Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1914, p. 13

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In Clergy Work of Husband and frag Wife Eqially Important Saratoga, N.Y., April 24.---The rit- ual sevice: of the thodist Episco- pal church was given an unusual form, when Bishop Frederick D. Leste, who bis presiding over the Troy conference, {eallegd to sitar puil the wives of | eleven young mivisters who were about | to be ordained apd requested them to ikoeel beside their husbands, who then | were given the authorization, of the {church to administer the sacraments. "| Pishop leaté explained his action by saying that in the work of the Meth- . lodist clergymen sthe husband and wife 1should be recognized as equally im- : portant, + THE "KING'S toe "good quality. j 'MACLEAN, this year tt will CE YLON TEA 4 | - our prices for . i .- - ' s © ay our price or eat, aindky Anticipated with delight by all who use it | 55% irke™ 5 = LEAD PACKETS ONLY. BLACK, MIXFD OR GREEN. A SATE Rl ataw 4 . AT ALL GROCERS. vases at reasonable tras J HE NEIGMEST AWARD-ST. LOUIS. 1904 nd at 1 The Evening Meal Sg Rt te thrive SN n It is an interesting and instructive sight towatch a bevy of grouse at thei od : . jevening meal in Algonguin park. Quicl a Ia ad : PARTICULARS ON REQUEST hoegme: quiekened, for they realize that the command "fly to roost" wi Co. {and Wlustive as. shadows they stea asrtly be given. . The women workers in Chili receive {from { knoll to knoll, their whole minds intent upon the work befor: And given it is. Just as the 54 . " {1cug streaks of .daylight are bei ' A SR | . | an average wage of thirty-eight cents [a day. . blue-dusky night begins to sett) down, the actiois of the birds wil i i AGEN - Bibby's Garage Repairs and Auto Supply Phone's 20 4 91 | As the shadows lengthen and the i X {wooded world, the 'low '"'whirrit | whirrit" Js sounded, and quick tc Hoping jcbey it, the whole bevy rises as one | like betting bird, and on thunderous wings thor | game, i them, that of appeasing their appo- idrawn across the drab uplands, and When a man says all he wants is | tites, before the low call comes fron | sentinel eock on, the log. {the silence--that wonderiul ced away to some protecting jawm- {of the northern woods--grips the | pile deep in the forest. another man'y | justicé it menns that he wants the kind he wants when he wants it. against 'hope is too much against -- mh en - #5 IMEBONC RE wig | Br ao re a A Vo > cH THERQUEEN x 1 p | ' man he desires that, amd wé hope he 0 DA AND MEXICO 7 § i may be iceessiul, but we cannot be = J | conlident here is no reason to sup. | pose that Huerta will co-operate in such a scheme." rrr eA peri an MUCH CANADIAN CAPITAL 1s = INVESTED THERE Madeto's Brother Talks or | ERENT POINCARE Ames, Jowa, April 24.~'1 sincerely " United States Export Made + Hit hope thut the people of the United London Daily Mail Thinks Wilson continue In the wisdom of entertained swweing that General Huerta does not resident Poincare, States will of Versailles Handled the Mexican Situation | wili t sf thi Y a ' : y : ne Gy for ® present Mesic said Carlos Ma- : Badly. a _ majesiles colo lero, youngest brother of the mutder- | 5} » ' Ottawa, April 24. --Canada has no cely discussed. with ip it | president of Mexico, who is a fresh- | * trade representative in Mexico. Over t : | man student in agriculture at lowa | O00 Ings O a & Year ago the commissioner there State College. was withdrawn on account of the ihe United States ETE RENEE fact that the country was in a state of constant or intermittent eruprion and the possibilities of trade devel opment were shim. The trade of = the dominion wit Mexico in the last fiscal vear agyre gated $3,360,999, of which $3.1 81 were imports and $218,418 exports The principal imports are fibresy drugs - and tobacco, and exports grain, coal, paper and whis key. Much Canadian eapital is inve in the country, mainly in tramway Power or mining enterprises, but for the protection of Canadians there as well us of the investment the domin- ion must rely upon the mother coun ry. kuows and ap- sin om recintes that Huerta does not care or the notion of Mexico; the welfare OLD PEOPLE GAIN Hosle om vot Mites Tom : ing his typrapnical position. I believe | Strength by Taking Vinol, Here is that -Huerta would resort to every | Proof, means in his power to continue in the | place he holds." ! Madero denied that he was! HIS message is for you who seli something more than just "goods." You, who sell "satisfaction" will be interested in