JUST PUBLIS SHED NEW POPULAR LA] EDITION B if by | . J. HOLLAND ROSE, Litt. D. "Mr. Rose's 'Life of Napoleon,' in short, is statesmanlike in conception, impartial in treatment, accurate in detail, and attractive in style. The best thing that has been written on Napoleon since Lan- frey left his tale half told. . .The book is likely to become the authority for English readers on the greatest name in modern history." --Athenaeum. : Special Price, Only $1.70 Net. ~Lr : THOMAS LAMBERT Maker Of Men's Clothes & Blue Worsted Suits are always fashionable and are very ser- ea We have a very special Blue Worsted, Indigo dye, which we will make up for $24.00 a suit. We also have a good selection of Brown and Grey Tweeds, which we will sell cheap. THOMAS LAMBERT 157 PRINCESS STREET Automobile For Sale Model 19, McLaughlin Buick, fully 'equipped and in excellent condition. CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited 210-14 Wellington Street. Cheap Living Rangoon Rice, per 1b. .... sania sO8 Patna Rice, per 1b, 'Maple Leaf" Valencia Raisins, 3 1bs. for . For Sale at All Grocers. ELECTRIC SPECIA FIXTURES We will install in your home the following list of Fixtures Complete with Lamps and Shades, for the sum of $20.00 Hall, downstairs, 1 fixture; parlor, 1 3-light fix- ture; dining-room, 13-light fixture; kitchen, 1 drop; hall, upstairs, 1 fixture; bath room, 1 bracket; four | bedrooms, 1 bracket ir each. All of the above solid brass and guaranteed. Ww. J. MOORE & SON Special Sale Men's Tan Calf Viscalized Double le. One Lot Men's Box Lined Viscol Sole, r Calf Leather WHO PREACH ON SUNDAY, ; Announcements Made by she Various * vices--Sermon Topics and Musical Selections. : St. John's church--The Lord Bishop Jof Ontario will preach in St. John's church, Portsmouth, service. St. Aphrew's--Rev. S. J, M. Comp ton, B.D., minister. Universal day of prayer for students. 11 aun, subject, ""I'hé Student Christian Movements 3 p.m., Sunday school; 7 pi. subject, "The Price oi Leadership." Students and strangers welcome. Queen Street dlethodist church-- Rev. G. IL. Campbell, B.D., pastor. 10 a.m., brotherhood and class meeting; 11 a.m. preacher, Rev. J. E. Ligstone; 2.45 p.m., young men's classes, Sun- day school and sadult classes; 7 pan, preacher, thé pastor; subject, "Creeds and Heresies," the fourth of the ser- ies. 'Strangers cordially welcome. St. © George's cathedral--The Very Rev. Dean Starr, M.A., D.D., rector, 263 King street, 'phone 920; Rev. C, K. Bourne, M.A., curate, 60 William Street. Quinquagesima Sunday. 8 a.m., holy communion; 11 a.m., ma- tins; preacher, the dean. 3 p.m., Sun- day school; 3.15 p.m., Bible class in chapel; 4.15 p.m., baptisms; 7 p.m., evensong; preached, Rev, C . Bourne. Ash Wednesday, February 25th, services: 7.30 and 10.30 a.m., and 8 p.m. St. James' church, corner Union and Arch streets, All seats free Rev. T. W. Savary, B. A., rector, the rectory, 152 Barrie street, Quinqua gesima Sunday. 8 a. m., Holy Com munion; 11 ani. morning prayer and sermon. Preacher, the Right Rev. the Bishop of Ontario. 3 p.m. Sunday school and Bible classes; 7 P. m., evening prayer and sermon Sermon 'beginning series on the let ters to the seven churches. First Church of Christ, Scientist Johnson street, betweén Bagot anc Wellington streets--Sunday service 11 a. m. subject, "Mind." Wednes day evening, testimonial meeting Free public reading-room, same ad- dress, open every afternoon, excep: Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cor dially invited to the services and the reading room. Cooke's Presbyterian church Brock street., minister, Rev. J. W Mcintosh, M. A., residence, 318 Uni versity avenue, The pastor wil preach at both services. 11 a. m. "The Scattering That Increases:" 7 pm., "The Return to Self"; 3 p.m. Sunday school with Bibfe clagse: for young men and young women. Mid-week meeting, Wednesday, 8 p ni, Students and strangers cordial- ly invited to all services. St. Paul's--Holy communion, 8 a.m. morning prayer, 11 o'clock; preacher, the vicar. Sunday school and viear's Bible class, 3 p.my evening prayer, i o'clock; preacher; the vicar. Princess Street Methodist church, corner Princess and Albert streets- Rev. Frederick (i. Robinson, minister. 