Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Mar 1914, p. 5

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People's Books| TWELVE NEW, VOLU oe Ares JUST ISSUED Bismarck and the German Empire, by Powicke. The Indusutrial Revolution, by Arthur Jones. 'Empire and Democracy, by G. 8S. Veiteh. Eléetricity for Non-Technical Readers, by Ogilvie, Luther and the Reformation, by Leonard Agate. Architecture, by Mrs. Arthur Bell. Wild Flowers, by MacGregor Skene. il 'Foundations of Religion, by 8. A. Cook. ' Land, Industry and Taxation, by F. Verinder. PREACH ON SUNDAY. Announcements Made Made by the Various Denominations As To Their Ber Xicas=-Setmon*Topics and Musical Selections, St. Andrew's-- Rev. 8S. J. Compton, B. D., minister. Services, 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.; Sunday school, 3 p. m. | Students and strangers welcome, St. Paul's--Morning prayer and holy communion 11 o'clock; preach- er the viear; Sunday school and Hible class 3 p. m.; evening prayer, 7 o'clock, special sermon on "St. Pat- rick" by Rev. W. F. FitzGerald, Convoortion hall, 'Queen's univer- sity--Service on Sunday afternoon at 3 e'clock--will be conducted by the Rev. John Lochhead of West- eat ret "Methodist church, corner of Brock and Montreal--Rev. | John Webster pastor, residence 243 Johnston street. 0 a. m., class meeting; 11 a. m., preacher, the pas- tor. Anthem, ""Make a Joyful Noise," = 3 p. m., Sunday school, brotherhood and young ladies' classes. . 7 p. m., preacher, the pas- tor; anthem, "Now the Day is Over." solo by Miss Davies, "Saviour Like a Shepherd." Monday Y. P. 8. ser- vice; Wednesday; 8 p. m., mid-week service. The People's Church Home, corner Union and Collingwood streets--Rev. G. A. Lowes, minister, residence, 124 Nelson street. 7 p. m., special ser- mon to students on "The Supernatur- al in the Every Day Life of Some Christians." It is not geography, or chronology that determines the boundary lines>of the supernatural. it is 'apostoli¢ men that makes an 2 GOOD BARGAINS $3.75 See the Men's Shoes in our win- daw. we are clearing at $3.75, regular $5.00 and a few $6.00 valuues, for $19 One speeial lot Ladies' patents kid and 'calf, tterns, 2.80 oe lace pat values in the Jot, all going quickly at mount. Princess street Methodist church, cornar Princess and Albert streets-- Rev. Frederick G. Robinson minister. The minister will preach at both ser- vices. Special music by the choir. The vptown church with a welcome for all. i} * Sydenham street Methodist church 45--Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor. Rev John A. Waddell will preach at 11.a.m. m, and 7 p. m. Bible school at 2.45 p. m. with junior, intermediate and adult classes, A cordial welcome to all First Baptist church--Rev. Douglas 4 Laing, pastor, at both services. 11 a.m., "The Disappointed at Heaven's Gate. 7 p.m., "How God's . love Brings Us Life." Bible school ~ at 245 p.m. Students and strangers cordially invited to all the services. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington, streets---Sunday service, 11 a.. Mm. Subject, 'Substance' Wednesday evening testimonNal meeting. Public reading-room, same address, open every afternoon, except Sunday. 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cor- dially invited to the services and the reading room. Queen street Methodist church-- Rev. G. I. Campbell, B. D., pastor. 10 a. m,, brotherhood meeting and class meeting; 11 a. m., subject, "The Fathers of Our Faith"; 2.45, Bible scheol, adult classes, Young Men's club, lead by Dr. Coleman; 4 p. m.. | subject, "The Choice of a Wife." The pastor at both services. Stranger: cordially welcome. ' Chalmers, Presbyterihs and Earl streets--Rev . ray, D. D., minister. apostolic age, not a certain date of Anno Domini." "If thou canst be- lieve" --not if thou wast born in Pal- estine and within the limits of the first christian -eentury---""All things are possible to him that believeth." Bound in Cloth, 20c Vol. # UGLOW'S, 'fu Street THOMAS LAMBERT Maker Of Men's Clothes We have pleasure in announeing a complete stock of new J goods for spring. These goods are the last word in color and pattern; are fresh from the looms of the old country. e are offering these goods at a very reasonable price, and soMcit a share of public patronage. THOMAS LAMBERT 157 PRINCESS STREET r Special Sale Men's Tan Calf Viscolized Double Sole. One Lot Men's Box Calf Leather /~ Lined Viscol Sole, regular $5.00 and $6.00 now $3.75 ALLAN M. REID 111 Princess Street $3.75 $1.98 ABERNETHY'S AT THE GRAND To-night **Nobody's Daughter," Will | be Stirring Play Of 'the many English actors, who will visit this season, none is more worthy of consideration than E. A. Anson, who is well-remembered here for his splendid work with the New Theatre company some four years ago. Mr. Anson réturns to Canada this time with his own distinguished company, and is presenting a com- edy play entitled "Nobody's Daugh- ter," which has to its credit a run of