Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Feb 1914, p. 2

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"rors ICE WILL NOT BE USED ----a Kingston lee Company Charged in Police Court With Viclation-<De- elton of Court Met With Approv- al of Medical Health Officer. For having violated the rules of the Kingston Board of Health, in cutting ioe in the prohibited area, the Kings- ton lee company was called upon, in the police court on Friday morning, to give bonds in the sum of $10,000 as a guarantee that the impure jee eat, consisting of two tiers, will not be used for any purpose or remov- ed from the ice house, but allowed to remain there and melt. The company was. charged with a violation of the rules of the Board of Health, and this was the de cision arrived at by Magistrate Far vell, after ile evidence had been tak- en. William McCammon, harbor-mas- ter, and Dr. A, R. B. Williamson, medical health officer, gave evidence in the case. Mr. McCammon told | about mapping out the area for ice eutiing, with W. 8. Gordon, and Dr. Williamson, in his evidence stated that he had been told by one of the ice company's men, that ice had been cut in the prohibited area. D. A. Givens | appeared on behalf of the prosecution Cord W ood | and Francis King acted as counsel for for Sale the company. Neither Dr. Williamson Mixed Soft Wood | nor Mr. McCammon could swear of and Hard Wood. Spee- their own knowledge that ice had ry been cut in the prohibited area, and jal rates for quantities Mr. King asked that the case he dis over 10 cords Algo |miesed, but. the magistrate would nat . concent to this. wharf and other timber. | dohn McKay "9 Limited 143-175 Brock Street THAT TOBACCO Wiih the "Rooster" on it. 5 owing louder as he goes along. . yy pH pound. For chewlng and smo : i AT A. MACLEAN'S Ontario Street. A f ' 3 ] 5) » itil AE . MADR IN KINGSTON SCHOOLS ON FRIDAY MORNING aS LU storing the ice before having the re- sult 'of the test. However, Mr. -Burné had stated that he did not know that he was violating the rules. He felt that the company would be penalized' sufficiently, if an order wes given that they must not use ihis jee either for domestic or cool- ing purposes, and further, that it not be removed from the ice house, hut left to melt. He felt that in this jway, the city would be safeguarded. "The company would be bound over in the sum of §10,000, The magistrate then asked if this arrangement met with the approval of the medical health officer, and Dr. Williamson stated that such an arrangement as this would meet with his approval. "i'ne magistrate then enlarged the 'case until Wednesday, for the purpose of having the bonds of the 'company arranged. "And I will ask for the dismissal of the case then," said Mr. King. in connection with Kingston's ico supply, Mr. Burns made the state- ment that with a summer gs warm as last summer, it would require 7,000 tons of ice to meet the needs of the citizens. BN Chief Armstrong Reports That it Was Very : Tests Were Made Withont Notice Being Given On Friday morning the stafis and were given test dive drills by Chief Armstrong, with most satisfactory re- sults. In the afternoon the test was given "at Frontenac and the depat public schools by Assistant, Chief John Elmer. The number bi pupils and the time in which each school was emptied; are Louise uchool- in | minute Macdonald school--330 emptied in 1 minute 16 seconds. Williamsville school 72 scholars, emptied in 2 minutes. ' Victoria school-400 scholars, emp tied in 1 minute 15 seconds. Callegiate Institute--408 scholars, oe : emptied in 1 minute 30 seconds. Dr. Maloney, district medical | Qudenham school--150 scholars, emp- Lieslth officer, who is in the city on yiad in 1 minute 43 seconds. other business, was present for the | Central school--400 scholars, emptied hearing of the case, and after it was i, | minute 19 seconds. over, stated to the Whig that he | Cataraqui sehool--150 scholars, emp approved of the way in which Iho tied in 55 seconds. : 230 scholars, emptied Satisfactory ---- The | Any # pupils of nearly all of the eity schools | scholars, $1. 50 and #1.25 Reprints at 35 cents. The following books s cially priced for Saturday only: -- A Woman of the World, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox A Woman Ventures, by David Graham Phillips. The Price She Paid, by David Graham Phillips, Black Rock, by Ralph Connor. Miss B18, by Rupert Hughes. Wanted a Chaperon, by Paul Leicester Ford. Marie Claire, hy Marguerite Audoux, Monsieur Beaueairve, hy Booth Tarkington. Heralds of Empire, by Agnes C. Laut. Vera, the Medium, by Richard Hardin Davis. ALL OTHER REPRINTS SATURDAY ONLY 45 CENTS POPULAR MUSIC, Vocal and Instrumental, 10 Cents per Copy The College Book Store 160-162 'Princess St. OPEN NIGHTS Phone. 