Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Mar 1914, p. 7

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apn 2 Ba of orn one of ote banking connection toreed adh banking business. With its Jarge resources, ex- - lug accommodation to all who have EE Belen Tia ther Boabior | Interest Paid on Ba 2hb eons axedss ney oy saw min the oldent- and strongest , Ranke in s and equipment, business to frapsagt. every Branch. E Terms moderate. eae Howard S. Folger 2 INVESTMENT BROKER & Stocks. & Life Insuran High Grade Bonds & Stocks Fire i o co District Manager of the EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE S00TRTY - "KENSINGTO: he Pas wb arg gud panes £30 th ests macatnm: When completed Pi A. tr residential spots in Kingston, EW 60.3120 FEET LOTS LEPY. J. 0. HUTTON and Insurance Agent will be one of the most de for oellY 18 Market §¢t, Kingston. Business In good Tocation. Fall line of kitchen and din- | "ing room equipment in first class condition. Snap for a quick buyer. GEORGE BAWDEN . our unequalled line of | See Antigue Furniture. A big line of all kinds of both new gnd secondhand furniture awaits your inspection here. Prices always low. Household goods bought and To inspect our stock of Hair os. Cambs, Tooth Fine rig nM ; Our stock is large and well assorted, and our prices are reasonable. THEM IN Sile VER i $10.00 TO $25.00. Insurance 168 Princess Street 56 BROCK ST. 'PHONE 68. A small frame House,'in good location, on Colling- wood St. Size of lot, 33% 13 Price $1,000, A new solid brick house on Albert St.,, modern and up to date in every avay. Price $4,600. Three storey brick busi: ness hloek, two stores on ground floor. Price $8000, Good solid. brick house, "Fe Alfred St., all modern. $4100 Double brick, Victoria St. furnace and lights, gas for cooking. Price $4100. GENERAL INTEREST A -------- Mappings tn in the City and Vi icinity ". ==What the. Merchants Offer to the of the Whig, "Rubber 'gloves,"" bbs. Pianos to rent at C, Co., Limited, 204 Princess stroet. (or. 3 . Ross Allen. and wife, of Olsan, are in the city visiting friends, 1 Nila Bwaine, piano tuner, Orders received at McAnuley's. "Phone 564. Heizape Salts," ut "Gibson" S. y A. Laird, "of Cambridge, came ta K igs on. oh Thutsddy morning, ta spend a few days. Ladies" upsto-date dressmaking} Miss A. Keys, oi Princess street. For everything in sheet music o@ ie folips, Dutton's, opposite pera H. Chaningham, piano tuner, 4} King © street, Leave orders at Y"IfRI A It is just ayear ago to-night sinea fthe: sleet storm came, which ruined so many trees all over the provinge, po ay kitchen worries, use White men of the Board tot Works the eity engineer will attend the hig roads' eonvention in Montreal n May The Iatest oe. Dutton's sale, not let a amall "For Sale™ 'advt, in. the Whig find you a buyer Jhnt house or lot Two drunks gathered in.by the pos on - Wednesday were given theid liberty, 'There was nq session of the police court on 'Thursday morning: Men or women, buy vour raincoat now and save $5. Dutton's sale. { Tah Blayd's Tron Ills." Gib a momentous session Finance committees will © ing when the tax struck. The rate will body's pocket hook, of the ei 1 be held t rate will affect evel By buying a "Newcombe," piano, now, you save 8150. wie. "Yoo oream bricks." Gibson's. A man driving a team belonging td Asa Hull, ~ of Wolfe Island, had 4 slight mishap on Thursday morning; Dutton's 'erossing the tracks . Restaurant I whien his whiflletree broke as he was at the foot of Clarence street. It looked like a run: away for 'a minute, but no furthes damage was done, as the horses werg brought under control, More 'bargains ! Cotton or flannel: ette nightdresses, 50c.; 75¢. handsome corset covers, Sle. Dutton's sale. Hg is a wise man who, when desir: inf to purchase a home, a horse, a piano or any other article, places. 