eight months at Sir Charles Wynd- ham's theatre, London. "Nobody's Daughter" is a woman's play from start to finish, except where the exigencies of Mr. Anson's well deserved stellar position de- mand that the more logical, but less interesting sex shall have an innings. It is a play which has for its basis the exigency of mother love. The play is told-if four acts and presented in a massive scenic produc- tion, under the personal: supervision of William H. Gilmore, at the Grang to-night. Fresh made'every day--spec- ial 30c chocolates for 20c Ib SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House St. Patrick's Day For St. Patrick's Day, matinee and night, at the Grand, the United Irish societies have arranged with Capt. Prideaux, manager of the Kingston Dramatic club, to present the three-act comedy, "The Magis- trate," by Sir Arthur Wing Pinero. This play is one continuous laugh from start to finish and is sure to please all who 'attend it. Use Wheat Vigor For Breakfast Putup in 2 Ib. Phes. At all Grocers GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LTD. Are here and ready for your inspection. Barrie Macgilli- Services: 11 Drop in and have a look at the new styles. We are the largest importers of men's hats in Kingston. , Rev. John Loch- Westmount, (Montreal), uni- versity preacher for the day. Sun- day school, 8 p. m.; Bible class Zab p. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.35 p. m. Students and stranger: cordially invited to all the services. Bethel Colgregational, corner Barrie and: Johnson . streets--A central church, Rev. A. P. Mershon, minis- ter. 11 a, m. and 7 p. m. The pastor will preach. Anthems by the choir. Seats all free and every- body welcome. Let the church be a fireside for the heart. Sunday school, 3 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wed- nesday night, and C. E. prayer meet- ing on Friday night. St. George's cathedral--The Very Rev. Déan Starr, M. A, D. D,, rector, 263 King street; Rev. C. K. Bourne, M. A., curate, 60 William street. BN a. m,., holy communion; 11 a. m., mating and holy communion; preach-! er, Rev. C. E. Whittaker from Mac- kenzie River; 2.15 'adult confirma- tion class; 4 p. m., baptisms; 7. p. m, evensong, preacher, Rev. C. K. Bourne. First Congrégational, corner John- son and Wellington streets--Rev. KE. LeRoy Rice, B. A., pastor; residence 1056 Gore street; phone 1068. Morn- ing worship at 11 o'clock. Evening worship at 7 o'clock. At the even- ing worship the pastor will give tho first of a series of monthly addresses in "Sermons in Art", the subject be- ing Sir Noel Paton's "Out of the Depths." Strangers and students are very cordially invited to worship with us. St. James church, corner Union and - Arch streets--All seats free. Rev. T. W. Savary, B. A,, rector, the rectory, 152 Barrie street. Third Sunday in Lent. 11 a. m., morn- ing prayer and holy communion. sermon subject, "The Christian Sol-| dier's Armour, the. Breastplate of Righteousness." 3 p.m.. Sunday | the funeral of his uncle, Philip Acker |firemen who did. good work under school and Bible classes; 7 p.. m.! man, at Watertown, N.Y. Deceased |the -late Chief Horsey for many evening prayer and sermon. Thiel died in Omaha, Neb., Sunday night. |vears. , In. politics Mr. Pipe was a letter to the church in Thyatira: 'Ii Beautiful pictures. Weese's sale. |conservative. He is survived by his widow, hes fone und hive. duughe The STANDARD BANK of CANADA, [i » foeiic™ * ** **= STATEMENT reside in Toronto. CONDENSED From Report to Dominion Government, 31st Jan., 1914 PIED IN RESOURCES LIABILITIES Cah on hand ead in Sewn . $2,860,240.00 Gold Reservepnd Notes an: .Cheques'sl other Banks ? 9 15,545.95 Circulation « +. 130,000.00 Due by Baoks. aa 610,623.02 Government, Municipal other vo a 5,540,272.52 Call Loans on Bonds, ete. 2,659,645.86 Buen immediately Available >» 8 Loans and Discounts 664,507.41 Lisl under Contra 108,968.37 Bank Premises, Freehold, Head Office and * Bach 1,053,505.51 Other Assets . 66,919.14 $45,749,992.78 ---- McFadden's Flats" Laughter is a tonic that beats all the best patent medicines. It drives away dull care, chases away the blues, and makes despondency look like "thirty cents." Laughter in large chunks will be on tap at the Grand, on Thursday, March 19th, as "MecFadden's Flats" will be the cap- er. The piece is successful by, its rapid contiouley of amusing scénes and laughable situations, to say nothing of the splendid list of speci- alties with its pretty music and catchy songs, big chorus of vivacious maidens, comedians, dancers and singers who know how to entertain. Campbell Bros. 84 Princess Street , Install an Electric Door Bell in Your Home Saturda and Monday Bargains 50 Men's and perfect fitters; all sizes, 33 to 44. Regular We have just received a large shipment of eleg- trie bell sets. Each set contains push buttor, bat- tery, bell, wire, staples, ete. Anyone can install this set. THE LATE WILLIAM PIPE Military Servico --- Was Volunteer