urs a in McKay Limited SHOE STORE ScorT's and English Linoleums | are arriving every day | from the best manufae turers. [These are the mew patterns for the | | ports on clinical cases of interest. "took place. on the question of the cities and is known to be somewhat DOES NOT WANT DOCTORS NAM- ES IN PAPERS When They Attend at Accidents and Performer Operations -- It Also Frowns Upon the Practice of Fee Splitting. The Kingston Medical and Surgi- cal association met on Monday even- ing with twenty-four members pres- ent. Dr. W, G. Anglin, the retiring president introduced the incoming president, Dr. R. J. Gardiner, who | Bret addressed the wembers. Drs. Third, Gardiner, Anglin, Mor- {vison and Bogart présented short re- A prolonged discussion then splitting or dichotomy; a practice which now prevails to some ex- tent in most of the larger towns and practised here. After full discus- sion the following motions were car- ried almost unanimously. 1. That this association desires to place on record its unreserved con- demnation of the practice of fee- splitting. 2. That any member of this asso- ciation found guilty of this a (of fee-splitting) shall thereby for- feit his memborship. The following motion met with the unanimous approval of the mem- bers: -- That the Kingston Medical and Surgical' associations respectfully requests the eity newspapers to leave out the names of attending physi- clang and surgeons in their reports of accidents, operations or other vases of sickness. Hockey Excursion to Belleville Arrangements are being made with the G.T.R. to run a special train to Belleville for the Jshans game on Thursday, leaving at 4.30 pm., re turning 11.30 p.m.; 650 tickets to game reserved for exeursionists. S[pe- cial car for ladies. Fare, $1.30 round trip. This will be the greatest event of the winter. Come along and cheer your own boys to victory. Being Exclusive Makers of :High Grade Glasses We turn out a4 product not even to be hoped for in the ordinary optical store. Our Registered Optometrist éx- amines your eyes. Our skilled Optician fits your glasses optically true. These advantages cost you no more than infer'or. service 1. §. Asseistine D. 0. §. 842 King St. Kingston, Ont. CHINAMEN CARRIED DRUNK OUT OF RESTAURANT Did Not Want to Leave; So Celestial Put Him on His Shoulder and! Planted Him on Sidewalk _ Aq. other Young Man Knocked Out. * | Harry Morgan is a stranger, in the' city, but no strangér to the police. Although in the city but a short time, it did not teke, him very long to get ucquainted with the strong arm of the law. Harv is not a burglar or anything like that. He would harm po person, but, on the | other hand, is his own worst enem\. in that he loves whiskey, and every time ho drinks gets into trouble Just a few days ago he was before the court on a charge of drunken- ness, and the same charge was made against him in police court Tuesday morning. He was fined. Morgan went into a Chinese res- taurant on King street on Monday afternoon, but his conduct was such as did not meet with the approval oi the proprietor. When told to leave he did not want to and the Chinsa- man in charge of the restaurant took means to have him on the outside. The means he took was that of hit- ing Morgan on his shoulder and carrying him 'out and. planting hin down on the sidewalk. The celestinl is a firm believer in the old saying "UH you want anything dome, do yourself." Shortly after being put on the street Morgan fell into the hands of Constable " James Bateson. He was unable to walk and would have suf fered with the cold had net the con stable taken him in charge. The pr- lice save many a man from beips frozen to death. Morgan was ar- rested in the forenoon. It was four o'clock in the aftermoon when 'he came round, and was! very anxious to know what happened to him. Heo did not remember having beem ar | rested, but the court reminded him ' of this. Another drunk, a young man who should have known better, was also fined for drunkenness. He was picked up by. Constable Clark about nine o'clock on Ontario street. He was "dead to the world." it AT THE GRAND | s "Rodion" and Miss "Sonia" In "The Un at the Grand next week Laurence Irving Mabel Hackney as written Law" GAVE FINE LECTURE { trom $5.00 to a EE ohh & {oe SPENCER 830 Princess Street. $5500 -- Alfred Ave. de- tached 3 8 rooms, hot water ating, lot 66 x 132 $es00 ----- Ria he. 2 it water eating, Jou 3! 33x132 00---Albert St., 'handsome brick, 13 ala. almost grounds, Xa furnace, all St, new wolia 'Ji ! rich 9 rooms, furnace, i floo Tp I Send Je. amp tek 2] THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on it. Is crowing louder as he goes along | with lantern Archd Davidson Spoke at St.