Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1914, p. 3

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THE SUAS OF ENGLAND CELEBRATED IN HONOR OF ST. GEORGE'S DAY A Supper and Concert Was Held on Thursday Night -- St. Luke's Or- chestra Contributed io the Pro granune, . Leicester T.odge, Sons of England, celebrated St. George's Day in a pe- fitting manner on Thursday night in its lodge rooms, corner of Prin- cess and Montreal streets. A large »- crowd was present, and emjoyed be- DR.DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS jij sides 2 splendid programme oh ig Pili for Women. $5 & bok of threefor |@ SUmptuous supper = prepared A TO LET 417 Johnson 8t., $20 r month. Possession May 16th. : W. H. Godwin & Son 39 Brock St, Over Northern Trown Bank. Phone 424, at all Drag Stores, or toany [by Mr. and Mrs. J. Ward and reas on receipt of price. Tug Scopetl DEUS daughters. Hestores PHOSPHONOL FOR H. Scott, presideut of the lodge, Vim and Tin 3 occupied the chair. Seated around sor Nerve and Bralung ducreases 'grey gi him were the various past presi- mitten'; -- e box, BE on Tooting dents, among whom were William i hzice. Deva Co., St. Catharives, | Twigg, Charles Sefby and Jun + Mahood's Drug Store." Swaln. To the left of these was St. $50ala ut w Luke's orchestra which kindly offer- ed ifs services and at intervals en- livened things with sele¢tions, A hearty vote of thanks was ten- dered the orchestra. Other splendid musical selections® were rendered by James Swain, a veteran concertina player, who was encored several times. The planist of the evening, A. R. Fierne gave same appreciated selections, while John Hughes, one of the members of St. Lukes' orchestra gave a splendid cornet rendering. The re- mainder of the prgsramme includ- ed songs by John Litton, John Swain, Joseph Gott, H. Scott, W. Perfect, W. Dumbleton, H. Seriv- ens, C. Dubary, Joseph Parker, and Arthur Rosamond; recitations by 'H. Hawley, Frank Andrews and John Litton. Addresses were given by Willlam Twigg upon the merits and working conditions of the lodge and Digtrict Deputy George 'Bon- ney explained the benefits derived. It was announced by the president that the annual chyrch parade of the Sons of England will most like- ly be held on Sunday, May 24th. Drug Special! 500 rolls splendid silk tissue toilet paper, in 10 cent rolls, special this week : 5 for 25c¢. "At Best's The Satisfactory Prug Store. Sunday hours, 1.80 to 5; 6.80 to 9. Sab Pd ddd bd pbb ddddob ibd bd : LATEST ABOUT MEXICO igade of {Inited States and artillery has been sent to Vera Cruz General Villa declares he will not join Huerta to fight the United States. Three more United States marines were killed and sev- eral wounded in skirmishing at Vera Cruz on Thursday. United States has again placed an embargo on arms GUARANTEED RELIEF FROM ALL BOWEL ILLS are out boobed dp ob of If your bowels order} instead of using some harsh salt or other physic, take a Rexall Orderlie to-night, and to-morrow you will feel great. They de de AT THE GRAND - ------ "The Red Widow," Was Presented on" Thursday *Night. ¥ Brimful of musical hits, elaborate scenic effects and costumes, "The Red Widow," ¢harmed the audiénce at the Grand, on Thursday night. The light' plot running through the production was 'most amusing, and at times very funny. The ' chief role was taken by Carl Sherloek, as "icero. manufacturer of the famous €. H. D. Corsets, and he made good from start, to finish. This is the role which was originally erea- ted by Raymond Hitehcock. Lfflian Concord, as thé Red Widow, show- ed mort than ordinary talent while the supporting company was strong. A special feature was the daneing of Lillian Ludlow and William Pruadette, Jr. e musical numbers were fume- ful and catchy. The chief favorites were, "I Love You," and "We Will Go, All Aglow to Gogo." Mr. . Sherlock made quite a hit in his songs, "I'm A Wonderful Man In Yonkers," and "I shall nev- er Look at a Pretty Girl Again." Carl Sherlock got off a number of local hits which took well with the andience. The dancing of the Tan- go and Turkey Trot by Lillian Lud- | low and Willlam Prudette, provided | a rare freat. ! "Mutt and Jeff in Panama." Gus Hill has had a new hook writ- her partner, | When the firemen were coming THE WHIGS ..MBLS, 3 by MES 2 Loé of Shor{ Items Run in To PE gether Use White Rose flour to get jresults, Boys: clothes Livingston's. latest popular music, two for College Book Store® Removal sale! 84 ladies' choco: late boots, $1.75. Dutton's. - Ingersoll voted a loan of $15,000 10 a Detroit firm who will manufac- ture auto starters, The price of beef has dropped slightly in Hamilton, and dealers pre- dict a still further reduction. Voting in Illinois on Wednesday put seventy-eight saldbus out of business among