Lol 'of the U e of Mo phine,'Scion of Wealth and Affluence, Cured oh the Dare Pernicious Practice of "Sniffing" Cocaine the Deadly Drug Described b' 4 Vigtim, a Former | Lawyer: Tells How He Became Addicted to Habit. Wi" one of het HER & ts Done (on Linas Dek for Fag pot the matty fodking 'ook upon witheus 4 Wasp of rf pus aoe. sie voce was so proud to tal son, sod Bofesr sweenitis oser him. of 8 1 dma outcast paw. but there Is one hee of ihe eho spiencid looking aud dace det me and that 1 embrace to the well groomed Jaw ver remalped. Instead Ll here oy a stdeitig. wakemst, Dithy human degelion who apparently was lost fo «3 Bhi? Why just as thousands of others sense of same dnd at ali times, when id pad Jost as millions of otbers will inden the taflnerice of thet deg obsevaed bo glee physicians refrain from admin: Ly Thallugitations wish took mass fan itrering thew in cases where It Is not 1a270e end far reaching shapes and phases. cheolutely epsentis). 1 had been working "Now please refrain frot making AGY:very hacd, had a number of Important comment On my perkonsl appearance," . izes to conduct and was trying to do «30d Apdrews after the first greetings bad hires men's work. [| was burning the Loin egchanged. "1 know as well as you candle at both ends and my perves were (Mo just haw I look, hoy low 1 lidve sunk djsngle, Tosomuis developed, and when sud Just what is ahead of we. Thané | did got drop futo a deep slumber of 10d there is money evongh left to supply exhaustion 1 lay with staring eyes, im- uy lilted wants for the rest of my days. agining | was the vietim of every ill that When that ix gone 1 shall go to the Greas conld 'beset man and in consequence in Beyond, aod there will be none to mourn a highly wrought state. The physician nie. You usk me to tell you my life story: 1 called in Unhesitaringly produced his Perhaps a recital of my experiences may hypodermic syringe and in a twinkling tend to warn some pour unfortunate devil] 1orphine was injected in my arm. That who can escape from the thralldom of wus my first experiende with the poppy, drugs before the fetters are so strongly ond in four years from) that day | was riveted that he is past redemption, [lquartered iu Chinatown. My faithful ball tice, and his reputation as a pleader be. ond Bate done this myself two years terrier stuck Gy me and shared my bumble fore the Bar was sich a8 to always insure ago. but it's (eo late now, and I live just yuarters, He was my sole companion, a big and rept ® Fmlieneter it waa: Loh ones left to keep ap my supply 60d upon him when in mw, right senses I kuown that he waw to fw up in some o.pnouel sind thats all | care about. | showered wy affections. one of the many Important cuses that, As be talked Andrews drew from his, "I noticed shortly after going to China- came to bint. "Mocphine was bis undoice. pocket a little silver receptacle of rare{town that my sleep and' the beantiful snd after giving himuelf up completely to workmanship. It was an old fashioned dreams T dreamed were often interrupted its' infldetice be sbandoned lis practice «naff box, such as ove to-day finds occn-[ by poor eld Jock, my dog. so I decided t. aud dropped out oF'wight of Lis friends and pyigg 8 prominent place in a cabipet!®o arrange matters that Jock should sleep clients t take wp' his residence in Pulls where rare bits of hric-a-brae and curios while I did. 'The needle and its contents delphia's" 1 natown. where, with Hs and antiques are zealously guarded--=iid were applied to Jock. too, and it wasn't dog--the only connecting Tak between his proudly displayed, From "his he pinched long before he was just as dependent upon past ond preseut---Ne eked out a borrible oon 0 pure white pawder (he drug os 1 was. He did't last long, existence, liviag sracricaky the life of af lich he wprinkled on the Lacks of twa poor chap, for when summer came along recluse, fo fiugers, held tightly to¥ether, that he ex- und under' the influence of a too strong Bal ip a ly bucld iuterval, audf ogg Raisivg his fingers to his fioss injection ke ran wild through Chinatown aided by a wissionary who worked CRASE" Le took a' quick, deep draught and thejuutil stopped by a policemin's bullet. The lessly in Chindtewn, be threw off the powder liad disappeared. At the outset/ newspapers said he had bydrophobia, and shackles Uist Hound bio and, after enduc-!) 