Your Account by Mail Through oir ht you can open an em of Banking by Mail interest account in this bank, no matter where you live. Forward your remittance with the names of those to whom you wish it-credited, and we will mail bank hook 1 y the address given, car- rying out yo juinsfruetions as to when you want it delivered. Write for infor- mation. THE BANK o Capital and ti bu 1keeping EIORONIQ - Manager ; Howard S. Folger INVESTMENT BROKER High Grade Bonds & Stocks. Fire & Life Insurance REAL ESTATE District Manager-of the EQUITABLE LIFF. ASSURANCE SOCIETY 44 _44 Clarence Street. "Phone 95 | "KENSINGTON PLACE" The Plazas will be curbed and planted, and the streets macadam- ized this 8) When completed "Kensington Place" lightful residential s A PEW 650x120 FE will be one of ths most de- ots in Kingston, ET 1.OTS LEFT, J. 0. HUTTON Rent Fatate and Insurance eh 18 Market St, Kingston, | SOME ATTRACTIVE INVES $4,000---Johnson Street, downtown location, rents. $600 per year. $2,800--Montreal Street, double frame, rents $294 per year. $300 will handle this $2,500--Division Street, first class frame dwelling. all improve- ments, hot air furnace, gas, barn and driveshed, very desirable residence 400 feet on Alice Street Crescent, grounds, very deep lots, a sn 140 x 210 feet, corner Division and Russell Streets, adjoining new Near the new factory sites. Regiopolis College. GEORGE Insurance Coal After Holiday Sale of Furniture AIL govas 'wow reduced in price. A splendid chance to save money. Big line of beautiful antique furni- ture, stoves, ranges, etc. to choose from, Also household goods bought, best prices pald. L. LESSES Cor. Princess and Chatham Streets Phone 104" A Brick of Delicious Ice Cream Made by the City Dairy of Toronto can be delivered at your door at any hour of the day. Assorted Flavors. facing on Queen's College' new ap for a quick buyer, BAWDEN Real Estate. 'For Sale By 56 BROCK ST. PHONE 68. A large, well-built, roomy house, in central location, eleven rooms, eight bedrooms. all modern con- veniences. A new solid brick house on Albert St., near Brock, hot water neating electric light; alt of the very best; a fully m n house. Double frame dwelling, Colling- wood St., near Union, lot 75 x 100, These are well worth the price we ask--3$3,600 J. EK. CARROLL, Manager. RY LOCAL NOTES AXD ITEMS OF} GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City Vicinity ~~What the Merch "Offer to the Readers of the Whig, "Buy Jad salis" at Qibgon's. Removal sale ! 50 corsets, 750. corsets, O0e. Dutton's, William Swaine, piano tamer. Orders received at McAuley's. 'Phone 564, | On Wednesday evening Miss C. Hoppin, Wellington street, entertain- ed her Sunday school class. "Puy shaving cream" at Gibson's. Women--Removal sale! Come and see the value of boots for little mon- ay, Dutton's. Difficulty his been experienced in the open-air skating rinks flooded owing to the hydrants freez- ing.. "Fig Sen" at Gibson's. Owing to money being easler, it is expected that the next issue of King- ston bonds will be at four and one- half 'per cent. | "Guacanteed son's. Miss 'Sadie Coffee, Arch street, who underwent an operation for ap- pendieitis, in the Hotel Dieu, Sat: urday, is improving. IH. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at Mec- Ailey's book store. The ontlook iz good for a very busy building year in Kingston. All aver the city piles of sand can be sden on vaeant lots, and when spring opens a great deal of excavation work will be begun. Fully twenty teams are now engaged delivering sand for contractors. "Buy Jad salts" at Gibson's. Women's or girls' boots, worth $3 and $3.50, sizes 24 and 3, $1.75. Dut- ton's remaval eale, The "Young People's. sociely of Brock street Methodist church, held its annual sleigh drive, on Wednes- day evening. After driving around the city the party, which numbered about sixty, drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Auld, about two miles $1; nail brushes." Gib- A Great Drimatic Event" H. H. Frazee's Original ALLSTAR PROTUCTION OF "Fine Fi eathers" Tobert Bdeson Wilton Lakaye Max Figman Rose Coghlan Flovente Totkwell Lydia Dickson PRICES--30, T3¢, $1, $1.50, $2.00 SEATS NOW oN 8 SALE SATURD Y,Feb.21 Direct from The Astor Theatre, N.Y., With