Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Apr 1914, p. 6

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i re . ; y y will admit « that Johnson can come y MN. SR SPORT REVIEW/::-t: cise 52s SGREGATE ORIENTAES] cm ommovmmams [wv bie i when he § N ha Rd cca Eg Sou amici ni : - K le gets thero, Makes Seizare of Rat Traps and Gill | Has Distinction of Being First Bank : : Tedesaiiy 4. - The 'Maryland legislature adopted a' terri 3 : : ; BRAMPTON IS ENTHUSIASTIC OV. | résolution requesting the governor to VANCOUVER COUNCIL ORDERS of Nets, . | 3 Heuet In Jagan, a : ER LACROSSE appoint & commis$ion to imguire into SEPARATE SCHOO! i Ganapoyye. April 9-George. Toner, | Tokio, April Y.-The first woman Nu horse racing, and the. existence of ae : {fish and game overter of this section, Dank | president fu Japan: Fas es . 4 : men, gambbiog in connection therewith, A ---- jas got busy again for the season, Lablisher herself in Tokio. She is & : & Town Council Votes £400 to Defray- report is to be made to the legisla: The Chinese and Japanese Residents hav Ig gone: oul to Routh Lake the Mrs. "Kin Seno, who, although sev: ; . Ma : he F thi Cina] ani p : . , Ing Expenses ~ Team to Play at Je. ol Cosivs i, Have Raised a Big Howl -- Mrs, Dre Fart of this weak, He took sixty | Suly vears of age, is in every sense BARA oy AAA AAA A AAA A SN a Vancouver for the Mann Cup. . nian Golf and Country: Club yyy el Murder Cinsed Councire! i traps Qlegally set-in - rat. houses. [the executive head of the Seno Com. Smee rn oy : at its annual meeting elected the fol-| - Murder Caused Council's; lie also' took up a lofig: string. of gill merclal Bank of Tokio and' is. rapid: "Fommy" Burns is in Australia | lowing officers for the ensuing vear:! Action, nets, : : ly acquving a reputation jor offi- m : : \ . ith Pelkey, Holland and lee John Houasary president, Judge Morrison; | Vancouver. B.C April 8 rae The forty hours" devotion oi the] ciency among Japanese bankers. : That describes our new clothing. Come in and see hy : w : president, H. DB. Bristol; vice.presi- | nav ar Peele amines Fit congregation oi St. John's church]. She Snherited fortune fr or : : : LA Xoronto News: The lacrosse players | dent, D. J, Backer; secretary-treasurer, Heng feeling against Orientals started on Tuesdpy. evening, with |husband Whee deal i the new fpring ideas and vou will make vour mot in favor of Playing on . Sun- 5 B. Gearing: captain, Dr. C. Pub- Charley Md de Ide of Me Reve: Father Cullinane, of Trevelvan: | ted a plan to' establish = back. The slocti } a "But why specify Sunday 7 - Wellow. ! j vuarles : ® CMY 10'Conntor, of "Napa igan. } widow decides CRIRv ae : selection here, x ve ir know some who hn play any day. ---------------- council to take action. According | of Peseronto aetna ng Hgctigan, ado a. Yay Jur hus Quebec intends following up its ap- WOMAN DROWNED HERSELF 0 resolutions unanimously adopted | yather Kehoe, and "the curate, Rev. Bane 3 intentions, and after carefully ou 3 : tion for a franchise in the Do- sedis : j the board ,of school. trustees willl Father Crowley. in the ee iomt. trating he sons jn finnncial institu I'he suit vou may choose from the many different on Lacrosse Association 'this sen- | Despite. the Attempt of Constable to °° 1PStructed 'to make provision for{ ihe Holy Name Society paid its gen- dune oF iE " wr re able stvles and patter i he new or a browns A i Prevent Her the Srsetion of a new sc¢hool house|eral devotions at the ive 'o'clock mass py 4 me ia r 'work. she opened sStvies ana patterns in the new revs, browns s unofficially 'announced that]. : xr for Oriental children, so as to abvi-|vesterday morni ' : fon Rp A tere : : : i rices $9.5 211.5 BIS 215 % - Nelson, Toronto, will be ap- : dodgas Fall, 3X April 9.