8 small Want Advi. in the Whig. Then he oan make his choice from many of: fers and thus, at small cost, help him sell to a good bargain. Tey it mexi time. For SALE Black Gelding Nine years oid. twelve hundred. Weight, ing to This is an excep- tiopal opportunity. Sale: Saturday morning, March 28th, 11 a; WM. MURRAY, An AUCTION SALE. 25 horscs, from 12 to 15 ewt. at ay Siuare SATURDAY, PAPRIL 4th, WM. MURRAY, Pid. MeCOY, Auctioneer. Owner. Valuable Market Garden for Sale By Tender Parcel 1--Pagk lot 8, about 6 acres Parcel 2-~Park lots § and 4, contains ing @bout 81-3 aeresyin 'the Village of Portsmonth, the property of the late Mrs. Potter; separate tenders for each utioneer. 'h& property his been used as a market garden Sealed tein Will. be received by the Yaderaies Solicitors up to thé 31st March, Particulars may be obtained Ry Shien or the Egecutors, WALKEM & WALKEM. Tony PO NA PHILA? LASHFORD, Exectitors. NOTICE TO '0 CREDITORS, ESTATR oF IN THE Maden "or OF war SA LOW THE oF VIL TE PORT! StoRM. IN FRONTENAC, popular musie, two sheetd . you want td I 3 iE ag and Dyspepsia Tablets." Gibd Why pay so much for your piano 1 4! the best | LOCAL Sores asp mens ov | men's. Ww. Lindsay | of g Fug sivin work. under th Areo- tion bt: Mr. (i. A, Palmer, phy eal ins stractor, Grand Opera House, FRIDAY EVENING, March 27th at 8 g'elotk' General samission. 2 1914, ¢ Reserved seats, ah Kleschna In 4 Big Actix By the noted Dramatist, C. M. Mea Clellan, with the distinguished \meri- ean Actress, Carlotta Nillson stirring story of a woman's regener. ation, in motion pictures. The play that stirred the civilized world with its appeal for the helpless eriminal. Also a good roaring comedy. Admission, Mutinges be, Evenings 10¢. Ss, vot Wh ES of the Citlznns will be Neld-to dis~ cuss wie leading political. anestion: of the day. be delivered by T.W. HeGARRY, Hh) Renfrew, Ont. Resilies other prominent speakers, FRI. MARCH 27" 8pm. You are cordially "invited to be: present. Come and bring your friends with you. SALMON ep You wilh VER Naw Fad i ed al FRR] Fiat ¥ Liisi pr - INTY OF NOROCPR, DECEASED, CE is hereb, lven purgnant to fH of 139.58 8 1887, that Pa ving a: of demands ast the estate of the said 3 Samuel A 0 died on abou of 'Maron Yori, are 0 y post, or deliver to indarsigned trustees on or before ied day of April, 1914, their #n and surnames. ind Lad) : fall particulars in. writing claims, and. siatement of i} Units and the nature of the secur aT any) held hy cin, July yeri- FARE Votica™ ar "after the third day of Aprfl, 1514, the said p proceed to di Tribute | ts of the sald deceased among i rties Shiite thereto, TRIE Te: to the ms o ve notice, a the ai dy. Bare, 0. Hahie on sald as ret Ro 0 any per- _-- a ose oleitn notice h x ta Ee received at Pe of oR Jigs rimtion. E March 2 Bl hd GILL, ~ Er TE 7 anaiees for Executrix, Estimates cheertull y iven on all work. -Mullen's Marble fl Works, Gor Giergy snd addresses will | ET FEE tor ont wo r Hosp) cha FxrEENeE AEA ¥, Lruaza, iY Weirton" st, King: aa APY ay GENERAL FOR | LH ew ) TY ALL WANDS OF vo! ug done. Salisfaction guaran- teed, 457 Princess Street. HELLO! HELLO THE CARTERS AT the foot of Broek street have Jus: ' oe a Andi oon Ang ns rl Job. $37. you wilh ALLEN Stans rvatat 33, bedrest tes rn. ted, one eam tom' street re. cars. House Ei vid WANTED umn ATELY, sal. MAK erg and tent finishers an Ren rg $a Sons a Flag heen Petar baron ng, ne PERSO) Yo HE Eoroupond ng or newspapers: Send for culars. Pion: Syndi- cate, 1700 Lotkpare NY ih Shi pF HELP WANPRD. Smart for partment. Manager, boy malling de- Apply: Circulation Whig Office. i Tih a 1 14th: "Ap t nes. a0 A Toronto. 