Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Mar 1914, p. 7

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usiness Firms, and Individuals on Havorable terms, oni a JeSihnsible people. "Interest a lowed } permanent de Our Many a, and extensive list of Bank- ing ur May 2 provide a prompt and aeeurate £ol- {rection service, SAVINGS DEPT. at every Branch. Interest Paid on Balances { Ha THE LATEST PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. The Whig's Daily Condensation of graph Service and Newspaper Fx- changes. Wa "Palm Olive Soap." Gibson's, The steamer Glenfoyle, at Richard son's whi, is undergoing repairs. For bread and pastry, ® hie Lose {flour, J. F. Galluey, of Montreal, connect- ed with the pig iron industry of that place, is in Kingston. "Palm Olive Soap." Gibson's. Rummage sale, Friday and Satur day, March 27th and 2th. "Hudnut's Talcum." Gibson's. J. K. Kilborn, of Cape Vincent, who is connected with the Dominion Fish on SatuIAS. upladals Ladies" doessmaking. Terms dente 3 iss A. Keyes, 221 LF. Tuesday evening, ¢ Lloyd, Misses Dillon, Bigwood eMullin. Tickets and reserved seats at 52 Broek 'street. "Sanatogen"' at Gibson's. Your individual need in a property way can be met. Come'in and tell A Howard S. . Folger High Grade Bos ts Tire & Life Insurance District Manager of the EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 44 Clarence Street. A I A, "EENSINGTON PLACE" The Plazas will bs curbed and RR er tl When completed * will be one of the most de« Ng 120 ta spon & S S LEFT. J. 0. HUTTO N Real Hatate and Insurance Agent : ALBERTA FINANCIAL BROKERS, LTD, Paid up Capital $1,300,000.00 Head Office, Ala. Announce to the Citizens of lingston that they Have Appointed GEORGE BAWDEN Their Representative for this district. We have some very attractive Agreements of Sale on Town Properties, in large and. small amounts, principal and interest guaranteed and paid by the Company, which we offér to net the urchaser from 10 per cent. to 12 per cent, Teal Estate Coal Insurance A 108 Princess Street Thomas Copley| Administrator's Telephone 087 Notice To Creditors IN THE BETATE or* ARCHIBALD 7 NEL BOF BIT TSBL] Git IN TF BOUNTY OF W ENAC, given, pi DMAN NOTIOE apt to 1 (reo. Ly that a Creditors And wthers HA, aint against. the es- tate of said CPR, who died on Ap- ril 28th, 1812 on or before the p> > deliver to W. Mundell, Kingston, Bh licitor for the Administrator of said sutate fhelr Pen hf nd ful particulars of the claims and o e securities; if any, held b them. After said date the I oh will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the do- ceased am ong the ersons entitled thereto, saving regard to those claims only of which he shall then have had notice, and he will not be liable for any part of said assets to any person of whose claim he shall not have had notice at the tine of such distribution. Ww, AITLAND, Administrator. Ww. Ml Bhd Solicitor. Kingston, F 8, 1914. Fresh Shad Bluefish Swordfish, Tom Cods, Flounders Doniion Fish Co. [20W Aeduced in price. chance to save money. line of beautiful antique furni- stoves, ranges, etc. to choose bonsehold goods bought, best raid. LL, LESSES Ot. Prisosss and Chatham Streets. Among the number who have tried a sample brick of City Dairy lce Cream. If not, why not? Hoag's Drug Store Opp. Y.M.C.A, Phone 268 Eye Troubles that ca headaches, can be correc 80 Fug the head. aches disappe: imps truth, bu #oubt a to 56 BROCK ST. PHONE 68. solid" brick: dwelling with twelve rooms, hot water furn- ace, electric light and gas, B. and c, good yard with sta- ble, in elose in location. Tou would not get this propery for the price we. ask only that it must he sold. $3,600. for quick ne. : We have . I 5 truth of this asser- a tion and fnvite every sufferer rom hes to consult us on the subject. . NO CHARGE FOR | CONSULTATION i Jour eyes are the cause of we can give Fe relief and comfort. a Ye ban Jo ihe cause of your r an examina- RJ. RODGER ; RE. oy Where