Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1914, p. 4

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HURSDAY APRIL 2 1914, A CHANGE IS COMING ing out in pairs, at week-ends, and There-is to be an early election in | telling their little stories in politiéal ¥ * i . » . ) Wi - : : Tr ron with the dona) ue, LT Pe nm Sy iSe an Men's Fine Shoes, | TSE L...'. | Men's Fine Shoes, That much is certain All the signs Hon. Bob Rogers, who distributes fa- 3 - ' Lo " if vours in the form of pubiie buildings - 20th Century $4 00 i y % Foon Just Wright $5 00 i ' til . ernment has been opposing them. When is the work fo be undertakes ? ur ue . uits The wesult will be seen in the elec The mayor some time ago felt that ANS time moh ky HPICIBIY that z : . : . g © ch more completel an . { . tion. The labour party is dissatis- the work on the harbour and the Any sort of employment whatsoever. Are real gems. Fabric . pure . ' fied, It was kept ont of its deserts work .on the eansewav should proceed na fore stars While. tho goverment [together ud he roc Wren]. A ee son. sor twin (ll wool worsted model. The new Ox:| Trom mouth to mouth marked. Vitge on tho Compensation {wing done to. bring this objec py ford, very chic and dressy style. question, and it has beén treated {about ? Johhny Raving ArTivan ab His. th lightly on the amendment of the Fae- ' a rarest ' hoo} birthday, thought it would be real nice "w . + Saskatchews ture » Schoo "th {ory det. The women ste distin: | 11 Saskatchenn in future the schon} oF\pbelt SECHEML Jt Scheid bo seul nies Hand tailored by experts . Published Daily ana Bemi-Weekly by fied. They have been refused the |EFoMnds must he large enough for | is the way he began: "My dear papa--- HE BRIT SHING . " 2 garden plots, aud play grounds, and Whenever 1 am tempted to do w rong .P : sufirage, when they can qualify . as |f oy 3 Rinks 5 Cs ip hos to ubrage, : in the buildings the area of window | think of you and Jay: 'Get thee behind : Ag . @, ot sasesmnnieserass ident | voters in manicipal elections." The me, Satan. - e Ye . y . fal A. Guild oa Peden: a 'disantisRa glass must be equal to at least 'one poi . : . ™ and "Bel Treas. temperance - people are 'dissatisfied. Those west- e PecCia 1Ze mn . i point' in the same direction. The |The cox? Oh, darn that. Tt does 7 liberals of the . province are hearten: 3 { . - vp pot count in polities | . ed, and for two reasoms: The par- i od ty in the legislature has been stand- \ sum of $30.000 was appropriated | . h 4 . ing for many reforms, and the 'gov {last vear for harbour improvements. 8 Too much idleness fills up a wom 0° sixth, of the floor .space. Mami id Hitle girl y » have been offended hy the man- sl Mamma---1yid mamma's ttle gi They have been offer ¥ ern people are quite progressive. 'Lhe keep baby still while I was away? ner in which. their petitions have' heen province has an up-to-date minister of | Mamma' little girl--Yes'm; but nex' rejected, and the way in which sonfe time I wish you'd let Susie. plas wiv . oes education, and Ontario has mot. officials of the government have op me, 'cause it's hard work for jest one erated against them. The support- | The Hamilton Herald savs the Whit- [to set on him all the afternoon, ait ne JoAL: : ip ade : Ww hoo 3 8 8 « {ney government has been side-stepping 3 . ors of the schools are dissatisfied. { n Vv gove Pr Mamma (explaining spiritual Cos, s 3 Tear 15 Uy hea 8 oe $560 They have been trifled with in many | on the woman's franchise question. It to! her little. hoy Tommy. when . tml Wael BhdS, ways, especially in the matter of the {has failed to meet a common demand, You leave yor body behind; only Une year, by mall ......... 0... 1 88 | bi-lingual schools. 'Then the Hanna | that. the bars be closed on holidays. ir soul ROUN to haven. 