Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Apr 1914, p. 5

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3 oy Past Thirty Years Jand is now completing his edna settle down to an evening's quiet enjoyment? The cost is ridicu- stitution of that organization. those who took an active part in the 'The Ne'er-do-Well, by Rex Beach : remained for about a year and a|lending the meetings of the society (ff We have some snappy, stylish-looking "models in our new ' alock which in its history. It is constantly work- James Fanon. now of Toronto; Ww. VLC ACE vepl: J. Garrigan, now of the United! . States; P. J. Bary, now of St. Paul, of a - J Miun.; Dennis Sullivan, now of Ot- § Must Y ou Go 5 THE FORTIETH A ANNIVERSARY | tawa;' John Collins, of this city. | OR <P « OF ITS FOUNDING . | Peter Donoghue, Peter, Milie and: On Wednesday night the members| Year as president. Before beqoming of the You ce .Catholic| President, he had filled the offices of lously small. We offer you your choice of The Greatest Novels of The meeti t which this society | early work of the organization and f]. ' ; TEE the Day, at 50c a Copy. was instituted was held in the nh whose activities helped so much té J ° 1 .. These books were originally published at $1.25 to $1.50, ent building, which was then the hall | build the association. up, but amongst i : ABERNETHY S Below are some of the latest arrivals: of the old St. Patrick's society. The|® few of those might be mentioned 5 IAL ANS A FLAN b Ask for a copy of our list of "Great Books at Little Prices." It balf. Duri thi riod th old |in the old hall aré James Laughern, contains more than 500 titles, all at 50c each. It's yours for the Mig", GCVRE TLD Berlof the OM rhomas Sullivan; Edward Clayton. will app eal to you, ing to improve the means of enter- For men, Patents, Tans, Gun Metals, on English lasts. taining and instructing their mem- J Wm. Bryson, all of this city and D, | On; : : Egan, deceased. The present ocen-| C --- ily ? On Wednesday Night John . J pant of the chair, J. J. Behan, was| 0- oe Behan Has Been President for the|g,st elected to that office in 1879, | Benevolent association of Kingston |first vice-president, recording sécre- Is there no way of finding regreation without leaving the celebrated in an informal manner at |fary, financial secretary, treasurer warm(h, the comfort and the cheeriness of your own home? Why their regular meeting in their hall, {8nd tyler. It would take up too not pick up a popular novel, draw your chair near the lamp, and the fortieth anniversary of the in-|much space to give all the names of Queed, by Henry Sydnor Harrison : Young Irishmen continued to oc-|John Mitchell, Martin Clayton, Wil-| "Miss Gibbie Gault, by Kate Langley Bosher cupy this building for th ars, | liam Saunders, Michael Foley, Char- Counsel for the Defense, Terry Scott r Supy fils bu ding Te ra oe Yeats, les Crowley and Owen Clayton. | JUST WHAT YOU NEED: A NEW PAIR OF ¢ A NEW PAIR OF SHOES TO COMPLETE The Return of Peter Grimm, by David Belasco hall over the stofe mow occupied by|Among the original members who YOUR EASTER ATTIRE. Officer 666, by Currie and McHugh. . R. H. Toye, King street, where they |are still to be found constantly at- asking. renovated in order to meet the re-| Patrick Morar ind the president. + You will solve the question of style and comfort and enjoy the r eal, hap- : : quirements of the Young Irishmen's A a ic" hat after wy Easter feeling, if you wear a pair of our shoes . : 141 Princess society. After the work was com-|fOTty years of existence the society » € guy A Pr ] . : St pleted they moved: back to their ke 2 nme, Au, in fact, Sironger We are showing the new Colonials--1 umps and Oxfords for women in * . 5 original place of meeting and ginte | 4 i orou any time i x ' 3 treet o The ime hare continusualy onuoSd patent and gun me tal; also high buttons. ™ these quarters and have made many jeh therein. The first board of BE ae ue ol. | pers ana to help to make their hall as attractive as possible. The con- officers 'elected in 1874, was as fol- lows: President, P. J. Jennings; first|ftant attendance in the reading room vice- -president, R. Warren; second |daily, and the numbers participating in the various amusements that are vice-president, M. J. 3 Connor; re- cording secretary, P. J. Nolan; finan- | free to the members of the society, cial secretary, ius J. Hackett; | testify to the appreciation of the treasurer, Benjamin J. Hanlon; |members of the efforts that are being * tyler, Thomas Gallagher; chaplain, [Made in their behalf, and while the