Its Entire Cast Of Famous 'American and London Stars Including The Great English Uiterce Play, The Play With the Rig Teial PRICES MATINEE 25.35-50¢, EVENING 25-00-75¢-$1, 0 Seats Naw on Sale, Monday-Tuesday-Wedn'y Feb. 23-24-25 Under the auspices of the Brit-1 ish Canadian Theatre Organ- ization Seclety Seene from the city, ing was spent. "Films developed by expert." son's. Bay your moval sale. than cost, Samuel Lumnan, Who, on advice from Sudbury, was arrested on Wed- i pesday for theft, was still here on Thursday, waiting the arrival of a on natable from Sudbury, where he 'is accused of stealing a sum of mon- Lumnan, it is understood, work- fad' during the summer near Kingston ! Mills. Removal Gib- Dutton's re clearing less at are triinks They ov Infants" 200. and up; hear costs, buby jackets from 25¢. Dutton's Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Joyte, 53 Charles street, entertained about thirty. of their friends at their home last evening. Games and dancing passed a very pleasant evening. De- licibus refreshments were served at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Joyce were very genial host and hostess. Ladies' up-to-date dcesamakiny. Terms moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 221 Princess street. On Wednesday Rev. and Mrs. Webster, Johnson street, entertained a number of their friends at a dinner given at the parsonage. Among those pres- ent. were Rev. Dr. E. B. Ryckman and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Brown, Rev. and Mrs. G. I. Camp= pell and Rev. and Mrs. F. G. Robin- son. ; sale ! infants' shoes, 3 242 THE LATE G A. STANSBURY A Young Machinist Dies of Typhoid Fever. On - Thursday morning at five o'clock a sad death occurred at the Hotel Dieu when George Alexander Stansbury, aged twenty-two years, gon of Mr. and Mrs. John Stansbury, Vaelan road, passed away alter a briet {liness of typhoid fever. He was a machinist by trade and was employed at the Canadian Locomo- tive works, where he was held in high esteem by his fellow workmen. The late Mr. Stansbury was a ptem- ber of Bethel Congregational church, and Rev. A. P. Mershon will conduct the funeral service on Friday af ternoon. The deceased eaves, be- sides his parents, two brothers .and four sisters, Albert, Sarah, and Elsie at home; Mrs, A. Fletcher, of Mor- ley, Alta.; John in Florida and Jen- For Sale During the month of February for CASH. The Finest Stock in Kingston R. J. RODGER Optical Parlors, 47 King Street "Where the Clock is on the Walk 4 £ " House Number 124 Victor | ja St., between Earl and John- | son; ¢holce location, two blocks | from ear line, House modern { in every particulfir. i Apply McLeod's Drug Store Records Excha All kinds of fediTOu, Victor, Cok umbia, Edison Blue Amberol, Edi- on two-minute, for exchange. Also phonographs, gram onolas for sale. Ca plain our plsu." ° ALLEN'S Phone 28% 1IR Rroeck St For Sale Double Stone House, Montreal ; Ronts for $17. 00 a 'month. 3 Single Frame, Stephen Street, Jmprovemants sar Ho 4 L800, For particulars WH. Godwin & Son 89 Brock St. Phone 424 Weal Estate Fig Insurance, ones and graf- and let us ex- nie in Winnipeg. The remains will be placed In Cataraqui vault. Horses Lost at Bethel Bethel," Feb. 18.-Miss Olive Sals bury, Hawley, visited over Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Emberley have moved to their nes home at Wilton. Robert Ashley ex- pects to move in the house vacated by them. Mrs. Ceorge Smed ly has had an attack of quinsy, but is able to be ont again. Mr. and Mrs. John Jayne and sons, John W. and George' A., were visitors at Hay Bay and Gosport for a few days last w ok, H. H. Beacham attended the "Ai Home" of the young men's ® Bible class in Yarker, last Friday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. War- ner, Some of the people have been unfortunate lately in the loss of horses. P. Rielly and family are moving awax "This spring. Mr. and rs. John Curl pen a recent even ing at W, Curls Three ¢ Cows Sold for $165 Bel! Rock, Feb. .18.