Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Feb 1914, p. 6

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1 sell DErorAixg, Max, on "you .abaut my mother, She hs here 48.0 ther medicine, as as , for Le. She tried a Jot of other medicine for her back. Sometimes she would get a little better, .and "then 'be as bad as ever. Then a friend advised meta get GIN piL8. Mother tried thew and has not troubled with ache since. : ELA Barz. Backache is the susest sign of Kidney Trouble--and GIN PILLS are the surest cure for weak, sick Kidneys. If you are troubled with backache, don't hesitate a moment but-get GIN PILLS and-von 4 avill get relief. If GIN PILLS do not that we say they will--let ue know, and we will clhicerfully refund Fou your money. - soc. a box, 6 for.$2.50, 1f your dealer does not handle them, write us for free sample box. National Drug and Chemical Co,, of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 204 FLOUR Or Rodin Hood brand of fou: "has guaran every bag tor ANDREW MACLEAN Ontario Street. OUR FRESH GROUND -COJf. FEE AT 40¢c. CAN'T BE BEAT ns order and he convinced. NOLAN'S 'GROCERY, + t. Phone 720. Prompt Delivery. IFBAGK HURTS USE SALTS FOR, KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat if Kidneys Feel Like Lead or Bladder Bothers, Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasion . ally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and _¢lean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any gbod drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and Your kidneys will then act fine. This' famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutral- Jzes the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is harmless; 3 ipexpen~ ©; makes a delightful effervescent water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep' their kidneys clean, thus avoiding lous complications A well known local druggist says he sells a lot of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. Ag- . mnt. Geo. W. Mahood 'His WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS HAVE 19 TELL, | Br wat. -- Vews From Villages mod Farms Events, and Move ments of the People. : Notes From Mckean McLean, Feb, 24.--The roads are Gne for the 'lumber men who are ' hauling logs to W. 8: Jackson's! mill. George Sills had the bad luck to lose a fine colt the other day. Mrs. Miies Sills and Marie Sills are very ¥ |W of measles. Mrs. J. J. Wagar is very low, with little hopes for her recovery. Visitors: Oakley Wood, at Charles Goodberry's; George Cronk at J. Vanvalkenburg's; Dr. Geng at Nufus Wagar's; William John- ston, Mountain Grove, and J. Evans, of Erinsville, at A. Foster's; Miss L. Patterson, at M. Drew's, Long Lake. Had Happy Evening Echo Lake, Feb. 23..--For some reason our minister was unable to get here for service Sunday. James Smith was through here sawing wood. On Friday evening a nuym- ber of young peeple gathered at the home of John Switzer.where . they spent a few hours in dancing. All report a good time, Vannely Ab- rams is all smiles over the arrival 02 a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Ab- rams, Desert Lake, visiting at Van Atroms'; John Switzer and family, at Robers Clow's; Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Leslie, at Daniel MecCleod's: Miss Ella MeCleod and Marcus Swit- ger, at Wesley Storm's. . News From Wilton Wilton, Feb. 25.--Mrs. Lemuel Storms has been very ill. but better now. Mr. and Mrs. A. Snider, Verona, spent the week- end at J. E. Peter's and Benjamin Davey's. Mr. and Mrs. Clow, Kings- tou, at RR. N. Lapum"s. Mr. and Mis. Frederick - Reid. have moved from Smith's Falls to Nicholas Sim- mons' for a few months. Coleman Babeock is married to a young lady from the western part of the prov- duce, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Snider have moved to Ross Peters' farm. Mr. and Mrs. George Simmons gave an "At Home" to a large number of friends on Thursday evening. At Bicknell's Corners Bicknell"s Corners, Feb, 24.--Several attended the sale at Damon Amey's last Thursday. Mr. Amiaras and Mr. Blakely spent Monday night at J. Huff's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sto- ver and Mr. and Mrs. George Lm- berlev - spent an evening at B. Blakely's. Some of the farmers a- round here are putting in ice. Nr. and Mrs. Jobu YTmberly and Mr and Mrs. Alva, Fmberley spent Wed- nesdav at Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Snider's, Odessa. Mr. and Mrs. Fnoch Snider and Keith, and Mr. and Mrs W. Js Love soent Thursday evening at A. W. Embetles's. It is under stood that ¥ Wilson intends moving hack on his femme. p-- Sand Bay Reports Sand Bay, Feb. 24.