Would Be Pleased To 'Show You Our Selections of Woolens Fo or. die Coming Seasdn EERE Crawford and Walsh, I TAILORS Princess and Bagot Sts. : Kingston, Ont. NO CLUE DISCOVERED & yg Watertown, N.-X, BS Than ovTeeT 1 THROUGH SELL~| oy irtawn Thues, N. Yoy Z ING CORPORATION 'The police hve discovered the wame a we of the woman who ieit the two-weeks The Latest Organization Will Leave ad baby. girl 3H ihe New York Con: % w | BFA passenger station in this city on Ouly Half a Dozen '"ludependent" |, as of March 28rd, but 'there . Plants in Ontario. ig still no clue as to the whereabouts ? 3. " helol the woman, who gave her name as WIA oi oh SR re. Storms and who came here from i | Kingston, Ont. Dutaste. Hive entered ints an a Aecording to the information obtain through a new sales. corporation x by he poli a the Womsa pure hased rin ei ha her ticket about on the abernoon which has secured. a provincial £hir- of MardhN&ird in Kingston to ride ter under the name of Canned Goods, that fimited, capitalized at $100,000. The|RIT8S ON the ie in the Sage She ompany will have a board of twelve plies he BN. Sjndston = i np directprs, representative of the part- the. immigration authorities. that ~she ner factories, and Ats general sales wai coming to Watertown to wisit re Bgents for anata will be W. H. Mill- Iatives. Upon arriving at Cape Vin p E hy a , vent she took the 'traim to this city, Mr. Millman sald that the new | vine here about five o clock, and company will be making a public an-|o hoi time antil the 6.30 train for nouncement in the course of 'a few lg. noise she waited in the 'station days, At the -same time it willp mo ep "pop announce its schedule of prices for| si (he station she told anolher wo- canned goods for the season, which, mun that she expeeted someone here he promised, will produce a favor-|i,m the country to meet hee and take able impression from the standpoint |y away, But when the passengers for of cheapness. The company pro-{ij. 6.30 train. got out of. the station, poses to keep its prices down to al, disappeared, and leit the baby be small margin of profil, securing|yind her. greater 'economy by the pooling of| jiver since that time she police have the partners' output, thus regulating |[jeen working on the ease, and al- the" supply more accurately to the|though they have traced her back: as demand and eliminating losses|jar as Iningston,. they have not heen through the fierce competition |yble to trace her bevond that point, which lately has been prevalent in|and have no further information con- the industry. It is said that each|cerning her. Neither have they may in partner factory is to retain full con-|jormation as to where she went fom trol of its own administration, the|here or where she is now : pooling agreement extending only to] Whether the woman gave her right the sale of products. name is not known by the authorities, The competition of this organiza-| but a peculiar feature of the case - is tion will reduce the number of "inde-| that the woman who left the baby pendent" canning factories in the | here on that date gave the same name province to about half a dozen,|as that of the people who teek one of chiefly in Western Ontario, all the the babies that was abandoned in the others being already organized along] city during the past year somewhat similar lines in the Do GET Away ny RUSE It's Time You Had Your Spring Overcoat & Suit Your Sn r coat looks stuffy--get rid of The robins are fiere, vai know, with their new Te age. It's time yon had. yours, THE RIGHT STYLES ARE HERE. . 4 Re 'i sie . Spring Coats, $10 to $18; Spring Suits, £7.50 to $20.00; Spring Hats, $1.50 up. Boys' Suits in tweeds, dark and light shades, right up to the minute, sizes 26 to 34. Special $3.45 Boys' Serge Suits with bloome I pants, all sizes, Spec Nal... .. $3.45 Men's Raincoats, English make, Raglan and yigh shouldeérs, worth $10.00, special for Satur- 100 pairs of Ladies' Tan and Black Button and . Lace Boots, all sizes in the lot, values $3.50 to $5.00, Special for Saturday Louis Abramson B36 Princess $t.The Uptown Clothier. day established headquarters here. He ASTE ~ Togger A Grand Showing of all that's i newest and best in Men's and Boys' Wear Is now ready for your inspection at this store. The i average man does not know the difference between a pure wool fabric and a cotton mixture. And ano- ther point is, that so much can he omitted from a Suit without showing on the surface, that it is almost impossible to detect these faults, We buy from [some of the best manufacturers whose reputations are unquestioned, and we sell vou our clothes only L with the distinet understanding that if they are un- satisfactory, bring them back to us. Our prices are always a little the lowest. Men's Suits are had at $9.50, £11.50, $13.50, £15.00, $18.00, £20.00. Boys' | Suits from $2.50 to £9.50. The Balmeann will arrive Saturday morning. i This is the very lagest ereation in a "gentle 'man' Ss top eoat. Come and see them. New Neckwear, New Hats, New Gloves. ENA YONEY & CO. 127 Princess "Street. minion Canners, limited, and kindred corporations. i pore Frisco 'Officer Mus rying Time At- KINGSTON "BOY LEAVES tempting to Arrest 30. es TE San Francisco, April 3.