Fireman funeral of the late who died suddenly on Thurs day morning, took place from. his late residence, 85 Colborne street, on Saturday afternoon, to Cataraqui cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. J. W. Melntosh, of Cooke's Presbyterian church, of which the de- ceased wis a member. Surrounding the casket which contained the .re- main were numerous floral tributes, The late Mr. Pipe was a son of the late . William Pipe, the well-known soda manufacturer and ice dealer. Af- ter 'receiving his education in the public schools he entered the Royal military school for instruction, gra- duating in the year 1869, after which he volunteered for the North- West rebellion in 1870. For this he received a land grant and medal. He also served in the 14th regiment for vears. He was one of the Alert DIFFICULTY ANTICIPATED Saw Also In - a Getting Railway Connection at Foot of William Street It is stated that some difficulty is anticipated in getting railway con- nection from the foot of William street for the shipbuilding and cereal companies. Plans are being prepar- ed by the G.T.R. engineers in order to show the Board of Works what can be done. The difficulty is in constructing a curve that will take a locomotive. Cars could make the curve, hut it would be another propo- sition to run a locomotive over it. It has been suggested that the G.T.R. locomotives might push the cars up the incline on to Ontario street and that a donkey engine be used to haul them to Gore street. Ww The 5 William Pipe, Complete wiring armgram with each set. Po goss iegus Price $1.25 Per Sett. AA NA SA A AIAN W. J. MOORE & SON | 206 Wellington St. we Blue Serge Suits (Indigo), hand 'tailored $16.50 suits. On sale here Saturday and Monday at 28 Men's Tweed Suits, browns and greys, suitable for working suits, all sizes, 33 to 44. $5. 05 oy * On sale Saturday and Manday at 100 Pairs Men's Tweed and Worsted Pants; good wearers and worth every cent of § og]. 35 Your choice Saturday and Monday ¢ 50 Pairs Men's Fine Trousers; Blue Seerges: and Worsteds, regular $5.00 and $5.50 rre3. 75 pr. On sale Saturday and Monday at zes, Figs, Fags, 30c HEART TROUBLE Lots of Fresh ¥Kgge, J. Crawford. When uric acid is dissolved in the blood it-thickens the blood almost to a jelly; this is what causes the heart to flutter and seem to stop because it is weakened by the strain uric acid puts on it. Anti-Uric Kidney Pills drive out all uric acid poisons from the system. They are quick and safe and guaranteed by W. W. Gibson. See that the name B. V. Marion is on the package. AND 'STILL 'THE BIG SALE GOES ON A Huge Success -- Loads Leaving Tor. Ce Country. and Eenest FE. Cain, Kingston, attended . DETROI T A Former Wolfe Islander High Masonry. Mrs. J. Clinch, Princess street, re turned, on Thursday, from Detroit, whither she was called by the death of her brother, George W. Blanchard, at one time a prominent theatrical man. le died- on February 7th, fol lowing an illness of several months, Mr. Blanchard was born on Wolfe ls land in 1853 and went to Detroit when seventeen vears oi age. He was a pro: minent Mason, a member of the fol lowing lodges : Oriental, Peninsular Chapter, Monroe Council, Damascus Commandery, Scottish Rite and Mys- tic Shrine. He was a member of the Board of Commerce. Surviving are the widow, one daugh- ter, Marion, and three sisters, Mrs. Clinch, Kingston; Mri. Sarah Roats, Red Cloud, Neéb., and Mrs. Caroline Owen, Petersbury, W.Va. in 50 Boys' Suits, Norfolks and D. B. Coats, bloomer trousers, browns, greys and blue: serges, 75 made and trimmed, sizes 27 to Be ole "On sale Saturday and Monday ¢ 2s .00 10 1.115,535.51 108,968.37 35.018998 A DURADLE Joon VARNISH Made by The Sherwin« Wilijams Co,%1s tough and clastic. Docsn't scratch or mar readily under ioot wear. Can be walked on next day after application. Has a lasting lustre. Easy pHi $45,749,992.78 THE RAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 Capital Authorized $ 25,000,000 Capital Paid Up 11,660,000 Reserve Funds ' 18,000,000 325 Branches Throughout Canada. Savings Department at all Branches. LONDON, ENG., OFFICE © NEW YORK AGENCY : Bank Bligs--Princes St. Cor. Willig and Cedar Sts. BRANCH, Lectures Have Commenced The instruction in "first aid to the injured" has commenced. at the Y.M.C.A. building with over twenty voung men and hoys enrolled in: the classes. The course is being held under the auspices the St. John's Ambulance association, and Dr. G. E. Kidd of the staff of Queen's medi- cal. college, has offered his services as lecturer. The first lecture was given on Friday evening, and they will con- tinue on that evening weekly for the series of six, which will terminate with an examination. % At prices a little below the other fellowss Come atid see. You will not be worried and pressed to buy. We are satisfied to leave it to your own y judgment. , . . Fp EE For bread and pastry, White Bose flour. & ; W Ww

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