| George's Hall Monday Night The audience which assembled in St. George's hall, on Monday evening, was given a fine treat when Archdea con Davidson, of Guelph, who preach- ed at the Sunday evening service, in the cathedral, gave an illustrated lec- ture on "Walks Through Old Jon don," the lecture being illustrated views. A large number of old London views were placed on' the screen, and the lecturer gave an interesting account of each one. Capt P. E. Prideaux presided Only 46c. per pound. For chewing and smoking. { AT A. MACLEAN'S Ontario Street. February 5 Carpet & Furniture Sale + Special reductions on all lines. All goods purchased will be held at ar risk until 'needed. This is the best sale .of the year. I | i { | | i {home of Mr. and Military Notes A course of instruction in physical training for the qualification of instructors of the same will open in Ottawa on March 8rd. It will be conducted under the supervision of |Lt.<Col. R. J. Gwynne, director of cadet services. AH wishing to-avatl themselves of this opportunity of ob- taining this qualification will apply to Major G. H. Gillespie, the divis- | | ional inspector and organizer of | cadets. The course will axtend over eight weeks. Each taking it will be allowed $3 per day and transpor- tation to and from Ottawa. Lieut. F. G. MacCulloch, R. C. R.; who has heen absent for two months on leave, has returned to-duty on the instructional cadre of the division, Lieut.-Col. GB. Maunsell, of Ot: tawa, wil inspect Queen's company (of field enginecrs in the armouries ! jon Thursday. A Euchre Party A euchre party was held at the Mrg. + 1 Jo esents were received. from 8.30 until of dock, King street, tenth anniversary Many beautiful | Cards were ved 10.30 o'clock. The lucky winners prizes were: First prize, Mr. and Mre. C. Brown, forme of Water. town, N.Y.; consolation prizes, Miss A. Gauibord and Joseph Lamoureaux. | Dancing was indulged in until twelve | o Selock, after which refreshments were served. Masical selections were ren- dered by Mrs. A. C. Miss A. Frasso on the piano, W, Guibord on the flute, and II Lowers on the violin. Milian in re {" Millan, the former of the Jroquois hotel, and the pasi few vears has been 'residing in Calgary, Alta., came to the pwd on Monday afternoon, to pay a week's . {visit to his old home town. On Mon- ite tienda} the Oshawa- bt is Ti for even Frontenac always one of Tn ME men. Two of his brothers, Shing Sines in wi "Wampole's Cod Liver Oil." son's. : 'having the opportunity of welcoming {the delegates to synod. ago, he thought that he would not 'words to De Laroche and |} profietor i WENT nro. SHSION ON DAY AT NOON Bishop Mills Presided and Address- ed the Synod -- He Will the Bishop of Kingsto:. Al noon on Tuesday, the forty- ninth session of the incorporated £ynod of the digeése of Ontario open- ed in Syned hall, with Bishop Mills presiding. The attendance of clergy and lay delegates was not very large, the majority of delegates be- ing expected in the afternoon trains. Rev. W, F. Fitzgerald said prayer. Bishop Mills sald he was glad of TUES Some time have this privilege, but he was happy to say that Cod has seen fit to re~ store, in a measure, his health gnd strength. ed from his illness, he was in a fair way to recovery. Hg:had 'been preaching for some time. he tan: cied with as much power as he ever | possessed. This had been the medns of inspiring him, and he suggested that he take over a portion of the charges to be visited. He had sug- gested that he take over the dean- ery of Prince Edward county, the southern part of Kingston deanery, and the southern part. of Lennox | and Addington. This would take | all the district south of Toronto road. His lordship stated that his health had not been impaired by his preach- ing, and it had been a great pleasure for him. Continuing, Bishop' Mills stated that he would. not deliver a charge this session and he, therefore, took this opportunity of making these few remarks. It was his jniention to assist the Bishop of Ki at these sesslons. Bishop Bi el had at all times shown excellent care to- wards him in his illngss. Bishop Mills made a reference' to his last charge, when he had a few say on political matters. After reading the charge he had been accused by some of being a dyed-in- the-wool tory, by 'others as an un- reasonable grit, and still others said that he was on the fence, and per- haps the latter were nearer right. His lordship remarked that all poli- eical parties are bad, but stated that | there was a good man at the head of the present gavernment.. Synod re-elected Canon Grout as clerical secretary, Fransls King as lay secretary and R. J. CafSyn as treas- urer. R. J. Carson, the treasurer, sub- mitted his report, and in doing so stated that the funds of the synod were in good shape, and that the synod had every reason to be con- | gratulated on the state of the funds. | The report was regarded ab a most | encouraging ' one oy the members of synod, Rural: Dean Jones, in mov- | ing the adoption of the report, econ- | gratulated Mr. Carson om the splen- did showing. The receipts for the year ending December 81st, 1913, show gross in- come of about 5 7-16 per cent, after | deducting expenses, a dividend of five percent. for the year has been | leaving a credit balance of $500.29. The consilldated fund was