Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1914, p. 10

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Si "4 Co le . ? READY 70 0 OT Bree : oma or y CHIEF AT K Te RE oT Ey "Telephones 987 oid fo Whitman il : : SPOAT re foie goog : 4 : ous system, ma gree: wim 5 88 pet ix | HE: IS HALE: AND HEARTY AT Nr a. rl +i. PETERBORO X1DS, PREFER - LA- Brass Wares: Deapin the carpon- "= : NINETY-THREE iorey Whitman: is Propaf-Tor 2 CROSSE TO BASERALL dena, ide o HES rk! alre. hard. : . ; of all Kinda. All iT ordnrs THE COOK MEDICINE Co. cross-examination in ecuse 'ex-Lieut ---------- forss One wi! case, Wx w prompt attention, Shap, ToRox7o, our. + (Fermerty Windsar,) Col. S. B. Hance, Former Kingston | Charles Becker takes the stand in his McGraw, | of the New York Giants, F ruggists or med Carats oe ki on THE Wo0H We ute hadi. spiemata a . Resident, is Enjoying Life oh the own behalf oR nis Soeong trish far Became a Professional Baseball 7. (Fermerty Windiar) lines in Men's 5 - Pacific Slope the murder of Herman R sential, : cannot be heaten at hi 4 s . which is to begin en Mag 6th. ha We should he INSURE SUCCESS' i « I | Under date of April 11th, the | Assistant District Attorney Groehl is Ago. N D shone nd nag 0 ~ INYOUR BAKING : i [Seattle (Wash.) Sun' contained the | preparing lne skeleton of the eXM: | furie, the French heavyweight box- | §¥ PP S. . i Garter chars Boose at {iollewing concerning Colonel 8, B { nation, and it appears now that there ef, las challenged Bo . 1 4 os : Lhe ¢ poly | Toe lind you are babi is the kind we sell! {Hance, a former chief of police at | will be many references to one "Fin-| ngland, to & > Shard el gi : or ke a € : ETL Rt "on, Couper"s Baking 1 i Kingston. | neg: an. Mr. Whitman and his aide i Q | Ninety-three and a half years old, | have been léoking unsuccessfully for The New York in Worl j $1.500 { ¢ k ; Mot U 5G 5 i Powder | Scranton Coal i but so interested in the work of men {some time for Fipnegan. ; os John McGraw ger. a rg. shat | olin why al COAST SEALED OVST ERS > Is good nal and we guarantee | prompt {and things of to-day that he goes] Beckér was convieted on October | i © the al on a Iu Ror farm of 4 acres good 's g Best that motey cau ouy. down town every morning just fory2 25th, 1912. Two days later, on Sun- in the western division of the. ars Juibuildings and and; seven : the love 'of feeling himself still in it, | day, just before he ¥ aken to thef © oo Sp f es The uies rom Biftgsion 260 PRINCESS ST. t D COUPER, : - Calonel 8. B. Hance, who lives with | dean house in Sing : Becker be - -- Booth & Lo. (His niece, Mrs. H. F. Blogg, at 708 | came reminiscent snd told Fepurier Al Wagner, who was the real I W. i Godwin & Sun f Brangh 200 Barrie St. 41-3 Princess Street i 4 3 I Belmont Place, sees no reason why i about the forfune which he had de will ste : a cal bu . +4 . # . tone 76 Prompt Dellxory J ; Tot 4 Nei dn the should spend his days in an arm -Ipesited in filteen or more savings pa su eV agucs. family long #9 Brock 8 Phone i REPAIRING PONE uy - a -- : [eh vir, thinking of the past. i banks, © The district = attorney hat the track towards ane ES ang. on Real kB Flee aa . ~---- He has a splendid past to think of | traced some $70,000 in Becker's ac Come ekk. : aie, yearns to Rath 4 ih rin ditties et a {counts scattered all over the city. | Dr-Go Dyspepsia I lets {¥ be wants to. He was a printer | ¥ -- when newspapers were in their in-| 'How did You save ull that mone; |» loston gets the credit for the 1 _---- Qui P } b 5 fancy; he held his life in his hands on your $2,400 salary?' reporter: Why ah ol a 2 * reed - a: { 1 , stishan. a nw Y auken a that Sunday asehi Ww ol 18 spason okly U I Tt on fourteen battlefields; he was for | asked Becker on that Sun The afternoon game between the Red years in business; he