WALLACE CABLES TO CARSON. mans | KINGSTON PAMILY. CLAIMS am' on RS i : ; : Says Loyal Canadians ar, Ready to ARMY OF 1 200 Compensation for Killing Miss Eliza- NADA HAS \ | I mid y, 2 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1914. : N . Help. y beth Cadenhead Wawa, Mareh "26.---Cap. Tom | A Washington despatch to. the allace, M. P., for Centre York, coh- . ; { Whig says: vd led Sir Baward Carson last night. a» Waited On Government Qn] Viowtion of the Treaty of anon, follows; "Sir Edward Carson, M. P.,} xT which restored pesce between Great Belfast, (reland: ! 3 Momi Britain and the United States after "Thousands loyal Canadians are: ing the War of 1812, is alleged as the with you in your magnificent fight to' basis for a claim of '$25,000 pressed preserve best traditions of British! Td on Wednesday by the British govern~ ment before the British American jeitizenship by resisting coercion of AP 24 ¢ Ulster. We are ready if necessary ORESENTED MEMORIAL Pecuniary Claims commission mow to help you with men and money tc in session. Miss Elisabeth Caden- the last diteh. (Signed) Tom G.4 head a British subject from King- : ' : "era h Wallace, M. P." foi, : ston, Ont., was killed in the streets . : 3 a H 1 Brmar--------b | ASKING FOR DEEPENING OF ST. | of Sault Ste. Marie, ieh,, by a bul- ALL BELFAST MOURNS : $28,000 Paid for Salt Cellar | AW CE let fired at a Fort Brady sentry at J Loudon, March 261t 'was willion-| . Laing, WILY BAO, TS 3 : : i aires' day at Christie's when the nuo- {And for Subsidy Grants to Hydro- v : HE DEATH OF LORD MAYOR | fioncer began the disposal of the Ash- Radials _-- Deputation Claimed Deftish government Sn belt _ of | T0 Nor LET ATTACK GO UN. RDIE burnham silver treasures which were Georusi Bay Sob . ' r > oy UHALLENGEY a MeCOl . recently unearthed froni the strong eorgian ay Scheme Was. Ime Zz : room of the bank where they had lain | Practicable. lilitia Orders al It js Declared that the Marchioness | -| unheeded for more than thivty years. i Ottawa, March 96.--Ontari took] A medical board will assemble at the Former Mimster of Railways © of Ww 1 The bids advanced £300 at a time. | Yarlinment Hill by or x a -- military hospital, Queen street, on 'tad ys Con. for the : Not for twelve years | sue a ped, bE 3 sLerm to-cay when | jite to. be named by the president, cludes Masterly, Reply to Govern. ' R E : 4 354 x an army fifteen hundred strong from the . m , », x Curragh Camp. : markahle x Sllection of zilyer heen ot ail parts of the province assembled to for the purpose of examiing and re- ne % : Partisan Commissioners' : fered at Christie's. wlition the government to hasten the |POTHRE on the. present physical con- Effort to Discredit N.T.. london, March 26.---Prospeets are The piece de resistance was a: silver | pel A of pf the St Aen LN ditiom of Gunner: F, Turcott, Sth bat- Ottawa, March 96.-- "ph 3 a little ' today kn. political | Hi salt celine which sold for $28,000. The river. nid to is in buildin Fac tery, C.F.A., who was injured during ject Ik i hs he 8 main ob- circles. It i» rumored that SirJohn | § treastice, which dates from the period <q' wna & BC lthe section gun drill at Gananoque on | ad In view has heen higher . § othe bers of: the H ¢ VH, has the London hall work of hydro-electric dials by the 16th inst than a mere party reason. Canada army council vel © igned olin i mark 1508. and is believed to be the granting them the usual gowernnient ------ to has suffered from this unfounded and : 'Premier nN ithe deal tion ! entlicst standing salt cellar in exist. | "00sidy to railways of $6,400 &\ mile. uatruthful documiént. 