--An {ate the necessity of whitas coming!oi 'the | Blessed Ving the Sodality Te attives| at her office at eight and blue i Prices $9.50, #1 1.50, $1: 0, $15.00, judge at the spring meeting |} oon Jom, ; successfully in contact with them and learning o'clock mass tha same mornin Q Clock sharp every morning and puts $18.00 and $20.00, See the brown and erev..also of the Dorval Park Jockey Club to be | 098ht the efforts of a 1 reservation evil habit Mrs. Melvin Tay H in a long basiness day. She is mo- 1 * $ at rare 0 Pi ly : : anit, Mrs. Me avior, organizer f AR a f early. in June, constable, who endeavored, yesterday, | The case of the hoy King, aliopod Lit er bands and irel . id m dost and Simp le in her tastes, with uel: Lichtenhoin Toat $4,000 with [te Prevent her from t@fing her own murderer of Mrs. Millard, was given! Hartington. the fore part of the week, | DnCeHity Las her life motto. = Al value in the eity trent Waterers last winter, but ie at the Third Sister Shand, as an instamice of a Chinese pupil | engaged in the organization of a mis | though thrifty, she makes liberal ni t vy" pa hig A. franchise at over ne reservation constable, Charles | aitending one of the public schools | fon' circle: there. contributions to charity,' and is hy ite refined the. latter offer, | Martin, pulled her from the water land deily coniing in contact with| Amos een, for several years past [Pointed out by her friends as a mo The Top Coat you may choose from the best the there is. great enthusiasm among | but she eluded him and waded in | white children to their detriment, | mastes &f the coal schooner Briton, | 91 of Japanese womanhood. | eitizens ol, Brampton over the pro. | again. This time Martin got a piked At the same time a resolution was | has accepted a position for this sea- : 3 » tab trip of the Pxeelsior Lacrosse pole, caught hor clothing, and then adopted pledging the City Council son on the sehooner St. Louis, ; The Town of Perth 0. Vancouver, where the Fxcel- | ollowed a struggle in which she to give contracts for supplies only; The first game in thé schedule of the | Perth, April 9.---C. F. wiors h ny for the Mann cup. The town fought desperately, sinking time and to' those fifms who employed white [Church Bovding League was played ofi [of the Perth Pxpe itor, has been ap Shane en Yale the sup of $400 to time again under the rapidly may. | men, provided their terms were on! on luesday evening. at the Inn alley, | pointed to a position 'in the loca) award defraying their ex-{ing water. la level with those of firs who em-|beivieen the No. 8's of Grace church [office of the inland revenue depart penses on this trip. - Help ardived from the mainland in | nlogqOrienta) o_o Pinas, fathen and som, Botl nbout ten minutes and the hody | have information that Kong is near-| mer 2 A . : : w by the Baltimore A ed iL ayed was brought to shore, and a physi- [er 20 years han 17 as reported tora] REL liritton, of the staff of the chafge in hig father's place at the | the one worn by all the .good dressers in New H0am: the other day. Wi ona vuifue Aan" was summoned, but the woman [and it has been learned that while pha branch of the Bank of Toronto, | Expiohitor as editor. | r ro played second hase, ond Luger. Tod was dead. The body awnlita identi: | attending public school he was al-| 12s received marching. orders, and is Considerable building 'is likely to] 4 York. Sal "a