Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Apr 1914, p. 10

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OW! "pony and ; ] in Gananoque recently. Miss Myrile " ¥bery dy TIDINGS ici oe ei ore Fie rh on . ¥* Misses Newman. Jue Selioals fn this ing at William Franklin's, Trappers | : + A---- fe & {¥iginity are closed for Easter holis bin iis vicinity' say it is a bad spring | WHAT WHIG CaRRESPONDENES days. Rev. Mr. Henderson, Gaunan-ii, catchine minekrats. Mrs, .S. EH HAVE '80 PELL. 04gue, took the services in the Meth-| ington. in Visiting in Smith's Falls. | ef £ Joo 8% jodist church here on Sunday. Mishf Nr and Mi Ritchie, of Milbugn, vie Tews. From Villages and Farme}Cauley is spending the week with iting Mri. Thomas Hamilton, Joseph ! friends in Perth. Mrs. R. Perry 16f{| Koves, blacksinith, has been contiped Throughout the Adjoining Couns recently for her home in Fredericton, {to his home for the past few dave tion--Lural Events, and Move | ND. 2 Joseph Murphy has chased a horse. ments of the People. Thomas Re ~ been atiedd- Sh Aso | TITER = ! Centreville Personals ing schon] in kingston, is home ior Wilton Notes Centreville, April 13.--Sugar mak-| the holidays. A nwiber from here | Wilton, April 15.--~The body of |ing is in full swing and farmers re. {attended the sale at the late William the late Mes. A. A. MeQuarrie 'was | port a good run of sap this last week, | ' 2nalstide's, Brewer's Mills, buried on Saturday. Mr. MeQuar- {The removal of the remiglis rom re---- rie and Miss Marion are spending the | Methodist vault took place Saturday. Lodg Point Locals Easter season with friends here. Miss | Schools have closed for Easter holi-| Long Point, April 14. -- Mrs, David | Grace Asselstine is home from Otta- | days. Miss M.: E. Ingoldsby, LUni+ Towirsend has returned from visiting | wa normal for Easter. Mr. J. Carr | versity avenue, Kingston, is spending | friends in Brockville. © Miss Rose and Miss Beatrice Storms spent Bast- [her holidays at her home here. AFoder is spending a few days with | 'jer in Montreal. Mrs. K. N. Storms |[noniber from here took in the dance ler sister, #5. Arthur Slack. Mich- | 'land Mrs. M. G. Storms spent the |in Enterprise on Monday night. Miss |8el Slack, Wiistead, is engaged al i] week-end with friends in Kingston, |Mary Filzmartyn is visiting, in Napa- $Bullding a boat for Philip Kelsey. 1 are-- nee. Miss Jennie Long and Perey [S¢hogl cloded on Thursday and the : Notes From Ompah Thompson t Sunday in Erpest-jieacher, J. FE. Bevins is holidaying if © Ompah, April 13.~~Miss M, Morri- | town. Miss ® Plynn, Enterprise, is|&t hif home in Gananoque. Joseph son is spending the Easter holidays [learning the dressmaking trade bere. }Be¥ius is spending a few days at his i Mr. and Mrs. John Gehan apd Leo (#9me bere. A number from here : - : ' Mra RK. Mis Teel Mr. Sra Hinch visited recently at Be idttended the auction sale held at J H " Nn f n: ya : fo Perth last week. Mud Lake school eB y, Lapum is home eae reas. Sweet's Corners, on A NN Vo 4 ) 'or his ler holidays. ss Leafa Lr . $3 Florence Townsenc . Bibby 8 Garage Das tlosed for Easter helidays and Hudson is improving in the Kingston |¥i5ited Miss Bertha Johnston, on Fri- Ny the teacher, Miss I. is at h x home ay Keanedy Ne or general hospital. Her mother was {4a¥. Gus Slack, of Wilstead, visited i \ ¢ . Laroch left on Saturday for Sudbury | 40WR to see her on Saturday. at Charles O'Connor's .on Saturday | | : JAP A LAC th Gl Chaser Repairs and Auto Supply An eloquent Easter address was de- 7 and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Plun li Y "aA me oom Notes Fp ieple of nt Sunday at Sweet's Corn- y ; iflivered by H. Pringle fn All Saints K iDtes fam Kepler ol ers. oo John Watoen, 3 HEN" JAP-A-LAC enters your home, Gloom makes a hasty exit. For dust, Ph 's 201 & 917 \ ehureh on April 1288. Cecil Tomas epler, April 13.