Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Feb 1914, p. 5

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WwW By FEDOR DOSTOIEFFSKY With an introduction by LAURENCE IRVING Now Ready Price 30c, at 141 Princess : THOMAS LAMBERT : Maker Of Men's Clothe . Blue Worsted Suits are always fashionable and are very ser- viceable, We have a very special Blue Worsted, Indigo dye, which we will make up for $24.00 a suit. We also have a good selection of Brown and Grey Tweeds, which we will sell cheap. THOMAS LAMBERT 167 PRINCESS STREET iH. A. Automobile For Sale Model 19, McLaughlin Buick, fully equipped and in excellent condition. , CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited 210-14 Wellington Street. Cheap Living Rangoon Rice, per 1h. Patna Rice, per lb. ....... HER "Maple Leaf" ValencijRyisins, Bibs. for...... 25¢e For Salp at All Grocers, SPECIAL ELECTRIC FIXTURES We will install in your home the following list | of Fixtures Complete with Lamps and Shades, for the sum of $20.00 Hall, downstairs, 1 fixture; parlor, 1 3-light fix- ture; dining-room, 1 3-light fixture; kitchen; 1 drop; hall, upstairs,"1 fixture; bath room, 1 bracket; four . bedrooms, 1 bracket in each. All of the above solid brass and guaranteed. RT W. J. MOORE & SON Wellington St. : | Special | Men's Tan Calf Viscolized Double | ~ Sole. : AT THE YMCA. A BUSINESS MEN'S BANQUET » Navy, = D..G. Laidlaw Presided. At the annual business men's ban- quet of the Y. M. C. A,, held in the boys' department of the building on Thursday evening, H, B. Ames, M. P., of Montreal, gave a lecture of excellence on the composition and strategic apportionment of the Drit- ish navy. It was generously voted instructive and interesting, both for the uniqueness of the subject and the able manner in which Mr. Ames delivered the lecture. Views and diagrams thrown on the screen from a lantern operated by I. H. Breck were indispensable to the effect of the lecture. / Mi. Ames traced the history of British battleship construction from the time of Nelson's flagship, "'Vic- tory," which was fifty years old at the time of the battle of Trafalgar, to the present modern construction of the admiralty. He referred to the accompanying improvement in protective armor, and from year to year the growth in the size and power of the guns. Step by step Mr. Ames followed the advance in battleship; construe- tion. The first "Dreadnought' was commissioned in England in 1906. naval experts throughout the world recognized her superiority over any- thing else afloat. Henceforth, there- fore, all big gun ships were built by the powers. By. 1913 there were 160 modern battleships and battle cruisers built and building, all of which are the equal of, and in many cases superior to, the 'Dreadnought' type." The programme of 1907 produced three ships of the "St. Vincent" type, with twelve twelve-inch guns. The programme of 1908 added to the fleet "Neptune," and in 1509 six battleships of the "Orion" type were added. In 1910 came the "King George V" type. The lecturer also spoke of the coming into use of the battle-cruiser concurrently with the development of the battleship, the latest and most formidable of these being the "Queen Mary," which was commissioned last September. The "Queen Elizabeth, recently launched, will be capable of the heaviest long-distance broadside in the navy. "The great advance in naval pow- er of certain European nations," said Mr. Ames, "has rendered il necessary for Britain to keep on building ships. Tn order to guard her shores and keep the empire safe Britain must continue to construct the best and strongest ships which science can build or money can sup- Mr. Ames then came to the organi- zation of the mavy, commencing with 'the home fleet, divided into three classes as it is. according to prepar- | edness for immediate action. As well {as the battleships and cruisers he {explained the functions and duties { of the torpedo boats and submarines. | The other two fleets are the Mediter- irancan and the one for world-wide i service. As the strength of the Rri- ! {ish navy in home waters depends up- om 'the strength of her most powerful | possible enemy, the speaker made a { comparison of the naval powers of Britain and Germany. Upon the proposal of Mr. Churchill to form an imperial squadron, based upon Gibraltar, from whith station they could easily reach any point in the British empire, Mr. Ames referred to 'the proposed Canadian contribu tion of three battleships. D..G. Laidlaw, the president of the board of directors of the associa- tion, presided. A vote of thanks was tendered to the speaker on motion of Mavor Shaw and the president of the cabinet. Dr. C. C. Nash and E | P. Jenkins proposed a vota of \a ! gimilar nature to the Ladies' Auxil- {jary who provided and served the | tasteful repast. In conclusion, be { fore the singing of the nationdl an- them, W. F. Nickle, M.P., spoke. Mr. Laidlaw took occasion to eall to the attention gof the 100 