Wei __ PAGE TWELVE NOT LIKELY TO CLOSE CAREER r AT BERLIN » Tipped Italy Of to German Plan to With Lord Ampthill, Marquise de Fountenoy, 5 Sir Rennell Rodd, now British am- bassador at Rome, has always been regarded as destined to wind up his | Career as representative of the Brit- ish empire at- Berlin, owing to his _ Toymer particularly intimate rela- , tons with the imperial family, ' Gain Tripoli ~-- Was in Embassy | It may be remembered that it was! 10 him that the Empress Frederick | and her son, the kaiser, confided the exiremely delicate task of writing a | monograph of the monarch who lives! in German history under the name of | 'Unser Fritz. He produced the most charming and altogether roid Portrait of that unhappy sover-| eign that has ever appeared, It was | printed in several languages, the pro- | ceeds being devoted to charities | designated by the imperial widow. | But something has occurred ot | late to render it practically impos- | sible that he should ever fill the | position of British ambassador at Berlin. The other day, during the] course of the discussion in the Cham- | ber of Deputies at Rome, on the | subject of the expenses incurred by.| the Italian government in connection with thé conquest of Tripoli the | -story which I have already mention- | ed on several occasions as a rumor | in these letters was confirmed. | It was to the effect that if the Ital- | ian government had suddenly de-| 'termined upon a hasty invasion of | Tripoli, for which it had made fo | preparations whatsoever, it was be- | ber being the present Alba: - Wife of Sheriff Rings Fire Alarm and Telephones for Guards Canon City, Col., April 18.--Masked and armed, a mob numbering about fifty, said to have been citizens of Florence, reached here in automo- biles, seized Sheriff Newcomdy and with axes and ropes marched on the county jail with the avowed intention of lynching Charles Ragland, a ne gro, under arrest charged with "he! viurder of Joseph Petty, a Florence merchant, While the mob was battering at the doors of the jail, Mrs. Newcomb" the sherill's wife, turned in a general fire alarm and telephoned to Warden Ty- nan at the state prison. Members of the fire department and half a dozen orison guards, with shotguns, were #o0op on the scene. Several shots «were fired, 'but so far as is known no ope was injured. After some dis- play of resistence the mob re-entered the automobiles and drove away. IF U. 8. CONQUERED MEXICO Norman Angell Cites Big Problem : Arising Therefrom Cambridge, Mass., April 18, -- Problems which would arise from American intervention in Mexico were discussed by Norman Angell, the English writer and peace advo- EA LING DISASTER ASHORE, with the dead and dying. North Atlantic seal fisherie Newtoundlanders lost their lives as crushed in an ice- were Killing seals on The photograph shows one of hospital is locate TAKING. SURVIVORS OF THE GREAT Steamer arriving at St, greatest disasters in the this month, when upwards o when the sealing schooner, the through a terrible blizzare die from exposure were St. Anthony, Newfoundland, wh ere Dr. § occurred at the | begin- » 170 of them going down floe and sank, The others were lost Those who did g brought ashore Southern Cross, w 1 coming up while they terribly ffozen, the survivors bein PA ce -| Bertin, and subsequently headed a [St RGERY WONDERS EXHIBITED cate, in a lecture on "Foundations of International Polity," at Harvard last night "If," he said "the United States invades Mexicop becomes entangled in war, and flnally gains possession of the country and that is what will happen if the first shot is ever fired---- it wil he confronted by the problem offered by having on its hands from 20,000,000 to 30,000, 000: persons with ideals, customs and. abilities below your own, who A LYNCHING STOPPED | "A TRIUMPH" IN TEA ) J I m , PURE, OLEANLY PREPARED AND DELICIODS « BLACK, IX D ) ved Samples mailed on NATURAL GREEN) aoe a8 Yanuien = [Thomas Copley REGISTERED ATTORNEY, Telephone 987 King Street West, Woronto, | Hl Drop a card to 13 Pine Street when énts, 'rade-Marks 1 &ns, ji wanting anything done in the 'ocarpes- Copyright, protect pd iL tery line timates given on all kinds where; eighteen vars 'epairs and new work; also hard- e, Write for Bouklet i of all kinds. All orders ak | receive prompt attention, Shop, mmr ~l 60 Queen Street. Herbert J. 8. 