Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Apr 1914, p. 9

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re er nr Ar sy (Limited) Head of Queen Street ; Courses In bookkeeping, short hand, typewriting, civil service, general improvement, and all oemmerclial subjects. Rates 'moderate. frees. H. F. Metcalf, Principal / Na-Dru-Co Laxatives \ are different in that they do. not' gripe, purge nor cause nausea, nor does continued use lessen their effectiveness. You can always depend on them. ~ asc. a box at your Druggist's, - 17s Information TO INSURE SUCCESS | IN YOUR BAKING Use only Couper's Baking Powder The Best that moczey ean ouy. D. COUPER, 841-3 Princess Street Paone 76 Prompt Delivery COAST BEALED OYSTER? ow 0 TAKE G0OD CARE OF YOUR HAIR Nothing spoils your good looks so much as homely hagir--stringy, dull- colored, harsh. Nothing adds to good looks so much as beautiful hair-- soft, silky, wavy and glossy. No mat- ter how beautiful your hair is now, you can improve its good looks by using Harmony Hair Beautifier. It your hair is homely and ugly now, Harmony Hair Beautifier will make it softer, silkier, glossier, more bean- tiful In every way, and easier to |THE » r---- NOTES ABOUT THE VARIOUS BASEBALL LEAGUES The Toronto Club. Needs to * be Strengthened in the - Pitching De- partment--Federal League Starts. Carl Krevanick, the Ottawa feather weight boxer, will part in the Montreal city championships the lat- ter part of this week, take Harri \ , a former Png who ix now located in coach of the Bri- Ottaww. Thomas I. lish oarsman, Toronto, is the new tannia Rowing Club, The postponed avin meeting of the | Canadian Wheelman Asssgintion will be held in the Queen's hotel , Toronto, on next Saturday afternoon, with the president, Lows Rubenstein, presiding. Suits for damages aggreghting $63, 0 will be begun in a lew days by the Federal Baseball League against five ball players, who, it will be claim- wl, refused 10 live up to their con- tracts with its clubs . Frank Shaughnessy, manager of the Ottawa ball champs., has his grapw pling irons out for a classy shortstop, and has gone to Fort Wavne, where he éxpects 1h look over a couple of highly:touted men Sir Thomas Lipton's private segres tary has denied the rumor that Lipton had withdrawn fram the races for the America's cup. He denied that work had been stopped. on the Shamrock IV or that it would be. I'oronto ball elub must be strengthened immediately in the pitch ing department is generally admitted among the plaver# and management alike, and' extraordinary are being out forth to bring about the ne- cessary changes hat the efforts The Owners of the Peterboro Cana- dian League club are endeavoring to have oné of the best ball plants on the Canadian League circuit this sea- son and at present they have a gang of men getting things tn shape for the coming season teams in the N.L.U. and the O.A.L.A. The Ottawa City League has gone under. A third proposition is to form a western divi- sion of the N.L.1 with Ottawa Shamrotks, AlnontecP rescott, and Carleton Place. Prescott out of the O.ALA a Ottawa may have Of the various Canadian Baseball League clubs London seems to be far- thest advanced in the way of spring training. The Cockneys have been playing games for the past week, and wifl likely enter the race on May 7th with a decided edge on their oppon- ents as far as condition is concerned. I'he other clubs are just beginning to get down to business TOR( INTC ) WI Smee Repor ted to the W hig by Its Toron- to Correspondent Union Stock Yards, Toronto, April 15.--Receipts were moderate. 62 cars, 7940 cattle, 426 hogs, 583 sheep and lambs, and 146 calves. Cattle: Trade in cattle was quiet at Tuesday's prices Choice butchers' steers, $8 to $8.40; good butchers' steers, $7.75 to §8; medium butch- ers' steers, $7.25 to $7.50; common butchers' steers, $7 to $7.25; choice cows, $7 to $7.25; ROb-go%s: 36.5 Bo to $6.76; canpers, $! wn $4.7 Demand bulls, $6 to $7.50. Feeders and stockers: for stockers and feeders was greater than the supply, American buyers be- ing on the market. Choice steers, $7.15 to $7.40; medium steers, $6.75 to $7.10; stockers, $6 to $6.50 Milkers and springers Pri milkers were steady at $60 each, bulk sold at $70 to $80 Calves: The bulk of the calves were medium to good and sold from $8.50 to $9; choice new milk feg veals are scarce and sold at §10 to $11. Choice veals, $10 to $11; medium to good, $8.50 to $9. Sheep and lambs, prices for sheep and lambs were strong. Sheep, $6.50 to $7.50; culls and rams, $4.50 to $6.50; lambs, choice ewes and wethers, $9 to $9.75; common, $8.50 to $8.75. Hogs: fed and watered, 0. bh. cars and cars s for to $90 Market steady ¢ $9.10 and $8.75 $0.35 weighed LANADA NOT HELPING As It Might in Navigation, Cleveland, April 16.