Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Feb 1914, p. 2

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1 0 ERs god W. Wo asd Hrd Wood. Bpec- ial Pites for Ghaditities sover "30 'eords: "wharf and other tnbor R. WALLACE, 360 Barrie Bt Brock Street | meets MeGill at the covered | Friday evemingl will have the e fa Win For Queen's Will Give it the Ahampionship « Glenburnie Wins +8. 8. Corbett Trophy. nits senior hockey team, which rink, on sanie | lineup as met Varsity two weeks 0. | who has been out' of o game for the past ten days, 'as "# result of an injured shoulder, which he received in Toronto, will be back 'in the game. . A win for Queen's to- WMOITow aight will give it the Inter- RTA ip, Both Var- and McGill have lost two genes Bity 2d Queen's will have won all three, Varsity comes to the city a week feo gt, Friday to play a post poned g Quoin il will line up as lows : Goal; fol- Ray Sumith; "defence, Quigley Smith; rover, L. Smith; cen- Hox; wings, Dobson and Me- K.B.C. Won Wednesday afternoon, the On Kingston team defeated West Ends by score of 2 to 0 at the Palace rink N.H.A, Results Canadiens Quebec 1; ers 10, Ontarios 2; Torontos tawas 1. Wander- 4, Ot- Glenburnie Wins Corbett Cup By defeating Elginburg by a scora of 7 ta 0 in the play-off for the & 8. Corbett cup, the pmior team il Glepburnie will guard , that trophy for the: present sea i Glenburnie's {win on Tuesday al Son { wins this seasom, which is certainly | Linoleums | Our new rugs, Scotch and English Liroleums are arriving every day from the best msnufse | turers." These are the: new patterns for the coming gpring of 1914. Why Pay High Prices ? % will give yeu FIRST CLASS GOODS The Style and Fittdas will be Faaltlers The Fisish and Workmawshiy wil be Perfect from 3.90 te a have le TowRR | RALPH SPENCER i Carpet & Furniture Wé offer for sale a new detached brick res- idence on Albert street, wear Victoria Park, con- ns seven rooms and . Hot 'water heat- 3 electric tight, hord- | £8 Saad, flog, -open pluw- ss, 700 | | a good showing, Gunn, who figur- ed on the championship team, was the means of scoring nearly all the points for his team on Tuesday. The teams lined up as follows: Glenburnie--Goal, Williams; defence. Vair and Fair; rover, M. Williams; | Being Ev Makers of High} Grade Glasses We turn out a product not even to be hoped for in the ordinary optical store. Our Registered Optometrist ex- § amines your eyes. Our skilled Optician fits glasses optically true. These advantages cost you no more than infer'or service J. §. Asselstine D. 0. . CE 842 King St. Kingston, Ont. § your | For QUICK Settlements | j and Prompt Payments { In case of fire loss, insure with 'W. H. Godwin & Son 39 Brock St. Phone 424. Felruary Sale Special reductions on all lines ii | 411 goods purchased will be held at ie wr risk until: needed. This is the best sale of the vear, Lm -- Business college hockey! made five | B | number Mel aughlin ani i# the number y each team : Glen- burg, 3; Cataraqui, 2 games burnie 2 ( loa Sydenham Defeats Harrowsmtih A fine exhibition of hockey 'was played. at. Sydenham on Wednesday afternoon between Sydenham and Harrowsmith. The Tormer team came out on top by the score of § 40 2. The half time sécie was 2 to 2. The game 'was refereed by XK. Reld. Cadtadian Pgeific vs Grand Trunk In'n very oxclting game of hockey last might "C:P.R. Locomotives" de: foated the "GUINR. Shunters"' in -a game that was replite with start- hng plays and marvelous stops = bv both = goal keepers. Aiter (ites minutes of strenuous playing Mor: is on a pass from Ward scored on a wicked shot. This ended the scoring for the first half. The teams took the ice in the cond hall with renewed energy the play became fast and furioue. After, ahout five minutes Brien, who had been playing a star game, jseored om a long shot from centre. i Three minutes after vlay was. resomd Rutherford worked the puck « the G.T.R, defence