WHIG, | MONDAY as IN EDUCATION ADVOCATED IY | REV. J. H, TURNBULL, B. I,, OF PROF. J. L. MORISON OTTAWA, PREACHED NEW BOOK BY THE AUTHOR OF 'THE WAY | ' : OF AN EAGLE." Nr ---- He Says It Would be Better for Wo-|In Convocation Hall on Sunday Af men and Men Students -- Mix. ternoon ~-- Business of the Alma ing Sexes in CoMeges is Hind-| Mater Society on Saturday Even. rance to Progress of Students, ing. Ottawa Free Press, The Sunday afternoon service in "1 wish to raise a rather provoca- [CORvocation hall, at Queen's, was tive discussion this morning on the | Conducted by the Rev. James H. By |< | question of co-education from the | Turnbull, B.D., of Ottawa, a Queen's MOITET. A Point of view of the sirategy du. | Braduate. The text of the sermon ETHEL M. DELL, eation. In elma ¥. of sufa- was taken frem Il. Samuel xxifi: 14- Author of ; new country, of all the countries | 17» Where David expressing his wish "THE WAY OF AN EAGLE" L know wo can stand. rude truth and |(0F 8 drink fropggiie well of Bethle- iis 0) "" " ree discussion, said Prof. J, I. . | Bem, has his gra y three an unavoidable incident in Te" at*the second days conference of | the Lord--for Is not this the blood of *"eolors and the city of Ottawa Teachers' Associa- | the men that went in jeopardy of warps the after life of an E hans Now Ready. We Have a Complete Stock of Overshoes, Rubbers Moccasins, Snowshoes and Felt Goods tion at the Normal school. thelr lives." i a "Il know where I am walking is David, said the preacher, would dangerous. I was educated in Scot. | Pave been a great and remarkable land where the system is singularly | "a0 in any age. Judged by the like yours. 1 accept the fact that stahdards of his age, he possessed the schools of Canada will remain | t0® popular qualities of his time, was conducational. We must remember, | & Senius for friendship. a poet and a however, that there are certain flaws | POF} leader. Saul was jealous of in the coeducational system. 'The David's success, so the latter fled to home influen i the wilderness, became connected these Alive ce has much to do with | oy TT aw band, and finally be- "In Canada you are taking a herck stand in coeducation, but you' are permitting the picture show to wvul- came its leader, somewhat against his will, The 142nd Psalm is a re- flection of his feelings of depression, responsibility and manner in which garize and degrade the children. We Top never be slaves of our inven- probably some time of depression his The moving pictures are a great thoughts went pack to the well of his instrument for education.' No doubt childhood, and he Yhoughtieasly ex- in future they will improve and give | Pressed a desite for 2 Sraught | rom the children some real delight in its_depths. rae. 0 3 ene men seeing the pictures. I ask you to gde- departed and ogg the water at mand from those ' running these the risk of thie Ives; but avid, shows either the'elimination of these Re an QruE what represented vulgarities or the exclusion of child- poured the water out as a sacrifice to ren' under: fifteen years of age. We the Lord. fri must not tamper with the child's This story is for us all. We shave THOMAS LA B RT imagination. all stood in David's place with the he found- peace .with eternity. At THOMAS LAMBERT Maker Of Men's Clothes Blue Worsted Suits are always fashionable and are very ser- viceable. We have a very special Blue Worsted, Indigo dye, which we will make up for $24.00 a suit. We also have s good selection of Brown and Grey Tweeds, which we will Bell cheap. CAMPBELL'S Fresh made every day--spec- ial 30c chocolates for 20c Ib SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House | ---- . + cup of advantage in our hands from Argument, for Separation which we regp the benefits of others' "Is the college to be coeducation- | (oil and life. Modern civilization al? My awgument tends almost | rests on the toil and suffering of man Clearing Sal wholly in the direction of separation [and beast. Our food and shelter de- on a compromiding. basis. I testi pend on the toil of the farmer, wood- fy to the admirable code of honor | nan, mechanics, the woman worker, of hetween those engaged in coeduea- | the gailor and negro in the cotton F A tion. As to history, of which 1|jjelds. Do we think of these toilers, Bi Di t know hest, the 'women'lean to the |,¢ the graves nnder our feet We in Every Line BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Insist on Having Pasteurized Milk Be [Sure it is in Bottle Phone 845. PRICE'S