-- ficers here identified with the ship- ping' interests on the great lakes have come to the conclusion that the Canadian government is not doing its share of the work in expediting the opening of the passage at Sault Ste. Marie by using icebreakers, prac- tically all the preliminary work hav- ing to be performed by American tugs. As Canadian as well as Americad shipping profits directly by an early opening of the canal, lo- cal vesselmen believe. some organ- ized effort should be made by the Canadian department of marine and fisheries to assist in the work of ice- breaking, and that it should not be content to leave the entire responsi- bility and expense to be borne by United States owners. This view is shared to a large ex- tent by Canadian vesselmen, it is be- lieved, and it is possible that suit- As Much Opening Leading of- able representations will be made to leading Canadian interests with a view to having the matter officially brought to the attention of the Cana- dian government at Ottawa LONDON COMMENT the Warlike Situation Over Mexico London, April 16.-- President Wil- Upon | | Selected, | f. | | off | | \ A SLASHED-BRIM HAT \ very odd, but decidedly attr The brim is slashed back to the cro held together with bows of white, Note, al whie h ¢ a res Tried to Bargain for Commutation of Sentence York, April 17 "Lefty Loue" Rosenberg, one of the gunmen put to death in Sing Sing, it was learned tried to bargain for a com- mutation of sentence a week before he died. He said that he would confess and involve ex-Lieut. Charles Becker, il commutation was granted. District Atterney Whitman refused to have anything to do with the mat- ter. He did not think the word of "Lefty Louie' worth anything. The district attorney has reasons to be- lieve that "Lefty Louie" was respon- «ible for at least'six murders. It was reported in Sing Sing prison that Lefty Louie' boasted of these murders in the death house, Mr. Whitman had a long talk with War- den Clancy at Sing Sing, and it is understood heard his version of what happened when '"'Dago Frank" Cive- fiici made his last statement. Mr. Whitman would not discuss his conference with Warden Clancy, but said that he did not think much effect, decorate the front. red, by the bye, in color, "LEFTY LOUIE! New of white rufled ribbon and two wh ite gardenias in stuff, AND BUCKLED COLLAR : active summer hat is pictured here. wn all round and the slashes are fringed silk. The hat has a crown | buttonniere | s0, the buckled leather band--bright | sps a solf frill of lace at the throat. ! FE AR TROPIC AL ade ~ Mer Canal Opens. Boston, April 17 Fear that the opening of the Panama canal may be followed by a world-wide re-distribu- | tion of yellow fever and cholera, whieh will threaten great commercial 1c was expressed to-day by Dr Richard P. Strong, head of the Har- | vard medical school of tropical medi- | cine. Dr. Strong was formerly at the head of the government biologi- cal laboratory in the Phillipines, and later became prominent through his work in combatting the bubonic plague in Manchuria Last year he headed the Harvard medical school expedition to Peru, where an exten- sive study of trophical diseases wi made. "The trouble {6 he feared from the | spread of trophical diseases by traf- | fie through the Panama .cagal," he iy, "are rather heavy finan- losses by disturbances 'of trade! than than any great loss of life. | Modern medicine has so far mastered | the ways of checking infectious dis-| DISE AS May Disrupt T Panama | will If You Are Thinking of Buildin€ this year it will pay you to get our prices for cement, blocks, bricks, etc., as you will save $260.00 between wolld brick and cement blocks. We also have all sizes In sills, lintels, pler blocks, caps and vases at reasonable prices. Kingston Cement Products Factory Vactory Cor. 'of Patrick and Charles Bits. Oftice: 177 Wellington be. 'Thomas Copley Telephone 987 A card to 13 Pine street when ing anything done In the carpen- line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work: also hard- wood Uoors of all kinds, All orders receive prompt attention, Shop, 60 Queen AAA an For Sale $1,500 For farm of 40 acres ottthuildings and land; miles from Kingston. W. H. Godwin & Son } 89 Brock St. Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance, wy "SOME HAE MEAT, AND GANNA EAT" So Bobby Burns tersely describes the rich, but still poor, dyspeptics. Bat their case is not sow so desperate as when Burns wrote. For the man who has the food mow can eat without suffering for it, if he just follows the meal with a | Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablet. cake Semainable tablets banish the ul the chronic AYSteptio-the man who is bilious--the erer from , gs on the stomach or occa- sional indigestion. You can eat hearty meals of wholesome food--and digest them, too--if you take Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets, Compounded by expert chemists, after probably the best formula known to medical science, they are quick and certain in their action, givin, relief from all forms of i eo 8, Joning up and strengthening the we ive orgunsand bringing about permanent races 2 70 Ri OUR TOBACCO h the "Rooster" on it. Is crowing louder as he goes along Only ¥$6e. per pound. For chewing and smoking AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontarie Street, FOR BALE ---------------------- Frame. house, Johnson St. near Macdonald St, 6 rooms vars .. $1200 Frame house, "Albert St. $2000 Frame house, Victoria St., fur nace and improvements, good barn and large gard we 27 H. 8. CRUMLEY 116 BROCK ST. Woman has a perfect- right to be particular about shoes, for a woman's foot is meant to be prettily elad. What could be more dres- sv than the patent: button here shown? Note the styles to the graceffil lines, the smart appearance. No wonder the Invietns Shoes give pleasn and comfort to the a The Sawyer Shoe Store put up and "stay put." Its rich rose odor hides the unpicasant oily smell of the hair. "It ig rightly named; it beautifies the hair. son's action in sending a fleet to Tam- pico to insist on Huerta's apology for the arrest of the American bluejack- ets is the leading feature 'of the news eases that in many civilized countries no great mortality: is to be feared from the introduction even of| plague. yellow fever and cholera. For of the so-called "confession'" of "Dago Frank' after what he had heard. Should any attempt be made to in- Cleveland are unlucky to ever win a pennant, a saying among American League fans, and they are too is Very easy to apply--simply sprin- kle a little on your hair each time before brushing it. It contains no oil, and will not change the color of the hair, nor darken gray hair. To Keep hair and scalp dandruff-free and clean, use Harmony Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo fives an instantaneous rich lather (hat im- mediately penetrates to every part of hair and sealp, insuring a quick and thorough cleansing. Washed off just as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Contains nothing that can harm the hair; Jeaves no harshness or stickiness Both preparations come in odd- shaped, very ornamental bottles, avith sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier, $1.00. Harmony Sham: poo, G0e. Both guaranteed to satis- fy you in every way, or your money back. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only by us. Mahood's drug store, Kingston, Ont. tn ---------- Baby Carriages & Go Carts 1914 Line" Carriages ...... $10.50 to $35.00 Go-Carts ........ $3.60 to $18.00 Sulkles ....... $2.00, $3.00 $3.50 ribs, while enamel, drop sides, assess. 35.00,86.02,.88 00 up Mattresses to fit. radios, High Chaies, Baby, Walkers hat he would play in Ottawa or not being shadowed by that old hoodoo this 'season. First it was Ray Chap- man, their shortstop, who broke a leg and will be out of the game until August, while. on Wednesday Steen, one of their' good pitchers, had a knuckle in his pitching hand broken. Walter. Johnson and Ty Cobb did not lose any time in breaking into the limelight. The great Senatorial twirler slipped a shut out deféat over on the Boston Red Sox, restricting them to five hits, all oi which were made in the last three periods. Then Ty. Cobb literally "punched" out a vie- tory for Detroit by coming along with a triple in the thirteenth inning, which sent in two runs. made a good job of it by scoring the winning tally in the dark on a short outfield Hy. He The Ottawa Hockey Club has not yet given up hope of getting "Tom- my' Smith, the leading scorer of the N.H.A. Though the Quebec club turn. ed down Ottawa's offer of $1,000 and surrendered Smith to the Ontarios m exchange for McDonald, Ottawa jntend to repeat their. bid to President "Tom" Wall, of the Ontarios. Smith states that he will not report to the Ontarios, as he is going into the con- tracting business with his father ip Ottawa, and will not be able to leave, He says he told the Quebec: people all next vear on this account. Falling Immigration Canadien Gazette {" The official British returns show {that in February only 4,458 persons {went to Canada, as conipared with 19,359 in February, 1913, while