Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Mar 1914, p. 2

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H 4 | COMPANY : : THURSDAY EVENING Mayor Gibson Ohjfected to His Fm. Medical Health Officer Must bo About Seventy-five Were Present -- | [i Ployees. Joluing Union, and Said; Notified When Start is Made to Rev The Toasts Given -- Presentation! fi He would Receive Back Onl: Thos move Ice From Shore Yes House. of Baseball and Basket. Ball Tro. |} Who Quit ii. © © | ATRat we necept the bond for $10,-] phies. : | Gangnogue, March 5.--(To the|000; ffom the Kingston Iee company! The banquet given by the execu: JBditor): May we call your attention|3® 4 Surely that mo portion of the tive of the Sunday School Amateur to a_mig-ptatement in your of {two lower tiers of ice, known as im-| Athletic association, in the Y.M.C.A. Tuesday re the lock-out of harness. Pure ice, and now stored. in thelr| buflding on Thursday evenhrz, was makers in Gananoque. Your Gan-|shore ice house, will be removed' ys gigtinet success in every way. The jAnoque correspondent states that the|from the said fee" house, and that gathering which numbered about men took objection to the hiring of [the medical health officer be notified seventy-five sat down to a re | Certain man because he was a non-| When the company bagins to remove past arranged in the the large rdom union man. At no time to ourjthe ice." used as the boy's department. Bethel knowledge, lias the contention been| The dbove resolution was passed) Brock, St, Lukes' and Sydenham made by either the employers or the|at a special meeting of the Board of basket ball teams were present and ' that the men at any time, Health on. Thursday afternoon. also Cookes' junior baseball team, refused to work with a non-union] Mayor Shaw (chairman) presided and iwo representatives from Syden- lf rs . man. The facts are as follows: at the meeting, and the other mem-| ham and St. George's junior baseball | . In the early part of the year a|bems present were Dr. W. McCarthy,| teams, Sin | branch of the international brother-|B. Blackhall, Hugh MeBratney, W. The repast prepared by sixteen [ff Phone 919 for hood was formed here and every man |S. Gorden, Dr. A, R. B. Williamson, young ladies representing the differs || jit both factories was brought into|medical health officer. D. A. Givens, | ant churches of the city the union. At five o'clock on Satur-|city solicitor, was also present at the F. B. Pense, the president of the day, Feb. 28th, the men at Mayor invitation of the mayor. association, acted in the capacity of ' Th c 1 B k St Gibson's harness factory, were Tot i At the of jhe sheeting, a! toastmaster. The toasts were lv, e I OO ege OO or Se ta gather round and listen to a little|letter was read from Dr. W. T. Con- en: "Canada," was proposed by |{ : " x thesch from Mr. Gibson, who said hie |nell, bacterlologist, in which he re-| James Odell and responded to by|f 160-162 Princess St. had no fauit'te nd with the work of [ported to the board that in pulling Rev, W. F. Fitzgerald of St. Paul's| _ Beane bef any man, but he had heard that some good ice on top of contaminated ice, church; "Our City," proposed by = -- of the boys had joined the union and there would be absolutely no possi-| Rev. J. W. Mcintosh, of Cookes' he would have no union man in his {bility of contamination. Dr. Connell Presbyterian church, and responded employ. They were told they would|stated that hs bad no hesitancy in|to by Mayor Shaw; "The Sunday be paid off that night and that any |giving this statement. School," proposed by Alfred Kinch man who wanted to come back must! This statement came from Dr. Con-|and responded to by William Dig- quit the union. The men did not)nell as a result of the question be-| by, representing the Upper Canada a want to lose their right as free men Ing asked by Dr. McCarthy. Bible