up-the hair. Use it| Pakenham. s Successor is Rev, daily for a week and you will be sur-| Mr. Burnet, ol Maberly. prised and delighted.. Parisian Sage| A divorcee di wing alimony which is one of the quickest-acting hair fis more than $3,000 must pay income tonics known. Everyone needs it. ltax, a % PAGE THIRTEEN IDOES YOUR STOMACH CONTAIN A GLASSFUL OF ACID ? 96 OUT OF 100 DYSPEPTICS. HAVE es the discomfort, because the acid DANGEROUS ACID IN THEIR mixes with the fresh food and turns STOMACHS, WHICH MUST i ur, making a lot more acid, The BE Er ANID Tr acid condition causes food fermenta- \ GOOD HEALTH 2 tion, which irritates, distends and in. ) ALIN flames the tender stomach lining* and AIN it is not surprising that specialists say If you' held a teaspoonful of hydro- {acid stomachs are dangerous. This de- shloric acid i ur a lcidedly dangerous and uncomfortable second you w , 3 fon can be overcome either by its burning and inflamin § following a strict diet or, and this is sues; yet an eminent s states | f and more quickly effectiv that 96 « of 100 dysg aba y R teaspoonful of Neel with a glass p 1 in a.quarter glassful of wat- ful acid in their stomac ar the n jer or meals to neutralize the acidity. wonder what causes the rnin and | The latter course is much more satis- aching and why they suff th sc factory because it corrects the acidity fort after meals. To put wholesome |and banishes discomfort without any food into an acid stomach o nly. incres need for diet $200.00 IN COLD CIVEN AWAY FREE LPAPE NREOCA uPML ATSWRYREBR CPAHE | RCYREH YERAPRSRE ERPA Can vou armange the Hove sets of Jom Ned 4 letter & nto Be Dames ol Shee well known fruits. If so, YOU CAN SHARE IN THE DISTR Tk 1 Severence you can prot a give the sem of Une uid two persons send answers equally correct, the fi Should three send in equally correct answers, the 00). Sho 51d four persons send equally correct answi ag $0.00). and v0 on in like ons, or a NE OF YULR EY WHE) ! TI{IS ADVERTISEMENT, Forth 4 ran nything lice a complete list i t once en ing sce' Samp for our reply, DO NOT DELAY, ITE AT ONCE, Address, GANADIAN MEDECINE CO. Dori 96 MONTREAL QUE » Instantaneous Luneh. Invigorating. The Food- Drink for All hoes. --- Highly Nutritious and Conventent Rich milk, with malted grain extract, in powder form--dissolves in water--more healthful than tea or coffee. Used in training athletes. The best diet for Infants, Growing Children, Invalids, and the Aged. It ugrees with the weakest digestion. Ask for ""HORLICK'S" -- All Chemists, Hotels, Cafés and Stores, Don't travel without it. Also kee pit at home. A lunch in a minute, In Lunch Tablet form, also, ready to eat. Convenient--nutritious. LABATT S STOUT Has Special Qualities MILDLY STIMULATING NOURISHING, SUSTAINING A Perfect Tonic THIS IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR IT IS NEEDED If not sold in your neighborhood, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED C/ ANADA, James McParland, Agent, 339-341 King Street East 'Suffe ring Humanity Finds thatrelief mustbe found for the ills which may come any day, --else suffering is prolonged and thereis dangerthatgraver trouble will follow. Most serious sicknesses start in disor- ders of the organs of digestion and elimination. Thebestcor- rective and preventive, in such cases, is acknowledged to be EELS MS This standard home remedy tones the stomach, stimu- lates the sluggish liver, regulates the inactive bowels. Taken whenever there is need, Beecham's Pills will spare you hours of suffering and so improve your general health and strength that you can better resist disease, Tested by time, Beecham's Pills have proved safe, certain, prompt, convenient and that they Always Lead ,to Better Health Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. » Sold everywhere in Canada and U. 8. Atserics. Io boven 2 mont: KING GEORGE NAVY PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO IS IN A CLASS BY ITSELF: 3 au all others in quality. and flavour because the ' y which it is made differs from others. --It is deli Los sweet and non-irritating. ' - soLp EVERYWHERE: 10c A PLUG Rock cry TOBACCO Co., - anueck rers, QuESCE

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