Rose Ham. Rose Ham is the finest contribution we have ever made to he 1 So many like this are con- grasses, | tantly coming to our attention that the | We publish it for the benefit of oth ers: Mr. John Widmayer, oi Jack- son, Mich., cases forces in the field, He us inter at the Cosmopolitan enty years of age, and was in g lah, wid was cheerful and optimiktic . fon ie a3 8 bover Washington developments of the wble' condition but Vinol has - dose [fast Jorty-¢ight hours. He does not wonders for me. It is the best medi hink that the United States 'will do eine, to create strength | have ever | 4p. thing to antagonize the constitu- says: "I am nearly sev- ol and soon Vigel is certamly ym tonic for old people." It is the War of Annexation New York, April 24--One of the most insistent "jingoes" in the clam or for American action in Mexico for months back has been William Lan medicinal curative ele The ments of the cod livers: without oil | cans," h ' aided by the blood-making = and {ticaalist Mexico dolph Hearst, speaking through Jig] strength-creating properties of tonic iron which are Vinol [as to I chain of pewspapers. His Ivening |i 3 to a Journal says : : that makes it efficient" in .such | stitutionalis "This war 1s real; it will be final, | cases : orts are The men that have lost their lives | U you have an ag ather, mo and that will lose their lives ¢ill | ther or anyone in your fi who not be killed merely to put one Mex | needs a strength-creating LI ican brigand shove another. | Vino 1 our offer give hack your a "Soon you will read and study the > 5.2 a pn map of a great amd new part of the Te . ¥ . ggist, King- IS THE EARTH DR) ING UP? Xnited States Bow cafe hong This is 'a Question Upon Which Scientists. Do Not Agree to, Mexico. Ng There is a wide difference of opin- 4 . gathered at | joy among scientists as to whether dred. cofing were taken aboar , : k ; J Hundred coffins wero Di a @ cust ) In eo quar or not the earth is regularly losing stocked and Josh iv io ti : ers it wlievedd that Predident Wil | moisture. The theory propounded Brigade a the 1 ited St tis, to Mex. jon. n t , by Dr, Gregory in his lecture before ico if the war de ont " b wz the shipment to Mexico of a | 'ha Royal Geographical Society that Wi pa > su tre H hat It was learned at the transport might | the earth is" not drier than it was a he Ae # J Ans Ww f a ) rears n , carried two months substence for the 1000 or 2,000 years 'ago may be 4.500 men of the fifth brigade, he strietly true of loss and gain . are visi fa bere ; svalaneced against each other all over store of provisions having been Acquit Wilson. Slanced against sach ott ull gre ded Q \ Wr 3 " ne gr ye, bu - Shade ho The just, Mament, a -- April 24. ~The Daily News | 100000 of special interest to mortals D thirt ve ee visic Toremyar Rta An n he there seems to be no doubt as to the nn HY 3s Joyo. he deter Of MIS | jesiccation says the London Stan- rally, the rebels to the | (#50 contained in | mone 800 Coffins in Cargo. on merehan Galveston, Texas, April 24 v proclamation far riety ofl articles which ined contraband of v that grand old combination, "Ham AND ----." It is the best product of our concern, a house that has always stood for seen aud 1 fave taken geod Hv, tionniiste if invasion comes, but he ! of them. Las : ui 1 was 3 at that should the United i as far as 1852. regained my stvengtiy | {ionalist territory Carranza and Villa T<Y io . evigamaning ona git te. wae ysiues she Utes When a customer asks for ham that is "not too salty," a os can give her Rose Ham knowing that you are wrapping in DE wics x iT 1 am Tv the, package liberal slices of "satisfaction" with every slice and Huerta. 1 Huetfa's : kaded Huerta ma . . : . ] j ty : : Be When she asks if Rose Ham is mild in flavor, you can smile United States does not interfere with and say "Mild Ham? Yes Ma'am" Because you know, beyond a doubt, that Rose Ham is always the same--to-day, yesterday and ALWAYS MILD. You dealers who know Rose Ham, cannot the brand to your customers. And they in turn finding it more than ordinarily worthy, quality. Always, in your memory. And before that back lown and worn out but I took Vin: «end invading forces through constitu. | > Staten you imvaded I am in- a possible coalition of the con- 0 ham. s down and out in two or three weeks. the constitutionalists' operations." with the confidence born of truth. to-morrow. Always delicious, always tender, help but communicate your confidence in come back to you again and again for more. Can't been iit Hits U.S. Export Trade New York, Aprit. 