the to. ital for the last four months was 13, {474," a decreate of 10,306. It is note | worthy that the decline is even great- ler in the British emigration to Aus- {tralia and South Africa. in: promise There is a mighty lot and editorial columns of the London papers this morning afternoon There is keen interest in the out- come and much speculation, especi- and yesterday jally regarding the possibility of' war being a result. Comment on this point is rather vague. It may be summarized as follow War is not inevitable, but the situation calls for the most skilful handling to prevent war, There President datory or Telegraph proof that intended, and any case that lead to more is very little eriticism of Wilson's action, commen- otherwise The Daily says it cannot see any military intervention is expresses a doubt in intervention would stable conditions in Mexico, or that 'any steps taken will decively end the anarchy that has résulted from Washington's policy of moral intervention." COMPULSORY Train Crews Ts Trainmen Ottawa, April 17. W. F. Cad- roll's bill to restrict the time of em- ployment of train crews to fourteen hours before making rest gory has heen received with favor by the great majority of trainmen. While some of the engineers and firefhen favor compulsory rest after fourteen hours employment, all the conductors and trainmen are oppos- ad. They claim that their agree- ments give them amble security in this regard -and that the adoption of the bill would in most cases be an injury rather than a benefit. Al- most invariably rest would be booked within a few miles of their destination. When the bill con- golidating the Railway act comes before parliament, 'this question will be one to receive considera- REST For Opposed by making. A FRUIT LAXATIVE FOR Sl CLEANSES TENDER TATTLE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS, WITHOUT INJURY. . Every mother realizes that this Is | the children's ideal laxative and phy-| sic, because they love fits pleasant | taste and it never falls to effect a thorough "inside cleansing" without | griping. When your child ig'cross, irritable, feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother. If coated, give a te onful of "Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile, and undigested food es out of the bowels and you tion. ik CHILD GIVE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS" well, pmytul child again. When It {ithe system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic----remember a good liver and bowel! cleaning should al- | ways be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "Califor nia Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful to-day saves a sick ehild to-morrow. Directions for | bables, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly on each bote tle. Ask your druggist for a 50 cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." Beware of counterfeits sbld here. [Get the genuine, made by "California that after his fight Refuse any he would sail Fig Syrup Company." have 1% oer trip with eonimpt, compul-. | ers troduce the confession at the second trial of ex-Lieut, Becker, a great fight will be made by the district at- torney. When she wholé truth of the circumstances surrounding the confegsion of "Dago Frank' became known, it was asserted yesterday several more interesting. chapters ig the Becker story will have to be written erm ---- TO LORD STRATHCONA Memorial Window Abbey, Are London, April 17..~A memorial dow and tablet to the late Strathcona in Westminster, Abbey proposal being made by a strong, in fluential committee which during the past three months has been consider ing the question. The appeal is now made by circular to the Canadians resident in Britain, together with oth associated with the dominion, contribute to the project. 'There is feeling that such a membrial in the Abbey, where the funeral service was held on January 26th, would be both suitable and appropriate, says the eir cular, which adds that the committee has reason to believe that such an of fer would be welcomed by the dean and chapter. | The project of the memorial in | the hands a general committee, | headed by Premier Asquith; Lord Chancellor Haldane, the Duke of Ar- gyvll, Earl of Aberdeen, Earl Groy, Right Hon. Lewis Vernon Harcourt, Sir Charles. Tapper, Andrew Bonar Law, and' other notables, while lead- ing members of the Canddian colony here form the executive committee, of which J. G. Colmer and G. CO. Cas- sells are treasurers. and Tablet in! Proposed win Lord | to | a 18 of PERSECUTE WITNESSES Commerce Commission to Insist Up- on Details of Operations Washinzton, April . 17.