2 bt apa gl pio fata? and Ferguson caset--and the bad im- | the Herald has it that the hotel men | TOMMY--Well, mamma. tvhat will I, pression which was leit when the ma- | WOUId In . . bars closed on holidays, as they do Mamma--You and your button my pants to® most willing to keep the ttached is one of the best ob peinting offices In Canada. . "3 not like the {rade upon these days. |are doing nothing bit sic : TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE The i looking rable. Why HE Sma PRN y 2 an extraordinary | 1he government protects jt ooking miserable 1) EK, vr ron 38 Lr Bt. through the house an ext: aor linary play something? : New York 8. iiiea. 226 FUT measuré of personal protection--and Little daughter--~We is playin Ne ou Tr ie | the general record of the government IPUBLIC OPINION| ns i os hind jority in one case suppressed the evi- dence, and in the other jammed (Muggests a change. This government ARISTOCRACY vs. DEMOCRACY [has ruled long enough, for the good of the pravinee. Under the circum- Cat Can't Eat It A Vielous Locomotive, One really believes that the par- ; What are the passer stances it is evident that an appeal |. Montreal Maj out of the window for liament of Canada is hecomin i o g quite : ; Canada' f r : io to the people will cause wonderful anada s output of pig jr ol gentlemandy and decorous in its, de- F F LL TodSe a Ww a was a recorq pal mH 8 iron in 1913 lady passenger on tre change in the naliticat complexion of " 6 only com: » comductor came through bates when he reads the Faoglish plaint is that you» 'an't a | a 2 s | : r ous eat pig TE a papers. Mr. Churchill was shock- : t legislature. } on ---------- i niu o a, 4) Our Br 0 WW n t 5 cet » ¢onducto : 'Was on 1 e ack * s 3 ul S ing the imperial hoifse an fog days As petrol, because of the larger use : » Rr ! Decision Unaily the | alimous | next asked." | 1 .ngo, and charging that the opposi- | of if, and the growing demand, is be tion was causing trouble between" the | coming dearer, the Alcohol Motor | Fast Fife will just about make "Oh, ne, ma'am assure ' 1s A : d Be ol Litton Tg. Taortietite Heer am "#% pure all-wool English worste army and navy, and that military | Fuel company of I nglandereports that | Wpattmous on the issue of parliamen th Hey." a Ove ry up the alley . men, who = had Rone into - polities | the supplies they need can be found in {ary government Versus military renter mn rich shades of brown light dark : . ' ' rule. were at the bottom of it, and the in- | potatoes, beet root, Toronto Glohe grain, peat, wood- | Go Ahead, Johnny. Higators of it. Te was' assailed | Pulp, sawdust and molasses, and the The Pessimist Again and medium shades. with "Withdraw." "Subaltern." and | Scientists are already busy upon' all ; Hamiltan Spectator | « i : John Redmond and his nationalist | ' N d his national: be 3EE ew Harvard models. "Rat." Mr. Churchill did not seem these things, eollea 1 e © . on i J -------- yieagues can be safdly credited with | 0 oh to mind. He got back at his as LORDS IN ACTION £OLUng an otherwise harmonious ey ne Soriety Brand Clothes pire indo a pretty pickle, sailants by declaring that they were It » . . 1 ne given to "disreputgble tactics," and | . trange evidences of its wisdom, as Some Phophecie 8 \ he was not ealled to account. for the | : me Jophecies " ' Ir y v4 4 the" supe pr ighe islative Toronto 1 1 Lo x uke of wide ental dangunge. Jt le" supe rior or higher legislative Christi or nto Mai : u an some A re ' ipariiam chamber oi the\ emgfre. Some" time iristian. Science is recognized as - rf is a remavkable fact, by the way, ago Lord Newton expatiated up medical science hy the New York | Eo) \ & that soma disturbors ¥u bath the Lords a8 e . pa ral ed upon legislature, and i8 likely to enjoy : Su ts 1 5 00 -~ YY, + 8 , 3 oi and Commons are' the