the Clock 1s on the Walk - A evening us t it is. McCann. A citizen' was on Saturday morn: ing ordered by the police magistrate, 3S lye destroy or confine his dog which ' attacked a citizen a few days Lv Rbompt, delivery sérvice." Gib "Own your own home" is old ad- visa. Good advise, too, ii followed. Tou can afford to follow it just now. McCann' and he will telll you Ww, "Formamipt"' at Gibson's. Richard i Irving in Brodk street hall Sunday evening, 7 o'clock. "Tnduat' s Cold Cream." Gibson's. plaeed in position and are in work- fing order. Box No. 9 is at the cor ner of Wellington and Clarence streets, and box No. 15 is at] the corner of Ontario and William streets. "Infants' foods" at Gibson' . The many friends of Mrs. Har: | per, Johnson street; will be a to hear she is much better of her re cent, attack of appendicitis. son's Red Cross Drug Store. 'A meeting of the Mth Regimental band, the second in command, the ad- jatant, and: the band committee Be held in the armouries on Monday "New tooth brushes." Sala! Sweater coats for men or women, , 65c.; sweaters, from d40c.; baby coats from 25c.; clouds, 1ljec.; mitts, lic.; toques, 15c. Dutton's. Infants' foods," at Gibson's. John Raven, street, Gibson's. Princess who has been confined ta the general hos pital since Thursday, seriously ill of pneumonia, has taken a turn for the best, and his 'speedy recovery is now Yooked for Removal sale! $2 corsets, Capt. Alexander McDougall, lath, and George * Mackay, of Owen Sound, were in the city on Saturday. Things, in the marine matters are now becoming active again and prepara- tions are now under way yor fitting the vessels out for the wear Yopening of . $1.50 of Ih navigation. "Formamint" 'at Gibson's. When you list your poperty with us it means that we segiously under- take to find the best buyer for it-- to find the man who wants to buy it. McCann. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his spring and summer goods for his order clothing department, also in ready-made clothing and gents' furn- ishing department. They are all 'well assorted with new goods. Rev. Basil W. Thompson, of Otia- wa, who conducts educational services in Queen Street Methodist church on Sunday, is the guest of Rev, J. E. Lidstone, Alired street. Mr. Thomp- son is a graduate of Queen's Univer sity. Of the financial standing of the Township of Hinchinbrooke, for the year eriding the 31st of December, 1913: Receipts. 2, cash in treas- ¥ . $1,004.04 Taxes for Legislature and equip- ment grants for schools "ae Mimeallaneous | : Good roads grant Taxes for 113 .. Total receipts .. Payments, Miscellaneous orders $2.1 Good toads By- laws Nos. 2 and 7 Balance to next account TR 120. . GOO. GEO. F. DFELLOW, F. R. GOODFELLOW, Auditors. Messrs. Campbell & Wright, the now general plan of the City of Kingston. The plan is compiled from the survey records of Messrs. Innes, Booth, Williams, Kilborn, Bolger, Nash and Campbell & Wright. Ontario Land Surveyors, and the Provineial and Dominion Gov- ernment records available, Vandyke tinen or blue print cop- ies of the original plan will be avgil- able 'in about ten days at the of the above firm, 168 Princess St, The plan will prove particularly use- 'ul to the Legal Profession, ConVvey- alicors, Estate and Insurance Ag 'nts throughout the ¢ity. the News of the World From Tele. y, was in the city on business 'Pwo new lire. alurh boxes have been will Auditors' Report NEW CITY PLAN. togal firm of Engineers and Survey- |i ors, announce the completion of the || : feriogs, in Charles Frohinan presents THE EMINENT ENGLISH PLAYERS Miss Eva Moore AND Mr. H. V. Esmond With Their Entire London ha A REMARKABLE rT OF ENGLISH LIVE THE DEAR FOOL BY H. Vv. ESMOND. Direct From a Succesful Season at the Garrack Theatre, New York Prices 25, 50, 75¢, $1, $1.50 SEATS NOW ON SALE Tuesday, Mar. Cohan and Harris Present For the First Time Here George M. Cohan's Greatest Success Broadway Jones Conceded by all crities the Smartest Play of