-Singlehand To Take Position of Wireless Opera- | «d, Patrolman Michael Miller raided a tor Aboard Ship gambling house in Chinatown and ar- George Melobd, aged sixteen | rested thirty 5, hinese, but when he years, a student ut the: Kingston Col- | reached the police station he had only legiate institute, hasgheeh 'appointed | five in his paris ; Beier a wireless operator on 'ome of the You sh uid kao hetter, Mie, ocean liners. He left to accept his esouihen the tush ay hea ew position, McLeod has been do ry n iA a/yes uy mH Jou studying. the wireless apparatus for|i} al Chel you. expect 1 ¥ the past couple of years: Some "Vou 00, serpents" anid 3BHer time ago, he, in company with a "1. haven't heen on. the Chinatown couple of boys from the institute, heat Sines the Chinese turned republi- erected a wirgless apparatus on the cans and started to patronize the bax- roof at the Kingston Collegiate insti-|; shops. In the old days an oflicer tute. After considerable work they with a wooden ler could have hrought were ahle to get im communication mm thirty "of them without a bi. of ith some of the wireless stations in trouble: but when I made the raid aud this vicinity reached for their sealps," 1 found that After perfecting the Apparatus G. every blessed one ol an had got a fession. He left for the eity of cues together." Three Rivers, Quebec, where he will np -------- sail from that port. His many friends Old C.P.R. Conductor Dies wish him every success in his new Kemptville, April 3.--Thomas Beg sphere in life. iev, who has been a resident of hempt --- ville for the last few months, died COXEY FORMING. NE Ww ARMY [here at the age of sixty-seven. The = late Mr, Begley resided in Ottawa un- Expects to Tend 500, 000 Unemploy-|til about Christinas, wheh' he moved ed Men to Washington io Kemptville. He was cotidhetor on New York, April 8.«<Jacob 8. Coxey ! the Urescoft and Ottawa branch of leader of the famous "army" of un-|the C.P.R. for a pumher of years, ahd employed" which bore | his name and [formerly ran a train on the Brockville marched on Washington in 1894, to. {and Ottawa branch. : Ta Four vears ago he married Miss Vie torin Dixon, of this place, who, with v little daughter, survives him said he would spend several days look: | oe after plans for the mobilization of the New York wing of an army of Souder Sets tes 500,008 men, which he intends to lead Police Found Drogs into the national capital some' time Cambridge, Mass., April 3.=May this month. Hazleton, twenty-one, alleged to be the main division of the army, he one of several voung women en said, will leave Massillon, Ohio, on gaged "in the @portation from: New April 16th, and will be joined outside | york of morphine and other drugs, Washington by the castern division. was held in #800 honds following a RR raid on the house at No. 148 Har- Real Estate Transfers vard street, Cambridge. The police The. following salés have been re- yan a large quantity of drugs and ported 'through the: office of E. W. injection layouts. The Hazelton girl Mullin: Building lot on Markland says she lives at No. 1850 West For: street, owned by John Grant; de- Lt Seernd street, New York. tached frame dwelling, No. 39 Di-| ° sie vision 'street, owned by George Boys' sweaters, from 3%. Dut- Charles; brick dwelling, corner, +. 1 Chatham and First street, owned by | McLeod decided to enter the pro-|huircut, which' preventeds tying their * CHINESE FOR JAMACIA wh oh, touching at New York, will forfeit $500 and a fine besides. For take them to Jamaica, 'where they|that reason, they are carefully plantations. Montreal, April 3. -- There cre ent Wvery one of the Chinese is in Gesitlomen of Yeisure are sometimes Chinese in the 'immigration: quarters 'hond. He comés in like a piece of] gentlemen in no other way. of the €.