1 have sought " a a ing sgith's ara s 2 | Ail through the morning they con- TERRIBLE SNOW STORM to, show that these men should never ork MARCHIONESS OF which -practically ignores! the pro. | § 5 4 junued to wend : their way Chateay ave been appointed, that one was DERRY. mises that the army council signed, | § - Fo pment { Laurier wards, en route to parliament A Db E : lioy. 'm os |. The woman who is suid to-have W sealed and delivered to the Curragh CARNIEGIE RE { buildings. -Horny-handed: sons of toil against the, policy, and the other was [ited Curragh carop, 'and foesip in Lons officers At the. war oflice toda oh Be r ha) led sons of toil, against the project. I have shown'] don is to the effect that whe {(nfinency 4 h y merchants and citizens of smaller that the government does net believe | the, Officers of the regiments here there is a conference of the leading i : 10 TAKE BRITISH OATH towns ond cities, = reeves, mayors, Fort William Was Hard Hit-- Snow their findings, that it will not act up- en i ph officers presumably in regard to. the cou illors and aldermen, all bravely : . : leutenant of situation. Fans spdrting ribbons telling their place of 1 ¥ on them, that it fs violating them oss was married in Prominent nationalists say * that And t domicile; joined in the thos: E. 0 KX > [every day. I have tried as faith | apy' oF pporrien wd 3 t the Cutragh officers' . incident wil Therefore He Cannot Be Chanc- Three: special trains and' sections... of 4 Feet : fully and as earnestly as I know how daughter of the nets make trouble in ° southern Ireland, ellor of Aberdeen Univ : | the regular trains brought the dele- to appeal to the higher conception > where the nationalist Irishmen are ersity {gates to the capital. Fort William, March 26.--The worst | Of responsibility and gight on the Ti N . wery disrespectfully of the Scotland The memorial of great waterways |snow storm of the year raged at the ; Part of the government, that the at- VILLA E . king apd the government, and the . a union was presented to Premicr Bor-|head -of the lakes yestérday. Only [tack of this report, not upon the : utmost caution is needed to prevent ® " Fainhute, Jaret Kaper Andrew {dea by M. 50 B. Detweiler, of Berlin, | occasional street cafs ran during the libural party, at on Casudian hi { insurrection. SIR. TOE FERIA arcegie, :S stated, will not be president of the union. This memorial | dav, with the result that hundreds | terprise oughou ie whole 0- ah y on Fla SIR JOHN ! BEN i. a candidate for the chanceilorship argued strong for - the development of | who work kn ome city and live in the | minion, shall not go unanswered and | Common Sorrow in Belfast Whe hos radar ea Eten Ton: | of Aberdeen university, which has|an ocean waterway, from Montreal 10 | other were unable to get: to work, |unchallenged. 1 have spoken in the ble, been vacant since the death of |the upper lakes, via the St. Lawrence: | It was impossible Ior even = horse- | interests di the people of Canada ra- A A Ax Li " Molfast, Jreland, March 26.--Politi- : Lord Strathcona. { Welland route, which is nature's own on wahs ther 'than in the interests of party." cal differoices are forgotten to a cor- fof Blackburn, during the course of| The reason is that the chancellor | route, aud the granting of the usnal Srawn voices Jo Ret through ne That was part of the coqunt and tain okteat here to-day in the civic his speech in the hose of lords, | of a Scottish university must take {liberal #ubsidy to the projected muni- thirty-mile gale had. drifted 16: a compeiling peroration of Hon. George mouthing for Lord Mayor: McCordic, made the important admission that|an oath of office, and Mr.Carnegie |Cipal radial railways. a a ae gue 8 . |P. Graham in condluding at six 2 : N a6 outspoken Oravigeman, but respect- | the two unauthorized paragraphe}as an American citizen, refuses to| The deputation urged that the Geor- sob! 4 Es oct. rere wha n Sloth Tart igh a ch whith Mexico' City, March 26.