given as $41,422.66; i tures, $57,017.60; mortgages, $408 ,- 1 608.62. On December, 31st this {fund stood at $401,527.76 showing ' an increase of $7,080.86. Receipts on account of consolidated fund, $22,294.26, less debit last year of $265.72, leaving $22,028.64. The capital of the episcopal fund is now paid, Kingston's Famous Fur Store. ANNUAL FUR SALE ARE YOU. REAPING THE BENEFIT OF THE LOW PRICES ON FURS? The uncertainties of winter weather to come makes the possession of good furs a necessity. OUR BIG STOCK offers you a good selec- tion and a saving of from 15 to 50% off the regular prices. Reduced prices on all pur Repairs during this All sales for eash. Wateh our windows. ' GEORGE MILLS & CO. Makers of Fine Pur Gib Assist i While not fully recoyer- || deben- | Within the Law, by Bayard Veller The Mistress of She: Spinner in the Sun, by Myrtle Reed. Lavender and Old Lace, b irae Reed The Wild Olive, by Basil K The Inner Shrine, by Basil King Ta The When The For y Thou Till I Come, by Geor ge Croly t of Evil, by Thos. Dixon Grins, by Grace Miller White Way, by Geo, Gibbs The Bolted Door, by Geo. Gibbs nstone, by Florence Barclay. 'The College Book Store 160-162 Princess St. OPEN NIGHTS Bleached Sheetings ih 8-4 starts at 25¢ a yard. prices Now is the time to inspect your su Pillow Cases, and if in need of an once, as our prices are below regu ar. Unbleached Sheeting, 2 yards wide, fine quality, will bleach in a short time. dian, also Horroe kses English makes--' prise Pillow Cottons, 40 to 46 inches wide, plain or eireu- lar, selling at losvest prices. Sheets and Pillow Cases, made up and ready "for use. Plain or hemstitched edge, still selling at old ply of Sheets and , to buy at A special at 25¢ a yd. 9-4, 10-4 widths in Cana- ial a Be NR THE ALWAYS Newman & Shaw BUSY STORE. $68,441.04. This includes a gift of $2,000 from Bishop Mills. Wednesday afternoon; between 4 and 4.30 o'clock, the. members of the synod will be entertained at tea in St. George's hall by Mrs. Bidwell, Synod will stand adjourned for half an hour. To-night there will Be a service in the St. George's cathedral, when the sermon will be preached by Bishop Farthing, of Montreal. Among the delegates who had registered up till noon, on Wednes- day, were the following:-- Clerical delegates--Rev. W. erts, Adolphustown; Rev. A. O. Cooke, Barriefield; Rev. A. .L. Me- Tear, Bath; Rural Dean Wopdcook, Brockville; Rev. R. W. Spencer, Camden East; Rev. H. Pringle, Clar- (endon; Rev. C. A. French, Edwards- | Archdeacon Carey, Kingston; | Rev. W. F.» Fitzgerald; Kingston, | Rev. R. 8. Forneri, Kingston burg; Rev. C. K. Bourne, Kingston; | Rev. B. E. Harrington, Pitfsburg; { Rev. J. O. Crisp, Portsmouth; Rev. J. Lyons, Roslin; Rural Dean Jones, Tamoworth; Canon F. W. 'Arm- strong, Trenton; Rev. F. G. Kirk- patrick, Tweed; Rev. A. H. Creegan, Tyendinaga; Rev. E. Teskey, West- port; Rev. T. Leech, Wolfe Island: Rev. A. E. Smart, Archdeacon Dobbs, Rev. J. W. Forster, Rev. W. Lewin, of Kingston. . Lay delegates--John A. Wilmot, @G. V. Stuart, Barriefield; Judge Me- Donald, Brockville; J. Sewell, Cam- den East; 'W. B. Eberts, Jasper; W B. Dalton, R. J. Carson, F. King, A. E. M. Luscombe, Hingston; G. F. Ruttan, Loughboro; F Miller, Napanee; J. B. Walkem, Bi ciom; J. Scally, Portsmouth; §. Reavie, Roslin; J. W. Carleton, Roslin; Ligut.-Col. 8. C. MeGill, Kingston. ---------------- Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Fred. II. Smith, 243 Queen street, ammounce the engage: mont of their dapgliter, va Gladys, to Stanley Irwin The me: riage will take place on March 4th. | Os Saturday Robert O'Hagan died the residence of his son-in-law, Dr, v Hellovitle, alter being ill for Deceased was ninety some opt Cod Liver OR.7 Gib Rob- COAL. Is in good demand just now, and we are happy to say that we have a nice clean, heat-giv- ing, heart cheering coal: Uptown customers may leave orders at 264 University Ave, S. ANGLIN & C0 Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. Incubators and Show OYVPHERS Lucubator No. 030 CR 00 No. t--134 egg , . . 4 No. S244 egg. . .. Ng. =ei3DO 0 SMOG Portable Housed. | . .$10.00 Meat Scraps, Grit. Chick Food, Te & Bands. Watch for our exhibit at the Poultry | We are Sole Agents for the cele-| brated ; and Shell Boxes, Water Fountains, Phone. 919 Standard Thermometers For the next change in the weather, to be able to tell for yourself just how cold it is at your own home. Our thermomete, well made and de are Ht Aff Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Furs Ee Na a ee Gourdier A Special Feat: ure for 10 Days A well built solid brick a) on York Street, containing 10 rooms, h.t water heating, electric light, im- provements, good cellar and yard, garage, in good condition, for $4,200 Possession on or about May 1 Building Lot, Raglan Road, near Montreal St., 62 x 83, for $600 Houses to rent from $10 up. E. W. MULLIN Kingston's. teal Estate and Insurance Broker Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. Phones: Office 530 - - pa 1458