919 cage had been disposed of, So long St. John's school--50 scholars, emp- ag the company would give bonds as tied in 58 seconds. -a guarantee that the 'impure ice! St. Mary's school--210 would not be used this would be emptied in 56 seconds. suflicient to safeguard the people. Vellington street school was visited just at recess time, and a slight mis. | understanding resulted in the gignal, { Thia school can be cleared in less than Held Its February Meeting on Thurs. a minute in case of fire. | At Williamsville school the fire es scholars, THE YMCA, BANQUET i | R. E. Burns, secretary of the com- R. WALLACE, 380 Barrie 8t. pany, was then put in the box, and | admitted that ice had been cut in the prohibited area, but stated that at the time, ice was cut, he was not aware oi the fact that he was violat- The Y.M.OU.A. young men's cabinet is, with a revision of its constitu tion, to have rulés of order and de bate fashioned, as -far as prac | day Evening. ! ing the rules. He explained that it | was cut on February 4th, just at the time the ice was in un very dangerous condition, and it was impossible to cut further out in the specified area There was no indication of the ice improving, and for this reason it was feared that the company would not be able to get a sufficient supply for the citizens. After this ice in the prohibited area was cut, The first cake of ice cut was sent to Dr. W. T. Connell, bacterelogist, for {apalysis, and the ice was placed in the house, pending the report of the doctor. As soon as Dr. Connell re- perted that the ice was impure, ihe leutting of it was stopped. Witness explained that the re- moval of this ice, as ordered by the | Board of Health, was a physical im- possibility. The company desired to leave it there, at least until it was fin 2 position to gather in as much §lgod ice as possible. Magistrate Farrell said that no doubt the company 'was in error in Our new rugs, Scotch and English Tinoleums are arriving every day from the best manufae turers. These are the new patterns for the coming spring of 1974 rr 3 tyeglass Construction The gama dgre and attention | we use in the examination of , | eyes, and the fitting of good glasses, build for us the largest rétail optical business in the city. The double service of registered optometrist and ex- pert optician, guarantees per-: fect satisfaction, and all at the | cost of the glasses, $2.00, $3.00: $5.00 a pair. Why Pay High Prices? 'A will give yeu FIRST OLASS GOODS Style and Fitting wil} bo mites Finish and Workmanashis wil be Perfect Price will be! from $550 to 58 LOWER than you have {Rap SPENCER > The Tatlor. 820 Princess Street. Opposite 3. Andrew's Uhmreh ght Special 349 King St. Kingston, Ont. Glasses Made on Premises. CRRA LS _ february (Carpet & Furniture Sale Special reductions on all lines. All goods purchased will be held at wr risk until needed. This is the best sale of the year. The The Desirable Residences snag For Sale BE $2350--A neat Bungalow, 138 Nelson St, 6 rooms, open fireplace, harawood floors, ott vg ; electricity, gas, stationary' | % 4 { tubs, large verandah; lot 66 | x 132; stables. $150 cash 'will secure thia. $5100--Datached brick, Union 8¢t., 9 rooms, furnace, all window, caragor Nis $2250--Hrick, 125 Nelson St, eor, Mack, 7 rooms, gas. $4950--New brick, facing Vie- toria Park, 9 rooms, hot r heating. om Aen rooms, and C., large lot. | $8000--Colonial Brick, 13 . rooms. hot water heating, ; pt central location; large sta- Hf tans | bles, nole Mack and Noble + acted as accompanist. son's. : on bad gttack of grippe. ticable, after those governing the "deliberations" of the City Council, and all well ordered bodies. At the February meeting of the cabinet, held alter supper in the dining room at the "Y" building on Thursday even ing, the special commSttee which com- piled a set of rulestreported, but was further embowered to revise the con- stitution which has been in existence since the inception of the organiza. tion a few vears ago. Alfred Kinch is chairman of that committee which will report™hgain at the March meet ing of the cabinet. Un Thursday evemng numerous mat ters bearing: upon the wellare and activities of the ' association were considered, most of them being iniro- duced ; in the reports