§ now LODR HARDINGE FOLLOWS FLEPHANTS IN. MYSORE. ee nn Eile Helped In the Work. The Viceroy of fri¢ 1, Lord Hard- Inge, has had an exciting wild el -------- 5 3 CE TE ip Yhere Ghosts Return From the & Land of the Dead. The great island of Papua, or New 'wenn, fylhg north of Australie and tvided among England, Germany 2nd Holland, is inhabited by people na mar the lore which religious perforated a of- % ( however, is not The &irved images i | phuat 'hunt in , ~Whiell The | Tiles Sinaia vividly describes, t Ab nds, of PaoRls | suffer trom iy. 8 A Ag od Their Bxcellencieg, the Viceroy and his wife, accompanied by his high- ness the Maharaja of Mysore, the | | Yuvaraja, his brother, Sir Hugh | Daly, Mr. Campbell, and the rest of the vice-regal pdrty, were 'motored from Government House to the Kheddali camp. "Here over 100 large tents have been pitched in anh open clearing in the 'middle of the bamboo jungle, with roads and even gardens artistic cally laid out. Their Excellencies bad a guiet tea, and then motored on about five miles to a stockade | mear the river, into 'which a kerd of wild clephants," which were on the wish no posite bank, were'to be driven. atlon is high-| . The party watched the operations hysicians and! from a well-concealed platform close sGjutely harmless. | to the stockade. Straight below anently found in| them lay the river, about a huadred yards wide, and as their Excellencies ~jarrived a herd of about sixty wild | lephants appeared out of the jungte. L | On the opposite side, behind them, | though as vet invisible, an army of beaters. kept up a_ terrific din with rattles and tom-tomis, whilé to fur: ther terrify the herd were some thirty koomkies, or tame elephants, ridden by mahouts carrying lighted torches. The elephants, after sever- | al 'attempts to break Lack the Hue, X rovements ..... $1,800 § | finally faced the water, an enormous ~ For particulars apply to { tusker, the father of the herd, bast- ; =F : y ening the footsteps of the laggard ow. ~ & § | with ra dicntoq bukts: Ng adahier A hry, was the herd in the river than the 89 Brock'St. © Phone 434 3 [whole crowd of beaters rushed dows . Real Estate Fire Insurance, | to the bank, cteating w perfect pan- e d idm. "Once across, the herd was im- mediately turned down sfream by {another body of 'beaters creating a | similar uproar, and they passed with- in a few yards of the platform on { which their Excellencies stood. "By this time it had become toc 'dark to mee any further opératioms, {and the vice-regal party lef; the stockade at 7 p.m. for the mp {The success of the drive has bee: h 1, for im no previous Kheddah have #0 many wild éle- phants been suecessfully driven across the river and into the stock- ade before dark. "Their Excell®icies, accompanied by H, H. the Maharaja and the Yu- varaja, left the camp next morning at 9.30 a.m. 'and motored to the stockade 'inte which the wild ele. phants had been driven the previous night. The day was cloudy and cool, a drizzling rain falling at intervals, The operations during the day were confined to capturing a large tusker and taking him: out of the stockad to a place about a mile distant, where he was tied up. 'The. proceedings were most in- teresting - and -'exeiting. The ele- phants, about forty im number, were in a seething mass, and reminded one of a huge football scrimmage, {ghting and pushing, and never still for an instant. About 10 a.m. the gate leading into the stockade wus partially opened, and four huge tiisker koomkies, ridden by mahouts, entered the arena, followed by six large female elephants, also ridden by mahouts. These ten elephants manoeuvred so as to single out the tusker from the remainder of the herd, and pushed him to the side of & Bray E nal color, stopping hair falling out and destroying the Xf germ. It will not make the can he put up by any 2 um, 8 ou . La conlains none wicohol so Tre onles: : For Sale Double' Stone House, Montreal B | ound i Street ........... 