Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Mar 1914, p. 9

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rgb Pa eter APE finally," eight minutes' play, Cotton and Ison combined for the first séore. Wilson doing the shooting. Varsity, 1; RM.C., 0. Oné minute later R.M.C. evened the score when. Barwis broke up a determined Varsity rush and carry- ing the puck up the ice drove one past Armstrong. Varsity, 1; R.M.C., R.M.C/ rammed three shots at Armstrong from a scrimmage, but all failed to find the met. uinlock 7) Stewart had a merry battle on the wing, which was featured by con- siderable slashing. Whenever Var- sity did happen to start a promising rush Barwis always loomed up in the way. R.M.C.. took: the \ead when Coch- rane broke away from the bunch] around his 'own goal,' and carrying well in on the defence, beat Arm- strong' with a long shot. Time, 10 minutes. R.M.C., 2; Varsity, 1. _ Cotton 'came back .on the ice in place of Harvey, Half tine ended 'without any fur ther scoring, although both teams had many oh ; Half time score: RMC, ; Varsity, 1. The Second Half The play at the start of the second half was' Just 2a ragged as in the first session, und there was considerable scrimmaging around centre ice with a couplé of fair "individual ' rushes thrown in, At five minutes after the play started McDowell and Wilson combined for a goal MC. 2% Varsity, 3 After much end to end play, dur- ing which: both teams did consider- able . R.M.C. scored from a scrimmage after Cochrane and Mat- rushed well. Time, 8 min- M.C., 3; Varsity, 2. Jade their score read four batting in 's shot, ~ } up: ty. 3 & real hockey. teams showed nice hay 0 nal ea Varsity tried Har to' score, but while 'they had 3 as much of the play, their shooting was very poor and many op- portunities were lost on this account. the last of the game Ene. ; aa Stewart. . oa is Reféree--ilouigh Havidson, roiito, 3 Scaring Summary First halt) FApNLY a. "Slewart Hr RMC Maecguley a ROLE Stewart . BIG HAUL BY FRENCH THIEVES a-- Upwards of $200,000 Stolen From Paris Postal Van Pakis, "March 2.---Upwards of $200,000 in cash was stolen from a stations in Paris. As Saturday was the last day of thé month large sums were being transmitted to vari- ous points for the payment of month- ly salaries and. aceounts. The police would give no details of the robbery except that the van was among sgveral being unloaded at the time apd there was a great 'deal of confusion. Boar Dined With Veterans 3 Port "Arthyy, March 2.--Among those who 'joined with the local vet- erans of the South African war in the Paardeburg day dinner, was S. C. Vareteg a Boer, who went through the cam against the British. He is now an employee of the Cana- dian Northern railway, and a mem- her of the Ninety-Sixth regiment. sib Gets Promivin, Then Will Haug Trenton, N.J., March 2.--Awsgit- ing electrocution in the death house at State son here, Angelo Oerillo, wife mu Fr. was on . Saturday awarded the. $500 insurance jon the murdered woman's life, -the state supreme Court affirmed the decision ot the first judicial district court of Essex county, from which the insur- ance company bad appealed. ---------------- Postmen Get Incrense Washipgton, . Maveh 2.~An in- Seite in Me. 'masimum yay for Yur delivery mi 1,1 ($1,200. tthe discus ropriation' . Stratford ratepayers carried al- most undhimously three . industrial by-laws, providing for the enlarging of one 1381008 and and; the erection of post office van ht one of the railroad |' y_the 'senate; SI by thie beginning of the post-office a notably Count Bertrand de Lesseps, a speed of from fiften to sixty miles to the condition of the frdzen roads. CANADIAN CITIES INVITED Asked to Take Part in Pageant in St. Louis Next May St. Louis, Mo., March 2.