13 Dpum- «7 Pew broke Rt; tnte t Manager, 7 nse Ath LORE Ava Hable tion tu LIVER ansets, $01 Se ix Cad which ti gn 0 Sunil oad ition tor secu x u En ok dability of towes: poss! gre y renewing old or rates from rane vy: : Stranky ents, Phine 3 TO, LET TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Once," 25c; three times, 50c. STORAGE FOR clean and dry. stréet. FURNITURE, FETC McCann, 82 Broek WE WANT NOW A ©: 08en, Seam Fo ies Ee 5 PARLE alts Jngaton, ROYS NY mi can secn tions with us, holips. - Also erything from «& land pony outfits BOY ey anxious re a posi- Good. pay, prizes--ev >" to Shet- The work is Mterfere Apply to Princess efsy PE and not other duties & Co, Kingston, Ont easy need with R. Uglow Bt, 141 WANTED~GENERAL KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING CO. lade you¥ orders before the rush Wo. ve move storm windows, We also take orders for rentovin es. Phone 1418, or 849 Alfre st, 4 77T0 10 Room norse { WEN modern' convendences, from Maty 1st House must be situated south 'of Princess and east of Di vision St, ate rent and location Wiig office agh- TO RENT i Box 24 GENTLEMEN 70 BRING THEIR cloth and have It made up into up- tosilmts Suits. Price and workman ship guaranteed to please. Prefs- ing and repairing ane an the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 181 Brock street, near Bibhy's Gar: age -- -- me DENTAL Save ol rick Sree * Ru a I ™ a Ty a Woh 2 Baa atront VIOLIN INVTREOTIO Ne-M1S8 CHRIS. tine Coclirine; ' 78 Gore Bt, King. Telenb oie ne! EER SO, mani, - . pe ston. HOUSE, ws rooms Posse asion + ply 248 Brock St BRIGHT V withou Street, ARM board ROOMS, Apply WITH "on 261 King OFFICRS n CLARENCE ST. CHAM ply to Cimomgham & Ae a 79 ancy Bt. HOUSE, 300 QUEEN ST, FU RNISHED, hot' Water heating aud electric Ught "from Mat Yat Rnguireaf J C. Mitchell, 186 William St STORAGE FOR FU NITURE, CL! dary, airy rooms and ki Quesn own 16d Frost's dity "Storage: 3 it. Phone 528 FROM MAY 18ST, 914, LARGE OFFICE west de, first floor, 58 Brock St. adjo de Bank of Commerce. Ap- ply King: & €mythe, Clarence St ALFRED sT., 1 modern im- r heated. Ap. Alfred St, or provements: ply ta Ne 258 Bagot St Pa Sd THESE EVFECTIVE ADVE, Suse little. Ones, 25¢; three tines, 300; _ week, $1.90, : Abrix TO MRS 2 CLTIY, ® He ey Po ars 2% PIANO DARE Ru Sec INDH AND. en aL i tor ¥iothoins THER incon st. 0 CAND OAK ve ever ve, AE! ! » Sh APE. APPL Xo Loo "god Fie hd Victrola FY Ee Princess Ht. TWO YOUNG HORSES AT ALL ROU Sh One four years, other six. reasonable. Asp tress Co.. Prine ANYONE = HAVING 'SECONDHAND Stoves or Yurnititre for sale, call on mé for Beat class en J. Them gon, 333 Princess Ste Bhone 1690, ee NEW SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, NO, v1) Aberdeen Ave, 13 rooms, atl modesn: oon velo ness Owner Tea Ang ity; Apply at No, 1% Aberde: x Prive ys Sinmston Mats ALFRED ST, SOLID BRICK, TRY POOR, Bot wader cheating: al) moder improvementss © desp lof: garage, in first-clzsy condition, Phane 1435 , FARM, 50 8 ACHES "oh CONCESSION, township of Kingston, known 'as "Fuairbankls Farm? er particu- lars apply to J, Rr. leCann, Broek 8, Kingston. v LARGE NU wn oF BIO YORI and Ne. 1 speci I and traction tred Duglon tires. Carpet o Waning and laying George Mullen, 41% King St; 'Phone 1032 _SOBID BRICK HOUSE ov street. 