men who have ® Yalle ol 8 racing.stable as a the compliment until there comes an | \ : 1 yi Overcoats 15.00 served in tbe army and navy and means to an end, and that end the | epidemic of smallpox or typhoid { { who now. in retived Wie. are th ost glorification of the owner of horses : - wh | N : d 4 y hy e L The Pad . ti a p-- | ew Master models, plain shades lish: Cheviots } : English Cheviots 'in a . wy at ¢ in the Derby. or bitter fin' politics--Berasford, Roberts, Hat y could win the Derby Lora Hamilton Herala Rosebery happened to have kuch a "I feel," says Sip Melvin Jones, | pin dots and checks. " Expert tail light dark & medium : ' Melthuen, Pole-Carew, Lee, and oth . > ra "Blood" 'will tell. and the stable and, aceording to my ford | "that the liberal party has deserted . f 1 ] : : DOE | Newton, he owed his distinction in | Mme." That is the natural plaint of 0 blood, of aristocratfe England is re- politics to the success of his horses. | £¥6ry man who joins a - political par. ! ring, SO tro ape S. shades of grey in the Two and three button St. 8, genteel Chesterfield : abubea: bery eloquence in dealing with any : 1: s church, land, insurance, and howe public questfon did not count for Landon Advertise style. Satin sleeve lin- belling against the demeracy Af the ty in order to. further his own wel % 2 ul ement Earning great comple or " at d : rule mov ments. Sia anything. Mr. Balfour, says. ord She ing ii 3 a Spl x - = 4 | on. doy ou 'look for - Ings. Bartell Patent " "By law the anto speed in the eoun- | Newton, was a loser politically Le- | ming has been' trained to Pry: ! : I Jaan ur d S are an eS t Al 3 ' : . pockets | sizes * . . House of Lords, is giving some ------_ a after w iter Value of the Farm i v ; : fondness for literature, and the Rose the social reforms of the day, in the x , a io - . . : The Rosebery mind, the Rosebery |: day. Tt is manifesting itself in all - J : Y | iare. try is 10 be twenty-five miles sn hour, cause he was not a racer Practically | interests, and the sociesly. of books, | A Daily Thought. will" never find life on the mo io, little book, and wish to never greater, and® fifteen miles AN [on this account he was driven ont hour in the city. ut the Councils must {of the party leadership de ™m farm dull, as it has been stig matized of old pass bylaws (0 this effect and erect | Lord Willoughby de Broke, mot so signs at the limits and where the long since, scandalized the house by ! . «peed changes. Madcap autoing, hy po Enki ; admitted that he and his party had the way, seems to he disappearing i oh ga i 4 | ingston vents : | suffered the loss of prestige because, 25 YEARS AGO ---------- AN OPTIMIST IN VIEW in the sale of baronies to men who * ! wliling to pay for them, they : SPenranicen. \ local butcher who was called to Wt tals + 3 . rs the upper end of the ity for ' hy t tion. to '"'deliver the goods This order, only to find tht it wan oni { Ma i'he other day some members of the | Were were not in a position, in opposi- 1th; the k commons, in a spirit of levity, or in a * gentleman has been getting | April fool jok : 4 doubtles§ soaked in the next election there would be no | fame gentle ha g g 3 b Ool joke, was warm under the and & Yohim fn notice, of a kind, by discuss- | coll A livery man sent a vehi nd a ' t-Yifo- We Soa ves § cle to the poor house for an injured | : RPalglil * EE ------ i 1 8 vouth spirit of boastfulness, intimated that more liberal representatives from New Bruns \ ing Lord Newton's amendment to the wick. This reminded one of what hap- h iil» Foes Act amd to the 140 and wae sadly disappointed. . ole Upon Fhe Steeda pened in the palmy days of conserva- | Territorial OX¢ . 