--Farmers are hustling the wood and hub timber business. It is rumored that there is to be a direct telephone line from Bell Rock to Verona in the near fu- tire. J. Pomeroy sold three cows last week for $165. There is to be an entertainment in the Methodist ehurch here. Miss Maggie Brooks is visiting in Kingston, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Patrick James Tupah at L. Tupal's; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Revell, Ernestown, at J. Mdek's; Mrs. G. Snider, Yarker, at J. Grant's; Miss F. Trusdale, Verona, at C. D. Yorké's. "Films developed Ly expert." Gib son's. C. F.. Maley, boot and shoe deal- gy or of Smith's Falls, Ontario, has wade an assignment. where a pleasant even- John Webster § England's Greatest Actos Laurence IRVING Supported by his entire London company, including MABEL HACKNEY In Mis Mést Brilliant Sadcesses ¥ MONDAY TYPHOON TUESDAY THE UNWRITTEN LAW WEDNESDAY THE IMPORT ANCE OF BEING EARNEST AA. Prices' 25, 50, 70e, $1, 81.50, 82 SEATS ON SALE FRIDAY } WAGBTAFFE'S Just the thing for Luncheons, Homes, Ete, 'T'wo sizes, At All Grocers. Fenwick, Hendry & Co. (Distributors, ) . and Toe Very CoM Weather Piccadilly, Feb. 18.-The people aro very glad to see a change in the tom perature. The thermometer has regis tered thirty-nine and forty' degrees hee tow zero here jor several days. The, cheese 'meeting was held in the town hall on Wednesday of last week. It was poorly attended, owing to in- tense cold. A box social was held ut J. Walker's on Priday, in aid of (he building of the Preshyterian church shed. Excellent matwic "was "given by Messrs. Murray and Arrole. 'A tea meeting wae held at Beihel on Friday fast. A debate was given by the young people, 'Resolved, that women be given the samp rights as men." The affirmative wes taken bv three young ladies, Miss Genge, leader, and Mise Godirey and Miss Freeman, as sistants. The negative was taken by Mr. Beattie, leader, and Messrs. Quinn and Freeman, gssistante. Points on both sides were "ably dealt with and good points on both sides proved that the debaters must have spent a greal deal of time. The judges, Miss Y.ake, and Me. Smith, of Svdenham, and Mr, Burleich, Geodirey, decided 'in fuvor of the afitpiavive. Solos: were rendered hy Miss oth r music hy Bethel's jvoung people. My. Beattie, Dublin, Treland, is «pond- ing a few weeks at his uncle's, John Beattie. Mita Jean Grant hag gone to the city to spend a month. Mrs. Morrison and Mra. E, Preeman paid a Lying visit to the Silinge bitigd Mina Mikdred Acsompesi) es Cn Bargain Matinee 2.30; Frening 8.15 At York and Mrs. Geddes, ali] pI whe meh bpir dy a, PPR Buia THE PEOPLE'S FORUM -| CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Firat insertion lc a word. Eseh von- secutive lhsertion thereafter, holl "outa werd. Misinem éharge for one iusertion, 23¢c.; three lmsertious, Soe. six, $1; one month, $3. HELP WANTED A MAN TO WORK A MARKET GAR. den, Apply to A Princess Su. A NG-Rou IRL Ir ONCE, at the Lake View Hotel NG DISHES AND Apply Frontenae Ar. WOMAN FOR WASH) « kitchén work. OR GIRL WAH. J WOMAN general housework. Good Apply 233 Division Bryer, NTS WANTED FoR CEDAR wor and Polish and Ever Ready Clothes Lines. Phenix Co. 208 Lingsoy Bldg, Montreal. TEAMS yirn BOBS AND RACKS FOR hauling ice, 40 cents her hou ply to Kingston Ice Co. ner King and Collin INTELL 1GRNT, P) ON earn $100 monthly 'torrespo: for newspapers; no canvassiog: send for particulars. Press Synd te, 3,969 Lockport, N.X ° D COUNTR DOMES arriving twice mouih- tions must be made well "In wdvance, The Guild, iv Pembroke 8t., Toronto, and i Drummond § Montreal WII WANT NOW, | A CAPABLE SALIS- man to c anvags Kingston for the sale of New Hardy Everbloomioyg Roses, ornamental trees, shru Good opening for ngnt Writs Pelham Nursery Co, ta, par Toro- yr PROPOSIT ON To BRIGHT women, married or single, wishing a permanent position, Full par- tiotilars given on application ply to Miss Margaret Spirella corsetiere, St Dunn it, 290 Wellington POSITION WANTED WOMAN, YouUNG, REQYIRSS WORK by the day. Apply 269 King St BUSINESS NOTICES KINGSTON SHORTHAND, T writing and Capying Bureau, 32 Queen St. All work strictly cons dential, Rates moderate. BUSINESS CHANCES CROCKERY, CHINA, tin and agateware, cheap rent, good location, about 500. Owner retiring. 656, nee, Ont. GLASSWARDP, fancy goous 8t ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; no canvassing; be your own boss Send for free booklet: tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N. x. 