81 Rents for $17.00 a month. Single Frame, Stephen Street, See us about a fence this spring. We ® A great variety and cheapest prices. PARTRIDGE & SONS, King St. ny Phones 396 & 1103 The O'BRIEN heese Hoop od in Canada™ahd U.S. A. bandaging the cheese this can be opened enough to the end of the bandage at 2 inches). In the same ' when removing the cheese "next day the lever can be 0 he hoop lifted oft | New ut any knifing or hot water t if wher o @ coldest weather, the stockade, from '¢ men se cured him to trunks of trees: by means of thick ropes which they! fied round his hind legs. The ma- ' houts then proceeded to fasten four | ropes round his neck, a difficult and precarious job, which they Bsuccess- fully carried out with much skill and ! bravery. These four ropes were ge- | cured to four koomkies or tame éle- phants, and two ropes round his hind legs were secured to two others. "The tusker showed fight the! whole time, tugging and straining at the ropes, until an enormous tusker 'koomkie,' his highness' Durbar ele- phant, charged him several times and severely punished him. When he was' sufficiently cowed the gate was opened and the remainder of the | herd was driven into a corner of the ! y stockade, where they were guarded - by several 'koomkies,' after which the four elephants, to which were attached the ropes round the wild tusker's neck, proceeded to drag him out of the stockade. His strength seemed prodigious, and for a minute or two he held his own with the four leading elephants, but was eventual- ly dragged out and down to the river bank, the two elephants to which his hind legs were secured following. "Here there was a delay in order to enable another elephant to be | tied on to the prisonér, who at once | became restive, and nearly pulled three of the 'koomkies' over. For | this he was badly chastised by a single tusker 'koomkie,' known as Motilal, who made for him in the water, and brought him down om to {his knees. is completely sobered him, and he gave no further resist- Ree, and af 5 p.m., seven hours from time when the rope was first put round his legs, he was safely securcd in a small stockade by himself. "Next day his Excellency proceed- ed to a r in the jungle in big tusker of last might had been pegged down, together with 4 few more. The tusker had broken a big hole in the Jaliade diring the Excellency was roe to demolish the remainder within, his reach, but he was securely tied fore amd aft, wis unable to do any more dam- Wi O'Brien, Patentee, e Island, Ont. " 1 ' By their work is what we ne aa actually judge § Gay and night: mules, Tl s 2 y i The bad feat the fact the ot. bucks it ease. are 'Only momorial images And the offerings dre made, not really to the i abjdcts {HamsElves, but te the ghésts "$pirits. with which they are as- soefgted. Neatly ull of the ghosts and dpirits In which 'the people of F Gulnén beliove are more or less malevolent, Lads / The idea concerning ghosts is that 4 man's ghostly self is in his body duridig life, "but ' departs 'at*denth, going to a ¢eriain mountain, where it Ives & life similar to that which its owner had lived, huving houses, gardens and wives. If the septum of that man's nose had not been plerced in his lifetime, it must be done after his death, as otherwiss his ghost will 'have to wear a slow worm-like ¢reature as a nose orna ment, $ These ghosts sometimes visit their former homes, but. they do so with no very benevolent, feeiings. They will punigh these who annoy them and will certainly punirh any neg: lect of their proper funeral rites. The Papuans west of the Fly river have a great pantowiimic ceremony in which the men, impersonating Spirits whe have returned from the land of the dead, dance before th women. - The whole of the body is dressed In gaudy leaves and the face is covered so the men cannot be recognized, The women believe thal the dancers are really their départed relatives, and weep during the dance. Mystery Solved. Something of the mystery hitherto surrounding the development of the lobster dias been cleared up by Prof. Bouvier, of the Paris Natural His- tory Museum. The invetsigation was carried out dat the maritime labora- tory @t Plymouth, 'on the EngHsh const, where the lobstérs are abun- dant among the rocks, and the con- ditions for studylag them are favor- able. © The newly-hatchied creatures dro': guite different from those commonly known, Tn the larval state, they are very minute, quite transpar- ent, and their body--flat dnd leaf- like--has three pairs of swimmers. Between this and tbe adult condition #8 many as nine stages of transforma- tion have been 'observed. Rare speri- mens 'of so-called "'puerulus" hive been suspected of being lobsters in a youthful stage--about an inch long, trapsparént; and soft-shelléd "<'and this view has been confirmed by find- ing the next transformation in actual progress. The puerulus stage is that in which swimming 'is wiven up for quiet lodging in the