Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Mar 1914, p. 2

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C7 3 Ea AE A WANTED BY PouiOR IN. ALBARY, N.Y. SE = Was Placed Under Arrest on Wed: He Forged Ge. for $30 MM 1» osest of the police in Al of tin Ernest Villard, a resident in Sap "for many, hr o- od under arrest, a by Folios Cons apn Baie son, and is pow at police dquar- igre, waiting the arrival of an officer ¢ to take him back. iagge against Villard is that of Jorgery.- While acting as general Rettary. treasurer' of the Internation that he forged | D'Alefigandro to | date given for | for Villard since early in January. t, bat. he could not be fouyd, aid it is believed that he laft the' a@ity. The detective department was instructed to keep ite eyes open for th -- accused, with the result that Cousty- | ble Bateson s gd in locating him Wednesday © afternoon about 3.30 o'clock. The prisoner, who is em- plbyed ag a builders' laborer, was Ig. bh Reinte® streei, i out for George It is believed that be will go Albany without objection and | ec. H not, it is under- T. J. Rigney is acting as | counsel for Yillard. Bought Tstand Mrs. Charles. ' O'Bielly, Smith's Fi purchased the Richardson | iust above the Ferry, Rideau The, purchase indudes a. fine a will 8. No Plensant days: on ha Ji. | ( Got Three Years. "Thomas: Davidson was: sentenced to three years in the penitentiary by Police Magistrate McNeely for stegl- ing a valuable four-year-old .mare, cutter, harness and blanket: belonging to Arthur Turmer. Appleton. David- | kon at one time worked for Turner, He was taken to Perth jail to await transfer to the penitentiary. [ Red Ripe Strawberries They are full-flavered, large, sound berries and only 25¢ the box, at Car- .novsky's. "On the corner.' Prevost, Brock strest; has repeived | {all his spri rg Be his order clo -made clothing Joparh ne furn- department. They are all well "with new goods: Word was received to places him under | stove, Syiadiion papers will be {po oy Qur : Dutton's removakisale. Come ! | cu mel Swot" Gib Rummage Friday and Satur day, Mareh, 27th and 28th, in store House. fo + K. Hapkett, actor, of New York, : * reported to be in the gity on Fhotsdny, ut he could nat be lo: ented. . " "Gas and Dyspepsia' Tablegs." Gib- . son's. Women | Buy no%. Boots all re duced. Dutten's D. M. Evans Sohn Evans, of Deseronto, have returned from Water- tana, X N.Y, after. 5 week's visit with "yg and Dyspepsia Tablebs." Gib: y 85 atent colt boats, *nitton Tor dace, Lait. Dop't, jniss yous the offerice is March: 20d, 1910. change - at Dutton's sale. = da bave been looking EL Legh ice cream bricks. Sold at Gibson's Red Cress drug he aneeting of the civic Property committee called to consider the mat: 1B of selling! the fair grounds has io a inn N buyer for apy arti: you have to sell, from an auto de Yor to a whedibarrow, try a Want Advt. in the Whig, Buy your trunk or suit case at Dut- tos "removal sale. 6. Elliott, of the Whig, went to a at noop, to attend the funeral of the late Freeman Britton, former editor of the Gananoque Re- irter. opresh MoConkey's sweets," Gib- es. look ! 0c, Liama sox, 2Ve.: bc. ties, 25c. President braces, duc; $1.25 lined gloves or mmitts, 79c. Dut- {ton's sale. { 1. 8. La Rue, of Toronto, came to the city on Wednesday afternoon, as chiel engineer of. the steamer Bicker dike... Last season he sailed the steamer Halifax. 1H » |i "Fresh, MeUonkey's sweets," Gib- son 's. All chocolate and tan boots must Very low prices. Dutton's re- | gy val sale. ! MoC lintock, business man- ager for Coban and Harriss original New. York company in, "Stop Thiel," is bere arranging for his attraction at the Grand on Thursday, Apo) 2nd. "Rubber gloves," 30¢. Gi Listen ! Bargains ! $1.95 Tw n louses, 75¢.; corset covers, 25¢c.; wash- ing underskirts, 5c. Dutton's remaval "Ice cream bric 8." Gibson's. ! Capt. Isaac T. Merry, of Ogdens- "burg, N.Y., father of FE. H. Mercy, leader of the Grand Opera House or- chéstra some years ago, died at his home on Monday, aged seventy-seven years. "Rubber gloves," 50. Gibson's. "Ice cream bricks." Gibson's. Look ! $1.75 black sateen blouses, $1; black sateen underskirts, B50o.; black serge skixis, $1.39. Dutton's sale. William Harty, Sr, will go fo Montreal to look over the report of ol ineer who has: been investigat- property of My Ca an Vonsmian 0: The holders will, next Ep . er the report of comymitiee. 1 4 the special ------------------------ DEATH OF YOUNG LADY Daughter of Rev. D. N. Morden ¥or. merly of Kingston Ottawa Free Press. Miss Daisy Morden, daughter of Rev. Di N. Morden, pastor of the Erakine Presbytglian church, died Wednesday moxping, at her iather's residence, 345 Bronson aveaue. The late Miss Morden was taken to the Protstiant gonoral hospital about a month . Three weeks ago jshe was taken, \ ans it was * thought, that ;she. was™. improving. However, she relapse on A Hogi, a wel Migs The newesy fish, Doaitul- rich colar, produced not by the brush, but by chemical fumes, permeating the pores of the oak, making a per- manent color tone. You'll lke it. Dining room, den, library suites look | (handsome. - Prices not high. : i Marden took a deep interest in. the | welfare of the Erskine Presbyterian church. 