of the standing and special committees. They were presented by Hamilton Edgar, for physical work; Frenk Newman, for religious work; Roy H. Ward; for cape was mused hy the upper «class room scholars, and, under the circum stances the time was very good. No school had any warning, Chief Armstrong simply asking for the prin cipal in each case, and reguesting that the fire signal be given at once. All readily complied, so that the above figures can be taken as the longest | time needed to empty the it was about the first had been given thi cold weather. The chief desires to express his tire satisfaction with the results the teste, although he will hav recommendations to make in his re. port to the Fire committeo. schools, as time the drill year, owing to the en of Some "Hudnut's Taleum." Gibson's. Mrs. Edward Bruvea, sr., has ceived the sad news of the death her eldest daughter, Maria, wife Thomas Hughes, who died at general hospital, day, Feb. 23rd. re of of Toronto, on Mon- She leaves, six brothers andl mourn their loss. four sisters to 500 YARDS OF EXTRA QUALITY WHITE FLANNELETTE, 31 inches wide, the best ten center in Kingston and equal to many of the catalogue 12 1-2¢ line. Saturday Morning, per Yard houses' the | besides | her husband, nine children, a mother, | 8c 200 YARDS OF WRAPPERETTES AND FANCY SHAKERS, licht and dark grounds, 10¢, 12 1-2¢ and 15¢ lines, or Saturday Morning, per Yard i by | of their friends, who is a student at | { | ing Place, Ont., was a student | Varsity, but came to Queen's last | the university Macauley developed | jat-arms which takes place at Me- (In Aid of the Mowat Memorial Hos- man's Association of Sydenham street amounted ta.unbout forty dollars, will Oliver Mowat Memorial hospital. The following contributed to gramme : Few pairs high top boots $2.00 Dutton's removal sale. A sad death occurred on. Feb. in Cleveland, Ohio, when H. FP. Croft. nee Evelyn = Deveny, of Read, passed away. She was her thirtieth year. 50e '"'Superb'" 15¢ during sale. Dutton's, "4711 Cologne " Gibson's, membership; F. B. Pense, for social work. and K. D. Moncrieff, for the glee club. All went to show that the work of the different departments is flourishing. The recent nusmess men's banquet proved a success and the month's membership report gave evidence of an advance over tha same period for 1913. The course "first aid," being commenced the physical work committer, and under the auspices of St. John's Ambulance Association; is being tax- 3rd, "The Hat Sto. e. A gymnasium entertainment and 4 other features were 'suggested for the | spring, and the physieal, social and boys' work commitfees jointly wore | instructed to report upon the mar ter. z The president and Mr. Edgar were | appointed the representatives of the | {cabinet om the mewly-organized hove | work committee. W. T. Minnes, the | | trensurer of the association, and W. | H. Dvde, past president of the boar« of directors, were present at the | meeting and signified their commen ). S. Asselstine D 0. $. jentin of the work of the cabinet } STUDENTS HEARD FROM | Macauley and Holdcroft Wrote Front Omaha, Nebraska. Word has been received from ©. ! M. Macauley and C. R. Holdcroft the two Queen's students who sud: New denly disappeared from the univer: ® sity, on Wednesday, February 18), umm When the card was written to one | Queen's the young men Omaha, Nebraska. There appears to be no Treason S : for their hasty departure unless they feared they would not be successful | in their examinations. H t als were © at Macauley, who comes from Carry-| at fall for the purpose of taking a science course. Since entering the | to be an excellent boxer | and would have likely represented | Queen's at the intercollegiate assault | OTRO o Gill, on Friday and Saturday. through the 1: Holdcroft was a second yeas med. | direct from England, a cal student, having come from Have-| big lock w 5 'a promin- 5 : : lool Bere his father is a promin | the biggest stock When the two young mora left th Hats and Caps that has city it was thought that they had Wor ¢ yj Ling- started for South America. | 4 % r come into King ston. We hat everybody. We are Kingston's ~only direct Hat Import- ers. This direct import- ing, wholesale and re- tail, accounts for /our wonderful values. We are sole nts for all the best es. Special low prices on all fur repairs and re- modelling for March. Watch Our' Windows ! Beorge Mills & Co. rs of Fine Hats A MUSICALE GIVEN pital The musicale given by the Wo Methodist church, at the home