rocks.' Growth and change ave rapid, and the evelu- of tion from the egg to the fully devel- oped lobsler seem: to be completed- in about two months, Big Ship Rolled Over. A Cape Town newspaper has re- ceived from a country correspondent information which possibly throws some light on the fate of the steam- Ship Waratah, which left Durban for Cape Town, en route to London on July 26, 1909, with 211 persons on board, and disappeared. A man walking the beach at Uys, a point eight miles northwest of Berd Island, on Jan, 6, picked up a blank bottle containing the following mes- sage: "Waratah, Sept. 6, 1909. Ship in great danger, rolling badly, will . probably roll right over. Captain go- ing to heave her to. If anything happens will whoever finds this com- municateée with my wife, 4 eliffe street, South Kensington, London. (Signed) John A. Hughes." The Waratah was a new steamship, built to ply between London and Sydney, Australia, and was réturning to England on her second voyage. Some who had made the trip out al- leged afterwards that she was top Heavy and rolled too much; that her boat deck was too high; that after she would roll over to an angle of 45 degrees, and was a long timeé coming back to mormal. ics Turtle Soup. According to some authorities, Bristol, Eng., has a special claim to fame as the city where turtle sohp was invented by a seventeenth cen- tury mayor who was miso a ship: owner, The captain of on: of his ships brought home a live turtle, thinking that bis worship vould like to have it tn his fishpond. This happened just as the mayor was aboul to give a civic banguet, and deeming that his guests might appreciate a new dish! ie ordered the turtle to be stewed. _ The edrporition were so delighted with the noveélly that they re-elected «thelr Host to the municipal hair nine times running. : Steyu's Great Dream Realized. Ex-President Steyn's great dream of a national memorial to the Boer women and children --ho cled in the concentration camps duriz the South African War was realized at a wonderful pageant in Bicemfontéin recently, The city was livaded by about 18,000 people, including bun- dreds af Boers. R52 Volleys were fired by the burgh- ers; and the "Last Post" was sound- ed by a bugler. 'Gen. de Wet and Gen. Botha, the Preniier, made speeches. Road Traverses Australia. Last yea, witnessed the beginning of the construction df the great trans- Australian Railway, which is to link the east ard west coasts and traverse a wholly undevéloped country, The waén who tries 10. help him: self. is reasonably sure of help from withers: 3 % SER It is hard to be consistent when we - will be financial losers by Gor A SUMMER DAY FROCK OF LACE OVER NET What could he more airy and diaphanous than this pretty frock of inexpensive lace atlover, mounted on & foundation of white net? The tunie is shirred midway of its length, under cord, and a similar cord heads the flounce at the tuniceedge. Bencath this bonflant tunic the skirt is very narrow, and is draped npwird a trifle at the back in the new bustle effect. Note the arrangement of the sash, with ends crossed in front. This ar- rangement is very smart just now and it is very easy to adjust such a sasn with snap buttons, the bow gt the back remaining untouched. COMMENTS BY ZACCHREDS Who Tackles the Alphabet at the 7 End Thereof. Y--Yes, Jim, we can repeat alphabet backward. , X--Xcuse for this revérsal is amend for omission of last week. W--We feel | funny, though, with our leet up. at the ceiling like a fly. V--Vis comiica. U--Undonbtedly we couldn' on' that way very long. T-Time of, penance will fortify us. S---Sobriety is "Mutt"; inebrity is "deli." & 4 k--Repast without meat or "old Mall" strengthens mature, moral and physical. ; Q-Quite a number of the world's greatest men were strict vegetarians P--Plato, Newton, Epaninondas, |.a martine among others. g O=One cent. cheques is mot. bad. The sender must have been a mign thinker. ' N--Nothing anced," M--Man named "Peter Whiskey' waz struck by a tramway in Montreal. He was "'spilled" all over, but the *"jug'"' was not smashed, Lucky fel: ow, | t --Longing far soft breezes, and buds. A--ning and queen fo visit Paris in Apel. Watch the gay capital pay- 'ng her 'tribute of = regard and es teem. i J--Judging from the fact' that two high-spifited horses are often seen drawing. a single - person, one can't help thinking ' that "coin" makes heavy merchandise, 1 '"Incitatus" sufficed even to con- cited Caligula. H---Hot tea, it how seems, the partaker congiderate of the icel: ings of others. Supporters of bi- lingual 'schools are arranging to send 4 carload of the refining Ceylon dommodity to Hon. Pyne to he tak- en very hot. : Cod Bishop of Dechy balks at "infallibility of the pope." - Now, whilst we respect him, think for ome moment of a church heleved to have been founded by Christ, capable of teaching "error." ¥F-Faith! A church that couldn't be sure she is right hesself is harder to accept than one which (leaning on the promise of its Divine Founder that He would abide with her, teach- ing her .all truth to the end of the world), claims she cannot go astray. 