'Covered Rink SE NIOR INTERCOLL TONSHIP HOCK McGill vs. Queen's s Friday, Feb. 20th Game Regins 8.15 p.m. Admission Geata Boe, Ladies 2%¢. Reserved seats, Including admission Son, snle Thursday, S a.m, ut rink) $1.00 | Ontario Hockey Association Has, Left With Us 500 Tickets of Admission To the Game_Between Dshawa and Frontenacs AT BELLEVILLE THURS. NIGHT On Sale McGall's Cigar Store Thursday Moruing 9. 00 O'Clock A ca Snaps in Real Estate house on. Beverly St.. Frame | improvements, light, furnace, and" & good lot {45 by 120 feet, for $3,000.00. Double frame house on Montreal Street renting for $324.00 per year for $3 000.00 Well built 'rough-cast house, No. 220 Queen Street, splend- idly laid out and near Queen Street Methodist ¢hureh, $3,- 300.00 for a quick sale. gas, electric > RARE i Wd BO. nto BOO (HORACE F. NORMAN Rend Estate and General Insure ance, 177 WELLIN3ZTON BT. | Black, M.P.P., to Toronto to the opening of parliandent. Mins Howes is spending a few weeks at Caslton, the guest of her fricad, Miss Wright. ---- Wedded at Wéllington Wellington, Feb. 18.--The mar- riage of Miss Pell Amunda Steven- son, ofily daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Stevenson, to Charles Han- son Greer. third son of Mr. and Mrs. George 'W: Greer, all of Well ington, took place at the home. of the bride at one o'¢lock, Wednesday afternoon, Febroary 18th, the Rev. W. Elliott officiating. The bride wore Wer travelling' dress of blue heviot' with shadow lace waist and black velvet hat. Ouly the im- mediate reiatives were present, There were no attendants, and after dinner Mr. and Mrs. Greer left for Toronto én routs to New York Ad A 'White Rose flour for all purposes. 4= wie ALBERT SAUNDERS, ALL KINDS OF carting done. Batisfaction guaran- « Laed, #55 Rpincess Street PERSONAY, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH- arks and all growths and skin lemishen removed jerman ntly, without scar; 27 a: ex Fishes. Dr. Elmer J. I Noas; Throat and § Specialist, 25 Bagot street. SCALP MASSAGE FOR FALLING hair, dandruff, etc, treated by el ectrielty (new met Lates + treatment In shampoo! assage, manleuring, m., and by re FINANCIAL PRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society: established 1863; regident, Colonel Henry R. Smith. oney issued on city and farm roperties, municipal and coun lebentures; mortgages purchased; feposits received and Interest owed. 8. C, McGill, Manager, Brahe Street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND CGLORE Fire Insurance Sompany, Available assests," $61,187 In adition to which the polfeyholders have for security the unlimited liability of city property, insured at lowest poisibla rates, 3 renewing old or giving new #iness get rates from Htringe & Strange Agents, Phine 326. " DENTAL A. BE. KN APP, nA moved t to 25 DR. C. ©. NASM, DEN' 19T; DR. T. B. enton, assistant. 13 Princess Street. 'Phone SPARKS AND , DENTISTS 159 Wallington Street, (over Car. noveky's), Kingston. 'Phone 346. SPARK © LE Hi SIMBROR, LDS, BDI, DENT, t, corner Princess and Bago! TR Entrance on Bagot street Telephon 4 626. a CATERING a -- -------------------------------------------- WITIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP pers, banquets, dinners, parties etc. Rilverwars and cutlery tr rent. For particulars apply to R H. Toye's King Bt. store. WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc alzo rent dishes, .able linens and Silverware Rel and Hamby: 3. P. Reid, 30 Unton street, F. C Hanbrne 1 Alfred street Phones 843 or 303. WANTED--~GENERAL WANT | ROAD We ighing ab eo ow ST RONG GENTLEMEN - TO BRING THER cloth and have it made up Into up: to-date sults, Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please, Press- ing and relinlring dona on the shortest note Thomas Galloway 131 Brock st L. near Bibby's Gar- age, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SEC. ond-hand furniture, stoves, ete. See me before seMing your goods. We also have a large stock of new and second-hand furniture and stoves, which we will sell to clean out, at cost. J. Thompson, St, next to St. -- ---- _--. ARCHITECT wa. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete. Phone 608. a3 Princess Andrew 8 church. ARCHIE. Offices, 258 * Bagot st TS POWER & SON, ARCHITEOTS, MER chants' Bank Bullding, corne! a cara: Wellington streets. Dror LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE; «TARRIST. are and solicitors Office, 70 Clarence Street, Kingston. TUPHOLSTERER taps Satpatmat-- aw -- W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, hah mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot street. HOTELS. ALBION HOTEL, CORNER MONTREAL and Queen streets; 33 bedrooms Rates moderate; centrally located, one block from street cars, House recently thoroughly renovated: best stable and yard accommoda- tion, . M. Caines, Proprietor. Quality _ our Sen ice THE Capital Authorized Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds 325 Branches LONDON, ENG., OFFICE rank Bligs--Princes SI. KINGSTON BRANCH , D. DS. nE- o NEW SINGL GH. A HH. Ted, 165 Queen St. 3 hs _ do his ne AR i ag ts A SOLID COMFORT CUTTER, USED, but a short time. Apply D. J! Dawes gon, 214 Princess St, 3 a \ FINE I LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK Bi shod rds, the Best we have ever reasonable price, at' ities Phone 701. THAME HOU =", « ENTRAL LOCATION 9 roums, electric Tight, improves {nent 0 wiy decorated; Ju ot; possessinn May 1st; eas ter Apply Box 61, Whig office. ¥ b WO YOUNG HORSES A1 ALL NOUS One LL ye other six, Price reasonable, ly Kib i tress, Ca, Pri Led St. Eston Mat DAY, FER. MATT, auctioneer, at 11 am, one waight 1#80 1100 pounds. Tivred Buirer Mar ar old gelifng: bg; 3-year. oid NEW Son BRICK rooms, hardwood flgors, wood, natural finish, furnace, ton raodern, best dential gtr ty Ap~ casy terms; possession at once. ¥ ply Box CN, Whig offies lot frontage on second Tor Yeon corRap' Of nd York Sts, eas Apply 427 Albert 8: SRSY:leFMa HOUSE, EIGHT ONE FRAME HOUSE corner Jansdow ne Sts. 23% 33x AND and gotner 0 ta aint. AND DWRLLING troct, or will sell and fixtures with renting stora and Doing a first class buafs d reason for selling. Ape Hazeayu, on the premises, GROCERY STORE 152 Ont CHOICE FARM, ONE Hu ice ninety-five ac res, 9 miles oe Kingston and 1 mila from G} vale. Has an abundances of o th Piha, epruce and cedar and neyers alling water thereon, Well ten ed. For Turther Information app! John Clark, RM.D. 1, Westbroo! LAX oh "CONSTANCE," 30 FT. LONG ft. team, thrée cylinder machine, Ke nyon ton, Shee rie lighted, elec» trie horn, 1 8 passengers. » boat in Gane Taylor, Gane 37 500 FOR DOUBLE 7 ROOM FRAME Jouse, on York St, improvsmants, all du good repair, Wil reat for $236 per annum. $4500 FOR A NEW BRICK HOUSE, modern, good ot, fi os iden, & W ) ne location, on 00D LOT ON UNION s fi about 69 x 50. ST. Was, NEW SOLID BRICK HOUS Johnson street, 9 rooms; om on ern improvements: eagy te rms, A. F. BOND, ood Yocath ADDIS to tion; 0 26 Frontenac St. Phone 743 $3200~NRICK VE NEER HH , Orley Street, ou SE, Ei rv Lares lot; Rood Sulpuatnen: or NEF y HOTS SE ON PA modern improve! ble, re addy or BHC vedeer. ta $1850 NEW RAME HOUSE, ALL improveme 4 BATEMAN GARDIN NER. INSUR« ance, Money to Loa renod St, Kingston. 47 Cls rn 0 LET STORAGE FOR FURNITUR slean and dry. McCann, 8 street. ¥ Brock OFFICES bers. die, 79 IN CLARENCE ST. RH Apply to Cunningham & 4a larence St. To DWELLINGS AT $30, 7, Als a offices, stores, ete Yictany ns Real Estate Agency, 83 Broek "ne STORAGE, JOR FURNITURE, wi manme ur ow] na Key, Frost's ity Stor: wusen OL, Phone ONE COMFORTANLE PUR room, centrally located, NE or one or two gentlemen, with or without board, Te Apply' 152 Sydenham Si. Mondble. Musio. to een VIOLIN INSTRUCTION--MISS OHRIS« King tine Cochrane. 78 Gore. Bt, ston, Telephone 136. PRIVATE GARAGE OR or auto for the winter; dry. McCann, 82 Brock Frontenac street. mann, B.F., teacher of el and action." Miss Norma snd re gmann, teachers of violin, man piano, ste. Terms for oul tule tion and concert en application. gagements on TELGMANN SCHOOL op 5 ole 'slg ios | His Shadow' A late Spring is probable. We can keep you all warm with Genuine Scranton Coal JAMES SWIFT & ROYAL BANK INCORPORATED 1869 OF CANAD pee $ 25,000,000 11,660,000 :13,000,000 Canada. Savings Department at all Branches. NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. William and Coin 55. NEWMAN, Manager.