Rev. Father O'Boyle; trustees, |£reat bulk of those who constituted Thomas Ryan, Edward Arnold, Pat-|its original membership have passed rick Clark, from the scene, their places have Frash made' every day--spec- Of the first board of officers there | Deen filled by young men just as en- are still living: BE. Warren, P, J. |thusiastic, just as earnest and as Nolan and E. Arnold, now residents | ®nergetic as those that have passed 1al 30c chocolates for 20c Ib of the United States; B. J. Hanlon, |2Way, and the prospects are that the f h WwW Id Thomas Gallagher, Thomas Hackett | #55ociation has a long and useful |O) t e or future ahead of it. and P. Clark, who are still residents ' of this city. I I Of the members who joined in the FEAST OF THE PASSOVER Hats of Christy, Scott, SAKE S, 'Next To Opera House year of its institution there are sfill : Buckley, Heath and Reg- m-------- | living in this city, in addition to the To be Observed by Kir : al makes can. bé bought ex-officers mentioned above, .the fol-| : a ington Jews on only at our store. i lowing: J. J. Behan, A. Darragh, E ¥ Evening en ,, A Nugent, E. Clayton, E. Cochrane, E On Friday evening at sunset the - = = - E g = MeFdadden, ¥. Lennon, G. Darragh, Jewish Snople Suvaghont the city : if 4 4 J. Garrigan, J. Gratton, J. Sullivan, | wll celebrate the east of the Pass a J Mi k Fi Phone 5 3 BT Redmond, M. Ryan, P. Moran, D. | over in commemoration of their race's y £ IH Buy our 1 rom a or'= Sullivan, J. Laughern, P, Devlin, T Touleigntion and deliverance from | oid . Harrison, W. Tower, J. McCarthy, | "g¥pt by the smiting of the first hl E d S And Get In Touch With the Best ° |<. Millan, M. Murphy, John Mann, |born of 'the Egypifans and passing f oug y quippe ani- : , 1 Ts Cit Michael Goodman. ger the houses of the children of AB Automobile Repair Service In e 1 ; There are a few others living in |Israel. As it is 'mentioned in ' the t Dai P y. the city whose names are not at the hook of Exodus,' the blood of the al present moment available. aschal lamb was sprinkled on the > : ; . a Jp RRITT GARAGE CO Limited Since the institution of the organi- [two side posts and the upper door 4 ¥ PRICE' 8 is the only one in Kingston. Be sure your oy zation there has been a constant ex-| post and the flesh of the lamb was 5 milk i is bottled. odus from among its members, the [eaten with unleavened bread and bit ' 'Always at Your Service. bulk of which has been ta,the United | ter herbs before morning. As the d Phone 845 PRICE = States, until to-day there are ap-|story goes, all the houses in Egypt, | proximately about one thousand ex-|not so protected, were visited that zu ; = members of the society who are scat- | tight by Jehovah to slay the first ---- AA = i tered throughout the United States.|horn, und the emancipated dows de- A wide and varied stock In addition to this there are 'several | parted from Kgypt the same night including the above, as hundreds who are scattered through-| This feast Ras been celebrated each well as many other makes |out Canada. year since that time and is set aside ta kas. ; . A After the organization of the 5o-|as an annual rejoicing. The feast awaits your inspection. ANNOUNCEM ENT lon €A ciety in 1874, steps were taken to|gceurs during the full moon of the Highest quality and arm ey make it as helpful to its members month of Nisan. corresponding to reasonable prices. Come REDMOND & ALDERDICE, as it was possible under the then ex- | aur month of March, and including a in and let us help you \ 3 3 isting conditions. A sick henehi and term of seven days. To-morrow the choose your hat for Kas. Mason Contractors and Black Green or Mixed mortuary fund were established in feast will commence and special ter. Jui ders ? | connection with the organization, i i syn- 8 services will be conducted in the syn sie = -- Estimates cheerfully er of Men's Clothing The newest and neatest designs in fashionable fabrics are here awaiting your inspection. We make up suits to order, make them In the latest style, with the most correct cut, and give careful attention to every detail of each garment. Try us for your next suit, Our prices are very reasonable. THOMAS LAMBERT THOMAS LAMBERT 157 PRINCESS STREET jand shortly after arrangements were agogue, aesided over bv J Ber. For Sale at All Grocers made for the opening of a reading Moe of sins These services will x 'given on all work. and recreation room, followed seon be ntinued on Saturday and Sun- . after by the establishment of a lib- hug after the latter day an ian- Office, Mullen's Marble iq Geo Robertson & Son