'E<Frroneous idea prevails in many quarters regarding "infallibil- ity," as understood hy the church itseli. Tt does not mean that' the ASCARETS" out io hang like being well "bal birds makes ox No odds how much your head aches; how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness & "Cascaret" to-night straightens you out by morning. 'Clean your stomach, liver and bow- ols to-night. end the headache, bil- {iousness, dizziness, nervousness, the sour, gassy stomach, backache, and all other distress; relieve your siug- pope is impeccable or cannot be ~ de- ceived. Nay, more. The head of the Catholic church is JBishop of Rome as well as supreme pontiff. When he discourses as "Bishop = of Rome" _he is not exempt from Tia bility to err, but when in matters of faith and morals he speaks "ex-ca- thelira" to the whole catholic world, with and . by the authority of the Apostolic See, founded on Christ Fim self, such teaching to the two hum- dred million Roman Catholics, means the voice of God and therefore "in- fallible' truth. DeDeug. mens ot. omnia, C+Comiort in a clear conscience. Be ve great or little. A<All's wall that ends well, ~ZACCHEUS, ------------ A Fellow's Mother. By Margaret E. "A felidW's Sangster. mother," said Fred the wise, With his rosy cheeks and merry blue eyes, "Knows what to do il.a fellow gets hurt By a thump or bruise or a fall in the dirt. "A Hellow"s strings, Bags and buttons and lots of things: No mattér how ' busy she is, she'll stop To see how top. mother has bags and well vou ean spin your "She does mean-- If a fellow's face is not quite clean: And if your trousers are torn at the Knee, She can put in a patch you'd See, not care--not much, | never "A fellow's 'mother is never mad And only sorry if you ai bad; And I'll tell you this, if you are only true, Shell always you do. forgive you, whatever "A fellow's mean try who would never And the fellow's worse who sees it not ¢ That his mother's the truest friend he's got ! parliament: £6 deport all militant wif fragettes to South Africa. It has been suggested in the British During the Lente period suppose you deny yourself the privilege of what you term.free speech. 4 When consolation éan be used with: out the expenditure of coin we all find it easy fo be consoling.' HEADACHY AND UPSET-- -------- 4 gish Liver and Bowels of bile, gases and which js Jrodusing 1 A 10-cent box of your head clear, ) er and bqwels reg: bully for months. t children--their little ini gentle cleansing, too. To keep the' tear from her loving eye; |i ATTENTION! eta 3 \ Eg ! Have Your Tires Repaired NOW STF Don't wait until you need them. Steam and Eleetrie Vuleanizing Agents for Cadillac Cars. | PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited | Always at your service, . Phone 454 : Phone 845 a . Our milk is strained P asteurized three times and Milk in bottled at SE ® + once. PRICE'S 3 EDDY'S FIBREWARE TUBS AND PAILS RETAIN THE HEAT OF THE WATER MUCH LONGER THAN THE WOODEN OR GALVAN- IZED IRON ONES--ARE CHEAPER THAN THE LATTER--WILL LAST LONGER AND DOES NOT RUST THE CLOTHES. Ni &ws to most women! Oven-tested flour is for *- sale. . Instead of buying ordin- ary flour you can buy flour whose baking ability has been proven in an oven: ~ A ten pound sample is v taken from each shipment of PURITY heat at the mill. This is Fa ground into flour. The flour : \ is baked into bread. ' If this flour bakes into \ bread high in quality and large in quantity we keep the \ whole shipment of wheat and \. grind it. Otherwise we sell it. More bread and better bread from this four is a clrtaintyle ' "More Breal{ and Bettér Bread" and "" Better Pastfy Too" 528 \ ¢ makes every wo- man ° Beautiful, and all. who de- sire to make the most of their ap- pearahce have the opportunity of paying a_ visit to Professor