FLOUR Our Robin Hood brand of four Wy A WN a WE CGY WOO ° romantica side and men to the poli- {live on the privations of others and utomo e or e tical weary millions toil for us. "The examinations on the whola are We are thus all under a debt of unfaic to women even more than to | honor, and idleness is sinful. Our first Model 19, McLaughlin Buick, fully equipped men. That a man's record should duty. as citizens is to fulfill our ser d i ceellent commit depend upon his mood for three |yjce. There is a legitimate and il- and in excellent co on. : hours on a certain day in the spring | legitimate way ot profiting under I SAIL is ridiculous. This record should | these conditions. We must livé on CHEAP FOR QUICK S E. ol be left to the flurty of a single {others' toil but we must always pay It means cruelty to animals |our way and debt by our own per- * paper. - oh 4 . a PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited | |p on vii ine examinations" os | ional participation i these tos ana ey by our realization of the gratitude 210-14 Wellington Street. at present. a "The social life means nine-tenths of | we owe God and man. Men of wealth the life of the college. Friendships are |in the present age realize that their what educate men. It is in the uni- | wealth is due to others' toil and with versity that lifelong friendships are I David's feeling, they, in many cases, formed. In Canada a good deal i attempt to enjoy it unselfishly. ancrificed by co-education. The Cana From a political point of view the dian student is less interested in books i responsibility rests with us. and deep thought than the Scottish |e and property are safe and we or Fnglish student. abound with rights and: liberties be- has a guarantee in every bag for Ria i] "Give your young. people four or hind. which lie , the toil and sacrifice p good quality, five years" quiet, and allow the "hoys of vears, Some 1 these advantages v ) 8 * se yA ages k: ies Designers and Makers of Fins ANDREW MACLEAN to he boys, and gicls girls, men men, selfishly for their ownwneans but En ---- Pig Clearing Furniture Now .On Cheap Living Rangoon Rice, per 1b. vereesraa tiger esreensesD : rome on. We are building h a woman. Les wh wo are [should feel reverence and gratitude n al 'chars , : Tot . _ 5 danger of allowing it to become for present conditions due to the sac- flippant, unbookish and unreflective. rice of others. A Education ' involves toil, expense, sacrifice and blood of men who have "f would . like. to see more. gpllege given themselves and means fo seats ( C r : . » ia 5 ! trained men in parliament. The low i lepming. This ii be acknowl: te edged as we owe a o human ef- level of honor would be raised and ;® g " . fin B We have a large stock of Stoves ana other beneficial influences spread. Lhe plort and. sen Ol» ; Ranges, 8180 new and second-hand fure college life strikes the college life at a} Tow must we enjoy: these advan- sare, tarpets and quilts. Come and Marmalade Oranges, 0c n doz. new angle." taceq ? , Should we regard them sel- | 37} kinds of por ant tu Save money on . Geapé Fruit, 5 for 25¢ and 4 * 3 : < ah] ok 3 oods, or 15e, After paying a high tribute to the fishly and look ' with contempt on . SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. ax, 15 nnd 20¢ a dozen, Patna Rice, perdb. .............coi0cncineinde "Maple Leaf" Valencia Raisins, 3 Ibs, for ......25¢ For Sale at All Grocers. To Elevate Politics New York Fruit Store ------ STOVES AND RANGES. Sunkist Oranges, 15¢, 20¢, 30e, 40¢_ per dozen. EE ---- GRAND OPERA HOUSSE -- he added : "Heaven forbid any mil- {God forbid that we should da 7) mr -- Dates, 16¢ a ib, Dining Room Chairs, 5 : \ ,-5 small and § lionaire from coming forward with |and neglect our call tp service. Arm Chairs, leather seats, only rl. 314 Princess St. Phone1408 "I hope as Canada develops it. will lwho have placed the cup of faith in | Nat. C, Goodwin was the Attraction here and there | our hands. God sacrificed His Son On Saturday. ed, T succumbed to temptation this) piinee of gratitude and humanity. Saturday, when he ae Grand on Government May Consent to That beneiactions and taking away the in-| No one can estimate the debt we a bb] - | a [ » ! be possible to have separate men's colleges and separate |for this end. These privileges must Nat C, Goodwi » : ' dwin o py vim er -------- ec ICd IX res , women's. colleges. | was warned not jnot he regarded selfishly nor must comedian " hom he Soted Ame ican wa A a ': came thay ot 2 . 