Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Mar 1914, p. 9

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Nn $1.-NO. 72 We handle Fomginny GLES, ale. FACTORY v WORK TERIOR. TRIM, also THE . MORGAN DOORS. Both PACE and PRESS. ED BRICK, CEMENT, PARISTONE PLASTER. NSET WALL BOL in oak, burnt leath- er, and cream white finish for walls and ceilings. Estimates gladly given. Call and see us before buy THE FRONTENAC LUMBER & COAL CO'Y A. CHADWICK, Manager. FOR DAMAGES {AT THE FALL ASSIZES Was Injured Last June While Work- ing for Contractor Doing Constreac- * tipn Work For CN.R. at Sink Hole Near Perth Road 'Joseph Kurakevich, aged twenty- obe, a Russian, who canfiot speak one word ol English, was platutiff in a case which came Before Mr. Justice Sutherland at "thé spring assizes, which opened here on Wednesday al- ternoon, The plaintiff was employed by J. P. Mullarkey, contractor in charge of construction work fer-the Canadian Northgrn railway at Perth Road, and put in a claim for damages, as a result of an accident he met with while at work on June 16th, 1913. He, with a gang of workmen were engaged in raising the tracks at the scene of the much-talked of sink hole. One of the ties gave way with him, eausing the accident. Plaintiff claifmed that the accident was.due fo negligence on the part of his em- ployer. : Messrs. « Farpell and Day appeared for the plaintiff, and W. N.. Tilley, of Toronto, for the defence. An interpreter was required to se- cure the evidence of the plaintiff and two other Russian fellow woflipmen, and Samuel Leznoff, of Kingston, was sworn in for the work. Owing to the fact that the evidence had to be interpreted, the securing eof all the evidence took up considerable time. Plaintiff stated that he had start- ed to work on this job on April 22nd; and the accident he met with occurs "siNGsToN ONTARIO THURSUAY MABOH 2, hid Dr. Ww. G. 'Anglin, who made au fexamination of the injured man, at the request of the defendant, was called. He conducted an examina- tion in February.-- At this time he walked. very stiffly. Witness told of seeing the plaintiff at the hela: on Monday of this week. HU hoticed him walking upstairs carrying some laundry, and appeared to walk very wel. "When he noticed me he commenc- ed to limp," said the witneks, "and it appeared to me as il he was trying to play up." Asked about the possible recovery of the patienl witness gave it as his opinion that he' was improving and he believed that in time he 'would fully recover. The. case was still in progress when the court adjourned at 6.30 p.m. It was resumed at 9.30 Thurs») day morning. EDMONTON | FLOURISHING Describes Success of .Com- mission Government Montreal, March 26.--W. J. namara, mayor of Edmonton, Al berta, left for New York after a short stay in Montres), [ollowing vis- its to Toronto and Ottawa. In an interview Mayor Macnamara expres, ed some interesting views on divi government, and declared that the elective commission form of govern- ment, recently adopted by Edmonton, Had, proved an eutire success. If all cities adopted it, he believed, ; graft would receive its death blow. Under the system in vogue in "Edmonton, the mayor was respomsible for the civic finances, including assessment, cost of: engineer's department, cen- tral administration, and stores ~ and works. The first controller takes charge, of the operation of public Mayor Mac- UNION PACIFIC M MELON SOON BE RIPE WILL Date of Payment of Extia Dividend Postponed to July 1st=--Late Come mercial Notes New Yo'k, March 25. Union Pa: ponement of the date of payment of the proposed extra dividend to hold- ers of Union Pacific common stock, from. April 1st to July 1st, in view of pending" litigation. - r " Statist is Hopeful London, March 25.--"In spite of all," concludes the London Statist, after reviewing the causes for the financial reaction since January, "we hold to the opinion that the great infldences operating upon markets are preparing the way for restored confidence and greater activity." To Have New Industry Gravenhurst, March 25. --Flax Towels, limited, has just been char- tered with a' capital' -of $100,000, divided. 'intd 10,000 of seven per cent. preference shares and 10,000 shares of common stock, the shares being $5 each. TP': company has been organized to put up a plant in Gravenhurst for the purpose of manufacturing towels from flax Straw. Later a linseed oil mill will bé constructed, as well as an addi- tional 'plant to manufacture other fabrics. ' Distributed to Directors Toronto, March 25.--D. B. Hanna, the third vice-president of the €ana- dian Northern Railway, is revealed FINANCIAL MATTERS, cific has officially announced the post- - ht and common stock of the Murray- Kay company would be shortly listed on the Toronto stock exchange. Several First-Class Also. choice diy pro- hemi "For 'Partiou- Swordfish, Tom "THESE BE GLOOMY DAYS."