Society; "'Our Association, over 10 cords, Also to organize, 80 they had no alterna-| After this information had been | proposed by Frederick Wilson, and wharf and other timber, [tive but to come out. At seven given to the board, Dr. McCarthy| responded to by D. A. Shaw: "The : o'clock the following Monday morn- {stated that it relieved the board of Y.M.C.A," proposed by. Howard WALLACE, ing, the same alternative was putithe question of the contamination' Kennedy and responded to by C, N. Barrie St, . before the employees of the Ganan-|of the ice. All the board desired to Meserve, genéral secretary of the : i ogue harness works and they alsojdo was to protect the people. wy . - eame out. = "What I strongly object to," re-| One of the mast, Pleasing fat ol Your report also states that con-' marked Dr. McCarthy, "is the state-' the evening was the presentation of See our window for Cut #iderable uneasiness is felt. 'There|ment made in the police court by the basketball and baseball trophies. Glags, Fine Cut Glass. Jugs, is certainly no uneasiness felt among | Francis King that a vindictive spirit The T. F. Harrison senior haskothadl Bowls, Preserve Dishes, Spoon the men, who have fully decided to|had been shown by the Board of trophy, which was won by Broc Trays, Tumblers, Ice Cream stay out 'until their right to belong |Health. . Street Methodist church, was Present, ee : Trays, Butter Dishes' and to their own organization is 'recog-| Dr. McCarthy stated that 'there ed by the donor. This is the second This past week brought us three big Vases Every piece carefully Sized. WH you please insert this|was never such a dastardly act per. time this trophy das but won.by th : . ii i Cee made, perfectly white and forrection In your mext issue, giving |petrated upon the people than that team representing Rev. John wa . shipments of Ladies' and Misses Spring sparkling. Our prices are it the same prominence as yur first|of the ice company. In view of the church. Frank Pound, the Inanagen of moderate, report. (Signed) H. G. Orser, presi. information given by Dr. Connell, the team, accepted the trophy on Suits and Coats Eacl rarment is dis dent; C.F. Suddaby, vice-president; however, he was willing to event half of he clube be Hobby "hich in , S and Loats. Ach garment is dis- : * * J as " ¥s . . LE Oriol, rolug secretury i | he, Sompany's bond u ho Oe be he gif of Hlarey, Wilder, wai present. tinetively up-to-date and has only the most of Branch No. 161, Taternational trate, and would suggest thai when SE fe Ucke's baseball ar pas Ny United. Brotherhood of Leather the ice house containing the bad 8 Gants of he maar So Pres. approved marks of fashiondom. Fit, fin- Hah Crewe Key givin to the medical health of. land, he Sabian Fhe, Shi ish, workmanship, style and attracti t 2? it on behalf of the club. Sh, workmanship, style and attractiveness A oeuiiutives Contracted For 3 arse en tie SUmpany Witved io a an the evening, Frederick Hafl- I ! ; the Cain ley Setesal tu et fied and an officer would be sent out Der and James Saunders favored with combine to give our garments that touch and English Lixoleums has returned from a trip through to [DY the city to look after things, at D. A. Shaw, who is the Younder of ie > a . : a | : the Pacific const, with a contract for the expense of the ice company. he! the S.S.AA.A., in responding ta the of individuality so much sought after by Are arriving every day three locomotives "for the Pacific 1 do not want to be hard on the toast of "Ihe Association," spoke in ' i , ice company," said Dr. MéCarthy, i id" work Great Eastern Railway company. He "but 1 do want the people to know glowing terms. of the splendid wor! Rl reports. 