3 J. McKenty, Kingston, was ap Know the tr 1th tism, when a greater one than Mr. [efiect that no military system can pointed house surgeon at the genet BUI R 1 y ral hospital . - girl by tires men deep . ; Wh a t ' ' Borden led the 'party. { be made affective and valuable "which wst a look their Hon. Mr. Fo®tér was then at the There were 'sixteen births, eight v here breasts deaths and twelve marriages during | And would be most ama ol he wer Have You Tried hoad of the forces down by the sea, [ciple of universal service." He ad- March i: afore . p 0 itte . y effects of this ' : vy " told she did +h and, just before the polling dav, he mitted that one of the effects o The work of filling the new water | A sixty-dollar suit of clothe & Wat g X was asked 'what he thought oi the 'legislation woud be 'to rope in the tank erected by the eity was com- | er well may thank X GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? : situation. OF course he was sanguine | vich for military service:" «menced to-day. It will take two [For hiding 'twenty cents in cash ar . (1 ou of success. His Larty would sweep | The debate that followed was il-ydays to finish the job overdrafts in bank . | J otus, ; Hi vs Wop soup Te En PE or In this world of fakes guloro:y. It Baves Time. Ji the province of New Brunswick, There Iuminating. The Ian of romer ; ah : a Lh ; ; . eedn't ever dream _ would be 'nothing left of the liberal was not quite sure where he stood [5S dN er That mere tha 2 few thing / party. And when the smoke of battle on this matter, but he was willing y 8 are ox ! they seem E . WA LSH : ee passed away, on the eventful day, the to follow the leader of tho opposi | | éston Star conservative parfy's representation mn tion anywhere. Lord Ribblesdale : ! 3-57 Barrack Stress the commons had . heen wiped out. realized that the scheme would make \ -- Ts'o leather i : : bven Mr. Foster had lost his seat. "a lot of comfortable people un : 2 y : X a £00( 101 YB one) Later he found 'a resting place in On comfortable." Lord Roberts wanted ) FILIPINO FREEDOM. ; and Boys' Boots: tavio. He has not been back in New thoroughly democratic, T hope nnd assume that the : bresent administration is merely ams or ale f ry Our $2.00 and $2 50 1 1 is the, army Brunswick, as a party leader, A made up of all classes, with, promo- making itself acquainted with the situation. When it gets the not likely to be. » : x i Hou. Mr. Tweedie, who is the lieu tions on merit. Lord Lucas said ep ' of | the bill meant that "the rich should THUR-DAY, APRIL SECOND serve the poor," and it was an 58 facts 1 have not the slightest The following is a partial list or , y doubt that it will see its duty as farms we have for sale in Kingston ' tenant-governor of the province of . . . New Brunswick, has been on a tripPin . ON. F. A. ANGLIN - ¥ ' f a: xs 3 Ni 4 N N, puisne judge v the west, and, going home via Mont- workable, proposition. I 1 one H of the Suprente Court of" Can.|] We BaVe seen it who have been district: - : real, was asked ii he proposed to re-|that neither Caesar nor Napoleon "ada. completes his fortynintn!] there THis is to encourage the . S 4. completes his forty-ninth | Filipines to take as.active a part . ® $ is not based on the democratic prin turn to active polities. He admitted could enforce, it was one that even . we rw Wee ve $1800 shat he-hadt hal urged to assume the [the founder of the Chrisitan religion | T&F to-day. 'He is one of the ables [| in the government fl 1 is sife erin = » . = om 31800 . Uatdersiip'of Fhe Tinal parce, sad Lo hod prossied in vain. It we ion Jusigt st the present tm, being a || to have tifem take. bt to retain . nw teat ere King Street. confessed that it would be difficult to | lief When the debate was adjourned, close student, a quick thinke: and an | a controlling hand while they Wenn ves ] po fter | and St will be a greater relief whin | Impartial {nvestigator.