--Montreal Star. Cods, Flounders Earnings of the Quebec railway: for whit better because there among thieves. I do not believe this old world is a is honor Phone 67 Cole & Studebaker | by the British Directory of Directors to be a member of thirty ._boaxds. Interlocking directorates are not as prevalent in the old country as here, as only seventeen men are shewn to hold more than twenty-two director- ships. There are almost that many in Canada. red on June 16th. The ralls were being "jacked" up. Witness was walking along with a "jack" in his hand, when one of the ties gave way, and the witness fell. His knee ¢ap was injured,and he'also buffered oth- er injuries to his body.' After the . accident, lie was placed on a car and 2 AGENT carried to the camp by some of the men. He remained in the camp five days, when the timekeeper and four men removed him to Sydenham," and Bibby's Garage | later was brought to the Hotel Dieu S in Kingston. He remained in the Bf Dieu until September 4th. Phone's 0 & 017. utilities, sich as the poter plant, street railways, waterworks, electric light. and telephones: © The second controllet looks after public works. including sewers, paving, walks, grad- ing, buildings and construction. The two remaining controllers are charg- od with the conducting of the street cleaning, police, fire, héalth and re- lief departments. Under this system all departments are carried on effi- otently and there is little chance for graft to creep in, The Edmonton system of single, taxation had also justified its adop- tion, said Mayor Macnamara Fd- monton had come through the late dopression with signal success. Its assessmdént amounted to $187,000,000 and the unusued . borrowing powers were $29,000,000 the year ending June 30th, 1914, will amount to about two per cent 'on the common stock, after payment of all fixed charges. and. ordinary: allew- ances for maintenance and deprecia- tion The annual report of the Vacuum Oil company will probably show net profits for 1913 equivalent to about thirty per cent. on the $15,000,000 capital _ stock, as compared with twenty-seven per cent. earned on the same stock in 1912. It.is expected that the annual statement will be js- sued next month. Following out the announced in- tention of J. P. Morgan & Co. to drop out of directorates of corporations, W. H. Porter, a partner in the firm, has resigned as a director of the Remington Typewriter company. ommend; &% fist Mortgage 'Bonds PARTICULARS ON REQUEST ~ Pa Cawthra Mulock & Co.| New Exteasive Factory Windsor, March 25.--The plans of ihe Canadian Alkali company's $500,000 factory, .which will be built in Sandwich this year, have been * placed beforé the Sandwich town council. The company intends to employ between 300 and 400 men ut the start,' and the annual pay roll will amount to $150,000. Then he returned to the railway camp to resume his work, but was not allowed to stay, the boss telling him that he could not do the work. At this time, witness said, one of his knees was badly swollen. "He was Profits Were Larger in 1913 Carriages .... $10.50 to $35.00 Go-Carts ..,..:.. $3.60 to $18.00 Sulkies ....... $2.00, $3.00 $3.50 receiving $2 per day from the com! pany. His bill at the Hotel Dieu, as produced in court, amounted to $199. Benedict Shutt and Joseph Geltico, Russian workmen, were called, an told vf the accident. "Fhe former saw the injured workman the night after the accident, and said he suffer- ed great pains. The plaintiff walked to'the witness box with the assistance of a cane. Dr. Robert Hanley said he was in the Hotel Dieu when The injured man was brought in, and found that the man could not straighten his limbs. © He doubted if he would ever have the proper use of his limbs. Pr. F. Etherington said he had been called to see the patient by Dr. Hanley. The latter told him that he bad a patient suffering tem injuries to his limbs who was not making progress. Witness had examined the patient with the idea of operating. but had decided not to operate, The improvenient of the patient in the past two months had been very slow, and with the same progress continu- ing, there might be a chance of per- manent recovery. At present he was not in condition to do ordinary lab- oring work. EE Ca How's This 7 CANADA NEEDS QUALITY "Unprofitable to Crowd Country With Inefficient Fmmigrants London, March 26.--Dr. Drysdale, who is famous for his advocacy of the theory that the birth rate--of . a nation should bo a matter of quality rather than of quantity, spoke on the imperial aspect of the subject before the Royal Colonial. Institute. Refer- ring to Canada thegspeaker said that the 'increase of the birth rate in On- tario to twenty-five per thousand had been' accompanied, not by a cor: respouding rise fn the natural in- crease, but by an increase in the de crease, but by: an increase in the death rate to fourteen per thousand. The additional births appear to have populated the graveyards rather than the country. Toronto wasia most stifiking example of this phenomenon. Canada would be able to support an immense population some day, but any 'attempt to crowd it rapidly with children of inefficient town- bred immigrants would! only raise the death rate. FAIL TO ROUSE LONDON Rochester, March 25.--The annual meeting of the Eastman Kodak com- pany will be held . in Jersey City, April 7th. A resolution will be offer- ed, authorizing the board of direc- tors ta distribute among employees a wage dividend of $500,000, as was done in 1913 and 1912. It is under- stood net earnings this year will be about $3,000,000 in excess of the $13,909,017 earned last year: Interborough's Large Earnings New York, March 25.