Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Mar 1914, p. 15

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i usands of wives, mothers and ors are enthuiastic in their praise RRINE, because it has cured ir loved ones of the "Drink Hab- and thereby brought Happiness to 5 Mixed Sulphte With It to Re- "store Color, Gloss, Thickness, Common garden sage brewed Into | tea with sulphur and alco- , Will turn gray; stréaked hair beautifully d.°k and tu a remove every bit of dan- raf, stop scalp itching and falling Just a few applications will Vv a revelation if your hair i$ fading, gray or dry, scraggly ur recipe af home, blésome. the ready to use tonie, costing out 60 cents a large bottle at drug res, known as "Wyeth"s Sage and fiphur Hair Remedy," thus avoid- g a lot of muss. Bile wispy, gray, faded hair is sinful, we all desire to retain our Shiu] appearance and attractive By darkening your hair with h's Sage and Sulphur, no one ell, because it does it so natur- s 80 evenly. You just dampen a or soft brush with it and this through your hair, taking bo small strand at a time; by morn- ig all gray hairs have disappeared, d, after another application or two ir hair becomns beautifully dark ¥, soft, and luxuriant, and you Years. younger.--Geo. W, though, is A i Forward's house AM and | Js Mixing the sage tea and sul-| Au easier way ly to' he in rivemond Centre last week. A umber of men fh this vidin- ity are storing ide. Miss M Bove, who teaches school in Ottawa, t Sunday last at her home. Mish Mabel' Shopphard, who "has spent a cous of mouths at home here, re tul to lamilton last Saturday. tiawa, is spending a few days with his broth here, A. § Sheppard. Mrs, James Mebonagh, of Perth, Vit het sibter, Mrs. Gray, last week. John Gray, who it em plored with the Infernational Har Vestér company in Ottawa, spent Sun- day at hi home, rs. D. McLaren and her little daughter, iting her sister, Mrs. Gray. At Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley, March 5. The storm of Sunday night blocked many of thé roads in this vicinity, Mrs. George Barr bas "eturned trom attending the funeral of Jer | mother, the late Mrs. A. McPherson. Mrs, KE. White, wid has been seriouss ill is improved. = E. Goodberry and Morley Ellerbeck were Sunday visitors at Edgar Hughes'. Master Clarence Watson has returned from Kingston General hospital much im- proved in health. Mrs. R, EMNer- 'betk at B. Whitby's. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Watson have left for their home in Alberta '. Narrow Escape From Drowning Bath, March 5.--Miss Hattie Wart- man has arrived home from heér vis- it. with. friends in Toronto. Quite A numbér from hére dttended the aces in Napanee on Friday last. The blizzard of Sunday night damaged the building nsed as a fire hall, also D. N. Robidson's large sign on bi: ore. Mr. McLaughlin had a narrow escape from drowihing om Tuesday. He was down where they were get- ting iee at D. H. Robinson's, and ac- cidentally fell in, but was quickly pulled cut by those meéar. The meet- ing of the Bath cheese factory was held here in the town Rall on Tues- day. Mr, Bicknell, who has been quite 111, is slowly improving. Millhaven News, Millhaven, March 4.--The roads here have been blocked for two days owing to the severe snow storm on Subday and Monday. Robert Rickey had a bee drawing a carload of har- ley, which arrived at the station on Saturday. 'A sleigh load of peo- ple from Odessa and Weatbrooke spent a pleasant evening at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins'. Mr, and Mrs. Har ;vey Amey entertained a few friends on Sunday afternoon and évening. Mr. and Mrs. Mclarlane and family, of Odessa, have moved into C. ~at Millhaven. Xu ward Babcock, who was taken to the Kingston General Hospital about two weeks ago, died on Friday. He leaves a wife and eight children. | | Charleston Reports Frame house cn Beverly St. all improvements, gas, electric t, furnace, and a good lot 4 by 120 feet, for $3,000.00. Double frame house on 1 Strect renting for 4.00 per year for $3 000.00 Well Bulle rough-cast. house, 220 Queen Street, splend- lald out and near Queen Methodist church, $3,- 300. 00 for a quick sale. | John Ward i} and bride, oi Lonsdale, who are ic Charleston, March 4.