-The war 4d by Xl plasses very Highly as no added to the Gough letter were draft-| take any oath of office in Great giana Bay scheme. had many imprac- re ering among : ? poares lasts over seven hours, comprises partment makes the claim that nian othe wlways: put the welfare of | 5d by Col. Seely in consultation with | Britain. |ticable features, which the St. Law. | (lasses, The Jere caugh. rod the in anc complete reply Tebels under Villa wers outed at. 1 efor any political prefer- [himself. The conservative morning It seems that he took no oath on {®Nce proposal would overcome. The |fuel:' All trains were reported abe; to the. two. years' of ellort* on." the Ri rk great slaughter ye meat. Hoven the flags of the na- fpapers, commenting on this admis. becoming rector of Aberdeen univer. | memorial was signed by D. B. Tet-ftelegraph and telephone wires with: rt of the government and of their | 3 Sight hundred : men, 4 Li ; uarters ee at sali sion, contend that Lord Morley, who | sity nor of St. Andrew's university, | WUE, Berlin; JJ . Lan, Cuelph; stood stegin. Da Dat aT partisan advo- |) ondbin Maas and mash and it thought that Satur- [holds the office of lord president of | or when became a justice of |»: P. Durgoyne, St. Catharines; ¥. S. oe FREES T.AURES . tuteli Lynch |e : igi 4 day's -- funeral tion will { the council, ought also to resign. the pelea a Sutherlandshire. Ap- friar Rats G. B. Ryan, Guelph, and VSE OF FRENCH CLAUSES gen, Nears, iovieline gad o te Bnet rom alti i ¢ v rom bot pay- - parently 'he is only an honorary | M30 Others. . > N a bay a : i EY aid priieming As ties a adic harbinger to- Action Illegal justice of the peace, and is not | H ep ¢ auged A A jury, Ia, Commons National Ra ecautin otal Tea ebiels Sr ail to he po wards peace; in Ulster. Belfast, March 26.-The .assize qualified to act as one. oh, Adank Beek Speaks Speaker Debits Sastion : facts, fairness Yogic, or national oon- their rear. , 5 Cn court decided yesterday tho' the gov-|, TDis leaves Lord Bryce as the like- | Hon. Adam Beck was greeted with] Otiawa, larch 2. Two questions, | 8 th oe . : Generals Maas and Do. Moure aren Move Disorder in Commons ernment prohibition of the importa. | '¥ "andidate for the chancellorship. loud cheers while the delegates stood | promoted by an article in the Orange Sir. {araham continyed for. two hours | ported to have: madd the distanms tion of arms into Ireland was invalid I NT SR A to thelr fest and waived their bats. | Sentinel, Caused 4 firey when: paglia- erday aftérnoon "the speech which [tween Hipolite and Forveon ! because the att of uni fn SENTENCED TO 30 YEARS I commend 6 you as chairman 'of | ment mei' vesterday witernoon. 'I'he vesterday sud | arinored attoinobiles. which' they: that all subjects should. have he ko a the power commission, the memorials| questions had béen handed in for pub- lie. lgan i J. the . railrosds tbo tinder Lender Committed presented Will; give | lication. on the order paper by Cae i Shroughout "hich. helt the ate | cutuntes BY The 3 rendered ith i ae-pT I Against His Daughter = A said OR En," ng of tention of the house throughout, and | The tion for-damages by a merchant from{ Montreal, March 26.