'little change in 'the "mar. 4 which is being ' accomplished by the trom the best manufae kot" for the roc of thie "| {that the Board of Health is in the loeal ry young men interested in the work. Heo OV RAF FAR ar works. The work on these three en. |TEDt In this matter. {paid a tribute to the president for the very, very reasonable. turers. These are fhe fines well 'be commenced in the near Mr. Blackball also took objection work which he had done during the , ature. The work on the new erecting to the remark passed about.the board | past two years, during which he has ' ; : sbowing a vindictive spirit. He did jad the honor of holding this office. Dew patterns for fhe J] op is progressing. ; not like the idea of the board bein& The season which her jor becs { : t fr m 0 + a 1 "Hudout's Taleum." Gibson's SHtictsed yhen the mambo fin brought to a close has been the most oa S 0 . Pp £0] 3 d Conv 3 Ke simply standing out to have the hy- syccessiul in the history of the asso- ) ing pring o 14 og Suvoestion Hall laws carried out. An old ice dealer! ciation. The sum of $61 was realized RA " ! : had made tha remark to him that by bagketball series. this year's Board of Health was the! "A vote of thanks was tendered to i first to make the ice dealers "buck | (he ladies, on motion of F. I. New- \ » up." man, seconded by George Mills. A ; -- Dr. Williamson asked the gquestion| The following ae Vie. committee in Suits from $12.50 Up as to whether or not the board had charge: F. B. Pense (chairman), |. Pad accomplished what it was after. The | Pound, Ii. Birtch, H. Edgar, W. King, company would give a bond and this ~ E. Sharpe, H. Potter and H. t would be protection for the, people. 'rotter. : . . Mayor Shaw, in speaking om the amie Er An Early Inspection Will Please. ice. question, stated that he thought| "Stung," yelled a bystander when " g # good way to have it. dealt with!2 man bid in six volumes of Roose- Hi RTE would be to have it come under civic| velt's works for fifty cents, at the ai, Utilities and. have the city. take full juction of the Union League Club rr ------------ : 1 charge of the ice-cutting. ibrary in New York. : ta | CenR Or ---------- A Differen Mr. Blackhall sald that this would] Removal sale: $1.50 corset, $1: . - be a good idea, and added that an-|75e. corset, B0c.. few short corsets in E es other great need of the city was left, 35¢. Dutton's. ewl ] 1a aw Why Pay High y that of an abattoir. EE -- ' J qui dilter ------ ; EE a 4 Hi no pun ad, in your POLICE WERE NOTIFIED H THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. : [lerag® saxamination When lad Would Not Give Back Or 3 2 7 Rien "Il NEW SPRING FIRST CLASS GOODS A lady who was in the post office H ( HELD IN YALC.A. BUILDING ON expert dressers." And then the price, how : J GET IN ON THE GROUND office, but felt sure that #he had drop- Oa k 3 8 fine building lots on Russell 8c, tmaster, James Stewart, and the : FSU $ Tat : LOY SUFFERED Loss. Floors X vision St., with an unlimited Fi 2 amount of good stone to was under suspicion. The youngster To Originated From Overheated addy the police. Constable Samuel Arnie flooring, quartered or plain. ed solid brick, hot water heating, the missing You will be surprised at the Ni cause. of the blaze was a defec- tion. The Style £28 Biting wil be on Friday morning, had the misior- HATS pa i sR _ Be Prosperous - tune to lose her purse. Ehe did not v a Wek miss it until after she left the post 8 Ped it on the floor while she was 28 x 120 4 each there. The matter was referred to the PROF. L. W. R. AND MRS. MUL. 4 acres of a nent haa Di- latter questioned a lad who was in the post office at the time, and who h ; 0, \ be quarried. for $2,000 strongly demied having picked up the , Furnace -- The Loss - 1 Oniy, Would add to the attractive- : purse and the matter was reported to 1 % $500, But the Dwelling Was ness of your home. Our 3-8 in. A good home on Alfred t., detach : : was sent to investigate, but before he ; : : may be finished in oil , waxed gas, electric light, garage, and