know Abraham YA oman bamed Pinaetan left he 3 4 he ioe bins d Stomachs Right Lincoln well and was honored by | tween $15,000 and $16,000 to wy Bos aug She thletios on Fatriats k pr e SB A 3 7él ft ) him; his memories are a wonderful | wife," replied Becker. ¥wify | OY HIGH by Spectators, although ac I 0. C - a It br St¥elation a tit ie Shvonic panorama of Americap life; but the | kept it in a little tin box in.a trunk | the contestiwus played in a drizzle. Peay {| Gyspeptic eel no discomfort alter world is still "full of a number of and one day she presented it to me y \ Ww |» heariy meal, when that meal is Ins a eh myer 0 Before that the name of Fiunega Walter Pipp wus let go to Roches Don't these 1 mornings make vou feel like a spin followed by one Na-Dm-Co Dyspepsia th 3 > worth seelnd, he thinks. I fan : bad been mentioned. Becker | 19 beoause he bats left handed. The 3 ira BALE ver M; W v7 ake ugh eset Ai Sh iy I STC Dora hn Dur ve dows | ok ho re mie, Bee | ere bey ty banded: Toe Hl] ey' minming Masgey OLY almost relief which the tablet Nim safely > dgain, but she does, said thi oman was The 1 vide hitters as it. is. hut hosts mi Try our store for Jour i gives him from room Varun dre) not try to hinder him, for she knows | negan, und that be had died on th | il Sao Rom 4 2 hin i : OUR EXPERTS wants of Boots and to which be is accustomed after eating, LF iabpier thus. : > puignt that he (gsker) was Rrrast dt : i vour old wheel or tires in shape to enjoy Sh f ne. Y , Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets sweeten B. Hance was born in Ithaca,' ed. Finnegan left no will, accordin: \ a] ! ps lor Prine. we "stomachs that are sour--relieve 'N.Y., Dec. 10th, 1830. His grand- | to Becker. If Becker now takes the | Heorge Robertson i OUTSET : will find Dy rading stomachs that feel as if a stone had been father lived to be ninety-seven.. His {stand he will be asked all about Fin- | nt roe pop Jertson, Viev:president : ALL MA KE® or BICYCLE Le | the Peterboro lacrosse club, is dq with us that you will | swallowed--stop heartburp--and give sister, Ms: Margaret Fursman, who [negan a1 t b bon : the needed assistance to stomachs th al lives with her son at the corner of | Until Joseph A. Shay resigned as {48 2 bis part to create a new A st Repu red at shortest notice, and we pln So satis- € eiter 'ame for are weakened, Howell and Summit, is enghty-feur {counsel for Becker, it was asserted | 'h the 8 Containing in themselves the active years old. {repeatedly that Becker would take [#athered together a number x So game in Peterboro. "ha fi ti n. 3 clio sjepa cur money fan ® Ie Principle peeded for digesting every Young Hance was apprenticed at 'the Stand. Since Martin T. Manton | *ters, some of whom show signs of "where i m the ¢ ity. Give i ying at os NaDrutie eve: sixteen to a. printer, and worked on and W. Bourke Cockran were retain- developing into goed players. he 0 g 3 in , 3 c ena even e weakes he Ithaca Journal until 1840 wher I in the case, however, this report | strange to say, ev take to the ye fi ¢ us a tr ial and be con stomachs to get the good out of, what is ; 2 Bige cam . agent Re Naval Man Pap nof een FOPERE The district gamie in preference to baseball. fea : vineed. sath, Bre eting he secumulation of |) line steamers at Montreal. From |atforney believes' that Becker will : 88 PRINCE! SS STREET PHONE 3520. KINGSTON, ox. help for a while, pan, restive : arly that a on he was in business of [not dare take the witness chair, bat Arrangements are under vay "for od , recover their strength, ge their pan one kind or another until the out Ih deemed it wise to prepare for the | the formation of an teri. Y.M, H B WARTELL properly, and your troubles are over, break of the Civil War. . . Don't goan t Soom sufferivg| Get a soc. box It was in his bookstore at Bloom