--Joseph Forde on their honeymoon trip, spent a few | days here last week, guests of their fl cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. Foster. T. Hudson Sunday and J. Kavanagh spent in Brockville. Rev. Father Cullinan, Ballacanoe, called on friends here on Thursday. Mr. and Mvs. W. Taylor visited in Brockville last | week. George Mr. and M family A to Arden. W. Halliday has ved to A. W. Johuston's farm. is spending a fow days with his uncle, R. Foster, before leav- i Heflernan purchased f the Thomas Moulton fae = She sale I i on Tuesday. i Johnston and lw well-known people. éns, Sir William drmem---- In the picture Leishman, Dr. I. ------------ "YOU SHOULD INNOCULATE THE WHOLE or CANADA. WITH TYPHOID VACCINE." Sir William Leishman and other Canadian notables in Wellesley hospital. geon, Sir Willlam Leiéhman, honorary physician to the King, niet a number of Toronto doctors The noted British army sur- and other are shown, from left to right, Dr. Bruce, Dr. Cavan, Col. Jones, Dr. Aik- Abboy, and Sir William Mulock, former postytaster-general of Canada. Huff's; J. Cole, Saskatoon, at Cole's; apd W. Ackroid and family Ihverary; W. L. Storms and family, Florida, at J. PF. Storins. Centreville News Centreville, March 6.--March cer- 'tainly came in like a lion, as such a fmow and wind storm hasn't been éxperienced here. for many years. he east and west roads are" com- pletely blocked, and shovelling snow will be the order of the day for a while. On account of the bad roads the council could not meet on Mon- day as usual, and have postponed their meeting till next Monday. Wes-| ley McGill sold his farm to Cld Jecse, and will soon be moving back 6 hid former home on the old home- stead. Marshall Wag ar is also mov- fur thig Week to his fs m near Switz- rrille, and Mr. Brown is moving on his place. James O'Ray able to e oul again with the use of a cane. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick 1s attended the funeral of their neice at Erins- yille on Sunday. Charles Ingolds » to lose a va rday. Visitors: | § Long's; A Mr. and Mrs.' is able lon P. Tho Vens, at Fairbh 8; Frank Gerow, at W. McGill's: Mr. 2nd Mrs. George Wilson at J. C Doyle's; James Hinch and Mr. and Mrs. J. Byrnes, at C. Ingoldsby's; Mrs. Noble MeGill at Fred gin's; Mr. and Mrs C. Lochhead, at Mrs, 'Fairbairn's Miss Lefa Hud- son is sick in Kingston general hospital. the i . . The Late Mrs. Jerome Thomson Sharbot March d.--A gloom was cast over this ne ighborhood Monday morning last when it learned that death had one of Sharbot Lake's ed residents Jerome Thomson. Although she bad been in poor health for time, still her death came shock to many.' Deceased leavés, Lake, on was taken most in the aw ay highly person. of SOM a to as lt ing for Chalk River to visit his mo- | i with the fences. In places the snow is The mail did come through Monday. ther. not tl ---- | Death at Oso Station Oso Station, March 3.--Death claim- 'ed ome of the oldest residents of this | | place when Mrs. Anastasia Bowrk, {widow of the late James Macpher- |son, passed to rest. Deceased was {born = in Menmore House county, Wicklow, Ireland, J. Jgth 1827, 'and came to Canada wit r pa | rents on the sailing vessel John Bell, i The party were the pioneer settlers of Oso. She was married James Macphesgon. Fasonede of stifling qualities, {ready to help those in distress. { leaves to 'mourn the loss of a kind { mothes, three daughters and two ! sons, of Harrow- smith; 'Mrs. » Louise Grant, of Engle hart, and' Mrs. John. B Grant, of huss, and B.hand J. F. Macpherson, both. = 0s0; also one brother, Joseph Bourk, and "one sis ter, Mrs. Mary Macpherson. Notes From Storm's Corners oad if saany Bacula snow on the m six and deep. The' re- a Miss Maggie Storms, were ry vervines will be held at the Presbyterian church, atter which the will be in Wilton vault to await 0 Mr, and Mrs. J. Huff "at home" to a number of their friends ne, evening to even | ! { onling § Wireh on Sunday evening last. {mourn a loving wife and mother, ther husband, one daughter, Mrs. Her tbert Taylor, of Regina, Sask; and { one son, Harold J., at home, The C.P.R. trains were all blocked to the severe storm on Sun- day last. William Davis leit on Tuesday for his home in Edmonton, Alta. Mrs. Kilborn 1s recovering slowly. Miss Freeman, teacher, attending her sister's wedding Goditey and school is closed. Mrs. M. Long had the misfortune, while going home from ehurch on Sunday evening, to fall and break her wrist. :Dr. Coutles, assisted y Miss A: Allen, nurse, set the frac ture; and she is doing nicely. W. Y. Carmon left last week for a trip to i Flora. Niss Evelyn Keill is visit- ing in Verona. Rev. Mr. Hollings: worth, of Maberly, preached an eX- tcollent sermon Sn the Methodist John near at Hawley Las purchased a farm Smith's Falls and has moved bis family there. Mrs. M. Avery and Mra. R. Culbert came out from King- ston