fication. at a local undertakers|ready one of the most active mem- : off lay " } uh ) I o i 1 1 and playing left field, and Coroner Walter A, Scot id fn bers in a secret organization of [1 on in Hamilton immediately, after | ings costing wdl over $60,000 are PACE SIX ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY. APRIL 9, 1914, blue serge suits we are showing at $13.50. Best trade knows. Every new stvle is here. Prices Stone. editor RT.D0, £9.50, #1 1.50, £13.50, R10 00, 'she Balmacaan," the very latest style in top ' : F labor. The police, nd the St. Andraw's team, the for! ment, He began work in that office at This ctv ke 3 p : hg : eh . - COHN, NS <1 a. Class se ' 8 winning by twenty-three pins. vesterday.' Harold Stone has taken | Baty Fhis ty le is in a.class by itself and i to report at the branch of that insii- be done in Perth this season. Build Our Boys' Suits will please mother. Every style 8op, is anxious to marry, but Stal- ty s t . i 3 i 3 " Fhe woman is described as being [te promote anarchy and teach com-| 'o . ais hullifng for post office, inland re. 3 Skinner, who has lings has induced hi it unti im to wait" until ; | i i i tha end of - the season, as he' thinks about forty vears old. possibly of fmunism. He is said to have been|, aie 1 weeks in Smith's | yan and customs, a new opera al weeks in Smith's house, and a $12,000 addition for that bridegrooms make poor ball play- Jewish parentage. dressed entirely [a great admirer of the exploits > an T ors, I PY] 'n black, and weighing 135 to 140 | White 'Wolf, the famous Chinese Varbe he Setar, Mrs" (Dr) 3 , 5 '® me . John 1. Sullivan, ex heavyweight pounds. She was about five feet | brigand. Sr : BH Hird pent, a i bow dava 3 four inches tall. A plain gold band The proposed Segregation of the in: Kingston, guint. of ae I Ye ay sme ring on the third finger of the left [oriental children "in -the public iL Nuel Sin ll NET Peak NewhAdjutant General $ y ¥ pot, 1, . 188 hoy here.~ * Perth Collagiate Institute, as well The Tatest shapes in Hats, $1.25, £1.75, $2.50, as a numher of nrivate residences : : : ) New Neckwear, New Gloves, New Shirts. Come and See. If you can't save money here, then don't buy. ehampion, will be-oneiof the trainers for White to prepare him for his com- ; : ing hout with Ritchie. hand wav the only jewellery found {schools has raised a storm of protest weeepted a wituation there and will | London, Eng.; April 9.--General Sir ; ! ' ; a witua WE BI - A ; HY aun. from both the Chinese and Japanese | 'owe io the SHY Short ie) Wa om, John Ewart, adjutant general of the Japs. . . British army, haf been suceeded by Vieut.-Coneral Sir Henry (7 Scln te . arpe is fot claiming the Na : tional Baseball League pennant for The Easter "Bonnett." residents, particularly the the Pirates, but' there are some en-| We hat averyhody, men, ladies nnd [Consul thusiantic souls in Pittsburgh who ave | children. George Mills & Co jand Rev. J. Kaburagi, waited on Ac- ------ i x ng their voices along those lin -- ting-Mayor Hepburn to-day and Qu i | ra ain a A -------- g-M: y i 1estion as to Anti-Liquo egisln. fdquor Fegisla { Diveet from the Factory, | Pugilist "Jack" Jolinson says bef Do not fail to remember that the [made a strong protest ou the resolu- Hon d will come bok to this side of tha wa- | other fellow is entitled to half of the | tion of the ¢ouneil advocating that Tar a Another large consignment of men's : ter, Even the United States courts road. sehool should be set apart in some Ii aronto, April 9:--C. M. Bowman, hats just received at Campbell Bro ' " " pnarter of tha city for Chinese and [liberal member for North Bruce, wins the direct importers of all that § ® at sini ; 4 ¢ Farlier in the session he put on the t: amd best in won's headgear. 