I . it d rary, all this being done for the pur-| yorval of five days. will take ? place . ; Works, Cor. Clergy and | : o 9 pose of providing a meeting place | pon the special services will he ro- 84 Princess Street Princess. THE KIND THAT SELLS, and Tecreution room for the young |. med again on April 17th qnd 15th. ! : Built, Not Made. to withdrs hem as fz . . ho : : : ---- uilt, Not Made. - te from the temptations that sre | 0 Sunday, evening, Apri 12h, the | Kingston ~~ --. Ontario = x ih ' El pople V } ow Ll 5 to be met with and also to help im- ee. op x oe known as C-- prove them morally and intellectual- the Pontatouch. fn the synagogue ---- : : ly and make them sober and indus- "These are all hand-prfinted in He PRES SE; NT. ATION BY TE CHERS Just One Application trious men. The work thus estab- tirew characters upon long ros of re and Ugly Hairs Vanish lished has been followed closely To Sergt. Inst. Gilbert of Physical throughout the whole history of the leather. Modes of To-day.) ® : of the best reading and recreation | lcbrated by The meal partakes of |, Of : Wednesday afternoon, the | moving ugly hairs. It is painless, re- rooms in the city and a library of |S Sacrificed. ® mag) panias "ip teachers of the city schools and [quires little time and can be used in fourteen hundred volumes. ® the nature of I of 11 n Toa b is { 30Mme from the surrounding district, [the privacy olgyour home. Get some Shortly after the society was eg.| hich the shoulder of the lamb is {0p have been taking the course of | powdered delatone and with water eaten, pravers and songs are m physical instruction in connection | mix enough paste to cover the ob- tablished arrangements were made . pore ios are : : : Vacuum Cleaner S | for the purchase of a banner, and the dulged in and other ceremonies are fyi tne Strathcona Trust which has | jectiénable hairs, Apply for Z or 3 order for the work on' the same was | ©P%Tved: been conducted at the Macdonald [minutes, then rub off, wash the skin, to ok . h rs ee Ce or i sché S a tir as 5 3 1 it will be left softy, clear and given to the sisters of the Hotel Dieu CT RSBRYTE 0 chool for some time past, presented and ] ™ in the latter part of 1874. After the PRESBYTERIAL UNION Sergt. Instructor J. Gilbert, with a hairless. This method is inexpensive We have \ acuum Cleaners for Rent bv the Day: banner was completed at a cost of Te Hold Canvention in . Cooke's ]purse of gold in appreciation of his and entirely harmless, but be sure m 3: PP aly approximately $400, the ceremony of Y . viday services. W. H. N. Gill, of Reglo-|to get delatone or the result may.be The Big Time and Money Saver, blessing the same took place in St.| ni Church on ria . | polis college, made the presentation | disappointing Mary's cathedral in the month of The. Kingston Presbyterial union The caretaker at the school was also 0 : 3 oy. | Of Sunday schools and Young Peo-|given a purse of gold by the teachers. - If you are going to purchase one, see ours before you Pelruat 1575, Jue Slieating clormy- ple's societies meets in Cookes|* Tho course. which was common ond Your New Easter Outfit decide. Tt will pay vou. since deceased. The cathedral was| church Good Friday in aungal Son on January 12th has been conducted ' oe . |B [crowded on the occasion, and the ser-| vention. ~The Kingston Presbytery | under the direction of Sergt.. Instrue- Will be up-to-date if you 3 mon was * delivered by the Rey.|COVers territory from Belleville to}ior Gilbert. Two classes were held buy it here, and the price will Legged and Platt Springs. Gananoque and north to Sharbot| .ch week. Sixty-five teachers took be the lowest in the pity. Our Any Sizes. Father Stanton. The first public as- COS. sembly under the auspices of the so-| ake. Delegates are. Xpected from advantage of the course, wh'ch con- line includes: Suits, Top Coats, | Reid's Quality. Reid's Low Pri very ¢ resbytery. siste k sh 8 of strueti hi n . ' clety was held in 1875, and Justice every church in the presby 1 | sisted cof thirty hours of instruction Shirts, Ties, Collars, Hats, McGuire, now of Prince Albert, Sask. The afternoon session will consist [in physical exercises. Gloves, Boots and Shoes. JAMES REID, * ® was initiated after the close of the|Of addresses from Rev. Dr. Alexan- The examinations were conducted a der Macgillivray, Toronto, provincial | ,, Monday Tuesday and Wednesday Come in and see for your- PHONE 1 ceremonies. J . : AKE The Electric Sh The first set of regalia was order- | Secretary of Young People's societies |of this week by Major G. H. Gilles- self : Tin LeABING UNbEnTAKEn. 