Player Just Twenty-five Yegrs | yma { Now is the Time to Your Spring Fool. wear at the Right Place. eon, vwITVe ewe ve: ils over OM), unexpected C.A. baseball league in Brantford, Mr. Whitman admitted yesterday i, Serationd, Paris, London and 888 KI STR i Dru-Co. Dyspepsia Tablets from field, Ill, in the middle fifties, that !that he was ready for the case.! Woodstock. - all these get in, the | ng BEY your druggist toda: Bday. National Drug 'he saw so much of Lincoln that he I he last gap had been closéd on Mon- | scheme two toh ots will be formed Phone 1372 and Shemiral Co, of Canada, Limited. is a perfect mine of Lincoln stories. k afternoon, he said, when he hac [and the winners wi play off for the A HIGH QUALITY Wheel "Lincoln used to spend a lot of | seen "Bridgie" Webber, one of the championship at the end of the Sea- 6" 7" time in the store, aia he said | informers against Beeker, in Web: | son The be *ague is to he purely am-' Like The PERFECT : vesterday, when he had startedg on | ber's box factory in Passaic. Sam | ateur. q hy Rp Is Cheapest to Own. the subject "I let him take Za) Schepps bas been diseredited and : 2 * book in the store---he was very care [ ill not be called by the state lefi Tesrean," the former Foronto ful---and he'd sit and read until ra | irre ape pitcher, has been made & defend nt have to tell him it was time to shut Divide the first cost of a PERFROP Bicycle hy the number of years of per- feet service it gives. iF Miss Clara - Young, of Pe oO has ira oun, of Perryville, Mo., of any wheel) is less with the PER- FECT than with wheels selling as up "Tell about Lincoln and the mark ed bill," prompted his grandniece. "Well, that was the time Lincoln fefended a banker who had been in- licted for passing a bad five- dollar bill. The complaining witness was sked how he identified the bill "By the little piece torn off the corner," he said. 'And by the pinholes?' asked Lincoln, and the fellow said 'Ves.' 'These pinholes, one in each cor ner and one in the middle?' 'Yes,' answered the man. "Lincoln turned to the court, Work to Start on 1 Glengarry and | who alleges that she expected to be | TO CONNECT WITH C.P.R a breach of promise suit, filed by pie | 5 The cost per year (the REAL cost | | | come Mrs. Tesreau until she learned low a8 Boi ite prick thi the Giants' r pitche o 8 hal : . a Fil Sients Dig Bi Shes hind Consider its HIGH QUALITY---its two before he. started on. the rk. LIGHT WEIGHT--its BASE on the Glengarry and Stormont railway tour 'with the White. Sox a o 5 3 rough roads--its SPEED on good / Tn HPD: and (nunts: stretehes, - These things justify you | | | : | Stormont Railway f | | 3 | us soon as weatlier conditions permit. " | [2 . in paying more for the PERFECT | | Cornwall, April 24, -- Work will be commenced on the construction of lhe promoters have let the contracts Morrisburg, Ont.. and W addington iVers 4 A LE . ne = > iovele 'ot i 0SLS N ¢ vie deh 1s Wy uo Shithe roads NoY., united for years for"baseball Bley BE 0818 less to own the PR. at 8t.° Polycarpe, Que. Purposes and Setting, a standard mn Let ns explain PERFECT Construction in Ee R. Philips has been awarded a |! dstern Ontario until the advent _ of detail. : {section of four miles, starting just|!Pe Ottawa club of the Canadian "7 Geo. Muller, 878 King St., north of the G.T.R. track below the | !