--An impressive ser- ' ; § { , § C bedn one's vid at H. Banks; Miss L. MacDougall at mon was proached on Sunday last by | L0%: At J. Singleton's; W. Griffen, | dirt, and dangerous germs can find no resting place where JAP-A-LAC has ssiassss 38 1 rrout Lake hotel. : Rey. E. Codling. Special Easter mii Jlarbis Rock, at Mrs. Sara Burns'; | f used. Old floors can be given a polished surface, easily kept clean by occasionally $s Bertha Johnston, at W. Plunk. | wiping with a damp cloth. . : At Slate F sic was rendereil by the ghoir, whish ells; Mrs. O'Grady, Warburton, at| JB : : . : At Slate Falls was much appreciated, Many are AFthUr O. Siack's; James Hever. | J Dull; gloomy and unsightly furniture can be made to look like new. Tas Slate Falls, April 14.--School has | Making maple syrup. The cheese Gana e, at Mrs. S. Burns'; Mas- radiators and hot water pipes can be given a permanent gold of aluminum finish, whidh will i Sloan Jor go Laster holiddys. Nise factanios have Sfcoed up again for ter Willie Moorehead, Sweet's Cor-| J not rub off. Kitchen linoleum can be beautified, and its wearing properties 1 ho Eagle Hii has i is very il. 'Miss: Ruby Wartman ere at Jolin Moorehead's: Gus | if straw matting can be made waterproof, and its life more than doubled--cracked and ddays. - So also have Anson and | leaves on Thursday for Canton, 0, ne aed, at A..0 Stacks, fraying window shades can be renewed. Anyone can produce these wonderful results {| James Pringle {rom the New Ontario | 10 resume her duties as nurse-in AD'S. Misses. Lenna Seay Bas Ry ] by the simple means of JAP-A-LAC---tHe gloom-chaser. district. Those who are: interested in | raining. G. Upton is convalescent. [on Singleton are home for Easter i Made in' 21 beautiful colors, and always put up in Green Tins bearing the name ~& ---- reo report it #8: poor suc. | Visitors: Otto-V. Hanson and wife, from Ottawa, Normal, ; "GLIDDEN." oa H x ; i] : : i» | Sharbot Lake, and Miles Orser and \ -. cw, Bethy 3 liad coads- wile, Murvale, at A. Orser's: Mrs Pari Tidiae Get a can of JAP-A-LLAC to-day at your local hardware store, and ask for a gaged at W, A. Thompson's. Miss | Redmond is visiting in the city; Mis Parl arham hes i JAP-A-LLAC color*card and a copy of the litile book, "A Thousand and One Uses Flla Thompson has gone to North | Ffie Maud Townsend spend Sunday at ca am, April 14.--A Gloom was ! of JAP-A-LAC." . J Bay, where she inténds to spend [her father's; Miss Lil%an Babcock, iy ib) of this Scinity on Apt] 3rd 4 IN KINGSTON the sommer, Mrs, William A. Thom- | Kingston, at her home; Herbert John de death of Gerald Howes, gon pon is laid up with a sore foot, P. [ston and juwmidy spent phunday at a Howe, Sf this place, Death |, 4 Jap-a-lac is sold by H. W. Marshall and Thompson sold a very valuable horse | Joseph Clogg's; Miss: Helen art if : y ¢ le ice J Fn tn C. 2 a at ae man visiting at Wilton; Bert. Tolls [hich developed futo lock-jaw. The 8 Simmons Bros. 0 k funeral 'was held in the -Anglics ; p ' has moved to the' Bradshaw farm, the Blican Emanuel Wagers, irr Side of Harrawsmith ¢hurch here. donducted hy Rev. Mr mr Lloyd. The people who have tap- | fl J -~ ped their bush report a good sugar | | oy News from Odessa : Kaladar News Budget season. J, Lowery has his saw mill | Odessa, April 14.