127 Princess Street. # L ster Maranville, the Boston short- / Faster. This is i » § charge. Chinese, the objects of which were] A5ter. iis is a well-merited promo- | already pl oll," Thes Jud ew 8 . . ¥ > iecin : | diendy planned, These include: yon | #and every quality #nd every price. Bring vaur Hori, representing . Japan, WiLL HAVE TO ANSWER d PE _-- re -- " - {Japanese so as Lo remove white chil dren from théair influenca. order paper the followkng question : ; -- ------ Lio The Japanese representatives stat-| 'Does the government intend to in- | Provost, Brock street, has received red that it wag an insult to their na- {tion to inelude the Japanese with the TPT TTT T Vr TT OVO VY TY VYOY this session ? Objection was taken | his order clathing department, also in by, the government to the form of | rondy-made clothing and gents' furn- 0 5 ® Chinese, and: they intimated that ut n -- - i d [was their intention to take other|'he question and the speaker ruled | ishing department. Thee: are all well vow ewww 3 " ; RB : | steps to bring the matier to the at-|'t ont of order, Mr. Bowman, | assorted with new gooda. ' e i ih Nie { tention of the British, the dominion | however, presented a long list of " - - =r [and the Japanese governments, As|@"tmilar questions asked in previous a-matter of fact Consul.Hori has cab- | ears / «sand gave notice of motion 22 a Jengthy despatch to INsgovern- | protesting against the decision to | ment in Tokio setting forth Jthe full f have his question withdrawn. 3 | facts of the murder of Mrs. Millard The matter hung "fire for several Y OO UU PAY LESS H E | = E by a Chinese boy that has led to the| Jays with the Hon. W. J. Hanna the | obviously "unwilling to answer the troduce any anti-ireating legislation | 411 his spring and summer goods {or ! Would Be Pleased To Show You Our aceording to tne resolution of the council, formed his opinion, as to the legality of the course suggested, and he informed the acting mayor that the ¢ity ecuncil had no povger to pass such a resolution the order paper, The government, thereiore, either will have to ane wer ves or no to the enguiry as to whether it intends to Introduce nny anti-treating 'legislation this <éssion,' or will have to evade the ! | Sropased action on the part of city council and asking for advice as| question. However, the governinent _ ih - (to how he shall act. had to give in and it was agreed \ The Suil The Goat Meantime, the city solicitor has,| that the question was to go hack on & ouse bY House H y : v For Easter Selections of Woolens For the Coming Season i The Prices Paid at the Various Cen-| Two French Army Airmen Meet / { tres With Terrible Fate. | ; 7 ' resses Union Stock Yards, Toronto, April Rabat, Moroaco, April 9,--Captain 8.--Receipts were moderate. 65} ilerve, a French oflit ary aviator, FO ue, 1303 BOSS, 1116 4-4 lieutenant he was carrying as here. Fresh shipments ol late styles added daily. The largest and most complete stock 'heep and lambs and 228 calves, 4 pnssenger, were tortured. and hack- = N, " GAY AW. or an S § Cattle--The tattle market was oe ed to death by! insurgent Moors af oe 3 8 E of ready-to-wear garments for ladies, girls : " ' live and trade brisk at Tuesday's| ier they had escaped uninjured from 5 i and children ever shown in this citys All , y TA IL 0 RS : De. Choice butcher's steers, $8|.y geroplane accident in the desert. 