Useful Books. for ~~ Mothers "THE CARE AND FEEDING OF CHILDREN" By L. EmmettFHolt, MD. A catechism for the use of mothers and children's nurses. "OUR BABY" 'A. Book for Mothers and Nurses, ' By Mus. J. La fon Hewes i: a 14th Edition Revised, being 100, copies issue Price, each 75 Cents. Postage 6c extra. . 141 Princess THOMAS LAMBERT Maker Of Men's Clothes Blue Worsted Suits are always fashionable and are very ser viceable. We have a very special Blue Worsted, Indigo dye, which we will make up for $24.00 a suit. We also have a good selection of Brown and Grey Tweeéds, which we will sell cheap. THOMAS LAMBERT '157 PRINCESS STREET | Automobile For Sale Model 19, McLaughlin Buick, fully, and in excellent eondition. CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited 210-14 Wellington Street. equipped A | Special Sale { :Men's Tan 'Calf Viscolized Double | Cheap Rangoon Rice, per Ib... ............ Living Patna Rice, per 1b. ....... "Maple Leaf" Valencia Raisins, 3 Ibs.for ......25¢ For Sale at All Grocers. op ELECTRIC SPECIAL = 5 rues 'We will install in your home the following list of Fixtures Complete with Lamps and Shades, for the sum of. $20.00 Hall, downstairs, 1 fixture; parlor, 1 3-light fix- ture; dining-room, 1 3-light fixture; kitchen, 1 drop; hall, upstairs, 1 fixture; bath room, 1 bracket; four bedrooms, 1 bracket in each. All of the above solid brass and guaranteed. Ww. J. M - cine sind ORE & SON ellington St. ---- Sole. | Ohne Lot Men's Box Calf Lied Viseh) Sule regular Leather * | | i bi COL. HUGHES Ouly Young Men of Temperate Hab. its Are Desired--Habitual Driuk ers Are Being Weeded Out. That temperance young men are what are wanted in the 14th regi- ment, as in every other military unit the country over, is the opinion of Litut.-Col. "W. S. Hughes. He ex- pressed himself to that effect at the annual" meeting of the officers of that rifle corps on Wednesday. It was uot that the 14th requires a cleaning up in this respget, for habitual drink- ers who might have slipped in have by 'degrees been "let cut." The 'wedding process" has been in opera- tion during the past few years. The fact is the "boozer" is not wanted, Nor = was the commanding oflicer preaching a temperance sermon, or making a plea Tor absolute teetotal- ism. F Tom an extensive experience all the way from "a private in the - rear rank" to a leutenant-colonel, le LIEUT.-COL. W. 8. HUGHES The new vommanding officer 14 Regiment. of the realized the.class of men that are the back-bone ;of a regiment, and such as will make it retain the respect of the community. 'This matter happened to come among others of vital importance to the regiment. Col. Hughes reminded that it should .never be lost sight of when recruits are coming in. He de clared himself a temperance man, not a 'teetotaler. Tle.counselled his offi- cers that, as In the past few years, to shut the doors more tightly than ever to the intemperate, Temperance is now ope of the slogans of all the better regiments of Canada. up Thursday's Market Prices Thursday's market had plenty meat. Pork sold from 13c. to 15e. a pound, but beef which was 12e. and 13c. a pound last week took-a drop to lle. .a pound. Butter held about the same' prices of 30c. to 32¢. 'a pound, while eggs are con- tinually dropping in value. The /lat- of il, y DAY, 73 OFFICERS Licut.-Col. W Commandi To Make Ai 8. Hughes, the New § Officer, Presided -- At the annual meeting oi the oflicers of the 14th Regiment, P.W.0. Rilles held in the mest room at the arm ouries on Wednesday night, two things were done. The fkst was a resume or stock-taking (sin® that is in order in business at this yeason) of the work of the past year, and the other a glance into the future, principally the prospects for this year's training and regimental activities. With the form- er, as the reports showed, there was reason for 'satisfaction with the work accomplished during Lieut.-Col. A. B. Cunningham's last year of command of the rifle regiment. The efliciency of all ranks had been improved; and further, the season upon which the regiment is entering augurs to be one characterized with more marked ad- vancement. Attention to drill and training promises to combine with at- tractions which' are in store for a most successful year. With the issue of new uniform, which is now in stores, recruiting, if possible up to steength, will be encouraged. This will cofomence in the early spring, and inducements held out to those bringing in new men of the right ealibre. With all ranks co-operating, the battalion, in its khaki, will hé the subject of most favorable com- ment on its imitial match-out of "the season. 2 Lieut.-Col. W. 8. Flughes, who re- cently assumed the command, was present at the meeting, as well as Lie:t.