1'ennison YOUR dress-maker endorses D & A Corsets, unless prejudice or a arger profit on some other brand warps her Judgment. - lied tailors like to fit a we aring the latest leis of D& A Corsct ure correct lines, We recommena NN d for medinm figures, its g a © lhe natutal beauty while allowing great 11ce ol movement ' t 1 cheaper than imported by all popular stores and wihen TS THE DOMINION CORSET CO0., QUEBEC, re es cause it had received official but con- |&lissimo, ad Pasha memorable mission to the court of to your body litic Makersalzo of the LADIVA Corsets. fidential information from Sir Ren- Many picturesque 'Tues of their | Abyssinia, which attracted no end of | Astounds Scientists With Pictures | Must be added 8 your ody bo yo Sat nell Rodd, the British ambassador, | castles and strongholds: however, re | attention among the warriors of the of Faces He Has Repaired want to awaken peap € 9 bop that Germany had concluded a secret main, But even the ve ry existence | Negus, by the immense stature of the \ 3 yo April 18.~The creative realization of such consequences. arrangement with the sublime porte | of their former owners had been for [members of the mission, most of {gl 0. rk, opr a hy Sin oh . TE for the acquisition of the Important | 80tten, alike by the people of the { whom were six foot three and six [SUI OE 1 Le Tron as a ping haivay/| CURFEW LAWS Fan, 3 2 I ABLE : Tripolitan harbor of Tabruk In-jcountry, by students, and by nove-|foot four in height 1 -- E i . : 058s, © evebrows a ther fea- | .,, > RA yop deed, Germany was actually prepar- lists, until Sir Rennel] Rodd took the Rennell Rodd was also one of Lord a nd I spn I el | Ridiculous to Keep American Girls Es 0 /, ' *S Ang " us Ay 8 an |Cromer's principal lieutenants in '1 i a s- been 1 Confined to Homes {i ty af . H ; other tissue to replace what has been \ of Tabruk, with the object of the ten aftermath of the er sades, and to | Egypt, and was under dire during lestroyed by disease or accident--was Denver, April 18.-~That eurfow Inws designed to keep girls offi the vy |u ) it} tablish streets at night is unnecessary and fr 3 usurper; ant he establishment of i ing an expedition to take possession [Irouble to peer into this long-forgot | economic and political penetration of | bring to light one of the most fasein the 'nsurrection in Zanzibar which | presented vividly yesterday at the ses the hinterland, that is to say, of [&Ung romances of history. The book | culminated In: his driving out the! i ¢ of the International Surgical As Libya, ibetrays an immense amount ef re sociatian . ineffective 'is the declaration of G. 5 The foreign minister, the Marquis | Search, as well as skill in choosing | the late sultan upon the throne | Surgeons, who ordinarily are not Crael former police commissioner. 3 --- of San Giuliano, and Prime Minister from the immense amount of mater { Particularly well favored himself, given to applause, showed much en | Replying to a recent statement to : Giolitti were 86 much stirred up by ial at his disposal, inh what may be-|he is married to a Very pretty woman, | thusiasm during © the discussion of the effect that 'Ro girl should be per W\\ this confidential communication on |4escribed as an altogether virgin Ja Miss Guthrie, of Craigie, in For plastic surgery and = the transplanta Fo to he on the street after 8 N84, farshire, wha, possessed of a large | tion oi human organs and hones over | a'lock at night, Mr. Creel save it is & ortur in her vn right... dispenses | + results vat er tained b 1 ¢ ine h own righ lisper we results that had been obtained by ridiculous to think of attempting: to the part of Sir Rennell Rodd that |field they insisted on his going with them | most ¢ ming hospitality in the! surgeons making the addresses and keep American girls closely confined to | from Rome to the Piedmontese | Handsome Salary Paid | palace of Pasconigi, in the BoReliein Sir Renneil, as British ambassa part of the kingdom, to lay the mat- dor at Rome, enjoys a alary of $40, ter before the - king, and it was ati 000 a year, besides the possession Am -- the conference which took place fof a palce in the Via Ventre Sett- = ro Ben a i with the latter that the immediate | embre, superbly furnished and equip- | FEFFEFERIGIBLE SEI IPI bE ban to have Fractienlly a new face lear ails a we rouid Vie pos a - invasion by Italy of Tripoli, which ped with everything necessary, in- * VRNRE 4 'ictures were (shown o RETSONS WW hiyse . AR, sof in anv cit un d NCCE S 20 gave such deep offense to arth fed, wi a $30,000 service of sitver | QUEEN'S EXAMS. RESULTS : had seen at fated BE sbrogd ow suv, strest iv fay city, Oo you accept ateen Was determined upon. | plate, the embassy having moreover, | " aa ® Student, anc, ol (the repairs. wade > a large and beautiful garden | I'he Whig will this year, as v the surgeon sculptors in providing b Intimate With England | There is also at Sir Rennell's dis- Althoygh Italy belongs nominally |Posal a fine villa' with spacious Ao the triple alliance, yet her rela- |Brounds at Posilipo, in the outskirts tions with England have always been