the Xear Laughs Galore This is a guaranteed attraction and the only company touring pre- senting this successful comedy. Prices 25, 50, 75¢, $1, $1.50 SEATS ON SALE SATURDAY William Morris Presents AUCE LLOYD England's Daint- iest Comedienne, And Congress: of 75 Entertainers With Frank FOGARTY The Dublin Minstrel IY X-Ray Dance" Cowbey Minstrels 2L2--Sensational Features--22 Special Cabaret Orchestra NOW TURNING 100'S AWAY \NIGHTLY AT PRINCESS THEATRE MONTREAL. Prices 25, 30, 75¢, $1, SEATS ON SAI $1.50 MONDAY SALMON CHEAPER VOU CAN NOW AFFORD "THE VERY BEST n 8 CREST BRAN BIG CHARITY HockeyMatch Wed. March 11 QUEEN'S SR. Vs. FRONTENAC SR. FRONTENAC JR. Vs. OITY "ALL STARS" Entire proceeds divided eq- ually between General Hospi- tal; Hotel Dien and Tubercul- osis Hospital Junior. game starts at 7.30 and will ba called off promptly at 9 p.m. Senlor game starts at 9 p, m., and will be called off prompt- ly at 10.80 p.m. The Rink Management, Daily Papers, etc, have all very gen- erausly donated thelr interests towards this big charity night. It only memaing for the general public to turn out and make it the Sreatost success in years. . Reserved Seats lon) G0e. a Covered Rink, || COVERED RINK| HOCKEY MATCH RENFREW Champions Wtetproviucial mission nang adm iss Monday Fo ~y »" Hockey vs QUEEN'S « Ene: Vntercolioginte Langue Monday Monday, M : March 9th PLAN ray TENS SAT Sat Hisats CARD OF Mr, and Mrs. John Janeway wish to A express their sincere thanks te their many friends who so Kindly extended their sympathy, and forthe floral of- ir recent bereavement in thelr youngest daughter, the death o Bleagor. 7 0 Wed. March 11th Dance Mad !{} phonographs, gramophones and graf- i {| pain our plan. ~ i 2" if satisfactory. SEVEN Ot EIGHT ROOM MODERN {] house for small family; Hox 93, Wh Phi o nent office. AT ONCE, GIRL OR WOMAN TO AS- sist in housework. Small family. Apply 33 Division St MOTIVE Fil ages ahout RECOSHATY. - ag Ralkway, Care British Wak, LO, ot BRAKEMEN 00. experience un- postage. $100 MONTHLY MAY HE MADE MAL - {ne eireulars. Particulars free. A Kraus, 909 Kraus Bldg, - Mil Li is, : Een 3100 A i rR 51 Fok Presa i ANYONE CAN EARN $25 WEEKLY right in your own home. No oapi- tal or experience required. .F will start you. H, Martin, Windsor, unt I WILL START YOU EARNING #4 daily at home in spare time, sil- vering mirrors; no capital, free in- structive booklet, giving plans of Ti G. F. Redmond, Dep, > LADIES T0 DO PLAIN AND LIGHT sewing at home, whole or spare time; good pay, work sent any dis tance, charges pald; stamp for full particulars. tional Manufac- turing Co., Montreal, Que, ¥ OLD COUNTRY DOMES. ties. Parties arriving twice month- ly. Appiigations must be made well in advance The Guild, 47 Pembroke St, Toronto, and 71 Drummond St., Montreal. CAPABL WE WANT NOW A CAPABLE SALLY man to canvass Kingston for the gale of New Hardy Everblooming Roses, ornamental trees, shrubs. Good opening for rignt arty. Write Pelham Nursery Co., Toron- to, LET ME PAY YOU $50 MONTHLY. Only ten minutes of your time da ily required, All work done your home No canvassing. capital Also show you how start mall order home business Instructive hook dnd literatuve explaining business and boys Voorhies, Desk 813, Omaba, ebr 3 i | n i No t ARCHITECT WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, etc. Offices, 258 Padne 508. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants' Bank Buildin ng, cornet Brook am Wellington streets, Dro; a ARCHI- Bagot st MUSIO, tine Cochrane, 78 Jore NL, ston. King 1 TELGMANN SOHOOL OF Music, 316 | Frontenac street. 'Te elg- mann, BE, teacher of ort nn and action. Miss Norma and ¥ elgmann, teachers of viol man. dolin, plano, ete. 'Terms Woe tul: tan and coucert engagements on application, - DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, RE- moved to 258 Irincess Street. DR, C. C. NASH, DEN 18ST Renton, Assistant 13 Street. 'Phone 735. s-------- SPARKS AND a DENTISTS 15% Wellington Street, (over Car: noveky's), Kingston. "Phone 348. S. H. SIMPSON, L.DS, D.D.S, Is at, corner Princess and DN Set Entrance on Bagot street Teron one 626. DR. T. B. Princess 3 UPHOLSTERER W. J. GAVINE, UPHOL STERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, hair Mattress heagvat ng. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot street CARTING. ALBERT SAUNDERS. ALL KINDS OF carting done. Satisfaction guaran- teed, 667 Princess Street. (Records Exchanged | All kinds ot records, Victor, Col umbia, Edison Blue Amberol, Edi- » soni two-minute, for exchange. Alsop onolas for sale. Call and let us ex- ALLEN' S Phona 25% 11% Reack St. Se. Just the Luncheons, A te, i Homes, * sien, Joe amd Tor. Fenwick, "Hendry & Co. (Dintributors.} VIOLIN INSTRUCTION--~M13S OHRI® Telephone 136. | FURNISHED ROOMS, sRIGHT. MOD- ern. contenicnces. Li Brags st 4 WANTED GENER TO RENT bedrooms, yard. WANTED, SMALL furnished or June to end if satisfactory: tange of Box 252, YOUNG LADY comforiable room and near 'the, Univ stating price, to Oftice. |) unfurn I nex wi Quean's: hig n rent. reasonable Appl a is IRAL OR rv ROHL ASE, HOUSE, 4 wit h, good Apply "Hox a, Whig "office N HOUSE, hed, middle rll; longer wasy dis STUDENT DESIRES with fire-place Bs . ARR da on $hip Tea ey Xe a bale! horton notice. EY TO BRING TH have It ol Jade up i lnto BIR up nD Press e done on ths homas Galloway 1 Broek street. near Bibby"s Gar HOTELS. ALBION HOTEL, CORNER MONTREAL Queen streets; 33 bedrooms Rates moderate; centrally located, one block from street cars. House recently 'thoroughly rénovated best stable and yard accommoda 'FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND ent Soglaty: established INVEST. 1861 president, Colonel Henry R. Smith oney issued on of properties, municipal mortgages purchased; debentures; and farm and country Ly feposits received and interest al- Clarence Hireot, LIVERPOOL, LONDON MeGil, Manager, 27 AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Avaliable assets, $61,187,215, In adition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of city property, insured Before renewing possible rates. old or giving new rates from Strange Agents. Phine 3d at lowest business get # Strange 0 LET STORAGE FOR FURNITUR slean and dry. WeCann, street. TWO NEW HOUS S, per 98 Frontenac St OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. bers. dle, 79 Clarence St. FRONTENAC # Broo ST. month. Apply SHAM Apply to Cunpingham & Mu PRIVATE GARAGE 'OR for auto for the winter) glean ad dry. WELLINGS AT $30, Also offices, stores, McCann, 82 Brock $17, #16, $12 ete, McCann's Real Estate Agency, 88 Brock St STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLRA? dry, airy rooms; and key. your Frost's City Btorage, 38 own lau Queen St, Phone §36b. rw 9, = u RNSHED ROOMS, FURNISH. for light 212 Division St FROM MAY Isr, 19714, L wi , first floor, ing Bank of Comm Cl atin i ply King & Smyth HOUSE, 247 BROC K hot water hous: Poges ons : May Brock St housekeeping oe and every convenience. with Apply ARGE OFFICE 8 Brock St, ST. 107 Clargy St. 1st BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE ANYWHERR CAN START a mall order business at home; no canvassing be your Send for Eres Booklet: own. boss tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport. N.Y PERSONAL NEXT OF KIN, HEIRS, For list address Robert Gun. LEGATEES. 150 Prince of Wales Road, London, N, W., England. MARRY -- THE dential succ numbers of \ bers, t marr lage p Wrubel, Hos HAIR, MOLES, -- iptions free , Oakland, Cal, JARLE;, CONFI- club has thy, large etigible mem- wishing early Mrs WARTS, MIRTA- marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed permanently, without sear; 27 years experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Throat and Skin' Specialist, Bagot street. tion, J. M. Caines, SCALP MASSAGE FOX hair, dandruff, etc. ectricity (new method shampooln, maniouring, eatmant in sage, a! date styles Mrs. For Sale Sealed renders, magi marked "Tenia