p- Tr os . ; The funeral of late Mercy ; : Napanee, T--A very sudden wie, fyi Gust snd dire; { HONORABLE CAREER - Avery, wife of 'ex-Warden Jerome KEY CHAMPIONSHIP, death occurred here, on Friday morn. nlure any complexion, this : § m---- Thomson, took place from ber late i yi p------ 0 ing, when! John N. Wagar. one of Na- ¢ residence at Sharbot Lake on Wed- Referee Sproule Suffered an Injury Pavee's oldest residents; passed away [wesday ai mn. It 'was largely : 2 : with but 'a' few hours' illness: De +. Journalist and by friends and relatives! 1 the Varsity K.C.L Game in Tor} og only returned Thursday even- Statesman~~A Monarch of Oratory from the village and district points.| Onto on Thursday Afternoon ing, on he 630, «dock Jasin, noms a Sir George William Ross was of |The services, most impressive and Twi "hampion visit | of several months with his : most fitting in the case of one of nd 0 hockey ham ships won daughter in Detroit, and other rela- | Celtic origin, the son of the late and a chance of ai tives in Michi nd was brigh y James Ross, by his wife, Ellen Me. such sterling worth as the late Mrs. the record established by 3 os . b chigan, an wud right and | Kinnon, both natives of Ross-shire, Thomson, were. conducted by. Der ston hockey teams this winter. heatth uw ie within m on poike a 0 came to Canada in 1832. Born | brother-in-law, Rev. George Seantle- js certainly a record that will keep his i Buring the night he elle). near © Nairn, county of Middlesex, bury, of Ottawa, assisted by Rev. F. any other of cities in Canada go- NLT ; Room sod {Ont:, September 18th, 1847, he so. | Williimson, rector of St. Andrews to he two chiampionships| Fitincd of uot fe Shing well sud al cefved his early education in the pub- | church, Bharat jake The pall: which have been won by the King-| 7 pad aya ex Lo HC gichools. After receiving a first [D¥arers were Alvin, Egbert, Freder-'ston-hoekeyists Ars the semi Lone. Shred ya is ick and Melzar Avery (the latter ex- gollegi ¢ 3 rg) doy. Deceased 'was in his eighty-se- class county board certificate émpow- A ! x" Collegiate, which was won by Queen's cond year, but was quite swiart. He % : ering him to teach, he took a course | M P.); H. M. Taylor and Major G. university, and ihe intermediate in- leaves, besides his widow d with wrinkles or - fur. H. Gillispie, of Kingston. The cas- llegiate h ; a, vs Ws widow, one daugh h lotion made by dissoly. |8t the normal school, Toronto, and in es tercollegiate hockey trophy, ter and. one son, both residing in a dered nxolite in 1-2 pint 1871 secured a first class provincial | X6* Was ladened with floral tributes. was ¢ ed by. the cadets of the] yi pin The funeral will take plate prove wonderfully of- lcertificate. At a later Period he ma. | THe Temains were placed in the Vault Royal Military coliege. The boys on Saturday afternoon. ii triculated in Taw at Albert univers. |?! orth. fromthe Kingston Collegiate Insti-| "yt CISIY witern Rock Drill build- Goo ity, graduated bachelor of law in : he Tg 9 the deceased Indy tut ing at tile foot of John street is be 1883, and was called to the bar in |!4YeS a4 gap in her home and the : | ing remodelled and put into shape for 1887. In 1871 he was appointed. in- 4 a garage and woter boat establish- be spector of public schools for tae Lake about thir ment. Messrs. J. R. Dafoe and J. B. county of Lambton, and acted sub- ole aboy ne Ye ai ' Allison ave the new proprietors. sequéntly in a similar capacity for | had Interested herself in church and!" Had the sub-committee of the Miss Edith Gibson is convalescing kindred. circles. Not only the per-l@.H A. done the right thi ith] Licoly av the towns of Petrolea and Strathroy. . © Fig ng wi nicely, alter her severe attack of pleu. When the establishment of addition. | Manent residents at the lake, {Junior Frontenacs. Kingston would rigy, . y al normal schools was agitated