0 "sniffed lis flake," or "coke," and ithe policemsn who shot him was landed ing a strivggle with Conscience and will pe effect was instantaneous. Tostead of 'ax a hero. But I knew differently, apd 1 which be to-day declares was fraught with', = previously dead, lustreless eyes the alone was responsible. all the torments of bell be emerged from gazed iuto orbs that flashed intel-| "I won't drag you through the mire that bis lbidiug place sud went to New York ligence and fairly danced as they seein-|{Leset we in the last year of my stay in detevmined to make a fresh start and see ly took in at a swift glance all that Philadelphia.' Suffice it to say that a if be 'dould fot in a mensuge rehabilitate transpired about him. The old listless man whose one purpose in life is to re hiniseif 1h the affections of di aged wothier 0 | disappeared, and Audrews,iclaim just such weaklings as I, who drift andl the two sistbre be had dedigted. But sitting erect und talking n a rapid snd!itto Chinatown, took me in tow, and at ange nite he. foll & violin to the s00thidg yiouty excitad mammer. suid Le would tell tremendons personal cost quali of a dtug deadlier by far thin joo story. ! ; wud within six months oll good "My name is not Andrews, ff NOE 4 confirmed warphive Tew of tast bakit only fo fad s £6 the eves more dreaded piaciiee of "apiffiag" o.cuine gd Todas a veritable slave io ¢ flat most Sutavating oa 'w call weil cp Agro St acterizes 48 the "Confession of & flike flend." | Be Ib the Nebuscolas : : be drug Is short for co he. ee Word slave Is and it is doge advisedly, for no More pitikhie abject could be pictisred in mind ever fo fartile than Chis once britisn: mas as be gor h was known to the writer many sears when be occupled 2p exslied any o Philadelphia Bar. Andrews, an might be supposed, was oof bls nae, then. He moved To the tery best of les of Philsdelphis society sud reckoned lis. frieuds esiong' Men and women whose untaes promlinently iu the leading' social events of fhe doy.' Ris income was Ixrge, for be had A big and lucrative prac- 'How did 1 brceme addicted fo the deug and sacrifice Hue brought we to my senses apd made it and that|possible for me to gradually decrease my bad beat th wo to the winds you well know. and he wan quite as cobficied a slave 48 7 gues was jut one could find in the fastuesses of Peru, where the drog aud its use originated, in Philadelphia. Once I thought I would Seated iu the back roow of a saloon far resurrect the name, the reputation I shat-! Wet sid wid uesr the San' tered dnd ull that, but it's to late now, | «gfe West side Ed le en ce ¢ jg Gibgroed living me on the street not Frew, Tl. close w 'whol grow ih of stub- touched ber, faes, bis clothing Worn the eve and My mother passed su long ago. So 0 averted bers, frayed and sofled, be we, no doubt of that, and after all ¥ cen't The Redskin " he began, "My real nse) ensely proud of, but it has! until 1 found T cold lessen the treatment. been buried with the life T left behind we #81 to wer thar-i could have| ut she looked me calmly. in| She knew almost hourly' injections of morphine, and so on. down the scale, until 1 dis- covered that I really could exist with- out it." Andrews had been talking rapidly. His ftoice pitched high. and with gestures ve- hement, Le arose from his chair and strode about the room with springs. act- ive steps. Had Le been addressing a court he conld not bave better chosen his ards. kia sloquence often becoming 'so etation of *¥ Sink Into Blissful Unconsciousness and the Dream I Courted Arises Before Me." hat Lis interviewer momenterily) ayew Andgews continued, as he became! through his veins like that of a race and that a request from fuuse ing jigtle more composed. "Aun old friend, al horse as she faces' the b jcharge would result iz Lis eviction to lawyer, had yolunteered to extend a help-{ sleep is desired it can be courted, and gpersities of Germany and looked forward the street. Again the pld fashioned sunt jp, hand. © In order to try myself' ut, then come dreams that are as beautiful eagerly to a surgical career, but an ace box wos drawn from the tattered pocket, used to go to his office, tike refuge in bisjand inspiring as Faust's! dent at a very important clinie spoilt sur {and again a pin'h of the dead white POW- { arivatiy law library aud pore over its a-1. "Ah! that little powder--those little) gary for me. I saw one of the mont emb {der found its way into 'the wostrily of its thorities dud Lriefs 1 found there. The! erystals, gre dearer to me than life. For|pent surgeons I knew make 4 faulty incl * Pa from hiladelphise' Gouing orp, S072 Were iI High, but when night came! they alone itke it endure hie. LR sion which cest the patient her life. My ' . s overwhelmed by my lon; 'Then, opealng the snuff hox he held It nerve forsook me gud, leaving the amphi | baping SHY Lines, pid then; too, it seemed that When his hand. he took another "sniff" and set-| theatre, T resolved then and thers to seed ag ithe city's lights burned brightest and Il tled back in his chair ready and eager to), paw profession, And I did. (8aw the (housands of well dressed wen! resmine Lis narrative { and women burrying hither and thither, *« hice a lawyer always a lawyer," An-| all pleasure bent, my entire past would dre ws continued, forensit t expected careful than for thé law, IX took & When post graduate course nt one of the big und { "Frequently, however, the old love of ~ surgery returns to me and X dream thai § No man who ever s CSE ASICA) Cagte wasica! FW al heart w piped the Indian brave jw of the forest until he ip forth from Lier tepeé to Je rudé wooden flute upon od 'was practically the only etsed, &s was the mel GI bis tut bas Leen pet es Rg o . 4 the I on ie aod Mitosiagn, peibetpally only: fie pe Bieiinies. Solo or 157 Bi Cornet, EC. Fischer's Baiftion, freee § § #Vidépice oF bis latect cal chufacter A typical Signs war hota, iy u fair example zausicat dbifity of 'the Wo the worden fate gamit of his harmonic § oly agls plage te ibe part of toe eg ; chtiposicions with consimmate kill 8 But, with oS Wiedos Qiat wight by do fated" fo' the education of t.eir "young white: brethien, the redakine. are Yaught vhintever fori OF wiusi¢ in which it seen they my e406), not. primarily to eatn'e i oud hut ag ¢ if may soften 8' Skillful Interpr J. Haydn's "Military Symphony" I am performing some delicate and dans |gerous operation. I see it all as vividly as it used to be. The immaculately clad internes and nurses cluster about me as I stand with lancet of knife 'poised while I demonstrate the nature of the operation to the hundreds of intent and eager studénts rising tier upon tier before me. The more delicate and eration the more cherished is I rarely make a slip in sveh these--the operation invariably uccessful and I am always awakened by the hearty congratulations of brothes cocaine surgeons, who, awe struck by my skill, and the vociferous applause of students who so eagerly followed very phase of the operation. arise o jeer and taunt we, stant, {foung It was a «pu! deaded af the Bar ever forgets the thrills nightmare, and He knows when he has one 'wan in this) handled a ease well, and he kpows when, i apparently, | with certain' defeat starving him the enjoyed having we drop ju to his drug face by an adroit presentation of the |store and sit there and talk 10 him in his flimsy evidence ai hand, or hy a. trick of {lefsiire moments. "This man use never there great, big, restless eity who, ceasing Liborn of victory, was just surgeons, in ne, arr by Thea Mosed-Tobanis , aratory pt thrust, so swavs the verdict he not only ile, but that OF & parry or that firsti so earnestly strove for, paw was the first I woticed from the tint he frequently inbaled & white dey I ever saw jis jury ie gets cocaine, ! vare the « has done something worth wh the dream. thr is (OR aid me et i through Lis vostrils, aud my curiosity, avoither: laurel has heer ade the | iases as piqued from the first, finally got the ber t1or of me and | asked what it was ve tse frequently, | wrénth he is fashioning by his own off used ig. | wild stimulant nse! ru inannes much the same as quinine. and : : i day dreams 1 want to d )¥ using it sparingly be found it 3 sted his intellect, quieted his : nerves, aud when he retired at night he could 'sleep as' trauquilly as an infant. tere was | torn and wracked by ten thou-i Land devils, laslied by a conscience that Iwas raw a d sore, aod thorbughly [te the terrifying battle I must fight shoul L {I hope to rebabilitute myself, sind. sleep! ide fed me! The weary aud lonely hotrs {1 spent dragging tortured through tlic street wore as nothing when ® fi now, tell you what "He told we it was .. \ } can do for we ean dream just the stand by, Le AY melo ial any vision I crave Lua ' , rapt i entra I "Now what perbaps' you ean understand these little crystals mean to me on Here 1 sit before you, shabby and ums in the sad I know all this, but somehow B plunging like many another 'flake' partaker, abhor vf or Ww refer to go with faces and hands soiled wl when it comes to tidy dexterity jing up our wardrobes, why, that woald the mean a cash outlay which would be sus 6 pur » a supply of 'flakes' Id last me several months. That And now that wen telling you about my dregs' I am going to my room and enjoy one to the full. T am tired and I fm drowsy. ded know the symiptorss, yout see." panto-) "What is the dream to be this time? I cross-country | asked sstrains--melod e in the old days when music £4 pas with me. 1 ean picture mysel clean. die