men some of the actfities of the "Y." { The youmg men's cabinet had charge i of the arrangements for the banquet, P which was accorded a decided sue- cess. McAulev and Salsbuty's or { chestra + supplied music during fhe repast. Allan Haffner sang a solo during the programme and some mem- bers of the "XY" glée club rendered a | number. ths sun's raye 'is probable in the near future," a learned scientist tells us. That's nothing new. There are people right in this city who have been "nearly baked" by the sun's rays Some women think it economy to pay 10 cents to ride downtown to save five cents at a bargain counter. Low Spirits From Weak Nerves Low spirits, depression, discour- a nt are a form of nervous dis- ease. You worry over little things. and at the slightest ailment appre- hend the gravest dangers and dis- eases. You form the habit of look- ing at the dark side of things. Indigestion Is a frequent accom- paniment, and you probably do not sleep or rest well. , The cause of the trouble is to be found in the ex- hausted condition of the nerves. To get well you must build up the fee- ble, wasted nerve cells by use of such treatment as Dr. Chase's Nerve "Cooking in 'This great food cure forms new, rich blood, and thereby nourishes to health On the Composition and Stkatogic' Apportionment : 1d of the British . {tists. The lower hall. including the "It was not long," said he, *'before FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1014. _ At Victoria School To Raise a Pic- For the few days Victoria school has turned into au ex- hibition gallery 'of fine art, where there are to be seen carbon copies of some masterpieces of the greatest painters and ar- four class rooms down stairs, have the walls hung with some of . the choicest bs Hitares, abounding: with grace beauty, that could possi bly . be brought together into ome collection. he masterpioces from which many of them are taken if they ware to be bought, would cost the buyer thousands of dollars. These carbon ies are so real and minutely similar to the original that many persons would just as soon have them, The ' principal of Victoria school, J. G. Fteinger, and his son, Carl, as well as the various teachers of the school, who lent a helping hand in arranging the large assortment of pictures into the various classes of Pnglish, German, French, Spanish and Italian arrangement, 'deserve much credit for their artistic skill and tasto. By this careful assorting and placing of each in conspicuous parts gt the building the spectators who visit the exhibition are thus enabled to view ome particular style of artists, and then by turning to one sida an entirely new assortment of .a different class are to he wit. nessed. Going into the various class rooms there are to he seen equally as good pictures from other lines of artists. In the kindergarten depart- ment are some pictures from those | noble Dutch and Flemish artists, in- {eluding Ruysdael, Mauve, Hobbe- | man,, Stacquet, Van Dyck Halo, etc., and many of the pictures are of special mention, especially those en- titled, "Baby Stuart," 'The' Laugh- ing Cavalier," "Children of Charles the First." The junior first grade include architecture and landscapes, show- Ing scenes from Niagara Falls, Der- wentwater, England; Rome, Amiens, France, etc. The senior first grade include the masterpieces of Eng- lish artists, among which are to be seen the works of Landseer, Rey- nolds, Barber, Burne-Jones, 'Watts, Turner, Davis, Douglas, etc. In this collection are seen several pretty pictures such as ¢The age of In- nocence," "The Boyhood of Raleigh," and others of equal merit. The senior fourth grade contains French artists and their master- pieces, such as, Carot, Jacque, Lerolle, Trayon, Bonheur, Millet, Regnault, Leroux, Bastien-Lepage, lenouf, Greuze, LeBrun and num- erous -others. In this cdllection reigns the beautiful and tasteful This exhibition of fing art which opened on Thursday evening will be continued on Friday ang Saturday, from 2.30 to 6. p.m,, and from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. The proceeds from this exhibition will he devoted towards raising funds to buy pictures for the school rooms of 'Victoria school. One sthool frustee® who visited the art exhibit handed Principal Fttin- ger a domation of 25, Presentation to Rev.. Mr. Waddell. On Thursday, Feb. 12th, Rev. .J. Waddell was greatly surprised by ve- ceiving an address and well-fillad pfirse from his many friends at Har- rowsmith aud Murvale, as a slight token of their regard for their he loved pastor, The money, to he used for the pur- chase of a new fur coat, came unex- pectedly to Mr. Waddell, but he was very grateful and thanked his friends for their kindness and' thoughtful- ness. Mr. Waddell has been a faith- ful pastor to his people and his kind, Christian ministry has been greatly appreciated. | Ever roady to minister to those sick or in trouble, a kind and sympataetio friend to rich = and poor alike, he has