in |10Sts of Canadians and Americans' have had, the honor of guarding an- Miss Ida Joyee, of Gretna, had the Ontario, he took a leading part in| WhO have summered at that resort other trophy for the season of 1914. misfortune to fall in front of the Roy- | ; . the creation of the county model | FOember her for her ready kindness] al hotel, breaking her right arm at \ school system. After That opm in many ways. ~ From these and the Twel . the wrist, zation, he prepared a syHabus of fec- | e0tire district is extended sympathy Awe ve-Man Rugby Miss Addie Scott éntertaimed a num- ; tures for their direction and for aq ['¢ the surviving family. For many| McGill football team favors the re-| dr of Iriends on Friday evening at her AN - ; " Tg & Studebaker | time filled the position of inspector, | Ye4rS after moving to Sharbot Lake duction of men on a team from four- home, Thomas street east. Mrs. ROLLER CANARY BIRDS, $3.25, REGULAR $8.00 valu ES ; [B| From 1576 to 1886 he was a member | the deceased's husband was in part-|teen to twelve. This amendment will| Charles Zocelner, of Toronto, spent t 300 ST. ANDREASBERG TRAINED ROLLERS, AGENT Blof the central committee of examin- | PeTShip with his brother-in-law, Mel- be offéred at Kingston to-morrow. the week-end with her parents, Mr. Day and Night Songsters. ers. He steadily contended for the | Zar Avery, in nomsoy and Avery, |May Shaughnessy have more successiand Mrs, Robert Frizzell. We have just received this importation to fill the demands of LE 's 'Garage uniformity of test-books, and fav. Fue 2 achan A ea at twéive-man Jontatt than he had ------------ the many disappointed in our offer of last week. | f ALrs. } i "at six-man hockey, says the Toronto i 3 Year Last week we offered: n advertisi le 1,000 of these birds oured the limiting of normal schools ried to Jerome Thomson, at June- Globe. Natita Man. bind Py Jui Yeuray to the ut od tow people, aa ever thodght this supply would not Te : town thirty-eight years ago. He I ------ Ha! fax, arc] T~In the ath "of suf cien oF he b emand, Bo Touch Bren er a ! ely lusts t an a A liberal in politics he was elected survives with two children, Harold, Scandal-mongers Hoarse Thomas Garvis, one hundred and al cited that el oi RA Bat wi in that Interest to, fue house of com-{ at home, and Mrs. H. M. Taylor, of} The Toronto Globe says: The three years old, Halifax loses one of continue for the next week. while (hiK Guantity lasts. to whip them at * 1] A A i Ror. 2 * '13 ™ » He a 3.25 each. PEC WwW n Picked cspecially for this sale, and every », 201 &917 | pit et iit pin fo Noeina, Sask. -- ne elironic scandal-mongers who are|its x miarkably long lived. residents. a rh to' Be up fo the Standard, We also guarantee that Phone's r g 2, | , unetow! to professional work, i eontinually howling bout the crook-| The old man was unmarried and a the bird will reach our patrons in a safe condition, no matter what 'the Filing at" Ottawa ap. to. Noronsre, | HOD. Avery, of Princetown, B, C.i Sonam? Boviing about the crank] The old man, wes somarri So am | § Brace chu hae eatin sem han Jha ean Rollers woofer ¥ A ss at Ottawa up to November, | Melzer Avery, of Sharbot Lake; and teams are hoarse this morning. They| Scotia in 1834 and settled 'in An- at a special price of $1.39, or 2 : 4, when he entered the Mowat five sisters, Mrs. Charles Thomson, saw something "queer" ahout the! tigowish eounty and could never be State number of birds you require and send in your order prompts administration in Ontario as minis- | of North Augusta; Mrs. W. B. Lani- Toronto-Wanderer game. Of course, | induced to leave his adopted coun- Ix fo take advantage of this offer. Send money by postal note-ar money ter of education. This office he re- gan, of Winnipeg; Mrs. James Mec- they do not take into consideration |try for any other. Send for our price list contatning: quotations on dogs, birds, gold tained under Mr. Hardy, being also Donald and Mrs. John Darling, of that the teams which go into the ------ fish, aquar ums, cages, etc ¥ Ielber for West Middlesex in the Lansdown, and Mrs. George Scantle- Stanley cup compatition share in tho blades: Gikoon? 