--Firom the present status ol traffic, the Interbor- ough Rapid Transit company pro- mises to surpass this year in earnings every other year of its operation. The surplus available for dividends in the eight months ended with Febru- ary was $4,723,798, a gain of about $700,000 over the same period of 1912-13. Passengers carried in Feb- ruary aumbered approximately 000,000 more than in the correspond- ing" month last year, and the total haul for the eight months exceeded the previous period by about 8,706,- 000, - oy Transforming Desert York, March 25.--Daniel New 25. president of the Chile $1,214,004, as compared with $1,- 324,639 in carried to the surplus: unt gua Steel Corporation paid out $207,806.- ployee was $905. years of its existence the cotpora- tion's payroll skands the giant statué of Saint Jab Net earnings of the Remington Typewriter company last year were 1912. The balance eof $434,094 after paying @ividends was ing the total surplus HE vB. During' 1913 the ni States 176 in wages to 228, 906 employees. The average annual wage pér em- In" the twelve has nearly' dotbled. The average wage paid in 1912 was $717. There has been 'an Iherease since of $188. AN EXTRAORDINARY PANIC. When Naples Heard Patron Saint Turned Back on Vesuvius Milan, March 26.--An extraordinary panic sptead over the . populous: quarter of Naples near the ancient Portaportuana gate, over which uarius, the patron sa of -the city. Usually the saint looks" -acvoes - -at Mount Vesuvius with a defiant but last night a man declared that the statue had altered its position in THERQYALBANK OF CA INCORPORATED 1869 Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds Total Assets H Branches t! a aid the COLLECTIONS faving fo Bunches hiroughout Canad iis for handling collections with economy and 5 LONDON, ENG.s OFFICE, SANK BLDGS.. PrinoCsS BrRier, €.C. KINGSTON BRANCH, NEW YORK AGENCY, ! COR. WILLIAM & CTORR STRECTS E£ E. NEWMAN, Manager. INCREASE Your Income During the past few weeks the private investors and financial institutions In Canada have invested mililons of dollars in Municipal Deben- tures apd other high grade securities. Many K in. investors have taken advantage of the attractive interest yields as evidenced by the large orders for Bonds and Debentures, through our Kingston office during the past few weeks. such way that the saintly back was turaed to the velicano. = In a, short space of time the news'of the ru- moured miracle spread all over . the and shortly after daybreak an Guggenheim, BE Sunplus funds are piling up all over the world, owing to the general slack- ening of trade. These funds are going into Bonds and the Increas- ed demand will Jikely cause an advapee in prices. Pub- tic Utility and Industrial Bonds are m cheap. We advise that you African Deportees Now Touring Provinces 26. --Having failed Copper company, says that American capital is transforming a Chilean des- ert into a great mining camp. $3,- 500,000 will be invested in plant. The We offer One Hundred Doliars Re- | South ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Tolodo, O. | London, March of, 2 ribs, wh hams), drop sides, veensoioh 1 $0.00, $6.00, $5 00 up M to fit. Cradles, High Chairs, Baby Walkers RL REID a hose RT We the unaersigned have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and bes lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, acting directly upon the an mucous surfaces of the system, °Tes- fmonials sent free. Price, I cents per ottle. old by all Drug fake Hall's Family Pi by y consti pation. to rouse London to any : great pitch of indignation, the ohne deported Seuth African labor leaders are mow touritig the industrial cities of the United Kingdom, under the auspices of the National labor party, with the object of evoking sympathy. At Glasgow, before an audience of 3,000 persons, they vituperated Premier Bo- btha and Gen. Smuts, and declared their intention of returning to South Africa. mine is estimated to contain 200,- 000,000 tons of ore, and the plant is expected to be in operation in March, 1915, Financ] ial Notes Messrs. J. T- and C Donohue, Montreal, have purchased all the stock of pulpwood of the East Can- ada Power and Pulp company. It is gossip that beth the preferred city, excited crowd "ed §n the belief that the change great eruption. was near af bapd. other hand it is seldom left numbering - about thir- ty thousand had gathered before the | P statue. Men went "to their knees and pEay- women tore thir bair and sheiek- of another ed, front was an omen that Might isn't always righ, but on the BUY NOW: ublie Utility Bonds yield Municipal Bonds Yield about '5 % 5% % Industrial Bonds, yield 'about 8% Safe "andl saleable. Consult us before investing: F. _B. . McCURDY & CO. PHONE 1228 EN Montreal Stock Exchange. H. W. NELLES, Manager. Jeffs Cousin Was | No Piker at That J ¥ oy a Eo MUTT, YJusT GOT A LETTER FROM il A COUSIN OF MINE From || CALIFORNIA |, He says HE ARRWES TobAY onl | THE 20™ Centur LITED AnD FoR I US To MEET Him. Mimin 28 esl x HAVE aT SEEN iT GEE! ME MUST Have | I A: CoN To Ripe : THE {FARE , 1 SH00LD } 1SAY WE wiki an 20™ CENTURY, COSTs®ig Ex TRA | HE THE LAST CARL S A i { § i | THAT MEET Him 2 HE MUST MANE A | LOT OF Cota BROAUSE | SMD HE'D BE on | AND SOLID ¢ DRAWING Root CAR J {AND CQSTS ALL J | KINDS OF KusH f ¢ bo \ THE TRAN 5 PULLING. OUT, | WE 'MUST HAVE § By "Bud" Fisher v te ya 23000 { NELLC c ous INI IITT ed ] } (Es 1 ALWAYS war : | Td rue Ta Stans R 1 Ta PULL OUT. - LY's SAF 1 Seve an GRTTING OFF ONSEE

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