--Invita- tions to the leading cities of Canada, the United States, and Latin Amer- ica to send envoys to the pageant and masque of St. Louis, which will given here in Forest Park next ay, will be mailed Monday by Mayor Kiel. The envoys, it is planned, will take part in costume in the masque, which is to intérpret the history and spirit of St. Lonis. The envoys also are to be invited to represent their cities in a confer- ence to be held here during page- ant week. The conference will con- sider such questions as the relation of music and art to municipal life. In responsé to the Duke of Con- naught"s appeal for funds to employ a Dominion seeretary for the Cana- dian Boy Scouts, $35,000 has - been jeontributed, besides the $10,000 pro: fifsed "bY the Tate Lord Siratheons: G. M. Kennedy, general superif- P=] tendent of the . Massey-Harris Ceo., Toranto; died of pneumonia. A lot. of times you and I can get more . genuine, information from ob- servations than by questions. Sooner or later tricks in tradé'are bound té show up in the limelight. Suez Canal fame and brother of Count de Lesseps. Tesseps has constructed an air-pfopelled machine which is capable of attaining INR COUNT DE LBESSPPS IN HIS MOTOR-SLEIGH lieutenant Shackleton is to test the practical possibilities of mot or traction in his forthcoming expedition to the Antavebic. Above is a view of an aero-propelled motor sleigh, which shows what can' be done on snow by existing machines. Ti.is form of aero-skiring has reached a remarkable degree of perfection, and has already several devotees son of the famous Frenchman of Count de an hour over the snow; according A -------- NOBLE FRENCHMEN FIGHT Baron and Count in Mortal Combat Near Paris Paris, March 2.--A sword duel be- tween Baron Robert Levasseur and Count D'Heursel' fought in the suburb of Neuilly Saturday, resulted ir Baron Levasseur being wounded, one of the arteries of his right arm being cut. The encounter is believed to have arisen out of ithe recent card scandal at the fashionable jockey club, where Baron Leyasseur was alleged to have been guilty of cheat- ing. Husbands Shoot Wives and Suicide Hammond, Ind., March' 2.--Two men killed themselves here on 'Satur- day after they. had shot, and perhaps fatally wounded their wives. John Spanner shot' Della Spanner in the breast after a fatal quarrel on the street in the dowmn-town district. John Zapadat and his wife quarrel, ed in their home. Zapadat shot his wife and then killed himselr, etree The government. resolution dedlar: ing for prohibition of the manufac- ture, importation and sale of white phosphorus was passed in the com- mons. The man afraid of the danger line is quite sure to keep out of danger. Jeff Has His Trouble Even While He Sleeps , Praeniets Cot BE Sy Hees Penal Institutions Should : be. Ad- Ottawa, March 2.--Reforms for hg betterment of contlitions in Canadian peniteq! external: erence. 2. That the Sel are "utils ize the SHlgatary labor of ifs: wards supplying so far e .its own needs and ere Joseibl The report points out that most the coavicts are prac withe work that is either instructive or re- munerstive, The S henitantiaries could make hp. + door. mats for public' Duldinss, tor cars riers' upiforms;' 'rural' 'mail 'boxes, uniforms for government em oo! and overcoats for the mil with a little extra cost for 'plant, could -include - desks, filing plants, ete, for governiept offices, and all militia uniforms. An increase of 56 per cent. in the population of 'Canadian peniten- tiaries in the last ten years is noted. The number of convicts in custody at the end of the flseal year was 1,970, of whom 984 'were, Canadians. The principal creeds were; 'Roman Cath- olics, 947; Anglicdns; ' 343; - Method- ists, 215; Presbyterians 213; Bapt+ ists, 86; Jaws, A% *. The penitentiary population is dis- tributed: Kimgston, 516; St. Vincent de Paul, 405; Dorchester, 193; Mani- toba, .201; British Columbia,' 351; Alberta, 207; Saskatchewan, 95, J. P. WHITNEY UNDER ARREST Widely Known Millionaire Must Face White Slave. Charges San Francisco, Cal., March 2.