1 . » .- egislature. bury, of Ottawa, also survive. " 3 SOV "Auto strop blades. Gibson's. a 3 Ys , proceeds and that there will be sev- : bide J rt Frio coe to 1805, he was pre- eral "gates" in that series, whereas -- Evy Unvedule, nats has ominion ir mpo ers, ier of Outario. 8 government PT 'ORKERS there will be only one additional in| Piero Me . : 3a - Sgn Seteat in 1305 when oc Jose the Toronto-Canadien play-off, and Tr Sor Nurses. Dut- 20) Sn Futhering gh. West ny. Best that money can buy. ee k tie Susceaded to Sue Were Given Great Inspiration at ihe players get no share of the tov's . ' « Offices also in Chicago and New . $ 4 . . 1 ey. « .i ' - knighted. For the past seven years Social Congress oney -- . "Sanatogen" at Gibson's upp hod . COUPER be was a member of the Canadiah Rev. A. E. Smart is home from Ot- Referee Was Injured Es ---- . : . senate and liberal leader since the|tawa, where he attended the Social | Harvey Sprowls, referee 841-3 Princess Street death of Sir Richard Cartwright. | Service Congress, as 2 delegate JIOM; nek With Ss puck: while. referee. > he. BALSSRD, Delivery Sir George devoted some years tothe Kingston Sullaren's Xa society. ing the University of Toronto-King- i= T. LAWRENCE granulated white pure cane STER2 Journalistic work, being at one time| Mr. Su Say press Iston C.1. junior 'eame. at the Arena r gives very best results for editor of the Stratis Age, at an-| Was a great success and of much in-{7OR C i a Ean Nd a roma sugar gn 8 very he Tlie ve - ®%~" lother time part proprietor of the | SPiration to social workers. The Be ih _ HE pes ¢ iv pin cake, candies, jams or jellies. Huron Expositor, He was also the | Outstanding figure was Charles Stel- ih bt ghd bovine Fads the ef- conductor of the Ontario Teacher a @e. consulting socialogist of New fects of the Yay ; 'PHONE 1170 publication which proved of great York, whose presentation ot he a p-- service to educationalists in al] Por problems was a revelation ol Paid $1,290 in Fines Iparts of the province For many those in attendance. His best ad- wd : . fi years he was prominently identified | 47€55 Was on the subject of "Captur- | oi ing the Scheduled N.H.A. ves with the temperance Food He wai | Ing the Labor Movement." [ion now closed. 31.200 Was. contrih- elected Most Worthy Patriarch pi Child Welfare was the subject {uted in the shape of fines by players | the Sons of Tem ioe of North | Pondled in St. George's Hall, when Of the six clubs to the league. Ot-| Americ in Te te o nr Rr oC Scott, K. C., of Ottawa, gave tawn men paid in the biggest sum, ! rans Gol HEAOn 18 rio a splendid address, on "The Rights|$383, and Ontaries were the small i Sold by leading grocers in 100 1b.. 25 Ib. and pe! solonization County in 82; of a Child." Dr. Helen McMurchy, on |et, $104. Torontos were hit up for ) "20 Ib y od § a a . an Stonicd the British und Colonial "Care of Defective Children,", whilst $282, Quebec for $204, Wanderers ¢ » seale: bags, sud b. and 21b. cartons, don, 'J836: was levied president of | "Jone Courts" was ably present 10 $104, and Canadiens for $175 - 3 sizes of grain--Fine, Medium and ho Ter a ps p 1 Life As | ©d by Judge Choquet, of Montreal. |The individuals filed the heaviest a ) C se, all icest quality, iperance and Tenors © AS- 1 tn his address the ' learned judge, | totals were: MoGiffen (Torontes), - y | choices y nes SUIAIEE. Sompany in 1 $35, and was said that 90 per cent. of the oftend-|$116; Hail (Quebec), $81; Darragh RT Buy it by the bag. a Prohinitors No onto or Ontario ers were cigarette fiends, and that (Ottawa), $78, and Ross (Wander- , +. ST, LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES LUITED, © MONTREAL, - A oy anes in . picture shows were responsible for a [ers), $72. 