Mrs. A. F. Chown, University nue, on Thursday evening, grand success, The proceeds, of ave: was a which be given to the board of the Sir the pro Piano solos, Miss Ruth Anglin, Miss Daisy Chown and Mrs. M. Van Dres- ser; ladies' trio, the Misses John- ston, and Mre. J. Angrove; so- los, Mrs. H. T. Coleman, Mrs. 8. H. Simpson, Miss Johnston and Far old Angrove; duet, Messrs. William Armstrong; readin Mrs. Wiliam Craig, Prof. J. Small "50¢, Beef, Tron and Wine." James JI. Metcalfe is suffering from of Pine Burs "Kodak films." * Gibson's: F. | 5 C formerly | in | dance music folio { x "# en advantage of by a goodly num | ber. To-morrow ends the big genuine Annual Fur; Sale. To-day we passed | customs | shipment--part of of New Goods Arriving daily and ready for your inspee- tion. Novelty Dress. Goods, Dress Silks, Ladies" and Misses' Suits and Coats, Wash Dress Goods, ete., ete. Call and see the range--larger and better than ever before. "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORER." seer BUILDERS SUPPLIES a-owsang A Miliion Feet of Lumber, and Timber to select your requirements from. Quantities of different native woods used in building or con- struction work, earried in stock, in covered sheds. It.is thoroughly dry and seasoned. Call, write or 'phe your order. ) ' EY S. Anglin & Co. Cor. Ray and Well ton Sts. eliing n WHAT THE LAW SAYS Penalty Provided For Certain Offen- cences is 14 Years The discussion of the Evanturel letter amongst the government sup- porters resulted in a search of the criminal code and the finding of the following section, No. 156: "Every person is guilty of an in- dictable offence and liable to four- teen years imprisonment, who, "holding any judicial office or be- ing a member of parliament or of a legislature corruptly accepts or oktains, or agrees to accept or at- tempts to obtain, for himself or any other person any money or valuable consideration, office, place, or em- ployment on account of anything al- ready. done or omitted or to be af- terwards done or omitted by him in his judicial eapaecity or in his capa- city as such member." BOTH FEET AMPUTATED For the next chan in the Weather, to be able to teil for: yourself just how cold It is at your own home, . Our 'thermometers are i well made and dependable. as q ~~ i § Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. _== Furs Gourdier ns Sree t-------------------- LOOK ALIVE! ! , HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! ! $1.750--No. 304 Albert St., detached rough-cast, between Johnson and Earl Sts, 6 rooms, lot 38 x 132, to a laneway. $6,000--Brick row with deep lot and outbuildings (6 houses), rentals $732 per year. $3,000 will handle this and will yield 17 1-29 net on . the investment. BUILDING LOTS Division St., 8 left 2 lots, 32x 100 to a 10 foot lane- way, for $250 for both. 1 lot, corner, 35 x 100 to a 10 foot laneway, for $350, \ Russell St., 10 lots. 10 lots, each 28 x 120 to a lane way, for $175 each. $3,100--Cor. Brock and Division Sts. solid brick house with barn, for a quick sale. E. W. MULLIN Furnished Hotises Real Estate and Fire Insurance Johnson & Division Sts. > Phones: Office 5390 * Res. 1408 Frank Oollins Underwent Operation | "***LUMIER, COAL & WOODeses on Friday Morning Frank Collins, the young man who had his feet frozen while walking from .{one lumbering camp to another, near North Bay, about three weeks ago, had his feet amputated at the Hotel Dieu on Friday morning. The left foot Yas taken off at the ankle, he ight foot was partly tated, hav- fog. only the het tcf is much of the right foot is only left temporarily to see if it can 'be saved, but the chances are that the remainder of it will also have to be removed. Watch for our exhibit at the Poultry Show : We are Sole Agents for the cele brated x OYP'HERS "Incubator i Na, 0-=70 < ++. $17.50 No! Ltd ot srs No. 2-244 egg... . No. 3-890 egg... Portable Houses. . . $10.00 Meat Scraps, Grit. Chiek Food, Notice We, the undersigned, hereby agree to sell a package of five standard size 5c. boxes of Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty cents. Quality guaranteed Charles Saunders. 3. Purdy, €. H. Pickering, . Gage in, J. A. Lemmon, J. R. B. Gage, Robert Me- Phee B. 8, 8addard, M. Nolan and W. R. Marshall. ; Friends of Governor Glyn are divided as 0 ther the latter should make the race for governor or {United States semator for New York state. Beef, Tron and Wine." = Gib- Leg Bands. ig Ww. A and Shell Boxes, Water Fountains, | §

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