endeared himself to his people, who are indeed sorry that hid pastorate is drawing to a clowe. Sincere are the good wishes for the future success of himseli and his family. i mh vw Pride in the Flowers Although the Grand Trunk has not a floral department, the stations along the system are bright with flowers in the summer time. This is a work of love on the part of the agents, who when they have a lot of ground take a great pride in beautifying the front of the premises In some cases there is enough land to make a regular garden; but in most cases the agents have shown their taste by" utilizing thea littl: corners and tiny plots which have been left unusued. In these places a work of beautification takes place every summer, bulking in accordance with the size and pretension of the station. Writing to the Press RY J, Todd, Paterboro, has heen writing to the press on the subject of "Police Women, Alcohol and Chiris- tian Science." Mr. Todd was born in Pittsburg township, went through the military school in Kingston and introduced Christian Science' into Kingston. The lockmaster at Brew- er's Mills is a brother, and several sisters are residents in the city. Notice We, the undersigned, hereby agree to sell a package of five standard size Ge. boxes of Silver Tip Silent matches for twenty cents. Quality ranteed, . BO naries Saundets, J.. Purdy, C. H. Pickering, D. B. Gage & Son, J. A. Lemmon, J. R. B, Gage, Robert Mc- Phee, E. 8S. Suddard, M: Nolan and W. R. Marshall. Lady Maccabees Social The lady Maccabees held a social en- fertainment' on Wednesday evening in the hall of the Chosen Friends, Prin- cess street. There were eleven cuchre tables. The first prize, a beautiful hand-painted dish, the work of Mrs. Dainty, was wom by Mes, Fowler, and the consolation prize by Mrs. Watson. Choice were provided and a very bappy time was spent. Alex Campo is head sawyer in the iris which is now wall Satine Don't Fail To See These 1 * Special Clearing Sales for February Sale of Women's Evening Shoes, only a small lot left, in and pink; also a few patent pumps and strap shoes. A few Kid Col- onials, ete., regular $3.00 and $3.50 Tehse are not out-of-date goods, including Sat- 1. Pumps, in white, black, blue but we have too large stock and clearing them at ............... SSS 5s Sale of Ladies' Tan Button and Bluchers, any pair of Ladies' Tan Shoes in our store, including $6.00 values, 3.19 on Saturday, for $1.98 Bargain in Men's Box Kip Bluchers $1.98 Sale of women's' odd sizes, ete., some regular $3.00 and $3.50 values, $2.49 £3.90 values. Ne CAMPBELL'S - Annual (Clearing Sale of Furs Big Discount in Every Line Tie Campbell Bros. Designers and Makers of Fine Furs 84 Princess Street A DANGEROUS PRACTICE Thawing Out Frozen Pipes Torch Caused Fire Thawing out frozen pipes with a torch, is a very dangerous practice. When pipes were found frozen, at the home of John Sears, 339 Mon- treal street, on Friday morning a torch was used and it set fire to the house and a call Was sent to the firemen. The damage will amount to about $25. The call was sent into the fire department at 9.11 o'clock. B. Strachan owns the house. : With Given Warm Welcome Dean Starr, who was undergoing medical treatment in New York, ar- rived home on Thursday afternoon, and was just in tima to attend the closing session of the Ontario synod. He was given a warm welcome by the member upon his arrival and asked by Bishop Mills to speak a few words. He said he was very sorry to have missed the session and hoped that the gathering had been a most beneficial one. The Canadian Appraisal company, itd., Montreal, have heen engaged during the past two weeks in com- piling an appraisal for physical val- ues of the property and plant of the Standard Iron company, whose works are in Deseronto. * : Small lot Women's Tan and Black Calf Bluchers and Buttons, regular ¥ $3.75 pue suojing (p'c S.UIy J0[ du Bluchers in Tan and Gun Metals. | CANDY Fresh made every day--spec- ial 30c chocolates for 20c Ib. SAKELL"S, Next To Opera House BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Insist on Having Pasteurized Milk Be Sure it is in Bottle i Phone 845. _ PRICE'S Cole & Studebaker | AGENT Bibby's Garage Repairs and Auto Supply Phone's 201 & 917, STOVES AND RANGES. 'We have a large stock of Stoves and Ranges, also new and second-hand fur- hiture, Sarpets ana quilts. Come and 0 ou want to save money on all kinds of household goods. AN, 242 Ontario Street. Craig's Wholesale What About Footwear ? { We have a particularly large and well-selected stock of Men's, Wo- men's and Children's Boots and Shoes Rubbers and Overshoes, now selling at the lowest prices in Kingston. Come in and we will prove it to you. Special Discount Till End of Feb- raary. ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. DISPLAY : = Reid Quality, Reid's Low Prices Victoria ~ CAFE 354 King 8t., Kingston Finest Restaurant in the Oity ~ Now |

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