astride an ! neck over unbeaten | or, far break Brgy speed Gye fallow: water. $ 2% post and rail. 1 oi acdge, lifting my mount w telof an Arc ios ound fate it MY body °F #1 Arc fioally rom fat ch and leading my fie safe jeompared to those 1 must spend along in gi as the thundering | wy teow. vainly courting sleep. [viugui Rue Ir hile ecul waste, i 'You can aw readily understand what anile wire teasy matter it was for me to accept my. nh 3 i ea ext jockey of them s And friend the druggists inviailon to "try a ipinch ofthis coke.' Many of his énstom- habit from him. ws sat a the and pur- la f i ters were addicted to ichased their he did a thriving jand apparently took pains but powder his bhasinesk 'in this mupted the gquestion:-- 3 : . "Haven't deci yet," he said, * ho undue TY rem a victorious i$ said Pers Au Accom: wiil eowbie. them to enter ; 'of society which might reds closed to' th "Asa of the leading bands of (he country Bnd render with superb finish practically of the more difficult instrumental sep Music, however, with the Indians, what- 'ever their degree of talent, is merely a 'side fgsde while at Carlisle. The byuds- wey zo' to school half a day and work ball a day. Their musical instructions, whether individnal or in the aggregate, as in the hod, is gained iv their own fime, or: play period. The young Indidns are now beginning to gain individual fame in the mubieal world. Many of thew are winning scholarships in some of the lead- ing mpsieal colleges of the country, as, for instance, Syivesier Long, a young Creek, who gained a fall free scholarebip in the musical department of St. Joho's Mititary Acadenty, gud Fred Cardin. a Chippewa, £6 bids fair to become a violin. virtuoso aun fe by bis ubility the same privilege in Dana's Conservatory, at War ren, Oly haps it will be of the old days--the daye {when you knew me and 1 really amounted onoe. I ate {to something, never suspecting then that irs and, fur | Would see the day when I would have to request you to lend me a dollar, since 3 : for. {find myself temporarily out of funds" ; for I get my fhikes from Lim i It was evident that the' effect the! AIL of which was true, for he did ride. 'He got it. And as be slouched out oF dr ig was wearing off. Aunigrws was and he'rade weil. Muuy cups were won | the saloon it was apparent that another fast lapsing iuto that lethargic state in' 03 kis horses ju ili races for gentlemen! and. more copious "sniff" would be necesy twhich I fouml- hini, Fhe drift of his riders, and. he ines v piloted his own sary to bring the sleep he so ardently ryations showed 'that his flagging bunters | wooed, for his gait was as halting and were at Taw ebb um that he wax. "Are your lallaciatious coufined to jerks as though be Was in tho lasp stages {fast wppronching thi 'slough: of despa, ons: roonis and race tracks?" Lasked. fof St. Vitus' danes,, te ht wie in foie wiser Sat Farctorewd it, a oh ral) 0 Andrews is but one of the {for felt confident lic wolf be Jes apt said, ems , i cotaine fiends who haunt the [to rowaiice and deal ore freely Wale (ing word. When 1 jmetake of wy sleeping yg cities. A habit that was { facts---couditions as they really were. potion, and this is generally 4 ftich more {1a North by the 4 i "You Yast out in Philadelphia." 1 sald, liberal yuatiy thin 1 take doring the among whom it { "through matphine, aud th n freed YORE ay, 1 44 Sirotclh oat on wy bed and con-| yeats;: it- hte an Yan Hie ind mah 3h so ou. TAPE BY chi 10 home oF tw, carded. 48 ane of he grb arelory™ 11 [06 amy. sahject I elect. "Thoi comes thaticoufront society, The cupidity ? ae ho he KER" was the antes. -eliclond drowsiness slowly creeping over olees is second only to their tating repli "Morphine igorste Wwe. I wink into blissful unconsciousness. A walk through the various for a thine 1 36 pal and "sul the dbeam | eoitrted arises before me! reveal scores' upon scores 'of § nightmare follows, Cocaine stimulates, "Before beiog admitted to the Bar 1 type, and should by any chance 8 mp guickens the heain, fires the hods, Mics «"inlied medicine. In fact, my preparation ply be cut short ey ort So ithe blood wnlil wue feels coursing for this profession was far wore extensive [der to procure a fresh i - ox 4 : the race track' replied thas good stable of kh teoncenl it. You kuow tlie rest. 1 'coke fiend' to-day of The most protounced Ly pe, and, whereas in my heart I en i that draggist as wy first tempter, yer [jlained a { - : » Th twouldu't break with him , country \ am a © sheepishly he ~ uy reeall for. the world, he L was a corking good eross der." f of hallveinations," : is Is a pleasanter ond more fit. | - Ow