all 3 ee i had a chance to look into the cage the ' 3 : > x Be, 3 0 Ek uo or varnished, showing the modern conveniences, -for $5,000 * lad in question returned to the st NEN Ng : + &. and Mrs. 1) i hy 4 : , New Parlor Furni. |. ani handed ove the mink J "Fou wil bo. surprised ar. . pusse to Mr. Stewart, stating that he ck, did dam low cost of this flooring. ture for S ring ad picked it wp on the street. No \ ] He to the £500. Phone or write for quota- ow for | 2¢4ion will be taken against the lad. b 4 n ive 3 Dining 0 y ive furnace flue. When the fire bys- Woodworking Faetory and gade Lumber Yards. AR New Carpets and Rugs, Linoloums, LIKELY T0 RESIGN : or RE 0 Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums from | 4* Pastor of Princess Street Metho- : kN ; ; A li European mills--the latest in color, dist church : yi 4 hydrant at. the S 5 : & Co » : . fone aid pattern. They'se coming] At the adjourned meeting of the X : iin every day. ard 'of Princess street Methodist | mbe. Furniture from best factories In {church to be held this evening, the | y also used. Considerable damag Cor. Hay ang Wellington Sta. if | Canada, personally selected, new | Whig has beén informed that there {| > ideas, ete. is a possiblity of Rev, Frederick ) We are sure we have $3500 | ; Robinson, jhe Bustor of she church fii secured from the oD fatumen were Fo on_ the scene mubstantal prick moenor RE a effect at the end of re t- wor lds best hat mak- blaze under contral and dd the 12 rooms, furnace, B. and | = year. fi ers, by far the largest [fi from spreading up to the thie Vv. - Co. all In good order, in [| x : > honed by the Whig on Fui- fl 51d oct initerestin og rouse 48 owned by Nes. M. a £008 loowiity. for boarding [i LL i day afternoon, Mr. Robinson would b 8 [ll Boyd, who is at the Present mo yard, done by the wetting of some of the furnishings - ses LUMBER, COAL & WOOD wsany ------ large stable 'and || PTS make no\ fled eatement as to stock of hats and caps {if in Sttawa, It is mot known how B i | whether or no! was ntention sme a . much insurance there i the dwell- of if RS ZA to place his resignation in the hands for me n and boys, ever i ing. rm $3100 for a new solid brick, § | (i TREE Str to board. It is understood that fi shown in Kingston. We Mr. Mulloy is professor of military fooms. open plumbing: tot | ' Sand 2 Mr. Robinson is likely to aecept.a Hil ape direet importers and history at 'the Rove Military Col 24x88 and right of way. | : ; ar i charge in the western part of the I H ho lege. He had leased the house fur- : | + wah province. Mr. Robinson will have [| S€ th wholesale and nished for the winter. $2750 buys 4 ew daive | ! 18 Sampleted Jhyeo Dr eal autor of if retail. ; visi | J treet chur . i Direct. me Swelling, Division | ond of the conterence year. =" ll New Silk Hats $4 to Su Tras x ny fi y ll nigger-toe nuts and corona the very last word in these BAD MEAT SEIZED | New Sun Hats $1.50 to [[ nots, ot Carnoveiy's. ll] Bufrets, no fl in Golden Oak, Fumed Oak, Maho. : ---- tall "Three highballs did it." sighed fq. 320. 935. t0.7100 cach. The | And Was Then Removed to Nuis- fil New Soft Hats 50c t0 $5 [| 'Augustin Nunes, i ii! Tues to harmonize with any finish | The sanitary juspector, William Me | Newest Caps 5c to | pretty togs. 'Flor-| | or make of furniture. aimed some n il $1.50 suing for $25,000 {| Ourtains, Shades, al} [on 1hu ' 1 ot the latest 'mole sudnaleums, pattern. 4 het. he 4 fi! Your old parlor sufte made Od | rounds. It consi py ane il | on, BY Our upholsterers at nominal a eohsisted uarter vo This ia tho second seimre of the [i GEORGE Mill$ & (0 fl ¥ (Kind the sanitary juapocite has med Ly gE. L «i i DB) BT'S of | Watch Our Windows! [once a very £0. *Formamint at Gibson's. : 1] Viet to iso ccd 0 NRL Sp eed Pel d » Miss A. Keyes, 3 A---- Sx

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