and scored assisted, After eight minutes' of close: cheol- ing aroung G.T.k. nets Nicholson wormed the puck from a serimmago on the side and: scored the fourth and last goal for C.P.R. i On an _ individual rush Iisford {scored (x T.R.'s first goal and about five minutes later, on a pice piece «i dombination on 'the part of Atwood and MacDonald, Atwood scored. For the G, T. R., Driver and afre played a fine he ady game, their {body checking being very effective Mack on left wing played a Zod game, i Bourdeau on right wing for C. P {R, played a good strong game but had hard luck on his shots. The close score was due to the effective work of the goal tenders, Corrigan: and Bailey, C. P. R--QGoal, Corrigan; right defence, Rutherford; left defence, O'srien; rover, Morris; centre, Nich- olson; wings, Bourdeau and Ward G. T. R.--=~Qoal, Bailey; right d« fence, Alaire; left defence, Driver; rover, Attwood; centre, MacDonald; wings, Esford and Mack. The game was refereed by E. Blal ey in a very satisfactory manner. Foe and un- Frontenacs Off For Belleville The junior Frontenacs left on the noon train for Belleville where they will meet Oshawa in the sudden fl death game in the semi-finals of the junior O. H. A. this evening. The team is quite confident of vietory providing the ice is keen. It is expected that about five or six' hundred fans will leave on the speeial train at 4.30 o'clock. The train will arrive in Belleville at six o'clock. When the plan opened for the sale of admission tickets at "Jack" McGall's storé on Thursday, a large were anxiously waiting. Six hundred tickets were sent down by the management of Belleville rink, The team will line up as follows: Goal, Mills; defence, Godard gud An- grove; rover, Norman Millan; centre, Rubie Millan; wings, Derry and Cook. Curlers Go to Belleville Four rinks representing the Kings- ton Curling Club left on the noon train for Belleville, where they will play in the Central Ontario Curling league games this afternoon. = The games are being played in the after- noon so as to allow the loeal curlers | to witness the Frontenac-Oshawa hoc: key game this eveni The senior skips will be W. B. Dalton and M. P. Reid, while J. H, Birkett and M.D Baker will be the junior skips. The rinks will be : Senior series : R, McCannell, J. A. McRae, E. ( Gilderdicove, M. P. Reid, skip. R. Stevenson, I. Waugh, T IW. B. Dalton, "&kip. Junior series : « J: Taber, T. R. Carnovsky, J. ooh, J. H. Birkett, skip. G. E. Kidd, H. D. Bibby, J. son, M, B. Baker, skip, The Belleville ie will not play | the return. game until some evening {next week, There is a possibility that {the games will be played in the after inoon on that occasion. | { | Slater, B Mathe Curling Club Gamés Three very interesting games were played at the local rink on Wednes- day afternoon and evening. afternoon series, the rink skipped © by (a. I. Hague won from Skip J. Wat- son by 17 to 5. In the Whig trophy series, Skip J. F. Macdonald won from Skip W. Leslie by 14. to 3. Skip 3. 8. Corbett won from Skip A. Strachan by default.: The rinks were J. BT. ¥. 7. CG MacUle- E. Hague, Mathe- Coleman, P. Knight, . Snodden, Watson, skip--35. tJ. A. McRae, HI. T. Wallace, Cannell, J. F. Macdonald, skip--14. t R. H. Steve on, H. Douglass, R. |D. Sutherland, W, Leslie, "akip-8. Frontenac Conservative Officers At the annual. meeting = of the Frontenac Liberal-Conservative as- sociation held in thd Court House on Thursday afternoon, John Kennedy, of Bedford, warden of the. county, was elected president for the ensu- ing year. The other officers elected wera: Vice-presidents, J. Me: Neely, Latimer, William Allison, Wolfe Island; secretary, Hugh | Horne, Wolfe jand; treasurer, Gearge Stewart, Pittsburg. J J. s0n, R. Me- "Tig Sen" "at Gibson's, King Ferdinand amounces that on this® proposed visit to the United {States next spring he will he ge. panied oy Beh ieee Bud ther Saurh ter, rincess owia. Jals ! Yes. i 15 " mi Ad, C5 Be. D of | In the J HUSBAND ARRAIGNED. Yon | SATLHING HIS WIFE | emai 1 The Accused Goes on the gi List «== Four Cases 'of Inspection ' of the City By-Laws Heard. | In the police court, on morning, a husband, geraigned assaulting his wife, agreed, the advice of magisirate. Fateell, to go ndian list. In the past thare ¢ trouble. It was the * %he nian admitted that for en drunk when the Incident | {in uuestion oceurred. | After ng a little from each (side the magistrate, realizing the chief leanse of the trouble, asked of the defendant : "Ave you [prepared 10 go on the 'Indian' list ¥' The man was not long in replymg: "Yes, sir, I am.' | He signed a Wond for $100 to keep | the peace, particularly sowards his wife, Magistrate Farrell counselled he and hs wife, who have been twelve years together, to adjust matters, and preserve their home for the sake of their children, 'if not fori them selves. . The story of the man' created some amusement in court. He said . that after coming home drupk he was go- ing upstairs with a lamp when his wife threw five boots at him. The court inquired if he was sure there were not six, for a drunken man cannot. always count correctly. Dut the defendant said that he found them on the stairs in the mormling. jAiter the "bombardments" ou the stairs thore were, apparently, other developments. Four other cases for infractions of city by-laws were heard and dis- posed of. A young man was fined $5 and costs, 'with the option of twenty days' fn jail, for driving a hack without a driver's permit. In two cases men were taxed $2 and costs or filteen days, for infractions lof the trafic by-law. Another paid 23 and costs for the same. The first two pleaded guilty, but it cost the last 81 extra to have Cometable J Naylon 'testify. FINALLY A NOMINATION In Sydenham Ward For School Trustee Vacancy After two unsuccessful attempts to gt a member o. the Board .f Edu- cation for Sydenham ward, "James R. He derson, an ex triste was finally nominated at nocn, Thursdsv, and alec ed by acclamati n. The nomipatizn was made by Ald. R. D. Suthe land and second:d by M. R. Sutherland Sydenham. ward. is now on the Board of Kdueation map. Results of Tomight's Gamo A .dethiled ateount of the Fron tenne-Oshawa hockey match will be announced at both 'Wonderland and Ideal Theatres -to-night. Usual missibn, Se, wn i Clearing Sale at Prevost's, Prevost's, Brock® street, clearing sale of made to order, ready- made clothing and gents' furnishings, See the display in ol Langs, Prof. J. W, Lower Union street, has been confined to his room for the past few days, from a heavy cold. Sale ! Children's sweaters, ton's. A wisif Spring-Rice, the United led. 40a Dut to Ottawa by Sir British ambassador to States, has been cancel shaving cream' at Gibson's "Indian" | Thursday When i ad- | great 4 suffering | Cecil i "Buy an | Kingston's Famous Fur Store. ANNUAL FURSALE ALL "ODD" FUR PIECES AT VERY BIG REDUCTIONS We have put the "knife" very deeply into 'the price of all fur articles in our stock where we only- have one of the kind.- All odd setts, muffs, neck- pieces, a very big va- riety of furs styles are well your coming to and worth see. Girly' Muff, to , Ladjes' turge, Grey Mouffion Stole rnd ri la $10.00, reduced $3.00 Re {3 i 1 Stole, yery $15.00 Y down Yow $5.00 tastes Lock Squirrel Sett, ame ire muit ahd very large stole, 12 setl. for Pointed JHeixian Lynx for $12.00, reduced to. Natns 'al Sable Double Fur ol value always at $12" Yrray in Lamb Paw Satt, large Pillow muff and new style ols $13.50, seli for ... $0.1 Al sales for cash No approval. Watch eur windows. Sot t, Kola . $7.35 Ru, $7.50 si vi Within the Law, by Bayard Veller The Mistress of Shenstone, by Florence Barelay. Spinner in the Sun, hy My rtle Reed. Lavender and Old Lace, by Myrtle Reed The Wild Olive, hy Basil King The Inner Shrine, by Basil King TarTY Tow Till 1 Come, by George Croly oot of Evil, by Thos. Dixon Ld y Grins, by Grace Miller White The Forbidden Way, by Geo. Gibbs The Bolted Door, by (feo. Gibby The College Book Store 160-162 Princess St. "OPEN NIGHT Phone. 