8 a legislator and administrator great deal of juvenile 'delinquency. his record was one of great merit. | Heo cited cases to prove this, and at In 1882 he introduced a resolution | (ye same time admitted that the pic- Hockey Notes ------------------ --- in iI the house 'Of commons AskINE Tor | hvu mere Rare oo mes SALINE DIE | ort tr eon ER ---- Eh -- rgan, Violin, Man. [the opening of negotiations looking | jje should demand elear wholesome | pions will probably be called upon to 'dolin Guitar, Ba for the establishment of reciprocal | oqueational pictures, which would be [play off and the winners meet the ° ba ' ' njo, trade between Canada and the Unit- instructive to their patrons. cup holders Wednesday and Satur- / Cornet. ed States, which resolution subse-| He also condemned the pool rooms |day of next week. ew- © 1X 5 M i LW wh won fquently gave rise wo the agitation in as the source of much injury to University of Toronto has receiv: ¢ : - . ; . Meth Wonderf lv | favour of reciprocity. In 1885 he in- young men. The problem of the ed a challenge f:om the University f : y = od, rand a hl * [troduced a bill in the legislature pro- uty a county were also discussed. |of Manitoba team, but the eastern Less Price-- Less Weight-- Less Fuel Cost Than Fours } ple, asy an apic viding for the consolidation of the The prominent woman speaker was|players announce tiat they are fin- This - new car--the HUDSON: Six-40 Now 'comes. a mibdest-price, high-class . 4H : public schools act, the high schools Miss Ratte who captured her 'aundi-|ished for the season. Examinations te is : origi : xi Tint reight Sik. c = real Six 2.4 FE FORMA. act, the separate schools act and the ence by the very able manner in|are also too closs, brings out many mnovations. SIX--a Lg I-weigh S IX--an economical DIX TION FREE act respecting mechanics institutes. | which she = presented her subject. | The Winnipeg Monarch have been I'he engine is a type first developed in And the price is less than many thousands # Wonderful, New | I 1887 he introduced a bill author- "Her Challenge," which was a state- |6rdered to make the first defence of Europe---a small-bore, long-stroke motor ol men have every year paid for Fours. Lawhich young and izing the federation of the University | ment to the effect that she had the |the Allan cup on Saturday and Mon- And Europe, which deemed tlie Six too "Tlie' SIX is smooth-running. it has ov. SRR, violin Suites, mandolin, (OF Toronto, and the afifation of the fovening before visited a house Jay nights, Magch 7 and 9, against] wasteful, now acclaims this Six as the com- erlapping strokes. It is flexible, economi- eello, curnet or other instrument {denominational colleges with that where there were a number of [the Kenora Thistles, The total of was » cal of tires. Riding in a HUDSON Six is ledge of music is required. {national institution. He was also! "wh'te slaves" within the shadow of |2oals Is to count. ing type of car. . é ; : a res. Kiding a. SON SIX 18 Abossibind (oid methads Lyi mental in lacing on the sta- ouses of rliament. This tei It has made possible for the first time an much like constant coasting. : impossible, learn quickly p 8 the house pa 3 a i CI . : iy of sly by "chin of Yamal new ftute book a bill respecting truancy | should awaken the Ottawa police to |~ DIAZ AT WASHINGTON economical Six--far more economical than Men who find this but will not buy Fours 1 En Wi amen your spare land compulsory attendance at school. their duty in suppressing it. She ; at anywhere near this price $ A x - sro . : : rs. at any S a Sov, ek | He arn TE. Conjunction | nor avocetor rape protec Wowk Ries Vis Vie Sa This new HUDSON Sixi40 weighs 2980 others or playing in public | with William Buckingham, a biogra-{ of young domestics who come to this tes Capital in Person. $ Ley A Nw) as 4 tis wan wiki aner aud to Phy of the Hon. Alexander Macken: | country, who are at the present time Washington, March 7.---The most pounds. That's A0D pounds less than last A New Body Sype--New Features i 15 Of pleased pupils through- 26. Among his other works may be victims of emigration agents in Eng- | ymporsamt development in the Mexi- year's HUDSON "37.0 lt 1¢ design anc equipmen iarvelions yet extramely |e0tioned "The History of the|land and on the continent. She |can situation was the arrival in consumes one-fourth less === == are almost the same as the easy system, Send your {School System of Ontario," written warned her hearers thut "the mails. Washington of General Felix Diaz fuel. = Yet the HUDSON : new HUDSON Six-54. And ta taarese to us to-day: for |for the International Series of Edu. "the departmental stores", "mews-ifor the purpese of seeking light as "37" was a four-cylinder : that is 'considered the hand- fe dh Gemation, booklet and re- feational Works published by the Do- a 5 " but ¢ ov 2, " h paper advertisements" were but few | to what the attitude of this wovern- : e md | : 3g co! a it Yon woot ike 'to play. " inion Appleton company, New| of the many ways used in securing | ment would be toward a movement car, shorter, less roomy, less if Soe st fear of the year. 1 Wil do. iw ores of | York. A report of the "Schools of young girls. which he proposes to launch t> de- powerful. ill y really distinguished car. Bt difterent instruments. please ox. | England and Germany," and "Patri-| It was a wonderful conference. |;ose Huerta nd make himself tein Compared with other | An ideal streamline body " Bel. whddress International fotic Reeitations for the Use of The two leaders in the political porary ruler of the republic of Mexi Fours th this class the dif | of the coming type. Hand- Mm Institute Bids. | Schools and Colleges." In 1893 he|arena, both avowing their interest], The nephew of the form :v pre- iid i rv Sind Ld ing ister. " was appointed chairman of the com-| and help in the work and the Pres-fsident of Mexico has been in New erence 1s greater. § : to ng. mittee, having for its object the pre- | ence of the sovernor-general, was an| York making plans to finance this | same-class ours weigh 40 | jl It has the cc os Jes paration of a history of Canada for instance of how anxious he is to be new movement, whieh is to he a per cent. more and consume Six-40--$2,300 | One-Man top with quick- the use of the schools of this coun. | ir: close touch with all work pertain- wilitdry one # undertaken. one-third more fuel. } Six-54--$2,950 Ml adjusting curtains attached. try, and, in 1897 served as vice-pre-| ing to the interest of the people. || Mt beeame apparent immediately , «Price $2300 i i Two disappearing tonneau sident of the British. Association for "That I am my brothers keeper.' | shat Felix Diaz can hope for ne sup: 1 fi is HUDSON. Si f. 0. b. Toronto. i seats. Gasoline tahk in the st the Advance of Science. 'He was alse responsibie for his life, to be a protee- port from the administration in' Ane this DON Six- ff . I Be ah Ih, the © Th president for some years of the Do- [tor of fhe weak and an encourager such an undertaking, © For president 8 ~~ 40--a qaulity Six--far un- les : dash. . Extrs 3 a of ih the Kidneys at Once When |minion educational association. Injto the faithful was the keynote of Whson or his advisers to take a dersells any Four in its _the front * door, concealed ck Hurts or Bladder Bothers acknowledgement of his eminent ser-| the congress. which it hoped will be pana in helping 'to initiate any re- class." $0 2 map who naw. bis this-cliss hinges, concealed speedometer gear. Dim- ih or woman who eats meat |vices in behalf ef education, he re- ut the beginning of a great awaken- | volutionary movement 'of this