-Col. R. E. Kent, the brigadier, ars' ex-C. 0. The interest of Col. Hughes, who presided, in the regi- ment with which he served for many years, is at "fever heat." Major H. J. Dawson read the re- port of the C. O. for the past year, which, with that of the paymaster, was adopted. The latter showed a satisfactory financial condition. Capt. P. G. C. Campbell's ieport on rifle shooting evinced an improve- ment on the former year. The aim is to éncourage more than ever all ranks to become more accurate rifle shots--in time, a shooting regiment. Capt. W. Peters and Lieut. A. W. Winnett gave the band and sports committees' reports respectively. Capt. R. J. Gardiner called atten- tion to the wish of the D.A.D.M.S., to have all ranks in possession of qualification cevtifieates in 'first aid." A course of six lectures will be held under the auspices of St. John's Ambulance association. The officers expressed themselves on matters to come up a. the meet- ing of the Dominion Infantry associa- tion, and that of this division which precedes it, in Oftawa this week. Many matters affecting the welfare of the regintent were discussed. The officérs ">f the regiment, in- cluding the new company postings, are: Commanding--Lieut.-Col. Hughes, Majors--H. J. Y. Mills (acting). Adjutant--Capt. E. B. Sparks. Cuartermaster--Capt. W. Peters. Paymaster--Major A. J. Sinclair. Musketry instructor--Lieut. W. E. Swaine. WwW. 8 Dawson, Capt. W ter which sold for 40c. a dozen last week could be bought for 35e. adoz-' efi on Thursday, although a few ask- ed Fowl was quite high, $1.50 a pair being atlled in some places. Ducks were sold for £1.25 a pair. Potatoes held the regular price of 95¢. a bag. and cabbage 3c. a héad, or 50c. a dozen heads. Appointed: As Instructor Sergeant Smith, R.C.H.A.,, King ston, has been appointed by the mili tary authorities as instruetor of the 8th Brigade, Canddian = Field Ar- tillery fer the spate of two ween with four classes a we:k At 'the conclusion of these cla all these desirous of becoming serzoaunts iu the artillery corps will be sent to Kingston to undergo practical train- ing for ten days. Wita such a course as has been started the regu- lar three montas caisp training wis not be necessacy od i--------. Goes to Toronto Rev. Alfred Bright, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Ingersoll, Ont., has handed in his resignation. He goes to Mr. Geggie's chuteh, Toronto. as assistant pastor and director young people's work. Ile is a gradu- are of Queen's and son-in-law . of James Dennison, of Portsmouth. Mr. right will take up his new work the end 'of "Murch, William: Lamb died in Brockville hospital on Wednesday, of oallo consumption. He was thirty-seven years of age. Sale! Dolls' furniture 15c¢. ton's. Philin E. Derbyshire, Harlem, died on February 15th, after three montht illness. A wife and five children sur- vive. PURE RICH BLOOD PREVENTS [ISEASE Bad Blood Causes Most Ailments Hood's Sarsaparilla Corrects It. Dut- impure or impoverished, thia and pale,--is responsible for more ail- ments than anything else. It affects every organ and function. In some cases it causes catarrh; in others," dyspepsia; in others, rheu- matism; and in still others, weak, tired. languid feelings and worse troubles. It is responsible for run-down con: ditions, and is the most common cause of disease. d 'Hood's Sarsaparilla is the greatest purifier and enricher of the blood the world has ever known. wonderfully successful in removing scrofula and other humors, increas- ing the red-blood corpuscles, and building up the whole system. Bad blood. --<hat is, blood that is|Y It has been |e Signalling officer----- Lieut. {Loackett. { Medical officers--Major GG. I*viks, Capt. R. J. Gardiner, (A. C) Chaplain--Major Starr. "A" Company--Lieuts. L. F. Gutt- win, P, d'Esterre, C. W. Day. "B" 'Company--Lieuts = H. Marshall, H. D. Weightman. "C" Compdny--Lieuts. G. T. Rich- ardson, H. E. Pense, Lee Harrison. "D"" Company--Capts. I. K. Ma- hood, R. J. McClelland, (guides), Lient. R. M. McRae. "gE Company -- Lieuts. , C. d'Esterre, J. McL. Stephen. "F" Company---Capt. S. con, Lieuts. G. Bawden, L. kett. "G" Company--Capt. P. G. C. Campbell, Lieuts, W. L. Grant, J. W. Stagg. J "H"" Company---Captain W. Craig, Lieuts, A. W: Winnett, F. Smythe. committees, as appointed, arThee The committeds, as appointed, are: Kegimental -- Lt.-Col. Ww. 8. Itughes, Major H. J. Dawson, Capts. W. Y. Mills, E. B. Sparks, W. H. Craig, P. G. C. Campbeli, S. H. Simp- son, W. Peters, tife--Capt. P. G. C. Campbell, Mgjor H. J. Dawson, Lieuts. W. BE. S¢raine, P. d'Esterre, Le= Harrison. Sports--Lieuts. J. C. d'Esterre, H. W. Marshall, G. Bawden. Bands--Lieuts. A. W. Winnett, L. C. Lockett, H. E. Pense. Mess--Capt. 8. H. Sipwson, 'Lieut. G. Bawden. Anditors--J. McL. Stephen, F. A. Smythe, ! L.: C. Ww, M. G. (Dean) L. Ww. H. Simp- H. Bir- H. A. Bd bin TO VISIT PARISHES Lenten Engagements of the Bishop of Kingston March 1st,--Confirmation at St. Paul's chureh, Kingston, at 11 a. m. March 3 to 8.