-P. RR. at the Windser sta- baggage. If the C., P. R. lost one Lhe man of many excuses ia not a tion. here, waiting for the first hip of them, the cogpany would have to iob getter, a Monreal Awaiting Shipment 2 1 vei int Of Woman, Who Peserted Baby at) Fifty Are in Care of €C.P. R. oa work jon the sugar and coffee] watched and the windows are barred. ---- YOU PAY LESS HERE ah 1 Po - The Suit | ; | The Coat House \MENDEL.S Houee. ---- a - SPECIAL EASTER OFFERINGS -- ON SALE SATURDAY AND MONDAY ar b5-Ladies' Woal Serge Dresses85 (AT. EACH > ; v Ta BACH Fach made in the latest styles from fine quality serge--all sizes--in colors Copen, Navy and Black. Regular $7.50. To clear $4.45 each. 350--EASTER SUITS--350 250--EASTER COATS 250 Are here-ready for veu - to make For ladies, misses, girls and chil- vour selection. Exelusive models-- dren, sport coats, Tango coats, Nor- no two alike. No matter what your folk coats, silk-lined coats, reefer taste hay be, we wean assure vou of coals, black and faney silk coats, , perfect satisfaction if you get your crushed velvet coats, hrocaded silk Easter suit here. Madels to suit ev- and velvet coats, Paris model coats, ery figure. Priced to suit every baby coats, ete., ete. It matters not purse. Suits from $12.00 to $50.00 what style you want or what price ach, with every, price between, yon, wish to pay, we feel sure we can SEE OUR LEADERS AT $15.00 please you. A-pleasure to show you. AND $18. 00 Coats from $1.25 to $75.00 each. You ht he surprised at the exeep- See our Girls' Peter Pan Reefers, tional ues offered. fitting all ages, 5 yrs. to 16 yrs. New EASTER MILLINERY New Arrivals . ~~ We have just received Arrivals A large shipment of New ¥drk's latest ideas in stylish ready-to-wear hats, including the New Sailor and Watteau Models. Come" in and see the largest display of millinery in the city, marked at pricc#®that mean money saving for you. NEW EASTER NECKWEAR PENMAN"S HOSIERY C3. From 3p up. | Special B5c a pair, 3 prs. for $1.00 =~. P. C. CORSETS ; { NEW KID GLOVES Sele agentsig Kingston. ,See $1.00 All shatleg, yory special at $1 a pair. * Speeial. IFITIS NEW YOU WILL FIND IT HERE AT THE RIGHT PRICE. SEE OUR WINDOWS 132134 | MENDELS) Princess St Kingston's Only Exclusive Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Store. T. J. O'CONNOR, Manager. Phone 532. 4 W. Wilson, to Mrs. E. Morris; briek | === dwelling, No. 53 Place des Armes, , owned by A. G. Cumming; building lot 'on. Division street, owned by Vai- lier and Dillon to J. Johnson and W. Hartman; building lot on Livingston dvenue, (66x132 feet); rough cast dwelling, No. 304 Albert street, owned by E. Guess; five building lots, 'carner Russell wand Division streets, to W. Guess; building lot on Alwington avenwe, owned by @. Dupre, to Johh MeNiven: No. 364 dnd 856 Brock etreet, owned by Misy Connor; brick ' dwelling, corner Brock and Division streets, to y Warren; building lot on Russell street, -to J. Butler; frame dwelling, No. 446 Barrie street, owned by A. M. Darley, to C. Makoney; brick!™ dwelling, No. 161 Division, street, owned. by Mrs. M: Baker to R. Wat- fon, and ten others to cloge May 1st. Government Again Tottering Montreal Star It is to be gravely notad that Mr. Asquith's cabinet is again tottering,| according * to seme correspondents. We are quite convinced that this cab- inet must have a gyroscope conceal- ed within it which the correspon- dents have not discovered. The mare it rocks, the- move it rights it- self, Mr. Asquith"s downfall will come in time, but not through the melodramatic prophesies of pocket Isalahs. The only man to do this work is Mr. Balfour--net Bonar Law --and it may be doubted whether Mr. Balfour would eare to take office Just now and endeavor to settle the problems that must be settled. He . | is too shrewd not to know how to] 1 wait. Reached Penitentiary The Fournier gang--iather and son-- have reached the penifentiary from 4 Woodstpek. George Nels on Korner will serve 'a five-year sentences for per Jiurf and three years for theft, hath '| sentenves to run 'concurrently. isson John 'was handed out thee and two if yeurs on the same dhargos. z The Carleton Place Baseball elub '| has re-organized for the coming pt son. 1 The quality of White Rose four | 'SPRING CLOTHES as tailored by Ready for Service or Made to Measure. Never before have we been so well equipped to meet the needs of the smart dresser, who knows, and appreciates up-to-the-minute stylcs, combined with fine workmanship. v Everything new for men in clothesdom is here --Extreme styles, as well gs the more conserva- tive garments. Allequalin fit and workmanship. "Prices range from $18 to $50. : We solicit your patronage. - Courteous attention at all times. _ SHOPS OF [ASHION- ~@RAFT. K.P, JENKINS CLOTHING co. x i. PRINCESS ST. © © 1 na Bever varies.