--1J. Parker Whitney, multi-millionaire, was put under arrest on the: three indictments charging: . violation of the Mann Whité - Slave 'law which were returned yesterday, U.S. Com- missioner Krull set the defendant's bearing for March 4 before: U.S. Judge Doaling, and released. Whit. ney on $10,000 bail. Whititey - refused to charges seriously. : "I can prove my isnocence te any jury that is selected," he said. transported her. from one state another ia violation of the Suu aet, is in Los Angeles. ' take the 'Athol Davies, enginebrat the CW. & L.E: power plant, bitned. in 2 gas explosion Tuesday, dted 'of 'his in- Juries. » a SAY, MUTT T Done Know WHETHER 1 WANT To G6 To Heaven OR NOT. T AL wANS THOUGHT AND HARMON IOVS THERE EVERY Tine WAS PEA ERUL wlll, T JUsT HAD A DREAM THAT T WAS KILLED (IN THE JOMNS TOWN FLOOD AND WENT To HEANEN --- - 'LINER ENOOU NTERED STORM "After Battle. With Elements New York, March' 2.---The Ward Line. steamer Esperpaga- arrived on Saturday 24 hours late, owing to g|Tongh weather. ~ Forty-eight: hours after leaving Havana. the Es ed by tremendous seas. blew. with a velocity of ninety miles an hour and great seas broke over the steamer, smashing hatches; wrenching boats ' from their davits and disabling the wireless so - that communication was cut off. The passengers presented Capt. Curtis with 3 set of résolutions com- mending him and his officers for their skilful handling of the ship. ---------- WON'T WORK AT NIGHT Centrals Say There is Not Enough . Light or Police Protection > Montreal, March 2.--Proper police 'protection for girl operators in the districts where it has exchanges is 'a' trouble that the Bell Telephone company is noy being forced to add to its other rries.. The first case in this district te be attended to has ogcurred in Outremont, where the company has found difficulty in get- ting operators for a new exchange owing to lack of light and police pro- tection. Complaining of this to the pany says.women, have refused to work at night at the new exchange ficked on their way home, ' " "Wet" Majority in Welland "Welland, Ont, March 2.---Judge 'first count of Deputy Returning Of- 'ficer' Coulthurst at Bridbeburg poll, No. 2. The count was 20 for and G64 'aga'nst, which, according to the 'judge's verdict, ~ is. the only coufit which can be-taken, as the evidence many withesses in 'this case 'Was 50 condicling. It. will be re- Themberéd that Coulthurst Was are 'résted for making a false return of gjority is reduced 17 votes In this .poll, but still' leaves a majority of '14 votes against the act in the county. By "Bud" Fisher WELL, IT WAS - | | RLY Tero) LOD T6 ALL THE oTHER | lancers AND EVERY TIME 1 JID SYART TELLING ABOUT | 1 THE AWFUL FLOOD OF WAULD FLY By AnD | ONEER avg : - | WATER; 'an OLD wT Esperanza Arrived 34 'Hours Late] experienced terrific gales accompani- - The wind | 8} The Best {hat ones. can Buy. D. COUPER 341-3 Princess Street Phone 76 £4 COAST SEALED OYSTERS "MAN'S ¢ity council of Outremont, the com- } becapse they are afraid of being at- 'Livingstone Saturday sustained the| 'the votes. By this decision the wet] tain -oet ters si htleidtal ia the Ri a good = Ein Cog oF MISERY LY. BANISHED, (From "Man's Maladles.") A _omrtaim "sort of ilgery which" causes 4 man to become abject in manaer, timid, & iQ lous and Jealous without "fet oa By A a¥Sromtie "erie Toeat a . ant which, lowed | out in the Ie. * > + hin 1, Hi kK $6! che er lis i BE a iSaesrege and 1g Ar sym) those regorat pawe! ous und o8 Nt ix, Shake 'Well and take spoonful 'after each al eh scr} tion $i p to ud 8 cgu= vers -- ALL TRS whtek WED sy BY Ax SAY "Peo, Poe OLD Anger With LONG 1 WHIsKeRs

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