Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Mar 1914, p. 17

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You can use nothing better than Parisian Sage to make the hair soft, flufly and abundant. It stops itching + 'head, cleanses, cools and invigorates the scalp, and removes dandruff with one ication. If your hair is getting thin, or is harsh. dull and lifeless, do not des- pair---follow the example of others whose halr you admire--give it daily attention. A thorough brushing and frequent applications of ' Parisian Sage well rubbed into thescalp will do wonders. I you have dandruff it is because the scalp is too dry and flakes off. Nourish the scalp with Parisian Sage and dandruff disappears. When the hair splits, Is dry, brit- tle and thin, soften it up, make it grow. Surely use Parisian Sage--it supplies balr and scalp needs: It is faintly perfumed and free from grease and stickiness, Parisian Sage really does make the head feel fine ~~the scalp perfectly healthy and gives the hair that enviable gloss and beauty you desire. Money back from J. B. McLeod if you are not satisfied. The "Girl With the Auburn Hair" is on every 50 cent bottle- Sold at drug and tollet counters everywhere, Try #t now--you will surely like Par- isian Sage. OULEARANCE SALE OF WIN. TER HATS 8 trimmed hats for $3.00. $6 shapes for $1.25, . Everything is to be cleared regardless of cost, during the next few weeks, MISS BE. D. HAMILTON 870 Princess Street. upposite YMCA. - Phone 126 WONDERFUL HAIR Clean and free from dandruff and possessing all the radiance of perfect hair. This is just what Sageine means to those who suffer with itch- ing scalp, dandruff, coarse, dry or common looking hair. Sageine is new life to faded unattractive hair. Sage- ine feeds the hair root with the nec- essary food for promoting a healthy growth. Sageineg is the daintiest tonic you could wish for. Tt is nota . dve and is dot sticky or greasy. A Jarg® shakdr-rop Bottle costs only 60¢.' "and Mr. W. W. Gibson gives hig personkl gnarantee to refund the money Af you: are not satisfied, Ue sure to go to W. W. Gibson's drug storg"as. other: stores cannot supply you, € Send far Freo Book giving § full particulars of a TRENCH'S REMEDY "the world famous cure f wel fOplleney and Fits. Sim ame treatment. Years' success, Testimonials from al'. apts of the world, Over ¢ 000 in one vear NOS. REMEIMES, LIMITED, St. Jamew', Chambers, Toronto. 25 TRE! an, ot for bror. cmach with ALL hua 5 RRR er 4 B 4 1" 10 THE "PEN S------ LARGE NUMBER OF PRISONERS ENROLLED RECENTLY Majority of Unfortanhtes Came From West-- Deputy Sheriff Jar+ vas, of Toronto Has Had Busy Time Conveying Prisoners. . There has been quite a rush of prisoners to the penitentiary within the past few weeks. Sheriffs, depu- ty-sheriffs and constables from al parts of Ontario have been making trips to the b'g prison in Portsmouth, having in their charge men who vio- lated: the law, The majority of those recently brought to the "pen" came from the west. At the rate prisoners have beeh coming to the penitentiary this win- ter it looks as though the news of the alleged cruelty supposed to be practised in the above institution had very little effect as criminals have been coming here in gronps of four, two and every now nnd again in odd numbers. Last Saturday, Deputy-Soerifi A. M. Jarvis, of To ronte, brought down four.yousng men to serve terms, and the Whig re- ceived word on Friday morning that the same sheriff would be in the city again to-morrdw with as many more. These two trips to the city have not been the only occasions when Deputy- Sheriff Jarvis has been here with prisoners to augment the already large numberwhe are incarcarated in the penitentiard, If a record wae taken, it would no doubt show that he has brought twenty prisoners here this winter. f Besides Sheriff is there have! been other deputies here from time! to time, with their additions from | Lindsay, London and other places| bringing with them both voung and| old men. { Friday morning' George A. Bal- four and George Foster brought two | men from Lindsay, charged with/ counterfeiting. FASHIONS REACH LIMIT fn Even Paris Itself Shotked hy Dia- phonous Spring Modes Paris; Mgreh 6.-The note of the jm- mediate future in fashions is. a still | greater scantiness in dreds than in tha season about to elose. The problem to "Which the Paris couturiers have ad- dressed themselves is how to leave the female form divine as little covering as possible without absolutely shoek- ing all the conventional notions of decency. Already onc sees draperies worn in public so thin that the skin shows even between the crossed lacings of the corset. A woman thus attired was seen in the crowd of rich bidders at one of the recent art sales at the Hotel Drouot. When she removed her fur mantel those who observed her al- most gasped. Fhe principle' now accepted appears to be that a social function does nat demand any more disguise of nature on the part of woman than does an athletic function on the part