char AE BR more for a F r and more for its ming scatehliglits, the Delco patent system 'can make a mistake by ceived the degree of doctor of law, ing to the call of secial work. acter would, of course, be aut of the car pays more for : J our and ) s elect elt ster and Hohte the kidneys oconsionally,|rrom St. Andrew's university, Scot- ------------ Tquession, 'but Diss' has been bold upkeep than this HUDSON Six-40 costs. of electric s 8 ghts. ge known authority. tlland, 1888. A similar honor was Has Declined Moderatorship enough to come to tite national eapts This means, beyond dotbt. the doom : of Six months.ago there was no car at any conferred upon him by Victovia -uni-| yondon, March 2.--Principal John [tal in au effort to promote his plans. or ign "$1500 ! price which offered so many attractions. ked versity; Toronto, in 1892, and. by, To-| skinner, of the - Theological college He 'has 'been sucessful, HoNatet, Fours above $15 This new Six-40 is to-day the most ime fonto university in 1894. In 1896] of the Presbyterian chureh ob Eng- |io the estent of obtaining (he con- 3 xa vad i Spe . ; the market. ~The démand for he was elected a fellow of the Royal land, has declined the moderatorsiiip | sent of the senate foreign relations For sev eral years no Four has been sal esting $F on i HUDSON. comand, for 0 | y " © for a he #8 to cone able at a price which would buy a good Six. it 1s breaking 4 UBSO! S. « Saciety of Canada, and in the same| of the synod in which he fo- [committee for ating pr ya good Ea : b deli bes, was nted one of the com- in November. 'ne nowtina- ditfons in Mexico. kt is espected Eighteen high-class makers now build Sixes may, when vou see it. want an ear y deh year appot minated gl I } ¢|Missioners for the, revision of the tion board will make a further ftbat this Bearing will consist ehiefly exclusively, and 54 of them build Sixes for ery. If so, we urge that you come and. see sjOntario statutes. In 1902 he re- | choice on March 3 ahs last oe Autepent by Diet ms to him gre! best « ; Sn SE Tow. ceived the degree of LL.D. atfsasion when a m atorship® was |gi n the | » ; ; 5 A i s Queen's. . } declined was in 1896, this being the | what he might by able to aceon: 54 of the 79 Automobile exhibitors at thé 14th National Automobile Show . held in New In 1886 he served as an honorable | case of Dr. Thain Davidson. plisgh. Comwuloatod. with "ont | York Jan. 3 to 10 this year, Sisplayed | pk yrinder cars. Eighteen showed Sixes exclusive- commissioner to the Indiana and Col: - ; it was ly. t emphasizes the dominance es. : - rade exhibition held in London. , over the telephone, and later it was J : ¥ : Sy ... Puppy's Bite Fatal - |sald by Acting-Chairman Shiveley, | ; London, Ont.," March 7.--Mrs. Ca- fof the ore an Committee; ine . Monl i prominent | tha z Will 'he buard it hs ap Tamer of Teoh Vian. at the |Doatel ae LE SATE point. of death as result of blood- : - > i poisoning from a playful bite of a Euntertained Young People { y, e Corbett, 7 puppy: She neglected the wound. Me. and Mrs. JW. Corbett, 79 . test, assisted by Capt. abd | t year in Garon re aig Fourteen Years Sexton | ned Saeest, nation wero. hosts to . 'He was twice married, first in} Friday, March 6th, William Graham ganiy ot young people on Pumas 1862 to #® Campbell, 'whe | celebrated his fourteenth anniversary h LL Bropramme oa ) Jdied in 1872; and secondly, in 1875, | as sexton of St. George's cathedral. Same t Sveyohe 8 to Spend 0 Bf {to Catherine, daughter of William Stabe Si Seiy. Disasan Anant ge reshmertle were : William Sw tuner. Orders disperséd, after saying "au re aostiad NRT rheme 86d. oir" to A. Hay, who leaves for Has | #*Auto-strop blades." Gibson's. katooti in a few days' time. A aa Men's braces 230; Se. | 3 si, _eomlisgtions Ag.mt, las ; PE ig ond -- weeping reductions on oll trunks W au val teases; wiust olaav. Dhaitons - sate, } :