twenty-one places. For one week only we offer Dunlop covers made by Goody ear | ire Lom pany. for $2 per cover. HM. Milne, Hagot street. "Film Packs," Gibson's. George Powell was found dead at the bottom of the 180-foot shaft at the Dome Mine, Porcupine, having apparently fallen. ; "Kentucky Lawn Seed," Cibson's. See our value 75e. all-over aprons, Re 1 GRAHAM'S AUTOMOBILE BECAME STALLED, ALD. eat are a hobby with us, And Fire Apparatus Was for a . Briet Period -- Fire in Home of Mrs. Rishnrdson Divis- ion Street. While proceeding fo a fire at the home of Mrs. L. Richardson, Divisien street, on Thursday afternoon, the members of the fire department were held up at corner of Division and Princess streets, as a result of an automobile driven by Ald. Graham, becoming stalled on the car track near that corner. Delayed We along Division street towards Prin- cess, Ald. Graham attempted to cross the street car track in his automo- bile, which "played up" and the fire- 4 men had to wait a short time until he was able to start the engine. On account of excavation work, which is being carried on by the] street railway company, there is! only room on 'the corner of Princess | -q. Duttop's sale. . and Division streets for one wagon | The latest music only at to pass. | loge Book Store, . When the firemen arrived. at the | Counsel for'A. B. Mackay, of Ham- corner of Division and Garrett {ilton, says he will press for a public streets. Driver Cockade, who was! trial for his client, who desires to go driving the hose wagon, saw ihe before a judge, without a jury. automobile coming along the street | Remember our Hot Shot battery's and ealled for the driver to Stop, {encased in cement are the proper the Col- ten for "Mutt and Jefi" entitled "Mutt | and efi in Panama." They come to the | Grand on - Saturday, April 25th, ma tinee and night. The plot was * sug- gested by the creator of the most sue cessinl cartoon series, Bud Fisher. The book was written and the play eon- | structed by Owen Davis; the musical score furnished by Leo Edwards, | and the lyrics by D. PB. Cobb. 'This quartette of suceessiul authors should certainly be able to furnish a second edition vehicle worthy to follow the original offering, which has proven to be the greatest money drawing traction, without exception, in thea- | trical history. Gus Hill has given the | new edition a production costing a | small fortune lhe story is decidedly melo-dramatie, in fact sensationally | 0, with mechanical and electrical of | feets that are positively startling and | which have never before been seen in al niusical comedy 'production, principal | among which 1s a realistic reproduc tion of a full ship moving through the Pan v canal and pass | eg out into the Pacific ocean. T story opens at Jacksonville, where as usual "Mutt and Jeff" been "'cleancd" at the race tracks. Th is at Fla. | as a Un service officer and his troublesome prisoner Panama, presenting "Mutt" ited States "Jeff" as secret going into Mexico. The English papers are sar- castic in their "spmment on the latest developments in Mexico. taste good and act so easily thas there isn't a particle of griping.or purging, nor the -excessive looseness |g that follows the taking of salts and {a most pills. They soothe and streng- |g then the howels, promptly relieving fg the constipation, making it unlikely [pdb dPdd edd bddddddd dd dss to ocenr again. We don't helieve there other bowel rpmedy anywhere as good, and. at the same time ensy and pleasant to take as® Rex- all Orderlies. We Jmow you will G agree with us and belleve you "will thank wus for telling - you about them. If they don't satisfy you in every way, come back and tell us and we will give back your money with out a work or question. You have no reason to hesitate when we give you the opportunity, as we: hereby do, to try them at our risk In vest pocket tin boxes, 0c. 50¢ You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at The Rexall Stores, and in this town only of us. Mahood's . Drug Store, Ont. PhE DBE b bere ThE hE is any | KINGSTON'S BOY MARKSMAN near sO Cadet G. M. Carr-Harris Has Per- formed Splendidly, Carr-Harris, company leader ; Andrew's cadets, who has been! selécted as a member of the Canadian team which shoots at Bisley, in May, will leave on Sunday for Quebec, where he will join the other members of the team He will remain in Quebec city until May 5th, when he sails on the steamer Royal | George for England Kingston can feel proud of having one of its boys as a member of the team Carr-Harris and a young lad from Ot- tawa were the only Canadian lads from Canada, outside of those from Calgary, who caught the team. Three years ago, Cedet Carr-Harris was a memper of Ottawa collegiate cadets, and it was in that city that he learned to shoot. It may