-- Unless there is an overnight change in the attitude of witnesses in the NeW Haven railroad investigation, who refused to tell the Inter-state Com- merce commission about the opera- tions of the Billard company, to which millions of dollars worth of New Haven securities are alleged to have been illegally diverted," pro- ceedings under the criminal statutes will be instituted here by the gov- ernment to compel them to testify. This -was announced to-night by Jos. W.' Folk, chief counsel of the inter-state commerce commission. TP ------------ ' Johnson Coming Back Paris, April 17.--~"Jack" Johnson, colored heavyweight pugilist, intends to return to Chicago for the re-trial of the charges against him under the Mann act. He was out of town ves terday, hut had authorized his Paris representative; Henri Wolf, to say with Frank Moran for . America and place i : {particularly | yellowfever to India and receive Asi- {atic cholera by w the United States and for western Curope the greater peril.s to trade, | hecause medical control of the spread | of tropical diseases rests first of all! on the stoppage of traffic. | "One of the most interesting and | not improbable changes in the' dis- tribution of tropical diseases is that the west coast of South America, Guayaquil, may send! y of exchange.' JUDICIAL RECOUNT Thousand Ballots to he Scrutinized in Montreal Montreal, April 17 A judicial | | recount of all the votes cast for con- | trollerships will be made follow- | ing a ruling handed down By Chiet Justice Sir Chdrles Davidson. The recount commenced morning There are 70,000 ballots to be 934 ballot boxes examined. During the time the re count is going on, administration. will be tied up, the great inconvenience of the city Seventy-five | upwards of Pembroke, honor of E. B. Owen, the roll of Maine tax col- ering in every cent times, more or less, he says, taxes came hardest of all. Many people will giving who are thankful. NEURALGIA "Nearly Drove Me Wild Until 1 Took . Kephaldol™ Mr Thomas C Cooper, Ladiey, Sus- sex, England, was almost frantie with Neuralgia, when he first took a KEPHALDOL Tablet. "I am nearly 74 years of age and have suffered with Neuralgia nearly all my life. KEPHALDOL and 1 had my people get me a 2s package. I took two tablets as soon as | got.them and quickly received relief. It was joy." So gr hecame the fame of KEPI L Tablets abroad that their reputation spread to this try. The demand for KEPHALDOL grew so rapidly that arrangements were made to establish a Canadian office and supply all the druggists. These wondérful tablets, the pre- sciiption of Vienna's famous nerve specialist. Herr Doctor Stohr, have brought welcome relief to hundreds suffering from Neuralgia and Head- aches, the ravages of La Grippe, Rheumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago, Pain in the Back, and in fact aay pain. far from 2 King Street East Friday | of | counted, with to be opened and | the whole civie to 1S on | lectors because he succeeded in gath- | due his town. | Some people had to be dunned twenty | and dog observe | Thanks- | feeling | A friend told me abont | vour druggist's, write Kephaldo! himsell 'at the disposal of the court. Limited, 31 Latour Street, Montreal. if you cannot get the 50¢ tubes at | We Rec- ommend Canada Bread Co.) . First Mortgage Bonds PARTICULARS ON REQUEST Cawthra Mulock & Co. Toronto J A ca A At A AA PM at i ini beh sss Sr -- Guide For Buying a Bicycle REPUTATION--Is the wheel Well known as giving satisfaction for years? We can tell you of Massey Bicycips that have been in use in Kingston for ten years snd are still ing fine, MATERIAL~--Is the frame of tho hest seamless tubing? Are all joints re-enforced? Has it got four coats of enamel and one of fust-proof before enamelling? 3 PROTECTION OF FRAME AND PARTS--The bright parts should all be copper-plated before being nickelled. The spokes should be the best piano wire and rust-proof. GUARANTEE--The Massey Bicycle carries a full 'guarantee against defects in material and workmanship, Don't buy a wheel be- cause it is cheap, because you want a wheel that will be as good next November as it is in April Treadgold Cycle and Sporting Goods Co. 88 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 529, KINGSTON, ONT. Our millinery, departirent is now in full swing, and you can buy your hat for eash or on the eredit system. Some of the very best desig from New York and Paris. Big stock to pick from. Ladies' Suits, all sizes, from 22 to 42. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes.. Your credit is good at, JOS. B. ABRAMSON 257 Princess St. Phone 1437

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