of men actually engaged in it. Undulpting volume somewhat vapoky, nearly always sug gesting an ephemeral quality, wil characterize the spring gowns. The foundation skirt will lose nothing of its narrowness, but it will have deey flounces, giving something of the of fect of crinoline, but also of great suppleness, As for evening dresses they will sleeve and the decolletage will by extremely low; it will extend indeed to the ultimate pemaissible line, Tafietas will he in great favor in the daytime, as well as velour de laine; but the evening those whe seek a more stately magnificence will resort. to sliver and gold brocade. Gowns of niost diaphanous textur are promised for the summer, which will probably niark the apogen of the rage for the "mode deshabille." Art. ists in dress are lavishing great praise upon "symphonies in white," per- mitting the most intimate approach in costuming to all-perfecting nature. but loose and bye in as Disaster John Kelly, of awarded £3,000 dam ages by Jugtice Kelly in this city, in his action against and W, J, Belcher, Edo of Peterboro toronto, March 7 Norwood, was | Frederick Might, | Johngon and John | contractor and architeet, an ner kE Turn- bull store in Peterboro last August. he action was for $20,000. Life would:be mighty monotonous If it were all sunshine. fxs THiGH Jinks" 1S CERvA aL GCREAY TM Nelda, FeuT Ta {9% Mnvin Shed © ANG wr: STUBF, GONNA BE with b ElER govy whe EnDL J-- re ------, PERFUME IT HAS THE etRecr IY Haley sPEACR RUL, a ---- a DoT you CALL ME A Qi Bum QR. TLL k Kao ke woud | HEAD 30 Fan 4 out THE OCEAN, THEY'LL HALE To SEND ATE / { AFTER 7 wot' | { for the death of the plaintifi's wife as | La result of the collapse of the NEEDS SHERLOCK HOLMES Mystery Tragedy Located in Nova Scotia Woods. Dighy, N.S., March 7.-Digby has a mysterious affair to solve. Word has reached here that a strange horse and carringe bas been found in the woods near the bay road, five miles west bf Dighy. Chief of Police Bowles. found that (he horse had been killed with an ax: while in harness. The horse was carefully covered with two quilts and a horse blanket. In the buggy was a phil contaiting two bags of oats and meal. At the horse's head was an old fashioned ave. Considerable blood was on the snow in the vicinity of the team. | at Orice. | Rebel Leader, Who Hols for Ran. { som Son of Former Rockefeller of | Mexico, Has Already | er of Thivteen Children. El Paso, Texas, March 6.-- General Luis Terrazas yesterday afternoon appealed to Marion Letcher, Ameri- jean consul at Chihuahua, now in this (city, to save his som, Luis, whose | ute has been made the forfeit of 1 500;000 pesos ($250,000) ransom money if not paid over to Geameral Francisco Villa, the rebel leader. Conegal Ledhr declarid Lnnself | deeply moved by tha appesal of the | octogenarian, aedd of the great { Mexican family, whose wide possess. {ions have héen confiscated by the | constitutiondlists, but he had to Teply 'thar be was helpless in the matter: "I am $8 years old and neither "lie nor money mean much to me," said Gonéral Merrazas, with a trem- 1 Or in Ri veice. My son' Luis, has | Gvirteen. children and they need him. I would gladly return to Chihuahua land Villa would kill me instead of my son," While General Terrazas would not | say as much, the interview left the : inference that he is not now in pos- "session of the sum demanded. Luis, mn cn iar | Ha ne ARNOLD RRUCKMAN Head of the departine natities of 'the Panama- tional Expesition, who | organizin®d the bi fatton race that sitlon grounds « 1915, tH mak for the | A BPOT of aero- interna- we work of girdling av- $ lo start from the t San Francisco in round-t hy tin i Glories of Famous Border Village Revived for a Day, London, March 7.---Gretna Green, the famous Scottish border village, reviy of iis ancient glories to-day When wedding after the old-fashion of the runaway matches of the last conti celebrated between a man living in Perth and his bride, a native of Beven. They chose the place becauwse of its romantic associations and without consulting their parents, jumped into an automobile and journeyed to the bord i and were married od. some a wa y er Hon. W. 1 Hearst, of lands, forests and mines, introduced a hill in the legislature, Wednesday, to amend the mining act to facilitate the granting of applications for mining clauns. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR ALL' DANDRUFF GONE Girls! Try it! Hair Gets Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant At Once--No More Falling Hair, mimster It you care for heavy hair, that glistens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable soit ness and js fluffy and lustrous; try Danderine. Just one apnlication doubles the beauty of your hair. Besides, it ims mediately dissolves every particle o® dandruff; you cannot have nice, heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff, This destructive scarf robs the hair of its lustre, is strength and its very life, and if no: overcome it produces a feverishness and itehing of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the bair falls out fast. If your hair has been neglected and Is thin, faded, dry, séragey or too olly, get a 20 ea bottle of Knowl ton's Danderine at any drug store o: | tollet eounter; apely a little as dis ected and ten minutes after you will say this was the best investment yuu ever made. We sincerely believe, regardless of { everything else advertised that if you j desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair {and lots of it--ny dandrafi--no iteh- ing scalp and no more falling hair-- leon must use Knowliton's Danderine. {11 eventually--why not now? Jeff Is No Millenium Kid All Right \ ,| hoisted from the ground. the son, 1s about 50 years old and for several months has 'been held prisoner, At the time of his arrest the reb- els demanded $650,000 gold as the price of his life. This sum was slow in being paid and Luis was taken out and a noose adjusted about his neck. Then he was repeatedly The tor- ture was continued until he signal- led that he would pay the sum de- manded all that he had in the Chihuahua Bank. | After this incident he was removed "| from the palace, where he had been confined, and allowed to live under | guard with his family in éne of his {father's houses. Women relatives someatime later appealed to Villa to release him, but Villa was adam- 1 GRAND MEDICINE FOR LITILE ONES Mrs. D. I. Meclatyre, Meclntyre's Mountain, N.S, says: "Baby's Own Tablets are a grand medicine for lit- tle ones and Iam well pleased with the results obtained from them " Mrs. Melntyre's testimony is the same as that of thousands of other mothers. Once a mother has used the Tablets she will use nothing else for the re- sults are sure and the Tablets are guaranteed by a government analyst to be perfectly safe. They are sold by medicine dealers or hy mail at 250 a box from The Dr. Williams' Me dicing Co., Droghkville, Ont. A--tr------ "BIG CARGO OF BUTTER ea. A Arrives at Vancouver, B.C., From New Zealand. \ ancouver, March 7.- Lerrific heat was encountered by the Canadian-Aus- tralian liner Marama, Capt. Rolls, Suva to Honolulu. The Marama, last evening; brought a list of 250 passen- gers, and another shipment' of New Zealand butter arrived on' the liner. For Victoria and Vancouver there are 890,000 pounds of this commodity. The Marama brought news that two new liners are now being constructed for the Cianadian-Australian line, operat- ing also via San Francisco and pro- bably Puget Sound ports as well. TO BE TRIED TUESDAY True Bill Against Hagel, Barrister, For Aiding Escape Wimnipeg, March 7.--The trials of I'. E. Hagel, barrister, and John West- lake, charged with assisting John Krafchenko, a prisoner charged with murder, to escape from custody, will open next Monday at the Winnipeg asgizes. True bills were found. In all probability John Krafchenko will be called as a witness. I'ne trial of Krafchenko, who is charged with the. murder of 'the bank manager, My. Arpold, of Plum Conlee, will open at Morden on Tuesday nest, ---- Rio Ve Janeiro us in a state of siege by revolutionists. VILLA READY T0 KIL | TERRAZAS IF $350,000 Is Not Paid Exactod $630,000 Gold by Torturing Fath during the stagé of her journey from. MARCH 7, 1014. "NO PACE TO SPOON" THOUSANDS STAY SINGLE 750,000 Eligibles in New York Who do Not Marry--No Chance to Know Each Other There are 200,000 unmarried nfen and 450,000 umnarried women in New York city. Most of these don't seem to intend to get married, ac- cording to the Rev. Dr. George R. Van De Water, who considers this a most unfortunate state of affairs. In a Seren which he preached recent- ly in St. Andrew's Episcopal church, he declared that the lack of oppor- tunity for members of: the opposite Sex to meet one another socially is largely responsible for this condition of things, and he suggested that, since social centres are not otherwise provided in sufficient number to bring young persons together and set them on the road to matrimony, it might be to the advantage of tu- ture generations to provide centres where, under proper supervision, young mea and young women who {are eligible for marriage might meet. "The apartments in which most | fmilies live in New York city," said Dr. Van De Water, "are so small that there is absolutely no place for; the young members of the family to] do their courting unless they sit on! the kitchen range. Now that they | are introducing kitchenettes instead | of kitchens into the apartments not | 'even the range will be left. The | apartments. are going up in greater! and greater numbers and, on the! other hand, there were less than al hundred houses built in New 'York last year. This means that there is less and less opportunity for social life'in the home. Young women can- not entertain in their homes, there no place gor social life, no place te receive their callers, apart from the rest of the family. "Another reason why fewer and fewer young men and women are marrying is that many young women now are engaged in self-supporting