to afténd the funeral of the fate Mrs. Thomson. Miss J. Allen is pursing I. Benjamin, Yarker. Mrs. Rdid's condition is much, the same. Avigfor Harry N. Atwood and Miss Ruth Sathérwaite, daughter of a Readitig, P. A.. merchant, wéré mar- Hed last night: Atwood was recent- y sued by Miss Ceeille Harris of Crevblata for $50,000 for alleged breach of promise. Turn the rascals out-=-the bead- ache, Dillousuess, nstipation. the. sick, ~ sour stom and foul turh them out to-night with Cascarets Don't put in enothér day of dis- tress. Let Casearets cleanse ' and sweeten your stomach; remove the sour, un and fermenting food, and -making gas; take t from your Hver rl DESIGNERS, LIKE AUTHORS e | independently will not produce Milli-}s msn We ire in danger of forgetting thc achievements of those Canadians -- Sir John Macdonald was a Canadian althouen lle was 'born in Scotland. who laid the foundations of the | Canada of to-day. Not only the Their Products | statesman whose nafhes figure in The National Magazine | history, but the unkuews pioneers, The production of designs is the ithe men and women who went into work of an artist; deyigns are artis-| the. back woods and suffered tic creations. Designs are seldom, it | Joneliness and privation and hard- ever, duplicated by designers or arts | ship and danger ough: to be honour- ists working independently. <A dup- eG lication of a design is an almost cer-| tain indication that it is a copy, and | that it was copied from the original. | Two artists given identically tne same subject and working apart and! duapli-, Two photographers, | given the same subject and the same! camera, in the same studio, but working independently, will invari-| ably produce results that are clearly of procuring a wife he generally ob- distinguishable, on rom the other, tains one by giving in exchange for and original. The work of each will | her a sister or seme other female be stamped and characterized with relative of his own; but if there his individuality should happen to be no eligible dam- The same ing is sel disengaged in the tribe te which £ he belongs, then he hovers around the encampments of some other blacks until he gets dn opportunity of seizing one of their lubras, whom, perhaps, he has seen and admired j when attending one of the corrobo- rees. . His 'mode of paying his addresses simple and efficacious. With a blow of his war club he'stuns the object of his "affections," and, as she recovers her senses, brings her home to his own gavnval in triumph. NEED LAW OF PROTE Creators of Artistic, Effects Entitled to Exclusive Disposition of COURTING IX A 'BALIA Among Aboriginal Blacks Violent Nature The Maromoa (Australia) Among the aboriginal Australia courtship of is Advocate. blacks of as the precursor marriage is uncommon. When a young warrior is desirous ciate results all % are meaning used in They are art- true of eation Des J ment, therefore, "inventors" within the the word as commonly considering patents. ists and as such are properly includ- ed with authevs, and their design should be protected by copyright the | ume as other intellectual aftistie i: creations are now protected by copy- ers not of , in my s could. be registered or hted under such a law for s which would bring the benefits the law within the enjoyment of all vlasses of manufa i enter-: tn where its bene are needed. | California Sets the Pace in This Pars a | ticular CHILDREN OF CLERG YMEN | Leslie NOT WICKED AS A RULE] SHORT NAMES FOR STREAMS prises 's Weekly California is certainly not partie- ular about the names of its streams. According to the Gazetteer of Sur- face Waters of that state, issued by the United States Geological Survey, California lays claims to five 'Dead- mans creeks, ten Dog creeks, two Humbug crecks, two Jackass creeks, five "Lost" s and two Mad riv- ers B Canyon and Bear Trap ar xd to thirty-six water bodics, there are five Grizaly ered k N re are fifteen Coyote - water bodies, five Lion Creeks, two Wildcats, one Cat and two Gatos (cat, Span- ish) creeks; one Skunk creek, nine Deer creeks, ope Rabbit, two Quail, two Dog and one Scorpion creek. There are also ten Devil and two Diablo creeks, but the Saints, male and' female (San and Santa), cover a dozen pages of the gazeteer. There is also a Poison creek and a dozen Snake and Ruttlesnake creeks. Widespread Impression in This gard is Not Founded pon | QF The Christian Hers When a minis £06s wrong chrouie the uneharitable in spirit point to them and say, "Why deo preachers children turn badly?" Nothing could be farther from the truth than such