~Miss Gertie Clark ' - k ; : was taken to the general hospital, ill Kaladar, April 3. --Edwud|running full blast. School closed | 4 ; Made by o endicitis she is improving. | Hughes dnd Roy Lewis, of the Ore|on Tuesday and Mr. Davidson left Ae . . \ ita A a Dene foiths, tut he Methodist Chimney mine, spent Sunday in the| to send his holidays at his home | OS + ~The Glidden Varnish Co., Limited, Toronto. church, Laster 'Sunday evening, was | village Miss Myrtle Drew left Iri-| at Chaffey's Locks. Catile buyers | enjoyed by a large crowd. Miss Laid- | day for her home at Long Lake to|are plentiful and cattle stil] bring | coq. ley, Kingston, gave two vocal selec- |spend the holidays. Miss Martha|a high price. Visitors: Mrs. N. B. Er mynn tions. E. Timmerman, of Belleville, | Forbes is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. Topping is spending a few days at was 'the guest of his father, A. A.|Ball, Parham. Curtis Thompson is| Perth? Mjss Nellie Smith is visiting o : - Timmerman, for Easter. Misses Leona |drawing goods for the north country. | relatives at Collins Bay: Miss 1. EW Nami" end Olivia Babeoek, Kingston, are vis- | A. Drew, C. P. R. operator, has re-| Barr, of Perth, istvisiting her sister, of 'Kingston, is visiting her sister, | cation Service was held in\he| Black. of Sydenham, is spending her u y : iting in Odessa. Miss F, MeCormick, {sumed work after a two-weeks' va-| Mrs. Summonete; Miss Lillian | 4 ha . SRS ; p¢ « § Mrs. B. J. Oswald. Percy Amey, of | sehopl house by Rev. Mr. Merrick on holidays at home: Mr. #hd Mrs. O.| B a HN fl | Montreal, is the guest of George Sunday morning. Miss E. Green, |Clow and dougliter, of Sydenham, | €€ ; 4 b Lhomsf Db shia Hg Puch the Tweed, spent Sunday and Monday | Vr. Harry Clow, Miss Bessie Clow Ge : : y eo) ' a | Property formerly own y Mrs. I. lthe guest of Operator Drew. Miss | Of Glendower, are spending Raster 4 § d i 8 Dye that colors ANY KIND Spider. Mr. and Mr. R. W. Anglin Ens Wom left Friday to spend a|:under the parental roof: Mrs. Bab. § i ® mi the & {have returmed from a visit with | week with Miss Gretta Hughes, Ar: | cock is visiting her sister, Mrs, A. friends at Kingston Mills. Miss Lena [gon "Misses Ethel and Cora Haines | Charleton: Mrs Dr, Genge at W. Smillie was taken to the general hos- returned to Arden on Monday after|D. Bertim's: Mrs, G. Killin, of Syd- pital for treatinent for her cars. pending the week with their sister, |enham, at ¢, W. Killlos; Miss El. 1 oy Mra. J. Parks. Stanley Wood ar-|len Smith and Mrs. R. Wagar Sh d t 1 half { Charleston Events tived Monday after spending Easter visiting. relatives near Kingston: F e use 0 eave 0 Charleston, April 13.--Thomas | the guest of Messrs. Amos and{ Miss J. Wagar and Master G. Wagar » ; Hudson, ill at 8t. Vineet de Paul|Thomas Hughes, Arden. Evert] sent Bastar with thei sien Eo her food till s I 1 t h ch hospital, Brockville, .is-improving. | Hughes and Ira Wood spent Sunday Sydenham; Mrs. Marks, still econ- d € er ' ew Mroand Mrs, AW. Johnston, Athens, evening at the Carman house. tinues poorly, Attended Baster service at ~Qak e-- Leaf on Sunday. Noah Shook, ~ Joyeeville News Budget fn is making syrup in H. Sleek's sugar | Joyceville, April M.--~Dr. and Mrs. Bi 5 A ram Bloomfield bush. Mrs. Mulvenna has returned |W, .i. Nesbitt and family have re. _-- field, April 14.