11 aan. preacher, Rev. W. K.. Shortt, M.A; 7 p.m. preacher, Rev. F. G. Ro- binson; subject, '""I'he Value of the Soul." Junior league at 10 a.m. class meeting at .close' of morning ser- vice; Epworth League, Monday, & p.m.; general prayer meeting, Wednes- day, 8 p.m. Special music at both services Sunday. The uptown church with a welcome for all. First Baptist church--Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor, will preach at 11 a.m and at 7 pan. Rev. 0. C. 8. Wallace, D.D., ex-chancellor of McMaster Uni versity; Bible school, 2.45 p.m. Stu- dents and strangers cordially invited to all the services. All pews jree. Bethel Congregational, corner rio and Johnson Streets--A central church Rev. A. P. Mershon, minis- ter. 11 aam., "The Upward Strug gle of the Soul" 3 p.m., Sunday school for all. 7 pam., "The Grace That Gains." Prayer meeting from: 8.15 to 9.10 o'clock. Anthems by choir in both services. Seats free to al. First Congregational, corner John- son and Wellington streets--Rev. E. LeRoy Rice, B.A., pastor. Residence, 105 Gore street. Phone 1068S. Momn- ing worship at 11 o-clock. The pas tor will give the last of the series of Sunday 'morning addresses on the 23rd Psalm. _Fvening worship at 7 o'clock. Subject, "Sober Saints. and Smiling Sinners." Strangers and students are invited to worship with at the evening Jar- us. The People's Church Home, corner Union and ) G. A. Lowes, minister; residence, 124 B THE Collingwood streets--Rew | STANDARD oe ATT Nelson street. 7 p.m., special sermon! on "St. Paul at a Hockey Match." A hearty invitgtion is extended to boys, young men students, especlally those that. are interested in physical culture and sports. We ire to preach the full gospel of Jesus for body, mind amd spirit that seeks to permeate 'all of life seven days in the cok week. Chalmers, Presbyterian, cormer Bar- ric and Earl streets--Rev. M. Macgil- livray, D.D., pastor. Services: 11 aam., George D. Pound, sailor mis- sionary, "Story of the Disasters of the *"; Sunday school, 3 p.m.; Bible class, 2.15 p.m., with Prof. Ma- theson; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 730 p.m. Strangers and students cor- dially invited to all the services, ' Sydenham Strect Methodist church-- Rev. Alived Brown, pastor, will preach at both services. 11 a.m., "Visions and Vision Wires"; 7 pam., "The Way to Heaven!'; Bible school, 2.45 . with primary, intermediate and adult departments. A cordial welcome to all. Anthems: "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," "0 How Amiable." Solo by Miss Johnston; "Bevond the Dawn," by Mrs. Small; "Nearer My God to Thee," by Miss Laidley. Brock Street Methodist church, cor- ner of Montreal and Brock streets-- Rev, John Webster, pastor; residence, 242 Johnson street. 10 am., class meeting. - Anniversary services. il a.m. preacher, Rev. George Edwards, of Athens; anthem, "Behold, God Is My Salvation" (Hughes): mixed quar- tette, Mrs. Drury, Miss P. Smith, Messrs. Gibson and Tupper. 3 p.m., Sabbath school, brotherhood and yound ladies' Bible classes. 7 p.m. preacher, Rev. George Edwards; an-| them, {Crown Him Lord of Al" (Wil- son); solo, Mik" Grace Mitchell; male juactette, Messrs. Auld, Tupper, Myles and Gibson. We look for 4 great spir- itual uplift in these services. AHN 'are welcome. THE WHIE FOUND IT How a Valuable Cameo Broch Located This Week The Whig was the means of locating a very valuable cameo brooch this week. Last Sunday the article' was lost. An advertisement was inserted in the Whig for several days. Hope of finding the brooch had almost been abandoned until Friday, when the finder made enquiries as to the ad- dress of the owner. It seems that the brooch was found by a little girl, who took it home to her mother. The family did not take a newspaper, but on Thursday received a parcel wrap- ped in an edition of the Whig. The mother read the paper, even to the adverfisements, and came across the little ifem with regard to the lost brooch. Early next morning she made enquiries-at the Whig office, and that is how the finder and the loser came together. Was Death of A. A. Hagerman The sudden death of A. A. Hager- man, of Odessa, has cast a gloom oyer the village and surrounding country. He contracted a cold, which developed into' pneumonia. Liverything that loving hands could jdo was done to stay the disease, but death came suddenly at 12.30 "on} Wednesday night, February 4th. The late Mr. Hagerman was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hagerman, Fellows. A wife and one child are left to mourn the loss of a kind hus- | bend and loving father. Also six brothers and two