919 WHITE COTTON? Andassna We are prepared to show you a great range of Fine White Cottons suitable for all kinds of ladies' and misses' garments. Nice quality white cotton, 34 inches wide, per vard Extra guality white cotton, 34 inches wide, medium or heavy } Extra fine yard quality .10c weight, per vd. white cottons, a 12 1-2¢, 15c and 18c Horrockses English Cottons, all the wanted weights, popular priced | i | | India Head; Victoria | Indian Linen, Persian Lawn, Nainsook. Unbeatable values Lawn, Madapolam, in all these lines, NEWMAN THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. & SHAW NO FEE SPLITTING Doctors . Not. as Bad Medicos, Herald A resolution against the practice of fee splitting by physicians and sur geons was passed by the Kingston Medical Society, it being decided that any 'members found guilty of this practice would be expelled from the saciély. Fee splitting is explained as follows : Aphysician in charge of : case finds that a surgeon is Tod and calls one in. An operation . is Kingston as Hamilton performed dnd the surgeon charges a high fee, bi: i is divided between the i the physician. Dr. M. . Gillrie, president of the Hamilton iin stated that there was no such restriction in Hamilton. "Tho society is. quite sat@sfied that thig practice is not prevalent in Hamil ton, aml the question has never been hrought wp,' he said. May Save the Feet It was reported on Wadnesday that Frank Collins, who had his feet froz- en, waquld have to have them am- putated, but the voung man raised objection and said that he would sooner die than lose them. A hroth- er-in-law of the unfortunafe young man consulted & surgeon and he re- commended letting the feet remain while longer, to see if there be any hopes of saving them. Tea For the Synod * A pleasant feature of the Wednes- day afterndon session of the Ontario synod was the tea given, by Mrs. Bidwell, for the delegates. The tea was held between 4 and 4.20 o> 'ock, Bishop Mills adjourning the session 80 that all the bers could at- tend. The event was held in ono of the rooms in St. George's ! pie To Dine Visiting Delegates The members of the local Board of Trade who. will be its representatives st. the annual mesting of the Asso cinted Boards of Trade in Toronto next week, are invited to a banquet a would president, . Campbell. i Davis and Prof. 0.0, Skelton "Guaranteed tooth brushes." Gib: son's, « : Orchard St, Frontenac St. Thermometers For the next in the weather, to be able to tell for yourself just how cold it is at your own home. change Our thermometers are neat, well made and dependable. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Gourdier Tempting Prices in Building Lots Chestnut St. (33 by 100)....$275 (33 by 66) (33 by 163) ....3400 Livingstone Ave. (66 by 132)..8500 Alwington Ave. (70 by 180) two lots, each COAL. Is in good demand just now, and we are happy to say that we have a nice clean, heat-giv- ing, heart cheering coal. Uptown customers may leave orders at 264 University Ave, S. ANGLIN & C0 Cor, Bay sud Wellington Stn. Incubators and Brooders for Poy Men Watch for our exhibit at the Poultry 3 Show ] We are Sole Agents for the dele brated 3 CYI'HERS Incubator No. 0-70 egg....$17.50 Xe. 1-144 egg . ...8525.00 Ye. + ihn ou Sine i : Plum St. {Montreal St. Raglan Road (62 by 83) ... (66 by 108) (49 1-2 by 100) and new barn 20 by 40 ... Garrett St. (26 by 12 .$700 i) to lane- HOUSES TO RENT 'Detached Frame Dwelling on Living ston Ave, lot 34 by 132, for $1425 E. W. MULLIN Kingston's, Real Estate and Insurance Broker Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. Phones: hy Seraps, Grit. Chick Food, 'Grith and Shell Boxes, Water Routan, - Leg BandR, gd W. A. Mit

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