a notion Ministers' children Letter than any ot} § in the munity. There are eptions, but this is the rule. This fact has been recently meationed in a sermon by Rev. Robert Hugh Morris, preac hed in the Central North Broad 'Street Presbyterian church, of Philadelphia. Among other things Dr. Morris said: Of the fifty-one nameés in the Na- tional Hall of Fame, twenty are from minister's homes: Roger Williams, Jonathan Edwards, William Ellery Channing, Emerson, Holmes, Henry Clay, Agassiz, Bancroft, Beecher; Stowe, Lowell and Phillips Brooks, being fifty times more than a propor- tion proper if other families measur- ed up to the standard. Of our twen- iy-seven presidents three were minis- ters' sons, Arthur, Clevéiand and Wilson. The wives of five wera min- isters' daughters: Mrs. Johg Adams, Mrs. Millard Fillmore, Mrs. Franklin | Pierce, Mrs. Benjamin HarFlson and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. Re- Acts 1a ters ghter critics and on or dau the out ! ans furn out well, com- Senator Stone on Cnilee New York Tribune. Senator Stone, of Missouri,, %s a lover of coffee,, and unless it is both strong and good the waiter. at res taurant or hotel hears from him. Recently he took a little trip: to Baton Rouge and went into a restau rant. fot dinner> On raising his cup to his lips he made a wrv face and then beckoned to the proprietor. "What do yon call this stuff ?" asked. *Uolfee," meekly replied 'the man, somewhat surpri "Cofien I" "repented Stone with scorn. "I could put a coffée-bean fine to my mouth, dive into the Mississip- pi river from the end of this street, swim "way wp to Vicksburg, © and I'N guarantee that any 'ope could A Macdonald A Anniversary Toronto Star. It is proposed to "celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the birth Of Sir Johu Macdonald, who 'was born: at Glasgow on January 11th, 1815. The proposal is a good one. over the entire route.' Sympathy led. lived in the country. made u trip to {he city. At last he EA BOX ard carry off the decomipused was'e watter and constipation' Porson from the bowels. A Cascaret to-wight will straighten he fdw & schoolgirl go through her gymndstic exercises for the amuses ment of the 1ty ones at home. = Af you out bs mOFL] 10.cent box |e gazing at her with looks of ine keeps" your head Sear, "stomach Sweet, liver and' ho regular and vou feel bully a 5 "bon"t for- get the children -=thelr little insides ueed a good, gentle clennsing, too. ne asked a boy near it she had fits. "Neo," thé boy replied. ""Them's gymnastics." : "Ah, how sad!" 'sald the man. "How longs she had mr Hatided "Out a Hint Springlield Union. ¥ Mr. ferent" Miss Wise-- "On the. contrat, 1 am full of 'affection.' Mr. Slowbe 'and face have bail up much better coffee than thw | He was middle-ged and untravely For forty-five years he had There; for the frst time in his tire. } ferest and compassion for some timed Slowboy-- It seems to me f that you are rather og and indi : tracution Ne York, March 6, » <i, who is in the deat] os at Sing Sing prison waiting to be electrocut- made a confession, yesterday, to District Atoms F and Sher William? chester og in which he the "secrets of thee bldek has been responsible murders in the codnty. /~ 0 3 Lg to. the murder "ot Tony Marro ut: White Plaids, for |8 which crime he is to be put to death and also gave facts to show he been the hired assassin of black hand agents. He declared Marro had been the vietim of & vendetta, and that it he had not joined the. society and killed Marro he would have met death, it js maid the name of the leader of the gang that conducted the hold-up of foreign employees on the estate ol John 1D. Rockeleller at Poeantica Hills, who were murderously attacked because they did not comtricute to the agents of the black hand band, revealed, and a number of arrests may follow. The Heart's Story Christian Lewder (author unknown). I will not doubt, though all my ships at sea Comé crdting home with broken masts and sails; I will belleve the Hand, which never {ails, From semng evil, worketh good for me; And though I weep because those sails are tattered, Still will 1 ery, while my hopes are . shattered, "l trust in Thee." I will not doubt, * though prayers return Unanswered from the still realm above; I will believe it is an all-wise love Which had réfused these things for whith I yéarn; And though &t tomes I cannot keep from grieving, Yet the pure ardor of my fixed be- Jlevin, Endintmed shall burn. 1 will not doubt, like rain, And troubles swarm like bees about to hive: I will heliove the heights for which 1 strive