°*€ue. have noi to separate. Mor Kingston. + ornwall station, and extending as sii has joined he Eegten Datap CANADA CYOULE & MOTOR CO. - "n > 10 league a one e C ° ague 'There are no pinholes in the bill,' fue lon Donal: wi fompany is that players must be bona fide | J WEST TORONTO, he said. His client was acquitted. | this on. their 8 acount. co residents of the town whose colors lade "Afterward 1 asked him: 'Now, [a and' Grant Have a they wear. I vou knew that banker passed that}, Car Williimstown, and AF Mui- | bill; why did you defend him?' hern the adjoining four 'nilies east |. Twenty-five Jutirs. ago at this time | ' 'Why, said Linceln, 'that was a of: Willtamstown.' A. ©} McArthur | John J. McGraw was just breaking | five dollar bill." If they had convict- ; . : : Ste do rh i. ke hey ad Oy i thas a section from the eastern ter-|in as a Poe ball player., His ; for at least two years. And what |" nus at St. Polycarpe and extend-| contract was with the Olean, NY. bout hig' wife and children?" * ing twelve miles west," connecting | team, and for six months of service 9 Colonel Hance entered the Union| "ith Mr. Mulhern's contract. It is| he was paid. 2360. Now he is about ARDY When the war broke out and | "Xpected that the rails will be laid | to set out in October with a new sama Asana ALAS ALLAMAAS CDA 8 rl was appointed by Lincoln iis bey the entire 'length of the road by | record in copping four Sugess} ve Ra a Tinta oa y any November 1st, and that trains will be | tional League pennants, and inciden- sx : . da + . : gL adihiant igen oh on yl f Fangio 3 tally he will réceive 85,000 a month Rugs, all sizes, prices $7.00 to $20.00, latest de- ca i I 3 S & » 1s. fe . : > promoted to major, with words le turning the trick. He is forty § signs. of praise from General Paine for his ) A A A AA - » a a SORRY mAPLE LEAF LABEL "ECTION, COCOA mek to prepare and tastes even better than they e it at home. Only the best Cocoa beans are used in Cowan's at is why it is so a petizing. Cowan's is absolutely pure. That is why it is so iio some. 10c. TINS--X LB. % LB.--~AND 1 LB. TINS, AT ALL GROCERS The Cowan Company, Limited, Toronto, Canada I ------------------ whi Johnny hung his head and was sil- + one years old. : a » best Fnolicl alitv Miao: 4p bravery under fire. Then he resign. | cat. Dut the telltale of the clan -- - Linoleum, the hest English quality, Price, 40c ed, his health broken by hardship. | spoke up: Fhe International baseball league, | § to 60¢ a yard. ; Later he was appointed consul at "Johnny, " said the teacher, "rise, I composed mainly of players from 3 Tapestry and Chenille Lace Curtains from S0¢ Kingston, Canada. tell you.' Yale, Harvard, Princeton. Columbia, wa ra tah d ' When-he was able to travel again, and other American universities, has to $4.00 per pair. i EET rey : o . . 2 Lincoln offered him the position of ben foumed in London. with teams | All kinds of table linen, 33¢ to 41.25 per yd, supervising special agent of the d representing London, aris, Nice anc hn Rr . N ba Treasury Department. Lincoln grant ep 0 | Monte 'Carlo. A schedule of games Full Tine of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Boots ¢d it in his own way: "Well, Hance," | 4 : a rain 1 Will be agreed upon and played. and Shoes. : al SB Tk 'Is Absolutely Marvellous As, a Vain | i are 10k more baseball . , . nt Tori ar neuguiially bask Killer? jpn ah ee Bing neith- ( all and get our prices before buying. 2 a and forth in his chair, "you know err rr there are about a thousand applic of Swalecliff, | er were the cut-ups to be. permitted ra ants for those places--but I guess 1 | ngland, knows what it means to be [to do stunts on the coaching lines. nr ma e 8 tan appoint you 'unbeknown to me- |ped- ridden with pain. She also | But since that old federal league but- sell," as the temperate Irishman said knpws now how easily the tortures | ted in all kinds of major: league | ¥ rules scem to have been forgotten. { ° * when he put some brandy in his|of Rheumatism and Jumtuse may be Br Re 7 AN: STEERS { | | Mrs. Beatriga Cassey, - - lemonade.' overeome. She says, "My eXpe rience | FH ; i Colonel Hance was consul at King- | with KEPHALDOI. as a pain-killer is D "Ener 3 R : \ J i LDOL as a pain-kill RE NG TO COLOR | 5 Thousands of ; (Bton until 1875, when he, retired [absolutely marvellous, 1 had a fear- BARRED OWING T i 2 7 rincess t. one from active business. He spent some fully acute attack last year of Neur- hester " - Canadian Cycli: S years in Cape Vincent, New York, fils, Sciatica and Lumbago, aud suf- Woman w ius Sui . Again Rochester wr Fh and New Haven, Connectic ut, and fered in bed for many days. Finally, | Theatre. Owners | came to Seattle about six years ago. 