9 rooms all mod- Toh Muprovements; guedl location: omy terms. Apply th A. K. Bond, 26 Frontenac St, Phone 743. NE w ONE NEW SAIL, MADE he®t Imperial Cotton head 30 fe, foot, 42 rt. leach, 45 ft. 6 in. Price Apply J. Turner & Sons, borough, Ont. eee HANDSOME WELSH PONY, 3 YEARS old, rupabsut. harness, $150. Also ten peormed house, improvements, eellar, barn, large lot, rents 'for $15 month. $1906. Apply 175 Pine = straet Dueck, "sive all, "27 fe, $100.00 Peters ONE 14 HORSE POWER TRACTION engine in good repair, suitable for any Kind of heavy: work. sta tier ary or othepwise, Owing to deat) in family ftoi8 not needed. on reasonable offer considered, Ad- dress Box 2, Route 1, Kingston. AD BRICK HOUSES, MODERN convenignees, Stephen street; frame cottages, with water, Pacpdek St Kingston ReaMies, Limited, Board of Trade Chambers, Canadian Bank of Commerce ds. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, marks and ohn iioishes WARTS, am Saye and Fan nly ars at 3 hy Fark ae Noss. Throat and Skin Specialist, 35 Bagot street. bd SCALP MASSAGE FON hair, dandruff, ete, tr ectricity "new treat men FL RN 16 welling 4 Hours 10 ry 0 Lo am. 'a Mm. and by appointment. MEDICAL . Ie B, CROWLEY, OF Be Surgery, 110 Ordnance St hours, 9-11 am. 2.4 pm, Phone 1698. AROCHITEOT WM, NEWLANDS & SAN, ARCHI. tects, ete. Offices, 258' Bagot &t Phove 698: AND Office 7-9 p.m. POWER & SON, ARCH] Brock nd WA nN a ecard So BUSINESS NOTICRA | KINGSTON na ORTRAND. TYPE. writing and Copyin ureau, 321 eens St All work strictly 'eon a os moderats. CATERING N FOR BALL SUP. pers, banquets, dinners, parties, ete, Silverware and cutlery to rent, For partiotlars apply to R H , Toye's King St. store. ESTIMATES, GIV ¥ C ARR TO PARTIES, Nn ALLS, Wedding break fasts, banaue ted wie! also rent dishes. 'table' linens and SHiverware Reid hd ao mhenole M. P. Reid 2% Un ryet, AR 176 ar Te oid Phones $13 or 302 AT CHOICE FARM, ONB GROCERY STORE AND DWELLING, -152 Ontario street; or will sell grocery. §ock and fixtures with privilege of tenting Store apd dwelling. Doing a first ass busi. i. (Good reason for sciNng. Ap- r F, X. Bazeaw, on the nremises, rt ---- HUNDRED and ninety«five acres, § milan from Kingston and 1 mile Strom lan « vale. Has an han spruce an Eo. rier TH fur or 3 ACRE FARM, PAn" OF LOT = dar nn Bevas: ark, Concession 8, Towns, ip of Kine- ston, Glenburnie: goon Young or- chard, good bouge aml barn, hen house and drill we good waiey at the door in a gabd settlement, onvenient te ehwreh and school Apply to RH. Faly, Kingston Stas tion 1.0, VENEER Rov Street, partly Large lot; d outbuildings NEW HOUSE ON. PATRICK he modern improvements, good sta dy for rick veneer, nA RAME WOUSE. AML TOV. mast" RDINER. (NSTIR. oa iane ney 1 to Loan, §7 Tlarencs EPIL EHS IRIE FOR SALE Solid Briek Dwelling, No 43% Rrack St. twelve rooms, madorn iMprovement, Posses: gion May lst. Price $4.060.00, Apply on premises. * ~ * * + + * * &* BELEPER ELAS SE LM bh bb bbb bbb LEGAL CUNNINGRAM & MUD tors and soliciors. La Claranesist ret, Kingston. . FURNISHED ROOM WITH OR wiTHOTT ne men prefarpad, hie 102 Rarl &t. retin in WwW, 1 Savin Yrenr wy artim Vo ork har mattress rennvatine. Do a raed or call 2 reat 16 Bagot st BOARD, Wonk. Price: reason- (iood Size Pea Coal, $6.30. ood Size Split Pea Coal, $5.00, These are good Coal Values. the newest ARLE nN Having in' stock a large namber of Suieny in Jin Monuments We are ally low prices hate Aprit i

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