Arc only 'renched by anguish and by pain. though § groan and writhe neath my crosses, shall see through my losses The greater gain. Well anchored all my white though sorrows fall And be severest I I will not doubt. in this faith, Like some staunch ship, braves every gale So strong its courage will quail To breast the mighty of death, Oh! may 1 cry though bedy parts with spirit, "1 'do - not doubt" so listéning worlds may hear it, With my last breath: my soul not unknown sea Sir George Ross is still in a state of stupor and the end %s very near. Parliament will investigate the in- croase in consumption and manufac- ture of intoxicating lquor. and to- bacco in Canada' rom the stand. point of the well-being of Canadian ¢itizenhood. v Edward Smith, aged fifty-five; hang- ed himseli in an outbiilding at Hum- berstone. Two years ago. his son shot himseli. was, RHEUMA Thoroughly Deep-Seated Uric Acid Poison. tro on in, te Tre impurities Sauged hie ric Acid, Doigon led from ne do nr It you suler from ang form of Rheumatism jatica, Inflammatory' Arthritis, Muscular, Lumbago or Gout----get a bottle of RHEUMA from J. B. Me- Leod for 50 cents----it is guaranteed. "For years I suffered with Rheu- matisim in my arms and shoulders. My kidneys and bladder were affect ed, and 1 rapidly lost flesh. After five weeks' use of RHEUMA I was a well man."--William Fry, Fort Er- ie, Ont. See us about a fence this spring. We amve n great © variety and cheapest arices. PARTRIDGE & SONS. King St. West. Phones 380 & 1195 (hin People Can Increase Weight Thin men and women who would ui to increase their weight wit Wor pounds of healthy "si ere' fax should try cating a little Sargol with heir meals for a while and note re~ mits. Here Is a good tést worth try- ing. First weigh yoursell and measures yourself. Then take Sargol--one tablet with every meal--for twp weeks. Then weigh and measure dgafn. It isn't ao question of how. you look or feel or wliat your friends say and think. The scales and the tape measurs will tell their own story, and most ai thin man orf woman can easily add from ive to eight pounds in the first four- teen days by following this simple di- rection. And best of all, the new flesh stays put. Sargol does not nut mixing of itself make fat with your food, it turns he fats sugars znd starches of what ou have eaten, into rich, ripe fat pro- lucing nourishment for the tissues and slood--prepared it in an easily' assim- lated form which the blood can readily tecept. All this nourishment now passes from your body as waste. But 3argol stops the waste. and does it julekly and makes the fat producing ontents of the very same meals you wre eating now develop pounds and rounds of healthy flesh between: your skin and bones. Sargol is safe, pleas- int, efficient and inexpensive. Druggists sell it in large bBoxes-- forty tablets to a package--on 4 guar- inteée of weight increase or money rack, Ey Suniiwt Or Oranges, 13e, 20¢, 30, Marmalnde Oratizes, Me an dos, . eape Fruit, 5 for 25¢ and 4 or Banan 15 and 20¢ a Flan an, 15. pn dozen, pant Foe a Ib, 314 Princess St. Phone1408 D. D. D. In Hospitals ; Standard Skin Cure How many hospital patients suffer. ing the frightful itech, the raw scorch- ng pain of skin disease, - have been whed to sle ep by a Soothing fluid w ashed in by the nurse's hands? That fluid §8 the famous D, B.D. prescription for eczema. THE SUPERVISING NURSE of © of our prominent Cathole¢ natiuiics (name of nurse and Jhstitute on br ration), writes remarding 4 patient. disease had eaten her syebrows . Her nose and HPS hi become Mshwurad. the Use of .D. D. her eyebrows are growing, es Hn assumed theik. natural : he Since eypression." How many eczema sufferers are pay- ing their are Bel for regular -treat- ment and are a a with this Dh hE | But frankly writes "D. D. D. is superior to any- thing I have ever found. Soft and soothing, yet a powerful agent." To do the work, D, D. Perscrip- tion must be applied according 0 dir- ection given in the pamp! Diet bho every bottle. Follow these directions ~and sce! And it certainly takes away the toh at once--the moment the liquid r= Be plicd. The skin is soothed---eal thoroughly hy cooled. All druggists of Manding have the famous specific as well as the efficient D. D,-D. Skin Soap. But we are so confident # the mer- ft's of this prescription that we will refund the purchase price of the first full size bottle if it fails Lo redch Sihiston a. You alone 5 to Ju + Mal Canadas fet soe at its best. gratified by this S- Sealed Package of

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