'I heard of KEPHALDOL, which did | Albany, N.Y., April 24,-Susan M. » - * pe This Season will \ ! .. | wonders for me. I shall always feel { Joyner, who claims to be half ne gro ierovered $200 R 6 i » Canada Gets Black Sheep most grateful for what ft has done, jand half Indian, ide Ra eigh p London, April 24.--"1 don't know [and 1 am most happy to let others jd images from the proprietors of the Temple theatre, Rochester, for dis- what the people of Canada would say | know of its wonderful, effe cls as a » that," remarked Justice Bray, at pain destroyer crimination against her color, and the Liverpool assizes, when a lenient KEPHALDOL is the only pain re- the court of appeals upheld the judg- "onteuce was suggested for a default-[liever that does not affect the heart. {ment. No opinion was written. ing bank elerk because his friends It acts directly on the nerve centers, | The woman bought a reserved seat | vere prepared to ship him to the Do- | eating and quieting the pain, KEPH | in the orchestra circle and was pro- | rinion The prisoner" got eight |ALDOL ds the favorite combination ceeding down the aisle to oecupy it {of nerve stimulants and tonies pre-{ when she was asked to stop at the | ------------------ scribed by the famous Doctor Stohr, | box office. She was told she eould b hicago equal sulfragists want a lof Vienna, the great nerve specialist. | not have the seat, but that her money i ¥ { Mark on stands for t achieve- ment. ia the manu- months. facture of Wheels, And for very good reasons too, thera is net a shadow of a doth ta the sn priority of the "Ral The *'Raleigh'" can in fact be Oh i "The Cydex of World-wide Repiite."' ordinance for. a minimum scale KEPHALDOL is now gold in Can- would be returned or a seat given to : : for men and women in trade oceupa- [ada by druggists in 50¢ tubes or may | her in the gallery. No reason was fitted with tions, i be nad by sending.ate direct to Keph- | given for the refusal 40 permit. her the World. Then the little fellow. blurted out taldel Limited, 31 Latour Street, Men-}to use the seat she bought, and she § St | distressfully ; treal, alleged it was by reason of her race. amouy/ ur- i mey Archer | Tricoaster | "The Revival of Cycling which. is taking place in Canada just now was selected as an .Spnortune iy to intro- duce the 3 to Canadians. Exceptional care has been taken to con- form 'to Canadian requirements, ig maintaining English stur iness dnd rigidity Three Speed -E lish Quality Canadian What more could a Cyelist ask for? With. dut dismounting the gear can be changed from 54 to 71 or 94, or any other combina- re Parts A full stock is carried SB : ! Spare Parts--2 "Rafeigh Toran : J, i 1 Al Warehouse 8 | Waite fur Catalogue ta : by & : A vi ; oy The Raleigh Cys Company [ff | mmm m-- i THE HOME OF GOOD re i TJORANTO Sirent East) : W abot. dae wo THE WATERFRONT AT TAMPICO arehouse Queen here took te Carranza time 3 near which ge » J number of United States battleships hei Hep ATALOrY to & drape me age a to blockade I ------------------------------ a A A ots, a A PALA A A A a Att This is answered. by a glance at some of the smart new styles we are showing. We don't believe that there is 2 single new style feature omitted in our showing of the latest models of Boots and Oxfords 'ranging from Ch ed Shee foie pm Att ---- vein a SL Er momar Fob a tr wl

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