sisters, John, Lewis, William, Anson and Walter, of Fellows; Fred., of Bath; and Mrs. John Kenny and Mrs. Herb. Clark, of Odessa. The funeral was held at tne Methodist church, Odessa, and was conducted by the Rev. Mr, Tucker, on Saturday,"the 7th inst, where a large concourse of relatives and friends gathered to pay their last respects to the deceased. The la Mr. Hagerman was 36 years of age, and a member of the A. 0. U | W. and Orange lodges. | Prime western beef at Pickering's Messrs. Walter and Arthur Pope, | Picton, have leased the store for- merly occupied by A. A. Ferguson's grocery, from H. W. Bedell. They. intend opening up a confectionery business. Chiver's peaches in syrup put up in glass jars at Pickering's, 490 Princess street. Miss Lillie May Ferguson, of Pic- ton, formerly stenographer .in the office of the Steel Trough & Machin: company Tweed, has been appoint- ed stenographer for the local courts of Prince Edw county. Grocers all recommend White flour. : Brighton citizens are taking steps t¢ organize a Canadian club. Rose 1 1873 BANK EEPING a bank account for "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has KINGSTON BRA NCa, | H. E. Richardson, som THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 DAY, FEBRUARY 21 WORT Sn AT Serr essen Sale of Women's Evening 'Shoes, only a small «lot left, includ in Pumps, in white, black, blue ; and pink; also a few patent pumps and strap shoes. A few Kid Col- onials, ete., regular $3.00 and $3.50 Tehse are not out-of-date goods, AY & ® clearing them at re S------ 1 Sale of Ladies' Tan Button and Bluchers, any pair of } 1 : Ladies' Tan Shoes in our store, including $6.00 o f 'alues, on Saturday, for . .... rb} $1.98 $1 00 $1 ® but we have too large stock and : Bargain in Men's Box Kip Bluchers $1.98 Sale of women's odd sizes, ete, some regular $3.00 and $3.50 values. $2.49 Small lot Women's Tan and Black Calf Bluchers and Buttons, regular $3.50 values: Ce CAMPBELL'S Annual Clearing Sale of Furs Big Discount in Every Line $3.75 pur suojng (0'c$ Sua 30 0uQ Bluchers in Tan and Gun Metals. ge CANDY Fresh made'every day--spec- : ial 30c chocolates for 20c 1b SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Insist on Having Pasteurized Milk Be [Sure it is in Bottle PRICE'S Phone 845. -- OUR ------ Cole & Studebaker fbi caring Fumie Sa mis Sale AGENT : 34 i Bibby's Garage Repairs and Auto Supply Phone's 201 & a. Camphell Bros. Designers and Makers of Fine Furs, 84 Princess Street STOVES AND RANGES, We have a large stock of Stoves and Ranges, also new and second-hand fur- niture, carpets and quilts. Come and see me If you want to save money on all kinds of hougehold goods, H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street, Phone 1580. Opposite Oralg's Wholesale. LAID FIRST CEMENT WALKS Mr. Foley, of Ottawa, Las put Tender For Street Paving Mr. Foley, of the. firm eof Foley & | (ileeson, contractors, Ottawa, has been spending a few days jin the city. He is. putting in a tender for the street paving to be dobe in Kings- ton. To Mr. Foleg gaes the honor of Waving laid the first cement walks in Kingston, over twenty years ago, when he was employed the Cana- dian Granite company. At this time be walks laid here were guaraunteel or twenty years, and as they ary all in good shape it speaks well for tle wor mahi of Mr. Foley, who has many friends in this city, and who married a Kingston girl, Miss Annie' Anegar. Tenders for the paving in Kingston closed on Saturday. | 3 Strain, A KINDLE KIND urious Piece of Furniture BED BY NIGHT . SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Defective eyes can, and do give .00 and j : : $ 25,000,000 {clear' vision, by straining. Glasses .lare needed, not to increase the dis- 11,660,000 , | finctmess of vision but to remove the Reserve Funds . 13,000,000 : strain which often causes 'headaches 325 Branches Canada. and other mervous troubles. To know Savings Department at all Branches. {how your eyed really are we would advise you to consult our optome- LONDON, ENG., OFFICE NEW YORK AGENCY 5 Beuk Bldes-- Princes SE, Cor, William and Cedar Ss. itrist, H. C. Brown, Oph.D. Rodger - & BE NEWMAN, Capital Authorized . . . Reia 8 Capital Paid Up. Ui Reid Quality, The Leading !Optical.Parlors, 347 King street, | ------------ The directors of the No Cheesé company have hired Brennan, of Deseronto, to cheese for the coming season NRK » rt DH ware "reer wg a alba -