-W. JL. Tapley, "I'he province did mot ask for fav-]8' protest from the rsige I 6 | which at the end brought a wild X hom Six" causes of arms had been Suse, found guilty on March Th, ors. They 'were 'prepared to pay |8gainst the use)of the French langv age [outburst of enthusiastic cheering seized. at 'the assize court, of unmentionable | oooh 'rantals as the government {m-| On government station and the | from every liberal member in the ---- & crimes, was sentenced to 'thirty yeurs posed for the 'use of water w: i | answer given (thereto, & also if a | house. French Has Resigned in he iitentiary hy Juice ave the development of Power. We will protest had heen received 'against the ? = Kk 0g. % of z oh . ~fgne. 16 evidence ypon which Taplay | o 7 A > ® vitati i ors i liament. | $ 0 Ro Me ie WL | amc hs Tob Po Bi 4, ro rh (2S tet oat to he | lin of pres n, ulament | Goverument on Dotenive Dre: © . th ] 3 . 40 ® | fourteen-vear-old daughter. When he | hy 2 mn valet. Cr Fro language. T] iC 8 t was a thogugh and fins! 0: for the time Sapended. The uniouiets resigned. He wai chief of the gene |loarncd his inte the prisoner collapsed. | fOTPOrations. We make the hum- ih the. Fre Ee duet and | duction, and even the ministerial mem- liold that robert Seveuts ible axon ot ral stafi and practically commander: | Ag Tapley is nearly fifiy, the sentence He request. for, the use of Waters of and did not appear on the order pa- bers admit that it is the commissioners that no compromise is possible, « in-chief of the Brisish army. aans lile: imprisonment for hi the Welland canal. We also ask rs 3 3 why and the government which are now on on the unconditional exclusion of Uls- | ©" gi sony French has served fn the] mons bi prisonment for him. for a permit to build a transmission | Per = Mr. Wilson asked why. The the delonive rather than the liberal oo Sir J - p te nd or 7 uild a smiss saker- state ' > de , * ov oo 08 ter. The. liberals say that phon Hol {British army, since 1874. He com- MUTILATED REMAINS line across the St. Lawrence river) ® a -- to Public Sars: IPaHy and. the men who evolved the | suilents Grocery, Car, Princess ar Healy's rancid to another a. | T1anded & dashing cavalry brigade in Fm neds Morrisburg He deemed these questions $0 relate to | Conception of the finest transcontin- | Fegntense. Motel soos: - os Onl Col. 8 Arausier to another rs the South African war and distio-| of James A. Sturgis Found Near] He asked the government to help bi-lingual soliools, which was. 4 mat- | @atal line on the tinént, and who. | Gibson's Drag Stose Market hint post a an okie re guished himself in many other tam Chatham the Aydroslectrie in their work of ter dor' the provincial government, up vo the end Fi m), had cattied it Hook - } x paigns. He spent some months in Ae : _ (retention o oy8 and girls on the s % al through honestly a su uly. Ee out po bot find Gen | Canada. reporting on the ~Ohmdian] Chatham. March 26,--The muti-|farms. Some remeds at co bel A pte was laken un Mr. Wilsons The responsibility of establishing the | weLeomn Grocery. .;..8% eral Gongh would be no surprise. militia about three years ago. lated remains supposed to be of {made to remove the deplorable tele. | 2PPeel from the ruling of the ivi. | statements of its commission, and of 'Medley's Drug Store 200 University A. 8 is i i '3 A and the latter was sustained on' divi- | S*8%™ : : =O Stel g & ---- he James A. Sturgis, recently released {phone conditions in Ontario. A sys-|_. i x ustifying the - circulation. in Canada | pepe Cigar Store \ w from jail, were found on the Pere |tem of radials ' S¥S-| gion by a vote oi 89 to 55, a govern- J & stain of lculat- s3rape iiT0. The Power of Women First Bishop of Edmonton daly is | high corpials would help solve the| nin" lL ih0™ of 34. Messrs. La. | 88d Great Britain of charges calculat- | round Drug Stor i. .813 96. Several newspa- warquette, tracks near Darrel this|high cost 'of living problem and ard _ tailbault 'oni the ied to work serious injury to the cre- Y.oudoo, March 2 f Bdnionton, Alta., March 26.--Ven- . 