0 ed from the sisters of Providence in [And Sunday schools, and Rev. D.pje. On Monday afternoon the oral : STOVES AND RANGES. e the year 1875, and the Fiske, missionary in North Hastings. | axaminations were held while the [SAAC ZACKS Phone 815. Wellington St. procession in which the ar oY okie The union supports this mission. Re: written ones took place on Tuesday a Saye argo stock 91 Stoves ang EC part was on the 17th of March, 1875.4 Ports will be received from delegates. | ang Wednesday ,afiernoons. The : 271 PRINCESS ST. niture 'carpets and quilts. Come sng Among the other gentlemen who Lunehdon Will be served to the )ieschers who: were Mending the: ex- 22° Minas of househo 1a goods. onsy have filled the president's chair were | 1€1e8ates, teachers 'and officers and |aminations dismissed their classes at| . The less a woman means it the | mm SnGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. --- Sunday schools in ty. Ten-year 3.30 o'clock. All the successful can: | loudef she can laugh. Phone 1580. Oppostis Crais's Wholesale. foung People's presentations from ? didates will be given certificates, AFTER GRIPPE societies. A table conference will he held immediately afterward, led Pt Cure a Cold in One Bay by Rev. Dr. Macgillivray. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE } my L : be Made Strong by Vinol - : a-- At th 1blic meeting in the even- _ a Fk . Easter : & John C.° Furman, of Clarion, Pa. Wy Ss will be delivered by Jailots. Deugglets refand i . ' 8 : says: "After a very severe attack | Rev. Dr. A. Macgillivray and Prof. |! fale to. cure WB Lox. onc A at a C ce Rl {of the grippe my system was in aly. 1. Morrison, Queen's university. |S&nature is on each WOR: ves ! Re weakened, nervous and run-down con- |Qur teachers, scholars and' members Eas 00 ear "a wih) dition. I had no appetite at all. I]gp Young Peoples' societies are cor- Jaster Hats. Ne MERE FL was obliged to continue with my dially invited to all the sessions We have your particular style, der- i work, and nothing seemed to help ma bies and soft hats, 81.50, $2, $2.50, ' , What could be more : Wits : until a friend induced me to take A POOR RUN OF SAP 23, $3.50, $4. Campbell DBros., the We have on hand four organs, a Thom- becoming to mateh vour ; gu eeSte Rood resis Sable oT Maple big lat deslers; as, a Goderich, a Karn and a_Dominign, 1 Ea » e hrs DO! io cont t Y pS Su ¥ of Maple * SO - : Easter Suit than a beau- XBR oa use. ard am now sound amg weit na fT Ey ot rable Syrup FE. A. D. Morgan, Montreal, has en- which will be sold for $15, $25, and $35. tered suit against LeDevoir for $5,000 | We have taken these on part payment for . . | ever. Pn : 3 - titul pair of patent lea } . What is the matter with the sup libel in connection with the civic elec: >; New Seale Williams Pianos. : In health one eo t reali ho 3 i : tig ther shoes w ith eraven- | ne cannot realize 'W | ply of maple syrup this season ?"' was : h aver | depressed a person may become after id qu nape many a housewife asked | ORs + TAD ) os ) Home--the place where you are If you wish an organ CHEAP, come treated the best and grumble the and see them { see " ette top? Or a pair of p 4 y | trying ope remedy after another with- on the local market on. Thursday. ° beautifully modelled (CREEP (Be Form oa, oon to ot Fry Tl wy he a oe v ? 2 o a t : " Lolonial Pumps? We N ih Lit is to find help and be restored to fered ar hn will - o Motarevde and side car; see classi- Pinos and Gramophones for sale on ve them im Suede, { health and strength. ver r crop of it this year. fied 'advt. asv yvments ; Patent, G Mot 1 i fy ( { It is the combined action of the gh correspondent the Whig [| The sentimental youth who is, dead eusy. paym nt ! un Metal' anc PES eR ; i medicinal curative olements of cods' | has throughout the district had some- | in love comes to life again. 'Nubuek. ony livers without the, greasy oil, afded thing to "say shout the maple syrup by the blood-making and strength lorop, and everyone made the remark 2 a creating properties of tonic irom, [that thers was a very poor run of 9 that makes Vinol so efficient in Wuild- sap. This is dud to the eold weather ing up the weakened run-down sys- [and the lack of sun. tom, a | We guarantee Vinol to give . you Men's Ester Hats Cure nu Montreal St, KINGSTON. "perfect satisfaction. Every new style and at ev : : COTE Mgr. Stare open every e Geo. W. Mahood, druggist, Rie | SOc. to $6, at Campbell : n 1 J ' ston, Ont. style centre for men's hats. ? EE :

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