--Indications to her home here, after spending the | turned to the Pittsburg circuit, after on the start denoted a poor sap winter at Lyndhurst. A great many |a four months' absepce. All are glad | Var, but during the past week it | 1% / Ja) I % xX attended the funeral of Samuel Kav-| that Mr. Nesbitt is somewhat improv- has run good and the make will he anagh at Athens on Saturday. John led in heaith and hope for.a complete | ¥P to the average. Mra. James a Ward has returned after spending a] recovery in the near future. - School] thom and Mrs, (Dr.) Welmott and : * oF N ] . month with his mother at Chalk |aas closed for the holidays and. the | daughter, of Toronto, are visiting at NN rr River. Mr, end Mrs. W. C, Taylor | teacher, Miss M. McCallum, is at her Clayton Burr's. 'Mr. Green, of Mar- 4 { spent last week at Harlem. A. Sher-{home in Sunbury. Wilfrid Franklin mora, is visiting his son, - Willigm 7; ul Wal man is getting everything in readi- Green, 4 § ness for a"host of Visitors at Cedar After, over .a year's suffering death i Park the coming summer. Mrs. E. CASTOR 1A fomoved James D. Stinson, a life Ag Howard, very ill, is improving. R, , v i 1 , | ong resident and farmer of this com.- i 2 : y Children, It gives her an appetite. RT A HORNA, fo 5 # a Foster has again received word of For Infants and Ch preity. > Stinson was highly the illness of his father at Ogdens- . « H ., | steered und w ctive i icipa 3 . ye burs, N.Y. on . The Kind You Have Always Bought affairs. He was in bis ity * She likes it better than enn yer aud. leaves a wife, one brother 5 : . , Narrow Escape at Frankville Bears the sad two sisters. The funeral on Fri. : 2 things not good for her > i San 3, - | signature day was. conducied by the Masons, |: = | - s i ranbville, A On Satur of . -- of whith bo. was a parC master, bt | g " i and it costs me less. "The field, who lives near Eloida, had a 18 late residence to Glenwood ceme- | ¢ eo » 9 = serious rupaway. He had backed his : tery, Picton, ) Beneficial Confection a8 team in front of the station and was Our an. Lo UR at flous Qh. Finley Mastin, of Toronto, is delici . t holding the horses by the head. The Das @ guarantee. ih €very ses Ion Shouting ob Herbert Cooper's, - Miss a deucious pastime tha | G.T.R. express for the wes asm "| good 'quality. ite: Bestar py Oshawa, . spend. EB \ . ' th . e ing out, and the horses became ANDREW MACLEAN, at her father's, John Clin: y improves teeth, appetite, | frightened and bolted, throwing the Ontario Street ton, Special music was furnished by | § ' J me . 9 driver to the ground and dragging : She. hoir on Faster Suaday. To Play ; | nerves and digestion. giv y loca alent op t It 2 . 1 : ol ds Sprin 'S Standard him for some distance on the new aD - g } g pavement and trampling ~on him. DRUGS EXCITE YOUR insts, in behalf of the public library, ; The animals then bolted .and were | ¥ 1 was largely attended. 3 Button Sack captured on Lewis streét. On being KIDNEYS USE SALTS The ghee ose factory began operations . . \ on April 1st, ex, Tait has gone on y picked up, Mr..Horsfield was found te be stunned, but not much injured Bisrip '5 dis former home in Seot- Ch His rig 'was. considerably damaged by i is . veduced from 12. Made to please and satis- he Hig wos, with the hacks. F YOUR BACK HURTS OR'BIAD-{to 10c. after . heing at the former fy the Conservative men James J. Smith opened his cheese DER BOTHERS, DRINK LOTS price for over a. year. R. J. S. i : factory last. week. Mp. and Mrs. OF WATER. Dewar apd -wife, of Deseronto, spent who, at all times, must Dou H. Lova were in Brackville ov When your Biduess hist atid Raster at her father's, Albert Bull's. R Monday on a business trip. There el YO! y urt and your! Roy Hobson and wife have moved be correctly dressed, but was n great rin of sap last week. Jack feels sore, don't get scared aud {irom Batleville here. fd despise freaki: ss. WR aroceed 'to load your stomach with a| Tye township of Hallowell and vil: | Duleemaine Doings ot of deugs that felte the Kidneys|iage of Bloomfield Reform Assodia: |} ran ae Dulcemaine, April 14.