3 marche, Roulay and Guilbault 'on the !€¢ A F Vallean'n Grocery ,,....308 pers are commenting to-day on the bl A ehdeacon ' H 1 morning. It is supposed he comimit- | would make farm life attractive. | ¢overnmers -henclies: voted against the [dit of Canada. and of the. new trans- | or GROCeEY ..vvuvvses fact: that within a fortnight the his- Say os yet cory tae Sod fuicide by lying on the tracks|They had in mind power at cost to ge \ker's ruling: otherwise it was = a | continental system, rests with the . iol py | TER as yes , train came, farmers. bh Ph y oy mt. The ty advantage tory of two great nations Das been first bisho £ th wily ized When the . party division governmal party 3 BORN , Madame Caillaux, | 5! su0p of the newly organi Mayor Buller, of TP part) : which the government hoped to gam | s : written by women diocese of Edmonton, which consti- ay ic rharo, aud by the publication of the report has, Ct ts Bie ington. on Ma of Franee, sud he marchiones 8 I tutes all the morthern portion of Al RELIGION HAS TAKEN the Mayas. of Stratiord also gave ST JORN ENDORSES 3 i He Nat i h fi ; sented by 3 " . Mr. Graham, vanished. The more seri- MACDONALD, Bwirt on March y a k : ¢ | berta from Calgary lo the Arctic. : i overthrew governments. It is now 2 : In reply Premier Borden: said : 2 fl Sie mo HOA te el DUAGE OF POLITICS], Bh Tine COMMISSION FORM: "ects" ir hosp -- he ey 4 D. C. L., who was assisted in" the Su 1d ey manly proposals, If they my Food . ay ee an devoted the bgmp 5 4 be al should be adopted they would. be far- |. 3 onl y. 30r. (rahe mamely, Ulster. And it | ceremony by Bishop Pinkham of Cal- ; + 3 : '" 3 . principal portion of his remarks to a DIED, AA that it was her repre- | Bary. ' Belfast Feeling The Home Rule seashing, in [Shek Spergiion, Natur. Fiagnets of City dy State] Cooseeclon the Simpy, Totber - x March 2 ic 0" unde Tom Care om- an the political end be "scandal 14, Anna kB: deta hal! @ Bdawin Bestipre. : hich friends a the king which caused a = _ , e a a. the officers' cases, Old Boarding House Disappears. Situation Keenly- Down these propesals were not svbuftied : id esent, uthoritative | = to. me in advance, and us report He presented a Fan t Baw rs X " have |. missioner 3 ¢ if the road were I private). Gonsuited Morley od. boarding Rone timber Tools and Up Ams. : had no opportunity 'whatever of con- $ Agr she ts planned, and - be» i Yo EL tre hy en holes Belfast, March 26.--This city is didering them with my colleagues, 1 St. John, N.B., March 26.~That | not degraded, as was now bei _at- ¥ larch 26. --Lo ore, ed into an apartment house, |féeling the result of the = present |°adnot do more to-day than to tell | the commission form of government | tempted, it would be a profital in- . whieh wil conn aetment Fash tention acutely. Lusurance = rates|von that these proposals will receive | has proved all the optimists predict- | vestment both to Canada and to the Ty Grass, . MORANDA fiat will have a separate door through have doubled during the thonth,|{8Tave consideration.' ! ed it would be, when it was first {Grand Trunk Pacific. It had cost the Charles Grass, in ber $8rd ; Fight hand corner, | cata "oo Suter. The property has] while big linen firms refuse to advocatefl for St. Jolm, is proven | country much less than the C.P.R., a TL = Ia No. 81, A.OU.W, [been lately purchased by Frederick] guarantee the delivery of orders. : < : by the statement of the city's fi- [it could be operated more economi- day afternoen, at. two aL ML AOU. W, Machar, who has employed Alderdice | Two Canadian buyers, one from To- nanees, which shows a surplus . for |cally, and. it was owned from Mane HOUGHTON--In Kinguton. con and Redmond, local masons; to make | ronto. and one from Winnipeg, say § the past yoar of nearly . $105,000. | ton to Winnipeg by the people, who a om mie the necessary alterations. they will likely have to transfer a Under the new plan of commission | would receive a due return for their |. 