be said that this corps is known to be one of the best cadet corps in Can- ada. Later, when he went to New Brunswick, he was able to get a great deal of practice, but did not dis- tingnish himself as a marksman. When he came to Kingston he con- tinued his shooting, with the result that he improved greatly. He did not score high enough to go with a phek- ed team to the Dominion Rifle Asso- ciation meet last fall, at Ottawa, but nevertheless he went there on his own record as a Highland !cadet. He did exceptionally well atl Ottawa, coming tenth in the last match, with a score of sixty out of a possible seventy. He also made a good dggregate and won about #40. At the prize meet held at Barriefield ranges "fast August, he made very good scopes. When the cadet competition was made known he practised faithfully under the direction of 'Lieut. W Swaine. M ol St. Kingston, THE LION AND THE GINGER . The boy that is Ginger Bred, Is the boy we would like to wed. 3D Ginger in a boy de- mands ginger in his clothes. Too much gin- gerbread will give dys- pepsia to the boy or the best model suit, while a same dose of ginger in a 'boy's make-up or in his suit will give snap, freshness and merit that brings distinction. 'Lion Brand clothes have this ginger plus longer life. Double elbows and double seats, dou- ble the life.- © ~ Double up, boys, and geta Lion uit. IN MARINE CIRCLES Movements of Vessels Reported Al. ong the The steamer Sowards arriyed from Oswego on Thursday night with coal for Sowards. * The schooner Julia B. Merrill clear ed on Friday for Sodus. The tug Bartlett will clear from Oswego to-night with the barges Thrush and Dunmore, loaded with coal for R. Qawford and James So- wards, of Kingston. The Bartlett will afterwa clear for Oswego, with the barges Quebec and King: ston, to load coal for Montreal. Navigation will dpen this year on the Ridean canal on May lst. Wa- ter will be let in on the 25th of April. = The steamer 51inforle clears? on Friday morning the lake. i The schooner BD Freiman. of Port '| Hope, came into Port on Friday. Children's Hats The kind that are Smart and up- to-date All prices. Geo. Mills & Co. "Kentucky Lawn Seed," Gibson's. John Nugent, Lindsay, was in Kingston on Thursday' attending the funeral of his brother, the late James { Sogent. » Hand Claston horns "for autd" and at use, at H. Milne's, 272 Bagot -in Rochester, He was father in * Two hy lo Cat Went to Five. "Mike," one of the cats owned | by 'the firemen at No. 2 fire station, | 's becoming 'some fire fighter." On Thursday morning at four o'clock the cat responded with the 'remen to the call at the corner of irontenac and Johnson streets. When the fire fighters drove up to this corner and started to get the apparatus off the ladder truck, they found the cat "on deck." This is the third time that a cat from the department has gone to fires. Some 'Ime ago the other tom cat nam- ed "Paddy" boarded the ladder truck and kept on the wagon until the horses stopped at the corner of Russel street. These two cats are very popular with the men of the department. Ladies and Gentlemen Umbrellas for both at every price, from 73¢. to 85. Our dollar special is the best value in the city. Geo. | Mills & Co i Robbed a Hen House, H. E. W. Nicholson, living the outer station, lost several fine birds 'he other night, as a result of a visit paid to his premises by a sneak thief. at Anything in music? The Book Store. 'The best maple syrup is made Plam Hollow, pure, rich and thick. Ge. a gt. Just the kigd for puttine np for fufure use. On sale at Gil- hert's stores, The new ultra-Protestant paper, the Menace, has heen given mailing privi- leges in Canada, after a lot of fuss. "Kentucky Lawn Seed." Gibson's. We want évery mother that owns a school hay to see our school suite Livingston's. ' General lan Hamilton has issued a hooklet favoring compulsory serviee, "Huyler's Sweets," Gibson's Free wheat was voted in the commons. College at again down NEW LIFE. Found in Change to Right Fooq. "After one sufiers for months acid dyspepsia, seur stomach, then finds the remedy is in the right kind of food, it is thing to speak about. An Eastern lady and her young had such an experience and she ws others to know how She writes : 2 "For about fifteen months my little boy and myseli had suffered. with sour stomach, We were unable) so retain much of anything we ate. sour stomach. We were unable to long I decided to consult a specialist in stomach diseases, Instead of pres- cribing drugs, he put us both on {irape-Nuts and we began to improve immediately. . "It was the key to a new life. 1 found we had been eating too much heavy food which we could not di- gest. Im a few weeks after com- mameing : Grape-Nuts I was able to do my house work. I wake in the morn- ing with' a clear head and feel rested and have no sour stomach. My boy sleeps well and wakes with a laugh. "We have regaimed our lost weight and continue to eat Grape-Nuts for both the morning and meals. We are well and happy and owe it to Grape-Nuts." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The Road Wellville."" in "Therels a ---- from and getting . SOME hs to get relief. | trouble, | 4 have | § next scene is on board ship bound idr |" { the churches, {tory way and which must remain un but he evidently did not hear 0 use in boats aed automo- call. The horses on both the hose | b Seld by H. Milne, lagot St. and ladder truck had to he brought | Filin Packs," Gibson's. to a complete standstill until the |: Miss Wood, the efficient superin- automobile passed the car tepdent of the Cobourg hospital, has track. d . « | repigned to accept a similar post in The fire, which was causing the! the General and Marine . hospital, started in one of the up-/ Owen Sound. stir rooms of the home of Mrs ) Richardson, near the. corner of Queen and Division streets, as a re-! sult of a coal oil stove causing some trouble, Some litle damage done as result of the blaze people living in the house lost time in sending in the alarm. over Corset sale, 81.50; corsets, 81: £2 Duplex eteel corsets, $1.50. Dutton's. Penslar Cough Syrup," Gibson's In a letter to a friend at Winches- Was fer, Ontario, Sir James Whitney The ys he will spend some time in his seme | constituency and will not do cabinet] work until late in the year. fear the Vitaphone at the College FEPPRRPPEIEFF PP IPRPRPPEEEL | [ok Store, J . . ; Remember Cleveland bicveles lead QUEEN'S EXAMS. RESULTS all makers, consequently we have the best by" test. Model and Standard hicyeles are added to our list. IT. Milne, 272 Bagot street. - "Film Packs," Gibson's. Mrs. Mildred Meffert is suing En- rico Caruso, the singer, for $100,000 - alleged" breach of promise, and merous postcards with endearing writing thereon will be offered as vidence, "Penslar Cold Cream," Gibson's. The Electric Carpet Cleaning Works Il clean your carpets for lo. per yard and relay for 20. per yard we all annoyamce of beating car- pets Our work is guaranteed 1 wolbeleodede defile fede dodo dodo dodo dod de teds | |) Ine. Phone 542 a AEA Calas oy 3cx Ihe London correspondent of the COMMITTEE REFUSED inchester Guardian states that the Canadian government has decided to dissolve parliament early next year d appeal to the country on the val question, 'Penslar Cold Cream," Gibson's. Notice | Black serge skirts, $1.29; black underskirts, 50c.; black sateen lonses from 735¢. Dutton's sale. & The Whig will this year, as usual, publish complete re- sults of Queen's college ex- examinations. ' Orders for papers left at this office will be given the same careful attention as in the past. Price per copy, including postage, 3c. - The Whig has no can- vassers at the college. To ensure the absolute certainty of receiving the paper, leave your order at the Whig office. + * + hE NESS Its Inspector Was Working Against the Act. \pril 21.--One fact sticks n up above the others in the Snider af fair. The government, after a five hours' debate in which a serious con dition of affairs was disclosed, has re' fused to appoint a committee of in- vestigation. Nr. Bowman pointed out the fact admitted by the government that a public official, Pro vincial License Inspector Snider, was present in Huron, Welland and Peel working against the Canada temper ance act. A government official, there fore, was lined up w4#" the organized liquor interests dgainst the forces of the Dominion Alliance, the Ontario Young Manhood Associa its cf rane works, | Ls hotel ak he' ond of (he Ma remains unanswered in any satisfac S18, Swept the pntire streef, de- A y twenty-eight and and entailing of Toronto, Fhe Excelsior motor cyele is the only union made machine sold in Kingston, consequently the highest s are paid in manufacturing- our machines. By test théy are the hest Call and see our 'model before buy "ing H. Milne, 272 Bagot street "Kentucky lawn seed." Gibson's. The business section of Bryson, Quebec, the county seat for Pontiac, was wiped out on Thursday by a conflagration which, starting in God- themselves, stores a loss itroying dwellings vered until light is let into the $65.000. subject by a full enquiry, is this "How did Snider come to be there?" If Snider was in these counties en tirely ou his own responsibility, asked Mr. Rowell, why was he not dismiss " ed ? What is behind the government's | ter Brief Illness. silence ¥ Daes the government have to] After being confined to his room placate Snider because he knows 'too ior the past four days Ex-Ald, James much ? { vohnson died at his home on Unjver- It was pointed out in the house that 'sity avenue, on 'I hursday