--Those who | iC IF 10te Ihe eutire uriasis Spat tion held its anual meeting here on ! The graceful lines in this have tapped their sugar bush report | co SOUT CAGE Sloan Fon ah | Monday night. The following officers | X 1 he a very poor season. The young peo- ng them ' with a mild i" were elected. President, Jonathan suit, impart dignity and 17 | ple. of this vicinity Spent a few pieas- alts, which removes the *a{ Taleott; sfice-president, Robert J. Pur- good form to the wearer. * ant hours at I. Fodey's, Warburton, | irinous waste nd stimulates oa 0 BE er, Curtis Span: 4 3 A J. - , Nn. " R. Allis The- Mise o£. i he, ~~ V 7 on Tuesday evening last. H. Lea-{ 4 their no: activity. unc ; Dre : i cock made a flying trip to Athens.re-§ tion of arma act) Nr The 3 the | Morley Currie, ex-M.P., M. 'Made in many qualities of cently. D. Patience has returped|sigod. In 24 hours they strain|®on and Arnold Platt, all of - : S honie from visiting his sister, Mrs. {trom it £00 grains of aecld and] tops weve t and spoke. materials, and atall prices) P. Kennedy, Kingaton. . Miss Hage! | waste, so we can readily understand! -Tennie Saylor, of Queen's university, or Haskin Js spending holidays in Ath-1 he vital importance of keeping the! Kingston, ks here for. the holidays. ens, the guest of her sister, Mrs. \W. | tidneys active. ry --p---- Model 50--Popular price W. Topping. . Me aad Mra; By i og lots. cot Walaronsou. ean't | BURST THE THERMOMETER | . + Coats spent & few 8 Week in § drink too much; &lso get from any 4 m---- 7 $25.00. . Lynhurst. Miss Anna Patience isd shagmacist about four ounces of Jad | Fevor Patient, in Kiev Wospital Mak- | gen Six 3 Lappan, Boland' Bay. HL] of WAGE belore. Drechlant Sah] pcr, Nore 08 131 Degrees Ask to see your size. : Ferguson and D. Jack spent S nday. morning for a few days and your ee AE Cif aera . ; in Lansdowne. Visitors: ss B.f<idneys will act fine. This famous broke te azed eter 18. recorded : Sliter, Brockville, at J. Patience's; | alts is made from the.acid of gra ih FmameLes 3 Miss B. McClary, Lansdowne, at H.{nd lemon juice, combined with 18 -the Shag of agli patient in one Shops~ Leavock's, +} Uthia, and has "een used -for gén- i aspitals. : . arations to clean and stimuiate| Ste is suffering from typhus fev ay slogged ki : ze! @r and her case atiracted special at- Lombardy Reports 1 she acid dnezs: alse to Redtuslize tention when a temperature of 112 'Lombardy, April 14.--Miss Annle my in po ig fhe andion Fahrenheit was recorded, rita a Sn iG on Oe bata oN oh homer, TE : » MIS, Lr, 1 * er. Recent visitors: Misses Rosella i is Is i: Tanna professors and students her tem- s - ¢ : Mara, _ Nota Shan ma sent lithia-water drink which every. | perature was taken with a epecial || ' A hy * . > . -! : take now nstriment, wl showed ' E. P. Jenkins Clothing real; Mrs. W. Woods, Smith's Falls: | fae auld ogy Moy grid ; ar rising to 131 degrees. ; L. Dowdall, Perth; Mes. Edgar Seers' also keep up the water e._facts-are (vouched for by the Oo. 114, Princess old: Miss F. ' dnking, and no doubt you = will|amineht piofessor Obragsisor St. Street. Louise Klyne Ariends in' Ronder w became of your kid-| Janowski. According fo all previous | - 4 oe backache. 'Agent; experience, life at such 3 tempera- 4 ¥ t Mahood a Smith's Falls add Jasper last week: be and Rev. I. 8. a. visited, friends fw ture is unknown, even impousibie, ¢

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