labors outside of the home, labors which leave them exhausted at the end of the day so that they have not enough strength to seek the social life that will afford them opportuni- ties of meeting young men and so opportunities to marry. In their hearts they know that marriage is jthe goal to which they shodld look forward, but the economic struggle leaves them ' neither time nor strength to travel fowards this goal. "There are also in the city of New York great numbers of young men Jana women who come here as strang- ers, with no means of meeting at- tractive young persons of the 'op- posite sex in the right environment and where there proper super- vision, Because we have chosen to disregard the fact that to bring these young persons together so that they will marry is of basic importance to the state, we have made no provision for affording them any social life, at least the provision has been alto- gether inadequate. In short, every- thing in New York is combining against the happy married life which | is absolutely necessary if happy and healthy children are t6 be brought into the world. The children are fewer and fewer, which means that the very foundation of the state is attacked. "The churches,of course, should give every possible opportunity for young men and women to have the pleasure of one another's goclety. Where is a better. place to fall in love than the house of God? ' I would like to see every room in my church filled every night with young persons happily énjoying one another's com- panionship, falling in love, getting engaged, and preparing for the happy homes of the future." And what Doctor Van De Water says of New York is becoming in- creasingly true of Toronto. Is the problem to be met and solved now when it is comparatively young, or shall we wait until conditions are as bad as 'they are in New York. What answer will Toronto's, churches give? Or is it a matter for the municipal 'authorities to deal with? is For Dominion Exhibition London, March 7.--Leonard Palmer, director of the Financial News, who sailed last week for Canada, is due in Montreal shortly. Beyond attend. ing to his private interest he will pro- bably deal with the proposals for the 1917 Dominion exhibition, with re- gard to which he has heen active here. He has secured the udhesion of Si Charles Tupper and also réceived n intimation 'of \ the support of Lbrd Strathcona shortly before his fiath. It is to be remembered the Mr. Palmer conducted a party of fPritish manufact urers across Can, two ON THE VERGE OF \ Wrecked Stre Comlely Restor "I can highly recommend **F #00d and I cannot speak too hi commenced taking "Ir world of good. in taking them. the body--the bowels, F a general ~astives" br 50c a Limited, Otta: Treadgold A WO ct have a ferin men Years ago. | GEE, YOURE a | Big "Bum | We bon; spent because they did all compared with other laxatives, that I found ONLY They seemed to mie to be account of their mild and ge start taking "'Fruit-a-tives' after the results will be#the same as A blood purifier, a general tonic a-tives" is one of the great discoveries of the valuable properties of * Fruit.a.t When these tablets are take 1 kidneys and skin, of waste matter, prevents the formation of blood being pure and clean, flow of the digestive juices, males di absorb andassimilate an abundance 1ilds up, invigorate ic, there is nothing else Gi mild in action, so pleasant to tale box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c, Aj NDERFUL RE with t Beehent influence. 8 Jil write for it. Price, $1 a ae PAddress, MRS. FRANCES For Sale by the Leading A BREAK-DO . And Shattered Nerves By "Fruit-a-tives", Made From Fruit. MRS. W. N. KELLY. 7 \o ' HAGERSVILLE, ONT., Aug, 26th, 1013 ruit-a-tives" as they did me an awful lot of ghly about them. "About four years ago, I ar a general break-down and they did me a ht a good many dollars' worth but it was money well that you claim for them. Their action is so pleasant, pleasure, as well as health, particularly suited to women, on utle action, and I trust that some other women may er reading my letter, and if the¥ do, I am satisfied in my own case". Mpg W. N, KELLY va builder of health and strength, "Fruit. of tlie century in curative medicine, One ives' is its marvellous cleansing 8. 11, they act on the three great elimina; ing orgaus of "Fruit-a-tives" keeps the systém free A an excess of uric acid, and fnsures the 1 Fruit-a-tives" siveetens the stomach, increases the gestion complete and enables the system to of nourishment from the food eaten, strengthens the whole system. As ¢ 80 good. And these tablets are so that they are particularly suited to women. t all dealers or from Fruit-w-tives nit-a-tives" 5 Finest Motorcycle in the World. Cycle and Sporting Goods C, MEDY Oran hy is oo oF most obstina orders. Fallin arts, 'Sod it. t parts, an all the certainty of chemical action. diseased tissue, ta bsolut: Druggists Everywhere ------------------ By "Bud" Fisher

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