Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Mar 1914, p. 5

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Popital ds of Toronto, ote 6f the oldent and strongen Banks in i your banking business. Be resources, ex- fos and ° te banking connections a this Bank rs the best of banking accommodation - 'money to deposit or other banking business to transact. SAVINGS DEPT. at every Branch. Paid on Balances ital equipment; It who Have Bags Sell de 1900s» Doi, "max EVER po a Plece of Wire . Extracted From 'a "Varker, March 95.--The snow ouelting o way so slowly in the try that it has made #o perceptible as 3st in This winter hus proven a good one for the farmers in the or of get: "this been Broken this winter. Nuper ting Sut wood sand timber. The whicel here hins 1iactor been wells: with "Rab timber; in fact the Hand the High Grade = Fire & Life Insurance hight District Napager of of the EQUITABLE LIT¥ ASSURANCE soorery || "Phone 9) » Is Tho. Plazas will be gushed and When completed "KENSINGTON PLACE' Pico will be one ot: the most de residential spots in Kiugsto A FEW 60x 120 FEET LOTS, LEFT. J. 0. HUTTON ted. and, the streets macadasa- LL Io Navkor wh, Niborogn, In good location. Iull line of kitchen and din- ing room e for a quick buye GEORGE BAWDEN | See our unequalled line of Antique Furniture. A big line of all kinds of both new and secondhand furniture inspection here. Prices siways low. Household goods bought and sold. L. LESSES Cot, Princess afid Chatham Streets Phone 104" YOU Are Invited To Inspect our stock of Hair and Combs, Tooth Brushes, Powders and Pastes; Fine Toilet Soaps and Talcumy Powders, . Our stock is large aud well * assorted, and our prices are reasonable. WATCHES RE- D. MOVEMENTS, "PHAN POCKET WE WATCHES. SINCE WRIST WATCHES PORULA HAVE THEM IN SIL- VER FROM $10.00 TO $25.00. iN GOLD FILLED FROM $15.00 UP. v AND IN SOLID GOLD FROM $35.00 TO $150.00, os FULLY GUARANTEED. Ba 4 Jeweler and Society Stationer : KING ST. Whew the lock. 1s on the walk een ch oA ul pment in first class condition. Snap Defore was there such an is piled in the streets of the Village vacant land by the power has again opened up for Duysiness anki is likely to be kept quite bu The Sex: cue Power company should extend Hs electric lights to Yarker and Colebrook. Mrs. Jaynes and Mrs. Saulsbury {received very handsonte presents from the men who were itffured] in in the rail. 'road wreck just below bere. These ! two ladies ran, with all spend, to the "scene of the wreck and assuibed the duties of purse ta the injured 'men. The services rendered were not forgot- fin by them. The C.N.R. gave them each a pass to either Toronto or Ot- or James Third, of Kingston, wns ames of ingston, wo called 18 to see F. E. Bemjamin, who has been confined to his home | about six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. nk Simpking band- comely entertai the Methodist church chioir at their home to a very fine supper. Visiting at ave 'Mr. and, Mrs, house. 'The foundey o Frank Simpkins' home J. S. Chapman, of Rocligster, N.Y., and Ruby Thoraton, of Tamworth. A birthday :-urprise party was ar- ranged by daughters May and Isa- "belle, and it proved to be a surprise fo. their parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H: 'Woodhouse, when a number of in- "vited friends walked into their home Hon St. Patrick's night and took them AY surprise, it being the anniversary Mrs. W. H. Woodhouse's birthday. A pleasant time was spent there un- til near midnight and a number of tesents were handed to her. Nr. and Mrs, Woodhouse have resided SEATS TS OF ads CL 4th Aual Exhinfion| 280 " MEvening M15 Kibble, hee Martine MN Mammoth rodwe +Uncle Tom's cl righ Ay Fogg rR, Pouss: Blood I Tr vein a peeutapoh hereafter, Apit- sharge * for oe . 