81 years frig sot's §esidence, 4 {most of their orders to France. | go' 'ernment, every . department has |inVestment. 'Alert Bt, 130 Busy Time at Court House of It is reported also that a large! § kept well within its income, with the araqui 3 Gg shipping line has paid a heavy pre-| Hi result .that the end of the vear finds Resolution of Censure he 'court house wis. a very busy} ium "to Lloyd's agalist delay in ; Sa the city with a very satisfactory sur- | Mr. Graham concluded with a reso- Place on 4 , Thursday. i While hel yp delivery of a new liner mew be- plus on hand. ; lution of censure upon the government Spring assizes were being heard be-ly.. completed. 14 Out' of 'this surplus $51,000 goes to {for accepting and endorsing a report fore Justice. Sutherland in the court! "goorvbody. fears the signal which J - the reduction of the pref#ni year's | wilfully partizan and misleading. and chamber, the admiralty court WaS| wi mean: Down tools and - up assessment, $25,000 to retire boards | without regard to the serious conse open in another part of the building: | sre © : $18,000 for improved' water service, 'quences to the country or to this It was expected that the counis qauN-{ "3; "iy gianificant that each day one! § -{ and the balance for 'other purposes. [yréat national undertaking, cil chamber would be gn BF Ahie] ons tesa of the two parties, be- Te ; ; 3 The total lishilities of the city | Me was followed by Mr. Middiebro, latter court as the seafs in the di ing called nationalist and unionist. | JER "| amount. to $5.137,448.50, but the as- | Who deviied his attention mainly to |, vision court room are beiug painted: | mnt definiiin now is dreadfully. sels exceed. 'this a t $2.574.- | piling up million after million of in- a felear-cut. = You must either be Pro-| : 8 | 30 The is a Sor terest' charges dnd iitious ex- testant or. Roman Catholic. Religion| § g : penditure of every kind, with a view REPEAL RESOLUTION Lo fvas taken the wlace of polities, | | year, the position:of St. Joh#, com. gio that she ans I : OFFERED iN CONGRESS i» Expelliog Huerta's Friends : | pared to the maj ity of other cities, ---- ales, Sonore, March 26-Six i § ki igang ' : A . hundred citizens of Sonora, suspected |, 8 : of sympathy with: Huerta, are to be A AUBREY G. POOLE deported by constitutionalist officials, mie according to authoritive statements : s | ' nade, Hope: ie were brought | § oF | Contingent. to Nogales from Hermosillo. ith thay . Cornwall, March 26.--A Mach 26. Congress Coa pov, yar Wer out i vole, rector of the today responded 10 Prewdont Wik [0 Ll 0 SICH ont anid. "None of Cummaner bf "the "ith Hiapars : ans 's I for the al of the ihe expatriates brought here was al-{ "The Queen's. wn." ix one of the eve tolls exemption: given United. States [yo 70 0 avything of value with [eral commanders wis romunied bis fawt constwise vessels in the Panama ca- § hele pre Sh con- | THther thas ht against Ulster tn the ual Lally The: Sine: repeal Yesolittion him Ta their property has been eon- forasent sitoatio : ; brought up in the house developed | se The hs a the bitterast. struggle since the domo: | Nolison's ie cream bricks. Sold med on Wetlnesday arals "soured control of | congress. fg, Kingston only at Gibson's Red | the citing} The final vote Saturday or Monday Cross: drug stove. | amend 1 ne etbected. It is expected that Ca- | §onden, Ont. temperance defeat. of reciprocity . pro detérmined to have posals will be cited 'as a rem 3 an