* He first gatned || are fn their tutelage, while they ee Mea Le ee $3250 resort to economical government after 'he a g i Vo recognition when a young lawyer pme.|| Are learning political self re- 85 ' wo $3500 $3600 $4500 the gstravagances of the chiiservatives. { the lords pass on to something which straint. Woo nos non Mine gow Asked if the strain would not be light | they can handle with greater ease and Suing in Toronto, He Yn engaged It will take certainly twg gen- TIE amet Sioa Ey { 4 : upon him as a member of the opposi- | decorum. ol r Mau who L &rrest-i1 erations, perhaps longer, for Te am ig - ra 70 MN y ; " 1 Ol a charge of fortune telling and | them to do this, and for us to Lay ey i i tion, he quickly replied : will not o AREAS. os ' q y. ref | EDITORIAL NOFs the case came before the Court of! rromise within nny definite time - Id Slam Alter that there was some talk: of have il salaries were provid®d for the seven corisecutive convictions in the very foolish. It would be a fail- 30 iv win wan omni b). roa ure in duty to them. It would. be We vgn Wem ete Te a failure on our part in main- 120 ee eB Mt Es 50 $6000 the' better times in New Brunswick, the better outlook for trade, and the representation of the province in the : $5250 be in opposition, as we would win. | : 5 f : . Nay, what a time Kingston would | General Sessions There had been|| to give them independence is ae ae sw ea pte o BB500 -- $3500 - g $5750 : $57. aldermen and these aldermen under Court and the prospects were by nd! took to earn their stipends ? Kings } means bright. However Judge Anglin | : commons, hut, #0 iar asthe conserva- tod. mAs some dag: Smitate Toronto, took a clever line of defence and Soy She Sei rushes tat hg Wut te Miss, sie ie ¢ tive party - Onterned it would hava" © the extent of having a Coun-} showed to the satisjaction of the Jury | responsibility that hus I cowie v0 men end $8000 | heen more appropriate or funeral ike | © "Mich will not obey the chair, and} that the prisoner Md nor depend oc | us under circumstances we could | | 170 Tm ol ae had this talk been of "graves and |" the police. the element of chance in his trans '| qt control and which we are 160 if sve v mew Loo aves $O500 : " . rg . ; nt Bsess > uite able to discharge with com- 0B un. ms yin worms and epitaphs. - Surely there is something amiss with actions In possessed a scientific 9 i ES ; Wee mee Bow mun Boe . : w y is paratively si 1112000. , « ... us Cham Clark uve the ; ied {the immigration policy of the govern Suskiedge ot phtetsingy, she sg . r Meher iat, Saul 250 -- sem ean .e ot so i, ta i . | presulont. is ment when eight handred men are whe WAS Detect! eaitimate, Thi Tow the eloquence of the smooth 200 w wwe ee yo $18,000 hid Po! nt as the congressmbn, dumped in Toroms. to add to the | M80 was accordingty acquitted. Ten spoken Filipino politicians' who Por trthas'ind a = > " Ph o because the president has the best *or thonsands there out of work, while thei Y®M® 880 Mr. Anglin: wis made a are looking hungrily for the ex a formation apply te NS f= = J 3 ive, h ods : Of ¢ oul of w » While the eh oie i a J Gi To a ongreauman has not farmers go without help. What sort Judge of the High tourt of Ontarig, « srcise of a power which they are T J 'LOC T 8 | Y ul oy C8 Le Jt now { United States has{ campaigning is going on in the old | I Which position he rendéred some adapted to wield for the bene- . - . # = TY RY BL 8 A President who is the adviser, and' Awa «W important judgments, and five yeors ft of thelr own people~Willlam 0 B k of Montreal ; =" i ith al dy 9 congress. is showing great sense in oe Ati -- 8g0 he was raised tg the Supreme H. Tate. 2 Phone 1085, or 1 ang as he advises, The members of pacliament are 80 ' Court bench. of ' KINGSTON, ONT, Same Lee am Blew 4 -

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