33. Ta Of gymnasivm work, under, the direc tion of Mr. G. A. Palmer, phisical in- struction: . ; {tm Grand Opera . i FRIDAY EVENING, March 1914, at 8 orelock General admission 2 A Mass Of the Citizens will be held to dis cuss the leading political questions of the day. Stirring Se wifi be delivered by W.S. WIDDLEBRG, M.P. T.W. eGARRY, PP Beshdes other IS speakers. City Hall, FRI. MARCH 27° "8 pe my You are cordially invited to he present, Come and bring. your friends with yow, herd for about forty-five years and Mr. Woodhouse has been an emm- | plosee of the Benjamin wheel works ar forty-three years. A. McArthur . Dunn Has returned from Toronto. Mr. Bowerman, of High Falls, was here on business Tuesday. Mr. Bow- ermian who was burned out here last fall has taken over the High Falls milks and will operate there, he being « praetical miller. "Ff Uyrus Bdgar, who has had a gov- PHONE 68. house, in Colling- 132 56 BROCK ST. A 'small : frame good location, on wood St. Size of lot, 33 x Price £1,000. A new solid on Albert St., up to date in Price $4,600. Three storey brick busi« ness block, two stores on ground floor. Price $8000. Good solid brick house; Alfred St., all modern. $4100 Double brik, Victoria St. furnace and lights, gas for cooking. Price $4100. J. K. CARROLL, Manager. brick house modern and every way. LAG i étnment appointment at Guelph, will ot return there but will remain at home here. John Mills is now a resident of Yarker, having moved in- to thé T. Eagle residence. One of the children of James Gos- lin swallowed a plece of wire. He was hurried tg the office of Dr. Gal- braith who found, on examination, that it had lodged in the throat, It was successfully removed, and the patiext "relieved. '"The-first wagon was run to-day here to draw supplies from the sta- tion to the wheel factory. A gang of men will soon be put to work cut- ting up hub timber. It may be necessary to put on a night gang. Mr. and Mrs. Laure, of Toronto, are at Mr. H. Walker's. Melleville 1rish has returned from Toronto, having been a delegate to the A. 0. U. W convention. The ow price of eggs will have a tendency to cut off the sales of meat. Eggs dropped in price from thirty to eighteen cents a dozen. Importing Bay. Argén, March HP Rombough, Cenpreville, pas through en route for Dead Creek. Little Euphemin Wil is "very WL DE Farrell, oi E Herbert abd iin Wortlar aie aie at Fart Ts t i ao and. wes a Swift y the huge snow banks. si with 'fear, Pi tb the wing Ross ol deck #Greene " for the weekend. Rev. OF Glyn Loyd ut Mes. Williams', Ine service at St. 'Paul' 8 with « Garden for Sale By Tender park lot "ark lots ng about Nin 2 #ores, in the V Parcel 1- Parcel . about § acres, and 4, containe Mage of the property of the late Mrs, Jo Her; separate tenders for each aise The property has been used ay marke! garden Sealed tiers will he received the undersigned "Solicitors up Yo t 4 31st March, 1914, Particulars may be obtained from them or the Execufors: FALKEM & WALKEM. ER, LASHFORD, Execators. 4 2 Portsmouth, JOHN PO PHIL 1 CANNED CORN, TOMAT- OES, PEAS, ETC. OROSSED KEYS, SOLAR, CANADA | PRIDE BRANDS, Are fully guaranteed. You. take mo risk in buying these brands, Your family greeer can you, supply EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN FOR IM. MEDIATE SALE A fast 'motor boat in Al condition, new last mmer; Hoare decks, chectric Nj Tt, Complete equipment. ly her boa: or chging separately. sold wu owner Is Ti town. Also 36 on boathouse at & LEE: Allen's 3 3 Brock St. 