--Much sym- pathy is felt in this section for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giffen, of Lans- downe, in their sad bereavement, the loss of their only daughter, Marguer- ite, who died at Hotel Dieu, King- ston, on Thursday, Feb. 19th. The Misses Mamie and Sadie McDonald have returned home after spending some time with relatives at Jones's Falls and Elgin. W. J. Lappan it visiting at Joseph Flood's, Treve- lyan. Miss Nettie Griffen has re- turned home after visiting at Reb- ert Heaslip's. Charles MeDonald and son, Raymond, visited at D. Deryan's, Berryton. Josiah Run- ning purchased a valuable cow from a Rockfield farmer. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. D. Vanorman Ebeneezer, at W. Thomas'; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lappan and Frank Lappan, Mel- eombe, 'at Charles McDonald's; John Muchmore, Elgin, at William Me- Donald's; Miss Gertrude Kelsey, Leng Point, at A. S. McCready's. Doings at Bellrock Belirock," Feb. 21.--Clarence Yorke, ill the past two weeks, is somewhat better. William Beatty has returned to his home at Godirey, after spendd- ing some time the guest of M. Yorke. Miss Myrtle Vanest, also Everton and Laura Phillips, spent Sunday at Sydenham. Another meeting of in- terest was held in the school house concerning the independent telephone line. Mr. Fox, "Toronto, was in a&t- tendance. 'The members of the Meth- odist church are holding cottage wayer meetings again. Visitors : lorence Trousdale, at J. Yorke's; Warren Percy spent Sunday under the parental roof; Miss Luella Saider, at i, Vanest's; Mr. and Mrs. L. Sautler, Desert Lake, at W. Powmerov's: Mr. and Mrs. E. Amey, Verona, at D. J. Amey's. Miss Mabel Tignmons has gone to Bediovd to attend the wedding of Miss Kelly. y : A Dance at Arden Arden, Feb, 24.--The "before Lent" dance at the Royal Motel was en- joged by a lagge pumber. J... M. Williams and daughter spent a few days at Kingston, where the latter' consult; . od a physician, « Mrs. B."Detlor "is ill. C. C. Williams SEE ua el ee ¢ ¥ OT A Real Surprise Awaits You. To be possessed e heavy, beautiful bair; soft, 1 ug {lufly, wavy and free 'is' merely a matter pF Ph a little Daanderine. it 1s.easy and inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of it. a 25 cent bottle of. Danderine now--all dru, stores rec al 3 , jand Miss Eva left Saturday to visit Tedd: Laundry is renewing acqupintances. et the village. J. Murphy and A. Loyst at the Hoyal Hotel. "The Misses Let dor at Uren Greve. Joseph Clap is i +. Uole is visiting [riends im the village. Notwithstanding the sold weather some members of the snowshoe club Vebture forth on the usual long tramps. J. Lewis and family, ¥lm Tree, have gone to Kaladar and will take possession of the Carmen House. A number from the wisp attended the dance at Mount pe. E. Mouck is at A. Miller's. Flower Personals Flower, Feb. 24.--Messrs. Angus a Frank St. Pierre have returned from Maymouth. Mrs. James Love reiatives at Elpin and Snow Road. Service was conducted here Sunday aflernoon by Mr. Donaldson, = oi Queen's. Laurier Revill returned home from Renfrew Monday. The suljprise party at James Love's on the 16th, was largely attended. Miss Mamie Deachman, Renfrew, spent last week at her home here. Wm. Freeman, station agent here for the |' past year and a half, left for his heme at Gedfrey last week. "Bill" wiil be greatly missed as he was a general favorite with both young and old. James Boyd, of Wilbur, new has charge of the station. Mrs. Joseph Revill and son, James, left on Thursday last to visit relatives aroand Haileybury. Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Dickinson left for their home in the west last week, after spend- ing the past couple of months with relatives around here. News From Verona Verona, Feb. 24.--The Misses Ilezel Asgeltine and Hazel Percy at- tended the conversaiozne at Albert College, Belleville, last week. Mrs. (liev.) Perley's condition is net quite as satisfactory as last week. "Van Lary, employed for some time with A. Trousdale, blacksmith, loft for his home at Napanee yester- day: Charles Aylesworth, confined in the general hospital for some time, arvived yesterday and is at the Vandewater house. Jabez Dixon, ill for some time, is able to be. out again. OC. W. Reynolds and Joseph Percy called on their venerable friend, William Abrams this week. Mri. Thomas Ryder is improving slowly from ber late illpess. Miss Evelyn Kiel, Sharbot Lake, is the guest of Miss B. Burleigh. Jacob Walroth is ill. S. Asseltine has pur- chased a fancy pacing horse. Miss Ethel McMullen has returned from a visit to Westport. H. C. Burleigh and Herbert Assel tine attended the students dance at Sydenham last night. PITH OF THE NEWS Tidings Told in Terse Mcasure Foi Busy Readers "Dr. Suunel, Sudbury, Ont., held