5 j J ' 11 monial and suf * VANT FREER UNIE nan ul 3 ! sen to make comparisons when I came to {how he withheld from others, near exploits have failed to fncapacitars, 3 FREE UNIFORMS | ! : morning. May the love of God restrain us and | tinee and night. performances of "Nev. Measure of Free Trade a farcical comedy hy Wil Ottawa, March ' 2. --Thourh C. : : 3 » ? 3 i . ' 2 ough Canad; Tis altar for the blessings ohiained | liam H. Post. which has had such a}!s not to have free wheat there is 3 through others. successful run on the stdwes of both | 200d chance that the dommion will Miss Ardelle Flder rendered a bean- | England. and the . United States, Mr. fe given free uniforms At tiful solo during the offertory. ud ; ---- i independence of the Canadian student,|others who allow us to enjoy them? Phone 1580. Opposite Craig's Wholesale. Fign, 15¢ u 1b. eR eNelan dependence of the, Canadian student. lowe to those heroes and martyrs Canada, and hitherto F have refrain-', 1d far. Tf we do we poison the | drew Inrge nudioneos a ---- "Don't think I mean that Britain isf low us to place onr thankfulness on |er Say Die," fl The artistic exelusivenéss of the designs and the beauty of finish you may see for vourself at our show rooms. necessarily better or Canada worse. mean that in Canada you are making experiments and taking risks. In fu ture years I.trust you will try and in - 3 fluence a policy of partial " separa- fl The quality of the materials and the honesty of the workmanship we can vouch for. y ie . 4 . 3 resent | B x : and Ching Goodin 18 doubly adapted for such a | C#nadian colonels are taxed % their et, Trtension Tables ence ocaction, first by "reason of his] fighting clothes by the: ministe Hai aon; & tai au: i ability as a comedian, and second ol v the mimster of | Brass and Iron Beds, Springs. n answer to certain quéries the Alma Mater Business because of the fact that ho o : hhh Mattresses, 8 iat he emerged a» A deputation of colonels waited on On Sale at . 1 8 i f the Alma} ven ro {i illnes § Fi : f remarked that, after al At the last meeting of year ag rom -an illness, after a sea. nance Minister White and asked JAMES R EID ' 0 Le oJ "women are cxciting factors in a Mater Society a committee was ap-|side ace - : 1 . . 4 3 IE TER man's life," and "the best. men and pointed to try to discover who had|time aceident, that was i clared at the him to make as a feature _of his ap- 1 Largest variety in the city to choose from. * the best women keep as far apart asl, oved the notite, placed on theleran adtor could give probabiy rr Brooking budget speech a statement ge uh : possible. old arts building bulletin board, stat-| presentation of the character who waa ig pilitary unilorse should go 'on Phos oar ne ndertaker e ws il o ose who Ambulance i Re, oe fl ~ohae » { whds. € nin . - ing that a refund of 25¢c. was due to] to die in a montl ; 8 onth than anyone else. pressed the case were Col. Sharp, i . : fl Give us a call. W. J. MOORE & SO 206 Wellington St. fy-- EE -------- Special Sale 3 Lot Men's Box Galf Leather lar $5.00 and Lined Viscol Sole, $6.00 now Men's Tan Calf Viscolized Double Sole. | KINGSTON OLD BOYS Held a Merry Reunion With Concert and Presentation T. A. Gillen, who was president of the Kingston Old Boys' Assoeiation, Toronto, for 1913, was presented with a suitably engraved past presi- dent's medal by President John Me- Leod at the eleventh annual social of the association in Forester's hall, Toronto, Thursday night. About one hundred and fifty peo- ple enjoyed the programme, in which the following took part: J. Stewart, Lieut.-Col. 'Gallgway, Donald Me- Leod, Miss Newton, Mrs. J. Butler, J. M. Sherlock, Mrs. J. M. Dawson, Mrs. Galloway, Miss Brown, Miss M. Allen, Miss McKay, Miss Annie Jack- son, Robert Kenney, Thomas Clark- son, and Miss Martin. Rev. Harper Cray gave an address. The Canadian Magazine Artizier of unusual interest in the Canadian Magazine for March are "The Old Bytown Canal," by Wilfred Cempbell; "The Mormon Temple in Canada," by W. MeD. Tait; "A Con- trast in Acadians," by W. C. Gaynor; "Canada's Conquest of Astoria," by Harold Sands; "The Welshman at Home," by Frank. Yeigh; "Bygone Days in Toronto," by Mrs. Forsyth Grant; "The Panama Canal Tolls," by the Honorable Elihue Root; "On the Little Slave River," by Mrs. Ar thur Murphy, and a sketch by the Honorable George Halsey Perley, by Francis A. Carman Heury. McCalpin, Chalmers Single and William HH. Sturgeon have . i license commissioners ny ma holders of tickets for the junior year dance. The committee were unable to plaee the 'erime" further than the notice had been segn torn off and lying on the floor. 