4 4 goods marked in plain figures that mean lium butchers' steers, nortring fight. { / | . = good butchers' steers, \'They had been engaged in a recon- | money saving for you. If you want exclusive | Princess and Bagot Sts. : Kingston, Ont. {i575 5; common butchers' ert en style come here. No two suits, coats, or j steers, $7.25 to $7.50; choice butch- Negro's Height Saves Him. jers' heifers, $7.75 to $8; common Cliitagroy | ApriF.. Ows-Hik,. unusual butchers' heifers, $7 to $7.50; choice height 'vosterdavy saved Nong Tow, » : 6.15 6+ . . I by: VY, # , ---- my Fa Bia, wi 3 2004 . SE: negro, from being sentenced 'to a i$4.75: b 1s et ia or O} term in the House of Correction on | Fordon, Py: a o at ok % Market! ® minor charge. A tape measure i ceders anc stockers---Market proved that Tom was seven feat elev (Strong at Tuesday's prices. Choice on Viches' tall. pr See Our Girls' Double Collar . ¥ Fy 11 BR b Goi) y/ 5 | j steers, $7 to $7.25; medium steers, "No >judge," said Long Tom, when 7s or 4 4 3 $6.50 to $6.75; stockers, $5.75 to : monet, "1 « % arraigned' in the morals court, - k : $6.50. : : v ave i 1 : Reefers Oe ik tied a didn't do anything wrong. I have | : onl A v Milkers and _springers---Market lect an honest life because if IT did : In Red and Blue Serges, for girls, 5 yrs. to ' 4 { 14 yrs. fitm at $60 to $35 each, bulk sold at anything wrong T couldn't escape if I | New Easter Neckwear from 25¢ up $15 to 385 each. went to the end of the world, I New Kid Gloves, all prices, 8%c to $3.50. See our range, the finest and best selection shown, { Calves--We only saw two choiee| V7, 10 the end of Lic See our $1.00 Special. and Prices are Right. ' saws To the market out of the hid The judge dismissed Long Tom, who : salves' & son sale. Jonimon calves sold at anid he had 'no' other: name. : New Hosiery, New Frillings, New Spring "$6 to $7.50 per cwt. Choice veals, ~ F¥10 10.811. Board of Works Contracts Models in P. C. Corsets, 50c.to $3.50. Sheep and lambs-- Market firm. | i, MEN'S SUITS "The spring lambs are being wasted,| The Board of Works had a special | / % Easter Waists Regular $14 and $16 values at $8.75. 1} being too young and two small and | meeting on Wednesday Alvsmcon, 16 | : > Al aifl tempting lisplay of White C 4 5 6.50. 8 open tenders for the year's supplies. | ' : A large anil tempting. displa f White prices range from $5 to $9.50. Sheep, he following contracts were awarded: / Jap Silks, Tub Silks, Fancy Silks, Voiles, Crepes, Tangos,. etc. ' " Pig MEN S SUITS ¥ $6.50 to $7.50; culls and rams, 4 y es Regular $18 to $22 values, $15.00. $4.50 to $6.50; lambs, choice ewes, Rbisie; Huddy pd Mosk; Sewer Pipe, : y y Real smart high-grade garments, thé finest and best anywlher and wethers, $9.25 to $9.75 Toronto anc mmilton Sewer Pipe : ; ' 1 and 28t § re. 8 rs, $9.25 9.75. ER : 4 3 - . : Hogs--THe market wag a shade |covipanyy manhole covers, light hole i ; : : Silk Waists ; coners aud street cast iron grates, . 5 yy / From $1.80 to $1200 with every price h between. BOYS' SU I I'S yeak Selec watere weaker. Seiected, fed and watered, Sdlby and Youlden; cement, Frontenac B 5 value 2H 9.25 9 1. 0. b. cars, 9.50 , Regular $3.50 t0.