24.-"The blockad ing of Vera Cruz aud Tampico, to gether with the probability of an or der from the United States rotern ment forbidding the shipping of wer chandise to Mexico, has greatly de mioralized American export © husiness in New York. In all lines of export 20 the southern republic the greatest uncertainty prevails. Considerable apprehension is felt regarding mer . chandise 'awaiting shipment to this - country from Mexican ports, while Mexican exporters here have halted E all shipments' 'pending developments. any merchants ealled on Collector Malone at the custom house in' the hope of ascertaining what action mil itary authorities at Vera Cruz, Tam- pico and other' Mexican ports were to take regarding goods avdersd he eitizens of their country and uwait- shipment. * The report was cir teed that the government intend: ganst the invader en opened by the to a formid rest scale. States wlventure on t "With the higl for dent Wilson we acquit responsibility for allowing things to 0 (perilous a pass, 'The af tair has iniortunately handled and the fact that Huerta desired and invited precisely such an outcome of it Wilson's responsi Presi him of come to been does not lighten Mr bility. "What congress she how passions, once liberated, rapidly entirely out of control. It is an: nounced that Mr. Wilson has nd ine tention of extending military opera- tions beyond Vera Uruz unless Huerta compels him to do so, and there is nd doubt of his sincere determination to prevent the eniorcement of satisfac tion from developing into a real war of indefinite magnitude. "As a slatesman and as a human has alveady taken place in hellicose pass vasily GH | NOT CALOMEL, OIL ORSALTS, TAKE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" Delicious "fruit laxative cleanses as a physic. stomach, liver and bowels harniless cure fog sick headache, | dolicate child Oulness, sour stomach, eomstipsas i ion, coated tongue, sal- ke "California Syrup of or the cavse of all such comes from a torpid liver ish bowels. 3 al to-night means all ison, waste matter, for- and sour. bile gently oft of your system by morn- without griping. Please don't nk of "Culiforuis Syeup of Figs" Don't think you are drugging yourself er children, because this delinious Tait laxative fan not cause injury. Even the most can take it as safely as a robust man. It is the most harmless, effective stomach, liver and bowel cleanser, regulator and tonic over devised. , . Your only diffienlty may be io get {ting the genuine, 55 ask your drug- gist for a 50c. bottle of "Caliloenia Syrup of Figs," then see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." This many {eounterfcit "fig wyropa' bout i icity © has so watch The volume of 'water pouring ov er Victoria Falls is . nothing like what it was only thirty years ago, while 200 miles to the southwest of it Lake Ngami, a great sheet of wa- ter in Livingstone's day, is pow but a mass of reeds. s { In the western Sudan the climate has been artificially desiccated by the natives in burning down the trees to increase the cultivable area. It is true that Dr. Sven Hedin does not think that Persia has par. ceptibly dried up in the last 2,000; years, | On the other hand, that other! great. Asiatic traveler, M. Aurel Stein, has stated that there in "in- controvertible evidence of the desic- | cation of eastern Turkestan in his- | torical times," and American scien tists who have studied the candi- | tions in Palestine maintain that the ead Sea is seventy feet lower than! it was in the time of Christ. Two Crimes There was once 2a man who was willing by felony to smash a bank, ind yet he wouldn't permit his em-| ployees to split an infinitive," said a | former Chicago newspaper man the | other day "This man was the late "Jolin R. Walsh, who went to the penitdntiary for wrecking his own bank * Be- sides being a banker, Mr. Walsh was % newspaper proprietor, owing the old Chicago Chronicle, now defunct, "1 once worked for a couple of veeks on the Chronicle and during that fortnight the split infinitive way oflicially declared a crime. A bulle~ lin--the oldsst I've ever seen in & newspaper office---was placed in the city room stating that the reporter or copy reader responsible for a split infinitive would be canned. Not long after that Mr. Walsh was ar- rested Tor splitting his bask." w / "Mild Ham? Yes, Ma'am" MATTHEWS-BLACKWELL LIMITED TORONTO MONTREAL HULL = PETERBORO WINNIPEG SYDNEY, C.B. FORT WILLIAM SUDBURY

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