night, At il this was the first time the govern- 11.30 o'clock. Although the deceased ment had blocked an essquiry, the mat- had been troubled with his heart for ter might be passed over a little more some years it was nat' thought the lightly, but when, since the Proudfoot '¢nd was so near. . Un Monday he charges last year, this stifling of in- 4 taken to bed with what he vestigation has become almost the ha- thought to be a bad cold, but the bitual procedure of the government, ,q developed into pneumonia. Un Pibtie suspicion is immediately arous- hursday evening his cqudition be: oc RK : : cume Serious. ¢ A ypical question being asked to he late Mr. Johnson was a son of Lato tie ee EL, the Inte John Johnson, of the town- that the government would go to the SP of Storrington. When a young country under the cloud of having M40 he went in business in the coun- blocked still another enquiry, unless '¥ and conducted stores * at Batter they kpew that a free investigation 5%» Odessa. Glencoe and I'rinkford. would have revealed facts still more hout twenty-five years ago he mov- damaging to themselves, ed 'to the city. For many years he ALE in the boot" and shoe business, the corner of Bagot and Princess but retired from that line bop. and went into partnership in the dry Disagreement Over * Redistribution ponds business | with a Crum- as Affecting Westmount, ; When that partnership was dis- Ottawa, April 24~There is a five. solved Mr. Johnson conducted a dry Iv row over the distribution of Mon. Ko0ds business ih the building now treal, and, curiously enough, it js Occupied by the Royal Bank om Wel- among the conservatives. lington street. About _ three years The original scheme was td put' 880 he retired from business Owing Westmount to H. B. Ames' constitu. | to ill health. a ency St. Antoine, making a sure In" 1905 the late Mr. + ohnson was Lnglish conservative seat. The Wesi- & member of the city council as re- mount conservative association has Presenmtative for Rideau ward. He objected, and would mow add West- vas an alderman for ome year. In mount to the French ward St. Hears. politics he was a strong conservalive. and put another French section, Nt. [Deceased was a Methodist and mem Cunegonde, with St. Antoine. Mp. ber of Queen street church. He was Ames protests against his seat hewng a mam of kind disposition, enierpriz- thus jeopardized by adding ten thou- ine and progressive. sand French voters. He asks for the | He is survived by his wife, one bro- original plan, and, strange as it ther and three sisters, The sisters may seem, this is favored by the h- are Mrs. F. C. Hewton, Miss Sarah berals, though by the other plan ' Johnson and Mrs. James McNamee, they might stand a better chance. Ottawa. William Johnson, Inverary, The disagreement is between Nr. is a brother. : ; Ames and part of Westmount con : Ihe faneral will take place from his servatives on the one hand, and Hon. | late residence on Monday morning, Mr. Pelletier and the rest of the | at ten o'clock, to Cataragui cemeter party in Westmount on the ° other. Dev. G. I. Campbell, pastor of Queen The liberals having accepted the first j street church, will conduct the ser- plan, stand by it. vice at the home. Miection Farly Nest Year | . : Constipation Is Cured by "LATE JAMES JOHNSON Passed Away oh Thursday Night Af- at is me sata 1 ROW IN TORY cAMP treets, of. Trency, - Teside in i HOODS FiLLs S saturday, | showery, Ci) ATE LT SAA] CE We have just received ~ * Have just come to hand and "are stocked ready for. to- morrow's selling, the styles are up to the minute and will appeal to every diserim- inating woman. The prices $12.50, $13.50, $15.00, $16.50, $17.50, £19.00, £20.00 $22.50 and $25.00, then on up te $45.00, New Coats, depicting some late novelties in Sport '_Coats and a number of the swagger Balmacaan effects, priced from $8.50 to $35.00, are a con- signment of new ncckwear, frillings and novelty belts. Fe v . A . Saturday night's ad. should prove sonte very-inter- | esting reading. | | Steacy's The Busiest Store in Town a ae -- RC i Drinking Tumblers 25 Cents a Dozen for a Short Time Only ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Crockery Glassware Our Fixtures for the adornment of chaste, latest desig your home are | ns and beautiful i artistic effect. Visits ate made reg- ularly to the manufae- turers. We are thus al- ways in touch with the most up to date styles. Prices are moderate. Ho W. Newman Eleetric Co. Men's high grade welts, $4.00 to £5.30, Joys' solid leather boots, $1.50 to $4.00, Little Gents' Wear Like Iron, $1.25 to $2.00, We carry the largest assortmentsof shoe dress- ings, etc., in the city. always fresh. Pagkard's dressings, all kinds Phone 1246. I ------ Spring Footwear

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