$5 values at $2.75. $9.25 and $9 1. o. Bb. cars, and. $9.5 Lumber: and. Coal: - companys. sand, linens, "'mus- BE w BOYS' SUITS je $3.83. weikhed off vars; Kingston Sand and Gravel company; $ " - ! tit te Caled 4 lumber, 3. Anglin & Co.; hardware, ! ; 7 ; Sovral ola inte 1 Dian Regular $6.50 to $7.50 values, at $3.75 1 Christy's Celebrateq Hats IW. AL Mitchell; street watering, Ed > bn, yal odd Muss is Dawes. liom, tut Silk hats, derbies, soft hats. " We | ward McFadden. y tall range, 34 to 44 in the lot. Values range MEN'S FURNISHINGS 'are the exclusive agents in Kingston from $1.50 to $2.25 New Shirts tor Baster in white pleated shirts, white vesting for these world-renowned hats and " Fad to Go to Jail. ee 24 . "Shirts, striped prints and cambrics In' the newest colors. Prices Jf have all the newest styles. Camubell James Tremmill, the recent arrival One Price 89c to clear « A Vary from 75e to $1.50. lf. Pros., the largest importers of men's from the old country. who was 3 hats in tis part of Ontario caught in ths' ast of Hourishinig ' ; y AT P u P i N. tod 8: Die loaded revolver on Princess street, Vi it 0 Mil . y The mowest in fancy silk and knitted tes, 35c and Soc Tubu- ig surgeon: nes had to go to jail [for twenty days, 3 181 ur 1 - J a New York, April 9. Dr. Joseph o } i z = : . : : liner y Depart- 7 New Paris: and New > lar ties in plain and fancy stripes, 50¢ each. Faney silk Moire ef- ¢ as he could not er the fine of ' Bryant died Tuesday afternmon in St. $10 and costs impose upon him by | on ' York models received ment. It S$ a af # yesterday. Come here foots, Patgfeys designs. Price 50c¢ each. : ab " dad Vincent hospital of diabetes. He had}. |, ,c¥strate, Tyemunil Bis i : S. x 4 for your Easter Hat. RAINCOATS aud was a close personal: friend off | 05 wm. arrive Ottdwa 5.db p.m. | y the laté Grover Cleveland. He was| = "0iico "1035 am. arrive Jl ace great : ow ; i Book Store, Also complete assortment. of Ladies' Waterproofs, ranging a any Paris, April 9. French women, now. . : * "a Men® i just Men's Raincoats in plain and Raglan shoulders, 4 former president of the American Kingston 3.20 p.m. Uptown Ticve: You are sure to get 3 rom $450 to $10.00. Aiso Ladies' and Gents' Boots at big re- I Mean what you sav, and be careful have nal the right to vote, accord-| hE : We are always pleased to show you. .. Come and See the Styles Po oulg m nterrogation. * 7 ! : 'e . thei sap eerie 1° a ' ae UNION STOCK YARDS MOORS KILL AVIATORS ; 2 4 « ( oats, Suits and | Everything that is new will be found dresses alike, Suits $10.00 to $50.00 Coats $4.50 to $75.00 Baby Coats $1.00 to $5.00 Children's Coats, $1.50 to $8.50 pe v : "i hd Ei MEN'S GLOVES been in the institution since March] Ginger in the eity, Natural Chamois Gloves \Kid Gloves in tan and black, Suede, 11. x Rg { ves in lght and dark grey, Yrom 65¢ to $1.25 pair. Dr. Bryant was one of the most CPR: Service to Ottawa i . sminent surgeons in the country| Phscangers leaving Kingston at} Regular $7.50, special for Saturday $4.50 Hadical atsge : ETH ; n oy 7 nt at the Regular $10.00, special for Saturday, $6.50 Bedicu) association , Oftice, Corner Princess and Welling- , a - what _you wa Regular $12.50, special for Saturday, $7.50 y iri ton streets. 3 nterest us t right price. Re@ular $16.50, special for Saturday, $10.00 Phckering's coffee" willl please yon. ! . > / 00, » § ¥, . Cosmopolitan for May at College Women of France Cannot Vote E. y ? om bR Hit yee 49 set may ware tise: you ing to ahdecision pronounced by the, - Court of Cassation: . Christy's Celebrated Silk Hats To bo had in Kingston only at '. J [an "ny CO x - SRR © : MENDELS| Princess men's hats. The: Upstown Clotiier. Co dl Hom of Be Suge | have 2 ho Pe Ringeton's Only Exclusive Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Store. ; as i T.4.00 OR, Manager. i. : Phone 532. Eveorything oxactly as advertised. = - : so : n. y asa Ye . ( ol headache. i May Cosmopolitan at College Book Store, I

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