--Conduct lenten mission at Kemprville, March 12 to 16.--Preach at mid- day lenten services at Rochester, N. Mareh '22.--Preach st Queen's University, Kingston, 3 p. m. March 29.--Cenfirmation at Des- eronto, 6s April 5 to 10. -- Conduct mission at Belleville. The visitation list will be publish- eu next week. Weather Notes Pressure is abnormally high over the greater portion of the continent, while the weather in Canada is fair aul for the most part moderately lenten ¢ BRUARY 26, 1914. _ Bargains ING, SHOES, make slippers, regular few pairs to go at $3.00. That Are AT BERNE $1.00 SMALL LOT WOMEN'S SAT- IN, KID AND PATENT EVEN. ideal house $3.75--SALE OF WOMEN'S $5.00 and $6.00 TAN BOOTS. - Only a and a few pairs $3.50 $149 SALE OF LADIES' EVEN- ING SHOES. Some r patents and kid, clearing at $1.49 DJ - egular $3.00 value"* | in and Strap Shoes. $1.98 SALE OF LADIES' EVEN- ING SHOES in Beaded Kid, Pat- ents, Gun Metal Pumps, Colonials The these were $3.50 values, but must be cleared out this week at. ..$1.98 $1.98 GIRLS' BOOTS, regular $3.00, sizes 11 to 25c--A REGULAR 50c SHOE- SHINING OUTFIT, consisting of brush, sponge, polish and rubbing pad, in tin box .... TAN BUTTON PURPLE most of $1.00, for CAMPBELL'S Annual Clearing Sale of Furs Big Discount in Every Line Camphell Bros. Designers and Makers of Fine Furs, 84 Princess Streat To Put On Flesh And Increase Weight A Physician's Adive. i Most thin people eat from four to six pounds of geod. solid fat-making food every day and still do not increase in weight one ounce, while on the other band many of the plump, chunky folks eat very lightly and keep gaining all the time. It's all bosh to say that this is the nature of the individual. It isn't Nature's way at all Thin folks stay thin because their powers of assimilation are defective They just absorb enough of the food they eat to maintain life apd a sem- blance of health and strength. Stuffing won't help them. A dozen meals a day All the fat-producing there" pound. until they pass from the body as waste. What such people need is something that will prepare these fatty food elements so that their blood can absorb them and deposit them all about the body---something, too, that will multiply their red blood corpuscles and increase their Dblood's carrying power, For such a condition I always recom- mend eating a Sargol tablet with every meal. Sargol is not. as some eve, a [atented drug, but is a scientific com- bipation of six of the most eflective and powerful flesh<-building elements known ta chemistry. [tis absolutely harmbess, vet wonderfully effective and = single tablet eaten with each meal often has the effect of increasing the weight of a n man or woman from three to five nds a week. Sargol is sold by good druggists evérywhere on a positive guaranice of weight increase or money back. : "Engagement Announced agement is anmounced of rury, daughter of the late Halifax, intestines The 35c---ONE HUNDRED PAIRS CHILDREN'S RUBBERS, second grade, sizes 8, 9 and 10 only. . .35¢ 25c---WOMEN'S BROWN, RED GAITERS, short length, regular AND BLACK OVER- Be [Sure it Phone 845. 'PHONE 1170 Kingston Automobile Co. Queen and Bagot Streets Storage, Repairing, Acces. sories. We guarantee satisfaction peo Sad a od 49¢--INFANTS' RED STRAP KID SLIPPERS, regular £1.00 value, sizes 3 to 7 1-2, for VES AND RANGES. We have a large stbek of Stoves and Ranges, also new and second-hand furs won't make them gain a single "stay d. elements of their food just stay in the | nituse, see 'me if you want to save money on &11 kinds of household goods. H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Stree! Phone 1350. Opposite Craig's Wheleasls. ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY SUMMER SCHOOL JULY 6th TO AUGUST 14, #1914 For Teachers, extra-mural students and others. Work for Entrance to Faculty of Education, for Science Spe- cialist, and Laboratory 'and Field Classes for Nature Study. Latin, French, English, Mathematics. Physics, Chem- istry, Botany and Animal Biology. General lectures open to the public. No entrance examination except for credit toward a degree. For further information address THE REGISTRAR, QUEEN'S UNIVER- Kingston, Ontario. carpets and quilts. Come and CANDY Fresh made every day--spec- ial 30c chocolates for 20c Ib SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House YW rrr ren BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Insist on Having ° Pasteurized Milk is in Bottle PRICE'S Big Clearing Fumiture Sale Dining Room irs, 5 small and 1 Arm Chairs, leather seats, only © $15,00 per sett. Buflets, Extension Tables and Closets.