'She was a Sunday school teacher and an active member of the mission. hand as well aa several other church organisations. She is .survived by her father, mo- ther, {wo brothers, Beath, on the Eveninig Journal editorial staff, and Erskine, both at home, as well as theee sisters, Marion, Gwendolyn and Elsie, all at ome. The funeral will take place'on Thursday afteradon. Funeral of Mrs. L. Devine The funeral of the late Mrs. L. De vine was held Wi ay morning. i The pallbearers were Thomas Smith, {MWevide, John , Capt. W. Salling, T. Gallivan and James al offerings : Wreath from the SB Com RE J spray, Gorden pray, hrof he, Bnd WP SE Bose De: : Six spiritual of- of St. Vincent's 8 H i COLLEGIATE HONORS On Friday dvening meutbers of the Kizgaon collegigte institute rughy and hockey team which wen the jun: lor intercollegiate honors will be pre- sented with gifts at the fourth annu- al gymnasium exhibition to be held in the Grand opera house. Bach rughy player will peceive an individ: sented with the intpren)legiate trophy and also a shield, the gi the Board of Education. The ini T vidual prizes are also the gift of the Board of Education. W: ~H.. Mac uae, chairman of the hoard, will pre- gent the shield and the intercollegi- ule drophy. J. G, Eiliett, a mem= ber of the hoard, who asked for the grant fo purchase the gifis for the boys, will make the presentation of these prizes. The players will wear thew foot- ball uniforms on Friday evening. Euch player will receive a crest from the intercollegigte rugby union. junior intercollegiate hockey series, will ba presented with two silver cups. Ome cup is the intercollegiate championship, trophy, while the other is the grodp championship - trophy. The eight players will be awarded in- tercollggiate crests. "Charlie" Stewart, "Jigpmie" Stew- art, "Bob" Ferguson, "Harry" Cooke, Cam" Toland, Clarence Young will receive both the rughy and hockey crests. Sunday School Baseball In the course. of a couple of weeks pose of preparing for the coming ses; son on the baseball field. Now tha Joys are becoming very anxious 0 get on the diamend. The executive liopes to have the most successful season in the history of the association, 'The three jun- jor teamis which toek part in the games last summer will be in the field and there js a possibility that Chalmers Sunday school will enier 2 junior team in the series. The executive is very anxious that more schools in the city would: join the as- sociation. Cooke's juniors, who won strong this season, The Late Isaac Houghton The death occurred on Wednesday at the general hospital of Isaac Houghton, an employee of the peni- tentiary. Mr. Houghton centracted 2 very bad cold some time ago and never recovered from the effects. Deceased was born in Nottingham- shire, England, sixty-four years ago and came to this country early in life. He was a widower, The childrén survivins re Charles, Al- hert street, Kip . un; Gorden, in British Columbi.,; Harry, in" Cleve: land; Allan, in Toronto, and Mrs. F. Payne and Mrs. John Bums, of Kingston. © The funeral will take place on Friday from the heme of his son, Charles Houghton, 5568. Albert street. tig? Oddments : Leather belts, 10¢.. muif- flere, 15¢.; 25¢. box talcum, 13¢.; sets furniture, 150; napkin rings, 15¢c. "Dut- ton's sale. It will take about 175 tons of coal to heat the city bui Nice oysters at Carnovsky' 8. "The Hat Store" -------- "New Hats New Rain Coats | : New Umbrellas Last night started the rainy time-- spring showers~--are you prepared? MEN'S RAIN COATS $6.50 ual prize, while the team will be pre-} the executive of the 8. 8S. A. A. A} will be called together for the pur, the snow is disappearing, the young-i_ the trophy last year, will be very| FOR WINNING. JUNIOR T¥TOR: i Pallman Porters oft Parnde Oly AniHoue With Yeu, Dear Whea God Gave Me You Some Hoy Pickle the Ivories The hockey team, which won the i An excellent range of the new season's models is now on view in our Corset Depart- nient. ingly low. . IN MARINE CFRCLES The Fate of Steamer Kevstorm is Not Yet Known Whether further efforts will be made this spring to raise the sunken steaun- er Keystorm, which hes in deep water near ppeva Point, in the St. Law- rence. river, is unknown: at the dow eat time. The Keystorm went down in the fall of 1912, after striki Ho submerged rock, while hound io ans real with a cargo of coal. two attempts have been al by nly underwriters to raise the boat, which !rests on her side in about seventy-five feet of water. Last fall a Nostioal wrecker undertook to lain the. before fantzacto t. that time said nh ie spring with Bis Tao, steward of the B. & ' NO SURROGATE COURT JUDGE. You're a (izeat Big Blne Eyed Bahy : a Corsets ALR visiting our Cosot Depart- ment wou will do well to see our big range of matty suits and eoats. A swell ar- ray to choose from. Prices that are tempt- Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store." poeeeBUILDERS! SUPPLIBSe-eapy. The Brightest Fire The Greatest Heat The Lowest Consump- tion: 1s what we demand from our - uatity Coal. Phone us for a sample ton if Yau demand the same. Prompt, clean delivery. our window for it they will do that gives them worth. oy the idea of oy & home of your own-oand doit. Must be sold by April 15, closing of eon estate. Here are two genuine ul dil sos Jneiing, ou Be su gam hs dor, TR a poh dou and ' Tho oR le Et Lon oot Saher ent Complete lst of building lots ang aw at office, ouges to vent. Fire insurance. And Business at the Court House

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