'chenp Sous, I: Mason Contractors and Builders. Estimates cheerfully Cog all york.' mic du Various Young Consecvative - Assoei- ations Savy petitioned the Ontario t for temperande Den's bay While Bose if you want & 25¢. en seats, AN. Vins : N --.r of yeaa calth 2 230 rok Tone a) A, 1 Ta: "WAY m eaponding ra oh Pry cute, fort oh = Synd ar MEE fae tl oii a Tag oncey Phony rn u p ce UI Trond. Sto Montreal cy ts broke SC, TOTO, WE WANT NOW A sate. of New Roses, orgamental Te Dimas Norssrs Cou Tobod WANTED-~GENERAL ONE OR TWO. NEERAISHID 100M Apply. Box 2. Whig office, NIGHT (FIREMAN ply rvaiiag Ebi £0 hn ------ AN ae 1 on' to KINGSTON WINDOW Surah 8 uch co Tate your orders b We remove storm indo Ww also take orders for rem es. Phone 1419, or 349 dre TO RENT A EE To 10 ROOM HOLSE with Jos fonvenisnces, from May 1 Yhouns must be situated south of Princess and east of Di- vison St. rate om and location Box 24, Whig bn THEIR 1 GENTLEMEN TO BRING cloth and have it made up nto up. to-date suits. Price and workman» ship. guaranteed 10 please. Press. ing and repairing dome on tne shortest notice. Tomas Galloway, 5 3 rock siredt, near Bibby's Gar. DENTAL A, BE. KNAPP, B.A DDS, moved to 25% Aes Street. on, = ©. NASH, ENS Rent. ans ¢ t" Phone T36 Rag DR. T. B, Princess SPARKS AND SEARNS, DENTISTS 159 Wellington Straet, (over Car. novsky's), Kingston. 'Phone 346. S. H. SIMPSON; LDS, B.0.3, DENT. ist, corner Princess. and Bagot street. Entrance on Bagot street Telephone 626 ¥IOLIN INSTRECTION--MISS CHRIS tine Cochrane, 78 Gore St. King- ston. Telephone 136, MANN SCHOOL OF A nel mann, B.B., AE and. action. wags Norg ora 5 ¥ Telgmann, dolin; plano, ete. - tion and concert a Yr ' EXCAVATIONS ROCK OR CLAY, CONORETING OV cellars, levelling ia laying lawns Estimates given Beaydsell, 102 Earl St, IEEE AERO STII ne LEGAL CUNNINGHAM. & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and solicitors. Law office, 70 Clarence street, Kingston. £ Rm --------------eime 'A QUICK TURNOVER A GOOD. - INVEST- MENT, $4100 will buy double brick house, Nos. 82 and 184 Victoria. St. Apply Mdeod's Drug Store Fs Buff Pressed B¥iek House, Rig- eau St., and Saturday for Bungalow, Frontehuc Street CHAS, H. LEEDER Architect, Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. Over King Edward Theatre. {marie top ab cobes, wa conch, toler Sohmer sak A "aid 's shéives, lindleum, Ra and wood, Jawan adm RUMErcus other af Pin AucTIONEER 3 Beek 3, E PEOPLE'S FORUM | Fis 3 Suabrtion. 3¢. n wom a word: Each cons ol A PAY EXVELOPE CONTAINING "ws | Amwertions, f HELLO! HELLO bills), on on Charles Streets, of {one $10 and three $5 Sadar afternobi, ant or 0 vulmaee GAT.R. stati Name on envelopa Finder "1 se return 10 this office and receive. reward, CARTING, ALBERT a Duns, ALL KINDS OF n Re " Oar ro Bhres Ba And AE the J 4 + HOTRES « rR Ea GRE mederate; cen ally loon one lp heron THESE nt pom ---- Loves, © Bide in $1.00 three times, RE and A Ey A TE Victrolae, Ti Lk. ROLY: . song phon hd tress Gone "GTA Calnon 4 accom emda FINANCIAL FRO; AC LOAN dent. Col Ty Cy hour 5, and CARPETS, RUGS, ing range, ee i ANYONE WAV] SECONDHAXD Stoves or WrAtire efor aale, tl on . aon, 2% Princess St. hone 1600, 00, : xr WOR Fa art ticles, Beverly EE received and Interns a Kuwed 3, C. .C, Meaitll, Manager, AND aditio holders have for ty the uniimited lability of jo rains insured wt lowest ore renewing row *. Business el sates f WC Strange T0 LET et r---------------------------- TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Once, 260: three times, H0¢. ty STORAGE FOR PURNITY RE, ETC, clean and dry. McCann, 82 Brock street, ST. » o stone May ply 219 a wk St teen BRIGHY WARM ROGRS, without beard, Apply Street. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. "HAM. dors, ae JRLY to Ganningham & Ma aia 19 arence 8 SEV} EN Ist. Ap- "warn OR £61 King HOUSE, 300 ¢ SE, 300 QUBREN hot te heating light, from May Ist C. Mitchell, 185 Wil n, electric inquire of J. iam ®t STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, SLAY ary. ry Teoma; oa own 0S nn ev rost's X torage, 9 Queen St, Phone 526! ea kiln FROM MAY 1ST, 1014, LA FE OFFICE west side, first floc or, 58 Brock St, adjoining Bank of Commerce. Ap- _g PI King & Smythe, Clarence St. SOLID BRICK HOUSE, ALFRED ST, nine or ten rooms; all modern im- provements: hot ter heated. Ap- piy. to Dr, Lake 33 Alfred St, or 25% Bagot St SOLID BRICK HOUSES, MODERN conveniences, Stephen street; frame cottages, with water, Pairick St BRICK, TEV heating; all deep Jot: condition, og Tw "improveménts te: rage: in first-class Phone 1435. Smt" Ripon, 50 ars Apply oo 4 Brack St, neon: A BARGE NUMB movers: No. 1 apecisl ASF ey teed Dutlop tires. 2 Seaning and Bring. Georges "Motion, Klow one Te ae on NCESSION, eCann, ONE NEW SAllL, MADE Imperial Cotton 30 ft. foot, 42 9g. , 456 ft. 6 in FJ. J. Turner & borpugh, On Vek, 20 laff, 27 rt, Price 4 Sons, Peter HANDSOME WELSH PONY, 5 YEARS old, runabout. havhess, $160. Also ten roomed house, improvements, cellar, Barn, large lot, rents fo; $15 month $196. Apply 175 Pine Street GROCERY STORER ANT: 162 Ontarie street, grocery stock and privilege of rgrting Stree and Doing®a first class be dw elling son for selling. ness. Good ply Fo. X Razeau, on the prem DAV EL tu org will so fixtures w i . i CHOICE ' FARM, ONE RUNDRED and ninety-five eres 9 mi fromm Kingston nd Glen= yale. Has 2 an , sbundance '. Bi Po ans tp sre never. water re n. r further information Spoly John Clark, RMD. 1, Westbroo 25 ACRE FARM, PART OF LOT 22, Concession 5, Township of King- ston, Glenburnie; good young o:- chard, good house and barn. house and drill well. good walter at the door in a good settlement, convenient to church and schueul Kingston Realties, Limited, Roard Trade Chambers, Canadian Bank of Commerce Bldg. PERSONAL jo HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH- marks and all growths and skin " without sears 37 pou ars "wrperia nck: Sear; - Dr. Elmer J. Lake, e,' Bar, N pecialist, Throat and Skin Ww Bagot street. soALP SSAGE FOR FALLING hal andruft, ete. Jeited a els ectricity (new meth Reatment in Doriosite "eties 159 Wellington Bt. St, Phone 1455. to 12 am, and 3 to § p m. and bv appointment MEDICAL DR. I. E. CROWLEY, OFFICE AND Surgery. 110 Ordnance St Mee baurs, 81 am. 2-4 pm, 3-9 p.m Phone 1588. . ARCHITECT WM, NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. tects, ete. Offices, 258 Bagot St. Phone 698. Ee RE a sl. KINayIoN Grommet UPHOLSTERER Rates Moderate i eli Apply to R. H. Fair, Kingston Stu. tion P.O, ! $3200---BRICK VENEER HOUSE, REV. erley Sproat, aor ata good sta ble, ready for rick veneer, pATERIOY ovenients. xd x to Go Loan $1 cha ingston. FOR SALE . Sold Bri'k Dwelling, No 135 Brock St, twelve rooms, % modern improvement, Posses- # sion May 1st. Price $6,000.00 *. Apply on premises. + LOEPP SPP eee oi rent USK, LE 'ot, ite Tosation, on LOT ON UNION WEST, av 80 x 90. ho . Soli on street,' ¥ rooms; sil mod provements: good Lion! : he 3¢. Phone 748 BOARD, WORK. Price reason. ing men pi able. 1g: Ear) CATERING Ww. » lhe hE UPHO - etm i NYWIERE CAN ran aii ardor hdsihess 'ESTIMATES GIVEN rou BALL EP. pers, banquets, dinners, ete. © Silverware and cutlery . rent. For particulars apply wo RR. HH. Toye's King Bi. store. WE wal T™ AL He eL¥s ulse rent dishes Table {ines as and siiverware. Red and MP, Reid, a. Thion Se fia o for Ah poakiet: Sailr bosy ir Phones" i orth. Alfred "rest wm : q ee We have plenty of this size, most in demand at this season of the year. Customers, teleplione or write your order, and sparc yourself the bad Salling: aaa. )

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