fol- lowing the mysterious death of his wile. X A French comedy theatre to cost $500,000 will be erected at Mont- real. Collingwood voted to guarantee $10,000 bonds of the Imperial Steel and Wire company. f George Scott, treasurer of the vil- lage of Port Dalhousie, died on Wednesday, aged fifty-seven. In Welland the scrutiny of the Can- ada temperance act ballots has closed, showing a "wet" majority of thirty one, Lieut. John C. Porte, of Great Bri- | tain, will be first pilot of the air-' ship that 1s being built to ¢ross tae Atlantic. Demase Pacquette has been arres- ted at Kearney on a higamy charge He is said to have wives in Ottawa | and Huntsville, ! Hayward A. Harvey, 4j- ydars of age, formerly a state assemblyman, committed suicide in the Lacka-| wanna railroad station at Orange, | N.J., by shooting. | The C. P. R. will take from Yar- | mouth, N.S., to an exposition at Ohristiania, Norway, a big stone on which, in the year 1007, a Nor, wegian carved an inscription. N. I. Coleock, former Ontario agent in London, who bas been in extreme- Iv weak health for a long time, is liv- ing qaiotly at Leigh-on-Sea and just now feels considerably better. The coroner investigating the death | of section men at Whitby Junction | criticised the lack of "first aid" appli- ances on the Grand Trunk trains. i be. A. C. Boyce, K.C., West Algo- | ma. has been made an honorary col- onel of the new 31st Regiment. Port Arthur ship yards in 1913 constructed more vessel tonnage than any ether ship yards in the empire, outside of the British Isles. Grand Chapter, of Royal Arch Masons, elected to hold the next an- nual convocation in London. -- i Men! Don't miss buying your Easter boots at Dutten's. Removal sale--newest styles. t A girl of 16 never sees a play with- out noting » stifking resemblance between herself and the haroine. Sale! 5 yds, tea-towelling+25c. Hair vibbon 2 yds. 25¢. Dutten's. { The MEaigt ang ETN nth is generally avo! rounder Real happiness is found by passing | No More Dandruff of Falling Hair-- of a head of | hal Knawlion's| 1 | care a little of Ht around. i real surprise will be afer Aliaht Ive week's use, whea you will hy we but really mew \ all over. your scalp. Danderine is, we believe, the only sute hair Sraver destroyer of dandruff and cure f itchy scalp and ii never fails to stop Jalling bair at once. oh 1f you want to prove how pretty } soft your heir really is, cloth with a Jittle § 08 |. Limited | pioyees owning TErean, Hh AITRACE...] Lk =i Regarding the §° | |B Steel Pro- ducts u 4 Bited, W. T. Sey ~ " Says: i 2 The Ontario* Steel) [Products Com- pany was formed IGN the . purpose of acquiring the entireYproperties, as sets, rights, claims, hand privileges of the Gananoque 8 Limited, of Gap E) [| . two of the oldest es- wanuf 'concerns in Under private ownership ved a healthful and prosper- ous growth, and in 1876 the Gan- anoque Spring Manufacturing Co., Limited, was incorporated. In '1884 this Company amalgamated with Byers Brothers & Co., (manulactur- ers of axles), under the style of the Gananoque Spring & Axle Company, In the same year D. F. Jones & Co. also changed Irom pri. vate ownership, the D. F. Jones Maguiacturing Company, Limited, be- ing incorporated to take over ihe shovel business. In 1909, realizing the development likely to occur in the Automobile Spring business, and desiring a tory in close touch with the . Western Ontario trade, the Gananeque Spring & Axle Company pu the Dowsley Spring % Axle Company, Limited, oi Chatham. Since pur- chasing the plant (which was a go- ing and profitable concern) our sales from that point have increased over 400 per cent., necessitating three large extensions to the factory. Record Since incorporation, the two Gan- anoque concerns have shown a snt- isfactory record, as may be evidenced by the fact that both companies have earned and paid consecutive an- nual cash dividends, in no case less than 7 per cent., for the past twenty- eight years, aud the amount neees- sary for the twenty-ninth ansual di- vidend is now on hand. Prospects During the past twelve months, we have completed large extensions to both shovel works and spring works at Gananoque, and have an- other large extension to the Auto- Spring Factory in Chatham nearing completion. These extensions, even if only partially operated will give a larger output in value equal to 30 per cent, on current year's business. and with very small inpcreage in fixed churges, the net profits on this ex- tra output should be more than cor- respondingly increased. The com- pleted extensions by July 1st, will aliow us- 19 take 'caye- of at least twice the amount of business which we did in year 1912-191... Our sales for the ten months end- ing 30th April, 1913, show an