2 A bill for printing ef invitations to last year's convocation, which the senate was evidently expect: ing the students to pay, was very promptly referred back to that body. The question of the disappearance of the athletic stick which should be in Mr. Raith's possession was brought up, This stick was pre- sented last year by a local jeweller to the Ahua Mater to be given to a student selected by a popular vote and to be held by him for one ses- sion. Last year Mr. Fisher, of arts, was the successful candidate for the stick and probably through a mis- understanding of the terms he took the stick away with him and not re- turning this year its whereabouts is unknown. The secretary was in- structed to communicate with . Mr. Fisher and to aitempt to have the stick returned as soon as possible. The spring levy of $25 to the de- bate committee was voted to be paid at this meeting. . To Challenge For Cup Cobalt, March 2.--Champions of the Cobalt District Amateur Hockey Association, in all probabilities O'Brien mines team, will challenge for the Allan cup. President Dick- son has forwarded to the Allan cup a challenge on behalf of the league champions, To Cure a Cold in One Day lets. Druggists refund money if it fails to eure.' E. W. Grove's signatuce Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-{s And then, who could play a divoree role better than Nathaniel ? In the role of "Dennysms Wood- biiry, an American millionaire, Mr, Goodwin delighted the large audiences that went to hear him and have a hearty laugh. Tt was his first visit to Kingston, and those who heard him hope that it will not be his last, With Mr. Goodwin is a company of marked merit. The chief female role is played by Miss Margaret Moreland In a very clever manner. The mount- ing is admirable. ------ "Peg O' My, Heart." Refreshing as shower and sun- shing on a June afternoon is "Peg 0' My Heart," the comedy of youth | about the Irish girl who has been ! playing on the heart-strings of New| York audiences for over a year with | continuous success, and sweeping the | country with the appeal of her Sweet personality. When "Peg 0' My Heart" comes to the Grand on Wednesday, March 4th, delightful Marion Dentler will be seen in the title role of the Irish madeap. "Peg O' My Heart" is a story of a young Irish-American girl who is sent. to wealthy relatives in England to be educated and polished. She has inherited part of the wealth of an old uncle, and, despite the fact that her mother was frowned on by her family. for marrying the happy- go-lucky Irishman whom she loved, Peg is taken into the stiff English household principally because her being there means money to her relatives. She has little to amuse or comfort her but she finally finds a solution for her problemi 8f loneli. ness, 5 4 "Peg O' 'My Heart," is in three acts and each act is a delight in it- self. There isn't another play like it in the world. Ly iy Col. Currie and Col, Hughes, minfster of militia. Finance Minister White said that there was a good deal in thes lease and though he could not promise he could sympathize, and asked the dele- gation to await the delivery of the budget speech. The colonels leit, confident that the stein ; Jaessscsssssssssssssannnsy Cole & Studebaker 4 cost of military evistence would he reduced. At the Y.M.C.A, Building Rev. E. W. Halpenny, Sunday school secretary for the province | of Ontario, spoke to forty-four boys| of the boys' department in the music | room at the building - on Sunday morning, J. N. Meserve, general secretary, | is in Ottawa, attending the social] service conference. The young men's Bible class and high school group will meet Monday evening. Rev. G. I. Campbell will speak. : The Glee club will rehearse on Wednesday evening, and the ban- quet of the 8S. 8S. A. A. A. will take place in the building on Thursday evening. : Children's Eyes ¢ If your child is backward in his school work, does not like to , stuay, is listless, or has headaches, you may safely attribute the cause to eve: strain. I. C.' Brown, Oph.D., in charge of the Rodger Optical Par lors, gives partionlar attention to the evamination of ' children's eves. vlasses supplied are ground especially for 'each case. TE xamination without charge. 347 King street, --------i---- A You will never regret using White Repairs and Auto Supply. Phone's 201 £917,