ssufficlently intimate and friendly | that Great Britain should prefer to Eternal City, of which 1¢ has be lisp ng enlarged pictures of the pro : iia , . come one of the most popular host this. line, i their homes in he Silres A i : eons who spoke showed that [ty like the United States, he thinks, . possible for & man or or | should be able to bring shout con. When you've ordered Silk ditions under which it would be pos- escorted, in safety at any time. Almost a foolish question, but--not quite! Married at Napanee inanes Beaver : dd : - : pleasing countenances. : On Wednesday, April 15th. the ree There are still some people w ho order ek eet y tory, Napanee, was the scene of. a re N OS § iv : afi ShiS oes will oa eit X100,000 IN RADIUM FAILURE | 00 hanes, bos the some of 4 Kellogg's Corn Flakes and are given a substitute same careful attention as in Miss' Tena Victoria Fvelyvn Hanna, Just as good"--and accept the imitation, the past. Price per copy, | Wealthy Husband "of Former Act. late of Pembroke, and Charles Leslie : : The difference between ° usual, publish complete /re- ew noses, ears and the Tike and giv sults of Queen's college ex the injured persons thoroughly N examinations. Orders for papers left at ge oe ode of Naples, on the water's edge, and which, belonging many years to Lord 3 <*> including postage, 3e. ress Could Not Buy Cure. | Storev. only son @f Mr. and Mrs, T. The Whig has no ecan- {. New York," April. 18.4Mrs, Ethel | Hf. Storev. Napanee. Rev. W. FE. vassers at the college To ay Katz, well known on the 1 | Kidd officiated. The bride was at- * ensure the absolute certainty * | before her marriage as Fthel Adams, | tired in her travelling suit of navy the paper, leave | died from cancer, yesterday, at a pri | serge with silk blouse to match, and # your order at the Whig office, ite hospital Her husband, Herbert [wore a Panama hat with trimmings ie Katz, a brewer, of Pater N.J., lof 'moire ribhon and white plumes of forget , have her in Tripoli rather than Ger- [the English government for use at a & many. For the power in posses- | Villigiatura for its ambassadors at sion of Tripoli is in a position very | Rome, seriously to menace England's line | _8ir Rennell greatly distinguished of communication with her. huge In- himself at Oxford, where he carried dian and Australian dependencies, | Off all sort of honors, including the Tout Is why Sir Rennell Rodd prac- | Newdegate poem prize. Tord Rose. Heally originated the Italian seizure [Dery became one of his warmest of Tripoli, namely, to prevent its |friends, and induced him Occupation by Germany. All this [diplomatic service was laid bare the other day In the | He Inaugurated his career in that Chamber of Deputies at Rome, with- | Profession as a member of the em- out any attempt at denial by the | bassy of the late Lord Ampthill, at Italian government. f ashington, April 18. President | than 100 arrests have been made by baistor and looked well in a snit he the -- W | \ 3 That Sir Rennell should have thus | y Wilson wus asked by a delegation | (he political police of Kiev, who have [ brown. Mr. Walker = assisted frustrated Germany's long cherished | from the senate and house yest rday | eon 'making night raids on man groom Immediately after the eore: designs to obtain a foothold on the | 0 request Attorney-General MeRes | private dwellings, in one of which | mony the bride and groom left for * ¥ i Rosebery, was presented by him | to joi y § Tv | 0 Join the HOU, an radium treatment in an efort he-nots Her only ornament. a gold | DYNAMITE CONSPIRA( 3 i to save her life, | bar pin, with pearl and sapphire set of vio uli : i ------ tin and a corsage houquet Legislators Apveal to Wilson for Political Arrests at Kiev Hete, completed a very becoming cos | Mrs. C. Walker attended her 3 pent a large sum, estimated at $100," |} 0d in place by touches | Petersburg, April 18.--More { tume Stay of Sentences t shores of the Mediterranean, one| nolds to obtai fror the cire } 20d: rt re i ling 'aterboro and 2: 3 : moreover which would enable her to], 20 HAVE GRAY HAIR CONPE oT appeals at Orca Ly. Sireult ON aed printing pres: - and 2 tip An Stisliag, Petervite. 