in- crease of over $138,000 as against the corresponding period of last year, and though our -curreat con- tracts have still 2 months to run, the Spring and Axle company alone have already closed contracts for the year - ending 30th June, 1914, amounting to over $400,000 in value. Management The management of the company is in the hands of a capable hoard 'of directors, thoroughly conversant with the details of the business and the heads of all departments are all highly experienced men in their partienlar lines. The writer has been dn the spring and agle business simee 1890, and for several years as well occupied the position of assistant manager of the shovel works. Policy The policy of the management of these companies since their incep- tion has been high quality and rea- sonable price, and, owing to the | srowth of the busimess, it will be possible for us to show for the year ending 30th June, 1912, the largest earning in our history, qoupled with practically the lowest prices ever charged our customers. The old companies have been able to market their products without employing the services of any regu- lar travellers, merely ! sending out one of their staff when necessary. { The new company, however, propose employing the services of sales agents, with the idea of regularly covering all Canadian territery, for all lines of goeds manufactured. -------- Power and General Cundition Our local conditions at Gananoque aia Chatham are favorable. At Gananoque, with our abundant waf- er power, water transportation, free collection and delivery of all rail freight, and low fixed property tax- atien, and at Chatham natural gas at 12 cents per 1,000 cubi¢ feet, with properfy fax exempted, coupled with an ample and contented supply of lavor, (a large proportion of our em- their own tomes), at all factories, and with our goods fav- oribly knowa in all parts of Canada, the company is in a on of ex- ceptional stzength and advantage. -------------------- Things to Try Tey erankervies for malaria. Try a sun-bath for tf isu. Try ginger ale for eraups. Try clam broth for /a weak stom- Tes a wot towel af the back of the | hen , sleepless. wi Try swallowing saliva when troubled with sour stomach. Try remuval of CTMENT "LOBD KINGSTON VERY MANDY "jai Kilronan castle, bis place in the } A---- Onge Seat a Hwglar to the Hospital for Weeks ' Lord Kingston, : ninth earl. of 'his line, who has been spending the wins ter travelling about" in' the United States and Canada, and is now id New York at the Manhattan hotel, fur a stay of same duration, is a peer extremely handy with his fists, For some years ago, on being waken- €d in the middle of the might by: the presence of a burglar.in his bedroom county of Roscommen, she .adminis- dered such a vigopous .theashing to the foolish intruder that the -augn wig laid up for several weeks in the hospital for repairs before he was in condition to appear before the magis- trates. pBoer war with the Irish Guards ia which he: held a commission; and can boast of being that 1ara .avis, a popular Irish landlord, although a Fory, sinee he helieves in and prae- tices the policy of encouraging his tenantry. to improve their holdings on his 40,000 acres of estates in covnty Rescommon, not -ogly by means of financial assistance, but also giving them a secure tenure of their farms. He is very well off, being married to one of the daughters and heir esses of the late Sir Andrew Barclay Walker of brewing fame. The es tates have been in his family ever since the reign of Queen Elizabeth, who bestowed large grants in Res- common upon his ancestor, Sir John King, in recognition of his miMtary services. : \ The earls of Kingston represent, in the female line it is true, the White Knights, and quarter the lat- ter's armorial bearings with their own. Some 800 years ago John Fitzgerald, lord ef Decies and of Deamond, by virtue of his royal scignory, as palatine of Ireland, cre- aled three of his sons by his second wierriage hereditary knights, and thus originated the titles of the V/hite Knights, the Knight of Glyn, and the Knight of Kerry. The title of Knight of Kerry is borne today by Sir Maurice Fitzager- ald, owner of Valentia island, on the coast of Kerry, and famous as a yachtsman. 'The acceptance by his father of baronetcy was very gen- erilly condemned in Ireland, where it. was argued that a modern dignity of this kind was in every sease the word inferior to the henor being 19th hereditary Knight Kerry. The present Knight of Glyn Desmond Fitzjohn Fitagerald, son- in-law of the Earl of Dunraven, and there are many here who will recall his wife, Lady Rachel Fitagezald, as hiving accompanied her father to America at the time of the Valkyrie races for the America cup. She died some years ago, after givimg birth to a sen, who will eveatually suc- ceed his father as 22ud Knight of Glyn. etcy, and though he has no official right, as hereditary knight, to the prefix "Sir" to his Christian name, fie refrains from using it, lest it should saver too much of the ordin- ary knighthood. The White Knights became extinct in the male line in the reign of Charles I, »whep their heiress mar- vied the first Lord Kingston, and thus brought their property into the Kingston family. Cne of the members of Lord King- ston's family has been immortalized by the poet Miltdbn. For it was a sen of Sir John King, the founder of his house, whose tragic death, by drowning In the Irish sea, is com- memorated by the blind bard in his "Lycidas.'" Another member of the family, naiuely, the second Earl of Kingston, wus towards the end of the 18th century tried 'for mgirder, by the Irish house of lords at Dublin, and promptly aequitted. The drama had originated in the unpardonable at- tentions of a Colonel Fitagerald, .a married man, to an ummarried daughter of the earl. The latter's som, at 'that time known as Colonel King, and who af- tervards became Lord Lorton, re- soived to put an end to the matter by challenging Fitzgerald to a duel. The hostile encounter took place in Hyde Park, in London, but was in terrupted before much damage had been done, by the arrest of beth ¢ombatants, and of their seconds, for |, 'breaking the peace." Some months later, Colonel King and his father, the earl, found that Colonel Fitzgerald was staying in disguise at an inn, in a village close Cork, and that he was making pre- parations to abduet the girl. Col- onel King was engaged in a hand- to-hand encounter 'with 'Fitsgerald, in the inn, and was getting the worst of it, when his father, Lord King- ston, rushed in and shot Fitzgerald deud Colonel King was tried by the or« dinury courts, al Cork, and was ac- quittéd by the jury, of the charge of murder, for which he had beea in- dicted. Not long afterwards, his father, Lord Kingston, was tried in the same way, by Hw sh house of lords Dublin, it being the las Jorge a 3 the upper of the Irish legislature sitting as a justice upon ene of its members, Lord Kingston served through the |. The knight of Glyn hes no baron-1{ to their place, at Mitehellstown, noar | * MIT BACK AT VAUGHAN. . : ness of the climate of the west frou ' pereonal experience. Priest's Attack on Canadian North. Me. Suh, uote Edmonton and west Brings Vigorous Protests other authori ncluding 8S. R. Londen Reb. 20 Father Hosted. Miri uniShrdily, . C. V. Bard Vanda' diver na 0 oe CHILE, muLAE of Lh Korth Canadian west bas called forth vig-| much employment in lumber camps' orous public protests from W. L. and, sisewhere is rvalting out-f- Griffith, official secretary to the Ca-| WOrkStil "they would take it . nadian high commissioner, and J.! Lhe Unemplovmient parade in Ed- a: monton 'was instanced when men Obed Smith, emigration' commission-| bearing bimners and demanding er. Bir, a SE © 3 i food and work were themselves Grifith _extols the bealthgul- Smoking ¢igam. ran THE ROYAL BA "INCORPORATED 18690 . $ 26,000,000 11,660,000 + 13,000,000 325 Branches Throughout Canada. Savings Department at all Branches. LONDON, ENG., OFFICE NEW YORK AGENCY Bank Bldgs--Frinces St. Cor, Williawm.and Cedar S's. Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds EEN fe ULI] Qf « BRAND YOUNG HERRINGS Tovsiro FISH on FRIDAY * his diet to fish on Friday. would be well for every 2 anadian citizen to limit c This reform will be accomplished if the popularity.of Young Herrings in Tomato Sauce in- creases. This new delicacy which 1s just being introduced in Canada has long been a favorite in the old country, Every grocer. is supposed to have the Acme Brand of Young Herrings in Tomato Sauce, If your grocer does not have it write us: we will sec that you are supplied. W. G, PATRICK & CO., LIMITED, 51 Wellington St. West, TORONTO SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CANADA 5 T'his oven test means bake-day "luck" If "wour baking results vary, you may find the reason in the*flour." For there is only one way that a miller can as- sure you constantsuccess. An oven test must be made. So we take ten pounds of wheat from each shipment deliv- ered at our mills. We grind this sample into flour. Then the flour is baked into bread. If this bread proves to be the "lucky" kind--high in quality, large in quantity---we use the ship- ment. Otherwise we sell it. You buy luck in flour bearing this.name. 7 : No need to merely try your lygk. PURITY i i ! 1 <4 I I : i "More Bréad and Better Bead and 'Better Pastry: Too" NJ RUBBERS be sure that they bear the a

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