AS : Rectory Lots" will be received by th undersigned up 16 poon on Saturda; the 14th of March, 131% fos the chase of two good building fats ing a frontage of 132 feet on the west H side of Svdenham Street, and 133 132 fe on the jhatith side of Raglan Rand ESLON. Boy or Hi being lots t sud nine on Ble = The hi an nder Aol nesessd i raat a Rims tan Fabruary Sth, KING & SMYTHE, | Boticitors for Ringston Rectory Com- mittee. A modern 7 house, hardwood flo location, 124 Victo twéen Earl and Jo $2,700, McLeod's in hair t Ear, Nose, 26% Proprietor. FALLINT | tréated by ei. ). La face ch fobody, wor 'NEW FRAME test | GEESE FEATHERS, APPLY TO MRS. Goldman, 387 Division St. ------ ONE LOT, WIRKLAND STRERT, 25 X 8% feel, for $325. or easy terms fant 10 Architect Charles H, A SOLID COMFORT CUTTRE but a short time. Apply D, son, 244 Princess St USED . Daws A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAR idehoards, the best we have ever A Tat a reasonable price, at Turk's. hone 701. AND THREE LOTS, Portsmouth. asy terms, FRAME HOUSE 4 5 ppl po Chis aries Hu Wo YOUNG HORSES Al ALL ROUND, One four years, other six. ca reasonable. Apply 3iingaton at= tress Co, Princess Sg, AL LARGE NUMAER OF RICYCLES and No. 1 special and traction trea Duaplop tires. Carpet lying. tenin Muller, St, Phone HOUSE, MARKLAND Sstreel, containing six rooms, elecs tric light, gas, hot water, and all modern convenience 1,650, Llasy terms, Apply to Charles IL Leeds er, -- 100 LBS, OF ROPE AND SOME PUL- leys suitable for hoat purposes We also buy and sell all kinds of new and second<hand furniture, staves, ete, Thompson, 338 Prin- cess St, nest to St. Andrew' 8 church GROCERY STORE AND DWELLING 152 Ontario street, or - will sell and fixtures with renting store . and Doing a firgt class busi sason for selling. Ape au, on the premises CHOICE FARM, ONE HUNDRI and ninety-five acres, 9 miles from Kingston and 1 mile from Glens vale. Has an abundance of choice Rafi spruce and cedar and pevate ailing water thereon. Well feno« d. For further information poly John Clark, RM.D. 1, Westby OF, LOT 32, » of King- voling or- barn, hen round water tigment, i school, gston Sta- ACRE FARM, ©» ART 100K n a nt TOUR. condition, cap for quick brick house, B. and Erie] Groes fred Sts COME TO Su NNY Florida Eve muck soil anc ernment S abiex mature in winter when re We sell-large and asonuable prices to liable agents echobee Fruit Lands Bldg. Jacksonville, $3500 FOR DOUBLE 7 ROOM FRAME aouse, on York St, !mprovements, all in good repair. Wf rent for wi per ann $4800 FOR A W BRICK MOUSE, 'ot, fine location, on modern, WEST, about 60 x 90. NEW SOLID BRICK HOUSER ON Johnson street, ) rooms; sll mods rn improvements; good location} asy terms. Apply to A. F. ROND, 2G Frontenac St. Phone 743 go Ihert St, GOOD LOT oN UNION ST. $3200-BRICK VENEER MOUSE, BRVe erley Street, partly furnished. Large lot; good ww athulidings, 12700--NEW HOUS PATRICK St, modern i re good sta ble, ready for brick veneer. $1650--NEW FRAME™ HOUSE, ALL improvements. BATEMAN & GARDINRR. INSUR« ance, Money to Loan. &7 Clarencs Bt, Kingston. » BUSINESS NOTICES KINGSTON SHORTHAND, TYPE. Snting and Copying Bureau, 331 teen St. All work strictly con. dential. Rates moderate. CATERING ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SOP. pers, banquets, Ainners, parties, ete. Silverware and cutlery i B% farHiguiars apply to Foye's ging Bt, store. wR JATER TO PARTIES, BA ing breakfasts, he nen ste also rent dish 0 San RL 176 itred street Phones £4 LEGAL ers and solicitors, Law 7" CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST. Office, Clarence street, Kingston. WE HAVE BEEN SELLING Genuine Scranton Coal for 48 years. It is the best coal for family use, Hard and soft wood and all Jescriptions of kindling always on han JAMES SWIFT & £0. For Sale PT $1 Rents for $17.00 a month. Single Frame, Stephen Street, Inorovements iia. $1,800 apply to WH. Gotvin &

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