80d and the "just as good" kind is even greater than. ' im | Youthful Appearance Too Great An ROD for the taan 20 4 SAY ¢ {h000 copies of a revolutionary pro- |ather points we ' nf . . and tr the English position in Egypt, | Asfet To Lose execution for the twenty-seven 1ahor | uamntion. Mr. and Mrs. Storey will reside near the difference between silk and sateen. and nothing will make her look end thus bring pressure to bear upon | .. A leaders sentenced to Fort Leaven-|' Those arrested include many mem- | Napanee . old se IY OF50. QUichly os Boo ; The great difference is in the flavor and the jo 80 Surely or so quickly as gray igh Great Britain, has not contributed | worth for complicity in the dynamite litre of learned profession, tad fo. render him any longer persona conspiracy They asked the presi 4 school | oi traders and Artis AWthing Like Tt. grata at Berlin. hair. [ dent to stay. the sentences until he oh Ee : f "What makes an Englishman ) tri t It is curious that almost immedi {= 1t 1s possible for i Woliak to | had an opportunity to review all the |" ie lca BB nutriment. ately alter the debate in the Italian | revent her hair turn grav or to | Proceedings and the application for Ae helt ren rea ted Pint ote, "1 : 1 ~ a legislature at the Monte Citerio the | c. " her hur | urning gray or tl on ME Wilson or a 10 : Western Metjuo ' Pecres . Well, replied P wie Pete. he Be sure that you ask for and get Kellogg's. i ta} vay. Lalr 10 § 8 1 "1 3 eases careful consideratics | condor pri 18 or the eighth 3 f 140) § 4 la foreign office In London made Public fer peauty [ive theo areful consideration consecutive year the membership of | some like a poker game. I It is the original. the fact that Sir Rennell Rodd's ten-| ' Hay's Hair Health will do | nin - the: Weslevan Methodict thorn: hos t an Englishman to play ure of the embassy at Rome, which [not a dye It accomplishes its re | Object to Color Line showr detente this vear the fig: saker. and believe me, son, there is was about to expire, has just been [sukts quickly, surely easily and at | ~New York, April 18-Dr. Booker T ih May: aywod show an adult | nothing 1Ke § Nomeer to shee 12 10c per package extended for couple of years. [the same time stimulates and nvig ashington, principal of the Tuske membership of 4817120. a decrease for man's facial expression from slip- | | It will therefore be necessary to |orates the scalp and hair roots. It!gee Normal and Industring institute the ar of 1,282; juniors, 104,383, an { ping."---Washington Star. ; 4 § | b woman is as old a he looks fined someone else to succeed . Sir | removes dandruff has, 1sined a call to the negro people 4 here are also 87; William Goschen at Berlin on his | We are sure enough of its results | of the Unit. States asking them to | persons less on trial membership impending retirement, and in this ito say that we will refund your {sot 'aside Sunday. June 7th. and Me n enn | Belleville, hear that the college must Sonnection 'the name of Sir Cecil |money if it falls after it trial. lday, June Sth, as special. devs Seles Rankin, the. veteran actor, | ho' elosed unless an hundred thot ond F-- Spring-Rice has been mentioned, not | $1.00, S0¢, 25¢ Get it at our | which' to protest to railroads against |v was identitind with Nance O'Neill | tlollars is raised shortly { | because he wishes to leave Washing- |store discrimination on account of color in ves in Shakespearean produe- | pp. police of Berlin, Germany, ban / ton, where he is doing such excellent FOR SALE AND RECOMMEND. | Francisco on Fri: * (44 Rockefeller white slave film work, and where he has so many | ED BY J McLEOD, DRUGGIST. ' sinm lation dax ) friends, but because he enjoys in a |. TY TT ci on RE ll Re yore Button Boots Fhe "Old Boys" of Albert College A A AAA AA At AeA AAAS oe mp A cl the matter of providing passenger ac Hi San ! { { : 3 Special degree the confidence and good will of the kaiser, acquired dur- Ang the years that be was connected with the British embassy at Berlin, a8 fisrt secretary and charge d'af- faires. Lady Spring-Rice, too, is well known at Berlin, where after the | death of her mother she did the hon- | ors of the embassy of her father, Sir | Frank Lascelles, who so long and Successfully represented British in-| terests in Germany, | Entertained in America i Sir Rennell had spent some months | On this side of the Atlantic in 1908, entertained by former Post- | thor of at least half-a-dozen volumes i : : BL , of a monograph on Sir Wal- 1 J : ; : e > ; ter Raleigh, the material of which i : ¢ : : 3 4 Nothing could be smarter or dressier than a i Asumerad while: attached to the ad : = : »d 4 pair of button shoes, at a. wee. thors ff , 2 : HR Our lines are just full of new, nobby medels rman, Prenvencal and English SW ain W : ; on both the English and raise toe shapes. an Shs and nobles taking part in the : . LCN : We have also all the new summer Oxfords in ar crusades, who fotiien, Sowa : > A ; Wy : A An Greece, especially Morea, rus : E 3 ] 4 : § OW. . J : | Albania, according .to the fash- : aa i] "then tovalling in the west of {pe ! ! ; : : 3 : , : P : : pe, and thus transplanting > 53 : $00 ; : ; 2 SAF J east the existence of the feudal ; 3 Ek : im i : : i" : ; * oa : g : at . . : : ] THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES |